diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/cs/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md b/docs/CROWDIN/cs/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md index 59ece6a86baa..eeb95b112921 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/cs/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/cs/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ orphan: true Noteworthy is the fact that the G7 and ONE+ systems, compared to the G6, do not smooth the values, neither in the app, nor in the reader. More details about this [here](https://www.dexcom.com/en-us/faqs/why-does-past-cgm-data-look-different-from-past-data-on-receiver-and-follow-app). -Picture is outdated!!! ![G7 english](../images/6fe30b84-227a-4bae-a9a5-527cee341dbf.png) +![G7 english](../images/6fe30b84-227a-4bae-a9a5-527cee341dbf.png) `{admonition} [Smoothing method](../CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md)` ## 1. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7 or ONE+) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/cs/CompatibleCgms/Libre3.md b/docs/CROWDIN/cs/CompatibleCgms/Libre3.md index 8537ead330be..637c5ccdca18 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/cs/CompatibleCgms/Libre3.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/cs/CompatibleCgms/Libre3.md @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ This method uses Juggluco to receive raw, 1-minute interval data from the sensor ### Step 1: Setup Juggluco Download and install the Juggluco app from [here](https://www.juggluco.nl/Juggluco/download.html). Follow the instructions [here](https://www.juggluco.nl/Juggluco/libre3/) -Make sure you send the glucose values to Xdrip+: In Juggluco's settings you can configure Juggluco to send its glucose value to other apps. Juggluco can send three types of such broadcasts: The **Patched Libre broadcast** was originally used by the patched Librelink app and can be used to send glucose values to xDrip+ +Make sure you send the glucose values to xDrip+: In Juggluco's settings you can configure Juggluco to send its glucose value to other apps. Juggluco can send three types of such broadcasts: The **Patched Libre broadcast** was originally used by the patched Librelink app and can be used to send glucose values to xDrip+ ![Juggluco broadcast to xDrip+](../images/Juggluco_xDrip.png) @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ After a sensor change xDrip+ will automatically detect the new sensor and will d - Select xDrip+ in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](#Config-Builder-bg-source). - In xDrip+ select "Libre2 (patched App)" as data source -- Turn of Smoothing (done in Xdrip+ already) +- Turn of Smoothing (done in xDrip+ already) As of now, when using Libre 3 as a BG source, the "Always enable SMB" and "Enable SMB by Carbs" options cannot be enabled in the SMB algorithm. The BG values from Libre 3 are not smooth enough to use safely. diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/cs/Getting-Started/Introduction.md b/docs/CROWDIN/cs/Getting-Started/Introduction.md index 08a5441da4b7..7709ca2105b7 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/cs/Getting-Started/Introduction.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/cs/Getting-Started/Introduction.md @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ Zatímco OpenAPS je kompatibilní pouze s určitými staršími inzulinovými pu "Mozkem" AAPS je **aplikace**, kterou si sami sestavíte. Sestavením vás provede manuál, krok za krokem. You then install the **AAPS app** on a [compatible](../Getting-Started/Phones.md) **Android smartphone** (**1**). Mnoho uživatelů upřednostňuje instalaci smyčky na vyhrazeném telefonu, místo na jejich hlavním. Takže nemusíte Android telefon používat na všechno ostatní, stačí pouze na AAPS smyčku. -Kromě **AAPS** budete do Vašeho **chytrého telefonu s Androidem** muset také nainstalovat další aplikaci. Jedná se buď o upravenou Dexcom aplikaci nazvanou Build-Your-Own Dexcom App, tedy [**BYODA**](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScD76G0Y-BlL4tZljaFkjlwuqhT83QlFM5v6ZEfO7gCU98iJQ/viewform?fbzx=2196386787609383750&fbclid=IwAR2aL8Cps1s6W8apUVK-gOqgGpA-McMPJj9Y8emf_P0-_gAsmJs6QwAY-o0), a nebo [**Xdrip+**](https://xdrip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/usethedoc/). Tato další aplikace získává hodnoty glykémie ze senzoru (**2**) prostřednictvím bluetooth připojení a interně je v telefonu předává do **AAPS aplikace**. +Kromě **AAPS** budete do Vašeho **chytrého telefonu s Androidem** muset také nainstalovat další aplikaci. This is either a modified Dexcom app called build-your-own dexcom app [**BYODA**](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScD76G0Y-BlL4tZljaFkjlwuqhT83QlFM5v6ZEfO7gCU98iJQ/viewform?fbzx=2196386787609383750&fbclid=IwAR2aL8Cps1s6W8apUVK-gOqgGpA-McMPJj9Y8emf_P0-_gAsmJs6QwAY-o0) or [**xDrip+**](https://xdrip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/usethedoc/). Tato další aplikace získává hodnoty glykémie ze senzoru (**2**) prostřednictvím bluetooth připojení a interně je v telefonu předává do **AAPS aplikace**. **AAPS aplikace** využívá rozhodovací proces (**algoritmus**) z OpenAPS. Nováčci začínají se základním **oref0** algoritmem, ale jak postupují s AAPS, mohou přepnout na novější algoritmus **oref1**. Jestli budete využívat algoritmus oref0 nebo oref1 závisí na tom, který bude nejlépe vyhovovat vaší situaci. V obou případech vezme algoritmus do úvahy množství faktorů a provede rychlé kalkulace pokaždé, když přijdou nová měření ze senzoru. Algoritmus pak pošle inzulínové pumpě (**3**) přes bluetooth informaci kolik inzulínu má pacientovi podat. Všechny informace mohou být prostřednictvím mobilních dat nebo WiFi připojení odeslány na internet (**4**). Pokud je to třeba, mohou být tyto iniformace sdíleny se sledujícími uživateli a/nebo shromažďovány k analýze. @@ -81,13 +81,13 @@ Uživatelé mohou snadno přidat nebo odebrat moduly nebo funkce. **AAPS** můž To vše jsou příklady, celá škála funkcí poskytuje velkou flexibilitu pro každodenní život, včetně sportu, nemoci, hormonálních cyklů _atd._. Konečně, je to jen na uživateli aby se rozhodl, jak chce tuto volnost využít a proto neexistuje jediná automatizace pro všechny. #### 4) **Remote monitoring** -Existuje řada možných motitorovacích kanálů (Sugarmate, Dexcom Follow, Xdrip+, Android Auto _atd._) které mohou být velmi užitečné pro rodiče / pečovatele a pro dospělé v určitých situacích (spánek / řízení), kdy je potřeba přizpůsobit možnosti výstrah. V některých aplikacích (Xdrip+) můžete alarmy zcela vypnout, což je skvělá varianta v případě, že se vám nový senzor "zahřívá" nebo usazuje a vy ho ještě nechcete mít zapojený do smyčky. +There are multiple possible monitoring channels (Sugarmate, Dexcom Follow, xDrip+, Android Auto _etc._) which are useful for parents/carers and adults in certain scenarios (sleeping/driving) who need customisable alerts. In some apps (xDrip+) you can also turn alarms off totally, which is great if you have a new sensor “soaking” or settling down that you don’t want to loop with yet. #### 5) **Remote control** Významnou výhodou **AAPS** oproti komerčně dostupným systémům je to, že umožňuje followerům - použitím ověřených textových příkazů (SMS) nebo pomocí aplikace ([Nightscout](https://nightscout.github.io/) nebo AAPSClient) - posílat širokou škálu příkazů do **AAPS** systému. To ve velké míře využívají rodiče dětí s diabetem I. typu. Může to být velmi užitečné: například na hřišti, když chcete poslat pre-bolus ke svačině z vašeho vlastního telefonu, zatímco si dítě hraje. Je možné sledovat stav systému (_např._ náramky Fitbit), posílat základní příkazy (_např._ Samsung Galaxy watch 4), nebo dokonce provozovat celý AAPS systém pomocí specializovaných chytrých hodinek (**5**) (_e.g._ LEMFO LEM14). V tomto posledním případě ani k provozu AAPS nepotřebujete telefon. Jak se postupně zlepšuje životnost baterií v hodinkách, bude tato varianta pravděpodobně čím dál víc atraktivní. #### 6) **No commercial constraints, due to open application interfaces** -Kromě použití přístupu open-source, který umožňuje zdrojový kód **AAPS** kdykoli zobrazit, základní princip v poskytování otevřeného progamovacího prostředí je dát příležitost ostatním vývojářům přispět novými nápady a možnostmi. **AAPS** je úzce integrován s Nightscoutem. To urychluje vývoj a umožňuje uživatelům přidávat nové funkce, aby se život s diabetem stal ještě pohodlnější. Good examples for such integrations are [Nightscout](https://nightscout.github.io/), [Nightscout Reporter](https://nightscout-reporter.zreptil.de/), [Xdrip+](https://xdrip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/usethedoc/), [M5 stack](https://github.com/mlukasek/M5_NightscoutMon/wiki?fbclid=IwAR1pupoCy-2GuXLS7tIO8HRkOC_536YqSxTK7eF0UrKkM1PuucFYRyPFvd0) etc. Probíhá dialog mezi vývojáři s otevřeným zdrojovým kódem a těmi, kteří vyvíjejí komerčně dostupné systémy. Mnohé DIY inovace jsou postupně přebírány komerčními systémy, kde je vývoj pochopitelně pomalejší, částečně proto, že rozhraní mezi systémy různých společností (pumpy, aplikace, senzory _atd._) musí být pečlivě sjednána a licencována. To může také zpomalit inovace, které přináší výhody pro pacienta (nebo pro malou subpopulaci pacientů se specifickými potřebami), ale nevytvářejí žádný významný zisk. +Kromě použití přístupu open-source, který umožňuje zdrojový kód **AAPS** kdykoli zobrazit, základní princip v poskytování otevřeného progamovacího prostředí je dát příležitost ostatním vývojářům přispět novými nápady a možnostmi. **AAPS** je úzce integrován s Nightscoutem. To urychluje vývoj a umožňuje uživatelům přidávat nové funkce, aby se život s diabetem stal ještě pohodlnější. Good examples for such integrations are [Nightscout](https://nightscout.github.io/), [Nightscout Reporter](https://nightscout-reporter.zreptil.de/), [xDrip+](https://xdrip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/usethedoc/), [M5 stack](https://github.com/mlukasek/M5_NightscoutMon/wiki) etc. Probíhá dialog mezi vývojáři s otevřeným zdrojovým kódem a těmi, kteří vyvíjejí komerčně dostupné systémy. Mnohé DIY inovace jsou postupně přebírány komerčními systémy, kde je vývoj pochopitelně pomalejší, částečně proto, že rozhraní mezi systémy různých společností (pumpy, aplikace, senzory _atd._) musí být pečlivě sjednána a licencována. To může také zpomalit inovace, které přináší výhody pro pacienta (nebo pro malou subpopulaci pacientů se specifickými potřebami), ale nevytvářejí žádný významný zisk. #### 7) **Detailed app interface** S **AAPS** je snadné sledovat věci jako: množství inzulínu v pumpě, stáří kanyly a senzoru, stáří baterie v pumpě, množství inzulínu na palubě _atd._. Mnoho akcí lze provést prostřednictvím aplikace **AAPS** (primování pumpy po plnění, odpojení pumpy _atd._), místo toho aby bylo nutné akce provádět přímo na pumpě. To znamená, že pumpa může zůstat v kapse (nebo v opasku) pacienta. diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/cs/SettingUpAaps/TransferringAndInstallingAaps.md b/docs/CROWDIN/cs/SettingUpAaps/TransferringAndInstallingAaps.md index fb44d0741778..b1490111c715 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/cs/SettingUpAaps/TransferringAndInstallingAaps.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/cs/SettingUpAaps/TransferringAndInstallingAaps.md @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ In the previous section, [building **AAPS**](../SettingUpAaps/BuildingAaps.md), you built the **AAPS** app (which is an .apk file) on a computer. -The next steps are to **transfer** the **AAPS** APK file (as well as other apps you may need, like BYODA, Xdrip+ or another CGM reciever app) to your Android smartphone, and then **install** the app(s). +The next steps are to **transfer** the **AAPS** APK file (as well as other apps you may need, like BYODA, xDrip+ or another CGM reciever app) to your Android smartphone, and then **install** the app(s). Following installation of **AAPS** on the smartphone, you will then be able to move onto [**configuring the AAPS loop**](../SettingUpAaps/SetupWizard.md). diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/de/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md b/docs/CROWDIN/de/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md index 0f4e785b377d..f169d7bc7f04 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/de/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/de/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ orphan: true Der G7 und ONE+ glätten die Glukosewerte weder in der (Dexcom-) App noch im Lesegerät. Dies ist anders als es beim G6 war. Mehr Details dazu findest Du [hier](https://www.dexcom.com/en-us/faqs/why-does-past-cgm-data-look-different-from-past-data-on-receiver-and-follow-app). -Picture is outdated!!! ![G7 english](../images/6fe30b84-227a-4bae-a9a5-527cee341dbf.png) +![G7 english](../images/6fe30b84-227a-4bae-a9a5-527cee341dbf.png) `{admonition} [Smoothing method](../CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md)` ## 1. xDrip+ (direkte Verbindung zum G7 oder ONE+) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/de/CompatibleCgms/Libre3.md b/docs/CROWDIN/de/CompatibleCgms/Libre3.md index 2b09562fa3e7..e84d5b9dc4fa 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/de/CompatibleCgms/Libre3.