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KrillerQueen Trayta88
Postdoctoral Researcher at Bigelow Labs modelling krill behaviour in relation to chemical and physical stimuli

Bigelow Labs Boothbay, Maine

Ruby Krasnow rmk118
Quantitative fisheries, sustainable aquaculture, open science, & running

University of Maine

Maya Groner mayagroner
Quantitative marine disease ecologist at the Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences
Melissa Rocker mmrocker
Postdoctoral Research Scientist

Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences East Boothbay, Maine

Widhyatma sensei evanalif113
@jerukagung-seismologi Founder and junior researcher in geoscience

Jerukagung Seismologi Indonesia

Iria Sala iriasala

University of Strathclyde Glasgow, UK

Turner turnerjohnson
Haverford College Physics & Environmental Studies

Los Angeles

Johnathan jevanilla

Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences