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Westaflex WAC Treiber

westaflex edited this page Mar 5, 2014 · 36 revisions


Table of Contents


Our WAC Usage documention describes the protocol in detail and is the starting point for understanding everything else. It contains the fundamental ModBus knowledge you need in order to adapt successfully with our Binding. With this foundation in place, you will be ready to apply the ModBus network rules, so that your home appliances can interoperate with those produced by other manufacturers as part of the OpenHAB ecosystem. This will free consumers to choose the devices that best match their needs, and combine them in novel ways with other compatible devices. See below for guidance as to what to look out for in each section. The possibilities are endless.

Treiber Konzept

A key feature of ModBus that distinguishes it from other protocols is that any given node in the network can act as the master for one channel, and as the slave for another channel.  This allows complex network topologies to be formed.

Treiber Konfiguration

This section describes how the host (MCU, PC interface etc) can interface with the WAC chip. Extended messaging is also introduced, which is useful if you need to include additional information such as the Device Number. Note that extended messaging does not extend the size of the data payload, which is fixed at 8 bytes and cannot be altered.

Kennzeichnung Modbus Variable Datenadresse Werte
Frostschutz 01h_Read_Coils 0 1-aktiv, 0-passiv
Frostschutzfunktion des Plattenwärmetauschers
Feuer 01h_Read_Coils 1 1-aktiv, 0-passiv
Überhitzungsalarm Anzeige
Filtertausch 01h_Read_Coils 2 1-aktiv, 0-passiv
Filter verschmutzt, Austausch Signal
Ventilation 01h_Read_Coils 3 1-aktiv, 0-passiv
Lüfteralarm Fehlfunktions-Anzeige
Spannung 01h_Read_Coils 5 1-aktiv, 0-passiv
Niedrige Stromspannung Hinweis
Temperatur 01h_Read_Coils 6 1-aktiv, 0-passiv
Sensor Temperatur Alarmmeldung
Abluftwärme 01h_Read_Coils 7 1-aktiv, 0-passiv
Hinweisgeber zur Abluft-Temperatur
Zuluftwärme 01h_Read_Coils 8 1-aktiv, 0-passiv
Hinweissignal des Zuluft-Temperatursensors
RH 01h_Read_Coils 9 1-aktiv, 0-passiv
DTJ(100) humidity sensor alarm (controller works in determining the moisture content of 70%)
ReturnWater 01h_Read_Coils 10 1-aktiv, 0-passiv
Return water temperature sensor alarm
ToutDoor 01h_Read_Coils 11 1-aktiv, 0-passiv
Outside air temperature sensor alarm (controller continues to work in determing ToutDoor less than zero degree)
MotorActive 01h_Read_Coils 12 1-aktiv, 0-passiv
Fans ON
InDumpper 04h_Read_Input 13 0-90
Outside air damper actuator
Preheater 01h_Read_Coils 14 1-aktiv, 0-passiv
Preheater indication
Heater 01h_Read_Coils 15 1-aktiv, 0-passiv
Heater indication
Speed 06h_Write_Holding_Register 16 0, 1, 2, 3
Fans speed setting
TsetPoint 06h_Write_Holding_Register 17 0-30
Supply air temperature set
RH_value 04h_Read_Input 18 0-99
DTJ(100) humidity sensor value
Motor1 04h_Read_Input 19 0-3
Motor 1 fan speed value
Motor2 04h_Read_Input 20 0-3
Motor 2 fan speed value
Tlimit 04h_Read_Input 21 Hex: E0
Supply air temperature value
Texhaust 04h_Read_Input 22 Hex: E0
DTJ(100) temperature sensor value
Textract 04h_Read_Input 23 Hex: E0
Exhaust air temperature sensor value
ToutDoor 04h_Read_Input 24 Hex: FFEC
Outside air temperature sensor value
Twater 04h_Read_Input 25 Hex: FFEC
Return water temperature value


to handle many slaves in RTU mode, non blocking connections and RTS flow control.....

modbus_t *mb;

  uint16_t tab_reg[32];
  mb = modbus_new_tcp("", 1502);
  /* Read 5 registers from the address 0 */
  modbus_read_registers(mb, 0, 5, tab_reg);

See Examples of typical WAC Bindings, if you have any suggestions or questions don't hesitate to contact us or use the openHAB google group. The snapshot version of our industry4.0 binding can be downloaded, together with the rest of openhab.


Congratulations! You should now have a good general understanding of how the WAC ModBus protocol works, which will give you a strong foundation for all the work you do with OpenHAB. Be Inspired →by our genuine Apps...


User Interfaces


(link to openHAB forum)




A good source of inspiration and tips from users gathered over the years. Be aware that things may have changed since they were written and some examples might not work correctly.

Please update the wiki if you do come across any out of date information.

Use case examples

Collections of Rules on a single page

Single Rules


Release Notes

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