In this exercise, you will purchase and deploy an Azure virual machine in Azure Marketplace.
- 10 minutes
Expand the portal's left navigation by clicking Show portal menu then click + Create a resource.
In the upper-right of the page, next to Popular Marketplace products, select See more in Marketplace.
To view only virtual machine offers, click Product Type near the top of the page, then select Virtual Machine.
You can also filter the results by pricing, operating system, publisher type, and publisher name. You can also select a category on the left of the page to further filter the results.
Select the Windows Server offer.
Many virtual machine offers have multiple plans, and they can be selected via the Plan dropdown. Select Windows Server 2022 Datacenter then click Create.
Enter the following information then click Review + create then Create.
Resource group: (Create new) LabRG
Virtual machine name: Enter a unique name
Region: The region closest to you
Username: demouser
Password/Confirm password: demo@pass123
In this exercise, you purchased and deployed an Azure virtual machine in Azure Marketplace.