diff --git a/collect-earth/collect-earth-app/src/main/resources/org/openforis/collect/earth/app/view/Messages_en.properties b/collect-earth/collect-earth-app/src/main/resources/org/openforis/collect/earth/app/view/Messages_en.properties
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3ce9622fe0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collect-earth/collect-earth-app/src/main/resources/org/openforis/collect/earth/app/view/Messages_en.properties
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+AboutDialog.19=A problem occurred
+AboutDialog.5=For more information visit our website OpenForis.org
+AboutDialog.6=Sorry, a problem occurred while trying to open this link in your system's standard browser.
+CollectEarthMenu.0=Import CEP file
+CollectEarthMenu.3=Divide large CSV plot files
+CollectEarthMenu.4=Export data to XML (from specific date until present)
+CollectEarthMenu.5=Export to Collect Backup
+CollectEarthMenu.6=Export data as Collect Backup (all data)
+CollectEarthMenu.7=Export data as Collect Backup (from date)
+CollectEarthMenu.8=Export data to XML (using summary attribute)
+CollectEarthWindow.0=Error when attempting to export data to CSV file
+CollectEarthWindow.13=Download data to CSV (Excel)
+CollectEarthWindow.14=Start SAIKU Analysis
+CollectEarthWindow.18=Find missing plots in database
+CollectEarthWindow.19=Collect Earth
+CollectEarthWindow.1=Export error
+CollectEarthWindow.20=Number of duplicated records\:
+CollectEarthWindow.21=Could not find icon for main frame
+CollectEarthWindow.22=Are you sure that you want to close Collect Earth?
Closing the window will also close the Collect Earth server
+CollectEarthWindow.23=Confirmation needed
+CollectEarthWindow.24=XML Export
+CollectEarthWindow.25=Do you want to add these records anyway and lose your current data?
+CollectEarthWindow.28=Open Foris Collect Earth server should be running while the operator interprets data.
+CollectEarthWindow.29=The Saiku Server is not configured.
+CollectEarthWindow.30=Please maintain this window open while you are using Google Earth.
+CollectEarthWindow.31=Export collected data to CSV file
+CollectEarthWindow.33=The operator name has to be longer than 5 characters and shorter than 50
+CollectEarthWindow.34=Validation error
+CollectEarthWindow.35=OPERATOR NAME EMPTY\!
Please fill the operator name and press the "Update" button.
+CollectEarthWindow.36=Operator name cannot be empty
+CollectEarthWindow.37=Keep Open
+CollectEarthWindow.38=CSV files
+CollectEarthWindow.39=NOTICE\: It is advisable that you back-up your current data (Export to XML) before importing the new data
+CollectEarthWindow.3=\ Import error
+CollectEarthWindow.40=Set-up the path to the folder where Saiku Server is installed in the Tools->Properties->Advanced tab.
+CollectEarthWindow.41=Saving exported data to file\:
+CollectEarthWindow.43=Conflicting records found
+CollectEarthWindow.44=Data Import/Export
+CollectEarthWindow.45=Export data to XML (compressed)
+CollectEarthWindow.46=Import new data from ZIP (compressed XML)
+CollectEarthWindow.47=Saiku Server not configured
+CollectEarthWindow.48=Zip/collect-data files
+CollectEarthWindow.49=Fusion CSV files
+CollectEarthWindow.4=FAO Disclaimer notices
+CollectEarthWindow.50=Open User Manual
+CollectEarthWindow.51=Check for updates of Collect Earth
+CollectEarthWindow.52=Open Application Log File
+CollectEarthWindow.53=Collect Earth Log file
+CollectEarthWindow.54=Load points from KML
+CollectEarthWindow.55=Update current records using CSV
+CollectEarthWindow.57=The Saiku starter process is still running, please wait.
+CollectEarthWindow.58=Cannot start Saiku analysis
+CollectEarthWindow.59=Do you want to re-generate the dataset for the Saiku analysis?
This process can be time-consuming.
If you click on "YES" a new dataset with the latest information will be generated.
+CollectEarthWindow.60=Saiku data generation
+CollectEarthWindow.61=Export data to XML (modified records since last export)
+CollectEarthWindow.63=Error getting the points from KML
+CollectEarthWindow.64=Technical Support
+CollectEarthWindow.65=The operator name has been changed
+CollectEarthWindow.66=Operator name
+CollectEarthWindow.67=Open data folder
+CollectEarthWindow.6=Export to Fusion Table
+CollectEarthWindow.70=Open the Survey Guide
+CollectEarthWindow.71=Generate Stand-Alone Saiku tool
+CollectEarthWindow.7=Error when importing data
+CollectEarthWindow.8=Disclaimer text could not be found
+CollectEarthWindow.9=The data imported contains records that are already present on your database.
+DynamicsCode.0=Initially Forest
+DynamicsCode.1=Initially Grassland
+DynamicsCode.2=Initially Settlement
+DynamicsCode.3=Initially Otherland
+DynamicsCode.4=Initially Wetland
+DynamicsCode.5=Initially Cropland
+EarthApp.11=Collect Earth is already running
+EarthApp.21=The file containing the grid of plots as a CSV/CED is not found in the selected path \:
+EarthApp.23=No CSV/CED file has been set-up \:
+EarthApp.24=The file containing the Freemarker template with the KML definition is not found in the selected path \:
+EarthApp.26=No KML definition file has been set-up \:
+EarthApp.27=The file containing the HTML balloon form is not found in the selected path \:
+EarthApp.29=No HTML balloon file has been set-up \:
+EarthApp.30=Please correct the file location in the Tools->Properties menu.
+EarthApp.3=Remind me later
+EarthApp.4=Update Now
+EarthApp.57=There is a new version of Collect Earth available\!
How do you want to proceed?
+EarthApp.58=Update alert
+EarthApp.59=Error when importing project file
+EarthApp.5=Do not remind me again
+EarthApp.61=The Collect Earth file could not be open.
Please make sure that Google Earth is installed.
+EarthApp.6=\ - Version
+EarthApp.71=In Mac OS X the Collect Earth project files (*.cep) will not open in Collect Earth when they are double-clicked.
+EarthApp.72=Use the Collect Earth toolbar to open the .cep files \:
+EarthApp.73=Collect Earth issues in Mac OS X computers
+EarthSurveyService.9=Field required
+ExportActionListener.1=Pick Date to Export Records From
+ExportDialogProcessMonitor.0=Processing data...
+ExportDialogProcessMonitor.1=Waiting to initialize process \:
+ExportDialogProcessMonitor.4=Exported records \:
+ImportActionListener.0=Should the data for plots that have not been completely filled be imported?
+ImportActionListener.2=If you click NO only the data from plots in the "green" state, containing all data, will be imported.
+ImportActionListener.3=Import non-finished records
+ImportDialogProcessMonitor.0=\ CALCULATING
+ImportDialogProcessMonitor.11=Initial number of records \:
+ImportDialogProcessMonitor.2=Importing records...
+ImportDialogProcessMonitor.5=Actual number of imported records \:
+ImportDialogProcessMonitor.8=Processing data...
+ImportProcessMonitorDialog.0=Imported records \:
+ImportXMLDialogProcessMonitor.1 = Overwrite data
+ImportXMLDialogProcessMonitor.2 = Import only non-conflicting plots
+InfiniteProgressMonitor.0=Cancel operation
+JFileChooserExistsAware.0=Collect Earth Project file
+KmlImportService.13=Select a CSV file to save the plot locations to
+MissingPlotsListener.0=Error while getting information about plots not present on the Database
+MissingPlotsListener.10=Total number of plots in the sampling design \:
+MissingPlotsListener.12=Number of missing plots \:
+MissingPlotsListener.14=All the plots are filled\!
+MissingPlotsListener.1=Missing plots
+MissingPlotsListener.2=Copy contents to clipboard
+MissingPlotsListener.3=Pick the files that contain plot information ( .csv or .ced files ) for which you want to know if all data has been filled.
+MissingPlotsListener.4=Missing plots - information
+MissingPlotsListener.5=From file \:
+MissingPlotsListener.6=Export to CED file
+NO_TO_ALL=No to all
+OpenTextFileListener.0=The text file was not found at \:
+OptionWizard.0=Collect Earth options
+OptionWizard.100=Open Planet imagery
+OptionWizard.101=Planet API key
+OptionWizard.1021=URL SecureWatch
+OptionWizard.102=Open Maxar SecureWatch
+OptionWizard.103=Set URL for Extra Map (opens when set) \:
+OptionWizard.105=Open Earth Map
+OptionWizard.110=Use NICFI provided Monthly imagery
+OptionWizard.10=Open backup folder
+OptionWizard.11=Unknown\: use ifconfig
+OptionWizard.12=Client Instance
+OptionWizard.13=Collect Earth Server IP
+OptionWizard.14=Collect Earth Server port (e.g. 8023)
+OptionWizard.15=Save & Apply changes
+OptionWizard.1=Choose Browser
+OptionWizard.20=The Google Earth contents have been changed.
Please accept the content reload when you are prompted by Google Earth.
+OptionWizard.21=Update successful
+OptionWizard.23=There was an error when re-opening the Google Earth data
+OptionWizard.25=Operation Mode
+OptionWizard.26=DB host
+OptionWizard.27=This is not a recognized Saiku Folder ( the start-saiku.bat file is not present)
+OptionWizard.28=Saiku Server not recognized
+OptionWizard.29=DB port
+OptionWizard.2=Workflow (server/client)
+OptionWizard.30=SQLite options
+OptionWizard.31=Sample data
+OptionWizard.32=Plot layout
+OptionWizard.33=Survey Definition
+OptionWizard.34=Integrated Services
+OptionWizard.35=Number of control points
+OptionWizard.36=Distance between control points (in meters)
+OptionWizard.37=Margin with plot border (in meters)
+OptionWizard.38=The CSV/CED file cannot be read correctly.
The file is expected to have a comma separated values like this \:
+OptionWizard.3=Server Instance
+OptionWizard.41=Load a new project file
+OptionWizard.42=Error when closing the CSV reader
+OptionWizard.43=Name of survey
+OptionWizard.44=automatically back-up database at
+OptionWizard.45=Open Earth Engine Playground ( deprecated )
+OptionWizard.46=Open Earth Engine Timelapse
+OptionWizard.47=Open Bing Maps
+OptionWizard.48=Open form on a browser instead of Google Earth (recommended for LINUX)
+OptionWizard.49=Path to ced/csv file with plot data
+OptionWizard.4=Current computer IP \:
+OptionWizard.51=Error importing project file
+OptionWizard.52=CSV/CED file with only coordinates
+OptionWizard.53=No points
+OptionWizard.54=Central point
+OptionWizard.55=Error importing project folder
+OptionWizard.56=Load project
+OptionWizard.57=Previously loaded projects
+OptionWizard.58=Open GEE Code Editor (requires Trusted Tester access)
+OptionWizard.59=Open Here Maps focused on the plot
+OptionWizard.5=Collect Earth Server port\:
+OptionWizard.65=Path to Saiku folder
+OptionWizard.67=Path to Firefox executable
+OptionWizard.6=PostgreSQL DB parameters
+OptionWizard.70=Executable files
+OptionWizard.72=Binary files
+OptionWizard.73=Path to Chrome executable
+OptionWizard.76=Executable files
+OptionWizard.78=Binary files
+OptionWizard.79=Path to KML Freemarker template
+OptionWizard.7=User Name
+OptionWizard.82=Freemarker template
+OptionWizard.83=Path to HTML Balloon form design
+OptionWizard.86=HTML webpage
+OptionWizard.87=Path to XML with IDM definition
+OptionWizard.90=XML IDM definition
+OptionWizard.91=Server (manager version or stand-alone use)
+OptionWizard.92=Client (operator/connected to server)
+OptionWizard.93=SQLite (Embedded/single file based)
+OptionWizard.95=Side of the sampling dots (in meters)
+OptionWizard.9=DB Name
+ProcessMonitorDialog.1=Parsing error on row number
+ProcessMonitorDialog.4=, columns
+ProcessMonitorDialog.5=\ -- values
+SaikuAnalysisListener.0=Yes - Refresh Saiku data (long process)
+SaikuAnalysisListener.1=No - Use same version of the data as last time Saiku was used
+SaikuStarter.1=Starting Saiku
+SaikuStarter.2=Starting Saiku can take some minutes, please wait\!
+SaikuToolExportListener.1=Saiku Tool generation
+SaikuToolExportListener.2=Generating Saiku Tool with current database
+SaveEarthDataServlet.0=Empty request
+SaveEarthDataServlet.1=Problem occurred while saving data to the database
+SaveEarthDataServlet.2=The data was saved
+SlopeCode.0=Flat (0-5)
+YES_TO_ALL=Yes to all
+GenerateDatabaseStarter.1=Preparing for analysis
+GenerateDatabaseStarter.2=Generating Relational Database
+IPCCGeneratorListener.1=Waiting for process to complete\!
+IPCCGeneratorListener.2=The IPCC GHGi compatible data is being generated
+IPCCGeneratorListener.3=Refresh the data (update with latest from Collect Earth)
+IPCCGeneratorListener.4=Use the latest generated database (fastest process - no update)
+IPCCGeneratorListener.5=GHGi Database generation
+IPCCGeneratorListener.6=Do you want to re-generate the dataset for the Saiku analysis?
This process can be time-consuming but it is necessary if the Collect Earth data has been updated since the last time.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/collect-earth/collect-earth-app/src/main/resources/org/openforis/collect/earth/app/view/Messages_es.properties b/collect-earth/collect-earth-app/src/main/resources/org/openforis/collect/earth/app/view/Messages_es.properties
index dc10055cfb..991c6c1799 100644
--- a/collect-earth/collect-earth-app/src/main/resources/org/openforis/collect/earth/app/view/Messages_es.properties
+++ b/collect-earth/collect-earth-app/src/main/resources/org/openforis/collect/earth/app/view/Messages_es.properties
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
AboutDialog.19=Problemas al abrir
-AboutDialog.5=Para mas informacion visite nuestra web OpenForis.org
+AboutDialog.5=Para mas informacion visite nuestra web OpenForis.org
AboutDialog.6=Lo sentimos, hemos tenido un problema al intentar abrir el link en su navegador standard.
@@ -16,26 +16,26 @@ CollectEarthMenu.3=Dividir archivos de parcelas CSV grandes
CollectEarthMenu.4=Exportar datos a XML (desde una fecha especifica hasta este momento)
CollectEarthMenu.5=Exportar a Collect Backup
CollectEarthMenu.6=Exportar datos como Collect Backup (todos los datos)
-CollectEarthMenu.7=Exportar datos como Collect Backup (desde fecha)
CollectEarthMenu.7=Exportar datos como Collect Backup (filtrar por atributo )
+CollectEarthMenu.8=Export data to XML (using summary attribute)
CollectEarthWindow.0=Error al intentar exportar los datos a un archivo CSV
CollectEarthWindow.13=Descargar datos a CSV (Excel)
-CollectEarthWindow.14=Comenzar an醠isis con Saiku
+CollectEarthWindow.14=Comenzar an谩lisis con Saiku
CollectEarthWindow.18=Encontrar parcelas ausentes de la Base de Datos
CollectEarthWindow.19=Collect Earth
CollectEarthWindow.1=Error al exportar
-CollectEarthWindow.20=N鷐ero de registros repetidos:
+CollectEarthWindow.20=N煤mero de registros repetidos\:
CollectEarthWindow.21=No se pudo encontrar el icono de la ventana principal
-CollectEarthWindow.22=縎eguro que quieres cerrar Collect Earth?
El servidor de Collect Earth terminara al cerrar la ventana
-CollectEarthWindow.23=Necesita confirmaci髇
+CollectEarthWindow.22=驴Seguro que quieres cerrar Collect Earth?
El servidor de Collect Earth terminara al cerrar la ventana
+CollectEarthWindow.23=Necesita confirmaci贸n
CollectEarthWindow.24=Exportar a XML
-CollectEarthWindow.25=縌uiere importar estos registros de todas formas y perder sus datos actuales?
+CollectEarthWindow.25=驴Quiere importar estos registros de todas formas y perder sus datos actuales?
CollectEarthWindow.28=El servidor Open Foris Collect Earth debe estar en funcionamiento mientras el operador esta realizando su trabajo.
@@ -45,15 +45,15 @@ CollectEarthWindow.30=Por favor, mantenga esta ventana abierta mientras este uti
CollectEarthWindow.31=Exportar los datos como archivos CSV
CollectEarthWindow.33=El nombre del operador ha de ser mas largo que cinco caracteres y mas corto que 50
-CollectEarthWindow.34=Error de validaci髇
-CollectEarthWindow.35=!NOMBRE DEL OPERADOR VACIO\!
Rellene el campo del nombre del operador y presione el bot髇 de "Actualizar".
-CollectEarthWindow.36=El nombre del operador no puede estar vac韔
+CollectEarthWindow.34=Error de validaci贸n
+CollectEarthWindow.35=\!NOMBRE DEL OPERADOR VACIO\!
Rellene el campo del nombre del operador y presione el bot贸n de "Actualizar".
+CollectEarthWindow.36=El nombre del operador no puede estar vac铆o
CollectEarthWindow.37=Conservar abierto
CollectEarthWindow.38=Archivos CSV
-CollectEarthWindow.39=ATENCION: Recomendamos que guarde una copia de seguridad de sus datos actuales (exp髍telos a XML) antes de importar los nuevos datos.
+CollectEarthWindow.39=ATENCION\: Recomendamos que guarde una copia de seguridad de sus datos actuales (exp贸rtelos a XML) antes de importar los nuevos datos.
CollectEarthWindow.3=\ Error al importar datos
CollectEarthWindow.40=Configure la ruta a la carpeta donde el servidor Saiku ha sido instalado en Herramientas->Propiedades->Avanzadas.
-CollectEarthWindow.41=Guardando los datos en el archivo:
+CollectEarthWindow.41=Guardando los datos en el archivo\:
CollectEarthWindow.43=Detectados registros repetidos
CollectEarthWindow.44=Importar/Exportar datos
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ CollectEarthWindow.46=Importar nuevos datos desde ZIP (XML comprimidos)
CollectEarthWindow.47=Servidor Saiku no configurado
CollectEarthWindow.48=Archivos zip/collect-data
CollectEarthWindow.49=Archivos Fusion CSV
-CollectEarthWindow.4=Exenci髇 de responsabilidad de FAO
+CollectEarthWindow.4=Exenci贸n de responsabilidad de FAO
CollectEarthWindow.50=Abrir Manual de Usuario
CollectEarthWindow.51=Comprobar si hay actualizaciones de Collect Earth
CollectEarthWindow.52=Abrir el archivo de registo de la aplicacion
@@ -72,9 +72,9 @@ CollectEarthWindow.55=Actualizar datos ya registrados desde CSV
CollectEarthWindow.56=Mas informacion...
CollectEarthWindow.57=El proceso para comenzar Saiku esta ejecutandose todavia, espere unos minutos.
CollectEarthWindow.58=No se pudo iniciar el analisis con Saiku
-CollectEarthWindow.59=縌uiere volver a generar los datos para el analisis de Saiku?
Este proceso puede tomar varios minutos.
Si hace click en "SI" los datos mas actuales seran generados.
+CollectEarthWindow.59=驴Quiere volver a generar los datos para el analisis de Saiku?
Este proceso puede tomar varios minutos.
Si hace click en "SI" los datos mas actuales seran generados.
-CollectEarthWindow.60=Generaci髇 de datos para Saiku
+CollectEarthWindow.60=Generaci贸n de datos para Saiku
CollectEarthWindow.61=Exportar a XML (solo los registros anadidos/modificados)
CollectEarthWindow.62=Mas informacion..
