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ygen Library Design


This document describes how YANG modeled data is mapped into Go code entities, by the ygen library.

YANG (RFC6020) is a data modelling language, that is used to describe a schema. ygen is primarily developed to meet the use case of allowing Gophers to interact with the OpenConfig data models.

In order to make a YANG schema useful, some means to instantiate data trees which correspond to the schema is required. The ygen library uses the goyang to parse a YANG model, and extract the AST corresponding to the model; ygen takes such a parsed tree and outputs a set of Go structs and enumerations that correspond to nodes in the schema.

OpenConfig Path Compression

OpenConfig YANG models correspond to a specific hierarchy; which is designed to allow machine-to-machine interaction as well as for human consumption. This leads to additional levels of hierarchy being introduced to the model, particularly:

  • Data values (leaf nodes) are mirrored in a config and state container - such that it is possible for a system to determine the intended configuration for a leaf, along with the applied configuration. The former is stored as a read-write leaf within a container which is named config, whilst the latter is reflected by a leaf of the same name in a container named state at the same level of the tree as the config container.
  • YANG list nodes are enclosed in a container, which they are the sole child of. This allows for some systems to provide means to retrieve the entire list, rather than solely the keys when a particular leaf path is queried.

To improve human usability, the ygen library provides a CompressBehaviour option (specified in the YANGCodeGenerator struct's Config field). When CompressBehaviour is set to one of the compressed options, the following schema transformations are made:

  • The config and state containers are "compressed" out of the schema.
  • The surrounding container entities are removed from list nodes.

This results in a model such as the OpenConfig interfaces model having paths that are shorter, and more human-usable:

  • /interfaces/interface/subinterfaces/subinterface/ipv4/addresses/address becomes /interface/subinterface/ipv4/address.
  • /interfaces/interface/subinterfaces/subinterface/config/enabled becomes /interface/subinterface/enabled.
  • /interfaces/interface/subinterfaces/subinterface/state/oper-status becomes /interface/subinterface/oper-status.

With CompressBehaviour set to a compressed value, the modified forms of the paths are used whenever the path of an entity is required (e.g., in YANG name generation).

The logic to extract which entities are valid to have code generation performed for them (skipping config/state containers, and surrounding containers for lists) is found in FindAllChildren in genutil package.

YANG Entities Mapped to Go Entities

ygen creates two types of Go output, a set of structs - corresponding to containers or list nodes within the schema; and a set of enumerations which correspond to nodes that have a restricted set of values in the schema. The set of enumerated values are:

  • leaf nodes which have a YANG type of enumeration, whether directly or within a union.
  • identity statements in the schema.
  • typedef statements within the YANG schema which have a type of enumeration, as their sole type, or within an enumeration.

Each entity is named in the output Go code according to its path in the schema. The path may be modified using the CompressBehaviour as described above.

Output Go structures and their fields

struct entities are named according to their path, with each path element being converted to CamelCase and concatenated in the form PathElementOne_PathElementTwo - such that /interfaces/interfaces/config becomes Interfaces_Interface_Config (if path compression is disabled). In the case that path compression is enabled, the interface list becomes Interface.

Each leaf that is contained under a particular container is represented by a member of the struct, with the leaf's name converted to CamelCase.

If an entity has an extension with the name camelcase-name, this can be used to specify the CamelCase name of the entity explicitly, rather than relying on the the goyang yang.CamelCase function for naming.

Pointers are used for all scalar field types (non-slice, or map) such that unset (nil) fields can be distiguished from those that are set to their null value. The ygot package provides a set of helper methods to return an input value as a pointer - for example, ygot.String("foo") will return a string pointer suitable for setting a YANG string field.

For example, the following YANG module:

container test {
	leaf a { type string; }
	leaf b { type uint8; }
	leaf-list c { type string; }

Will be output as the following Go struct:

type Test struct {
	A	*string	`path:"a"`
	B	*uint8		`path:"b"`
	C	[]string	`path:"c"`

All structs that are produced by the ygen library implement the ygot.GoStruct interface, such that handling code can determine the provenance of such structures.

Naming of Enumerated Entities

For each enumerated entity (described above), an enumerated type in Go is generated, in a similar fashion to the proto library. Naming is according to the type of the enumerated leaf in YANG. Each name element is in camelcase, and when Go is generated, they are delimited by underscores in the same style as struct names.