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/de/CompatibleCgms/Libre3.md @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ Juggluco wird dabei genutzt, die minütlich vorliegenden Sensorrohdaten an xDrip ### Schritt 1: Juggluco einrichten Lade die Juggluco-App [hier](https://www.juggluco.nl/Juggluco/download.html) herunter und installiere sie. Befolge die [Anweisungen](https://www.juggluco.nl/Juggluco/libre3/) -Stelle sicher, dass die Glukosewerte an AAPS gesendet werden: In den Juggluco Einstellungen, kannst Du Juggluco so konfigurieren, dass Glukosewerte an andere Apps weitergereicht werden. Juggluco kann auf drei Arten Werte weiterreichen: Der **gepatchte Libre Broadcast** wurde ursprünglich von der gepatchten Librelink App verwendet und kann genutzt werden, um Glukosewerte an xDrip+ zu senden +Make sure you send the glucose values to xDrip+: In Juggluco's settings you can configure Juggluco to send its glucose value to other apps. Juggluco kann auf drei Arten Werte weiterreichen: Der **gepatchte Libre Broadcast** wurde ursprünglich von der gepatchten Librelink App verwendet und kann genutzt werden, um Glukosewerte an xDrip+ zu senden ![Juggluco broadcast to xDrip+](../images/Juggluco_xDrip.png) @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ Nach einem Sensorwechsel erkennt xDrip+ den neuen Sensor automatisch und löscht - Wähle xDrip+ unter [KONFIGURATION, BZ-Quelle](#Config-Builder-bg-source) aus. - Wenn sich das Smartphone im Flugmodus befindet und AAPS keine Glukosewerte erhält, verwende "Empfänger identifizieren" -- Glättung aktivieren (in xDrip+ bereits erfolgt) +- Turn of Smoothing (done in xDrip+ already) Wenn Du einen Libre 3 als Datenquelle auswählst, sind die Optionen "Immer SMB" und "SMB bei Kohlenhydraten aktivieren" nicht nutzbar und werden im SMB-Algorithmus nicht berücksichtigt. Die durch den Libre 3 übermittelten Glukosewerte sind für einen sicheren Einsatz dieser Funktionen nicht ausreichend geglättet. diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/de/Getting-Started/Introduction.md b/docs/CROWDIN/de/Getting-Started/Introduction.md index fd7a01e9d98d..e7344bdbcc46 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/de/Getting-Started/Introduction.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/de/Getting-Started/Introduction.md @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ Da OpenAPS nur mit bestimmten älteren Insulinpumpen kompatibel ist, wurde **AAP Das „Gehirn“ von AAPS ist eine **App**, die Du selber erstellen ("bauen") musst. Es gibt für dieses Erstellen sehr detaillierte Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen. Du installierst die **AAPS-App** auf einem [kompatiblen](../Getting-Started/Phones.md) **Android-Smartphone** (**1**). Eine Reihe von Nutzenden bevorzugt es, den "Loop" auf einem separaten Smartphone zu haben und es nicht auf ihrem eigentlichen Haupttelefon. Damit ist es dann auch möglich, Dein bestehendes Systemumfeld (z.B. iOS) weiterzunutzen, und nur für AAPS ein Android-Smartphone zu nutzen. -Das **Android Smartphone** benötigt außer **AAPS** noch eine weitere App. Das ist entweder eine modifizierte Dexcom-App, genannt "build-your-own dexcom app" [**BYODA**](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScD76G0Y-BlL4tZljaFkjlwuqhT83QlFM5v6ZEfO7gCU98iJQ/viewform?fbzx=2196386787609383750&fbclid=IwAR2aL8Cps1s6W8apUVK-gOqgGpA-McMPJj9Y8emf_P0-_gAsmJs6QwAY-o0) oder [**Xdrip+**](https://xdrip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/usethedoc/). Diese zusätzliche App empfängt über Bluetooth die BZ-Werte von einem Sensor (**2**) und sendet sie dann im Handy an die **AAPS-App**. +Das **Android Smartphone** benötigt außer **AAPS** noch eine weitere App. This is either a modified Dexcom app called build-your-own dexcom app [**BYODA**](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScD76G0Y-BlL4tZljaFkjlwuqhT83QlFM5v6ZEfO7gCU98iJQ/viewform?fbzx=2196386787609383750&fbclid=IwAR2aL8Cps1s6W8apUVK-gOqgGpA-McMPJj9Y8emf_P0-_gAsmJs6QwAY-o0) or [**xDrip+**](https://xdrip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/usethedoc/). Diese zusätzliche App empfängt über Bluetooth die BZ-Werte von einem Sensor (**2**) und sendet sie dann im Handy an die **AAPS-App**. Die **AAPS-App** verwendet einen Entscheidungsprozess (**Algorithmus**) von OpenAPS. Neulinge starten mit dem Basis-Algorithmus **oref0** und können mit zunehmender Erfahrung auf den neueren **oref1**-Algorithmus wechseln. Welcher Algorithmus (oref0 und oref1) gewählt werden sollte, hängt stark von Deiner persönlichen Situation ab. Beim Eintreffen eines neuen Sensorwerts, berücksichtigen beide Algorithmen mehrere Faktoren bei der dann ausgeführten Neuberechnung. Per Bluetooth sendet dann der Algorithmus die Befehle, wieviel Insulin benötigt wird, an die Insulinpumpe (**3**). Sämtliche Informationen können als mobile Daten oder per WLAN ins Internet gesendet werden (**4**). Diese Informationen und Daten können mit Followern (wenn nötig) geteilt werden und/oder für Datenanalysen ausgewertet werden. @@ -81,13 +81,13 @@ Benutzer können einfach Module oder Funktionen hinzufügen oder entfernen und * Dies alles sind Beispiele, das volle Leistungsspektrum bietet große Flexibilität für den Alltag einschließlich Sport, Krankheit, Hormonzyklen _etc_. Es gibt keine Standardlösung für eine solche Automation, sodass es am Ende immer eine individuelle Nutzer*innen-Entscheidung bleibt, wie diese Flexibilität genutzt wird. #### 4) **Fernüberwachung** -Es gibt mehrere mögliche Überwachungskanäle (Sugarmate, Dexcom Follow, Xdrip+, Android Auto _etc._), die in bestimmten Szenarien (Schlafen/Fahren) für Eltern und Erwachsene nützlich sind, die individuell einstellbare Warnungen benötigen. In einigen Apps (xDrip+) können Alarme auch vollständig ausschaltet werden. Das ist besonders dann nützlich, wenn ein Sensor frisch gesetzt wurde ("soacking") und/oder die Sensorwerte noch nicht vollständig stabil sind und Du mit diesem Sensor erst später loopen möchtest. +There are multiple possible monitoring channels (Sugarmate, Dexcom Follow, xDrip+, Android Auto _etc._) which are useful for parents/carers and adults in certain scenarios (sleeping/driving) who need customisable alerts. In some apps (xDrip+) you can also turn alarms off totally, which is great if you have a new sensor “soaking” or settling down that you don’t want to loop with yet. #### 5) **Fernbedienung** Ein bedeutender Vorteil von **AAPS** gegenüber kommerziellen Systemen ist, dass es für Follower möglich ist, über authentifizierte Texte (SMS) Befehle oder über eine App ([Nachtscout](https://nightscout.github.io/) oder AAPSClient), um eine große Anzahl von Befehlen an das **AAPS** System zurückzuschicken. Das ist eine der durch Eltern von Typ-1 Kindern am häufigsten genutzte Funktionalität in AAPS. Es ist sehr nützlich: zum Beispiel auf dem Spielplatz. Wenn Du einen Snack von Deinem eigenen Telefon aus für einen Vorab-Bolus machen willst, und Dein Kind ins Spielen vertieft ist. Es ist möglich das System zu überwachen (_z.B._ Fitbit), grundlegende Befehle zu senden (_z._ Samsung Galaxy Watch 4), oder steuere das gesamte AAPS System von einer hochspezialisierten Smartwatch (**5**) (_z.B._ LEMFO LEM14) aus. In diesem letzten Szenario ersetzt die Full-Android-Smartwatch das Smartphone. Mit zunehmender Batteriekapazität und zuverlässigerer Technik der Smartwatches wird diese Option auch immer attraktiver. #### 6) **Keine kommerziellen Einschränkungen aufgrund der offenen Anwendungsschnittstellen** -Über die Verwendung eines Open-Source-Ansatzes hinaus kann der Quellcode von **AAPS** jederzeit eingesehen werden, was das allgemeine Prinzip der Bereitstellung offener Programmierschnittstellen ist. Dies gibt anderen Entwicklern die Möglichkeit, ebenfalls neue Ideen einzubringen. **AAPS** ist eng in Nightscout integriert. Dies beschleunigt die Entwicklung und ermöglicht es den Anwendern, Funktionen hinzuzufügen, um das Leben mit Diabetes noch einfacher zu machen. Gute Beispiele für solche Integrationen sind [Nightscout](https://nightscout.github.io/), [Nightscout Reporter](https://nightscout-reporter.zreptil.de/), [xDdrip+](https://xdrip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/usethedoc/), [M5 Stack](https://github.com/mlukasek/M5_NightscoutMon/wiki?fbclid=IwAR1pupoCy-2GuXLS7tIO8HRkOC_536YqSxTK7eF0UrKkM1PuucFYRyPFvd0) usw. Es besteht ein ständiger Dialog zwischen Open-Source-Entwicklern und den Entwicklern kommerzieller Systeme. Viele der DIY-Innovationen werden schrittweise von kommerziellen Systemen übernommen, wo die Entwicklungen verständlicherweise langsamer sind. Auch weil Schnittstellen zwischen Systemen verschiedener Unternehmen (Pumpen, Apps, Sensoren _usw._) sorgfältig ausgehandelt und lizenziert werden müssen. Dies kann auch Innovationen verlangsamen die für den einzelnen Patienten bequem sind (oder für eine kleine Untergruppe von Patienten mit sehr spezifischen Anforderungen), die aber keinen großen finanziellen Gewinn bringen. +Über die Verwendung eines Open-Source-Ansatzes hinaus kann der Quellcode von **AAPS** jederzeit eingesehen werden, was das allgemeine Prinzip der Bereitstellung offener Programmierschnittstellen ist. Dies gibt anderen Entwicklern die Möglichkeit, ebenfalls neue Ideen einzubringen. **AAPS** ist eng in Nightscout integriert. Dies beschleunigt die Entwicklung und ermöglicht es den Anwendern, Funktionen hinzuzufügen, um das Leben mit Diabetes noch einfacher zu machen. Good examples for such integrations are [Nightscout](https://nightscout.github.io/), [Nightscout Reporter](https://nightscout-reporter.zreptil.de/), [xDrip+](https://xdrip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/usethedoc/), [M5 stack](https://github.com/mlukasek/M5_NightscoutMon/wiki) etc. Es besteht ein ständiger Dialog zwischen Open-Source-Entwicklern und den Entwicklern kommerzieller Systeme. Viele der DIY-Innovationen werden schrittweise von kommerziellen Systemen übernommen, wo die Entwicklungen verständlicherweise langsamer sind. Auch weil Schnittstellen zwischen Systemen verschiedener Unternehmen (Pumpen, Apps, Sensoren _usw._) sorgfältig ausgehandelt und lizenziert werden müssen. Dies kann auch Innovationen verlangsamen die für den einzelnen Patienten bequem sind (oder für eine kleine Untergruppe von Patienten mit sehr spezifischen Anforderungen), die aber keinen großen finanziellen Gewinn bringen. #### 7) **Detaillierte App-Oberfläche** Mit **AAPS** ist es einfach Dinge wie Insulinstände in der Pumpe, Alter des Katheters, Sensoralter, Pumpenbatterie, Insulin-On-Bord _usw._. Viele Aktionen können durch die **AAPS** App durchgeführt werden (Füllen der Pumpe, Abschalten der Pumpe _etc._), anstatt an der Pumpe selbst, was bedeutet, dass die Pumpe in der Tasche oder am Gürtel bleiben kann. diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/de/SettingUpAaps/TransferringAndInstallingAaps.md b/docs/CROWDIN/de/SettingUpAaps/TransferringAndInstallingAaps.md index 18d057277b67..19252600b86d 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/de/SettingUpAaps/TransferringAndInstallingAaps.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/de/SettingUpAaps/TransferringAndInstallingAaps.md @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ Im vorherigen Abschnitt [**AAPS** erstellen](../SettingUpAaps/BuildingAaps.md), hast Du die **AAPS**-App (eine .apk-Datei) auf einem Computer erstellt (gebaut). -Die nächsten Schritte sind, die **AAPS**-APK-Datei (sowie andere Apps, die Du eventuell benötigst, wie BYODA, xDrip+ oder eine andere CGM-App) auf Dein Android-Smartphone zu **übertragen** und sie dann zu **installieren**. +The next steps are to **transfer** the **AAPS** APK file (as well as other apps you may need, like BYODA, xDrip+ or another CGM reciever app) to your Android smartphone, and then **install** the app(s). Nachdem Du **AAPS** auf dem Smartphone installiert hast, können wir dann mit der [**Konfiguration des AAPS-Loop**](../SettingUpAaps/SetupWizard.md) weiter machen. diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/el/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md b/docs/CROWDIN/el/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md index 1d8212e7ec8d..d58b6045df12 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/el/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/el/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ orphan: true Noteworthy is the fact that the G7 and ONE+ systems, compared to the G6, do not smooth the values, neither in the app, nor in the reader. More details about this [here](https://www.dexcom.com/en-us/faqs/why-does-past-cgm-data-look-different-from-past-data-on-receiver-and-follow-app). -Picture is outdated!!! ![G7 english](../images/6fe30b84-227a-4bae-a9a5-527cee341dbf.png) +![G7 english](../images/6fe30b84-227a-4bae-a9a5-527cee341dbf.png) `{admonition} [Smoothing method](../CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md)` ## 1. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7 or ONE+) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/el/CompatibleCgms/Libre3.md b/docs/CROWDIN/el/CompatibleCgms/Libre3.md index bdbd55d321f8..80491b5ecdcf 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/el/CompatibleCgms/Libre3.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/el/CompatibleCgms/Libre3.md @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ This method uses Juggluco to receive raw, 1-minute interval data from the sensor ### Step 1: Setup Juggluco Download and install the Juggluco app from [here](https://www.juggluco.nl/Juggluco/download.html). Follow the instructions [here](https://www.juggluco.nl/Juggluco/libre3/) -Make sure you send the glucose values to Xdrip+: In Juggluco's settings you can configure Juggluco to send its glucose value to other apps. Juggluco can send three types of such broadcasts: The **Patched Libre broadcast** was originally used by the patched Librelink app and can be used to send glucose values to xDrip+ +Make sure you send the glucose values to xDrip+: In Juggluco's settings you can configure Juggluco to send its glucose value to other apps. Juggluco can send three types of such broadcasts: The **Patched Libre broadcast** was originally used by the patched Librelink app and can be used to send glucose values to xDrip+ ![Juggluco broadcast to xDrip+](../images/Juggluco_xDrip.png) @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ After a sensor change xDrip+ will automatically detect the new sensor and will d - Select xDrip+ in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](#Config-Builder-bg-source). - If AndroidAPS does not receive BG values when phone is in airplane mode, use "Identify receiver" -- Turn of Smoothing (done in Xdrip+ already) +- Turn of Smoothing (done in xDrip+ already) As of now, when using Libre 3 as a BG source, the "Always enable SMB" and "Enable SMB by Carbs" options cannot be enabled in the SMB algorithm. The BG values from Libre 3 are not smooth enough to use safely. diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/el/Getting-Started/Introduction.md b/docs/CROWDIN/el/Getting-Started/Introduction.md index 1f00be93c8d8..932b9a33de53 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/el/Getting-Started/Introduction.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/el/Getting-Started/Introduction.md @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ Since OpenAPS is only compatible with certain older insulin pumps, **AAPS** (whi Ο "εγκέφαλος" του AAPS είναι μια εφαρμογή **** την οποία χτίζετε μόνοι σας. Υπάρχουν λεπτομερείς οδηγίες βήμα προς βήμα για αυτό. You then install the **AAPS app** on a [compatible](../Getting-Started/Phones.md) **Android smartphone** (**1**). Πολλοί χρήστες προτιμούν το loop τους σε ένα ξεχωριστό τηλέφωνο από το κύριο τηλέφωνό τους. So, you don’t necessarily have to be using an Android phone for everything else in your life, just for running your AAPS loop. -The **Android smartphone** will also need to have another app installed on it as well as **AAPS**. This is either a modified Dexcom app called build-your-own dexcom app [**BYODA**](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScD76G0Y-BlL4tZljaFkjlwuqhT83QlFM5v6ZEfO7gCU98iJQ/viewform?fbzx=2196386787609383750&fbclid=IwAR2aL8Cps1s6W8apUVK-gOqgGpA-McMPJj9Y8emf_P0-_gAsmJs6QwAY-o0) or [**Xdrip+**](https://xdrip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/usethedoc/). This additional app receives glucose data from a sensor (**2**) by bluetooth, and then sends the data internally on the phone to the **AAPS app**. +The **Android smartphone** will also need to have another app installed on it as well as **AAPS**. This is either a modified Dexcom app called build-your-own dexcom app [**BYODA**](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScD76G0Y-BlL4tZljaFkjlwuqhT83QlFM5v6ZEfO7gCU98iJQ/viewform?fbzx=2196386787609383750&fbclid=IwAR2aL8Cps1s6W8apUVK-gOqgGpA-McMPJj9Y8emf_P0-_gAsmJs6QwAY-o0) or [**xDrip+**](https://xdrip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/usethedoc/). This additional app receives glucose data from a sensor (**2**) by bluetooth, and then sends the data internally on the phone to the **AAPS app**. The **AAPS app** uses a decision making process (**algorithm**) from OpenAPS. Beginners start out using the basic **oref0** algorithm, but it is possible to switch to using the newer **oref1** algorithm as you progress with AAPS. Which algorithm you use (oref0 or oref1), depends on which suits your specific situation best. In both cases, the algorithm takes into account multiple factors, and performs rapid calculations every time a new reading comes in from the sensor. The algorithm then sends instructions to the insulin pump (**3**) on how much insulin to deliver by bluetooth. All the information can be sent by mobile data or wifi to the internet (**4**). Τα δεδομένα αυτά μπορούν επίσης να κοινοποιηθούν στους ακόλουθους εάν το επιθυμούν, ή/και να συλλεχθούν για ανάλυση. @@ -81,13 +81,13 @@ Users can easily add or remove modules or functionality, and **AAPS** can be use These are all examples, the full range of features gives huge flexibility for daily life including sport, illness, hormone cycles _etc_. Ultimately, it is for the user to decide how to use this flexibility, and there is no one-size-fits-all automation for this. #### 4) **Remote monitoring** -There are multiple possible monitoring channels (Sugarmate, Dexcom Follow, Xdrip+, Android Auto _etc._) which are useful for parents/carers and adults in certain scenarios (sleeping/driving) who need customisable alerts. In some apps (Xdrip+) you can also turn alarms off totally, which is great if you have a new sensor “soaking” or settling down that you don’t want to loop with yet. +There are multiple possible monitoring channels (Sugarmate, Dexcom Follow, xDrip+, Android Auto _etc._) which are useful for parents/carers and adults in certain scenarios (sleeping/driving) who need customisable alerts. In some apps (xDrip+) you can also turn alarms off totally, which is great if you have a new sensor “soaking” or settling down that you don’t want to loop with yet. #### 5) **Remote control** A significant advantage of **AAPS** over commercial systems is that it is possible for followers, using authenticated text (SMS) commands or via an app ([Nightscout](https://nightscout.github.io/) or AAPSClient) to send a wide range of commands back to the **AAPS** system. Αυτό χρησιμοποιείται εκτενώς από τους γονείς των παιδιών με διαβήτη τύπου 1 που χρησιμοποιούν AAPS. It is very useful: for example, in the playground, if you want to pre-bolus for a snack from your own phone, and your child is busy playing. It is possible to monitor the system (_e.g._ Fitbit), send basic commands (_e.g._ Samsung Galaxy watch 4), or even run the entire AAPS system from a high-spec smartwatch (**5**) (_e.g._ LEMFO LEM14). Σε αυτό το τελευταίο σενάριο, δεν χρειάζεται να χρησιμοποιήσετε ένα τηλέφωνο για να εκτελέσετε το AAPS. As battery life on watches improves and technology becomes more stable, this last option is likely to become increasingly attractive. #### 6) **No commercial constraints, due to open application interfaces** -Beyond the use of an open-source approach, which allows the source code of **AAPS** to be viewed at any time, the general principle of providing open programming interfaces gives other developers the opportunity to contribute new ideas too. **AAPS** is closely integrated with Nightscout. This accelerates development and allows users to add on features to make life with diabetes even more convenient. Good examples for such integrations are [Nightscout](https://nightscout.github.io/), [Nightscout Reporter](https://nightscout-reporter.zreptil.de/), [Xdrip+](https://xdrip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/usethedoc/), [M5 stack](https://github.com/mlukasek/M5_NightscoutMon/wiki?fbclid=IwAR1pupoCy-2GuXLS7tIO8HRkOC_536YqSxTK7eF0UrKkM1PuucFYRyPFvd0) etc. There is ongoing dialogue between open-source developers and those developing commercial systems. Many of the DIY innovations are gradually adopted by commercial systems, where developments are understandably slower, partly because interfaces between systems from different companies (pumps, apps, sensors _etc_) need to be carefully negotiated and licenced. This can also slow innovations which are convenient for the patient (or a small sub-population of patients, who have a very specific requirement) but do not generate any sizable profit. +Beyond the use of an open-source approach, which allows the source code of **AAPS** to be viewed at any time, the general principle of providing open programming interfaces gives other developers the opportunity to contribute new ideas too. **AAPS** is closely integrated with Nightscout. This accelerates development and allows users to add on features to make life with diabetes even more convenient. Good examples for such integrations are [Nightscout](https://nightscout.github.io/), [Nightscout Reporter](https://nightscout-reporter.zreptil.de/), [xDrip+](https://xdrip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/usethedoc/), [M5 stack](https://github.com/mlukasek/M5_NightscoutMon/wiki) etc. There is ongoing dialogue between open-source developers and those developing commercial systems. Many of the DIY innovations are gradually adopted by commercial systems, where developments are understandably slower, partly because interfaces between systems from different companies (pumps, apps, sensors _etc_) need to be carefully negotiated and licenced. This can also slow innovations which are convenient for the patient (or a small sub-population of patients, who have a very specific requirement) but do not generate any sizable profit. #### 7) **Detailed app interface** With **AAPS** it is easy to keep track of things like: pump insulin levels, cannula age, sensor age, pump battery age, insulin-on-board _etc_. Many actions can be done through the **AAPS** app (priming the pump, disconnecting the pump _etc_.), instead of on the pump itself, which means the pump can stay in your (or your dependant's) pocket or belt. diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/el/SettingUpAaps/TransferringAndInstallingAaps.md b/docs/CROWDIN/el/SettingUpAaps/TransferringAndInstallingAaps.md index 112574decb83..b75cf3df86f6 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/el/SettingUpAaps/TransferringAndInstallingAaps.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/el/SettingUpAaps/TransferringAndInstallingAaps.md @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ In the previous section, [building **AAPS**](../SettingUpAaps/BuildingAaps.md), you built the **AAPS** app (which is an .apk file) on a computer. -The next steps are to **transfer** the **AAPS** APK file (as well as other apps you may need, like BYODA, Xdrip+ or another CGM reciever app) to your Android smartphone, and then **install** the app(s). +The next steps are to **transfer** the **AAPS** APK file (as well as other apps you may need, like BYODA, xDrip+ or another CGM reciever app) to your Android smartphone, and then **install** the app(s). Following installation of **AAPS** on the smartphone, you will then be able to move onto [**configuring the AAPS loop**](../SettingUpAaps/SetupWizard.md). diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/es/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md b/docs/CROWDIN/es/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md index b80e93d0e336..3a6cccb7c4b4 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/es/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/es/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ orphan: true Noteworthy is the fact that the G7 and ONE+ systems, compared to the G6, do not smooth the values, neither in the app, nor in the reader. Más detalles al respecto [aquí](https://www.dexcom.com/en-us/faqs/why-does-past-cgm-data-look-different-from-past-data-on-receiver-and-follow-app). -Picture is outdated!!! ![G7 english](../images/6fe30b84-227a-4bae-a9a5-527cee341dbf.png) +![G7 english](../images/6fe30b84-227a-4bae-a9a5-527cee341dbf.png) `{admonition} [Smoothing method](../CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md)` ## 1. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7 or ONE+) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/es/CompatibleCgms/Libre3.md b/docs/CROWDIN/es/CompatibleCgms/Libre3.md index 2eddc6f87227..b58922fb8cd7 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/es/CompatibleCgms/Libre3.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/es/CompatibleCgms/Libre3.md @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ Este método utiliza Juggluco para recibir datos brutos con intervalos de 1 minu ### Paso 1: Configurar Juggluco Descarga e instala la aplicación Juggluco desde [aquí](https://www.juggluco.nl/Juggluco/download.html). Sigue las instrucciones [aquí](https://www.juggluco.nl/Juggluco/libre3/) -Make sure you send the glucose values to Xdrip+: In Juggluco's settings you can configure Juggluco to send its glucose value to other apps. Juggluco can send three types of such broadcasts: The **Patched Libre broadcast** was originally used by the patched Librelink app and can be used to send glucose values to xDrip+ +Make sure you send the glucose values to xDrip+: In Juggluco's settings you can configure Juggluco to send its glucose value to other apps. Juggluco can send three types of such broadcasts: The **Patched Libre broadcast** was originally used by the patched Librelink app and can be used to send glucose values to xDrip+ ![Juggluco broadcast to xDrip+](../images/Juggluco_xDrip.png) @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ Después de un cambio de sensor, xDrip+ detectará automáticamente el nuevo sen - Select xDrip+ in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](#Config-Builder-bg-source). - If AndroidAPS does not receive BG values when phone is in airplane mode, use "Identify receiver" -- Desactiva el suavizado (ya activado en xDrip+) +- Turn of Smoothing (done in xDrip+ already) Hasta el momento, al usar Libre 3 como fuente de glucosa, las opciones "Habilitar SMB siempre" y "Habilitar SMB con carbohidratos" no pueden activarse con el algoritmo de SMB. Los valores de glucosa de Libre 3 no son lo suficientemente suaves como para usarlos de manera segura. diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/es/Getting-Started/Introduction.md b/docs/CROWDIN/es/Getting-Started/Introduction.md index 29cf2cd4573d..7418fe1e36cc 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/es/Getting-Started/Introduction.