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Oracle JDBC Providers for OCI

This module contains providers for integration between Oracle JDBC and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI).

Centralized Config Providers

OCI Database Tools Connections Config Provider
Provides connection properties managed by the Database Tools Connection service
OCI Object Storage Config Provider
Provides connection properties managed by the Object Storage service
OCI Vault Config Provider
Provides connection properties managed by the Vault service
Common Parameters for Centralized Config Providers
Common parameters supported by the config providers
Caching configuration
Caching mechanism adopted by Centralized Config Providers

Resource Providers

Database Connection String Provider
Provides connection strings for an Autonomous Database
Database TLS Provider
Provides TLS keys and certificates for an Autonomous Database
Vault Password Provider
Provides passwords managed by the Vault service
Vault Username Provider
Provides usernames managed by the Vault service
Access Token Provider
Provides access tokens issued by the Dataplane service
Common Parameters for Resource Providers
Common parameters supported by the resource providers

Visit any of the links above to find information and usage examples for a particular provider.


All providers in this module are distributed as single jar on the Maven Central Repository. The jar is compiled for JDK 8, and is forward compatible with later JDK versions. The coordinates for the latest release are:


OCI Database Tools Connections Config Provider

The OCI Database Tools Connections is a managed service that can be used to configure connections to a database. The created resource stores connection properties, including user, password and wallets (these last two optionally as references to a secret in OCI Vault). Each configuration has an identifier (OCID) that is used to identify which connection is requested by the driver.

JDBC URL Sample that uses the OCI DBTools provider:

jdbc:oracle:thin:@config-ocidbtools://ocid1.databasetoolsconnection.oc1.phx.ama ...

Provider can now support Database Tools Connections with Proxy Authentication, only if username is provided in Proxy Authentication Info, without the password and roles.

OCI Object Storage Config Provider

The Oracle DataSource uses a new prefix jdbc:oracle:thin:@config-ociobject:// to be able to identify that the configuration parameters should be loaded using OCI Object Storage. Users only need to indicate the URL Path of the Object containing the JSON payload, with the following syntax:


The insturctions of obtaining a URL Path can be found in Get the URI or Pre-Authenticated Request URL to Access the Object Store.

JSON Payload format

There are 3 fixed values that are looked at the root level.

  • connect_descriptor (required)
  • user (optional)
  • password (optional)

The rest are dependent on the driver, in our case /jdbc. The key-value pairs that are with sub-prefix /jdbc will be applied to a DataSource. The key values are constant keys which are equivalent to the properties defined in the OracleConnection interface.

For example, let's suppose an url like:


And the JSON Payload for the file payload_ojdbc_objectstorage.json in the bucket1 which namespace is mytenancy is as following:

  "connect_descriptor": "(description=(retry_count=20)(retry_delay=3)(address=(protocol=tcps)(port=1521)(",
  "user": "scott",
  "password": { 
    "type": "ocivault",
    "value": "ocid1.vaultsecret.oc1.phx.amaaaaaxxxx"
  "jdbc": {
    "oracle.jdbc.ReadTimeout": 1000,
    "defaultRowPrefetch": 20,
    "autoCommit": "false"

The sample code below executes as expected with the previous configuration.

    OracleDataSource ds = new OracleDataSource();
    Connection cn = ds.getConnection();
    Statement st = cn.createStatement();
    ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery("select sysdate from dual");
    if (
      System.out.println("select sysdate from dual: " + rs.getString(1));

Password JSON Object

For the JSON type of provider (OCI Object Storage, HTTP/HTTPS, File) the password is an object itself with the following spec:

  • type
    • Mandatory
    • Possible values
      • ocivault
      • azurevault
      • base64
  • value
    • Mandatory
    • Possible values
      • OCID of the secret (if ocivault)
      • Azure Key Vault URI (if azurevault)
      • Base64 Encoded password (if base64)
      • Text
  • authentication

OCI Vault Config Provider

Apart from OCI Object Storage, users can also store JSON Payload in the content of OCI Vault Secret. Users need to indicate the OCID of the Secret with the following syntax:


The JSON Payload retrieved by OCI Vault Config Provider follows the same format in OCI Object Storage Config Provider.

Common Parameters for Centralized Config Providers

OCI Database Tools Connections Config Provider and OCI Object Storage Config Provider share the same sets of parameters for authentication configuration.

Configuring Authentication

The Centralized Config Providers in this module use the OCI SDK Authentication Methods to provide authorization and authentication to the Object Storage, Database Tools Connection and Vault services. The user can provide an optional parameter AUTHENTICATION (case-ignored) which is mapped with the following Credential Class.

'AUTHENTICATION' Param Value Method Optional Configuration Optional Parameters
OCI_DEFAULT or <Empty> API Key-Based Authentication (~/.oci/config) or
(~/.oraclebmc/config) or
environment variable OCI_CONFIG_FILE
(this is the same approach that oci-java-sdk has) Either above or all the optional values in Optional Parameters
OCI_INSTANCE_PRINCIPAL Instance Principal Authentication    
OCI_RESOURCE_PRINCIPAL Resource Principal Authentication    
OCI_INTERACTIVE Session Token-Based Authentication Same as OCI_DEFAULT Same as OCI_DEFAULT

*Note: this parameter is introduced to align with entries of the config file. The region that is used for calling Object Storage, Database Tools Connection, and Secret services will be extracted from the Object Storage URL, Database Tools Connection OCID or Secret OCID

Caching configuration

Config providers in this module store the configuration in caches to minimize the number of RPC requests to remote location. See Caching configuration for more details of the caching mechanism.

