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Live Examples to exercise this suite of TerraForm Modules


  • Select the correct AWS credentials to use with sufficient privileges to spin up the infrastructure, e.g. export AWS_PROFILE=admin
  • Create a backend to store terraform state if requires. There is an example provided under examples/backend_int that creates the s3 bucket to store terraform state and the dynamodb table to store terraform state lock.
  • To create a full Open Data Cube (ODC) eks infrastructure on AWS platform, execute each module defined under examples/stage/<module>. Please note that the number in front, e.g. 01_, represents the correct order of execution to manage dependencies.
  • You need to adjust some of the configuration params such as owner, namespace, environment, region and terraform backend - so they are unique to your organisation.

How to setup a new ODC cluster environment

Once you have created a terraform backend and updated the configuration parameters, you can perform the following steps to setup a new ODC cluster environment -

  • Change directory to examples/stage/01_odc_eks/
  • Modify
    • Change region, owner, namespace, and environment to the values from backend_init.
    • If you do not want a database change db_enabled to false
  • Modify
    • bucket: <namespace>-<environment>-backend-tfstate
    • region : <region>
  • Run terraform init to initialize Terraform state tracking
  • Run terraform plan to do a dry run and validate examples and interaction of modules
  • Run terraform apply to spin up infrastructure (a new ODC EKS Cluster), -- can take upto 15-20 minutes
  • Validate a fresh kubernetes cluster has been created by adding a new kubernetes context and getting clusterinfo
aws eks update-kubeconfig --name <cluster-id>
kubectl cluster-info
  • Change directory to examples/stage/02_odc_k8s/
  • Modify with the following:
    • Modify the bucket and region such that:
      • bucket: <namespace>-<environment>-backend-tfstate
      • region : <region>
  • Modify
    • bucket: <namespace>-<environment>-backend-tfstate
    • region : <region>
  • Run terraform init, terraform plan, terraform apply as above and deploy flux, helm etc. to the live k8s cluster
  • If you enabled the database it is now when you need to create the AWS SSM variables for the database access. The name of the new variable should be /<namespce>-<environment>-eks/ows_ro/db.creds And should have the content of <db_username>:<db_password>
  • Get pods from the kubernetes admin namespace to verify services such as flux and helm were deployed
kubectl get pods —all-namespaces

Deploy apps using Flux and Helm Release

  • FluxCD is configured (in 02_odc_k8s module) to monitor flux-odc-sample repo that defines Helm Releases for the ODC cluster. Create your own live repo and update flux configuration.
  • Execute example modules examples/stage/03_odc_apps_k8s and examples/stage/04_odc_k8s_sandbox.
  • For each of the stages 03 and 04 you need to modify the following files:
    • Modify with the following:
      • Modify the bucket and region such that:
        • bucket: <namespace>-<environment>-backend-tfstate
        • region : <region>
    • Modify
      • bucket: <namespace>-<environment>-backend-tfstate
      • region : <region> This will setup a full sandbox/jupyterhub environment, ows web service and also installs necessary admin & monitoring components, roles and kubernetes secrets, etc to manage your cluster.
  • Fetch a flux deployment key and copy it to repo ssh public key or deploy keys section:
kubectl -n flux logs deployment/flux | grep |cut -d '"' -f2
  • Make sure all the releases are deployed. Verify using -
kubectl get hr —all-namespaces
  • To access Grafana (prometheus), get the password using the below command. It is a base64 encoded password.
kubectl get secret prometheus-operator-grafana -n monitoring -o yaml | grep "admin-password:" | sed 's/admin-password: //' | base64 -d -i`

Destroy a newly created infrastructure

  1. Remove flux deploy ssh key. This will stop flux from being able to read/write from your live repo.
  2. Delete helm releases (HRs) in the following order. Assuming that you have a similar setup as defined in example -
  • First delete all the apps under sandbox, processing and web kubernetes namespace
kubectl delete hr --all=true -n sandbox
kubectl delete hr --all=true -n processing
kubectl delete hr --all=true -n web
  • Delete prometheus-operator HR and CRDs and everything under monitoring namespaces
kubectl delete hr prometheus-operator -n monitoring
kubectl delete crd
kubectl delete crd
kubectl delete crd
kubectl delete crd
kubectl delete crd
kubectl delete hr --all=true -n monitoring
  • Delete all the apps under admin namespace. Also make sure external DNS has cleared all the DNS entry in Route53
kubectl delete hr --all=true -n admin
  1. Destroy all the terraform infrastructure in reverse order. Run terraform init --upgrade and terraform destroy command under each namespace
  • Destroy jupyterhub tf infra - 04_odc-k8s-sandbox
  • Destroy apps tf infra - 03_odc-k8s-apps
  • Destroy k8s tf infra - 02_odc-k8s
  • Destroy eks tf infra - 01_odc-eks

Troubleshoot - Known Issues

  • Issue deleting 01_odc_eks module:
    * VPC module destroy may have issue cleanup itself properly -

     Error: Error deleting VPC: DependencyViolation: The vpc 'vpc-09a9c52f9a2a53a4e' has dependencies and cannot be deleted.
        status code: 400, request id: 4548f188-8f1e-4cb5-a8e8-c92ba56e9401

     Resolve: Destroy VPC manually