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/es/Getting-Started/Introduction.md @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ Since OpenAPS is only compatible with certain older insulin pumps, **AAPS** (whi El "cerebro" de AAPS es una **aplicación** que tú mismo construyes. Existen instrucciones detalladas paso a paso para esto. You then install the **AAPS app** on a [compatible](../Getting-Started/Phones.md) **Android smartphone** (**1**). Un número de usuarios prefieren tener su sistema de lazo cerrado en un teléfono separado de su teléfono principal. sí que, no necesariamente tienes que estar usando un teléfono Android para todo en tu vida, sólo para ejecutar tu lazo cerrado de AAPS. -The **Android smartphone** will also need to have another app installed on it as well as **AAPS**. This is either a modified Dexcom app called build-your-own dexcom app [**BYODA**](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScD76G0Y-BlL4tZljaFkjlwuqhT83QlFM5v6ZEfO7gCU98iJQ/viewform?fbzx=2196386787609383750&fbclid=IwAR2aL8Cps1s6W8apUVK-gOqgGpA-McMPJj9Y8emf_P0-_gAsmJs6QwAY-o0) or [**Xdrip+**](https://xdrip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/usethedoc/). This additional app receives glucose data from a sensor (**2**) by bluetooth, and then sends the data internally on the phone to the **AAPS app**. +The **Android smartphone** will also need to have another app installed on it as well as **AAPS**. This is either a modified Dexcom app called build-your-own dexcom app [**BYODA**](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScD76G0Y-BlL4tZljaFkjlwuqhT83QlFM5v6ZEfO7gCU98iJQ/viewform?fbzx=2196386787609383750&fbclid=IwAR2aL8Cps1s6W8apUVK-gOqgGpA-McMPJj9Y8emf_P0-_gAsmJs6QwAY-o0) or [**xDrip+**](https://xdrip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/usethedoc/). This additional app receives glucose data from a sensor (**2**) by bluetooth, and then sends the data internally on the phone to the **AAPS app**. La aplicación **AAPS** utiliza un proceso de toma de decisiones (**algoritmo**) de OpenAPS. Los principiantes comienzan usando el algoritmo básico **oref0**, pero es posible cambiar y utilizar el algoritmo más reciente **oref1** a medida que avanzas con AAPS. El algoritmo que uses (oref0 u oref1), dependerá de cuál se adapte mejor a tu situación. En ambos casos, el algoritmo tiene en cuenta múltiples factores y realiza cálculos rápidos cada vez que llega una nueva lectura del sensor. The algorithm then sends instructions to the insulin pump (**3**) on how much insulin to deliver by bluetooth. All the information can be sent by mobile data or wifi to the internet (**4**). Estos datos también se pueden compartir con seguidores si se desea y/o recopilarse para su análisis. @@ -81,13 +81,13 @@ Users can easily add or remove modules or functionality, and **AAPS** can be use These are all examples, the full range of features gives huge flexibility for daily life including sport, illness, hormone cycles _etc_. En última instancia, es el usuario quien decide cómo usar esta flexibilidad, y no existe una automatización única que funcione para todos. #### 4) **Remote monitoring** -There are multiple possible monitoring channels (Sugarmate, Dexcom Follow, Xdrip+, Android Auto _etc._) which are useful for parents/carers and adults in certain scenarios (sleeping/driving) who need customisable alerts. En algunas aplicaciones (xDrip+), también puedes apagar por completo las alarmas, lo cual es excelente si tienes un nuevo sensor "en remojo" o asentándose y no deseas utilizarlo en el sistema de lazo cerrado por el momento. +There are multiple possible monitoring channels (Sugarmate, Dexcom Follow, xDrip+, Android Auto _etc._) which are useful for parents/carers and adults in certain scenarios (sleeping/driving) who need customisable alerts. In some apps (xDrip+) you can also turn alarms off totally, which is great if you have a new sensor “soaking” or settling down that you don’t want to loop with yet. #### 5) **Remote control** A significant advantage of **AAPS** over commercial systems is that it is possible for followers, using authenticated text (SMS) commands or via an app ([Nightscout](https://nightscout.github.io/) or AAPSClient) to send a wide range of commands back to the **AAPS** system. Esto es utilizado ampliamente por los padres de niños con diabetes tipo 1 que utilizan AAPS. It is very useful: for example, in the playground, if you want to pre-bolus for a snack from your own phone, and your child is busy playing. It is possible to monitor the system (_e.g._ Fitbit), send basic commands (_e.g._ Samsung Galaxy watch 4), or even run the entire AAPS system from a high-spec smartwatch (**5**) (_e.g._ LEMFO LEM14). En este último escenario, no necesitas usar un teléfono para ejecutar AAPS. As battery life on watches improves and technology becomes more stable, this last option is likely to become increasingly attractive. #### 6) **No commercial constraints, due to open application interfaces** -Beyond the use of an open-source approach, which allows the source code of **AAPS** to be viewed at any time, the general principle of providing open programming interfaces gives other developers the opportunity to contribute new ideas too. **AAPS** is closely integrated with Nightscout. This accelerates development and allows users to add on features to make life with diabetes even more convenient. Good examples for such integrations are [Nightscout](https://nightscout.github.io/), [Nightscout Reporter](https://nightscout-reporter.zreptil.de/), [Xdrip+](https://xdrip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/usethedoc/), [M5 stack](https://github.com/mlukasek/M5_NightscoutMon/wiki?fbclid=IwAR1pupoCy-2GuXLS7tIO8HRkOC_536YqSxTK7eF0UrKkM1PuucFYRyPFvd0) etc. There is ongoing dialogue between open-source developers and those developing commercial systems. Many of the DIY innovations are gradually adopted by commercial systems, where developments are understandably slower, partly because interfaces between systems from different companies (pumps, apps, sensors _etc_) need to be carefully negotiated and licenced. This can also slow innovations which are convenient for the patient (or a small sub-population of patients, who have a very specific requirement) but do not generate any sizable profit. +Beyond the use of an open-source approach, which allows the source code of **AAPS** to be viewed at any time, the general principle of providing open programming interfaces gives other developers the opportunity to contribute new ideas too. **AAPS** is closely integrated with Nightscout. This accelerates development and allows users to add on features to make life with diabetes even more convenient. Good examples for such integrations are [Nightscout](https://nightscout.github.io/), [Nightscout Reporter](https://nightscout-reporter.zreptil.de/), [xDrip+](https://xdrip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/usethedoc/), [M5 stack](https://github.com/mlukasek/M5_NightscoutMon/wiki) etc. There is ongoing dialogue between open-source developers and those developing commercial systems. Many of the DIY innovations are gradually adopted by commercial systems, where developments are understandably slower, partly because interfaces between systems from different companies (pumps, apps, sensors _etc_) need to be carefully negotiated and licenced. This can also slow innovations which are convenient for the patient (or a small sub-population of patients, who have a very specific requirement) but do not generate any sizable profit. #### 7) **Detailed app interface** With **AAPS** it is easy to keep track of things like: pump insulin levels, cannula age, sensor age, pump battery age, insulin-on-board _etc_. Many actions can be done through the **AAPS** app (priming the pump, disconnecting the pump _etc_.), instead of on the pump itself, which means the pump can stay in your (or your dependant's) pocket or belt. diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/es/SettingUpAaps/TransferringAndInstallingAaps.md b/docs/CROWDIN/es/SettingUpAaps/TransferringAndInstallingAaps.md index 112574decb83..b75cf3df86f6 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/es/SettingUpAaps/TransferringAndInstallingAaps.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/es/SettingUpAaps/TransferringAndInstallingAaps.md @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ In the previous section, [building **AAPS**](../SettingUpAaps/BuildingAaps.md), you built the **AAPS** app (which is an .apk file) on a computer. -The next steps are to **transfer** the **AAPS** APK file (as well as other apps you may need, like BYODA, Xdrip+ or another CGM reciever app) to your Android smartphone, and then **install** the app(s). +The next steps are to **transfer** the **AAPS** APK file (as well as other apps you may need, like BYODA, xDrip+ or another CGM reciever app) to your Android smartphone, and then **install** the app(s). Following installation of **AAPS** on the smartphone, you will then be able to move onto [**configuring the AAPS loop**](../SettingUpAaps/SetupWizard.md). diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/fr/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md b/docs/CROWDIN/fr/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md index 44f1c9ccb1e4..1b91e7412ce6 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/fr/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/fr/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ orphan: true Noteworthy is the fact that the G7 and ONE+ systems, compared to the G6, do not smooth the values, neither in the app, nor in the reader. Plus de détails disponibles [ici](https://www.dexcom.com/en-us/faqs/why-does-past-cgm-data-look-different-from-past-data-on-receiver-and-follow-app). -Picture is outdated!!! ![G7 english](../images/6fe30b84-227a-4bae-a9a5-527cee341dbf.png) +![G7 english](../images/6fe30b84-227a-4bae-a9a5-527cee341dbf.png) `{admonition} [Smoothing method](../CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md)` ## 1. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7 or ONE+) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/fr/CompatibleCgms/Libre3.md b/docs/CROWDIN/fr/CompatibleCgms/Libre3.md index f33205d44c8f..a28d7574a7af 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/fr/CompatibleCgms/Libre3.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/fr/CompatibleCgms/Libre3.md @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ This method uses Juggluco to receive raw, 1-minute interval data from the sensor ### Step 1: Setup Juggluco Download and install the Juggluco app from [here](https://www.juggluco.nl/Juggluco/download.html). Follow the instructions [here](https://www.juggluco.nl/Juggluco/libre3/) -Make sure you send the glucose values to Xdrip+: In Juggluco's settings you can configure Juggluco to send its glucose value to other apps. Juggluco can send three types of such broadcasts: The **Patched Libre broadcast** was originally used by the patched Librelink app and can be used to send glucose values to xDrip+ +Make sure you send the glucose values to xDrip+: In Juggluco's settings you can configure Juggluco to send its glucose value to other apps. Juggluco can send three types of such broadcasts: The **Patched Libre broadcast** was originally used by the patched Librelink app and can be used to send glucose values to xDrip+ ![Juggluco broadcast to xDrip+](../images/Juggluco_xDrip.png) @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ After a sensor change xDrip+ will automatically detect the new sensor and will d - Select xDrip+ in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](#Config-Builder-bg-source). - If AndroidAPS does not receive BG values when phone is in airplane mode, use "Identify receiver" -- Turn of Smoothing (done in Xdrip+ already) +- Turn of Smoothing (done in xDrip+ already) As of now, when using Libre 3 as a BG source, the "Always enable SMB" and "Enable SMB by Carbs" options cannot be enabled in the SMB algorithm. The BG values from Libre 3 are not smooth enough to use safely. diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/fr/Getting-Started/Introduction.md b/docs/CROWDIN/fr/Getting-Started/Introduction.md index c80db43a6f26..97f0f5800a8f 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/fr/Getting-Started/Introduction.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/fr/Getting-Started/Introduction.md @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ Android APS (**AAPS**) est un système hybride en boucle fermée, ou système Ar Le « cerveau » d'AAPS est une **application** que vous construisez vous-même. Des instructions détaillées sont fournies pour la construire. You then install the **AAPS app** on a [compatible](../Getting-Started/Phones.md) **Android smartphone** (**1**). Un certain nombre d'utilisateurs préfèrent conserver leur boucle sur un téléphone distinct de leur téléphone principal. Vous pouvez donc par exemple utiliser un téléphone Android juste pour faire fonctionner votre boucle AAPS et utiliser votre téléphone habituel pour toutes vos autres activités. -Vous aurez besoin d'une application supplémentaire sur votre **smartphone Android**, en plus d'**AAPS**. Il s'agit soit d'une application Dexcom modifiée appelée "Build Your Own Dexcom App" [**BYODA**](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScD76G0Y-BlL4tZljaFkjlwuqhT83QlFM5v6ZEfO7gCU98iJQ/viewform?fbzx=2196386787609383750&fbclid=IwAR2aL8Cps1s6W8apUVK-gOqgGpA-McMPJj9Y8emf_P0-_gAsmJs6QwAY-o0) ou [**Xdrip+**](https://xdrip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/usethedoc/). Cette application supplémentaire reçoit les données d'un capteur de glycémie (**2**) par bluetooth, et envoie ces données en interne sur le téléphone à l'application **AAPS**. +Vous aurez besoin d'une application supplémentaire sur votre **smartphone Android**, en plus d'**AAPS**. This is either a modified Dexcom app called build-your-own dexcom app [**BYODA**](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScD76G0Y-BlL4tZljaFkjlwuqhT83QlFM5v6ZEfO7gCU98iJQ/viewform?fbzx=2196386787609383750&fbclid=IwAR2aL8Cps1s6W8apUVK-gOqgGpA-McMPJj9Y8emf_P0-_gAsmJs6QwAY-o0) or [**xDrip+**](https://xdrip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/usethedoc/). Cette application supplémentaire reçoit les données d'un capteur de glycémie (**2**) par bluetooth, et envoie ces données en interne sur le téléphone à l'application **AAPS**. L'application **AAPS** utilise le processus de prise de décision (**algorithme**) d'OpenAPS. Les débutants commencent à utiliser l'algorithme de base **oref0** , mais il est possible de passer à l'utilisation de l'algorithme **oref1** plus récent au fur et à mesure que vous progressez avec AAPS. Le choix de l'algorithme (oref0 ou oref1) sera à effectuer en fonction de celui qui correspondra le mieux à votre situation. Dans les deux cas, l'algorithme prend en compte plusieurs facteurs, et effectue des calculs rapides chaque fois qu'une nouvelle lecture provient du capteur de glycémie. L'algorithme envoie ensuite des instructions par bluetooth à la pompe à insuline (**3**) sur la quantité d'insuline à injecter. Toutes ces informations peuvent être transmises sur internet via les données mobiles ou le wifi (**4**). Ces données peuvent également être partagées avec des abonnés, si souhaité, et/ou collectées pour analyse. @@ -81,13 +81,13 @@ Les utilisateurs peuvent facilement ajouter ou supprimer des modules ou des fonc Il s'agit là de quelques exemples, l'éventail complet des fonctionnalités offrant une grande flexibilité dans la vie quotidienne, y compris l'activité sportive, les maladies, les cycles hormonaux, _etc_. En résumé, c'est à l'utilisateur de décider comment utiliser cette flexibilité, et il n'y a pas une automatisation unique pour tout le monde. #### 4) **Surveillance à distance** -Il existe divers outils de surveillance à distance (Sugarmate, Dexcom Follow, Xdrip+, Android