  • leaf nodes with a type of enumeration are mapped to an enumeration named according to the path of the leaf. The path specified is ModuleName_<PathElement1>_<PathElement2>_..._<PathElementN>_LeafName (index starting from 1), or for compressed paths, LeafGrandParentName_LeafName, such that a path of /interfaces/interface/state/enumerated-value defined within the openconfig-interfaces module is represented by an enumerated type named OpenconfigInterfaces_Interfaces_Interface_State_EnumeratedValue (assuming path compression is disabled), or Interface_EnumeratedValue when it is enabled. Here, ModuleName refers to the defining module of the enumeration type.

    • This mapping is handled by enumgen.go:resolveEnumName.
  • Defined identity statements are generated only when they are referenced by a leaf in the schema (i.e., an identityref). They are named according to the module that they are defined in, and the identity name - i.e., identity foo in module bar-module is named BarModule_Foo. The naming of such identities is not modified when compression is enabled.

    • This mapping is handled by enumgen.go:resolveIdentityRefBaseType.
  • Non-builtin types created via a typedef statement that contain an enumeration are identified according to the module that they are defined in, and the typedef name - i.e., typedef bar { type enumeration { ... }} in module baz is represented by an enumerated type named Bar_Baz.

    • This mapping is handled by enumgen.go:resolveTypedefEnumeratedName.
  • Where an enumeration is defined within a typedef that contains a union, the enumerated language type that is generated is named according to the name of the typedef with _Enum appended to the name.

    • This mapping is handled by enumgen.go:resolveEnumeratedUnionEntry.

    For example:

module bar {
  typedef baz {
     type union {
        type enumeration { ... }
        type string;

would result in a type named Bar_Baz_Enum being generated in the output code.

Only a single enumeration is generated for a typedef or identity - regardless of the number of times that is referenced throughout the code. This ensures that the user of the library does not have to be aware of the enumeration's context when referencing the Go enumerated type. Since typedef and identity nodes do not have a path within the YANG schematree, the library uses the synthesised name defined-module-name/statement-name as a pseudo-path to reference each typedef and identity such that the name it is mapped to in Go code can be re-used throughout code generation.

There are occasions where an enumeration leaf is used in multiple places due to re-use of a grouping. In such cases, the leaf whose path is lexicographically earlier will by default determine the name of the enumeration in the generated code. While this may work well for some YANG schemas, it essentially requires knowledge of the other parts of the schema and may not suit others. The -skip_enum_deduplication flag within generator.go overrides this behaviour and generates different enumerations in the generated code as if there was no re-use of these enumeration leaves (unless their generated names were to be the same anyways).

A conflict in enumerated type names may occur due to the way they are defined, and for most enumerated types, such a collision will cause an error to be returned when attempting to generate code. Since compressed enumeration leaves have a high probability of name collision, it has a conflict resolution mechanism that works in the following manner when multiple distinct enumerations whose default names in the format LeafGrandParentName_LeafName collide:

  • If prepending the module name disambiguates all conflicting enumerations, then ModuleName_LeafGrandParentName_LeafName is the name format for all conflicting enumeration leaves.
  • If the module name fails to disambiguate, then equidistant non-module ancestor names relative to each enumeration, starting from LeafGreatGrandParentName_LeafGrandParentName_LeafName as the format for all enumerations, is checked one by one for disambiguation until success. If an equidistant ancestor does not exist for a single enumeration, disambiguation is still possible, provided the ancestor exists for all others in the conflict set. If more than one enumeration runs out of ancestors to try for disambiguation, however, an error is returned stating that the names cannot be resolved.

Handling Name Collisions

Since in YANG leaf-one and leaf-One are considered unique names, during the process of converting a name to CamelCase, it is possible that two entities are mapped to the same CamelCase name (LeafOne in this case). Such cases are handled by appending underscores to the name of an entity as its name is converting to CamelCase until such time as the name is unique. i.e., in the case that leaf-one and leaf-One exist within the same container then the first mapped entity will be named LeafOne and the second LeafOne_. A similar de-duplication technique is utilised for the names of enumerated types (following the process described above).

It is not expected that with OpenConfig schemas, such name collisions are encountered, although at the time of writing, no OpenConfig linter rule exists to ensure that this is the case.

