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joejiong Joejiong
From China, Grad from W&M, NUS, interested in Arch/MLcompiler/HPC, & I'm very into math-automatization; now a risc-v believer.

Ex-Baidu/Ex-intel Programmer Singapore/Shanghai

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

The edge of knowing

Hailong Gong TommyGong08
Master of Computing (Advanced) student at Australian National University.

Australian National University Canberra

Ross Edwards Rossed

Canberra, Australia

Justin Kin Jun Hew justinh2002
I'm a research student at the Australian National University, studying fluid dynamics. I'm currently developing a private branch of OpenFOAM.
Yash Pote yashpote
PhD student @ NUS