Auto, _etc._) qui sont très utiles pour les parents/aidants et aussi pour les adultes DT1 qui ont besoin d'alertes personnalisables dans certaines situations (sommeil/conduite). Dans certaines applications (Xdrip+), vous pouvez également désactiver complètement les alarmes ce qui est génial si vous avez un nouveau capteur « en cours d'initialisation » ou en attente avec lequel vous ne voulez pas encore boucler. +There are multiple possible monitoring channels (Sugarmate, Dexcom Follow, xDrip+, Android Auto _etc._) which are useful for parents/carers and adults in certain scenarios (sleeping/driving) who need customisable alerts. In some apps (xDrip+) you can also turn alarms off totally, which is great if you have a new sensor “soaking” or settling down that you don’t want to loop with yet. #### 5) **Contrôle à distance** Un avantage significatif d'**AAPS** par rapport aux systèmes commerciaux est de proposer aux suiveurs un large éventail de commandes qui peuvent être envoyées vers **AAPS**, via des SMS authentifiés ou via une application ([Nightscout](https://nightscout.github.io/)ou AAPSClient). Ce type de commande est largement utilisée par les parents d'enfants atteints de diabète de type 1 qui utilisent AAPS. C'est très utile par exemple quand votre enfant est occupé à jouer au parc et que vous voulez envoyer un pré-bolus pour une collation à partir de votre propre téléphone. A l'aide d'une montre connectée (**5**), il est possible de suivre le système (_par exemple_ Fitbit), d'envoyer des commandes basiques (_par exemple_ Samsung Galaxy watch 4), ou même de faire tourner l'ensemble du système AAPS (_par exemple_ LEMFO LEM14). Dans ce dernier scénario, vous n’avez même pas besoin d’utiliser un téléphone pour exécuter AAPS. À mesure que la durée de vie de la batterie des montres s'améliore, cette dernière option va devenir de plus en plus intéressante. #### 6) **Pas de contraintes commerciales, grâce à un système de communication ouvert** -Au-delà de l'utilisation d'une approche open source, qui permet de voir à tout moment le code source de **AAPS**, le principe général est de fournir des interfaces de programmation ouvertes donnant aux autres développeurs l'opportunité de contribuer et d'apporter de nouvelles idées qui permettent aux utilisateurs de vivre plus facilement avec leur diabète. **AAPS** est étroitement lié à Nightscout. Cela accélère le développement et permet aux utilisateurs d'ajouter des fonctionnalités pour rendre la vie avec le diabète encore plus facile. Quelques exemples de ces intégrations sont [Nightscout](https://nightscout.github.io/), [Nightscout Reporter](https://nightscout-reporter.zreptil.de/), [Xdrip+](https://xdrip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/usethedoc/), [M5 stack](https://github.com/mlukasek/M5_NightscoutMon/wiki?fbclid=IwAR1pupoCy-2GuXLS7tIO8HRkOC_536YqSxTK7eF0UrKkM1PuucFYRyPFvd0), etc. La discussion est ouverte entre les développeurs de logiciels open-source et ceux qui développent des systèmes commerciaux. Bon nombre des innovations apportées par les utilisateurs sont progressivement adoptées par des systèmes commerciaux, où les développements sont de façon compréhensible plus lents, en partie parce que la communication entre les systèmes des différentes entreprises (pompes, applications, capteurs _etc_) doivent être soigneusement négociées et autorisées. Cela peut également ralentir les innovations qui sont utiles pour les patients (ou un sous-groupe de patients avec un besoin très spécifique) mais ne génèrent aucun profit important. +Au-delà de l'utilisation d'une approche open source, qui permet de voir à tout moment le code source de **AAPS**, le principe général est de fournir des interfaces de programmation ouvertes donnant aux autres développeurs l'opportunité de contribuer et d'apporter de nouvelles idées qui permettent aux utilisateurs de vivre plus facilement avec leur diabète. **AAPS** est étroitement lié à Nightscout. Cela accélère le développement et permet aux utilisateurs d'ajouter des fonctionnalités pour rendre la vie avec le diabète encore plus facile. Good examples for such integrations are [Nightscout](https://nightscout.github.io/), [Nightscout Reporter](https://nightscout-reporter.zreptil.de/), [xDrip+](https://xdrip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/usethedoc/), [M5 stack](https://github.com/mlukasek/M5_NightscoutMon/wiki) etc. La discussion est ouverte entre les développeurs de logiciels open-source et ceux qui développent des systèmes commerciaux. Bon nombre des innovations apportées par les utilisateurs sont progressivement adoptées par des systèmes commerciaux, où les développements sont de façon compréhensible plus lents, en partie parce que la communication entre les systèmes des différentes entreprises (pompes, applications, capteurs _etc_) doivent être soigneusement négociées et autorisées. Cela peut également ralentir les innovations qui sont utiles pour les patients (ou un sous-groupe de patients avec un besoin très spécifique) mais ne génèrent aucun profit important. #### 7) **Richesse de l'interface utilisateur** Avec **AAPS**, il est facile de suivre des choses telles que : la quantité d'insuline dans la pompe, l'âge de la canule, l'âge du capteur, l'âge de la batterie de la pompe, l'insuline active _etc_. De nombreuses actions peuvent être effectuées via l'application **AAPS** (amorçage de la pompe, déconnexion de la pompe _etc_), au lieu de le faire sur la pompe elle-même, ce qui signifie que la pompe peut rester dans votre poche ou à votre ceinture (ou celle de la personne que vous assistez). diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/fr/SettingUpAaps/TransferringAndInstallingAaps.md b/docs/CROWDIN/fr/SettingUpAaps/TransferringAndInstallingAaps.md index f230ca1ce397..c036bdca2adb 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/fr/SettingUpAaps/TransferringAndInstallingAaps.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/fr/SettingUpAaps/TransferringAndInstallingAaps.md @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ In the previous section, [building **AAPS**](../SettingUpAaps/BuildingAaps.md), you built the **AAPS** app (which is an .apk file) on a computer. -The next steps are to **transfer** the **AAPS** APK file (as well as other apps you may need, like BYODA, Xdrip+ or another CGM reciever app) to your Android smartphone, and then **install** the app(s). +The next steps are to **transfer** the **AAPS** APK file (as well as other apps you may need, like BYODA, xDrip+ or another CGM reciever app) to your Android smartphone, and then **install** the app(s). Following installation of **AAPS** on the smartphone, you will then be able to move onto [**configuring the AAPS loop**](../SettingUpAaps/SetupWizard.md). diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/he/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md b/docs/CROWDIN/he/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md index 1fa5e207992b..85b29b6dd8b9 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/he/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/he/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ orphan: true Noteworthy is the fact that the G7 and ONE+ systems, compared to the G6, do not smooth the values, neither in the app, nor in the reader. [לפרטים נוספים על כך](https://www.dexcom.com/en-us/faqs/why-does-past-cgm-data-look-different-from-past-data-on-receiver-and-follow-app). -Picture is outdated!!! ![G7 english](../images/6fe30b84-227a-4bae-a9a5-527cee341dbf.png) +![G7 english](../images/6fe30b84-227a-4bae-a9a5-527cee341dbf.png) `{admonition} [Smoothing method](../CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md)` ## 1. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7 or ONE+) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/he/CompatibleCgms/Libre3.md b/docs/CROWDIN/he/CompatibleCgms/Libre3.md index bdbd55d321f8..80491b5ecdcf 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/he/CompatibleCgms/Libre3.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/he/CompatibleCgms/Libre3.md @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ This method uses Juggluco to receive raw, 1-minute interval data from the sensor ### Step 1: Setup Juggluco Download and install the Juggluco app from [here](https://www.juggluco.nl/Juggluco/download.html). Follow the instructions [here](https://www.juggluco.nl/Juggluco/libre3/) -Make sure you send the glucose values to Xdrip+: In Juggluco's settings you can configure Juggluco to send its glucose value to other apps. Juggluco can send three types of such broadcasts: The **Patched Libre broadcast** was originally used by the patched Librelink app and can be used to send glucose values to xDrip+ +Make sure you send the glucose values to xDrip+: In Juggluco's settings you can configure Juggluco to send its glucose value to other apps. Juggluco can send three types of such broadcasts: The **Patched Libre broadcast** was originally used by the patched Librelink app and can be used to send glucose values to xDrip+ ![Juggluco broadcast to xDrip+](../images/Juggluco_xDrip.png) @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ After a sensor change xDrip+ will automatically detect the new sensor and will d - Select xDrip+ in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](#Config-Builder-bg-source). - If AndroidAPS does not receive BG values when phone is in airplane mode, use "Identify receiver" -- Turn of Smoothing (done in Xdrip+ already) +- Turn of Smoothing (done in xDrip+ already) As of now, when using Libre 3 as a BG source, the "Always enable SMB" and "Enable SMB by Carbs" options cannot be enabled in the SMB algorithm. The BG values from Libre 3 are not smooth enough to use safely. diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/he/Getting-Started/Introduction.md b/docs/CROWDIN/he/Getting-Started/Introduction.md index 9f4f282244e5..5515b6ec1b31 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/he/Getting-Started/Introduction.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/he/Getting-Started/Introduction.md @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ Since OpenAPS is only compatible with certain older insulin pumps, **AAPS** (whi The “brain” of AAPS is an **app** which you build yourself. There are detailed step-by-step instructions for this. You then install the **AAPS app** on a [compatible](../Getting-Started/Phones.md) **Android smartphone** (**1**). A number of users prefer their loop on a separate phone to their main phone. So, you don’t necessarily have to be using an Android phone for everything else in your life, just for running your AAPS loop. -The **Android smartphone** will also need to have another app installed on it as well as **AAPS**. This is either a modified Dexcom app called build-your-own dexcom app [**BYODA**](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScD76G0Y-BlL4tZljaFkjlwuqhT83QlFM5v6ZEfO7gCU98iJQ/viewform?fbzx=2196386787609383750&fbclid=IwAR2aL8Cps1s6W8apUVK-gOqgGpA-McMPJj9Y8emf_P0-_gAsmJs6QwAY-o0) or [**Xdrip+**](https://xdrip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/usethedoc/). This additional app receives glucose data from a sensor (**2**) by bluetooth, and then sends the data internally on the phone to the **AAPS app**. +The **Android smartphone** will also need to have another app installed on it as well as **AAPS**. This is either a modified Dexcom app called build-your-own dexcom app [**BYODA**](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScD76G0Y-BlL4tZljaFkjlwuqhT83QlFM5v6ZEfO7gCU98iJQ/viewform?fbzx=2196386787609383750&fbclid=IwAR2aL8Cps1s6W8apUVK-gOqgGpA-McMPJj9Y8emf_P0-_gAsmJs6QwAY-o0) or [**xDrip+**](https://xdrip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/usethedoc/). This additional app receives glucose data from a sensor (**2**) by bluetooth, and then sends the data internally on the phone to the **AAPS app**. The **AAPS app** uses a decision making process (**algorithm**) from OpenAPS. Beginners start out using the basic **oref0** algorithm, but it is possible to switch to using the newer **oref1** algorithm as you progress with AAPS. Which algorithm you use (oref0 or oref1), depends on which suits your specific situation best. In both cases, the algorithm takes into account multiple factors, and performs rapid calculations every time a new reading comes in from the sensor. The algorithm then sends instructions to the insulin pump (**3**) on how much insulin to deliver by bluetooth. All the information can be sent by mobile data or wifi to the internet (**4**). This data can also be shared with followers if desired, and/or collected for analysis. @@ -81,13 +81,13 @@ Users can easily add or remove modules or functionality, and **AAPS** can be use These are all examples, the full range of features gives huge flexibility for daily life including sport, illness, hormone cycles _etc_. Ultimately, it is for the user to decide how to use this flexibility, and there is no one-size-fits-all automation for this. #### 4) **Remote monitoring** -There are multiple possible monitoring channels (Sugarmate, Dexcom Follow, Xdrip+, Android Auto _etc._) which are useful for parents/carers and adults in certain scenarios (sleeping/driving) who need customisable alerts. In some apps (Xdrip+) you can also turn alarms off totally, which is great if you have a new sensor “soaking” or settling down that you don’t want to loop with yet. +There are multiple possible monitoring channels (Sugarmate, Dexcom Follow, xDrip+, Android Auto _etc._) which are useful for parents/carers and adults in certain scenarios (sleeping/driving) who need customisable alerts. In some apps (xDrip+) you can also turn alarms off totally, which is great if you have a new sensor “soaking” or settling down that you don’t want to loop with yet. #### 5) **Remote control** A significant advantage of **AAPS** over commercial systems is that it is possible for followers, using authenticated text (SMS) commands or via an app ([Nightscout](https://nightscout.github.io/) or AAPSClient) to send a wide range of commands back to the **AAPS** system. This is used extensively by parents of kids with type 1 diabetes who use AAPS. It is very useful: for example, in the