CollectEarthWindow.63=Error leyendo los puntos desde el KML
@@ -86,21 +86,21 @@ CollectEarthWindow.6=Exportar datos a Fusion Table
CollectEarthWindow.70=Abrir el manual de esta encuesta
CollectEarthWindow.71=Generar herramienta Saiku independiente
CollectEarthWindow.7=Error al importar los datos
-CollectEarthWindow.8=No se pudo encontrar el testo de exenci髇 de responsabilidad
-CollectEarthWindow.9=Los datos importados contienen registros que ya est醤 presentes en su base de datos
+CollectEarthWindow.8=No se pudo encontrar el testo de exenci贸n de responsabilidad
+CollectEarthWindow.9=Los datos importados contienen registros que ya est谩n presentes en su base de datos
DynamicsCode.0=Inicialmente Bosque
DynamicsCode.1=Inicialmente Pastizal
DynamicsCode.2=Inicialmente Asentamiento
DynamicsCode.3=Inicialmente Otras tierras
DynamicsCode.4=Inicialmente Humedal
DynamicsCode.5=Inicialmente Cultivo
-EarthApp.11=Collect Earth ya est ejecutandose
-EarthApp.21=El archivo CSV/CED que contiene el dise駉 de la malla de puntos no se encuentra en la ruta seleccionada :
-EarthApp.23=No se ha configurado ningun archivo de puntos CSV/CED :
-EarthApp.24=El archivo que contiene la plantilla de Freemarker con la definicion del KML no se encuntra en la ruta seleccionada :
-EarthApp.26=No se ha configurado ninguna archivo con la definicion del KML :
-EarthApp.27=El archivo que contiene el formulario del pop-up en HTMl no se ha encontrado en la ruta seleccionada :
-EarthApp.29=No se ha configurado ningun HTML de configuracion del pop-up :
+EarthApp.11=Collect Earth ya est谩 ejecutandose
+EarthApp.21=El archivo CSV/CED que contiene el dise帽o de la malla de puntos no se encuentra en la ruta seleccionada \:
+EarthApp.23=No se ha configurado ningun archivo de puntos CSV/CED \:
+EarthApp.24=El archivo que contiene la plantilla de Freemarker con la definicion del KML no se encuntra en la ruta seleccionada \:
+EarthApp.26=No se ha configurado ninguna archivo con la definicion del KML \:
+EarthApp.27=El archivo que contiene el formulario del pop-up en HTMl no se ha encontrado en la ruta seleccionada \:
+EarthApp.29=No se ha configurado ningun HTML de configuracion del pop-up \:
EarthApp.30=Corrija la localizacion del archivo a traves del menu Herramientas->Propiedades.
EarthApp.3=Recordarme mas tarde
EarthApp.4=Actualizar Ahora
@@ -112,52 +112,51 @@ EarthApp.61=El archivo KMZ generado por Collect Earth no se pudo abrir.
-EarthApp.72=Utiliza la barra de herramientas de Collect Earth para abrir lo archivos .cep :
+EarthApp.72=Utiliza la barra de herramientas de Collect Earth para abrir lo archivos .cep \:
EarthApp.73=Collect Earth en ordenadores Mac OS X
EarthSurveyService.9=Campo necesario
-EarthSurveyService.9=Campo necesario
ExportActionListener.1=Elija la fecha desde la que exportar los datos
ExportDialogProcessMonitor.0=Procesando datos...
-ExportDialogProcessMonitor.1=Esperando a la inicializacion del exportador :
-ExportDialogProcessMonitor.4=Registros exportados :
-ImportActionListener.0=縌uiere importar los datos de las parcelas que no han sido completamente rellenadas?
-ImportActionListener.2=Si hace click en NO se importar醤 solo los datos de las parcelas en el estado completo (verde)".
+ExportDialogProcessMonitor.1=Esperando a la inicializacion del exportador \:
+ExportDialogProcessMonitor.4=Registros exportados \:
+ImportActionListener.0=驴Quiere importar los datos de las parcelas que no han sido completamente rellenadas?
+ImportActionListener.2=Si hace click en NO se importar谩n solo los datos de las parcelas en el estado completo (verde)".
ImportActionListener.3=Importar registros incompletos
ImportDialogProcessMonitor.0=\ CALCULANDO
-ImportDialogProcessMonitor.11=Cifra inicial the registros :
+ImportDialogProcessMonitor.11=Cifra inicial the registros \:
ImportDialogProcessMonitor.2=Importando registros...
-ImportDialogProcessMonitor.5=Cifra final de registros importados :
+ImportDialogProcessMonitor.5=Cifra final de registros importados \:
ImportDialogProcessMonitor.8=Procesando datos...
-ImportProcessMonitorDialog.0=Registros importados :
+ImportProcessMonitorDialog.0=Registros importados \:
ImportXMLDialogProcessMonitor.1 = Sobreescrivir las parcelas en BBDD
ImportXMLDialogProcessMonitor.2 = Importar solo parcelas sin conflictos
-InfiniteProgressMonitor.0=Cancelar operaci髇
+InfiniteProgressMonitor.0=Cancelar operaci贸n
JFileChooserExistsAware.0=Archivo de proyecto Collect Earth
KmlImportService.13=Seleccionar archivo CSV donde guardar las posiciones de las parcelas
-MissingPlotsListener.0=Error cuando se estaba obteniendo informaci髇 de las parcelas ausentes de la base de datos
-MissingPlotsListener.10=Numero total de parcelas en el dise駉 de la muestra :
-MissingPlotsListener.12=Numero de parcelas que faltan :
+MissingPlotsListener.0=Error cuando se estaba obteniendo informaci贸n de las parcelas ausentes de la base de datos
+MissingPlotsListener.10=Numero total de parcelas en el dise帽o de la muestra \:
+MissingPlotsListener.12=Numero de parcelas que faltan \:
MissingPlotsListener.14=Todas las parcelas han sido rellenadas\!
MissingPlotsListener.1=Parcelas que faltan
MissingPlotsListener.2=Copiar contenidos
MissingPlotsListener.3=Elija los archivos que contienen informacion sobre las parcelas ( archivos .csv o .ced ) para los que desea averiguar si todos los datos se han rellenado.
-MissingPlotsListener.4=Parcelas ausentes \u2013 informacion
-MissingPlotsListener.5=Del archivo :
+MissingPlotsListener.4=Parcelas ausentes 鈥 informacion
+MissingPlotsListener.5=Del archivo \:
MissingPlotsListener.6=Exportar a archivo CED
NO_TO_ALL=No a todo
-OpenTextFileListener.0=El archivo de texto no ha sido encontrado en :
+OpenTextFileListener.0=El archivo de texto no ha sido encontrado en \:
OptionWizard.0=Opciones de Collect Earth
OptionWizard.100=Abrir Planet
OptionWizard.101=Llave de la API de Planet
OptionWizard.1021=URL SecureWatch
OptionWizard.102=Abrir Maxar SecureWatch (necesario tener licencia)
-OptionWizard.103=Configurar la URL para el Mapa Extra (se abre cuando esta configurada) :
+OptionWizard.103=Configurar la URL para el Mapa Extra (se abre cuando esta configurada) \:
OptionWizard.105=Abrir Earth Map
OptionWizard.110=Usar las imagenes mensuales de NICFI
OptionWizard.10=Abrir carpeta de copias de seguridad
-OptionWizard.11=Desconocido: usar ipconfig
+OptionWizard.11=Desconocido\: usar ipconfig
OptionWizard.12=Instancia cliente
OptionWizard.13=Collect Earth Server IP
OptionWizard.14=Collect Earth Server puerto (e.g. 8023)
@@ -165,14 +164,14 @@ OptionWizard.15=Guardar & aplicar cambios
OptionWizard.1=Elija navegador
OptionWizard.20=Los contenidos de Google Earth han cambiado.
Acepte la recarga del contenido cuando Google Earth le pregunte.
-OptionWizard.21=Actualizado con 閤ito
+OptionWizard.21=Actualizado con 茅xito
OptionWizard.23=Hubo un error al reabrir los datos en Google Earth
-OptionWizard.25=Modo de operaci髇
+OptionWizard.25=Modo de operaci贸n
OptionWizard.26=BBDD servidor
OptionWizard.27=Esta no es una carpeta de un servido Saiku ( el archivo start-saiku.bat no esta presente)
OptionWizard.28=Servidor Saiku no reconocible
@@ -180,13 +179,13 @@ OptionWizard.29=BBDD puerto
OptionWizard.2=Tipo de uso (servidor/cliente)
OptionWizard.30=Opciones SQLite
OptionWizard.31=Datos de muestra
-OptionWizard.32=Dise駉 de parcela
-OptionWizard.33=Definici髇 de la encuesta
+OptionWizard.32=Dise帽o de parcela
+OptionWizard.33=Definici贸n de la encuesta
OptionWizard.34=Servicios integrados
-OptionWizard.35=N鷐ero de puntos de control
+OptionWizard.35=N煤mero de puntos de control
OptionWizard.36=Distancia entre los puntos de control (en metros)
OptionWizard.37=Margen con el borde de la parcela (en metros)
-OptionWizard.38=El archivo CSV/CED no pudo leerse correctamente.
El formato del archivo de valores separados por comas ha de ser como este :
+OptionWizard.38=El archivo CSV/CED no pudo leerse correctamente.
El formato del archivo de valores separados por comas ha de ser como este \:
@@ -199,7 +198,7 @@ OptionWizard.46=Abrir Google Earth Engine Timelapse
OptionWizard.47=Abrir Bing Maps
OptionWizard.48=Abrir encuesta en un navegador externo en lugar de Google Earth (recomendado para LINUX)
OptionWizard.49=Ruta del archivo ced/csv con las coordenadas de las parcelas
-OptionWizard.4=IP de este ordenador:
+OptionWizard.4=IP de este ordenador\:
OptionWizard.51=Error al importar el archivos del proyecto
OptionWizard.52=Archivo CSV/CED con coordenadas
@@ -210,13 +209,12 @@ OptionWizard.56=Cargar proyecto
OptionWizard.57=Proyectos ya cargados
OptionWizard.58=Abrir GEE Code Editor (requiere accesso como Trusted Tester)
OptionWizard.59=Abrir Here Maps
-OptionWizard.59=Abrir Here Maps
-OptionWizard.5=Collect Earth Server puerto:
+OptionWizard.5=Collect Earth Server puerto\:
OptionWizard.65=Ruta para la carpeta de Saiku
OptionWizard.67=Ruta del ejecutable de Firefox
-OptionWizard.6=Par醡etros BD PostgreSQL
+OptionWizard.6=Par谩metros BD PostgreSQL
OptionWizard.70=Archivos ejecutables
OptionWizard.72=Archivos binarios
OptionWizard.73=Ruta del ejecutable de Chrome
@@ -230,13 +228,13 @@ OptionWizard.82=Plantilla Freemarker
OptionWizard.83=Ruta al formulario HTML
OptionWizard.86=Pagina web HTML
-OptionWizard.87=Ruta al XML con la definici髇 del IDM
+OptionWizard.87=Ruta al XML con la definici贸n del IDM
-OptionWizard.90=Definici髇 XML IDM
-OptionWizard.91=Servidor (versi髇 para el gerente o para uso aut髇omo)
+OptionWizard.90=Definici贸n XML IDM
+OptionWizard.91=Servidor (versi贸n para el gerente o para uso aut贸nomo)
OptionWizard.92=Cliente (operador/conectado al servidor)
-OptionWizard.93=SQLite (Embebida/basada en un 鷑ico archivo)
+OptionWizard.93=SQLite (Embebida/basada en un 煤nico archivo)
OptionWizard.95=Lado del punto de sampleo (en metros)
OptionWizard.9=Nombre de la Base de Datos
@@ -244,14 +242,24 @@ ProcessMonitorDialog.1=Error de interpretacion en la fila
ProcessMonitorDialog.4=, columnas
ProcessMonitorDialog.5=\ -- valores
SaikuAnalysisListener.0=Si - Actualizar datos de Saiku (proceso de larga duracion)
-SaikuAnalysisListener.1=No - Usar los mismos datos de la ultima vez que se us Saiku
+SaikuAnalysisListener.1=No - Usar los mismos datos de la ultima vez que se us贸 Saiku
SaikuStarter.1=Iniciando Saiku
SaikuStarter.2=Iniciar Saiku puede tomar varios minutos, espere por favor.\!
-SaikuToolExportListener.1=Generaci髇 herramienta Saiku
+SaikuToolExportListener.1=Generaci贸n herramienta Saiku
SaikuToolExportListener.2=Generando la herramienta Saiku que incluye la base de datos
SaveEarthDataServlet.0=Sin datos
SaveEarthDataServlet.1=Problemas al guardar los datos en la Base de Datos
SaveEarthDataServlet.2=Los datos se han guardado
SlopeCode.0=Llano (0-5)
-YES_TO_ALL=Si a todo
\ No newline at end of file
+YES_TO_ALL=Si a todo
+GenerateDatabaseStarter.1=Preparing for analysis
+GenerateDatabaseStarter.2=Generating Relational Database
+IPCCGeneratorListener.1=Waiting for process to complete\!
+IPCCGeneratorListener.2=The IPCC GHGi compatible data is being generated
+IPCCGeneratorListener.3=Refresh the data (update with latest from Collect Earth)
+IPCCGeneratorListener.4=Use the latest generated database (fastest process - no update)
+IPCCGeneratorListener.5=GHGi Database generation
+IPCCGeneratorListener.6=Do you want to re-generate the dataset for the Saiku analysis?
This process can be time-consuming but it is necessary if the Collect Earth data has been updated since the last time.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/collect-earth/collect-earth-app/src/main/resources/org/openforis/collect/earth/app/view/Messages_fr.properties b/collect-earth/collect-earth-app/src/main/resources/org/openforis/collect/earth/app/view/Messages_fr.properties
index 8c7333e0bf..b843ab7909 100644
--- a/collect-earth/collect-earth-app/src/main/resources/org/openforis/collect/earth/app/view/Messages_fr.properties
+++ b/collect-earth/collect-earth-app/src/main/resources/org/openforis/collect/earth/app/view/Messages_fr.properties
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-AboutDialog.19=UN probl鑝e est apparu
-AboutDialog.5=Pour plus d\u2019infos, visitez notre site web OpenForis.org
-AboutDialog.6=D閟ol, il y a eu un probl鑝e lors de l\u2019ouverture du lien avec votre navigateur par d閒aut.
+AboutDialog.19=UN probl猫me est apparu
+AboutDialog.5=Pour plus d鈥檌nfos, visitez notre site web OpenForis.org
+AboutDialog.6=D茅sol茅, il y a eu un probl猫me lors de l鈥檕uverture du lien avec votre navigateur par d茅faut.
@@ -13,151 +13,150 @@ AspectCode.7=Nord-Ouest
CollectEarthMenu.0=Importe le fichier .CEP
CollectEarthMenu.3=Divise un large tableau CSV en plusieurs parties
-CollectEarthMenu.4=Exporte les donn閑s en XML ( partir d'une date pr閏ise jusqu' aujourd'hui)
+CollectEarthMenu.4=Exporte les donn茅es en XML (脿 partir d'une date pr茅cise jusqu'脿 aujourd'hui)
CollectEarthMenu.5=Exporte sur la sauvegarde Collect Backup
-CollectEarthMenu.6=Exporte les donn閑s en tant que sauvegarde Collect Backup (toutes les donn閑s)
-CollectEarthMenu.7=Exporte les donn閑s en tant que sauvegarde Collect Backup ( partir de)
-CollectEarthMenu.8=Exporte les donn閑s en XML (filtrer par attribut)
-CollectEarthWindow.0=Erreur pendant l'exportation des donn閑s en csv
+CollectEarthMenu.6=Exporte les donn茅es en tant que sauvegarde Collect Backup (toutes les donn茅es)
+CollectEarthMenu.7=Exporte les donn茅es en tant que sauvegarde Collect Backup (脿 partir de)
+CollectEarthMenu.8=Exporte les donn茅es en XML (filtrer par attribut)
+CollectEarthWindow.0=Erreur pendant l'exportation des donn茅es en csv
-CollectEarthWindow.13=T閘閏harger les donn閑s en CSV (Excel)
-CollectEarthWindow.14=D閙arrer l'analyse avec Sa飇u
+CollectEarthWindow.13=T茅l茅charger les donn茅es en CSV (Excel)
+CollectEarthWindow.14=D茅marrer l'analyse avec Sa茂ku
-CollectEarthWindow.18=Trouver les placettes manquantes dans la base de donn閑s
+CollectEarthWindow.18=Trouver les placettes manquantes dans la base de donn茅es
CollectEarthWindow.19=Collect Earth
CollectEarthWindow.1=Erreur d'exportation
-CollectEarthWindow.20=Nombre d'enregistrements dupliqu閟
-CollectEarthWindow.21=Ic鬾e non trouv閑
-CollectEarthWindow.22= 蕋es-vous s鹯 de vouloir fermer CollectEarth
Fermer cette fen阾re fermera aussi le serveur
+CollectEarthWindow.20=Nombre d'enregistrements dupliqu茅s
+CollectEarthWindow.21=Ic么ne non trouv茅e
+CollectEarthWindow.22= 脢tes-vous s没r de vouloir fermer CollectEarth
Fermer cette fen锚tre fermera aussi le serveur
CollectEarthWindow.23=Confirmation requise
CollectEarthWindow.24=Exporter en XML
-CollectEarthWindow.25=Voulez-vous ajouter tout de m阭e ces donn閑s et perdre vos enregistrements?
+CollectEarthWindow.25=Voulez-vous ajouter tout de m锚me ces donn茅es et perdre vos enregistrements?
-CollectEarthWindow.28=Le serveur devrait 阾re d閙arr pour la saisie des donn閑s par les utilisateurs.
-CollectEarthWindow.29=Le serveur Saiku n'est pas configur.
+CollectEarthWindow.28=Le serveur devrait 锚tre d茅marr茅 pour la saisie des donn茅es par les utilisateurs.
+CollectEarthWindow.29=Le serveur Saiku n'est pas configur茅.
-CollectEarthWindow.30=Veuillez garder cette fen阾re active pendant que vous utilisez Google Earth
-CollectEarthWindow.31=Exporter les donn閑s collect閑s en CSV
+CollectEarthWindow.30=Veuillez garder cette fen锚tre active pendant que vous utilisez Google Earth
+CollectEarthWindow.31=Exporter les donn茅es collect茅es en CSV
-CollectEarthWindow.33=Le nom de l'utilisateur doit comprendre entre 5 et 50 caract鑢es
+CollectEarthWindow.33=Le nom de l'utilisateur doit comprendre entre 5 et 50 caract猫res
CollectEarthWindow.34=Erreur de validation
-CollectEarthWindow.35= NOM DE L'UTILISATEUR VIDE\!
Veuillez renseigner le champs et Appuyer sur \"Mise jour\"
-CollectEarthWindow.36=Le nom de l'utilisateur ne peut pas 阾re vide
+CollectEarthWindow.35= NOM DE L'UTILISATEUR VIDE\!
Veuillez renseigner le champs et Appuyer sur "Mise 脿 jour"
+CollectEarthWindow.36=Le nom de l'utilisateur ne peut pas 锚tre vide
CollectEarthWindow.37=Laisser ouvert
CollectEarthWindow.38=Fichiers CSV
-CollectEarthWindow.39=NOTE : Il est conseill de sauvegarder vos donn閑s (export en XML) avant d'importer de nouvelles donn閑s
+CollectEarthWindow.39=NOTE \: Il est conseill茅 de sauvegarder vos donn茅es (export en XML) avant d'importer de nouvelles donn茅es
CollectEarthWindow.3=\ Erreur pendant l'importation
-CollectEarthWindow.40=Renseigner le chemin jusqu'au serveur Saiku dans /Outils/Propri閠閟/Avanc.
-CollectEarthWindow.41=Sauvegarde des donn閑s export閑s dans le fichier:
+CollectEarthWindow.40=Renseigner le chemin jusqu'au serveur Saiku dans /Outils/Propri茅t茅s/Avanc茅.