Database Connection String Provider

The Database Connection String Provider provides Oracle JDBC with the connection string of an Autonomous Database. This is a Resource Provider identified by the name ojdbc-provider-oci-database-connection-string.

For databases that require mutual TLS (mTLS) authentication, it is recommended to use the Database TLS Provider in conjunction with this provider.

In addition to the set of common parameters, this provider also supports the parameters listed below.

Parameter Name Description Accepted Values Default Value
ocid Identifies the database that a connection string is provided for. The OCID of an Autonomous Database No default value. A value must be configured for this parameter.
consumerGroup Configures a share of CPU and IO resources allocated for the database session. Predefined groups are specified in the ADB product documentation "HIGH", "MEDIUM", "LOW", "TP", or "TPURGENT".
A database provisioned with the Data Warehouse workload type will not recognize TP or TPURGENT

An example of a connection properties file that configures this provider can be found in

Database TLS Provider

The Database TLS Provider provides Oracle JDBC with keys and certificates for mutual TLS authentication (mTLS) with an Autonomous Database. This is a Resource Provider identified by the name ojdbc-provider-oci-database-tls.

In addition to the set of common parameters, this provider also supports the parameters listed below.

Parameter Name Description Accepted Values Default Value
ocid Identifies the database that TLS keys and certificates are provided for. The OCID of an Autonomous Database No default value. A value must be configured for this parameter.

An example of a connection properties file that configures this provider can be found in

Vault Password Provider

The Vault Password Provider provides Oracle JDBC with a password that is managed by the OCI Vault service. This is a Resource Provider identified by the name ojdbc-provider-oci-vault-password.

In addition to the set of common parameters, this provider also supports the parameters listed below.

Parameter Name Description Accepted Values Default Value
ocid Identifies the secret that is provided. The OCID of an OCI Vault secret No default value. A value must be configured for this parameter.

An example of a connection properties file that configures this provider can be found in

Vault Username Provider

The Vault Username Provider provides Oracle JDBC with a username that is managed by the OCI Vault service. This is a Resource Provider identified by the name ojdbc-provider-oci-vault-username.

In addition to the set of common parameters, this provider also supports the parameters listed below.

Parameter Name Description Accepted Values Default Value
ocid Identifies the secret that is provided. The OCID of an OCI Vault secret No default value. A value must be configured for this parameter.

An example of a connection properties file that configures this provider can be found in

Access Token Provider

The Access Token Provider provides Oracle JDBC with an access token that authorizes logins to an Autonomous Database. This is a Resource Provider identified by the name ojdbc-provider-oci-token.

This provider must be configured to authenticate as an IAM user that has been mapped to a database user. The IAM user must also be included in a policy that grants access to the Autonomous Database. Instructions can be found in the ADB product documentation.

In addition to the set of common parameters, this provider also supports the parameters listed below.

Parameter Name Description Accepted Values Default Value
scope Specifies the scope of databases that may be accessed with the token. See Configuring a Scope for details. A URN in any of the following forms is accepted:

An example of a connection properties file that configures this provider can be found in

Configuring a Scope

The "scope" parameter may be configured as a URN that identifies a database and/or compartment.

The least privileged scope is one that authorizes logins to a single database. This scope is expressed as a URN in the form shown below, where database-ocid is the OCID of a database, and compartment-ocid is the OCID of the compartment that contains the database.


A more privileged scope is one that authorizes logins to all databases within a compartment. This scope is expressed as a URN in the form shown below, where compartment-ocid is the OCID of the compartment that contains the databases.


The most privileged scope is one that authorizes logins to all databases within a tenancy. This scope is expressed as the URN shown below, which contains the * symbol.


Common Parameters for Resource Providers

Providers classified as Resource Providers in this module all support a common set of parameters.

Parameter Name Description Accepted Values Default Value
authenticationMethod Configures a method of authentication with OCI Accepted values are defined in: Configuring Authentication auto-detect
configFile Configures the path to an OCI configuration file A file system path ~/.oci/config
profile Configures the name of a profile in an OCI configuration file A profile name DEFAULT

These parameters may be configured as a connection properties recognized by the Oracle JDBC Driver. Parameter names are recognized when appended to the name of a connection property that identifies a provider. For example, when the connection property oracle.jdbc.provider.database identifies a provider, any of the parameter names listed above may be appended to it:


In the example above, the parameter names authenticationMethod, configFile, and profile are appended to the name of the connection property oracle.jdbc.provider.database. This has the effect of configuring the Database Connection String Provider, which is identified by that property.

These same parameter names can be appended to the name of any other property that identifies a provider. For instance, a provider identified by the connection property oracle.jdbc.provider.accessToken can be configured with the same parameters seen in the previous example:


Connection properties which identify and configure a provider may appear in a connection properties file or be configured programmatically. Configuration with JVM system properties is not supported.

Configuring Authentication

Providers in this module must authenticate with OCI. By default, a provider will automatically detect any available credentials. A specific credential may be configured using the "authenticationMethod" parameter. The parameter may be set to any of the following values:

Authenticate with credentials configured by an OCI configuration file .
Authenticate as an instance principal .
Authenticate as a resource principal .
Authenticate with the session token of a Cloud Shell .
Authenticate interactively by logging in to a cloud account with your default web browser. The browser window is opened automatically.
This is the default authentication method. The provider will attempt the following authentication methods, in the order listed, until one succeeds: "config-file", "cloud-shell", "resource-principal", and "instance-principal".