playground, if you want to pre-bolus for a snack from your own phone, and your child is busy playing. It is possible to monitor the system (_e.g._ Fitbit), send basic commands (_e.g._ Samsung Galaxy watch 4), or even run the entire AAPS system from a high-spec smartwatch (**5**) (_e.g._ LEMFO LEM14). In this last scenario, you don’t need to use a phone to run AAPS. As battery life on watches improves and technology becomes more stable, this last option is likely to become increasingly attractive. #### 6) **No commercial constraints, due to open application interfaces** -Beyond the use of an open-source approach, which allows the source code of **AAPS** to be viewed at any time, the general principle of providing open programming interfaces gives other developers the opportunity to contribute new ideas too. **AAPS** is closely integrated with Nightscout. This accelerates development and allows users to add on features to make life with diabetes even more convenient. Good examples for such integrations are [Nightscout](https://nightscout.github.io/), [Nightscout Reporter](https://nightscout-reporter.zreptil.de/), [Xdrip+](https://xdrip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/usethedoc/), [M5 stack](https://github.com/mlukasek/M5_NightscoutMon/wiki?fbclid=IwAR1pupoCy-2GuXLS7tIO8HRkOC_536YqSxTK7eF0UrKkM1PuucFYRyPFvd0) etc. There is ongoing dialogue between open-source developers and those developing commercial systems. Many of the DIY innovations are gradually adopted by commercial systems, where developments are understandably slower, partly because interfaces between systems from different companies (pumps, apps, sensors _etc_) need to be carefully negotiated and licenced. This can also slow innovations which are convenient for the patient (or a small sub-population of patients, who have a very specific requirement) but do not generate any sizable profit. +Beyond the use of an open-source approach, which allows the source code of **AAPS** to be viewed at any time, the general principle of providing open programming interfaces gives other developers the opportunity to contribute new ideas too. **AAPS** is closely integrated with Nightscout. This accelerates development and allows users to add on features to make life with diabetes even more convenient. Good examples for such integrations are [Nightscout](https://nightscout.github.io/), [Nightscout Reporter](https://nightscout-reporter.zreptil.de/), [xDrip+](https://xdrip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/usethedoc/), [M5 stack](https://github.com/mlukasek/M5_NightscoutMon/wiki) etc. There is ongoing dialogue between open-source developers and those developing commercial systems. Many of the DIY innovations are gradually adopted by commercial systems, where developments are understandably slower, partly because interfaces between systems from different companies (pumps, apps, sensors _etc_) need to be carefully negotiated and licenced. This can also slow innovations which are convenient for the patient (or a small sub-population of patients, who have a very specific requirement) but do not generate any sizable profit. #### 7) **Detailed app interface** With **AAPS** it is easy to keep track of things like: pump insulin levels, cannula age, sensor age, pump battery age, insulin-on-board _etc_. Many actions can be done through the **AAPS** app (priming the pump, disconnecting the pump _etc_.), instead of on the pump itself, which means the pump can stay in your (or your dependant's) pocket or belt. diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/he/SettingUpAaps/TransferringAndInstallingAaps.md b/docs/CROWDIN/he/SettingUpAaps/TransferringAndInstallingAaps.md index 112574decb83..b75cf3df86f6 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/he/SettingUpAaps/TransferringAndInstallingAaps.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/he/SettingUpAaps/TransferringAndInstallingAaps.md @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ In the previous section, [building **AAPS**](../SettingUpAaps/BuildingAaps.md), you built the **AAPS** app (which is an .apk file) on a computer. -The next steps are to **transfer** the **AAPS** APK file (as well as other apps you may need, like BYODA, Xdrip+ or another CGM reciever app) to your Android smartphone, and then **install** the app(s). +The next steps are to **transfer** the **AAPS** APK file (as well as other apps you may need, like BYODA, xDrip+ or another CGM reciever app) to your Android smartphone, and then **install** the app(s). Following installation of **AAPS** on the smartphone, you will then be able to move onto [**configuring the AAPS loop**](../SettingUpAaps/SetupWizard.md). diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ko/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md index 1d8212e7ec8d..d58b6045df12 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/ko/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ orphan: true Noteworthy is the fact that the G7 and ONE+ systems, compared to the G6, do not smooth the values, neither in the app, nor in the reader. More details about this [here](https://www.dexcom.com/en-us/faqs/why-does-past-cgm-data-look-different-from-past-data-on-receiver-and-follow-app). -Picture is outdated!!! ![G7 english](../images/6fe30b84-227a-4bae-a9a5-527cee341dbf.png) +![G7 english](../images/6fe30b84-227a-4bae-a9a5-527cee341dbf.png) `{admonition} [Smoothing method](../CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md)` ## 1. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7 or ONE+) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ko/CompatibleCgms/Libre3.md b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/CompatibleCgms/Libre3.md index bdbd55d321f8..80491b5ecdcf 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/ko/CompatibleCgms/Libre3.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/CompatibleCgms/Libre3.md @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ This method uses Juggluco to receive raw, 1-minute interval data from the sensor ### Step 1: Setup Juggluco Download and install the Juggluco app from [here](https://www.juggluco.nl/Juggluco/download.html). Follow the instructions [here](https://www.juggluco.nl/Juggluco/libre3/) -Make sure you send the glucose values to Xdrip+: In Juggluco's settings you can configure Juggluco to send its glucose value to other apps. Juggluco can send three types of such broadcasts: The **Patched Libre broadcast** was originally used by the patched Librelink app and can be used to send glucose values to xDrip+ +Make sure you send the glucose values to xDrip+: In Juggluco's settings you can configure Juggluco to send its glucose value to other apps. Juggluco can send three types of such broadcasts: The **Patched Libre broadcast** was originally used by the patched Librelink app and can be used to send glucose values to xDrip+ ![Juggluco broadcast to xDrip+](../images/Juggluco_xDrip.png) @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ After a sensor change xDrip+ will automatically detect the new sensor and will d - Select xDrip+ in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](#Config-Builder-bg-source). - If AndroidAPS does not receive BG values when phone is in airplane mode, use "Identify receiver" -- Turn of Smoothing (done in Xdrip+ already) +- Turn of Smoothing (done in xDrip+ already) As of now, when using Libre 3 as a BG source, the "Always enable SMB" and "Enable SMB by Carbs" options cannot be enabled in the SMB algorithm. The BG values from Libre 3 are not smooth enough to use safely. diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ko/Getting-Started/Introduction.md b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/Getting-Started/Introduction.md index f1062de031ab..a365a7eb3453 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/ko/Getting-Started/Introduction.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/Getting-Started/Introduction.md @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ Since OpenAPS is only compatible with certain older insulin pumps, **AAPS** (whi The “brain” of AAPS is an **app** which you build yourself. There are detailed step-by-step instructions for this. You then install the **AAPS app** on a [compatible](../Getting-Started/Phones.md) **Android smartphone** (**1**). A number of users prefer their loop on a separate phone to their main phone. So, you don’t necessarily have to be using an Android phone for everything else in your life, just for running your AAPS loop. -The **Android smartphone** will also need to have another app installed on it as well as **AAPS**. This is either a modified Dexcom app called build-your-own dexcom app [**BYODA**](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScD76G0Y-BlL4tZljaFkjlwuqhT83QlFM5v6ZEfO7gCU98iJQ/viewform?fbzx=2196386787609383750&fbclid=IwAR2aL8Cps1s6W8apUVK-gOqgGpA-McMPJj9Y8emf_P0-_gAsmJs6QwAY-o0) or [**Xdrip+**](https://xdrip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/usethedoc/). This additional app receives glucose data from a sensor (**2**) by bluetooth, and then sends the data internally on the phone to the **AAPS app**. +The **Android smartphone** will also need to have another app installed on it as well as **AAPS**. This is either a modified Dexcom app called build-your-own dexcom app [**BYODA**](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScD76G0Y-BlL4tZljaFkjlwuqhT83QlFM5v6ZEfO7gCU98iJQ/viewform?fbzx=2196386787609383750&fbclid=IwAR2aL8Cps1s6W8apUVK-gOqgGpA-McMPJj9Y8emf_P0-_gAsmJs6QwAY-o0) or [**xDrip+**](https://xdrip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/usethedoc/). This additional app receives glucose data from a sensor (**2**) by bluetooth, and then sends the data internally on the phone to the **AAPS app**. The **AAPS app** uses a decision making process (**algorithm**) from OpenAPS. Beginners start out using the basic **oref0** algorithm, but it is possible to switch to using the newer **oref1** algorithm as you progress with AAPS. Which algorithm you use (oref0 or oref1), depends on which suits your specific situation best. In both cases, the algorithm takes into account multiple factors, and performs rapid calculations every time a new reading comes in from the sensor. The algorithm then sends instructions to the insulin pump (**3**) on how much insulin to deliver by bluetooth. All the information can be sent by mobile data or wifi to the internet (**4**). This data can also be shared with followers if desired, and/or collected for analysis. @@ -81,13 +81,13 @@ Users can easily add or remove modules or functionality, and **AAPS** can be use These are all examples, the full range of features gives huge flexibility for daily life including sport, illness, hormone cycles _etc_. Ultimately, it is for the user to decide how to use this flexibility, and there is no one-size-fits-all automation for this. #### 4) **Remote monitoring** -There are multiple possible monitoring channels (Sugarmate, Dexcom Follow, Xdrip+, Android Auto _etc._) which are useful for parents/carers and adults in certain scenarios (sleeping/driving) who need customisable alerts. In some apps (Xdrip+) you can also turn alarms off totally, which is great if you have a new sensor “soaking” or settling down that you don’t want to loop with yet. +There are multiple possible monitoring channels (Sugarmate, Dexcom Follow, xDrip+, Android Auto _etc._) which are useful for parents/carers and adults in certain scenarios (sleeping/driving) who need customisable alerts. In some apps (xDrip+) you can also turn alarms off totally, which is great if you have a new sensor “soaking” or settling down that you don’t want to loop with yet. #### 5) **Remote control** A significant advantage of **AAPS** over commercial systems is that it is possible for followers, using authenticated text (SMS) commands or via an app ([Nightscout](https://nightscout.github.io/) or AAPSClient) to send a wide range of commands back to the **AAPS** system. This is used extensively by parents of kids with type 1 diabetes who use AAPS. It is very useful: for example, in the playground, if you want to pre-bolus for a snack from your own phone, and your child is busy playing. It is possible to monitor the system (_e.g._ Fitbit), send basic commands (_e.g._ Samsung Galaxy watch 4), or even run the entire AAPS system from a high-spec smartwatch (**5**) (_e.g._ LEMFO LEM14). In this last scenario, you don’t need to use a phone to run AAPS. As battery life on watches improves and technology becomes more stable, this last option is likely to become increasingly attractive. #### 6) **No commercial constraints, due to open application interfaces** -Beyond the use of an open-source approach, which allows the source code of **AAPS** to be viewed at any time, the general principle of providing open programming interfaces gives other developers the opportunity to contribute new ideas too. **AAPS** is closely integrated with Nightscout. This accelerates development and allows users to add on features to make life with diabetes even more convenient. Good examples for such integrations are [Nightscout](https://nightscout.github.io/), [Nightscout Reporter](https://nightscout-reporter.zreptil.de/), [Xdrip+](https://xdrip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/usethedoc/), [M5 stack](https://github.com/mlukasek/M5_NightscoutMon/wiki?fbclid=IwAR1pupoCy-2GuXLS7tIO8HRkOC_536YqSxTK7eF0UrKkM1PuucFYRyPFvd0) etc. There is ongoing dialogue between open-source developers and those developing commercial systems. Many of the DIY innovations are gradually adopted by commercial systems, where developments are understandably slower, partly because interfaces between systems from different companies (pumps, apps, sensors _etc_) need to be carefully negotiated and licenced. This can also slow innovations which are convenient for the patient (or a small sub-population of patients, who have a very specific requirement) but do not generate any sizable profit. +Beyond the use of an open-source approach, which allows the source code of **AAPS** to be viewed at any time, the general principle of providing open programming interfaces gives other developers the opportunity to contribute new ideas too. **AAPS** is closely integrated with Nightscout. This accelerates development and allows users to add on features to make life with diabetes even more convenient. Good examples for such integrations are [Nightscout](https://nightscout.github.io/), [Nightscout Reporter](https://nightscout-reporter.zreptil.de/), [xDrip+](https://xdrip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/usethedoc/), [M5 stack](https://github.com/mlukasek/M5_NightscoutMon/wiki) etc. There is ongoing dialogue between open-source developers and those developing commercial systems. Many of the DIY innovations are gradually adopted by commercial systems, where developments are understandably slower, partly because interfaces between systems from different companies (pumps, apps, sensors _etc_) need to be carefully negotiated and licenced. This can also slow innovations which are convenient for the patient (or a small sub-population of patients, who have a very specific requirement) but do not generate any sizable profit. #### 7) **Detailed app interface** With **AAPS** it is easy to keep track of things like: pump insulin levels, cannula age, sensor age, pump battery age, insulin-on-board _etc_. Many actions can be done through the **AAPS** app (priming the pump, disconnecting the pump _etc_.), instead of on the pump itself, which means the pump can stay in your (or your dependant's) pocket or belt. diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ko/SettingUpAaps/TransferringAndInstallingAaps.md b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/SettingUpAaps/TransferringAndInstallingAaps.md index 112574decb83..b75cf3df86f6 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/ko/SettingUpAaps/TransferringAndInstallingAaps.