+CollectEarthWindow.41=Sauvegarde des donn茅es export茅es dans le fichier\:
-CollectEarthWindow.43=Enregistrements conflictuels trouv閟
-CollectEarthWindow.44=Importer/Exporter les donn閑s
-CollectEarthWindow.45=Exporter les donn閑s en XML (zipp)
-CollectEarthWindow.46=Importer de nouvelles donn閑s depuis ZIP (XML zipp)
-CollectEarthWindow.47=Le serveur Saiku n'est pas configur
+CollectEarthWindow.43=Enregistrements conflictuels trouv茅s
+CollectEarthWindow.44=Importer/Exporter les donn茅es
+CollectEarthWindow.45=Exporter les donn茅es en XML (zipp茅)
+CollectEarthWindow.46=Importer de nouvelles donn茅es depuis ZIP (XML zipp茅)
+CollectEarthWindow.47=Le serveur Saiku n'est pas configur茅
CollectEarthWindow.48=Fichier zip/collect-data
CollectEarthWindow.49=Fusion des fichiers CSV
-CollectEarthWindow.4=Clause de non-responsabilit de la FAO
+CollectEarthWindow.4=Clause de non-responsabilit茅 de la FAO
CollectEarthWindow.50=Ouvrir le manuel utilisateur
-CollectEarthWindow.51=V閞ifier les mises jour des Collect Earth
+CollectEarthWindow.51=V茅rifier les mises 脿 jour des Collect Earth
CollectEarthWindow.52=Fichier de logs Open Application
CollectEarthWindow.53=Fichier de logs Collect Earth
CollectEarthWindow.54=Charger les points de KML
-CollectEarthWindow.55=Mettre jour les enregistrements en utilisant un fichier CSV
+CollectEarthWindow.55=Mettre 脿 jour les enregistrements en utilisant un fichier CSV
CollectEarthWindow.56=A propos...
-CollectEarthWindow.57=Le processus de d閙arrage de Sa飇u est en cours, veuillez patienter
-CollectEarthWindow.58=Impossible de d閙arrer l'analyse avec Sa飇u
-CollectEarthWindow.59=Voulez-vous r間閚閞er le jeu de donn閑s?
Cela peut prendre du temps.
Cliquer sur oui pour r間閚閞er un nouveau jeu de donn閑s avec les derni鑢es informations
+CollectEarthWindow.57=Le processus de d茅marrage de Sa茂ku est en cours, veuillez patienter
+CollectEarthWindow.58=Impossible de d茅marrer l'analyse avec Sa茂ku
+CollectEarthWindow.59=Voulez-vous r茅g茅n茅rer le jeu de donn茅es?
Cela peut prendre du temps.
Cliquer sur oui pour r茅g茅n茅rer un nouveau jeu de donn茅es avec les derni猫res informations
-CollectEarthWindow.60=G閚閞ation des donn閑s Sa飇u
-CollectEarthWindow.61=Exporter en XML (uniquement les enregistrements modifi閟/ajout閟)
-CollectEarthWindow.62=A propos\u2026
-CollectEarthWindow.63=Erreur en acc閐ant aux points de KML
+CollectEarthWindow.60=G茅n茅ration des donn茅es Sa茂ku
+CollectEarthWindow.61=Exporter en XML (uniquement les enregistrements modifi茅s/ajout茅s)
+CollectEarthWindow.62=A propos鈥
+CollectEarthWindow.63=Erreur en acc茅dant aux points de KML
CollectEarthWindow.64=Assistance technique
-CollectEarthWindow.65=Le nom de l'op閞ateur a 閠 chang
-CollectEarthWindow.66=Nom de l'op閞ateur
-CollectEarthWindow.67=Ouvrir le dossier de donn閑s de CE
+CollectEarthWindow.65=Le nom de l'op茅rateur a 茅t茅 chang茅
+CollectEarthWindow.66=Nom de l'op茅rateur
+CollectEarthWindow.67=Ouvrir le dossier de donn茅es de CE
CollectEarthWindow.6=Exporter en Table de Fusion
-CollectEarthWindow.70=Ouvrez le manuel de cette enqu阾e
-CollectEarthWindow.71=G閚閞er un outil Saiku autonome
-CollectEarthWindow.7=Erreur pendant l'importation des donn閑s
+CollectEarthWindow.70=Ouvrez le manuel de cette enqu锚te
+CollectEarthWindow.71=G茅n茅rer un outil Saiku autonome
+CollectEarthWindow.7=Erreur pendant l'importation des donn茅es
CollectEarthWindow.8=Le texte est introuvable
-CollectEarthWindow.9=Les donn閑s import閑s contiennent des redondances avec celles pr閟entes dans la base
-DynamicsCode.0= Terre Foresti鑢e initialement
-DynamicsCode.1= Prairie initialement
-DynamicsCode.2= Etablissement initialement
-DynamicsCode.3= Autre terre initialement
-DynamicsCode.4= Terre humide initialement
-DynamicsCode.5= Terre cultiv閑 initialement
-EarthApp.11=Collect Earth est d閖 en cours d\u2019ex閏ution
-EarthApp.21=Le fichier CSV/CED contenant les points est introuvable :
-EarthApp.23=Aucun fichier CSV/CED sp閏ifi :
-EarthApp.24=Le fichier contenant le mod鑜e de d閒inition KML est introuvable :
-EarthApp.26=Aucun mod鑜e de d閒inition sp閏ifi:
-EarthApp.27=Le fichier contenant le ballon HTML est introuvable :
-EarthApp.29=Aucun ballon HTML sp閏ifi :
-EarthApp.30=Veuillez corriger le chemin d\u2019acc鑣 dans le menu Outils -> Propri閠閟.
+CollectEarthWindow.9=Les donn茅es import茅es contiennent des redondances avec celles pr茅sentes dans la base
+DynamicsCode.0=Terre Foresti猫re initialement
+DynamicsCode.1=Prairie initialement
+DynamicsCode.2=Etablissement initialement
+DynamicsCode.3=Autre terre initialement
+DynamicsCode.4=Terre humide initialement
+DynamicsCode.5=Terre cultiv茅e initialement
+EarthApp.11=Collect Earth est d茅j脿 en cours d鈥檈x茅cution
+EarthApp.21=Le fichier CSV/CED contenant les points est introuvable \:
+EarthApp.23=Aucun fichier CSV/CED sp茅cifi茅 \:
+EarthApp.24=Le fichier contenant le mod猫le de d茅finition KML est introuvable \:
+EarthApp.26=Aucun mod猫le de d茅finition sp茅cifi茅\:
+EarthApp.27=Le fichier contenant le ballon HTML est introuvable \:
+EarthApp.29=Aucun ballon HTML sp茅cifi茅 \:
+EarthApp.30=Veuillez corriger le chemin d鈥檃cc猫s dans le menu Outils -> Propri茅t茅s.
EarthApp.3=Rappelez le moi plus tard
EarthApp.4=Mettre a jour maintenant
-EarthApp.57= Une nouvelle version de Collect Earth est disponible\! Utiliser le Menu
-EarthApp.58=Alerte de mise jour
-EarthApp.59=Erreur pendant l\u2019importation du fichier
+EarthApp.57=Une nouvelle version de Collect Earth est disponible\! Utiliser le Menu
+EarthApp.58=Alerte de mise 脿 jour
+EarthApp.59=Erreur pendant l鈥檌mportation du fichier
EarthApp.5=Ne me le rappelez plus
-EarthApp.61=Le fichier Collect Earth est introuvable br/>Veuillez-vous assurer que Google Earth est install.
+EarthApp.61=Le fichier Collect Earth est introuvable br/>Veuillez-vous assurer que Google Earth est install茅.
EarthApp.6=\ - Version
-EarthApp.71=Sous Mac OS X, les fichiers de projet Collect Earth (* .cep) ne s'ouvriront pas dans Collect Earth lorsqu'ils sont double-cliqu閟.
-EarthApp.72=Utilisez la barre d'outils Collect Earth pour ouvrir les fichiers .cep :
-EarthApp.73=Collect Earth - probl鑝es sur les ordinateurs Mac OS X
+EarthApp.71=Sous Mac OS X, les fichiers de projet Collect Earth (* .cep) ne s'ouvriront pas dans Collect Earth lorsqu'ils sont double-cliqu茅s.
+EarthApp.72=Utilisez la barre d'outils Collect Earth pour ouvrir les fichiers .cep \:
+EarthApp.73=Collect Earth - probl猫mes sur les ordinateurs Mac OS X
EarthSurveyService.9=Champs requis
-EarthSurveyService.9=Champs requis
-ExportActionListener.1=Choisir la date pour les donn閑s exporter
-ExportDialogProcessMonitor.0=Chargement des donn閑s...
+ExportActionListener.1=Choisir la date pour les donn茅es 脿 exporter
+ExportDialogProcessMonitor.0=Chargement des donn茅es...
ExportDialogProcessMonitor.1=Attente d'initialisation de l'export
-ExportDialogProcessMonitor.4=Enregistrements export閟 :
-ImportActionListener.0=Est-ce que les donn閑s pour les placettes qui ne sont pas compl鑤es doivent 阾re import閑s ?
-ImportActionListener.2=Si vous cliquez sur NO, seulement les donn閑s provenant des placettes avec la marque verte , qui contiennent toutes les donn閑s, seront import閑s
+ExportDialogProcessMonitor.4=Enregistrements export茅s \:
+ImportActionListener.0=Est-ce que les donn茅es pour les placettes qui ne sont pas compl猫tes doivent 锚tre import茅es ?
+ImportActionListener.2=Si vous cliquez sur NO, seulement les donn茅es provenant des placettes avec la marque 芦 verte 禄, qui contiennent toutes les donn茅es, seront import茅es
ImportActionListener.3=Importer les enregistrements incomplets
ImportDialogProcessMonitor.0=Calcul en cours
-ImportDialogProcessMonitor.11=Nombre initial d' enregistrements :
+ImportDialogProcessMonitor.11=Nombre initial d' enregistrements \:
ImportDialogProcessMonitor.2=Chargement des enregistrements...
-ImportDialogProcessMonitor.5=Nombre r閑l d'enregistrements import閟:
-ImportDialogProcessMonitor.8=Chargement des donn閑s...
-ImportProcessMonitorDialog.0=Enregistrements import閟 :
-ImportXMLDialogProcessMonitor.1 = 蒫raser les donn閑s dans la base de donn閑s
+ImportDialogProcessMonitor.5=Nombre r茅el d'enregistrements import茅s\:
+ImportDialogProcessMonitor.8=Chargement des donn茅es...
+ImportProcessMonitorDialog.0=Enregistrements import茅s \:
+ImportXMLDialogProcessMonitor.1 = 脡craser les donn茅es dans la base de donn茅es
ImportXMLDialogProcessMonitor.2 = Importer uniquement des enregistrements non conflictuels
-InfiniteProgressMonitor.0=Annuler l\u2019op閞ation
+InfiniteProgressMonitor.0=Annuler l鈥檕p茅ration
JFileChooserExistsAware.0=Fichier projet Collect Earth
-KmlImportService.13=S閘ectionnez un fichier CSV pour enregistrer les emplacements des parcelles
-MissingPlotsListener.0=Erreur au cours de l\u2019enregistrement des placettes absentes de la base de donn閑s
-MissingPlotsListener.10=Nombre total de parcelles dans le plan d'閏hantillonnage :
-MissingPlotsListener.12=Nombre de parcelles manquantes :
+KmlImportService.13=S茅lectionnez un fichier CSV pour enregistrer les emplacements des parcelles
+MissingPlotsListener.0=Erreur au cours de l鈥檈nregistrement des placettes absentes de la base de donn茅es
+MissingPlotsListener.10=Nombre total de parcelles dans le plan d'茅chantillonnage \:
+MissingPlotsListener.12=Nombre de parcelles manquantes \:
MissingPlotsListener.14=Toutes les parcelles sont remplis\!
MissingPlotsListener.1=Placettes manquantes
MissingPlotsListener.2=Copier le contenu sur le clipboard
-MissingPlotsListener.3=Choisir les fichiers qui contiennent les informations des placettes (.csv ou .ced) pour lesquelles vous voulez savoir si toues les placettes ont 閠 renseign閑s
-MissingPlotsListener.4=Placettes manquantes \u2013 Information
-MissingPlotsListener.5=Depuis le fichier :
+MissingPlotsListener.3=Choisir les fichiers qui contiennent les informations des placettes (.csv ou .ced) pour lesquelles vous voulez savoir si toues les placettes ont 茅t茅 renseign茅es
+MissingPlotsListener.4=Placettes manquantes 鈥 Information
+MissingPlotsListener.5=Depuis le fichier \:
MissingPlotsListener.6=Exporter en CED
-NO_TO_ALL=Non tous
-OpenTextFileListener.0=Le fichier texte n'a pas 閠 trouv dans :
+NO_TO_ALL=Non 脿 tous
+OpenTextFileListener.0=Le fichier texte n'a pas 茅t茅 trouv茅 dans \:
OptionWizard.0=Options Collect Earth
OptionWizard.100=Ouvrir Planet
-OptionWizard.101=Cl API Planet
+OptionWizard.101=Cl茅 API Planet
OptionWizard.1021=URL SecureWatch
OptionWizard.102=Ouvrir Maxar SecureWatch
-OptionWizard.103=D閒inir le URL pour le Carte Extra (ouvre quand il est r間l) :
+OptionWizard.103=D茅finir le URL pour le Carte Extra (ouvre quand il est r茅gl茅) \:
OptionWizard.105=Ouvrir Earth Map
OptionWizard.110=Utiliser les images mensuelles fournies par NICFI
OptionWizard.10=Montrer les fichiers de sauvegarde
-OptionWizard.11=Inconnu : utiliser ifconfig
+OptionWizard.11=Inconnu \: utiliser ifconfig
OptionWizard.12=Instance client
OptionWizard.13=IP Serveur de Collect Earth
OptionWizard.14=Port Serveur de Collect Earth (e.g. 8023)
@@ -167,90 +166,100 @@ OptionWizard.17=Coord-X
OptionWizard.1=Choisir un navigateur
-OptionWizard.20= Le contenu de Google Earth a chang
Veuillez accepter la mise jour quand GE le demande
-OptionWizard.21=Mise jour r閡ssie
+OptionWizard.20= Le contenu de Google Earth a chang茅
Veuillez accepter la mise 脿 jour quand GE le demande
+OptionWizard.21=Mise 脿 jour r茅ussie
-OptionWizard.23=Il y a eu une erreur pendant la r閛uverture de Google Earth
+OptionWizard.23=Il y a eu une erreur pendant la r茅ouverture de Google Earth
-OptionWizard.25=Mode op閞ation
-OptionWizard.26=H魌e pour la BDD
+OptionWizard.25=Mode op茅ration
+OptionWizard.26=H么te pour la BDD
OptionWizard.27=Le dossier n'est pas valide (il manque le fichier start-saiku.bat)
OptionWizard.28=Le dossier Saiku n'est pas reconnu
OptionWizard.29=Port pour la BDD
OptionWizard.2=Flux (serveur/client)
OptionWizard.30=Options SQLite
-OptionWizard.31=Points d'閏hantillonnage
+OptionWizard.31=Points d'茅chantillonnage
OptionWizard.32=Configuration de la parcelle
-OptionWizard.33=D閒inition de l'enqu阾e
-OptionWizard.34=Services int間r閟
-OptionWizard.35=Nombre de points de contr鬺e
-OptionWizard.36=Distance entre les points de contr鬺e (en m鑤res)
-OptionWizard.37=Distance au bord de la parcelle (en m鑤res)
-OptionWizard.38=Le Fichier CSV/CED ne peut pas 阾re lu
Le fichier devrait avoir des valeurs s閜ar閑s par des virgules comme ceci :
-OptionWizard.39=ID,Coordonn閑_Y, Coordonn閑_X,altitude,pente,orientation
+OptionWizard.33=D茅finition de l'enqu锚te
+OptionWizard.34=Services int茅gr茅s
+OptionWizard.35=Nombre de points de contr么le
+OptionWizard.36=Distance entre les points de contr么le (en m猫tres)
+OptionWizard.37=Distance au bord de la parcelle (en m猫tres)
+OptionWizard.38=Le Fichier CSV/CED ne peut pas 锚tre lu
Le fichier devrait avoir des valeurs s茅par茅es par des virgules comme ceci \:
+OptionWizard.39=ID,Coordonn茅e_Y, Coordonn茅e_X,altitude,pente,orientation
OptionWizard.3=Instance serveur
OptionWizard.41=Charger un nouveau fichier projet
OptionWizard.42=Erreur pendant la fermeture du lecteur CSV
-OptionWizard.43=Nom de l'enqu阾e
+OptionWizard.43=Nom de l'enqu锚te
OptionWizard.44=Sauvegarder automatiquement la base dans
-OptionWizard.45=Ouvrir Earth Engine Playground (obsol鑤e)
+OptionWizard.45=Ouvrir Earth Engine Playground (obsol猫te)
OptionWizard.46=Ouvrir le Timelapse de Google Earth Engine
OptionWizard.47=Ouvrir Bing Maps
-OptionWizard.48=Ouvrir le formulaire dans un navigateur plut魌 que dans GE (recommand pour Linux)
-OptionWizard.49=Chemin jusqu'au fichier ced/csv avec les donn閑s des parcelles
+OptionWizard.48=Ouvrir le formulaire dans un navigateur plut么t que dans GE (recommand茅 pour Linux)
+OptionWizard.49=Chemin jusqu'au fichier ced/csv avec les donn茅es des parcelles
OptionWizard.4=IP actuelle de l'ordinateur
OptionWizard.51=Erreur pendant l'importation du fichier
-OptionWizard.52=Fichier CSV/CED uniquement avec des coordonn閑s
+OptionWizard.52=Fichier CSV/CED uniquement avec des coordonn茅es
OptionWizard.53=Pas de points
OptionWizard.54=Point central
OptionWizard.55=Erreur pendant l'importation du dossier projet
OptionWizard.56=Charger le projet
-OptionWizard.57=Projets charg閟 pr閏edemment
-OptionWizard.58=Ouvrir GEE Code Editor (n閏essite un acc鑣 restreint Trusted Tester)
+OptionWizard.57=Projets charg茅s pr茅cedemment
+OptionWizard.58=Ouvrir GEE Code Editor (n茅cessite un acc猫s restreint Trusted Tester)
OptionWizard.59=Ouvrir Here Maps
-OptionWizard.5=Port Serveur Collect Earth :
+OptionWizard.5=Port Serveur Collect Earth \:
OptionWizard.65=Chemin jusqu'au serveur Saiku
-OptionWizard.67=Chemin jusqu' Firefox
+OptionWizard.67=Chemin jusqu'脿 Firefox
-OptionWizard.6=Param鑤res de la BD PostGreSQL
-OptionWizard.70=Fichiers ex閏utables
+OptionWizard.6=Param猫tres de la BD PostGreSQL
+OptionWizard.70=Fichiers ex茅cutables
OptionWizard.72=Fichiers binaires
-OptionWizard.73=Chemin jusqu' Chrome
+OptionWizard.73=Chemin jusqu'脿 Chrome
-OptionWizard.76=Fichiers ex閏utables
+OptionWizard.76=Fichiers ex茅cutables
OptionWizard.78=Fichiers binaires
-OptionWizard.79=Chemin jusqu'au mod鑜e Freemarker KML
+OptionWizard.79=Chemin jusqu'au mod猫le Freemarker KML
OptionWizard.7=Nom d'utilisateur
-OptionWizard.82=Mod鑜e Freemarker
+OptionWizard.82=Mod猫le Freemarker
OptionWizard.83=Chemin jusqu'au Ballon HTML
OptionWizard.86=Page web HTML
-OptionWizard.87=Chemin jusqu'au fichier XML contenant la d閒inition IDM
+OptionWizard.87=Chemin jusqu'au fichier XML contenant la d茅finition IDM
OptionWizard.8=Mot de passe
-OptionWizard.90=D閒inition IDM XML
+OptionWizard.90=D茅finition IDM XML
OptionWizard.91=Serveur (version gestionnaire ou autonome)
-OptionWizard.92=Client (op閞ateur/connect au serveur)
-OptionWizard.93=SQLite (Fichier int間r / Unique)
+OptionWizard.92=Client (op茅rateur/connect茅 au serveur)
+OptionWizard.93=SQLite (Fichier int茅gr茅 / Unique)
-OptionWizard.95=C魌 des points d'閏hantillonnage (en m鑤res)
+OptionWizard.95=C么t茅 des points d'茅chantillonnage (en m猫tres)
OptionWizard.9=Nom de la base
-ProcessMonitorDialog.1=Erreur d\u2019interpr閠ation sur num閞o de rang閑
+ProcessMonitorDialog.1=Erreur d鈥檌nterpr茅tation sur num茅ro de rang茅e
ProcessMonitorDialog.4=, colonnes
ProcessMonitorDialog.5=\ -- valeures
-SaikuAnalysisListener.0=Oui - Rafraichir les donn閑s Saiku (processus long)
-SaikuAnalysisListener.1=Non - Utiliser la m阭e version des donn閑s que la derni鑢e fois que Saiku a 閠 utilis
-SaikuToolExportListener.1=G閚閞ation de l'outil Saiku
-SaikuToolExportListener.2=G閚閞ation de l'outil Saiku avec la base de donn閑s actuelle
-SaikuStarter.1=D閙arrer Sa飇u
-SaikuStarter.2=D閙arrer Sa飇u peut prendre plusieurs minutes, veuillez patienter\!
