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     - repo: https://github.com/kynan/nbstripout
       rev: 0.7.1
diff --git a/docs/emit.md b/docs/emit.md
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+# emit module
+::: hypercoast.emit
diff --git a/hypercoast/emit.py b/hypercoast/emit.py
new file mode 100644
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+This Module has the functions related to working with an EMIT dataset. This includes
+doing things like opening and flattening the data to work in xarray, orthorectification,
+and visualization.
+Some source code is adapted from https://github.com/nasa/EMIT-Data-Resources.
+Credits to the original authors, including Erik Bolch, Alex Leigh, and others.
+import os
+import xarray as xr
+import hvplot.xarray
+import numpy as np
+import geopandas as gpd
+def read_emit(filepath, ortho=True, wavelengths=None, method="nearest", **kwargs):
+    """
+    Opens an EMIT dataset from a file path and assigns new coordinates to it.
+    Args:
+        filepath (str): The file path to the EMIT dataset.
+        ortho (bool, optional): If True, the function will return an orthorectified dataset. Defaults to True.
+        wavelengths (array-like, optional): The specific wavelengths to select. If None, all wavelengths are selected. Defaults to None.
+        method (str, optional): The method to use for data selection. Defaults to "nearest".
+        **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to be passed to `xr.open_dataset`.
+    Returns:
+        xarray.Dataset: The dataset with new coordinates assigned.
+    """
+    if ortho == True:
+        return emit_xarray(
+            filepath, ortho=True, wavelengths=wavelengths, method=method, **kwargs
+        )
+    else:
+        ds = xr.open_dataset(filepath, **kwargs)
+        wvl = xr.open_dataset(filepath, group="sensor_band_parameters")
+        loc = xr.open_dataset(filepath, group="location")
+        ds = ds.assign_coords(
+            {
+                "downtrack": (["downtrack"], ds.downtrack.data),
+                "crosstrack": (["crosstrack"], ds.crosstrack.data),
+                **wvl.variables,
+                **loc.variables,
+            }
+        )
+        ds = ds.swap_dims({"bands": "wavelengths"})
+        del wvl
+        del loc
+        if wavelengths is not None:
+            ds = ds.sel(wavelengths=wavelengths, method=method)
+        return ds
+def plot_emit(
+    ds,
+    longitude=None,
+    latitude=None,
+    downtrack=None,
+    crosstrack=None,
+    remove_nans=True,
+    x="wavelengths",
+    y="reflectance",
+    color="black",
+    frame_height=400,
+    frame_width=600,
+    title=None,
+    method="nearest",
+    ortho=True,
+    options={},
+    **kwargs,
+    """
+    Plots a line graph of the reflectance data from a given dataset.
+    Args:
+        ds (xarray.Dataset or str): The dataset containing the reflectance data or the file path to the dataset.
+        longitude (float, optional): The longitude coordinate to select for orthorectified data. Defaults to None.
+        latitude (float, optional): The latitude coordinate to select for orthorectified data. Defaults to None.
+        downtrack (int, optional): The downtrack coordinate to select for non-orthorectified data. Defaults to None.
+        crosstrack (int, optional): The crosstrack coordinate to select for non-orthorectified data. Defaults to None.
+        remove_nans (bool, optional): If True, replace non-good wavelengths with NaN. Defaults to True.
+        x (str, optional): The x-axis label. Defaults to "wavelengths".
+        y (str, optional): The y-axis label. Defaults to "reflectance".
+        color (str, optional): The color of the line. Defaults to "black".
+        frame_height (int, optional): The height of the frame. Defaults to 400.
+        frame_width (int, optional): The width of the frame. Defaults to 600.
+        title (str, optional): The title of the plot. If None, a default title will be generated. Defaults to None.
+        method (str, optional): The method to use for data selection. Defaults to "nearest".
+        ortho (bool, optional): If True, the function will use longitude and latitude for data selection. Defaults to True.
+        options (dict, optional): Additional options to be passed to `hvplot.line`. Defaults to {}.
+        **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to be passed to `hvplot.line`.
+    Returns:
+        hvplot.Plot: The line plot of the reflectance data.
+    """
+    if ortho == True:
+        if longitude is None or latitude is None:
+            raise ValueError(
+                "Longitude and Latitude must be provided for orthorectified data."
+            )
+    else:
+        if downtrack is None or crosstrack is None:
+            raise ValueError(
+                "Downtrack and Crosstrack must be provided for non-orthorectified data."
