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FritzBox TR064 Binding

staehler edited this page Feb 9, 2016 · 9 revisions

Fritzbox Binding using TR064 protocol

This is a binding for communication with AVM Fritz!Box using SOAP requests (TR064 protocol). I tested it on

  • 7270
  • 7360SL (v6.30)
  • 7390
  • 6360 Cable (v6.04)


  • detect if MAC is online in network (presence detection)
  • switching on/off 2,4Hz Wifi, 5GHz Wifi and Guest Wifi (if any)
  • getting external IP address of fbox
  • getting fbox model name
  • call monitor
  • Switch Item: Receives "ON" state when call is incoming
  • Call Items: Shows external an internal number for incoming/outgoing calls
  • Resolve external call number to phonebook name
  • enabling/disabling telephone answering machines (TAMs)
  • getting new messages per TAM
  • getting missed calls for the last x days


Java JRE 1.8.0+ (version 1.7 / openJDK7 is not working)


Until I manage it to integrate the binding in the build process, you may download the latest version [here] (


Put the *.jar file into your openHAB "addons" directory.



  • Enable TR064: In the webui goto "Heimnetz" - "Netzwerkeinstellungen": enable option "Zugriff für Anwendungen zulassen" (enabled by default)
  • Only if you want to use the call monitor feature (items starting with callmonitor_...), enable the interface by dialing #96*5* You may disable it again by dialing #96*4*

Item Binding

String  fboxName            "FBox Model [%s]"           {fritzboxtr064="modelName"}
String  fboxWanIP           "FBox WAN IP [%s]"          {fritzboxtr064="wanip"}
Switch  fboxWifi24          "2,4GHz Wifi"               {fritzboxtr064="wifi24Switch"}
Switch  fboxWifi50          "5,0GHz Wifi"               {fritzboxtr064="wifi50Switch"}
Switch  fboxGuestWifi       "Guest Wifi"                {fritzboxtr064="wifiGuestSwitch"}
Contact cFboxMacOnline      "Presence (WiFi) [%s]"      {fritzboxtr064="maconline:11-11-11-11-11-11" }

# only when using call monitor
Switch  fboxRinging	 	  	"Phone ringing [%s]"                {fritzboxtr064="callmonitor_ringing" }
Call    fboxIncomingCall   	"Incoming call: [%1$s to %2$s]"     {fritzboxtr064="callmonitor_ringing" } 
Call    fboxOutgoingCall    "Outgoing call: [%1$s to %2$s]"     {fritzboxtr064="callmonitor_outgoing" }

# resolve numbers to names according phonebook
Call    fboxIncomingCallResolved   	"Incoming call: [%1$s to %2$s]"     {fritzboxtr064="callmonitor_ringing:resolveName" } 

# Telephone answering machine (TAM) items
# Number after tamSwitch is ID of configured TAM, start with 0
Switch  fboxTAM0Switch   "Answering machine ID 0"		{fritzboxtr064="tamSwitch:0"}
Number  fboxTAM0NewMsg   "New Messages TAM 0 [%s]"      {fritzboxtr064="tamNewMessages:0"}

# Missed calls: specify the number of last days which should be searched for missed calls
Number  fboxMissedCalls     "Missed Calls [%s]"      	{fritzboxtr064="missedCallsInDays:5"}


Add the following to your openhab.cfg and configure the parameters. Or if using openHab v2 create a config file in $openhabhome/conf/services/fritzboxtr064.conf and insert the following:

############################# Fritz!Box TR064 Binding #######################################
## Binding for accessing FritzBoxes using the TR064 protocol. Uses http(s) requests.

# URL. Either use http://<fbox-ip>:49000 or https://<fbox-ip>:49443 (https preferred!)

# Refresh Interval (60000ms default)

# User Name (only use this value if you configured a user in fbox webui/config!)
# If this parameter is missing, "dslf-config" is used as default username
# It is recommended to to switch to authentication by username in fritzbox config
# and add a separate config user for this binding.

# PW

Known issues

see issues [here] (

Debug Logging

Insert the following line into you logback.xml or logback_debug.xml inside the configuration tag.

<configuration scan="true">

    <!-- FritzBox TR064 binding -->
    <logger name="org.openhab.binding.fritzboxtr064" level="DEBUG" />


After that, watch your openhab.log file for extended log output.



For the "Call" items use "Text" in your sitemap

Map for Presence Detection

Use a map for presence detection item: Create file $openhab_home/configurations/transform/ and add

0=not present

Now, as item configuration use:

Contact cFboxMacOnline		"Presence (Wifi) [MAP(]"	<present>		{fritzboxtr064="maconline:11-22-33-44-55-66 }

rule examples

If you need the caller name (resolved from the fritzbox phonebook) in a rule, extract it like this:

rule "Phone is ringing"
        // fboxRinging is a switch item which switches to ON if call is detected
        Item fboxRinging changed from OFF to ON 
            logInfo("Anrufermeldung", "Generating caller name message...")
            // fboxIncoming call receives numbers/name of incoming call
            val CallType incCall = fboxIncomingCall.state as CallType
            var callerName = incCall.destNum //destNum is external number OR resolved Name if no phonebook entry exists

            // do something with callerName



User Interfaces


(link to openHAB forum)




A good source of inspiration and tips from users gathered over the years. Be aware that things may have changed since they were written and some examples might not work correctly.

Please update the wiki if you do come across any out of date information.

Use case examples

Collections of Rules on a single page

Single Rules


Release Notes

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