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/ko/SettingUpAaps/TransferringAndInstallingAaps.md @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ In the previous section, [building **AAPS**](../SettingUpAaps/BuildingAaps.md), you built the **AAPS** app (which is an .apk file) on a computer. -The next steps are to **transfer** the **AAPS** APK file (as well as other apps you may need, like BYODA, Xdrip+ or another CGM reciever app) to your Android smartphone, and then **install** the app(s). +The next steps are to **transfer** the **AAPS** APK file (as well as other apps you may need, like BYODA, xDrip+ or another CGM reciever app) to your Android smartphone, and then **install** the app(s). Following installation of **AAPS** on the smartphone, you will then be able to move onto [**configuring the AAPS loop**](../SettingUpAaps/SetupWizard.md). diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/lt/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md index 1d8212e7ec8d..d58b6045df12 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/lt/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ orphan: true Noteworthy is the fact that the G7 and ONE+ systems, compared to the G6, do not smooth the values, neither in the app, nor in the reader. More details about this [here](https://www.dexcom.com/en-us/faqs/why-does-past-cgm-data-look-different-from-past-data-on-receiver-and-follow-app). -Picture is outdated!!! ![G7 english](../images/6fe30b84-227a-4bae-a9a5-527cee341dbf.png) +![G7 english](../images/6fe30b84-227a-4bae-a9a5-527cee341dbf.png) `{admonition} [Smoothing method](../CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md)` ## 1. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7 or ONE+) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/lt/CompatibleCgms/Libre3.md b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/CompatibleCgms/Libre3.md index 0430e27804e4..f53d2ac86550 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/lt/CompatibleCgms/Libre3.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/CompatibleCgms/Libre3.md @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ This method uses Juggluco to receive raw, 1-minute interval data from the sensor ### Step 1: Setup Juggluco Download and install the Juggluco app from [here](https://www.juggluco.nl/Juggluco/download.html). Follow the instructions [here](https://www.juggluco.nl/Juggluco/libre3/) -Make sure you send the glucose values to Xdrip+: In Juggluco's settings you can configure Juggluco to send its glucose value to other apps. Juggluco can send three types of such broadcasts: The **Patched Libre broadcast** was originally used by the patched Librelink app and can be used to send glucose values to xDrip+ +Make sure you send the glucose values to xDrip+: In Juggluco's settings you can configure Juggluco to send its glucose value to other apps. Juggluco can send three types of such broadcasts: The **Patched Libre broadcast** was originally used by the patched Librelink app and can be used to send glucose values to xDrip+ ![Juggluco broadcast to xDrip+](../images/Juggluco_xDrip.png) @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ After a sensor change xDrip+ will automatically detect the new sensor and will d - Select xDrip+ in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](#Config-Builder-bg-source). - If AndroidAPS does not receive BG values when phone is in airplane mode, use "Identify receiver" -- Turn of Smoothing (done in Xdrip+ already) +- Turn of Smoothing (done in xDrip+ already) As of now, when using Libre 3 as a BG source, the "Always enable SMB" and "Enable SMB by Carbs" options cannot be enabled in the SMB algorithm. The BG values from Libre 3 are not smooth enough to use safely. diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/lt/Getting-Started/Introduction.md b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/Getting-Started/Introduction.md index d04e14fee41a..db3957a8251e 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/lt/Getting-Started/Introduction.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/Getting-Started/Introduction.md @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ Since OpenAPS is only compatible with certain older insulin pumps, **AAPS** (whi The “brain” of AAPS is an **app** which you build yourself. There are detailed step-by-step instructions for this. You then install the **AAPS app** on a [compatible](../Getting-Started/Phones.md) **Android smartphone** (**1**). A number of users prefer their loop on a separate phone to their main phone. So, you don’t necessarily have to be using an Android phone for everything else in your life, just for running your AAPS loop. -The **Android smartphone** will also need to have another app installed on it as well as **AAPS**. This is either a modified Dexcom app called build-your-own dexcom app [**BYODA**](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScD76G0Y-BlL4tZljaFkjlwuqhT83QlFM5v6ZEfO7gCU98iJQ/viewform?fbzx=2196386787609383750&fbclid=IwAR2aL8Cps1s6W8apUVK-gOqgGpA-McMPJj9Y8emf_P0-_gAsmJs6QwAY-o0) or [**Xdrip+**](https://xdrip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/usethedoc/). This additional app receives glucose data from a sensor (**2**) by bluetooth, and then sends the data internally on the phone to the **AAPS app**. +The **Android smartphone** will also need to have another app installed on it as well as **AAPS**. This is either a modified Dexcom app called build-your-own dexcom app [**BYODA**](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScD76G0Y-BlL4tZljaFkjlwuqhT83QlFM5v6ZEfO7gCU98iJQ/viewform?fbzx=2196386787609383750&fbclid=IwAR2aL8Cps1s6W8apUVK-gOqgGpA-McMPJj9Y8emf_P0-_gAsmJs6QwAY-o0) or [**xDrip+**](https://xdrip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/usethedoc/). This additional app receives glucose data from a sensor (**2**) by bluetooth, and then sends the data internally on the phone to the **AAPS app**. The **AAPS app** uses a decision making process (**algorithm**) from OpenAPS. Beginners start out using the basic **oref0** algorithm, but it is possible to switch to using the newer **oref1** algorithm as you progress with AAPS. Which algorithm you use (oref0 or oref1), depends on which suits your specific situation best. In both cases, the algorithm takes into account multiple factors, and performs rapid calculations every time a new reading comes in from the sensor. The algorithm then sends instructions to the insulin pump (**3**) on how much insulin to deliver by bluetooth. All the information can be sent by mobile data or wifi to the internet (**4**). This data can also be shared with followers if desired, and/or collected for analysis. @@ -81,13 +81,13 @@ Users can easily add or remove modules or functionality, and **AAPS** can be use These are all examples, the full range of features gives huge flexibility for daily life including sport, illness, hormone cycles _etc_. Ultimately, it is for the user to decide how to use this flexibility, and there is no one-size-fits-all automation for this. #### 4) **Remote monitoring** -There are multiple possible monitoring channels (Sugarmate, Dexcom Follow, Xdrip+, Android Auto _etc._) which are useful for parents/carers and adults in certain scenarios (sleeping/driving) who need customisable alerts. In some apps (Xdrip+) you can also turn alarms off totally, which is great if you have a new sensor “soaking” or settling down that you don’t want to loop with yet. +There are multiple possible monitoring channels (Sugarmate, Dexcom Follow, xDrip+, Android Auto _etc._) which are useful for parents/carers and adults in certain scenarios (sleeping/driving) who need customisable alerts. In some apps (xDrip+) you can also turn alarms off totally, which is great if you have a new sensor “soaking” or settling down that you don’t want to loop with yet. #### 5) **Remote control** A significant advantage of **AAPS** over commercial systems is that it is possible for followers, using authenticated text (SMS) commands or via an app ([Nightscout](https://nightscout.github.io/) or AAPSClient) to send a wide range of commands back to the **AAPS** system. This is used extensively by parents of kids with type 1 diabetes who use AAPS. It is very useful: for example, in the playground, if you want to pre-bolus for a snack from your own phone, and your child is busy playing. It is possible to monitor the system (_e.g._ Fitbit), send basic commands (_e.g._ Samsung Galaxy watch 4), or even run the entire AAPS system from a high-spec smartwatch (**5**) (_e.g._ LEMFO LEM14). In this last scenario, you don’t need to use a phone to run AAPS. As battery life on watches improves and technology becomes more stable, this last option is likely to become increasingly attractive. #### 6) **No commercial constraints, due to open application interfaces** -Beyond the use of an open-source approach, which allows the source code of **AAPS** to be viewed at any time, the general principle of providing open programming interfaces gives other developers the opportunity to contribute new ideas too. **AAPS** is closely integrated with Nightscout. This accelerates development and allows users to add on features to make life with diabetes even more convenient. Good examples for such integrations are [Nightscout](https://nightscout.github.io/), [Nightscout Reporter](https://nightscout-reporter.zreptil.de/), [Xdrip+](https://xdrip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/usethedoc/), [M5 stack](https://github.com/mlukasek/M5_NightscoutMon/wiki?fbclid=IwAR1pupoCy-2GuXLS7tIO8HRkOC_536YqSxTK7eF0UrKkM1PuucFYRyPFvd0) etc. There is ongoing dialogue between open-source developers and those developing commercial systems. Many of the DIY innovations are gradually adopted by commercial systems, where developments are understandably slower, partly because interfaces between systems from different companies (pumps, apps, sensors _etc_) need to be carefully negotiated and licenced. This can also slow innovations which are convenient for the patient (or a small sub-population of patients, who have a very specific requirement) but do not generate any sizable profit. +Beyond the use of an open-source approach, which allows the source code of **AAPS** to be viewed at any time, the general principle of providing open programming interfaces gives other developers the opportunity to contribute new ideas too. **AAPS** is closely integrated with Nightscout. This accelerates development and allows users to add on features to make life with diabetes even more convenient. Good examples for such integrations are [Nightscout](https://nightscout.github.io/), [Nightscout Reporter](https://nightscout-reporter.zreptil.de/), [xDrip+](https://xdrip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/usethedoc/), [M5 stack](https://github.com/mlukasek/M5_NightscoutMon/wiki) etc. There is ongoing dialogue between open-source developers and those developing commercial systems. Many of the DIY innovations are gradually adopted by commercial systems, where developments are understandably slower, partly because interfaces between systems from different companies (pumps, apps, sensors _etc_) need to be carefully negotiated and licenced. This can also slow innovations which are convenient for the patient (or a small sub-population of patients, who have a very specific requirement) but do not generate any sizable profit. #### 7) **Detailed app interface** With **AAPS** it is easy to keep track of things like: pump insulin levels, cannula age, sensor age, pump battery age, insulin-on-board _etc_. Many actions can be done through the **AAPS** app (priming the pump, disconnecting the pump _etc_.), instead of on the pump itself, which means the pump can stay in your (or your dependant's) pocket or belt. diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/lt/SettingUpAaps/TransferringAndInstallingAaps.md b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/SettingUpAaps/TransferringAndInstallingAaps.md index 112574decb83..b75cf3df86f6 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/lt/SettingUpAaps/TransferringAndInstallingAaps.