+            )
+    if longitude is not None and latitude is not None:
+        ortho = True
+    if downtrack is not None and crosstrack is not None:
+        ortho = False
+    if isinstance(ds, str):
+        ds = read_emit(ds, ortho=ortho)
+    if remove_nans:
+        ds["reflectance"].data[:, :, ds["good_wavelengths"].data == 0] = np.nan
+    if ortho:
+        example = ds["reflectance"].sel(
+            longitude=longitude, latitude=latitude, method=method
+        )
+        if title is None:
+            title = f"Reflectance at longitude={longitude:.3f}, latitude={latitude:.3f}"
+    else:
+        example = ds["reflectance"].sel(
+            downtrack=downtrack, crosstrack=crosstrack, method=method
+        )
+        if title is None:
+            title = f"Reflectance at downtrack={downtrack}, crosstrack={crosstrack}"
+    line = example.hvplot.line(
+        y=y,
+        x=x,
+        color=color,
+        frame_height=frame_height,
+        frame_width=frame_width,
+        **kwargs,
+    ).opts(title=title, **options)
+    return line
+def viz_emit(
+    ds,
+    wavelengths,
+    cmap="viridis",
+    frame_width=720,
+    method="nearest",
+    ortho=True,
+    aspect="equal",
+    tiles="ESRI",
+    alpha=0.8,
+    title=None,
+    options={},
+    **kwargs,
+    """
+    Visualizes the reflectance data from a given dataset at specific wavelengths.
+    Args:
+        ds (xarray.Dataset or str): The dataset containing the reflectance data or the file path to the dataset.
+        wavelengths (array-like): The specific wavelengths to visualize.
+        cmap (str, optional): The colormap to use. Defaults to "viridis".
+        frame_width (int, optional): The width of the frame. Defaults to 720.
+        method (str, optional): The method to use for data selection. Defaults to "nearest".
+        ortho (bool, optional): If True, the function will return an orthorectified image. Defaults to True.
+        aspect (str, optional): The aspect ratio of the plot. Defaults to "equal".
+        tiles (str, optional): The tile source to use for the background map. Defaults to "ESRI".
+        alpha (float, optional): The alpha value for the image. Defaults to 0.8.
+        title (str, optional): The title of the plot. If None, a default title will be generated. Defaults to None.
+        options (dict, optional): Additional options to be passed to `hvplot.image`. Defaults to {}.
+        **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to be passed to `hvplot.image`.
+    Returns:
+        hvplot.Plot: The image plot of the reflectance data at the specified wavelengths.
+    """
+    if isinstance(ds, str):
+        ds = read_emit(ds, ortho=ortho)
+    example = ds.sel(wavelengths=wavelengths, method=method)
+    if title is None:
+        title = f"Reflectance at {example.wavelengths.values:.3f} {example.wavelengths.units}"
+    if ortho:
+        image = example.hvplot.image(
+            cmap=cmap,
+            geo=ortho,
+            tiles=tiles,
+            alpha=alpha,
+            frame_width=frame_width,
+            **kwargs,
+        ).opts(title=title, **options)
+    else:
+        image = example.hvplot.image(
+            cmap=cmap, aspect=aspect, alpha=alpha, frame_width=frame_width, **kwargs
+        ).opts(title=title, **options)
+    return image
+def emit_to_netcdf(data, output, **kwargs):
+    """
+    Transposes an EMIT dataset and saves it as a NetCDF file.
+    Args:
+        data (xarray.Dataset or str): The dataset containing the EMIT data or the file path to the dataset.
+        output (str): The file path where the NetCDF file will be saved.
+        **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to be passed to `xarray.Dataset.to_netcdf`.
+    """
+    if isinstance(data, str):
+        data = read_emit(data, ortho=True)
+    ds_geo = data.transpose("wavelengths", "latitude", "longitude")
+    ds_geo.to_netcdf(output, **kwargs)
+def emit_to_image(data, output=None, wavelengths=None, method="nearest", **kwargs):
+    """
+    Converts an EMIT dataset to an image.
+    Args:
+        data (xarray.Dataset or str): The dataset containing the EMIT data or the file path to the dataset.
+        output (str, optional): The file path where the image will be saved. If None, the image will be returned as a PIL Image object. Defaults to None.
+        wavelengths (array-like, optional): The specific wavelengths to select. If None, all wavelengths are selected. Defaults to None.
+        method (str, optional): The method to use for data selection. Defaults to "nearest".
+        **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to be passed to `leafmap.array_to_image`.
+    Returns:
+        rasterio.Dataset or None: The image converted from the dataset. If `output` is provided, the image will be saved to the specified file and the function will return None.
+    """
+    from leafmap import array_to_image
+    if isinstance(data, str):
+        data = read_emit(data, ortho=True)
+    ds = data["reflectance"]
+    if wavelengths is not None:
+        ds = ds.sel(wavelengths=wavelengths, method=method)
+    return array_to_image(ds, transpose=False, output=output, **kwargs)
+def emit_xarray(
+    filepath,
+    ortho=False,
+    qmask=None,
+    unpacked_bmask=None,
+    wavelengths=None,
+    method="nearest",
+    """
+    Streamlines opening an EMIT dataset as an xarray.Dataset.
+    Args:
+        filepath (str): A filepath to an EMIT netCDF file.
+        ortho (bool, optional): Whether to orthorectify the dataset or leave in crosstrack/downtrack coordinates. Defaults to False.
+        qmask (numpy.ndarray, optional): A numpy array output from the quality_mask function used to mask pixels based on quality flags selected in that function. Any non-orthorectified array with the proper crosstrack and downtrack dimensions can also be used. Defaults to None.
+        unpacked_bmask (numpy.ndarray, optional): A numpy array from the band_mask function that can be used to mask band-specific pixels that have been interpolated. Defaults to None.