-SaveEarthDataServlet.0=Requ阾e vide
-SaveEarthDataServlet.1=Probl鑝e lors de la sauvegarde de la base de donn閑s
-SaveEarthDataServlet.2=Les donn閑s ont 閠 sauv閑s
+SaikuAnalysisListener.0=Oui - Rafraichir les donn茅es Saiku (processus long)
+SaikuAnalysisListener.1=Non - Utiliser la m锚me version des donn茅es que la derni猫re fois que Saiku a 茅t茅 utilis茅
+SaikuStarter.1=D茅marrer Sa茂ku
+SaikuStarter.2=D茅marrer Sa茂ku peut prendre plusieurs minutes, veuillez patienter\!
+SaikuToolExportListener.1=G茅n茅ration de l'outil Saiku
+SaikuToolExportListener.2=G茅n茅ration de l'outil Saiku avec la base de donn茅es actuelle
+SaveEarthDataServlet.0=Requ锚te vide
+SaveEarthDataServlet.1=Probl猫me lors de la sauvegarde de la base de donn茅es
+SaveEarthDataServlet.2=Les donn茅es ont 茅t茅 sauv茅es
SlopeCode.0=Plan (0-5)
-YES_TO_ALL=Oui tous
\ No newline at end of file
+YES_TO_ALL=Oui 脿 tous
+GenerateDatabaseStarter.1=Preparing for analysis
+GenerateDatabaseStarter.2=Generating Relational Database
+IPCCGeneratorListener.1=Waiting for process to complete\!
+IPCCGeneratorListener.2=The IPCC GHGi compatible data is being generated
+IPCCGeneratorListener.3=Refresh the data (update with latest from Collect Earth)
+IPCCGeneratorListener.4=Use the latest generated database (fastest process - no update)
+IPCCGeneratorListener.5=GHGi Database generation
+IPCCGeneratorListener.6=Do you want to re-generate the dataset for the Saiku analysis?
This process can be time-consuming but it is necessary if the Collect Earth data has been updated since the last time.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/collect-earth/collect-earth-app/src/main/resources/org/openforis/collect/earth/app/view/Messages_pt.properties b/collect-earth/collect-earth-app/src/main/resources/org/openforis/collect/earth/app/view/Messages_pt.properties
index 5aae94366d..ba0947a25c 100644
--- a/collect-earth/collect-earth-app/src/main/resources/org/openforis/collect/earth/app/view/Messages_pt.properties
+++ b/collect-earth/collect-earth-app/src/main/resources/org/openforis/collect/earth/app/view/Messages_pt.properties
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
AboutDialog.19=Ocorreu um problema
-AboutDialog.5=Para mais informa珲es visite nosso site OpenForis.org
-AboutDialog.6=Desculpe, um problema ocorreu ao tentar abrir esse link no seu navegador padr鉶.
+AboutDialog.5=Para mais informa莽玫es visite nosso site OpenForis.org
+AboutDialog.6=Desculpe, um problema ocorreu ao tentar abrir esse link no seu navegador padr茫o.
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ AspectCode.7=Noroeste
CollectEarthMenu.0=Importar Arquivo CEP
CollectEarthMenu.3=Separar arquivo CSV em partes
-CollectEarthMenu.4=Exportar dados para XML (da data espec韋ica at o tempo presente)
+CollectEarthMenu.4=Exportar dados para XML (da data espec铆fica at茅 o tempo presente)
CollectEarthMenu.5=Exportar para Collect Backup
CollectEarthMenu.6=Exportar dados como Collect Backup (todos os dados)
CollectEarthMenu.7=Exportar dados como Collect Backup (a partir de uma data)
@@ -23,62 +23,62 @@ CollectEarthWindow.10=Arquivo
CollectEarthWindow.13=Baixar dados para CSV (Excel)
-CollectEarthWindow.14=Iniciar An醠ise SAIKU
+CollectEarthWindow.14=Iniciar An谩lise SAIKU
CollectEarthWindow.18=Encontrar parcelas ausentes em banco de dados
CollectEarthWindow.19=Collect Earth
CollectEarthWindow.1=Erro ao exportar
-CollectEarthWindow.20=N鷐ero de registros duplicados:
-CollectEarthWindow.21=N鉶 foi poss韛el encontrar o 韈one para a janela principal
-CollectEarthWindow.22=Tem certeza de querer fechar Collect Earth?
Ao fechar a janela ser fechada tamb閙 o servidor de Collect Earth
-CollectEarthWindow.23=Confirma玢o requerida
+CollectEarthWindow.20=N煤mero de registros duplicados\:
+CollectEarthWindow.21=N茫o foi poss铆vel encontrar o 铆cone para a janela principal
+CollectEarthWindow.22=Tem certeza de querer fechar Collect Earth?
Ao fechar a janela ser谩 fechada tamb茅m o servidor de Collect Earth
+CollectEarthWindow.23=Confirma莽茫o requerida
CollectEarthWindow.24=Exportar a XML
CollectEarthWindow.25=Quer importar estes registros de qualquer maneira e perder o seus dados atuais?
-CollectEarthWindow.28=O servidor Open Foris Collect Earth deve estar em execu玢o enquanto o operador interprete os dados.
-CollectEarthWindow.29=O servidor Saiku n鉶 est configurado.
+CollectEarthWindow.28=O servidor Open Foris Collect Earth deve estar em execu莽茫o enquanto o operador interprete os dados.
+CollectEarthWindow.29=O servidor Saiku n茫o est谩 configurado.
CollectEarthWindow.30=Por favor mantenha esta janela aberta enquanto estiver usando o Google Earth.
CollectEarthWindow.31=Exportar os dados coletados para um arquivo CSV
CollectEarthWindow.33=O nome do operador deve ser maior de que 5 caracteres e mais curto do que 50
-CollectEarthWindow.34= Erro de Valida玢o
-CollectEarthWindow.35=NOME DO OPERADOR VAZIO\!
Preencha o nome do operador e clique no bot鉶 "Atualizar".
-CollectEarthWindow.36=Nome do operador n鉶 pode estar vazio
+CollectEarthWindow.34=Erro de Valida莽茫o
+CollectEarthWindow.35=NOME DO OPERADOR VAZIO\!
Preencha o nome do operador e clique no bot茫o "Atualizar".
+CollectEarthWindow.36=Nome do operador n茫o pode estar vazio
CollectEarthWindow.37=Permanecer Aberto
CollectEarthWindow.38=Arquivos de CSV
-CollectEarthWindow.39=AVISO:Se recomenda de fazer um back-up dos seus dados atuais(Exportar para XML) antes de importar os novos dados
+CollectEarthWindow.39=AVISO\:Se recomenda de fazer um back-up dos seus dados atuais(Exportar para XML) antes de importar os novos dados
CollectEarthWindow.3=\ Erro ao importar dados.
-CollectEarthWindow.40=Configurar caminho para o arquivo onde o Servidor Saiku se encontra instalado em Ferramentas->Propiedades->Avan鏰do.
-CollectEarthWindow.41=Guardar dados exportados para o arquivo:
+CollectEarthWindow.40=Configurar caminho para o arquivo onde o Servidor Saiku se encontra instalado em Ferramentas->Propiedades->Avan莽ado.
+CollectEarthWindow.41=Guardar dados exportados para o arquivo\:
CollectEarthWindow.43=Registros repetidos detectados
CollectEarthWindow.45=Exportar dados para XML (comprimidos)
CollectEarthWindow.46=Importar novos dados do ZIP (XML comprimidos)
-CollectEarthWindow.47=Servidor Saiku n鉶 configurado
+CollectEarthWindow.47=Servidor Saiku n茫o configurado
CollectEarthWindow.48=Arquivos ZIP
CollectEarthWindow.49=Arquivos Fusion CSV
-CollectEarthWindow.4=Isen玢o de responsabilidade da FAO
-CollectEarthWindow.50=Abrir Manual de Usu醨io
-CollectEarthWindow.51=Verificar atualiza珲es de Collect Earth
-CollectEarthWindow.52=Abrir Arquivo de Registro da aplica玢o
+CollectEarthWindow.4=Isen莽茫o de responsabilidade da FAO
+CollectEarthWindow.50=Abrir Manual de Usu谩rio
+CollectEarthWindow.51=Verificar atualiza莽玫es de Collect Earth
+CollectEarthWindow.52=Abrir Arquivo de Registro da aplica莽茫o
CollectEarthWindow.53=Arquivo de Registro de Collect Earth
CollectEarthWindow.54=Carregar pontos de KML
CollectEarthWindow.55=Atualizar registros atuais usando CSV
-CollectEarthWindow.57=O processo de arranque de Saiku ainda est em execu玢o, por favor aguarde.
-CollectEarthWindow.58=N鉶 poss韛el iniciar a an醠ise com Saiku
-CollectEarthWindow.59=Quer voltar a gerar o conjunto de dados para o an醠ise de Saiku?
Este processo pode demorar v醨ios minutos.
Se clicar em "SIM" um novo conjunto de dados com a mais recente informa玢o ser gerada.
+CollectEarthWindow.57=O processo de arranque de Saiku ainda est谩 em execu莽茫o, por favor aguarde.
+CollectEarthWindow.58=N茫o 茅 poss铆vel iniciar a an谩lise com Saiku
+CollectEarthWindow.59=Quer voltar a gerar o conjunto de dados para o an谩lise de Saiku?
Este processo pode demorar v谩rios minutos.
Se clicar em "SIM" um novo conjunto de dados com a mais recente informa莽茫o ser谩 gerada.
-CollectEarthWindow.60=Gera鏾 de dados para Saiku
+CollectEarthWindow.60=Gera莽o de dados para Saiku
CollectEarthWindow.61=Exportar dados para XML (apenas os registros adicionados/modificados)
CollectEarthWindow.63=Erro acessando pontos de KML
-CollectEarthWindow.64=Suporte T閏nico
+CollectEarthWindow.64=Suporte T茅cnico
CollectEarthWindow.65=O nome do operador foi alterado
CollectEarthWindow.66=Nome do operador
CollectEarthWindow.67=Abra a pasta de dados do CE
@@ -86,171 +86,180 @@ CollectEarthWindow.6=Exportar dados a Fusion Table
CollectEarthWindow.70=Abra o manuel desta pesquisa
CollectEarthWindow.71=Gerar ferramenta Saiku Independente
CollectEarthWindow.7=Erro ao importar os dados
-CollectEarthWindow.8=Texto de isen玢o n鉶 foi possivel de ser encontrado
-CollectEarthWindow.9=Os dados importados cont閙 registros que j est鉶 presentes no seu banco de dados.
+CollectEarthWindow.8=Texto de isen莽茫o n茫o foi possivel de ser encontrado
+CollectEarthWindow.9=Os dados importados cont茅m registros que j谩 est茫o presentes no seu banco de dados.
DynamicsCode.0=Inicialmente Floresta
-DynamicsCode.1=Inicialmente 羠ea de Pastagem
-DynamicsCode.2=Inicialmente 羠ea Urbana
+DynamicsCode.1=Inicialmente 脕rea de Pastagem
+DynamicsCode.2=Inicialmente 脕rea Urbana
DynamicsCode.3=Inicialmente Outros
-DynamicsCode.4=Inicialmente 羠ea Alagada
-DynamicsCode.5=Inicialmente 羠ea Agr韈ola
-EarthApp.11=Collect Earth j est em execu玢o
-EarthApp.21=O arquivo contendo o gride de pontos como CSV/CED n鉶 foi encontrado no caminho selecionado:
-EarthApp.23=Nenhum arquivo CSV/CED foi configurado :
-EarthApp.24=O arquivo contendo o modelo Freemarker com a defini玢o KML n鉶 foi encontrado no caminho selecionado :
-EarthApp.26=Nenhum arquivo de defini玢o KML foi configurado :
-EarthApp.27=O arquivo contendo o formato bal鉶 HTML n鉶 foi encontrado no caminho selecionado :
-EarthApp.29=Nenhum arquivo bal鉶 HTML foi configurado :
-EarthApp.30=Por favor corrija a localiza玢o do arquivo no menu Ferramentas->Propriedades.
+DynamicsCode.4=Inicialmente 脕rea Alagada
+DynamicsCode.5=Inicialmente 脕rea Agr铆cola
+EarthApp.11=Collect Earth j谩 est谩 em execu莽茫o
+EarthApp.21=O arquivo contendo o gride de pontos como CSV/CED n茫o foi encontrado no caminho selecionado\:
+EarthApp.23=Nenhum arquivo CSV/CED foi configurado \:
+EarthApp.24=O arquivo contendo o modelo Freemarker com a defini莽茫o KML n茫o foi encontrado no caminho selecionado \:
+EarthApp.26=Nenhum arquivo de defini莽茫o KML foi configurado \:
+EarthApp.27=O arquivo contendo o formato bal茫o HTML n茫o foi encontrado no caminho selecionado \:
+EarthApp.29=Nenhum arquivo bal茫o HTML foi configurado \:
+EarthApp.30=Por favor corrija a localiza莽茫o do arquivo no menu Ferramentas->Propriedades.
EarthApp.3=Lembrar mais tarde
EarthApp.4=Atualizar Agora
-EarthApp.57=Existe uma nova vers鉶 do Collect Earth dispon韛el!
Como gostaria de proceder?
-EarthApp.58=Alerta de Atualiza玢o
+EarthApp.57=Existe uma nova vers茫o do Collect Earth dispon铆vel\!
Como gostaria de proceder?
+EarthApp.58=Alerta de Atualiza莽茫o
EarthApp.59=Erro ao importar aquivo do projeto
-EarthApp.5=N鉶 me lembre novamente
-EarthApp.61=O arquivo do Collect Earth n鉶 p鬱e ser aberto.
Por favor certifique-se que Google Earth esteja instalado.
-EarthApp.6= - Vers鉶
+EarthApp.5=N茫o me lembre novamente
+EarthApp.61=O arquivo do Collect Earth n茫o p么de ser aberto.
Por favor certifique-se que Google Earth esteja instalado.
+EarthApp.6=- Vers茫o
-EarthApp.71=No Mac OS X, os arquivos do projeto Collect Earth (* .cep) n鉶 ser鉶 abertos no Collect Earth quando forem clicados duas vezes.
-EarthApp.72=Use a barra de ferramentas Collect Earth para abrir os arquivos .cep :
+EarthApp.71=No Mac OS X, os arquivos do projeto Collect Earth (* .cep) n茫o ser茫o abertos no Collect Earth quando forem clicados duas vezes.
+EarthApp.72=Use a barra de ferramentas Collect Earth para abrir os arquivos .cep \:
EarthApp.73=Collect Earth - problemas em computadores Mac OS X
-EarthSurveyService.9=Campo obrigat髍io
+EarthSurveyService.9=Campo obrigat贸rio
ExportActionListener.1=Escolha data a partir da qual queira exportar os dados
ExportDialogProcessMonitor.0=Processando os dados...
-ExportDialogProcessMonitor.1=Esperando de inicializar o processo :
-ExportDialogProcessMonitor.4=Registros exportados :
-ExportDialogProcessMonitor.4=Registros importados :
-ImportActionListener.0=Deseja importar os dados das parcelas que n鉶 tenham sido completamente preenchidos?
-ImportActionListener.2=Se clicar N肻u0192O apenas os dados das parcelas em estado completo ("verde"), ser鉶 importados.
+ExportDialogProcessMonitor.1=Esperando de inicializar o processo \:
+ExportDialogProcessMonitor.4=Registros importados \:
+ImportActionListener.0=Deseja importar os dados das parcelas que n茫o tenham sido completamente preenchidos?
+ImportActionListener.2=Se clicar N脙茠O apenas os dados das parcelas em estado completo ("verde"), ser茫o importados.
ImportActionListener.3=Importar registros incompletos
ImportDialogProcessMonitor.0=\ CALCULANDO
-ImportDialogProcessMonitor.11=Cifra inicial de registros :
+ImportDialogProcessMonitor.11=Cifra inicial de registros \:
ImportDialogProcessMonitor.2=Importando registros....
-ImportDialogProcessMonitor.5=Cifra final de registros importados :
+ImportDialogProcessMonitor.5=Cifra final de registros importados \:
ImportDialogProcessMonitor.8=Processando dados...
-ImportProcessMonitorDialog.0=Imported records :
+ImportProcessMonitorDialog.0=Imported records \:
ImportXMLDialogProcessMonitor.1 = Substitua dados no banco de dados
-ImportXMLDialogProcessMonitor.2 = Importe apenas registros n鉶 conflitantes
-InfiniteProgressMonitor.0=Cancelar opera玢o
+ImportXMLDialogProcessMonitor.2 = Importe apenas registros n茫o conflitantes
+InfiniteProgressMonitor.0=Cancelar opera莽茫o
JFileChooserExistsAware.0=Arquivo de projeto Collect Earth
-KmlImportService.13=Selecione um arquivo CSV para salvar a localiza玢o dos pontos
-MissingPlotsListener.0=Erro ao obter informa玢o sobre parcelas ausentes na Base de Dados
-MissingPlotsListener.10=N鷐ero total de ppontos no desenho de amostragem :
-MissingPlotsListener.12=N鷐ero de pontos perdidos :
-MissingPlotsListener.14=Todos os pontos foram preenchidos!
+KmlImportService.13=Selecione um arquivo CSV para salvar a localiza莽茫o dos pontos
+MissingPlotsListener.0=Erro ao obter informa莽茫o sobre parcelas ausentes na Base de Dados
+MissingPlotsListener.10=N煤mero total de ppontos no desenho de amostragem \:
+MissingPlotsListener.12=N煤mero de pontos perdidos \:
+MissingPlotsListener.14=Todos os pontos foram preenchidos\!
MissingPlotsListener.1=Parcelas ausentes
-MissingPlotsListener.2=Copiar conte鷇os
-MissingPlotsListener.3=Escolha os arquivos contendo informa玢o sobre as parcelas ( .csv or .ced files ) para os quais deseja saber se todos os dados foram preenchidos.
-MissingPlotsListener.4=Parcelas ausentes - informa玢o
-MissingPlotsListener.5=Do arquivo :
+MissingPlotsListener.2=Copiar conte煤dos
+MissingPlotsListener.3=Escolha os arquivos contendo informa莽茫o sobre as parcelas ( .csv or .ced files ) para os quais deseja saber se todos os dados foram preenchidos.
