I am going to give this talk in two parts. The first part is identical to the lightning talk I will deliver on Monday; it provides a neccesary background to the longer and drier results I wish to present today.
OK I need to start with some basic definitions.
A word pair is just an ordered pair of two words.
The number of times a pair has been observed is denoted by N.
This allows a frequentist probability to be assigned. Note that the total probability sums to 1.0
The star denotes a wild-card sum over all entries in that location.
This can be used to define the mutual information between a pair of words. For the moment, I will call it the "Lexical Attraction" because it is not left-right symmetric.
Conventional textbooks only present a symmetric version of MI that is inappropriate for ordered pairs. This can be a point of confusion.
I have a strong information-theoretic bias.
This is because there are very powerful reasons to beleive that counting bits, counting information is the correct way to understand ... information.
I remark on this because some people really do not like it! They suggest other metrics, measures, other approaches, possilities.
I say bunkum. It just means you don't have the correct theoretical framework in place to understand what is actually happening. You didn't have a way of measuring the information content of the transaction.
You didn't have a model of the interaction.
The study of pairs is the study of matrices. The word-pair dataset is a matrix; rows and columns are left and right words in the pair. It is a sparse matrix; most word-pairs are not observed.
Matrices has some global properties, these are a collection of numbers that characterize the general shape.
I have the log width and height. Everything is a log because that puts everything on the same scale. Makes everything comparable. We measure in bits, so the log is log base two.
Left and right are not equal for mundane reasons: The word "the" doesn't appear at the ends of sentences. Punctuation does not appear at the start of sentences. Te counts don't quite match.
Interesting numbers include the total number of non-zero entries, and the total number of observations. Expressing these in a relatvie fashion, relative to the size of the matrix, provides better intuition.
Thus, the sparsity, which is the fraction of non-zero entries, and the rarity, which experimentally appears to be independent of the dataset size.
Entropy is not that interesting, but it is conventional to report it. If I'm going to be "information-theoretic" and stay true to my beleifs, this is obligatory to report.
One also has a marginal entropy, for the left and the right (the rows and columns) It is written in the "margins" which is why it's called "marginal".
There is also the total MI.
Lets take quick look at some datasets. I understand this slide can induce audience pain, so I will try to be quick. Sorry in advance.
The smallest dataset is on the left: 100K x 100K words vs. 500K x 500K on the right.
This is NOT a "large" language model. This fits on conventional desktops. It is approx 1 million times smaller than the Google LLM's. Six orders of magnitude. Let that sink in.
If you scan the D-total line, you'll see up to 50 million non-zero entries.
The sparsity, the fraction varies from 1 in a thousand to 4 in a thousand non-empty pairs. This is very sparse. This is a driver of software development: You MUST have a way of representing sparse data in your system. Pretty much all conventional math/probability science frameworks don't suport this; this is a roadblock.
The rarity, defined earlier, appears to be independent of data-set size. I think this is meaningful, but don't yet know what it means.
In the next row, The number of observations per entry grows, the more observations you make. This is expected.
In the next row, The total entropy grows slightly.
In the last row, The total mutual information stays constant or maybe even drops, as the dataset size increases.
It's not very large. There is not a lot of data in word-pairs.
Think of the MI as a measure of the amplification of information. Given some data set, it tells you how much information you were able to collect up and concentrate.
One and a half bits of information is perhaps laughably tiny. But it is positive, and greater than zero.
A short detour on sample size effects.
The vertex degree is a classical statistic from the early days of the study of large graphs, which tended to be scale-free graphs with preferential attachement.
I don't think its useful in the present case, but reviewers clamor for this stuff because all the classical papers talk about it.
You can see the graph is Zipfian.
I have no intuition or theoretical explanation for why the exponent, the slope, is -1.6
One the left side, at the top of the chart, are "words" that occur in only a handful of pairs.
Dataset inspection reveals that it is junk. Bad punctuation, typos, bad quote segmentation, stray HTML markup.
Basically, if a typo occurs only once, then yes, it will be in very very few word-pairs, which translates to having a vertex with a very low degree. Degree is just the number of other vertexes connected to it.
Amazingly, almost 2/3rds of the dataset consists of this kind of junk!
It eats up RAM! Storage! Yow! Data set trimming is not a bad idea.