+        wavelengths (array-like, optional): The specific wavelengths to select. If None, all wavelengths are selected. Defaults to None.
+        method (str, optional): The method to use for data selection. Defaults to "nearest".
+    Returns:
+        xarray.Dataset: An xarray.Dataset constructed based on the parameters provided.
+    """
+    # Grab granule filename to check product
+    import s3fs
+    from fsspec.implementations.http import HTTPFile
+    if type(filepath) == s3fs.core.S3File:
+        granule_id = filepath.info()["name"].split("/", -1)[-1].split(".", -1)[0]
+    elif type(filepath) == HTTPFile:
+        granule_id = filepath.path.split("/", -1)[-1].split(".", -1)[0]
+    else:
+        granule_id = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filepath))[0]
+    # Read in Data as Xarray Datasets
+    engine, wvl_group = "h5netcdf", None
+    ds = xr.open_dataset(filepath, engine=engine)
+    loc = xr.open_dataset(filepath, engine=engine, group="location")
+    # Check if mineral dataset and read in groups (only ds/loc for minunc)
+    if "L2B_MIN_" in granule_id:
+        wvl_group = "mineral_metadata"
+    elif "L2B_MINUNC" not in granule_id:
+        wvl_group = "sensor_band_parameters"
+    wvl = None
+    if wvl_group:
+        wvl = xr.open_dataset(filepath, engine=engine, group=wvl_group)
+    # Building Flat Dataset from Components
+    data_vars = {**ds.variables}
+    # Format xarray coordinates based upon emit product (no wvl for mineral uncertainty)
+    coords = {
+        "downtrack": (["downtrack"], ds.downtrack.data),
+        "crosstrack": (["crosstrack"], ds.crosstrack.data),
+        **loc.variables,
+    }
+    product_band_map = {
+        "L2B_MIN_": "name",
+        "L2A_MASK_": "mask_bands",
+        "L1B_OBS_": "observation_bands",
+        "L2A_RFL_": "wavelengths",
+        "L1B_RAD_": "wavelengths",
+        "L2A_RFLUNCERT_": "wavelengths",
+    }
+    # if band := product_band_map.get(next((k for k in product_band_map.keys() if k in granule_id), 'unknown'), None):
+    # coords['bands'] = wvl[band].data
+    if wvl:
+        coords = {**coords, **wvl.variables}
+    out_xr = xr.Dataset(data_vars=data_vars, coords=coords, attrs=ds.attrs)
+    out_xr.attrs["granule_id"] = granule_id
+    if band := product_band_map.get(
+        next((k for k in product_band_map.keys() if k in granule_id), "unknown"), None
+    ):
+        if "minerals" in list(out_xr.dims):
+            out_xr = out_xr.swap_dims({"minerals": band})
+            out_xr = out_xr.rename({band: "mineral_name"})
+        else:
+            out_xr = out_xr.swap_dims({"bands": band})
+    # Apply Quality and Band Masks, set fill values to NaN
+    for var in list(ds.data_vars):
+        if qmask is not None:
+            out_xr[var].data[qmask == 1] = np.nan
+        if unpacked_bmask is not None:
+            out_xr[var].data[unpacked_bmask == 1] = np.nan
+        out_xr[var].data[out_xr[var].data == -9999] = np.nan
+    if ortho is True:
+        out_xr = ortho_xr(out_xr)
+        out_xr.attrs["Orthorectified"] = "True"
+    if wavelengths is not None:
+        out_xr = out_xr.sel(wavelengths=wavelengths, method=method)
+    return out_xr
+# Function to Calculate the Lat and Lon Vectors/Coordinate Grid
+def coord_vects(ds):
+    """
+    This function calculates the Lat and Lon Coordinate Vectors using the GLT and Metadata from an EMIT dataset read into xarray.
+    Parameters:
+    ds: an xarray.Dataset containing the root variable and metadata of an EMIT dataset
+    loc: an xarray.Dataset containing the 'location' group of an EMIT dataset
+    Returns:
+    lon, lat (numpy.array): longitute and latitude array grid for the dataset
+    """
+    # Retrieve Geotransform from Metadata
+    GT = ds.geotransform
+    # Create Array for Lat and Lon and fill
+    dim_x = ds.glt_x.shape[1]
+    dim_y = ds.glt_x.shape[0]
+    lon = np.zeros(dim_x)
+    lat = np.zeros(dim_y)
+    # Note: no rotation for EMIT Data
+    for x in np.arange(dim_x):
+        x_geo = (GT[0] + 0.5 * GT[1]) + x * GT[1]  # Adjust coordinates to pixel-center
+        lon[x] = x_geo
+    for y in np.arange(dim_y):
+        y_geo = (GT[3] + 0.5 * GT[5]) + y * GT[5]
+        lat[y] = y_geo
+    return lon, lat
+def apply_glt(ds_array, glt_array, fill_value=-9999, GLT_NODATA_VALUE=0):
+    """
+    Applies the GLT array to a numpy array of either 2 or 3 dimensions to orthorectify the data.
+    Args:
+        ds_array (numpy.ndarray): A numpy array of the desired variable.
+        glt_array (numpy.ndarray): A GLT array constructed from EMIT GLT data.