+MissingPlotsListener.4=Parcelas ausentes - informa莽茫o
+MissingPlotsListener.5=Do arquivo \:
MissingPlotsListener.6=Exportar para arquivo CED
-NO_TO_ALL=N鉶 para todos
-OpenTextFileListener.0=O arquivo de texto n鉶 foi encontrado em :
-OptionWizard.0=Op珲es do Collect Earth
+NO_TO_ALL=N茫o para todos
+OpenTextFileListener.0=O arquivo de texto n茫o foi encontrado em \:
+OptionWizard.0=Op莽玫es do Collect Earth
OptionWizard.100=Abrir Planet
OptionWizard.101=Llave da API do Planet
OptionWizard.1021=URL SecureWatch
OptionWizard.102=Abrir Maxar SecureWatch
-OptionWizard.103=Configure o URL para o Mapa Extra (abre quando configurado) :
+OptionWizard.103=Configure o URL para o Mapa Extra (abre quando configurado) \:
OptionWizard.105=Abrir Earth Map
OptionWizard.110=Use imagens mensais fornecidas pela NICFI
OptionWizard.10=Abrir arquivo de backup
-OptionWizard.11=Desconhecido: usar ifconfig
-OptionWizard.12=Cliente Inst鈔cia
+OptionWizard.11=Desconhecido\: usar ifconfig
+OptionWizard.12=Cliente Inst芒ncia
OptionWizard.13=Collect Earth Server IP
OptionWizard.14=Collect Earth Porta de Servidor (p.ex. 8023)
-OptionWizard.15=Guardar & Aplicar altera玢es
+OptionWizard.15=Guardar & Aplicar altera莽茫es
OptionWizard.1=Escolher Navegador
-OptionWizard.20= Os conte鷇os de Google Earth foram alterados.
Por favor aceite a regarga do conte鷇o uma vez que Google Earth lhe pergunte.
+OptionWizard.20= Os conte煤dos de Google Earth foram alterados.
Por favor aceite a regarga do conte煤do uma vez que Google Earth lhe pergunte.
OptionWizard.21=Atualizado com sucesso
OptionWizard.23=Houve um erro ao reabrir os dados de Google Earth
-OptionWizard.25=Modo de Opera玢o
+OptionWizard.25=Modo de Opera莽茫o
OptionWizard.26=BBDD servidor
-OptionWizard.27=Isto n鉶 um Arquivo Saiku reconhec韛el (o arquivo start-saiku.bat n鉶 se encontra presente)
-OptionWizard.28=Servidor Saiku n鉶 reconhec韛el
+OptionWizard.27=Isto n茫o 茅 um Arquivo Saiku reconhec铆vel (o arquivo start-saiku.bat n茫o se encontra presente)
+OptionWizard.28=Servidor Saiku n茫o reconhec铆vel
OptionWizard.29=BBDD porta
OptionWizard.2=Tipo de uso(servidor/cliente)
-OptionWizard.30=Op玢es SQLite
+OptionWizard.30=Op莽茫es SQLite
OptionWizard.31=Dados de amostra
-OptionWizard.32=Disposi玢o da Parcela
-OptionWizard.33=Defini鏾 de Question醨ios
-OptionWizard.34=Servi鏾s Integrados
-OptionWizard.35=N鷐ero de pontos de control
-OptionWizard.36=Dist鈔cia entre os pontos de control (em metros)
-OptionWizard.37=Margem com o per韒etro da parcela (em metros)
-OptionWizard.38=O arquivo CSV/CED n鉶 foi possivel ser lido corretamente.
O arquivo deve conter valores separados por v韗gulas do seguinte modo:
+OptionWizard.32=Disposi莽茫o da Parcela
+OptionWizard.33=Defini莽o de Question谩rios
+OptionWizard.34=Servi莽os Integrados
+OptionWizard.35=N煤mero de pontos de control
+OptionWizard.36=Dist芒ncia entre os pontos de control (em metros)
+OptionWizard.37=Margem com o per铆metro da parcela (em metros)
+OptionWizard.38=O arquivo CSV/CED n茫o foi possivel ser lido corretamente.
O arquivo deve conter valores separados por v铆rgulas do seguinte modo\:
OptionWizard.3=Servidor Instance
OptionWizard.41=Carregar um novo arquivo de projeto
OptionWizard.42=Erro ao fechar o leitor CSV
-OptionWizard.43=Nome do question醨io
+OptionWizard.43=Nome do question谩rio
OptionWizard.44=Realizar automaticamente backup do banco de dados em
OptionWizard.45=Abrir Earth Engine Playground (descontinuado)
OptionWizard.46=Abrir Earth Engine Timelapse
OptionWizard.47=Abrir Bing Maps
-OptionWizard.48=Abrir formul醨io em um navegador externo em vez de Google Earth (recomendado para LINUX)
+OptionWizard.48=Abrir formul谩rio em um navegador externo em vez de Google Earth (recomendado para LINUX)
OptionWizard.49=Caminho do arquivo CED/CSV com as coordenadas das parcelas
-OptionWizard.4=IP do computador atual:
+OptionWizard.4=IP do computador atual\:
OptionWizard.51=Erro ao importar os arquivos do projeto
-OptionWizard.52= Arquivo CSV/CED com coordinadas
+OptionWizard.52=Arquivo CSV/CED com coordinadas
OptionWizard.53=Sem pontos
OptionWizard.54=Ponto Central
-OptionWizard.55=Erro ao importar diret髍io do projeto
+OptionWizard.55=Erro ao importar diret贸rio do projeto
OptionWizard.56=Carregar projeto
OptionWizard.57=Projetos previamente carregados
OptionWizard.58=Abrir GEE Code Editor (requer acesso ao Trusted Tester)
OptionWizard.59=Abrir Here Maps focado no ponto
-OptionWizard.5= Collect Earth Servidor porto:
+OptionWizard.5=Collect Earth Servidor porto\:
OptionWizard.65=Caminho para arquivo Saiku
-OptionWizard.67=Caminho para o execut醰el do Firefox
+OptionWizard.67=Caminho para o execut谩vel do Firefox
-OptionWizard.6=Par鈓etros BD PostgreSQL
-OptionWizard.70=Arquivos execut醰eis
-OptionWizard.72=Arquivos bin醨ios
-OptionWizard.73=Caminho para o execut醰el do Chrome
+OptionWizard.6=Par芒metros BD PostgreSQL
+OptionWizard.70=Arquivos execut谩veis
+OptionWizard.72=Arquivos bin谩rios
+OptionWizard.73=Caminho para o execut谩vel do Chrome
-OptionWizard.76=Arquivos execut醰eis
+OptionWizard.76=Arquivos execut谩veis
OptionWizard.78=Arquivos binarios
-OptionWizard.79=Caminho para o padr鉶 de KML Freemarker
-OptionWizard.7=Nome de Usu醨io
+OptionWizard.79=Caminho para o padr茫o de KML Freemarker
+OptionWizard.7=Nome de Usu谩rio
-OptionWizard.82=Padr鉶 Freemarker
-OptionWizard.83=Caminho para formul醨io HTML Balloon
+OptionWizard.82=Padr茫o Freemarker
+OptionWizard.83=Caminho para formul谩rio HTML Balloon
OptionWizard.86=Pagina web HTML
-OptionWizard.87=Caminho para XML com defini玢o IDM
+OptionWizard.87=Caminho para XML com defini莽茫o IDM
-OptionWizard.90=Defini鏾 XML IDM
-OptionWizard.91=Servidor (vers鉶 para gerente ou uso aut鬾omo)
+OptionWizard.90=Defini莽o XML IDM
+OptionWizard.91=Servidor (vers茫o para gerente ou uso aut么nomo)
OptionWizard.92=Cliente (operador/conectado ao servidor)
-OptionWizard.93=SQLite (Embutido/com base em um 鷑ico arquivo)
+OptionWizard.93=SQLite (Embutido/com base em um 煤nico arquivo)
OptionWizard.95=Side of the sampling dots (in meters)
-OptionWizard.9= Nome da Base de Dados
-ProcessMonitorDialog.1=Erro de an醠ise na linha n鷐ero
+OptionWizard.9=Nome da Base de Dados
+ProcessMonitorDialog.1=Erro de an谩lise na linha n煤mero
ProcessMonitorDialog.4=, colunas
-ProcessMonitorDialog.5= -- valores
+ProcessMonitorDialog.5=-- valores
SaikuAnalysisListener.0=Sim - Atualizar dados Saiku (longo processo)
-SaikuAnalysisListener.1=N鉶 - Use a mesma vers鉶 dos dados da 鷏tima vez que o Saiku foi usado
-SaikuToolExportListener.1=Gera玢o da ferramenta Saiku
-SaikuToolExportListener.2=Gerando a Ferramenta Saiku com o banco de dados atual
+SaikuAnalysisListener.1=N茫o - Use a mesma vers茫o dos dados da 煤ltima vez que o Saiku foi usado
SaikuStarter.1=Iniciando Saiku
SaikuStarter.2=Iniciando Saiku pode demorar uns minutos, por favor aguarde\!
+SaikuToolExportListener.1=Gera莽茫o da ferramenta Saiku
+SaikuToolExportListener.2=Gerando a Ferramenta Saiku com o banco de dados atual
SaveEarthDataServlet.0=Sem dados
SaveEarthDataServlet.1=Problema ocorreu ao guardar os dados na Base de Dados
SaveEarthDataServlet.2=Os dados foram guardados
SlopeCode.0=Plano (0-5)
-YES_TO_ALL=Sim a todas
\ No newline at end of file
+YES_TO_ALL=Sim a todas
+GenerateDatabaseStarter.1=Preparing for analysis
+GenerateDatabaseStarter.2=Generating Relational Database
+IPCCGeneratorListener.1=Waiting for process to complete\!
+IPCCGeneratorListener.2=The IPCC GHGi compatible data is being generated
+IPCCGeneratorListener.3=Refresh the data (update with latest from Collect Earth)
+IPCCGeneratorListener.4=Use the latest generated database (fastest process - no update)
+IPCCGeneratorListener.5=GHGi Database generation
+IPCCGeneratorListener.6=Do you want to re-generate the dataset for the Saiku analysis?
This process can be time-consuming but it is necessary if the Collect Earth data has been updated since the last time.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/en/collect-earth/collect-earth-app/src/main/resorces/org/openforis/collect/earth/app/view/Messages_en.properties b/en/collect-earth/collect-earth-app/src/main/resorces/org/openforis/collect/earth/app/view/Messages_en.properties
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c75c432a82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/en/collect-earth/collect-earth-app/src/main/resorces/org/openforis/collect/earth/app/view/Messages_en.properties
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+package org.openforis.collect;
+import java.util.Locale;
+import org.openforis.collect.manager.MessageSource;
+import org.openforis.collect.manager.ResourceBundleMessageSource;
+ *
+ * @author S. Ricci
+ *
+ */
+public class ProxyContext {
+ private Locale locale;
+ private MessageSource messageSource;
+ public ProxyContext(Locale locale) {
+ this(locale, new ResourceBundleMessageSource());
+ }
+ public ProxyContext(Locale locale, MessageSource messageSource) {
+ super();
+ this.locale = locale;
+ this.messageSource = messageSource;
+ }
+ public Locale getLocale() {
+ return locale;
+ }
+ public MessageSource getMessageSource() {
+ return messageSource;
+ }
diff --git a/en/collect-earth/collect-earth-app/src/main/resorces/org/openforis/collect/earth/app/view/Messagesen.properties b/en/collect-earth/collect-earth-app/src/main/resorces/org/openforis/collect/earth/app/view/Messagesen.properties
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3ce9622fe0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/en/collect-earth/collect-earth-app/src/main/resorces/org/openforis/collect/earth/app/view/Messagesen.properties
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+AboutDialog.19=A problem occurred
+AboutDialog.5=For more information visit our website OpenForis.org
+AboutDialog.6=Sorry, a problem occurred while trying to open this link in your system's standard browser.
+CollectEarthMenu.0=Import CEP file
+CollectEarthMenu.3=Divide large CSV plot files
+CollectEarthMenu.4=Export data to XML (from specific date until present)
+CollectEarthMenu.5=Export to Collect Backup
+CollectEarthMenu.6=Export data as Collect Backup (all data)
+CollectEarthMenu.7=Export data as Collect Backup (from date)
+CollectEarthMenu.8=Export data to XML (using summary attribute)
+CollectEarthWindow.0=Error when attempting to export data to CSV file
+CollectEarthWindow.13=Download data to CSV (Excel)
+CollectEarthWindow.14=Start SAIKU Analysis
+CollectEarthWindow.18=Find missing plots in database
+CollectEarthWindow.19=Collect Earth
+CollectEarthWindow.1=Export error
+CollectEarthWindow.20=Number of duplicated records\:
+CollectEarthWindow.21=Could not find icon for main frame
+CollectEarthWindow.22=Are you sure that you want to close Collect Earth?
Closing the window will also close the Collect Earth server
+CollectEarthWindow.23=Confirmation needed
+CollectEarthWindow.24=XML Export
+CollectEarthWindow.25=Do you want to add these records anyway and lose your current data?
+CollectEarthWindow.28=Open Foris Collect Earth server should be running while the operator interprets data.
+CollectEarthWindow.29=The Saiku Server is not configured.
+CollectEarthWindow.30=Please maintain this window open while you are using Google Earth.
+CollectEarthWindow.31=Export collected data to CSV file
+CollectEarthWindow.33=The operator name has to be longer than 5 characters and shorter than 50
+CollectEarthWindow.34=Validation error
+CollectEarthWindow.35=OPERATOR NAME EMPTY\!
Please fill the operator name and press the "Update" button.
+CollectEarthWindow.36=Operator name cannot be empty
+CollectEarthWindow.37=Keep Open
+CollectEarthWindow.38=CSV files
+CollectEarthWindow.39=NOTICE\: It is advisable that you back-up your current data (Export to XML) before importing the new data
+CollectEarthWindow.3=\ Import error
+CollectEarthWindow.40=Set-up the path to the folder where Saiku Server is installed in the Tools->Properties->Advanced tab.
+CollectEarthWindow.41=Saving exported data to file\:
+CollectEarthWindow.43=Conflicting records found
+CollectEarthWindow.44=Data Import/Export
+CollectEarthWindow.45=Export data to XML (compressed)
+CollectEarthWindow.46=Import new data from ZIP (compressed XML)
+CollectEarthWindow.47=Saiku Server not configured
+CollectEarthWindow.48=Zip/collect-data files
+CollectEarthWindow.49=Fusion CSV files
+CollectEarthWindow.4=FAO Disclaimer notices
+CollectEarthWindow.50=Open User Manual
+CollectEarthWindow.51=Check for updates of Collect Earth
+CollectEarthWindow.52=Open Application Log File
+CollectEarthWindow.53=Collect Earth Log file
+CollectEarthWindow.54=Load points from KML
+CollectEarthWindow.55=Update current records using CSV
+CollectEarthWindow.57=The Saiku starter process is still running, please wait.
+CollectEarthWindow.58=Cannot start Saiku analysis
+CollectEarthWindow.59=Do you want to re-generate the dataset for the Saiku analysis?
This process can be time-consuming.
If you click on "YES" a new dataset with the latest information will be generated.
+CollectEarthWindow.60=Saiku data generation
+CollectEarthWindow.61=Export data to XML (modified records since last export)
+CollectEarthWindow.63=Error getting the points from KML
+CollectEarthWindow.64=Technical Support
+CollectEarthWindow.65=The operator name has been changed
+CollectEarthWindow.66=Operator name
+CollectEarthWindow.67=Open data folder
+CollectEarthWindow.6=Export to Fusion Table
+CollectEarthWindow.70=Open the Survey Guide
+CollectEarthWindow.71=Generate Stand-Alone Saiku tool
+CollectEarthWindow.7=Error when importing data
+CollectEarthWindow.8=Disclaimer text could not be found
+CollectEarthWindow.9=The data imported contains records that are already present on your database.
+DynamicsCode.0=Initially Forest
+DynamicsCode.1=Initially Grassland
+DynamicsCode.2=Initially Settlement
+DynamicsCode.3=Initially Otherland
+DynamicsCode.4=Initially Wetland
+DynamicsCode.5=Initially Cropland
+EarthApp.11=Collect Earth is already running
+EarthApp.21=The file containing the grid of plots as a CSV/CED is not found in the selected path \:
+EarthApp.23=No CSV/CED file has been set-up \:
+EarthApp.24=The file containing the Freemarker template with the KML definition is not found in the selected path \:
+EarthApp.26=No KML definition file has been set-up \:
+EarthApp.27=The file containing the HTML balloon form is not found in the selected path \:
+EarthApp.29=No HTML balloon file has been set-up \:
+EarthApp.30=Please correct the file location in the Tools->Properties menu.
+EarthApp.3=Remind me later
+EarthApp.4=Update Now
+EarthApp.57=There is a new version of Collect Earth available\!
How do you want to proceed?
+EarthApp.58=Update alert
+EarthApp.59=Error when importing project file
+EarthApp.5=Do not remind me again
+EarthApp.61=The Collect Earth file could not be open.
Please make sure that Google Earth is installed.
+EarthApp.6=\ - Version
+EarthApp.71=In Mac OS X the Collect Earth project files (*.cep) will not open in Collect Earth when they are double-clicked.
+EarthApp.72=Use the Collect Earth toolbar to open the .cep files \:
+EarthApp.73=Collect Earth issues in Mac OS X computers
+EarthSurveyService.9=Field required
+ExportActionListener.1=Pick Date to Export Records From
+ExportDialogProcessMonitor.0=Processing data...
+ExportDialogProcessMonitor.1=Waiting to initialize process \:
+ExportDialogProcessMonitor.4=Exported records \:
+ImportActionListener.0=Should the data for plots that have not been completely filled be imported?
+ImportActionListener.2=If you click NO only the data from plots in the "green" state, containing all data, will be imported.
+ImportActionListener.3=Import non-finished records
+ImportDialogProcessMonitor.0=\ CALCULATING
+ImportDialogProcessMonitor.11=Initial number of records \:
+ImportDialogProcessMonitor.2=Importing records...
+ImportDialogProcessMonitor.5=Actual number of imported records \:
+ImportDialogProcessMonitor.8=Processing data...
+ImportProcessMonitorDialog.0=Imported records \:
+ImportXMLDialogProcessMonitor.1 = Overwrite data
+ImportXMLDialogProcessMonitor.2 = Import only non-conflicting plots
+InfiniteProgressMonitor.0=Cancel operation
+JFileChooserExistsAware.0=Collect Earth Project file
+KmlImportService.13=Select a CSV file to save the plot locations to
+MissingPlotsListener.0=Error while getting information about plots not present on the Database
+MissingPlotsListener.10=Total number of plots in the sampling design \:
+MissingPlotsListener.12=Number of missing plots \:
+MissingPlotsListener.14=All the plots are filled\!
+MissingPlotsListener.1=Missing plots
+MissingPlotsListener.2=Copy contents to clipboard
+MissingPlotsListener.3=Pick the files that contain plot information ( .csv or .ced files ) for which you want to know if all data has been filled.
+MissingPlotsListener.4=Missing plots - information
+MissingPlotsListener.5=From file \:
+MissingPlotsListener.6=Export to CED file
+NO_TO_ALL=No to all
+OpenTextFileListener.0=The text file was not found at \:
+OptionWizard.0=Collect Earth options
+OptionWizard.100=Open Planet imagery
+OptionWizard.101=Planet API key
+OptionWizard.1021=URL SecureWatch
+OptionWizard.102=Open Maxar SecureWatch
+OptionWizard.103=Set URL for Extra Map (opens when set) \:
+OptionWizard.105=Open Earth Map
+OptionWizard.110=Use NICFI provided Monthly imagery
+OptionWizard.10=Open backup folder
+OptionWizard.11=Unknown\: use ifconfig
+OptionWizard.12=Client Instance
+OptionWizard.13=Collect Earth Server IP
+OptionWizard.14=Collect Earth Server port (e.g. 8023)
+OptionWizard.15=Save & Apply changes
+OptionWizard.1=Choose Browser
+OptionWizard.20=The Google Earth contents have been changed.
Please accept the content reload when you are prompted by Google Earth.