By comparison, the word "the", and punctuation, occur on the right right-hand side of this graph. The word "the", and punctuation, occur in a vast number of word pairs, and so have a very large degree.
The distribution of the mutual information is far more interesting. That is shown here.
28 Million word pairs were observed. Again, this is microscopic, compared to present-day large-language models. We're wrking at a different scale.
The distribution breaks down perfectly into the sum of two curves, and I do mean perfectly, its actually quite amazing.
One is a gaussian, centered roughly at zero. The other is a log-normal curve.
I've never seen this sort of data discussed before, so I don't know of any theory for it. However, I can offer a simple explanation.
The gaussian centered at zero is entirely due to random sampling effects. It is what you would get if you had a bag of words, and randomly sampled two (with replacement) out of that bag. Classic analytic combinatorics. The result is a Gaussian centered at MI=0.
The rest, the log-normal curve, is presumably "meaningful English Langauge correlation".
But how do you tell which is which?
Well, above an MI of 10, it really is "English".
Between 2 and 10, its ... what? Maybe random junk? Maybe English?
By the way, if you repeat this for Mandarin Chinese, you get a more-or-less identical figure.
So ... how to proceed. The next step was sketched out 25 years ago, Maximum Spanning Tree Parsing. Here, you take a sentence, consider all possible spanning trees on that sentence, and then pick the one with the highest total MI.
The new thing, the innovation I am focused on is the jigsaws.
Cut each edge in half, and label the endpoints. This results in a word with some connectors on it. This is the jigsaw.
Elsewhere, these get called disjunts, because they are "disjoined" from other occurances. I'm still fishing for a good vocabulary for this stuff. My favorite today is "jigsaws".
Anyway, count these. Do an MST parse of a large number of sentences, and count how often each jigsaw is observed.
This gives you another set of pairs, another matrix. The columns of the matrix are words, the rows are connector-sequences.
The matrix is rectangular, there are about 10 times more connector sequences than there are words.
I'm not going to talk about this slide. I'm going to skip it.
It shows what happens when you trim away infrequent pairs. So, for example, trim away words that are seen only twice, or less than 5 or 10 times. Trim away matrix entries that are seen only once of twice.
This strongly shrinks the dataset size.
This trims away junk, typos in the dataset. But you have to be careful, as some of the low-frequency stuff can be meainingful:
They can be
- Geographical place names, used only a few times.
- Product names, given names used only a few times.
- Foreign-language loan words used only a few times.
Trimming is dangerous.
It reduces dataset size, but looking at the last row, timming lowers the overall MI gain.
Perhaps the main thing to note here is that the total MI is much much larger than that for word pairs. An MI of 9 or even 6 is much larger than the 1.5 seen for word pairs. We've acheived significant amplification gain.
In radio electronics, the very first transistor after the antenna has a gain of about 2 to 3, this is comparable to the MI for word-pairs. The next stage of a radio amplifier can have a gain of 100 or 1000. That is what we are seeing here. There seems to be a real information amplification gain.
Here, I've graphed the MI for the jigsaws, just as before.
I don't see what what's going on here. The meaning is opaque. It's a bit of a mess. The various curves are for the different trim levels.
Gets closer to being a Gaussian, the more strongly trimmed it is.
But not close enough to be "satsifying" in any way.
Lets try again for the similarity between words, with similarity being computed from the dot product of vectors.
The word-vectors are the word-disjunct pairs.
Wow! What a world of difference! A nearly perfect Bell curve! It's stunning!
OK, what did I just show?
The inner product is the dot product. It's not entirely appropriate because probability space is not Euclidean space. Euclidean space is invariant under rotations. Probability space is invariant (or rather covarient) under Markov chains. Two different beasts.
So we take the mutual information of the inner product. This time, the mutual information is symmetric, and it does correspond to the conventional textbook definition.
There's a problem with high-MI: the highest MI pairs are also infrequent. It would be much nicer to have something that weights frequent pairs more heavily, so that commonly-observed pairs rise to the top.
This is given by the VI, the Variation of information. It seems to strike a happy medium.
For the Gaussian curve, it leaves it more or less untouched. It just shifts it to the right. This is perhaps remarkable, because the rankings are now completely different. The correlation between MI and VI is low. Huh.