+        fill_value (int, optional): The value to fill in the output array where the GLT array has no data. Defaults to -9999.
+        GLT_NODATA_VALUE (int, optional): The value in the GLT array that indicates no data. Defaults to 0.
+    Returns:
+        numpy.ndarray: A numpy array of orthorectified data.
+    """
+    # Build Output Dataset
+    if ds_array.ndim == 2:
+        ds_array = ds_array[:, :, np.newaxis]
+    out_ds = np.full(
+        (glt_array.shape[0], glt_array.shape[1], ds_array.shape[-1]),
+        fill_value,
+        dtype=np.float32,
+    )
+    valid_glt = np.all(glt_array != GLT_NODATA_VALUE, axis=-1)
+    # Adjust for One based Index - make a copy to prevent decrementing multiple times inside ortho_xr when applying the glt to elev
+    glt_array_copy = glt_array.copy()
+    glt_array_copy[valid_glt] -= 1
+    out_ds[valid_glt, :] = ds_array[
+        glt_array_copy[valid_glt, 1], glt_array_copy[valid_glt, 0], :
+    ]
+    return out_ds
+def ortho_xr(ds, GLT_NODATA_VALUE=0, fill_value=-9999):
+    """
+    Uses `apply_glt` to create an orthorectified xarray dataset.
+    Args:
+        ds (xarray.Dataset): An xarray dataset produced by emit_xarray.
+        GLT_NODATA_VALUE (int, optional): No data value for the GLT tables. Defaults to 0.
+        fill_value (int, optional): The fill value for EMIT datasets. Defaults to -9999.
+    Returns:
+        xarray.Dataset: An orthocorrected xarray dataset.
+    """
+    # Build glt_ds
+    glt_ds = np.nan_to_num(
+        np.stack([ds["glt_x"].data, ds["glt_y"].data], axis=-1), nan=GLT_NODATA_VALUE
+    ).astype(int)
+    # List Variables
+    var_list = list(ds.data_vars)
+    # Remove flat field from data vars - the flat field is only useful with additional information before orthorectification
+    if "flat_field_update" in var_list:
+        var_list.remove("flat_field_update")
+    # Create empty dictionary for orthocorrected data vars
+    data_vars = {}
+    # Extract Rawspace Dataset Variable Values (Typically Reflectance)
+    for var in var_list:
+        raw_ds = ds[var].data
+        var_dims = ds[var].dims
+        # Apply GLT to dataset
+        out_ds = apply_glt(raw_ds, glt_ds, GLT_NODATA_VALUE=GLT_NODATA_VALUE)
+        # Mask fill values
+        out_ds[out_ds == fill_value] = np.nan
+        # Update variables - Only works for 2 or 3 dimensional arays
+        if raw_ds.ndim == 2:
+            out_ds = out_ds.squeeze()
+            data_vars[var] = (["latitude", "longitude"], out_ds)
+        else:
+            data_vars[var] = (["latitude", "longitude", var_dims[-1]], out_ds)
+        del raw_ds
+    # Calculate Lat and Lon Vectors
+    lon, lat = coord_vects(
+        ds
+    )  # Reorder this function to make sense in case of multiple variables
+    # Apply GLT to elevation
+    elev_ds = apply_glt(ds["elev"].data, glt_ds)
+    elev_ds[elev_ds == fill_value] = np.nan
+    # Delete glt_ds - no longer needed
+    del glt_ds
+    # Create Coordinate Dictionary
+    coords = {
+        "latitude": (["latitude"], lat),
+        "longitude": (["longitude"], lon),
+        **ds.coords,
+    }  # unpack to add appropriate coordinates
+    # Remove Unnecessary Coords
+    for key in ["downtrack", "crosstrack", "lat", "lon", "glt_x", "glt_y", "elev"]:
+        del coords[key]
+    # Add Orthocorrected Elevation
+    coords["elev"] = (["latitude", "longitude"], np.squeeze(elev_ds))
+    # Build Output xarray Dataset and assign data_vars array attributes
+    out_xr = xr.Dataset(data_vars=data_vars, coords=coords, attrs=ds.attrs)
+    del out_ds
+    # Assign Attributes from Original Datasets
+    for var in var_list:
+        out_xr[var].attrs = ds[var].attrs
+    out_xr.coords["latitude"].attrs = ds["lat"].attrs
+    out_xr.coords["longitude"].attrs = ds["lon"].attrs
+    out_xr.coords["elev"].attrs = ds["elev"].attrs
+    # Add Spatial Reference in recognizable format
+    out_xr.rio.write_crs(ds.spatial_ref, inplace=True)
+    return out_xr
+def quality_mask(filepath, quality_bands):
+    """
+    Builds a single layer mask to apply based on the bands selected from an EMIT L2A Mask file.
+    Args:
+        filepath (str): An EMIT L2A Mask netCDF file.
+        quality_bands (list): A list of bands (quality flags only) from the mask file that should be used in creation of mask.
+    Returns:
+        numpy.ndarray: A numpy array that can be used with the emit_xarray function to apply a quality mask.
+    Raises:
+        AttributeError: If the selected flags include a data band (5 or 6) not just flag bands.