+OptionWizard.21=Update successful
+OptionWizard.23=There was an error when re-opening the Google Earth data
+OptionWizard.25=Operation Mode
+OptionWizard.26=DB host
+OptionWizard.27=This is not a recognized Saiku Folder ( the start-saiku.bat file is not present)
+OptionWizard.28=Saiku Server not recognized
+OptionWizard.29=DB port
+OptionWizard.2=Workflow (server/client)
+OptionWizard.30=SQLite options
+OptionWizard.31=Sample data
+OptionWizard.32=Plot layout
+OptionWizard.33=Survey Definition
+OptionWizard.34=Integrated Services
+OptionWizard.35=Number of control points
+OptionWizard.36=Distance between control points (in meters)
+OptionWizard.37=Margin with plot border (in meters)
+OptionWizard.38=The CSV/CED file cannot be read correctly.
The file is expected to have a comma separated values like this \:
+OptionWizard.3=Server Instance
+OptionWizard.41=Load a new project file
+OptionWizard.42=Error when closing the CSV reader
+OptionWizard.43=Name of survey
+OptionWizard.44=automatically back-up database at
+OptionWizard.45=Open Earth Engine Playground ( deprecated )
+OptionWizard.46=Open Earth Engine Timelapse
+OptionWizard.47=Open Bing Maps
+OptionWizard.48=Open form on a browser instead of Google Earth (recommended for LINUX)
+OptionWizard.49=Path to ced/csv file with plot data
+OptionWizard.4=Current computer IP \:
+OptionWizard.51=Error importing project file
+OptionWizard.52=CSV/CED file with only coordinates
+OptionWizard.53=No points
+OptionWizard.54=Central point
+OptionWizard.55=Error importing project folder
+OptionWizard.56=Load project
+OptionWizard.57=Previously loaded projects
+OptionWizard.58=Open GEE Code Editor (requires Trusted Tester access)
+OptionWizard.59=Open Here Maps focused on the plot
+OptionWizard.5=Collect Earth Server port\:
+OptionWizard.65=Path to Saiku folder
+OptionWizard.67=Path to Firefox executable
+OptionWizard.6=PostgreSQL DB parameters
+OptionWizard.70=Executable files
+OptionWizard.72=Binary files
+OptionWizard.73=Path to Chrome executable
+OptionWizard.76=Executable files
+OptionWizard.78=Binary files
+OptionWizard.79=Path to KML Freemarker template
+OptionWizard.7=User Name
+OptionWizard.82=Freemarker template
+OptionWizard.83=Path to HTML Balloon form design
+OptionWizard.86=HTML webpage
+OptionWizard.87=Path to XML with IDM definition
+OptionWizard.90=XML IDM definition
+OptionWizard.91=Server (manager version or stand-alone use)
+OptionWizard.92=Client (operator/connected to server)
+OptionWizard.93=SQLite (Embedded/single file based)
+OptionWizard.95=Side of the sampling dots (in meters)
+OptionWizard.9=DB Name
+ProcessMonitorDialog.1=Parsing error on row number
+ProcessMonitorDialog.4=, columns
+ProcessMonitorDialog.5=\ -- values
+SaikuAnalysisListener.0=Yes - Refresh Saiku data (long process)
+SaikuAnalysisListener.1=No - Use same version of the data as last time Saiku was used
+SaikuStarter.1=Starting Saiku
+SaikuStarter.2=Starting Saiku can take some minutes, please wait\!
+SaikuToolExportListener.1=Saiku Tool generation
+SaikuToolExportListener.2=Generating Saiku Tool with current database
+SaveEarthDataServlet.0=Empty request
+SaveEarthDataServlet.1=Problem occurred while saving data to the database
+SaveEarthDataServlet.2=The data was saved
+SlopeCode.0=Flat (0-5)
+YES_TO_ALL=Yes to all
+GenerateDatabaseStarter.1=Preparing for analysis
+GenerateDatabaseStarter.2=Generating Relational Database
+IPCCGeneratorListener.1=Waiting for process to complete\!
+IPCCGeneratorListener.2=The IPCC GHGi compatible data is being generated
+IPCCGeneratorListener.3=Refresh the data (update with latest from Collect Earth)
+IPCCGeneratorListener.4=Use the latest generated database (fastest process - no update)
+IPCCGeneratorListener.5=GHGi Database generation
+IPCCGeneratorListener.6=Do you want to re-generate the dataset for the Saiku analysis?
This process can be time-consuming but it is necessary if the Collect Earth data has been updated since the last time.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/es-ES/collect-earth/collect-earth-app/src/main/resorces/org/openforis/collect/earth/app/view/Messages_es.properties b/es-ES/collect-earth/collect-earth-app/src/main/resorces/org/openforis/collect/earth/app/view/Messages_es.properties
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..364a663be8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/es-ES/collect-earth/collect-earth-app/src/main/resorces/org/openforis/collect/earth/app/view/Messages_es.properties
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+AboutDialog.19=Se produjo un problema
+AboutDialog.5=For more information visit our website OpenForis.org
+AboutDialog.6=Sorry, a problem occurred while trying to open this link in your system's standard browser.
+CollectEarthMenu.0=Import CEP file
+CollectEarthMenu.3=Divide large CSV plot files
+CollectEarthMenu.4=Export data to XML (from specific date until present)
+CollectEarthMenu.5=Export to Collect Backup
+CollectEarthMenu.6=Export data as Collect Backup (all data)
+CollectEarthMenu.7=Export data as Collect Backup (from date)
+CollectEarthMenu.8=Export data to XML (using summary attribute)
+CollectEarthWindow.0=Error when attempting to export data to CSV file
+CollectEarthWindow.13=Download data to CSV (Excel)
+CollectEarthWindow.14=Start SAIKU Analysis
+CollectEarthWindow.18=Find missing plots in database
+CollectEarthWindow.19=Collect Earth
+CollectEarthWindow.1=Export error
+CollectEarthWindow.20=Number of duplicated records\:
+CollectEarthWindow.21=Could not find icon for main frame
+CollectEarthWindow.22=Are you sure that you want to close Collect Earth?
Closing the window will also close the Collect Earth server
+CollectEarthWindow.23=Confirmation needed
+CollectEarthWindow.24=XML Export
+CollectEarthWindow.25=Do you want to add these records anyway and lose your current data?
+CollectEarthWindow.28=Open Foris Collect Earth server should be running while the operator interprets data.
+CollectEarthWindow.29=The Saiku Server is not configured.
+CollectEarthWindow.30=Please maintain this window open while you are using Google Earth.
+CollectEarthWindow.31=Export collected data to CSV file
+CollectEarthWindow.33=The operator name has to be longer than 5 characters and shorter than 50
+CollectEarthWindow.34=Validation error
+CollectEarthWindow.35=OPERATOR NAME EMPTY\!
Please fill the operator name and press the "Update" button.
+CollectEarthWindow.36=Operator name cannot be empty
+CollectEarthWindow.37=Keep Open
+CollectEarthWindow.38=CSV files
+CollectEarthWindow.39=NOTICE\: It is advisable that you back-up your current data (Export to XML) before importing the new data
+CollectEarthWindow.3=\ Import error
+CollectEarthWindow.40=Set-up the path to the folder where Saiku Server is installed in the Tools->Properties->Advanced tab.
+CollectEarthWindow.41=Saving exported data to file\:
+CollectEarthWindow.43=Conflicting records found
+CollectEarthWindow.44=Data Import/Export
+CollectEarthWindow.45=Export data to XML (compressed)
+CollectEarthWindow.46=Import new data from ZIP (compressed XML)
+CollectEarthWindow.47=Saiku Server not configured
+CollectEarthWindow.48=Zip/collect-data files
+CollectEarthWindow.49=Fusion CSV files
+CollectEarthWindow.4=FAO Disclaimer notices
+CollectEarthWindow.50=Open User Manual
+CollectEarthWindow.51=Check for updates of Collect Earth
+CollectEarthWindow.52=Open Application Log File
+CollectEarthWindow.53=Collect Earth Log file
+CollectEarthWindow.54=Load points from KML
+CollectEarthWindow.55=Update current records using CSV
+CollectEarthWindow.57=The Saiku starter process is still running, please wait.
+CollectEarthWindow.58=Cannot start Saiku analysis
+CollectEarthWindow.59=Do you want to re-generate the dataset for the Saiku analysis?
This process can be time-consuming.
If you click on "YES" a new dataset with the latest information will be generated.
+CollectEarthWindow.60=Saiku data generation
+CollectEarthWindow.61=Export data to XML (modified records since last export)
+CollectEarthWindow.63=Error getting the points from KML
+CollectEarthWindow.64=Technical Support
+CollectEarthWindow.65=The operator name has been changed
+CollectEarthWindow.66=Operator name
+CollectEarthWindow.67=Open data folder
+CollectEarthWindow.6=Export to Fusion Table
+CollectEarthWindow.70=Open the Survey Guide
+CollectEarthWindow.71=Generate Stand-Alone Saiku tool
+CollectEarthWindow.7=Error when importing data
+CollectEarthWindow.8=Disclaimer text could not be found
+CollectEarthWindow.9=The data imported contains records that are already present on your database.
+DynamicsCode.0=Initially Forest
+DynamicsCode.1=Initially Grassland
+DynamicsCode.2=Initially Settlement
+DynamicsCode.3=Initially Otherland
+DynamicsCode.4=Initially Wetland
+DynamicsCode.5=Initially Cropland
+EarthApp.11=Collect Earth is already running
+EarthApp.21=The file containing the grid of plots as a CSV/CED is not found in the selected path \:
+EarthApp.23=No CSV/CED file has been set-up \:
+EarthApp.24=The file containing the Freemarker template with the KML definition is not found in the selected path \:
+EarthApp.26=No KML definition file has been set-up \:
+EarthApp.27=The file containing the HTML balloon form is not found in the selected path \:
+EarthApp.29=No HTML balloon file has been set-up \:
+EarthApp.30=Please correct the file location in the Tools->Properties menu.
+EarthApp.3=Remind me later
+EarthApp.4=Update Now
+EarthApp.57=There is a new version of Collect Earth available\!
How do you want to proceed?
+EarthApp.58=Update alert
+EarthApp.59=Error when importing project file
+EarthApp.5=Do not remind me again
+EarthApp.61=The Collect Earth file could not be open.
Please make sure that Google Earth is installed.
+EarthApp.6=\ - Version
+EarthApp.71=In Mac OS X the Collect Earth project files (*.cep) will not open in Collect Earth when they are double-clicked.
+EarthApp.72=Use the Collect Earth toolbar to open the .cep files \:
+EarthApp.73=Collect Earth issues in Mac OS X computers
+EarthSurveyService.9=Field required
+ExportActionListener.1=Pick Date to Export Records From
+ExportDialogProcessMonitor.0=Processing data...
+ExportDialogProcessMonitor.1=Waiting to initialize process \:
+ExportDialogProcessMonitor.4=Exported records \:
+ImportActionListener.0=Should the data for plots that have not been completely filled be imported?
+ImportActionListener.2=If you click NO only the data from plots in the "green" state, containing all data, will be imported.
+ImportActionListener.3=Import non-finished records
+ImportDialogProcessMonitor.0=\ CALCULATING
+ImportDialogProcessMonitor.11=Initial number of records \:
+ImportDialogProcessMonitor.2=Importing records...
+ImportDialogProcessMonitor.5=Actual number of imported records \:
+ImportDialogProcessMonitor.8=Processing data...
+ImportProcessMonitorDialog.0=Imported records \:
+ImportXMLDialogProcessMonitor.1 = Overwrite data
+ImportXMLDialogProcessMonitor.2 = Import only non-conflicting plots
+InfiniteProgressMonitor.0=Cancel operation
+JFileChooserExistsAware.0=Collect Earth Project file
+KmlImportService.13=Select a CSV file to save the plot locations to
+MissingPlotsListener.0=Error while getting information about plots not present on the Database
+MissingPlotsListener.10=Total number of plots in the sampling design \:
+MissingPlotsListener.12=Number of missing plots \:
+MissingPlotsListener.14=All the plots are filled\!
+MissingPlotsListener.1=Missing plots
+MissingPlotsListener.2=Copy contents to clipboard
+MissingPlotsListener.3=Pick the files that contain plot information ( .csv or .ced files ) for which you want to know if all data has been filled.
+MissingPlotsListener.4=Missing plots - information
+MissingPlotsListener.5=From file \:
+MissingPlotsListener.6=Export to CED file
+NO_TO_ALL=No to all
+OpenTextFileListener.0=The text file was not found at \:
+OptionWizard.0=Collect Earth options
+OptionWizard.100=Open Planet imagery
+OptionWizard.101=Planet API key
+OptionWizard.1021=URL SecureWatch
+OptionWizard.102=Open Maxar SecureWatch
+OptionWizard.103=Set URL for Extra Map (opens when set) \:
+OptionWizard.105=Open Earth Map
+OptionWizard.110=Use NICFI provided Monthly imagery
+OptionWizard.10=Open backup folder
+OptionWizard.11=Unknown\: use ifconfig
+OptionWizard.12=Client Instance
+OptionWizard.13=Collect Earth Server IP
+OptionWizard.14=Collect Earth Server port (e.g. 8023)
+OptionWizard.15=Save & Apply changes
+OptionWizard.1=Choose Browser
+OptionWizard.20=The Google Earth contents have been changed.
Please accept the content reload when you are prompted by Google Earth.
+OptionWizard.21=Update successful
+OptionWizard.23=There was an error when re-opening the Google Earth data
+OptionWizard.25=Operation Mode
+OptionWizard.26=DB host
+OptionWizard.27=This is not a recognized Saiku Folder ( the start-saiku.bat file is not present)
+OptionWizard.28=Saiku Server not recognized
+OptionWizard.29=DB port
+OptionWizard.2=Workflow (server/client)
+OptionWizard.30=SQLite options
+OptionWizard.31=Sample data
+OptionWizard.32=Plot layout
+OptionWizard.33=Survey Definition
+OptionWizard.34=Integrated Services
+OptionWizard.35=Number of control points
+OptionWizard.36=Distance between control points (in meters)
+OptionWizard.37=Margin with plot border (in meters)
+OptionWizard.38=The CSV/CED file cannot be read correctly.
The file is expected to have a comma separated values like this \:
+OptionWizard.3=Server Instance
+OptionWizard.41=Load a new project file
+OptionWizard.42=Error when closing the CSV reader
+OptionWizard.43=Name of survey
+OptionWizard.44=automatically back-up database at
+OptionWizard.45=Open Earth Engine Playground ( deprecated )
+OptionWizard.46=Open Earth Engine Timelapse
+OptionWizard.47=Open Bing Maps
+OptionWizard.48=Open form on a browser instead of Google Earth (recommended for LINUX)
+OptionWizard.49=Path to ced/csv file with plot data
+OptionWizard.4=Current computer IP \:
+OptionWizard.51=Error importing project file
+OptionWizard.52=CSV/CED file with only coordinates
+OptionWizard.53=No points
+OptionWizard.54=Central point
+OptionWizard.55=Error importing project folder
+OptionWizard.56=Load project
+OptionWizard.57=Previously loaded projects
+OptionWizard.58=Open GEE Code Editor (requires Trusted Tester access)
+OptionWizard.59=Open Here Maps focused on the plot
+OptionWizard.5=Collect Earth Server port\:
+OptionWizard.65=Path to Saiku folder
+OptionWizard.67=Path to Firefox executable
+OptionWizard.6=PostgreSQL DB parameters
+OptionWizard.70=Executable files
+OptionWizard.72=Binary files
+OptionWizard.73=Path to Chrome executable
+OptionWizard.76=Executable files
+OptionWizard.78=Binary files
+OptionWizard.79=Path to KML Freemarker template
+OptionWizard.7=User Name
+OptionWizard.82=Freemarker template
+OptionWizard.83=Path to HTML Balloon form design
+OptionWizard.86=HTML webpage
+OptionWizard.87=Path to XML with IDM definition
+OptionWizard.90=XML IDM definition
+OptionWizard.91=Server (manager version or stand-alone use)
+OptionWizard.92=Client (operator/connected to server)
+OptionWizard.93=SQLite (Embedded/single file based)
+OptionWizard.95=Side of the sampling dots (in meters)
+OptionWizard.9=DB Name
+ProcessMonitorDialog.1=Parsing error on row number
+ProcessMonitorDialog.4=, columns
+ProcessMonitorDialog.5=\ -- values
+SaikuAnalysisListener.0=Yes - Refresh Saiku data (long process)
+SaikuAnalysisListener.1=No - Use same version of the data as last time Saiku was used
+SaikuStarter.1=Starting Saiku
+SaikuStarter.2=Starting Saiku can take some minutes, please wait\!
+SaikuToolExportListener.1=Saiku Tool generation
+SaikuToolExportListener.2=Generating Saiku Tool with current database
+SaveEarthDataServlet.0=Empty request
+SaveEarthDataServlet.1=Problem occurred while saving data to the database
+SaveEarthDataServlet.2=The data was saved
+SlopeCode.0=Flat (0-5)
+YES_TO_ALL=Yes to all
+GenerateDatabaseStarter.1=Preparing for analysis
+GenerateDatabaseStarter.2=Generating Relational Database
+IPCCGeneratorListener.1=Waiting for process to complete\!
+IPCCGeneratorListener.2=The IPCC GHGi compatible data is being generated
+IPCCGeneratorListener.3=Refresh the data (update with latest from Collect Earth)
+IPCCGeneratorListener.4=Use the latest generated database (fastest process - no update)
+IPCCGeneratorListener.5=GHGi Database generation
+IPCCGeneratorListener.6=Do you want to re-generate the dataset for the Saiku analysis?
This process can be time-consuming but it is necessary if the Collect Earth data has been updated since the last time.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/es-ES/collect-earth/collect-earth-app/src/main/resorces/org/openforis/collect/earth/app/view/Messageses.properties b/es-ES/collect-earth/collect-earth-app/src/main/resorces/org/openforis/collect/earth/app/view/Messageses.properties
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3ce9622fe0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/es-ES/collect-earth/collect-earth-app/src/main/resorces/org/openforis/collect/earth/app/view/Messageses.properties
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+AboutDialog.19=A problem occurred
+AboutDialog.5=For more information visit our website OpenForis.org
+AboutDialog.6=Sorry, a problem occurred while trying to open this link in your system's standard browser.
+CollectEarthMenu.0=Import CEP file
+CollectEarthMenu.3=Divide large CSV plot files
+CollectEarthMenu.4=Export data to XML (from specific date until present)
+CollectEarthMenu.5=Export to Collect Backup
+CollectEarthMenu.6=Export data as Collect Backup (all data)
+CollectEarthMenu.7=Export data as Collect Backup (from date)
+CollectEarthMenu.8=Export data to XML (using summary attribute)
+CollectEarthWindow.0=Error when attempting to export data to CSV file
+CollectEarthWindow.13=Download data to CSV (Excel)
+CollectEarthWindow.14=Start SAIKU Analysis
+CollectEarthWindow.18=Find missing plots in database
+CollectEarthWindow.19=Collect Earth
+CollectEarthWindow.1=Export error
+CollectEarthWindow.20=Number of duplicated records\:
+CollectEarthWindow.21=Could not find icon for main frame
+CollectEarthWindow.22=Are you sure that you want to close Collect Earth?
Closing the window will also close the Collect Earth server
+CollectEarthWindow.23=Confirmation needed
+CollectEarthWindow.24=XML Export
+CollectEarthWindow.25=Do you want to add these records anyway and lose your current data?
+CollectEarthWindow.28=Open Foris Collect Earth server should be running while the operator interprets data.
+CollectEarthWindow.29=The Saiku Server is not configured.
+CollectEarthWindow.30=Please maintain this window open while you are using Google Earth.
+CollectEarthWindow.31=Export collected data to CSV file
+CollectEarthWindow.33=The operator name has to be longer than 5 characters and shorter than 50
+CollectEarthWindow.34=Validation error
+CollectEarthWindow.35=OPERATOR NAME EMPTY\!
Please fill the operator name and press the "Update" button.
