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File metadata and controls

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This project contains a Docker images for stable OpenTripPlanner releases and tools to auto download Openstreetmap data related to a certain gtfs file.


Table of contents

journey web app

Getting started


To build the project, the following prerequisites must be met:

  • Docker
  • Docker-compose

If you want to run the application using Docker, the environment is already set up with all dependencies for you. You only have to install Docker and Docker Compose

Source code

Get a copy of the repository:

git clone

Change directory:

cd odh-mentor-otp

Scripts and sub folders download and build data graph a script to run otp by command line a script to run otp unofficial version by command line

router-config.json define OTP updaters(GTFS-RT) and router settings from environment vars

build-config.json default OTP build config from environment vars

osm.url a pregenerated urls list of downloadable Openstreetmap data for SouthTyrol area.

journey/ static javascript client side react/redux UI component to interact with Opentriplanner instance.

gbfs/ service that fetch bikesharing data from ODH and provide them as GBFS for otp.

gtfs2bbox/ nodejs tool to calculate bounding boxes of Openstreetmap intersects GTFS data for downloading, create a list of overpass downloadable urls

geocoder/ nodejs simplified implementation of Pelias Geocoder

Docker Environment

In each service directory the file .env.example list the default env vars by service. Below is a list of env variables for each container:


JAVA_MX the amount of heap space available to OpenTripPlanner. (The script adds -Xmx$JAVA_MX to the java command.) Default: 2G

OTP_OFFICIAL if True will use the OpenTripPlanner Official Version, otherwise the IBI-Group Version (see Compatibility)


in addition to those of otp vars

BUILD_GRAPH if True force the re/construction of the roads graph starting from the data: osm, gtfs, srtm. Generate a new Graph.obj file in the path /opt/odh-mentor-otp/openmove/Graph.obj

DOWNLOAD_DATA if True download openstreetmap and terrain model data around the gtfs file

BACKUP_GRAPH if True create also a backup copy for each new graph in path /opt/odh-mentor-otp/Graph.obj.%y-%m-%d.tgz

UPDATERS if True create the router-config.json with GBFS/GTFS-RT updaters

GBFS_HOST host path to GBFS service

GBFS_VERSION gbfs version 1 or 2.1 (rebuild graph is required)

GTFS_URL gtfs source ftp uri of gtfs .zip file to download

GTFS_URL_UPDATETIME gtfs source time interval in cronjob style (i.e. */30 * * * * for every 30 minutes)

GTFS_URL_UPDATEHOOK url hook to restart build service

GTFS_FILE the name of gtfs zip file to auto download Openstreetmap data

GTFS_RT_URL gtfs-realtime url with trip updates (rebuild graph is required)

GTFS_FEED_ID gtfs feed id which the gtfs-rt refers to. This is the defined by the 'feed_id' value (unofficial) inside feed_info.txt, if not defined this should be "1" (rebuild graph is required)

OTP_OFFICIAL if True will use the OpenTripPlanner Official Version, otherwise the IBI-Group Version (see Compatibility)

CARSHARING_HOST host path to Carsharing service

PARKING_HOST host path to parking service

CHARGER_HOST host path to charger service


API_HOST deployed hostname of OpenTripPlanner api default: localhost (name of deployed)

API_PATH aboslute url path /otp/routers/openmove

API_PORT port default 8080 (port of internal service otp)

HERE_APPID here geocoder api appId params

HERE_APPCODE here geocoder api appCode params

Building Arguments

Below is a list of Docker args variables for each container:

otp, builder

OTP_VERSION version of OpenTripPlanner binary downloaded from official repos, default is 1.4.0


API_HOST deployed hostname of OpenTripPlanner api default: localhost (name of deployed)

API_PATH aboslute url path /otp/routers/openmove

API_PORT port default 8080 (port of internal service otp)

GEOCODER_BASEURL default pelias geoder instance http://localhost/geocoder/v1

PARKING_BASEURL host path to Parking to show in map

CHARGER_BASEURL host path to Charger stationsto show in map

GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ID google analytics tracking code UA-XXXXX-Y

Then you can start the application using the following command:

First build Graph and Cache

docker-compose up build


In OpenTripPlanner is not allowed running a graph built with a different version. In case you change the OpenTripPlanner version or switch from/to Ufficial/IBI-Group Version you have to rebuild the graph.

Execute OTP instance

docker-compose up otp

After the graph has been built, the planner is available at port 8080.


defined in docker-compose.yml, both of these services are defined by the same docker image which behaves differently according to the defined environment parameters.

build build a new OTP graph by gtfs file in /opt/odh-mentor-otp/ directory, automatically stopped on finish, docker logs notice if the building was successful.

otp run a new instance of OTP by /opt/odh-mentor-otp/, distribute API rest and default UI on port 8080, need restart: "always"


/opt/odh-mentor-otp/:/data/ the path used in reading and writing in which the Osm, Altimetric data are downloaded. It must contains the GTFS zip file before building the graph. Here where the graph generated will be written by OTP, in path: /opt/odh-mentor-otp/openmove/Graph.obj



Find here guidelines for developers.


ToDo: For support, please contact [email protected].


If you'd like to contribute, please follow the following instructions:

  • Fork the repository.

  • Checkout a topic branch from the development branch.

  • Make sure the tests are passing.

  • Create a pull request against the development branch.

A more detailed description can be found here:


More documentation can be found at


The project uses this boilerplate: