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Chuck B cbarnettx
I like to eat my own burgers

Some Company™ US

Lendary Sayajin Bardock88
🙋🏻‍♂️ Olá, eu sou um entusiasta de tecnologia, aplicativos, programas, jogos e afins. Também gosto de colaborar com projetos de código aberto de terceiros.


Olivetti Olivetti
Bionic left leg


Rafael A. M. Amaral SomenteRafael

Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil

Eren Aslan erenaslandev
software developer

@VirtualMetric Türkiye

emtee40 emtee40
Collecting the work of others to share with others. Everything from songs about Snowden to open-source judicial communication framework.


RoepLuke RoepLuke
Have a great day.

Augsburg, Germany

Kadircan Ersahin kadircanersahin
Phone user, tv watcher.


Daniel Gonzalez NerosOW
Law Student ST Thomas University, College of Law

Neros Designs United States of America

Michael Eaton Sariohara
Hello I am a Student At San Jose City College. Who Studies Computer programming and Game dev at school. I am also self taught in programming and game dev


bricked brckd
I like to configure my operating system and create accessible websites.
val valflrt
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_ivaquero_ ivaquero
Minimalism Follower & Fan of Command Lines
Joe Hawes morehawes
I am passionate about technology, growing, making and cycling. Born in the UK, I now live in beautiful British Columbia 🇨🇦 Beating on HTML since 1997.

Self Employed Vancouver Island, Canada

Manoj Kumar manojkumarcrazy

Free launcher TamilNadu

TZ Shuhag tz-shuhag
Just an ordinary person
rommyarb rommyarb
Full-Lazy Developer

Bogor, Indonesia

nautaki89 nautaki89
Niemals nie sagen...! Μη λες ποτέ ... ποτέ!!!

ΧΆΟΣ Α.Ε .CHAOS.GmbH Που φυτρώνει το πιπέρι.

Francois franco27
French translation


Erdong edx903
X Supports Life.

E.D. X