+CollectEarthWindow.36=Operator name cannot be empty
+CollectEarthWindow.37=Keep Open
+CollectEarthWindow.38=CSV files
+CollectEarthWindow.39=NOTICE\: It is advisable that you back-up your current data (Export to XML) before importing the new data
+CollectEarthWindow.3=\ Import error
+CollectEarthWindow.40=Set-up the path to the folder where Saiku Server is installed in the Tools->Properties->Advanced tab.
+CollectEarthWindow.41=Saving exported data to file\:
+CollectEarthWindow.43=Conflicting records found
+CollectEarthWindow.44=Data Import/Export
+CollectEarthWindow.45=Export data to XML (compressed)
+CollectEarthWindow.46=Import new data from ZIP (compressed XML)
+CollectEarthWindow.47=Saiku Server not configured
+CollectEarthWindow.48=Zip/collect-data files
+CollectEarthWindow.49=Fusion CSV files
+CollectEarthWindow.4=FAO Disclaimer notices
+CollectEarthWindow.50=Open User Manual
+CollectEarthWindow.51=Check for updates of Collect Earth
+CollectEarthWindow.52=Open Application Log File
+CollectEarthWindow.53=Collect Earth Log file
+CollectEarthWindow.54=Load points from KML
+CollectEarthWindow.55=Update current records using CSV
+CollectEarthWindow.57=The Saiku starter process is still running, please wait.
+CollectEarthWindow.58=Cannot start Saiku analysis
+CollectEarthWindow.59=Do you want to re-generate the dataset for the Saiku analysis?
This process can be time-consuming.
If you click on "YES" a new dataset with the latest information will be generated.
+CollectEarthWindow.60=Saiku data generation
+CollectEarthWindow.61=Export data to XML (modified records since last export)
+CollectEarthWindow.63=Error getting the points from KML
+CollectEarthWindow.64=Technical Support
+CollectEarthWindow.65=The operator name has been changed
+CollectEarthWindow.66=Operator name
+CollectEarthWindow.67=Open data folder
+CollectEarthWindow.6=Export to Fusion Table
+CollectEarthWindow.70=Open the Survey Guide
+CollectEarthWindow.71=Generate Stand-Alone Saiku tool
+CollectEarthWindow.7=Error when importing data
+CollectEarthWindow.8=Disclaimer text could not be found
+CollectEarthWindow.9=The data imported contains records that are already present on your database.
+DynamicsCode.0=Initially Forest
+DynamicsCode.1=Initially Grassland
+DynamicsCode.2=Initially Settlement
+DynamicsCode.3=Initially Otherland
+DynamicsCode.4=Initially Wetland
+DynamicsCode.5=Initially Cropland
+EarthApp.11=Collect Earth is already running
+EarthApp.21=The file containing the grid of plots as a CSV/CED is not found in the selected path \:
+EarthApp.23=No CSV/CED file has been set-up \:
+EarthApp.24=The file containing the Freemarker template with the KML definition is not found in the selected path \:
+EarthApp.26=No KML definition file has been set-up \:
+EarthApp.27=The file containing the HTML balloon form is not found in the selected path \:
+EarthApp.29=No HTML balloon file has been set-up \:
+EarthApp.30=Please correct the file location in the Tools->Properties menu.
+EarthApp.3=Remind me later
+EarthApp.4=Update Now
+EarthApp.57=There is a new version of Collect Earth available\!
How do you want to proceed?
+EarthApp.58=Update alert
+EarthApp.59=Error when importing project file
+EarthApp.5=Do not remind me again
+EarthApp.61=The Collect Earth file could not be open.
Please make sure that Google Earth is installed.
+EarthApp.6=\ - Version
+EarthApp.71=In Mac OS X the Collect Earth project files (*.cep) will not open in Collect Earth when they are double-clicked.
+EarthApp.72=Use the Collect Earth toolbar to open the .cep files \:
+EarthApp.73=Collect Earth issues in Mac OS X computers
+EarthSurveyService.9=Field required
+ExportActionListener.1=Pick Date to Export Records From
+ExportDialogProcessMonitor.0=Processing data...
+ExportDialogProcessMonitor.1=Waiting to initialize process \:
+ExportDialogProcessMonitor.4=Exported records \:
+ImportActionListener.0=Should the data for plots that have not been completely filled be imported?
+ImportActionListener.2=If you click NO only the data from plots in the "green" state, containing all data, will be imported.
+ImportActionListener.3=Import non-finished records
+ImportDialogProcessMonitor.0=\ CALCULATING
+ImportDialogProcessMonitor.11=Initial number of records \:
+ImportDialogProcessMonitor.2=Importing records...
+ImportDialogProcessMonitor.5=Actual number of imported records \:
+ImportDialogProcessMonitor.8=Processing data...
+ImportProcessMonitorDialog.0=Imported records \:
+ImportXMLDialogProcessMonitor.1 = Overwrite data
+ImportXMLDialogProcessMonitor.2 = Import only non-conflicting plots
+InfiniteProgressMonitor.0=Cancel operation
+JFileChooserExistsAware.0=Collect Earth Project file
+KmlImportService.13=Select a CSV file to save the plot locations to
+MissingPlotsListener.0=Error while getting information about plots not present on the Database
+MissingPlotsListener.10=Total number of plots in the sampling design \:
+MissingPlotsListener.12=Number of missing plots \:
+MissingPlotsListener.14=All the plots are filled\!
+MissingPlotsListener.1=Missing plots
+MissingPlotsListener.2=Copy contents to clipboard
+MissingPlotsListener.3=Pick the files that contain plot information ( .csv or .ced files ) for which you want to know if all data has been filled.
+MissingPlotsListener.4=Missing plots - information
+MissingPlotsListener.5=From file \:
+MissingPlotsListener.6=Export to CED file
+NO_TO_ALL=No to all
+OpenTextFileListener.0=The text file was not found at \:
+OptionWizard.0=Collect Earth options
+OptionWizard.100=Open Planet imagery
+OptionWizard.101=Planet API key
+OptionWizard.1021=URL SecureWatch
+OptionWizard.102=Open Maxar SecureWatch
+OptionWizard.103=Set URL for Extra Map (opens when set) \:
+OptionWizard.105=Open Earth Map
+OptionWizard.110=Use NICFI provided Monthly imagery
+OptionWizard.10=Open backup folder
+OptionWizard.11=Unknown\: use ifconfig
+OptionWizard.12=Client Instance
+OptionWizard.13=Collect Earth Server IP
+OptionWizard.14=Collect Earth Server port (e.g. 8023)
+OptionWizard.15=Save & Apply changes
+OptionWizard.1=Choose Browser
+OptionWizard.20=The Google Earth contents have been changed.
Please accept the content reload when you are prompted by Google Earth.
+OptionWizard.21=Update successful
+OptionWizard.23=There was an error when re-opening the Google Earth data
+OptionWizard.25=Operation Mode
+OptionWizard.26=DB host
+OptionWizard.27=This is not a recognized Saiku Folder ( the start-saiku.bat file is not present)
+OptionWizard.28=Saiku Server not recognized
+OptionWizard.29=DB port
+OptionWizard.2=Workflow (server/client)
+OptionWizard.30=SQLite options
+OptionWizard.31=Sample data
+OptionWizard.32=Plot layout
+OptionWizard.33=Survey Definition
+OptionWizard.34=Integrated Services
+OptionWizard.35=Number of control points
+OptionWizard.36=Distance between control points (in meters)
+OptionWizard.37=Margin with plot border (in meters)
+OptionWizard.38=The CSV/CED file cannot be read correctly.
The file is expected to have a comma separated values like this \:
+OptionWizard.3=Server Instance
+OptionWizard.41=Load a new project file
+OptionWizard.42=Error when closing the CSV reader
+OptionWizard.43=Name of survey
+OptionWizard.44=automatically back-up database at
+OptionWizard.45=Open Earth Engine Playground ( deprecated )
+OptionWizard.46=Open Earth Engine Timelapse
+OptionWizard.47=Open Bing Maps
+OptionWizard.48=Open form on a browser instead of Google Earth (recommended for LINUX)
+OptionWizard.49=Path to ced/csv file with plot data
+OptionWizard.4=Current computer IP \:
+OptionWizard.51=Error importing project file
+OptionWizard.52=CSV/CED file with only coordinates
+OptionWizard.53=No points
+OptionWizard.54=Central point
+OptionWizard.55=Error importing project folder
+OptionWizard.56=Load project
+OptionWizard.57=Previously loaded projects
+OptionWizard.58=Open GEE Code Editor (requires Trusted Tester access)
+OptionWizard.59=Open Here Maps focused on the plot
+OptionWizard.5=Collect Earth Server port\:
+OptionWizard.65=Path to Saiku folder
+OptionWizard.67=Path to Firefox executable
+OptionWizard.6=PostgreSQL DB parameters
+OptionWizard.70=Executable files
+OptionWizard.72=Binary files
+OptionWizard.73=Path to Chrome executable
+OptionWizard.76=Executable files
+OptionWizard.78=Binary files
+OptionWizard.79=Path to KML Freemarker template
+OptionWizard.7=User Name
+OptionWizard.82=Freemarker template
+OptionWizard.83=Path to HTML Balloon form design
+OptionWizard.86=HTML webpage
+OptionWizard.87=Path to XML with IDM definition
+OptionWizard.90=XML IDM definition
+OptionWizard.91=Server (manager version or stand-alone use)
+OptionWizard.92=Client (operator/connected to server)
+OptionWizard.93=SQLite (Embedded/single file based)
+OptionWizard.95=Side of the sampling dots (in meters)
+OptionWizard.9=DB Name
+ProcessMonitorDialog.1=Parsing error on row number
+ProcessMonitorDialog.4=, columns
+ProcessMonitorDialog.5=\ -- values
+SaikuAnalysisListener.0=Yes - Refresh Saiku data (long process)
+SaikuAnalysisListener.1=No - Use same version of the data as last time Saiku was used
+SaikuStarter.1=Starting Saiku
+SaikuStarter.2=Starting Saiku can take some minutes, please wait\!
+SaikuToolExportListener.1=Saiku Tool generation
+SaikuToolExportListener.2=Generating Saiku Tool with current database
+SaveEarthDataServlet.0=Empty request
+SaveEarthDataServlet.1=Problem occurred while saving data to the database
+SaveEarthDataServlet.2=The data was saved
+SlopeCode.0=Flat (0-5)
+YES_TO_ALL=Yes to all
+GenerateDatabaseStarter.1=Preparing for analysis
+GenerateDatabaseStarter.2=Generating Relational Database
+IPCCGeneratorListener.1=Waiting for process to complete\!
+IPCCGeneratorListener.2=The IPCC GHGi compatible data is being generated
+IPCCGeneratorListener.3=Refresh the data (update with latest from Collect Earth)
+IPCCGeneratorListener.4=Use the latest generated database (fastest process - no update)
+IPCCGeneratorListener.5=GHGi Database generation
+IPCCGeneratorListener.6=Do you want to re-generate the dataset for the Saiku analysis?
This process can be time-consuming but it is necessary if the Collect Earth data has been updated since the last time.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fr/collect-earth/collect-earth-app/src/main/resorces/org/openforis/collect/earth/app/view/Messages_fr.properties b/fr/collect-earth/collect-earth-app/src/main/resorces/org/openforis/collect/earth/app/view/Messages_fr.properties
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c75c432a82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fr/collect-earth/collect-earth-app/src/main/resorces/org/openforis/collect/earth/app/view/Messages_fr.properties
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+package org.openforis.collect;
+import java.util.Locale;
+import org.openforis.collect.manager.MessageSource;
+import org.openforis.collect.manager.ResourceBundleMessageSource;
+ *
+ * @author S. Ricci
+ *
+ */
+public class ProxyContext {
+ private Locale locale;
+ private MessageSource messageSource;
+ public ProxyContext(Locale locale) {
+ this(locale, new ResourceBundleMessageSource());
+ }
+ public ProxyContext(Locale locale, MessageSource messageSource) {
+ super();
+ this.locale = locale;
+ this.messageSource = messageSource;
+ }
+ public Locale getLocale() {
+ return locale;
+ }
+ public MessageSource getMessageSource() {
+ return messageSource;
+ }
diff --git a/fr/collect-earth/collect-earth-app/src/main/resorces/org/openforis/collect/earth/app/view/Messagesfr.properties b/fr/collect-earth/collect-earth-app/src/main/resorces/org/openforis/collect/earth/app/view/Messagesfr.properties
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3ce9622fe0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fr/collect-earth/collect-earth-app/src/main/resorces/org/openforis/collect/earth/app/view/Messagesfr.properties
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+AboutDialog.19=A problem occurred
+AboutDialog.5=For more information visit our website OpenForis.org
+AboutDialog.6=Sorry, a problem occurred while trying to open this link in your system's standard browser.
+CollectEarthMenu.0=Import CEP file
+CollectEarthMenu.3=Divide large CSV plot files
+CollectEarthMenu.4=Export data to XML (from specific date until present)
+CollectEarthMenu.5=Export to Collect Backup
+CollectEarthMenu.6=Export data as Collect Backup (all data)
+CollectEarthMenu.7=Export data as Collect Backup (from date)
+CollectEarthMenu.8=Export data to XML (using summary attribute)
+CollectEarthWindow.0=Error when attempting to export data to CSV file
+CollectEarthWindow.13=Download data to CSV (Excel)
+CollectEarthWindow.14=Start SAIKU Analysis
+CollectEarthWindow.18=Find missing plots in database
+CollectEarthWindow.19=Collect Earth
+CollectEarthWindow.1=Export error
+CollectEarthWindow.20=Number of duplicated records\:
+CollectEarthWindow.21=Could not find icon for main frame
+CollectEarthWindow.22=Are you sure that you want to close Collect Earth?
Closing the window will also close the Collect Earth server
+CollectEarthWindow.23=Confirmation needed
+CollectEarthWindow.24=XML Export
+CollectEarthWindow.25=Do you want to add these records anyway and lose your current data?
+CollectEarthWindow.28=Open Foris Collect Earth server should be running while the operator interprets data.
+CollectEarthWindow.29=The Saiku Server is not configured.
+CollectEarthWindow.30=Please maintain this window open while you are using Google Earth.
+CollectEarthWindow.31=Export collected data to CSV file
+CollectEarthWindow.33=The operator name has to be longer than 5 characters and shorter than 50
+CollectEarthWindow.34=Validation error
+CollectEarthWindow.35=OPERATOR NAME EMPTY\!
Please fill the operator name and press the "Update" button.
+CollectEarthWindow.36=Operator name cannot be empty
+CollectEarthWindow.37=Keep Open
+CollectEarthWindow.38=CSV files
+CollectEarthWindow.39=NOTICE\: It is advisable that you back-up your current data (Export to XML) before importing the new data
+CollectEarthWindow.3=\ Import error
+CollectEarthWindow.40=Set-up the path to the folder where Saiku Server is installed in the Tools->Properties->Advanced tab.
+CollectEarthWindow.41=Saving exported data to file\:
+CollectEarthWindow.43=Conflicting records found
+CollectEarthWindow.44=Data Import/Export
+CollectEarthWindow.45=Export data to XML (compressed)
+CollectEarthWindow.46=Import new data from ZIP (compressed XML)
+CollectEarthWindow.47=Saiku Server not configured
+CollectEarthWindow.48=Zip/collect-data files
+CollectEarthWindow.49=Fusion CSV files
+CollectEarthWindow.4=FAO Disclaimer notices
+CollectEarthWindow.50=Open User Manual
+CollectEarthWindow.51=Check for updates of Collect Earth
+CollectEarthWindow.52=Open Application Log File
+CollectEarthWindow.53=Collect Earth Log file
+CollectEarthWindow.54=Load points from KML
+CollectEarthWindow.55=Update current records using CSV
+CollectEarthWindow.57=The Saiku starter process is still running, please wait.
+CollectEarthWindow.58=Cannot start Saiku analysis
+CollectEarthWindow.59=Do you want to re-generate the dataset for the Saiku analysis?
This process can be time-consuming.
If you click on "YES" a new dataset with the latest information will be generated.
+CollectEarthWindow.60=Saiku data generation
+CollectEarthWindow.61=Export data to XML (modified records since last export)
+CollectEarthWindow.63=Error getting the points from KML
+CollectEarthWindow.64=Technical Support
+CollectEarthWindow.65=The operator name has been changed
+CollectEarthWindow.66=Operator name
+CollectEarthWindow.67=Open data folder
+CollectEarthWindow.6=Export to Fusion Table
+CollectEarthWindow.70=Open the Survey Guide
+CollectEarthWindow.71=Generate Stand-Alone Saiku tool
+CollectEarthWindow.7=Error when importing data
+CollectEarthWindow.8=Disclaimer text could not be found
+CollectEarthWindow.9=The data imported contains records that are already present on your database.
+DynamicsCode.0=Initially Forest
+DynamicsCode.1=Initially Grassland
+DynamicsCode.2=Initially Settlement
+DynamicsCode.3=Initially Otherland
+DynamicsCode.4=Initially Wetland
+DynamicsCode.5=Initially Cropland
+EarthApp.11=Collect Earth is already running
+EarthApp.21=The file containing the grid of plots as a CSV/CED is not found in the selected path \:
+EarthApp.23=No CSV/CED file has been set-up \:
+EarthApp.24=The file containing the Freemarker template with the KML definition is not found in the selected path \:
+EarthApp.26=No KML definition file has been set-up \:
+EarthApp.27=The file containing the HTML balloon form is not found in the selected path \:
+EarthApp.29=No HTML balloon file has been set-up \:
+EarthApp.30=Please correct the file location in the Tools->Properties menu.
+EarthApp.3=Remind me later
+EarthApp.4=Update Now
+EarthApp.57=There is a new version of Collect Earth available\!
How do you want to proceed?
+EarthApp.58=Update alert
+EarthApp.59=Error when importing project file
+EarthApp.5=Do not remind me again
+EarthApp.61=The Collect Earth file could not be open.
Please make sure that Google Earth is installed.
+EarthApp.6=\ - Version
+EarthApp.71=In Mac OS X the Collect Earth project files (*.cep) will not open in Collect Earth when they are double-clicked.
+EarthApp.72=Use the Collect Earth toolbar to open the .cep files \:
+EarthApp.73=Collect Earth issues in Mac OS X computers
+EarthSurveyService.9=Field required
+ExportActionListener.1=Pick Date to Export Records From
+ExportDialogProcessMonitor.0=Processing data...
+ExportDialogProcessMonitor.1=Waiting to initialize process \:
+ExportDialogProcessMonitor.4=Exported records \:
+ImportActionListener.0=Should the data for plots that have not been completely filled be imported?
+ImportActionListener.2=If you click NO only the data from plots in the "green" state, containing all data, will be imported.
+ImportActionListener.3=Import non-finished records
+ImportDialogProcessMonitor.0=\ CALCULATING
+ImportDialogProcessMonitor.11=Initial number of records \:
+ImportDialogProcessMonitor.2=Importing records...
+ImportDialogProcessMonitor.5=Actual number of imported records \:
+ImportDialogProcessMonitor.8=Processing data...
+ImportProcessMonitorDialog.0=Imported records \:
+ImportXMLDialogProcessMonitor.1 = Overwrite data
+ImportXMLDialogProcessMonitor.2 = Import only non-conflicting plots
+InfiniteProgressMonitor.0=Cancel operation
+JFileChooserExistsAware.0=Collect Earth Project file
+KmlImportService.13=Select a CSV file to save the plot locations to
+MissingPlotsListener.0=Error while getting information about plots not present on the Database
+MissingPlotsListener.10=Total number of plots in the sampling design \:
+MissingPlotsListener.12=Number of missing plots \:
+MissingPlotsListener.14=All the plots are filled\!
+MissingPlotsListener.1=Missing plots
+MissingPlotsListener.2=Copy contents to clipboard
+MissingPlotsListener.3=Pick the files that contain plot information ( .csv or .ced files ) for which you want to know if all data has been filled.