+    """
+    # Open Dataset
+    mask_ds = xr.open_dataset(filepath, engine="h5netcdf")
+    # Open Sensor band Group
+    mask_parameters_ds = xr.open_dataset(
+        filepath, engine="h5netcdf", group="sensor_band_parameters"
+    )
+    # Print Flags used
+    flags_used = mask_parameters_ds["mask_bands"].data[quality_bands]
+    print(f"Flags used: {flags_used}")
+    # Check for data bands and build mask
+    if any(x in quality_bands for x in [5, 6]):
+        err_str = f"Selected flags include a data band (5 or 6) not just flag bands"
+        raise AttributeError(err_str)
+    else:
+        qmask = np.sum(mask_ds["mask"][:, :, quality_bands].values, axis=-1)
+        qmask[qmask > 1] = 1
+    return qmask
+def band_mask(filepath):
+    """
+    Unpacks the packed band mask to apply to the dataset. Can be used manually or as an input in the emit_xarray() function.
+    Args:
+        filepath (str): An EMIT L2A Mask netCDF file.
+    Returns:
+        numpy.ndarray: A numpy array that can be used with the emit_xarray function to apply a band mask.
+    """
+    # Open Dataset
+    mask_ds = xr.open_dataset(filepath, engine="h5netcdf")
+    # Open band_mask and convert to uint8
+    bmask = mask_ds.band_mask.data.astype("uint8")
+    # Print Flags used
+    unpacked_bmask = np.unpackbits(bmask, axis=-1)
+    # Remove bands > 285
+    unpacked_bmask = unpacked_bmask[:, :, 0:285]
+    # Check for data bands and build mask
+    return unpacked_bmask
+def write_envi(
+    xr_ds,
+    output_dir,
+    overwrite=False,
+    extension=".img",
+    interleave="BIL",
+    glt_file=False,
+    """
+    Takes an EMIT dataset read into an xarray dataset using the emit_xarray function and writes an ENVI file and header.
+    Args:
+        xr_ds (xarray.Dataset): An EMIT dataset read into xarray using the emit_xarray function.
+        output_dir (str): Output directory.
+        overwrite (bool, optional): Overwrite existing file if True. Defaults to False.
+        extension (str, optional): The file extension for the envi formatted file, .img by default. Defaults to ".img".
+        interleave (str, optional): The interleave option for the ENVI file. Defaults to "BIL".
+        glt_file (bool, optional): Also create a GLT ENVI file for later use to reproject. Defaults to False.
+    Returns:
+        tuple: A tuple containing:
+            - envi_ds (spectral.io.envi.Image): ENVI file in the output directory.
+            - glt_ds (spectral.io.envi.Image): GLT file in the output directory.
+    Raises:
+        Exception: If the data is already orthorectified but a GLT file is still requested.
+    """
+    from spectral.io import envi
+    # Check if xr_ds has been orthorectified, raise exception if it has been but GLT is still requested
+    if (
+        "Orthorectified" in xr_ds.attrs.keys()
+        and xr_ds.attrs["Orthorectified"] == "True"
+        and glt_file == True
+    ):
+        raise Exception("Data is already orthorectified.")
+    # Typemap dictionary for ENVI files
+    envi_typemap = {
+        "uint8": 1,
+        "int16": 2,
+        "int32": 3,
+        "float32": 4,
+        "float64": 5,
+        "complex64": 6,
+        "complex128": 9,
+        "uint16": 12,
+        "uint32": 13,
+        "int64": 14,
+        "uint64": 15,
+    }
+    # Get CRS/geotransform for creation of Orthorectified ENVI file or optional GLT file
+    gt = xr_ds.attrs["geotransform"]
+    mapinfo = (
+        "{Geographic Lat/Lon, 1, 1, "
+        + str(gt[0])
+        + ", "
+        + str(gt[3])
+        + ", "
+        + str(gt[1])
+        + ", "
+        + str(gt[5] * -1)
+        + ", WGS-84, units=Degrees}"
+    )
+    # This creates the coordinate system string
+    # hard-coded replacement of wkt crs could probably be improved, though should be the same for all EMIT datasets
+    csstring = '{ GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9122"]],AXIS["Latitude",NORTH],AXIS["Longitude",EAST],AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]] }'
+    # List data variables (typically reflectance/radiance)
+    var_names = list(xr_ds.data_vars)
+    # Loop through variable names
+    for var in var_names:
+        # Define output filename
+        output_name = os.path.join(output_dir, xr_ds.attrs["granule_id"] + "_" + var)
+        nbands = 1
+        if len(xr_ds[var].data.shape) > 2:
+            nbands = xr_ds[var].data.shape[2]
+        # Start building metadata
+        metadata = {
+            "lines": xr_ds[var].data.shape[0],
+            "samples": xr_ds[var].data.shape[1],
+            "bands": nbands,
+            "interleave": interleave,
+            "header offset": 0,
+            "file type": "ENVI Standard",
+            "data type": envi_typemap[str(xr_ds[var].data.dtype)],
+            "byte order": 0,
+        }
+        for key in list(xr_ds.attrs.keys()):
+            if key == "summary":
+                metadata["description"] = xr_ds.attrs[key]
+            elif key not in ["geotransform", "spatial_ref"]:
+                metadata[key] = f"{{ {xr_ds.attrs[key]} }}"
+        # List all variables in dataset (including coordinate variables)
+        meta_vars = list(xr_ds.variables)
+        # Add band parameter information to metadata (ie wavelengths/obs etc.)
