- Class: com.geomaticaeambiente.openjump.klem.slope.SlopeStripe Added radians output
- General Added gpl_2 and ChangeLog files
- Enabled project specific setting on Project/Java compiler/Error-Warning
to deactivated some warning on compiling - Delate class it.geomaticaambiente.klem.klemDA as creating error on compiling
- General. Changed icons to famfamfam or OJ ones. Added gpl_2 file
- General. Optimized icon view on Windows.
- Kinematic Local Excess Model - Output. Added option to export tables to .csv file
- Kinematic Local Excess Model - Output. Option "Export to .ods" (to libreoffice) activated only if OpenDoc libs are located into OJ/LIB/EXT
- Kinematic Local Excess Model - Output. Output is controlled by embedded OJ libs so that the process can be stopped if it takes a long time
- Option: "Basin area km2", substituted scientific notation (2E-3) with numeric one (0.002)
- Sub-basin warning now shows also the range of area within the algorithm can be applied
- Substituted [m s.m.m.] with: [m s.l.m]-Italian (metri sul livello marino) and [m a.s.l.]-English (metre above sea level)
- Loading project JFileChooser: added method oiption to load project raster files into OpenJUMP view when loading project file
- Added ChangeLog file.