Mapping of YANG Types to Go Types

The following mapping between YANG and Go types are used by the ygen library:

YANG Type Go Type Notes
int{8,16,32,64} int{8,16,32,64}
uint{8,16,32,64} uint{8,16,32,64}
bool bool
empty bool (derived)
string string
union interface{} A union is represented as an empty interface, with validation intending to be done whilst mapping into the //ops/openconfig/lib/go library.
enumeration int64 Each enumeration is generated as a new type based on Go's int64, names are assigned to each value of the enumeration akin to the proto library.
identityref int64 The identityref's "base" is mapped using the same process as the an enumeration leaf.
decimal64 float64
binary []byte (derived)
bits interface{} TODO(robjs): Add support for bits, this is low priority as it is not used in any OpenConfig schema.

YANG Lists

YANG Lists are output as map fields within the Go structures, with a key type that is derived from the YANG schema, for example:

container c {
	list foo {
		key "fookey";

		leaf fookey { type string; }

	list bar {
		key "barkey1 barkey2";

		leaf barkey1 { type string; }
		leaf barkey2 { type string; }
		leaf barmember { type string; }

Is output as:

type C struct {
	Foo		map[string]*C_Foo	`path:"foo"`
	Bar		map[C_Bar_Key]*C_Bar	`path:"bar"`

type C_Foo struct {
	FooKey		*string	`path:"fookey"`

type C_Bar_Key struct {
	Barkey1	string
	Barkey2	string

type C_Bar struct {
	Barkey1	*string	`path:"barkey1"`
	Barkey2	*string	`path:"barkey2"`
	Barmember	*string	`path:"barmmember"`

Such that the Foo field is a map, keyed on the type of the key leaf (fookey). For lists with multiple keys, a specific key struct is generated (C_Bar_Key in the above example), with fields that correspond to the key fields of the YANG list.

If there is already a Go structure named C_Bar_Key due to the camel case rules, then the back-up name of C_Bar_YANGListKey will be used instead.

Each YANG list that exists within a container has a helper-method generated for it. For a list named foo, the parent container (C) has a NewFoo(fookey string) method generated, taking a key value as an argument, and returning a new member of the map within the foo list.

Note on using binary as a list key type

Because Binary's underlying []byte type is not hashable, YANG models containing lists with binary as a key value, or a union type containing a binary type is not supported. An error is returned by the Go code generation process for such cases, this is a known limitation.

YANG Union Leaves

In order to preserve strict type validation at compile time, union leaves within the YANG schema are mapped to an Go interface which is subsequently implemented for each type that is defined within the YANG union.

For the following YANG module:

container foo {
	container bar {
		leaf union-leaf {
			type union {
				type int8;
				type enumeration {
					enum ONE;
					enum TWO;

The bar container can be translated to Go code according to one of the following strategies:

Simplified Union Leaves (Recommended)

In this representation, generated defined types are used to represent all concrete union types.

type Binary []byte
type YANGEmpty bool
type Int8 int8
type Int16 int16
// ... etc.
type String string
type Bool bool
type Bar struct {
	UnionLeaf		Foo_Bar_UnionLeaf_Union		`path:"union-leaf"`

type Foo_Bar_UnionLeaf_Union interface {
	// Union type can be one of [Int8, E_Foo_Bar_UnionLeaf]

func (Int8) Documentation_for_Foo_Bar_UnionLeaf_Union() {}

func (E_Foo_Bar_UnionLeaf) Documentation_for_Foo_Bar_UnionLeaf_Union() {}

The UnionLeaf field can be set to any defined type (including enumeration typedefs) that implements the Foo_Bar_UnionLeaf_Union interface. These typedefs are re-used for different union types; so, it's possible to assign an Int8 value to any union which has int8 in its definition.

Wrapper Union Leaves

type Bar struct {
	UnionLeaf		Foo_Bar_UnionLeaf_Union		`path:"union-leaf"`

type Foo_Bar_UnionLeaf_Union interface {

type Foo_Bar_UnionLeaf_Union_Int8 struct {
	Int8 int8

func (Foo_Bar_UnionLeaf_Union_Int8) Is_Foo_Bar_UnionLeaf_Union() {}

type Foo_Bar_UnionLeaf_Union_E_Foo_Bar_UnionLeaf struct {
	E_Foo_Bar_UnionLeaf E_Foo_Bar_UnionLeaf

func (Foo_Bar_UnionLeaf_Union_E_Foo_Bar_UnionLeaf) Is_Foo_Bar_UnionLeaf_Union() {}

The UnionLeaf field can be set to any of the structs that implement the Foo_Bar_UnionLeaf_Union interface. Since these structs are single-field entities, a struct initialiser that does not specify the field name can be used (e.g., Foo_Bar_UnionLeaf_Union_Int8{42}), similarly to the generate Go code for a Protobuf oneof.