+        for m in meta_vars:
+            if m == "wavelengths" or m == "radiance_wl":
+                metadata["wavelength"] = np.array(xr_ds[m].data).astype(str).tolist()
+            elif m == "fwhm" or m == "radiance_fwhm":
+                metadata["fwhm"] = np.array(xr_ds[m].data).astype(str).tolist()
+            elif m == "good_wavelengths":
+                metadata["good_wavelengths"] = (
+                    np.array(xr_ds[m].data).astype(int).tolist()
+                )
+            elif m == "observation_bands":
+                metadata["band names"] = np.array(xr_ds[m].data).astype(str).tolist()
+            elif m == "mask_bands":
+                if var == "band_mask":
+                    metadata["band names"] = [
+                        "packed_bands_" + bn
+                        for bn in np.arange(285 / 8).astype(str).tolist()
+                    ]
+                else:
+                    metadata["band names"] = (
+                        np.array(xr_ds[m].data).astype(str).tolist()
+                    )
+            if "wavelength" in list(metadata.keys()) and "band names" not in list(
+                metadata.keys()
+            ):
+                metadata["band names"] = metadata["wavelength"]
+        # Add CRS/mapinfo if xarray dataset has been orthorectified
+        if (
+            "Orthorectified" in xr_ds.attrs.keys()
+            and xr_ds.attrs["Orthorectified"] == "True"
+        ):
+            metadata["coordinate system string"] = csstring
+            metadata["map info"] = mapinfo
+        # Replace NaN values in each layer with fill_value
+        # np.nan_to_num(xr_ds[var].data, copy=False, nan=-9999)
+        # Write Variables as ENVI Output
+        envi_ds = envi.create_image(
+            envi_header(output_name), metadata, ext=extension, force=overwrite
+        )
+        mm = envi_ds.open_memmap(interleave="bip", writable=True)
+        dat = xr_ds[var].data
+        if len(dat.shape) == 2:
+            dat = dat.reshape((dat.shape[0], dat.shape[1], 1))
+        mm[...] = dat
+    # Create GLT Metadata/File
+    if glt_file == True:
+        # Output Name
+        glt_output_name = os.path.join(
+            output_dir, xr_ds.attrs["granule_id"] + "_" + "glt"
+        )
+        # Write GLT Metadata
+        glt_metadata = metadata
+        # Remove Unwanted Metadata
+        glt_metadata.pop("wavelength", None)
+        glt_metadata.pop("fwhm", None)
+        # Replace Metadata
+        glt_metadata["lines"] = xr_ds["glt_x"].data.shape[0]
+        glt_metadata["samples"] = xr_ds["glt_x"].data.shape[1]
+        glt_metadata["bands"] = 2
+        glt_metadata["data type"] = envi_typemap["int32"]
+        glt_metadata["band names"] = ["glt_x", "glt_y"]
+        glt_metadata["coordinate system string"] = csstring
+        glt_metadata["map info"] = mapinfo
+        # Write GLT Outputs as ENVI File
+        glt_ds = envi.create_image(
+            envi_header(glt_output_name), glt_metadata, ext=extension, force=overwrite
+        )
+        mmglt = glt_ds.open_memmap(interleave="bip", writable=True)
+        mmglt[...] = np.stack(
+            (xr_ds["glt_x"].values, xr_ds["glt_y"].values), axis=-1
+        ).astype("int32")
+def envi_header(inputpath):
+    """
+    Convert a ENVI binary/header path to a header, handling extensions.
+    Args:
+        inputpath (str): Path to ENVI binary file.
+    Returns:
+        str: The header file associated with the input reference. If the header file does not exist, it returns the expected header file path.
+    """
+    if (
+        os.path.splitext(inputpath)[-1] == ".img"
+        or os.path.splitext(inputpath)[-1] == ".dat"
+        or os.path.splitext(inputpath)[-1] == ".raw"
+    ):
+        # headers could be at either filename.img.hdr or filename.hdr.  Check both, return the one that exists if it
+        # does, if not return the latter (new file creation presumed).
+        hdrfile = os.path.splitext(inputpath)[0] + ".hdr"
+        if os.path.isfile(hdrfile):
+            return hdrfile
+        elif os.path.isfile(inputpath + ".hdr"):
+            return inputpath + ".hdr"
+        return hdrfile
+    elif os.path.splitext(inputpath)[-1] == ".hdr":
+        return inputpath
+    else:
+        return inputpath + ".hdr"
+def raw_spatial_crop(ds, shape):
+    """
+    Use a polygon to clip the file GLT, then a bounding box to crop the spatially raw data. Regions clipped in the GLT are set to 0 so a mask will be applied when
+    used to orthorectify the data at a later point in a workflow.
