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20181004 Ontology Change Improvement Call

marijane white edited this page Oct 4, 2018 · 1 revision


Attendees: Marijane White, Brian Lowe, Christian Hauschke, Damaris Murry

Brief review of last meeting's discussion about identifiers. Most of us have not had a chance to review Mike's document yet.

Brian mentioned the handle conversation from this week's dev call, which seems like it would be within the scope of the identifiers proposal.

Christian asked Brian for his opinion on how to represent identifiers with URIs in the VIVO UI. Christian will add his comments to Mike's proposal.

Brian asked what the next steps are if we all agree that the identifier proposal is a good idea. Perhaps we do a RFC to the wider community?

Christian proposes a process:

  1. idea is proposed and discussed in this group
  2. proposal is written up
  3. proposal is presented to the developers group
  4. when ontologists & developers agree, do a 30-day RFC to the wider community
  5. implement any suggested changes, rinse and repeat

Damaris thinks there should be a standard process around this.

Christian also thinks we should test the process with a low-impact change.

Marijane suggests we start a document and review existing process proposal documents so that at our next meeting we can finalize something to take to the developer's call.

The VIVO-ISF ontology is an information standard for representing scholarly work.

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