- Registry keys are found when looking for msbuild versions. The issue is related to the JNA version used in other plugins.
- although the recommended use is to build through the solution, parsing the project file only now works (again, regression since 2.13)
- support for mono '-api' suffixed platform files
- solutionFile / projectFile now work also if relative (non-rooted) paths are provided, as it used to before 2.13
- support ToolsVersion upto
- ProjectFileParser now requires .Net Framework 4.5.2
task now also supports setting AssemblyInformationalVersion
- assemblyInfoPatcher is now automatically enabled if a version is provided
- removed input/output for msbuild, it wasn't working properly
- added dotnetAssemblyFile / dotnetDebugFile / dotnetArtifacts properties on msbuild projects
- Added support for assemblyInfoPatcher task
- task will hook before msbuild, and patch AssemblyInfo.cs/fs with provided version number