Releases: opus1269/screensaver
Version 3.6.0
- Added usage documentation for the Settings and Google Photos pages.
Version 3.5.6
Increased album limit to 100.
Fixed bug that could cause albums to be deselected.
Fixed some translations.
Version 3.5.5
Fixed bug that prevented daily updates of Google Photos when using photo mode.
Fixed bug setting disabled state of "NEEDS REFRESH" button in photo mode.
Version 3.5.4
- Fixed bug that prevented navigating backwards in the screensaver.
Version 3.5.3
- Fixed page logging.
Version 3.5.2
- Fixed ga undefined error.
Version 3.5.1
Added the ability to select Google Photos that are not in albums. The current limit on this is 3,000 photos.
Added status text for lengthy operations.
Version 3.5.0
Added the ability to select Google Photos that are not in albums. The current limit on this is 3,000 photos.
Added status text for lengthy operations.
Version 3.4.2
Increased limits on Google Photos selections
- Maximum album selection: 60
- Maximum photos per album: 2,000
- Total number of photos that can be selected about 20,000
Version 3.4.1
Changed to a different storage mechanism that should have much more space.
Fixed some translations
Reverted - Check status on failed Google loads and only deal with 403 errors.