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Experiment with your Neo4j GraphQL API.

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  1. Documentation

Neo4j GraphQL Toolbox


Access the Neo4j GraphQL Toolbox here:


  1. Connect to the database with your credentials
  2. Define (or introspect) the type definitions
  3. Build Neo4j GraphQL schema
  4. Experiment, query and play


On the root of the project, install the dependencies.


then cd into the graphql-toolbox package.

cd packages/graphql-toolbox

Run this command to start the development server. See the output in the console & navigate to the default webpack server at: http://localhost:4242

yarn start

GraphQL Toolbox URL parameters

The GraphQL Toolbox supports some URL parameters defined in the query string, see below. These URL parameters are optional and can be provided for convenience. The query string is preceded by a question mark (?) and contains key-value pairs separated by an ampersand (&).

URL parameter Description Example
connectURL Form: scheme://username@bolt-url:port; Used at login, pre-populates the Username and Connection URI input field with the provided value bolt://admin@localhost:7687
db Only applicable for multi-database supported Neo4j DBMSs. The provided value is used as the selected database name. This will be applied after login neo4j

An example with the URL parameters connectURL and db:

http://localhost:4242?connectURL=bolt%2Bs://[email protected]&db=mydatabase

This will pre-fill the login window input fields Username with testuser and Connect URI with bolt+s:// After a successful login, the selected database will be set according to the provided db parameter.

Note: The plus symbol (+) in the connectURL needs to be URL encoded to become %2B. For example bolt+s becomes bolt%2Bs.


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