+    Args:
+        ds (xarray.Dataset): Raw spatial EMIT data (non-orthorectified) opened with the `emit_xarray` function.
+        shape (geopandas.GeoDataFrame): A polygon opened with geopandas.
+    Returns:
+        xarray.Dataset: A clipped GLT and raw spatial data clipped to a bounding box.
+    """
+    # Reformat the GLT
+    lon, lat = coord_vects(ds)
+    data_vars = {
+        "glt_x": (["latitude", "longitude"], ds.glt_x.data),
+        "glt_y": (["latitude", "longitude"], ds.glt_y.data),
+    }
+    coords = {
+        "latitude": (["latitude"], lat),
+        "longitude": (["longitude"], lon),
+        "ortho_y": (["latitude"], ds.ortho_y.data),
+        "ortho_x": (["longitude"], ds.ortho_x.data),
+    }
+    glt_ds = xr.Dataset(data_vars=data_vars, coords=coords, attrs=ds.attrs)
+    glt_ds.rio.write_crs(glt_ds.spatial_ref, inplace=True)
+    # Clip the emit glt
+    clipped = glt_ds.rio.clip(shape.geometry.values, shape.crs, all_touched=True)
+    # Pull new geotransform from clipped glt
+    clipped_gt = np.array(
+        [float(i) for i in clipped["spatial_ref"].GeoTransform.split(" ")]
+    # Create Crosstrack and Downtrack masks for spatially raw dataset -1 is to account for 1 based index. May be a more robust way to do this exists
+    crosstrack_mask = (ds.crosstrack >= np.nanmin(clipped.glt_x.data) - 1) & (
+        ds.crosstrack <= np.nanmax(clipped.glt_x.data) - 1
+    )
+    downtrack_mask = (ds.downtrack >= np.nanmin(clipped.glt_y.data) - 1) & (
+        ds.downtrack <= np.nanmax(clipped.glt_y.data) - 1
+    )
+    # Mask Areas outside of crosstrack and downtrack covered by the shape
+    clipped_ds = ds.where((crosstrack_mask & downtrack_mask), drop=True)
+    # Replace Full dataset geotransform with clipped geotransform
+    clipped_ds.attrs["geotransform"] = clipped_gt
+    # Drop unnecessary vars from dataset
+    clipped_ds = clipped_ds.drop_vars(["glt_x", "glt_y", "downtrack", "crosstrack"])
+    # Re-index the GLT to the new array
+    glt_x_data = clipped.glt_x.data - np.nanmin(clipped.glt_x)
+    glt_y_data = clipped.glt_y.data - np.nanmin(clipped.glt_y)
+    clipped_ds = clipped_ds.assign_coords(
+        {
+            "glt_x": (["ortho_y", "ortho_x"], np.nan_to_num(glt_x_data)),
+            "glt_y": (["ortho_y", "ortho_x"], np.nan_to_num(glt_y_data)),
+        }
+    )
+    clipped_ds = clipped_ds.assign_coords(
+        {
+            "downtrack": (
+                ["downtrack"],
+                np.arange(0, clipped_ds[list(ds.data_vars.keys())[0]].shape[0]),
+            ),
+            "crosstrack": (
+                ["crosstrack"],
+                np.arange(0, clipped_ds[list(ds.data_vars.keys())[0]].shape[1]),
+            ),
+        }
+    )
+    return clipped_ds
+def is_adjacent(scene: str, same_orbit: list):
+    """
+    Checks if the scene numbers from the same orbit are adjacent/sequential.
+    Args:
+        scene (str): The scene number to check.
+        same_orbit (list): A list of scene numbers from the same orbit.
+    Returns:
+        bool: True if the scene numbers are adjacent/sequential, False otherwise.
+    """
+    scene_nums = [int(scene.split(".")[-2].split("_")[-1]) for scene in same_orbit]
+    return all(b - a == 1 for a, b in zip(scene_nums[:-1], scene_nums[1:]))
+def merge_emit(datasets: dict, gdf: gpd.GeoDataFrame):
+    """
+    Merges xarray datasets formatted using emit_xarray. Note: GDF may only work with a single geometry.
+    Args:
+        datasets (dict): A dictionary of xarray datasets formatted using emit_xarray.
+        gdf (gpd.GeoDataFrame): A GeoDataFrame containing the geometry to be used for merging.
+    Returns:
+        xarray.Dataset: A merged xarray dataset.
+    Raises:
+        Exception: If there are inconsistencies in the 1D variables across datasets.
+    """
+    from rioxarray.merge import merge_arrays
+    nested_data_arrays = {}
+    # loop over datasets
+    for dataset in datasets:
+        # create dictionary of arrays for each dataset
+        # create dictionary of 1D variables, which should be consistent across datasets
+        one_d_arrays = {}
+        # Dictionary of variables to merge
+        data_arrays = {}
+        # Loop over variables in dataset including elevation
+        for var in list(datasets[dataset].data_vars) + ["elev"]:
+            # Get 1D for this variable and add to dictionary
+            if not one_d_arrays:
+                # These should be an array describing the others (wavelengths, mask_bands, etc.)