+MissingPlotsListener.4=Missing plots - information
+MissingPlotsListener.5=From file \:
+MissingPlotsListener.6=Export to CED file
+NO_TO_ALL=No to all
+OpenTextFileListener.0=The text file was not found at \:
+OptionWizard.0=Collect Earth options
+OptionWizard.100=Open Planet imagery
+OptionWizard.101=Planet API key
+OptionWizard.1021=URL SecureWatch
+OptionWizard.102=Open Maxar SecureWatch
+OptionWizard.103=Set URL for Extra Map (opens when set) \:
+OptionWizard.105=Open Earth Map
+OptionWizard.110=Use NICFI provided Monthly imagery
+OptionWizard.10=Open backup folder
+OptionWizard.11=Unknown\: use ifconfig
+OptionWizard.12=Client Instance
+OptionWizard.13=Collect Earth Server IP
+OptionWizard.14=Collect Earth Server port (e.g. 8023)
+OptionWizard.15=Save & Apply changes
+OptionWizard.1=Choose Browser
+OptionWizard.20=The Google Earth contents have been changed.
Please accept the content reload when you are prompted by Google Earth.
+OptionWizard.21=Update successful
+OptionWizard.23=There was an error when re-opening the Google Earth data
+OptionWizard.25=Operation Mode
+OptionWizard.26=DB host
+OptionWizard.27=This is not a recognized Saiku Folder ( the start-saiku.bat file is not present)
+OptionWizard.28=Saiku Server not recognized
+OptionWizard.29=DB port
+OptionWizard.2=Workflow (server/client)
+OptionWizard.30=SQLite options
+OptionWizard.31=Sample data
+OptionWizard.32=Plot layout
+OptionWizard.33=Survey Definition
+OptionWizard.34=Integrated Services
+OptionWizard.35=Number of control points
+OptionWizard.36=Distance between control points (in meters)
+OptionWizard.37=Margin with plot border (in meters)
+OptionWizard.38=The CSV/CED file cannot be read correctly.
The file is expected to have a comma separated values like this \:
+OptionWizard.3=Server Instance
+OptionWizard.41=Load a new project file
+OptionWizard.42=Error when closing the CSV reader
+OptionWizard.43=Name of survey
+OptionWizard.44=automatically back-up database at
+OptionWizard.45=Open Earth Engine Playground ( deprecated )
+OptionWizard.46=Open Earth Engine Timelapse
+OptionWizard.47=Open Bing Maps
+OptionWizard.48=Open form on a browser instead of Google Earth (recommended for LINUX)
+OptionWizard.49=Path to ced/csv file with plot data
+OptionWizard.4=Current computer IP \:
+OptionWizard.51=Error importing project file
+OptionWizard.52=CSV/CED file with only coordinates
+OptionWizard.53=No points
+OptionWizard.54=Central point
+OptionWizard.55=Error importing project folder
+OptionWizard.56=Load project
+OptionWizard.57=Previously loaded projects
+OptionWizard.58=Open GEE Code Editor (requires Trusted Tester access)
+OptionWizard.59=Open Here Maps focused on the plot
+OptionWizard.5=Collect Earth Server port\:
+OptionWizard.65=Path to Saiku folder
+OptionWizard.67=Path to Firefox executable
+OptionWizard.6=PostgreSQL DB parameters
+OptionWizard.70=Executable files
+OptionWizard.72=Binary files
+OptionWizard.73=Path to Chrome executable
+OptionWizard.76=Executable files
+OptionWizard.78=Binary files
+OptionWizard.79=Path to KML Freemarker template
+OptionWizard.7=User Name
+OptionWizard.82=Freemarker template
+OptionWizard.83=Path to HTML Balloon form design
+OptionWizard.86=HTML webpage
+OptionWizard.87=Path to XML with IDM definition
+OptionWizard.90=XML IDM definition
+OptionWizard.91=Server (manager version or stand-alone use)
+OptionWizard.92=Client (operator/connected to server)
+OptionWizard.93=SQLite (Embedded/single file based)
+OptionWizard.95=Side of the sampling dots (in meters)
+OptionWizard.9=DB Name
+ProcessMonitorDialog.1=Parsing error on row number
+ProcessMonitorDialog.4=, columns
+ProcessMonitorDialog.5=\ -- values
+SaikuAnalysisListener.0=Yes - Refresh Saiku data (long process)
+SaikuAnalysisListener.1=No - Use same version of the data as last time Saiku was used
+SaikuStarter.1=Starting Saiku
+SaikuStarter.2=Starting Saiku can take some minutes, please wait\!
+SaikuToolExportListener.1=Saiku Tool generation
+SaikuToolExportListener.2=Generating Saiku Tool with current database
+SaveEarthDataServlet.0=Empty request
+SaveEarthDataServlet.1=Problem occurred while saving data to the database
+SaveEarthDataServlet.2=The data was saved
+SlopeCode.0=Flat (0-5)
+YES_TO_ALL=Yes to all
+GenerateDatabaseStarter.1=Preparing for analysis
+GenerateDatabaseStarter.2=Generating Relational Database
+IPCCGeneratorListener.1=Waiting for process to complete\!
+IPCCGeneratorListener.2=The IPCC GHGi compatible data is being generated
+IPCCGeneratorListener.3=Refresh the data (update with latest from Collect Earth)
+IPCCGeneratorListener.4=Use the latest generated database (fastest process - no update)
+IPCCGeneratorListener.5=GHGi Database generation
+IPCCGeneratorListener.6=Do you want to re-generate the dataset for the Saiku analysis?
This process can be time-consuming but it is necessary if the Collect Earth data has been updated since the last time.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pt-PT/collect-earth/collect-earth-app/src/main/resorces/org/openforis/collect/earth/app/view/Messages_pt.properties b/pt-PT/collect-earth/collect-earth-app/src/main/resorces/org/openforis/collect/earth/app/view/Messages_pt.properties
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c75c432a82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pt-PT/collect-earth/collect-earth-app/src/main/resorces/org/openforis/collect/earth/app/view/Messages_pt.properties
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+package org.openforis.collect;
+import java.util.Locale;
+import org.openforis.collect.manager.MessageSource;
+import org.openforis.collect.manager.ResourceBundleMessageSource;
+ *
+ * @author S. Ricci
+ *
+ */
+public class ProxyContext {
+ private Locale locale;
+ private MessageSource messageSource;
+ public ProxyContext(Locale locale) {
+ this(locale, new ResourceBundleMessageSource());
+ }
+ public ProxyContext(Locale locale, MessageSource messageSource) {
+ super();
+ this.locale = locale;
+ this.messageSource = messageSource;
+ }
+ public Locale getLocale() {
+ return locale;
+ }
+ public MessageSource getMessageSource() {
+ return messageSource;
+ }
diff --git a/pt-PT/collect-earth/collect-earth-app/src/main/resorces/org/openforis/collect/earth/app/view/Messagespt.properties b/pt-PT/collect-earth/collect-earth-app/src/main/resorces/org/openforis/collect/earth/app/view/Messagespt.properties
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3ce9622fe0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pt-PT/collect-earth/collect-earth-app/src/main/resorces/org/openforis/collect/earth/app/view/Messagespt.properties
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+AboutDialog.19=A problem occurred
+AboutDialog.5=For more information visit our website OpenForis.org
+AboutDialog.6=Sorry, a problem occurred while trying to open this link in your system's standard browser.
+CollectEarthMenu.0=Import CEP file
+CollectEarthMenu.3=Divide large CSV plot files
+CollectEarthMenu.4=Export data to XML (from specific date until present)
+CollectEarthMenu.5=Export to Collect Backup
+CollectEarthMenu.6=Export data as Collect Backup (all data)
+CollectEarthMenu.7=Export data as Collect Backup (from date)
+CollectEarthMenu.8=Export data to XML (using summary attribute)
+CollectEarthWindow.0=Error when attempting to export data to CSV file
+CollectEarthWindow.13=Download data to CSV (Excel)
+CollectEarthWindow.14=Start SAIKU Analysis
+CollectEarthWindow.18=Find missing plots in database
+CollectEarthWindow.19=Collect Earth
+CollectEarthWindow.1=Export error
+CollectEarthWindow.20=Number of duplicated records\:
+CollectEarthWindow.21=Could not find icon for main frame
+CollectEarthWindow.22=Are you sure that you want to close Collect Earth?
Closing the window will also close the Collect Earth server
+CollectEarthWindow.23=Confirmation needed
+CollectEarthWindow.24=XML Export
+CollectEarthWindow.25=Do you want to add these records anyway and lose your current data?
+CollectEarthWindow.28=Open Foris Collect Earth server should be running while the operator interprets data.
+CollectEarthWindow.29=The Saiku Server is not configured.
+CollectEarthWindow.30=Please maintain this window open while you are using Google Earth.
+CollectEarthWindow.31=Export collected data to CSV file
+CollectEarthWindow.33=The operator name has to be longer than 5 characters and shorter than 50
+CollectEarthWindow.34=Validation error
+CollectEarthWindow.35=OPERATOR NAME EMPTY\!
Please fill the operator name and press the "Update" button.
+CollectEarthWindow.36=Operator name cannot be empty
+CollectEarthWindow.37=Keep Open
+CollectEarthWindow.38=CSV files
+CollectEarthWindow.39=NOTICE\: It is advisable that you back-up your current data (Export to XML) before importing the new data
+CollectEarthWindow.3=\ Import error
+CollectEarthWindow.40=Set-up the path to the folder where Saiku Server is installed in the Tools->Properties->Advanced tab.
+CollectEarthWindow.41=Saving exported data to file\:
+CollectEarthWindow.43=Conflicting records found
+CollectEarthWindow.44=Data Import/Export
+CollectEarthWindow.45=Export data to XML (compressed)
+CollectEarthWindow.46=Import new data from ZIP (compressed XML)
+CollectEarthWindow.47=Saiku Server not configured
+CollectEarthWindow.48=Zip/collect-data files
+CollectEarthWindow.49=Fusion CSV files
+CollectEarthWindow.4=FAO Disclaimer notices
+CollectEarthWindow.50=Open User Manual
+CollectEarthWindow.51=Check for updates of Collect Earth
+CollectEarthWindow.52=Open Application Log File
+CollectEarthWindow.53=Collect Earth Log file
+CollectEarthWindow.54=Load points from KML
+CollectEarthWindow.55=Update current records using CSV
+CollectEarthWindow.57=The Saiku starter process is still running, please wait.
+CollectEarthWindow.58=Cannot start Saiku analysis
+CollectEarthWindow.59=Do you want to re-generate the dataset for the Saiku analysis?
This process can be time-consuming.
If you click on "YES" a new dataset with the latest information will be generated.
+CollectEarthWindow.60=Saiku data generation
+CollectEarthWindow.61=Export data to XML (modified records since last export)
+CollectEarthWindow.63=Error getting the points from KML
+CollectEarthWindow.64=Technical Support
+CollectEarthWindow.65=The operator name has been changed
+CollectEarthWindow.66=Operator name
+CollectEarthWindow.67=Open data folder
+CollectEarthWindow.6=Export to Fusion Table
+CollectEarthWindow.70=Open the Survey Guide
+CollectEarthWindow.71=Generate Stand-Alone Saiku tool
+CollectEarthWindow.7=Error when importing data
+CollectEarthWindow.8=Disclaimer text could not be found
+CollectEarthWindow.9=The data imported contains records that are already present on your database.
+DynamicsCode.0=Initially Forest
+DynamicsCode.1=Initially Grassland
+DynamicsCode.2=Initially Settlement
+DynamicsCode.3=Initially Otherland
+DynamicsCode.4=Initially Wetland
+DynamicsCode.5=Initially Cropland
+EarthApp.11=Collect Earth is already running
+EarthApp.21=The file containing the grid of plots as a CSV/CED is not found in the selected path \:
+EarthApp.23=No CSV/CED file has been set-up \:
+EarthApp.24=The file containing the Freemarker template with the KML definition is not found in the selected path \:
+EarthApp.26=No KML definition file has been set-up \:
+EarthApp.27=The file containing the HTML balloon form is not found in the selected path \:
+EarthApp.29=No HTML balloon file has been set-up \:
+EarthApp.30=Please correct the file location in the Tools->Properties menu.
+EarthApp.3=Remind me later
+EarthApp.4=Update Now
+EarthApp.57=There is a new version of Collect Earth available\!
How do you want to proceed?
+EarthApp.58=Update alert
+EarthApp.59=Error when importing project file
+EarthApp.5=Do not remind me again
+EarthApp.61=The Collect Earth file could not be open.
Please make sure that Google Earth is installed.
+EarthApp.6=\ - Version
+EarthApp.71=In Mac OS X the Collect Earth project files (*.cep) will not open in Collect Earth when they are double-clicked.
+EarthApp.72=Use the Collect Earth toolbar to open the .cep files \:
+EarthApp.73=Collect Earth issues in Mac OS X computers
+EarthSurveyService.9=Field required
+ExportActionListener.1=Pick Date to Export Records From
+ExportDialogProcessMonitor.0=Processing data...
+ExportDialogProcessMonitor.1=Waiting to initialize process \:
+ExportDialogProcessMonitor.4=Exported records \:
+ImportActionListener.0=Should the data for plots that have not been completely filled be imported?
+ImportActionListener.2=If you click NO only the data from plots in the "green" state, containing all data, will be imported.
+ImportActionListener.3=Import non-finished records
+ImportDialogProcessMonitor.0=\ CALCULATING
+ImportDialogProcessMonitor.11=Initial number of records \:
+ImportDialogProcessMonitor.2=Importing records...
+ImportDialogProcessMonitor.5=Actual number of imported records \:
+ImportDialogProcessMonitor.8=Processing data...
+ImportProcessMonitorDialog.0=Imported records \:
+ImportXMLDialogProcessMonitor.1 = Overwrite data
+ImportXMLDialogProcessMonitor.2 = Import only non-conflicting plots
+InfiniteProgressMonitor.0=Cancel operation
+JFileChooserExistsAware.0=Collect Earth Project file
+KmlImportService.13=Select a CSV file to save the plot locations to
+MissingPlotsListener.0=Error while getting information about plots not present on the Database
+MissingPlotsListener.10=Total number of plots in the sampling design \:
+MissingPlotsListener.12=Number of missing plots \:
+MissingPlotsListener.14=All the plots are filled\!
+MissingPlotsListener.1=Missing plots
+MissingPlotsListener.2=Copy contents to clipboard
+MissingPlotsListener.3=Pick the files that contain plot information ( .csv or .ced files ) for which you want to know if all data has been filled.
+MissingPlotsListener.4=Missing plots - information
+MissingPlotsListener.5=From file \:
+MissingPlotsListener.6=Export to CED file
+NO_TO_ALL=No to all
+OpenTextFileListener.0=The text file was not found at \:
+OptionWizard.0=Collect Earth options
+OptionWizard.100=Open Planet imagery
+OptionWizard.101=Planet API key
+OptionWizard.1021=URL SecureWatch
+OptionWizard.102=Open Maxar SecureWatch
+OptionWizard.103=Set URL for Extra Map (opens when set) \:
+OptionWizard.105=Open Earth Map
+OptionWizard.110=Use NICFI provided Monthly imagery
+OptionWizard.10=Open backup folder
+OptionWizard.11=Unknown\: use ifconfig
+OptionWizard.12=Client Instance
+OptionWizard.13=Collect Earth Server IP
+OptionWizard.14=Collect Earth Server port (e.g. 8023)
+OptionWizard.15=Save & Apply changes
+OptionWizard.1=Choose Browser
+OptionWizard.20=The Google Earth contents have been changed.
Please accept the content reload when you are prompted by Google Earth.
+OptionWizard.21=Update successful
+OptionWizard.23=There was an error when re-opening the Google Earth data
+OptionWizard.25=Operation Mode
+OptionWizard.26=DB host
+OptionWizard.27=This is not a recognized Saiku Folder ( the start-saiku.bat file is not present)
+OptionWizard.28=Saiku Server not recognized
+OptionWizard.29=DB port
+OptionWizard.2=Workflow (server/client)
+OptionWizard.30=SQLite options
+OptionWizard.31=Sample data
+OptionWizard.32=Plot layout
+OptionWizard.33=Survey Definition
+OptionWizard.34=Integrated Services
+OptionWizard.35=Number of control points
+OptionWizard.36=Distance between control points (in meters)
+OptionWizard.37=Margin with plot border (in meters)
+OptionWizard.38=The CSV/CED file cannot be read correctly.
The file is expected to have a comma separated values like this \:
+OptionWizard.3=Server Instance
+OptionWizard.41=Load a new project file
+OptionWizard.42=Error when closing the CSV reader
+OptionWizard.43=Name of survey
+OptionWizard.44=automatically back-up database at
+OptionWizard.45=Open Earth Engine Playground ( deprecated )
+OptionWizard.46=Open Earth Engine Timelapse
+OptionWizard.47=Open Bing Maps
+OptionWizard.48=Open form on a browser instead of Google Earth (recommended for LINUX)
+OptionWizard.49=Path to ced/csv file with plot data
+OptionWizard.4=Current computer IP \:
+OptionWizard.51=Error importing project file
+OptionWizard.52=CSV/CED file with only coordinates
+OptionWizard.53=No points
+OptionWizard.54=Central point
+OptionWizard.55=Error importing project folder
+OptionWizard.56=Load project
+OptionWizard.57=Previously loaded projects
+OptionWizard.58=Open GEE Code Editor (requires Trusted Tester access)
+OptionWizard.59=Open Here Maps focused on the plot
+OptionWizard.5=Collect Earth Server port\:
+OptionWizard.65=Path to Saiku folder
+OptionWizard.67=Path to Firefox executable
+OptionWizard.6=PostgreSQL DB parameters
+OptionWizard.70=Executable files
+OptionWizard.72=Binary files
+OptionWizard.73=Path to Chrome executable
+OptionWizard.76=Executable files
+OptionWizard.78=Binary files
+OptionWizard.79=Path to KML Freemarker template
+OptionWizard.7=User Name
+OptionWizard.82=Freemarker template
+OptionWizard.83=Path to HTML Balloon form design
+OptionWizard.86=HTML webpage
+OptionWizard.87=Path to XML with IDM definition
+OptionWizard.90=XML IDM definition
+OptionWizard.91=Server (manager version or stand-alone use)
+OptionWizard.92=Client (operator/connected to server)
+OptionWizard.93=SQLite (Embedded/single file based)
+OptionWizard.95=Side of the sampling dots (in meters)
+OptionWizard.9=DB Name
+ProcessMonitorDialog.1=Parsing error on row number
+ProcessMonitorDialog.4=, columns
+ProcessMonitorDialog.5=\ -- values
+SaikuAnalysisListener.0=Yes - Refresh Saiku data (long process)
+SaikuAnalysisListener.1=No - Use same version of the data as last time Saiku was used
+SaikuStarter.1=Starting Saiku
+SaikuStarter.2=Starting Saiku can take some minutes, please wait\!
+SaikuToolExportListener.1=Saiku Tool generation
+SaikuToolExportListener.2=Generating Saiku Tool with current database
+SaveEarthDataServlet.0=Empty request
+SaveEarthDataServlet.1=Problem occurred while saving data to the database
+SaveEarthDataServlet.2=The data was saved
+SlopeCode.0=Flat (0-5)
+YES_TO_ALL=Yes to all
+GenerateDatabaseStarter.1=Preparing for analysis
+GenerateDatabaseStarter.2=Generating Relational Database
+IPCCGeneratorListener.1=Waiting for process to complete\!
+IPCCGeneratorListener.2=The IPCC GHGi compatible data is being generated
+IPCCGeneratorListener.3=Refresh the data (update with latest from Collect Earth)
+IPCCGeneratorListener.4=Use the latest generated database (fastest process - no update)
+IPCCGeneratorListener.5=GHGi Database generation
+IPCCGeneratorListener.6=Do you want to re-generate the dataset for the Saiku analysis?
This process can be time-consuming but it is necessary if the Collect Earth data has been updated since the last time.
\ No newline at end of file