One can play the similarity game with other kinds of metrics; there are various kinds of Jacquard distances one can define. These work quite well, and maybe better than MI or VI.
By the way: Cosine distance is terrible. Absolutely terrible. Its the worst possible matric!
Why? Cosine distance only makes sense on Euclidean spaces. The space of probability is not Euclidean! Its a Simplex!
Footnote: This is a subjective claim, made by eyeballing what kinds of words are judged to be similar by the various metrics. But it is easy to replicate. Cosine distance says things are similar when its pretty clear that they are not.
I want to talk abut spin glasses.
What is a Gaussian? One way to understand a Gaussian is as a high-dimensional sphere, with a uniform random sprinking of points on it. In fact, this is how you actually compute uniform distributions on a sphere in N dimensions: you sample a Gaussian N+1 times, and use those to get a vector on the surface of a sphere.
Here, each axis of the space is a word. The dimension of the space is the size of the vocabulary.
The vectors here have coefficients given by the MI.
This is actually rather remarkable: it says the grammatical use of words in the English language, the structure, the syntax and grammar of the English language, is uniformly distributed in the space of syntactic relationships.
The English language leverages syntax to the highest possible degree, maximizing the utility of syntax.
We, as speakers, use grammar, syntax to communicate ideas, and English uses syntax in a maximal way. Of all possible ways it could be used, all possibilities are used equally.
I dont want to bias this towards English; I suspect all human languages behave this way; I just have results for English right now.
I'll descend a bit from the atmosphereic heights, and look at some more mundane results.
Here we have a table of some top-ranked clusters, ranked by VI similarity. I cannot "measure" this scientifically, but the gut-sense feel of this table is that the results look pretty good. This is what you'd expect.
To emphasize: the similarity here is the similarity in grammatical usage, similarity in the way these words appear in grammatical conext. That's what the jigsaws do.
Jigsaws are kind-of-like N-grams, or kind-of-like skip-grams, except that they provide an explicit grammatical relationship. They go out not only to the neighboring words, but the neighboring words return that favor.
In skip-grams, the relationship is one-way, word into context. In grammar, the relationship is two-way: the subject of a verb is symmetrically the verb's subject; both agree as to what their role is in a sentence. One is not ignorant of the other, the way they are in n-grams or skip-grams.
Some quick remarks about word-sense disambiguation. Any given word can have multiple senses. One has to be able to tell them apart.
Grammatically, different word senses appear to be associated with different grammatical patterns. Here, since we are dealing with linear algebra, these are just linear combinations.
I've been experimenting with algorithms to pull these apart. Note that conventional clustering algos, such as agglomerative clustering, K-means clustering utterly fail in this task. It's not that it is a hard task, its just that the researchers have never had to face disentangling high-dimensional linear combinations before. There doesn't seem to be any literature on this topic, so I've had to roll-my-own.
One effective technique seems to involve a kind of democratic voting to admit members into an exclusive club of shared interests.
Each existing member of a club gets a vote. The vote is based on how similar the existing member is to the candidate. Vector similarity.
How exclusive should the club be? As you lower the barriers to entry, the club grows, at first slowly, but then explosively. The ideal size would seem to be the knee of that curve: just before the explosive growth.
What defines the club? The shared common interests. In this case, the jigsaw connector sequences that all club members have in common. If a club member has interests outside of that club, those correspond to different word-senses. Those jigsaw connector sequences should be assigned to some other clubs.
This algo accomplishes two things at once: it generalizes from the specific to the general (by clustering) but also filters out the exceptions: It can cleanly distinguish and disambiguate different grammatical roles.
Nothing fancy here, just not something that you can find off-the-shelf software for.
Some conclusionts then.
- Information-theoretic explanations are paramouunt.
- Assume nothing, if experiment doesn't support it.
- Structure can be extracted from undifferentiated samples taken from nature.
- Structure is expressed as grammar
- Recursiion: once one can spot a uniformaly-distributed pattern, one can then then ask how the present case differs from the uniform distribution. This is an act of searching for differences from the mean, extracting the symbolic structure of those differences, using that to define a new uniformity, so the process can be repeated.
This is a combined theoretical plus experimental program. I invite the audence to participate.
Thank you.