+                one_dim = [
+                    item
+                    for item in list(datasets[dataset].coords)
+                    if item not in ["latitude", "longitude", "spatial_ref"]
+                    and len(datasets[dataset][item].dims) == 1
+                ]
+                # print(one_dim)
+                for od in one_dim:
+                    one_d_arrays[od] = datasets[dataset].coords[od].data
+                # Update format for merging - This could probably be improved
+            da = datasets[dataset][var].reset_coords("elev", drop=False)
+            da = da.rename({"latitude": "y", "longitude": "x"})
+            if len(da.dims) == 3:
+                if any(item in list(da.coords) for item in one_dim):
+                    da = da.drop_vars(one_dim)
+                da = da.drop_vars("elev")
+                da = da.to_array(name=var).squeeze("variable", drop=True)
+                da = da.transpose(da.dims[-1], da.dims[0], da.dims[1])
+                # print(da.dims)
+            if var == "elev":
+                da = da.to_array(name=var).squeeze("variable", drop=True)
+            data_arrays[var] = da
+            nested_data_arrays[dataset] = data_arrays
+            # Transpose the nested arrays dict. This is horrible to read, but works to pair up variables (ie mask) from the different granules
+    transposed_dict = {
+        inner_key: {
+            outer_key: inner_dict[inner_key]
+            for outer_key, inner_dict in nested_data_arrays.items()
+        }
+        for inner_key in nested_data_arrays[next(iter(nested_data_arrays))]
+    }
+    # remove some unused data
+    del nested_data_arrays, data_arrays, da
+    # Merge the arrays using rioxarray.merge_arrays()
+    merged = {}
+    for _var in transposed_dict:
+        merged[_var] = merge_arrays(
+            list(transposed_dict[_var].values()),
+            bounds=gdf.unary_union.bounds,
+            nodata=np.nan,
+        )
+    # Create a new xarray dataset from the merged arrays
+    # Create Merged Dataset
+    merged_ds = xr.Dataset(data_vars=merged, coords=one_d_arrays)
+    # Rename x and y to longitude and latitude
+    merged_ds = merged_ds.rename({"y": "latitude", "x": "longitude"})
+    del transposed_dict, merged
+    return merged_ds
+def ortho_browse(url, glt, spatial_ref, geotransform, white_background=True):
+    """
+    Use an EMIT GLT, geotransform, and spatial ref to orthorectify a browse image. (browse images are in native resolution)
+    Args:
+        url (str): URL of the browse image.
+        glt (numpy.ndarray): A GLT array constructed from EMIT GLT data.
+        spatial_ref (str): Spatial reference system.
+        geotransform (list): A list of six numbers that define the affine transform between pixel coordinates and map coordinates.
+        white_background (bool, optional): If True, the fill value for the orthorectified image is white (255). If False, the fill value is black (0). Defaults to True.
+    Returns:
+        xarray.DataArray: An orthorectified browse image in the form of an xarray DataArray.
+    """
+    from skimage import io
+    # Read Data
+    data = io.imread(url)
+    # Orthorectify using GLT and transpose so band is first dimension
+    if white_background == True:
+        fill = 255
+    else:
+        fill = 0
+    ortho_data = apply_glt(data, glt, fill_value=fill).transpose(2, 0, 1)
+    coords = {
+        "y": (
+            ["y"],
+            (geotransform[3] + 0.5 * geotransform[5])
+            + np.arange(glt.shape[0]) * geotransform[5],
+        ),
+        "x": (
+            ["x"],
+            (geotransform[0] + 0.5 * geotransform[1])
+            + np.arange(glt.shape[1]) * geotransform[1],
+        ),
+    }
+    ortho_data = ortho_data.astype(int)
+    ortho_data[ortho_data == -1] = 0
+    # Place in xarray.datarray
+    da = xr.DataArray(ortho_data, dims=["band", "y", "x"], coords=coords)
+    da.rio.write_crs(spatial_ref, inplace=True)
+    return da
diff --git a/hypercoast/hypercoast.py b/hypercoast/hypercoast.py
index c88424aa..8f079b63 100644
--- a/hypercoast/hypercoast.py
+++ b/hypercoast/hypercoast.py
@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
 import leafmap
+from .emit import read_emit, plot_emit, viz_emit, emit_to_netcdf, emit_to_image
 class Map(leafmap.Map):
     def __init__(self, **kwargs):
diff --git a/mkdocs.yml b/mkdocs.yml
index 399f864d..9c969b07 100644
--- a/mkdocs.yml
+++ b/mkdocs.yml
@@ -82,5 +82,6 @@ nav:
     - Examples:
           - examples/intro.ipynb
     - API Reference:
-          - hypercoast module: hypercoast.md
           - common module: common.md
+          - emit module: emit.md
+          - hypercoast module: hypercoast.md
diff --git a/pyproject-codespell.precommit-toml b/pyproject-codespell.precommit-toml
index cfde1a65..643e04d1 100644
--- a/pyproject-codespell.precommit-toml
+++ b/pyproject-codespell.precommit-toml
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
 ignore-words-list = "aci,acount,acounts,fallow,ges,hart,hist,nd,ned,ois,wqs,watermask,tre"
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index 2c15a196..ee29c52d 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -1,2 +1,7 @@