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/lt/SettingUpAaps/TransferringAndInstallingAaps.md @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ In the previous section, [building **AAPS**](../SettingUpAaps/BuildingAaps.md), you built the **AAPS** app (which is an .apk file) on a computer. -The next steps are to **transfer** the **AAPS** APK file (as well as other apps you may need, like BYODA, Xdrip+ or another CGM reciever app) to your Android smartphone, and then **install** the app(s). +The next steps are to **transfer** the **AAPS** APK file (as well as other apps you may need, like BYODA, xDrip+ or another CGM reciever app) to your Android smartphone, and then **install** the app(s). Following installation of **AAPS** on the smartphone, you will then be able to move onto [**configuring the AAPS loop**](../SettingUpAaps/SetupWizard.md). diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/nl/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md index 1d8212e7ec8d..d58b6045df12 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/nl/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ orphan: true Noteworthy is the fact that the G7 and ONE+ systems, compared to the G6, do not smooth the values, neither in the app, nor in the reader. More details about this [here](https://www.dexcom.com/en-us/faqs/why-does-past-cgm-data-look-different-from-past-data-on-receiver-and-follow-app). -Picture is outdated!!! ![G7 english](../images/6fe30b84-227a-4bae-a9a5-527cee341dbf.png) +![G7 english](../images/6fe30b84-227a-4bae-a9a5-527cee341dbf.png) `{admonition} [Smoothing method](../CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md)` ## 1. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7 or ONE+) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/nl/CompatibleCgms/Libre3.md b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/CompatibleCgms/Libre3.md index 0bfef9e4a2e9..74564e097bbe 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/nl/CompatibleCgms/Libre3.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/CompatibleCgms/Libre3.md @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ This method uses Juggluco to receive raw, 1-minute interval data from the sensor ### Step 1: Setup Juggluco Download and install the Juggluco app from [here](https://www.juggluco.nl/Juggluco/download.html). Follow the instructions [here](https://www.juggluco.nl/Juggluco/libre3/) -Make sure you send the glucose values to Xdrip+: In Juggluco's settings you can configure Juggluco to send its glucose value to other apps. Juggluco can send three types of such broadcasts: The **Patched Libre broadcast** was originally used by the patched Librelink app and can be used to send glucose values to xDrip+ +Make sure you send the glucose values to xDrip+: In Juggluco's settings you can configure Juggluco to send its glucose value to other apps. Juggluco can send three types of such broadcasts: The **Patched Libre broadcast** was originally used by the patched Librelink app and can be used to send glucose values to xDrip+ ![Juggluco broadcast to xDrip+](../images/Juggluco_xDrip.png) @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ After a sensor change xDrip+ will automatically detect the new sensor and will d - Select xDrip+ in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](#Config-Builder-bg-source). - If AndroidAPS does not receive BG values when phone is in airplane mode, use "Identify receiver" -- Turn of Smoothing (done in Xdrip+ already) +- Turn of Smoothing (done in xDrip+ already) As of now, when using Libre 3 as a BG source, the "Always enable SMB" and "Enable SMB by Carbs" options cannot be enabled in the SMB algorithm. The BG values from Libre 3 are not smooth enough to use safely. diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/nl/Getting-Started/Introduction.md b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/Getting-Started/Introduction.md index ae90fd039638..9b82f20449b1 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/nl/Getting-Started/Introduction.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/Getting-Started/Introduction.md @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ Since OpenAPS is only compatible with certain older insulin pumps, **AAPS** (whi The “brain” of AAPS is an **app** which you build yourself. There are detailed step-by-step instructions for this. You then install the **AAPS app** on a [compatible](../Getting-Started/Phones.md) **Android smartphone** (**1**). A number of users prefer their loop on a separate phone to their main phone. So, you don’t necessarily have to be using an Android phone for everything else in your life, just for running your AAPS loop. -The **Android smartphone** will also need to have another app installed on it as well as **AAPS**. This is either a modified Dexcom app called build-your-own dexcom app [**BYODA**](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScD76G0Y-BlL4tZljaFkjlwuqhT83QlFM5v6ZEfO7gCU98iJQ/viewform?fbzx=2196386787609383750&fbclid=IwAR2aL8Cps1s6W8apUVK-gOqgGpA-McMPJj9Y8emf_P0-_gAsmJs6QwAY-o0) or [**Xdrip+**](https://xdrip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/usethedoc/). This additional app receives glucose data from a sensor (**2**) by bluetooth, and then sends the data internally on the phone to the **AAPS app**. +The **Android smartphone** will also need to have another app installed on it as well as **AAPS**. This is either a modified Dexcom app called build-your-own dexcom app [**BYODA**](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScD76G0Y-BlL4tZljaFkjlwuqhT83QlFM5v6ZEfO7gCU98iJQ/viewform?fbzx=2196386787609383750&fbclid=IwAR2aL8Cps1s6W8apUVK-gOqgGpA-McMPJj9Y8emf_P0-_gAsmJs6QwAY-o0) or [**xDrip+**](https://xdrip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/usethedoc/). This additional app receives glucose data from a sensor (**2**) by bluetooth, and then sends the data internally on the phone to the **AAPS app**. The **AAPS app** uses a decision making process (**algorithm**) from OpenAPS. Beginners start out using the basic **oref0** algorithm, but it is possible to switch to using the newer **oref1** algorithm as you progress with AAPS. Which algorithm you use (oref0 or oref1), depends on which suits your specific situation best. In both cases, the algorithm takes into account multiple factors, and performs rapid calculations every time a new reading comes in from the sensor. The algorithm then sends instructions to the insulin pump (**3**) on how much insulin to deliver by bluetooth. All the information can be sent by mobile data or wifi to the internet (**4**). This data can also be shared with followers if desired, and/or collected for analysis. @@ -81,13 +81,13 @@ Users can easily add or remove modules or functionality, and **AAPS** can be use These are all examples, the full range of features gives huge flexibility for daily life including sport, illness, hormone cycles _etc_. Ultimately, it is for the user to decide how to use this flexibility, and there is no one-size-fits-all automation for this. #### 4) **Remote monitoring** -There are multiple possible monitoring channels (Sugarmate, Dexcom Follow, Xdrip+, Android Auto _etc._) which are useful for parents/carers and adults in certain scenarios (sleeping/driving) who need customisable alerts. In some apps (Xdrip+) you can also turn alarms off totally, which is great if you have a new sensor “soaking” or settling down that you don’t want to loop with yet. +There are multiple possible monitoring channels (Sugarmate, Dexcom Follow, xDrip+, Android Auto _etc._) which are useful for parents/carers and adults in certain scenarios (sleeping/driving) who need customisable alerts. In some apps (xDrip+) you can also turn alarms off totally, which is great if you have a new sensor “soaking” or settling down that you don’t want to loop with yet. #### 5) **Remote control** A significant advantage of **AAPS** over commercial systems is that it is possible for followers, using authenticated text (SMS) commands or via an app ([Nightscout](https://nightscout.github.io/) or AAPSClient) to send a wide range of commands back to the **AAPS** system. This is used extensively by parents of kids with type 1 diabetes who use AAPS. It is very useful: for example, in the playground, if you want to pre-bolus for a snack from your own phone, and your child is busy playing. It is possible to monitor the system (_e.g._ Fitbit), send basic commands (_e.g._ Samsung Galaxy watch 4), or even run the entire AAPS system from a high-spec smartwatch (**5**) (_e.g._ LEMFO LEM14). In this last scenario, you don’t need to use a phone to run AAPS. As battery life on watches improves and technology becomes more stable, this last option is likely to become increasingly attractive. #### 6) **No commercial constraints, due to open application interfaces** -Beyond the use of an open-source approach, which allows the source code of **AAPS** to be viewed at any time, the general principle of providing open programming interfaces gives other developers the opportunity to contribute new ideas too. **AAPS** is closely integrated with Nightscout. This accelerates development and allows users to add on features to make life with diabetes even more convenient. Good examples for such integrations are [Nightscout](https://nightscout.github.io/), [Nightscout Reporter](https://nightscout-reporter.zreptil.de/), [Xdrip+](https://xdrip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/usethedoc/), [M5 stack](https://github.com/mlukasek/M5_NightscoutMon/wiki?fbclid=IwAR1pupoCy-2GuXLS7tIO8HRkOC_536YqSxTK7eF0UrKkM1PuucFYRyPFvd0) etc. There is ongoing dialogue between open-source developers and those developing commercial systems. Many of the DIY innovations are gradually adopted by commercial systems, where developments are understandably slower, partly because interfaces between systems from different companies (pumps, apps, sensors _etc_) need to be carefully negotiated and licenced. This can also slow innovations which are convenient for the patient (or a small sub-population of patients, who have a very specific requirement) but do not generate any sizable profit. +Beyond the use of an open-source approach, which allows the source code of **AAPS** to be viewed at any time, the general principle of providing open programming interfaces gives other developers the opportunity to contribute new ideas too. **AAPS** is closely integrated with Nightscout. This accelerates development and allows users to add on features to make life with diabetes even more convenient. Good examples for such integrations are [Nightscout](https://nightscout.github.io/), [Nightscout Reporter](https://nightscout-reporter.zreptil.de/), [xDrip+](https://xdrip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/usethedoc/), [M5 stack](https://github.com/mlukasek/M5_NightscoutMon/wiki) etc. There is ongoing dialogue between open-source developers and those developing commercial systems. Many of the DIY innovations are gradually adopted by commercial systems, where developments are understandably slower, partly because interfaces between systems from different companies (pumps, apps, sensors _etc_) need to be carefully negotiated and licenced. This can also slow innovations which are convenient for the patient (or a small sub-population of patients, who have a very specific requirement) but do not generate any sizable profit. #### 7) **Detailed app interface** With **AAPS** it is easy to keep track of things like: pump insulin levels, cannula age, sensor age, pump battery age, insulin-on-board _etc_. Many actions can be done through the **AAPS** app (priming the pump, disconnecting the pump _etc_.), instead of on the pump itself, which means the pump can stay in your (or your dependant's) pocket or belt. diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/nl/SettingUpAaps/TransferringAndInstallingAaps.md b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/SettingUpAaps/TransferringAndInstallingAaps.md index 112574decb83..b75cf3df86f6 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/nl/SettingUpAaps/TransferringAndInstallingAaps.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/nl/SettingUpAaps/TransferringAndInstallingAaps.md @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ In the previous section, [building **AAPS**](../SettingUpAaps/BuildingAaps.md), you built the **AAPS** app (which is an .apk file) on a computer. -The next steps are to **transfer** the **AAPS** APK file (as well as other apps you may need, like BYODA, Xdrip+ or another CGM reciever app) to your Android smartphone, and then **install** the app(s). +The next steps are to **transfer** the **AAPS** APK file (as well as other apps you may need, like BYODA, xDrip+ or another CGM reciever app) to your Android smartphone, and then **install** the app(s). Following installation of **AAPS** on the smartphone, you will then be able to move onto [**configuring the AAPS loop**](../SettingUpAaps/SetupWizard.md). diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pb/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md b/docs/CROWDIN/pb/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md index 1d8212e7ec8d..d58b6045df12 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/pb/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/pb/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ orphan: true Noteworthy is the fact that the G7 and ONE+ systems, compared to the G6, do not smooth the values, neither in the app, nor in the reader. More details about this [here](https://www.dexcom.com/en-us/faqs/why-does-past-cgm-data-look-different-from-past-data-on-receiver-and-follow-app). -Picture is outdated!!! ![G7 english](../images/6fe30b84-227a-4bae-a9a5-527cee341dbf.png) +![G7 english](../images/6fe30b84-227a-4bae-a9a5-527cee341dbf.png) `{admonition} [Smoothing method](../CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md)` ## 1. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7 or ONE+) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pb/CompatibleCgms/Libre3.md b/docs/CROWDIN/pb/CompatibleCgms/Libre3.md index bdbd55d321f8..80491b5ecdcf 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/pb/CompatibleCgms/Libre3.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/pb/CompatibleCgms/Libre3.md @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ This method uses Juggluco to receive raw, 1-minute interval data from the sensor ### Step 1: Setup Juggluco Download and install the Juggluco app from [here](https://www.juggluco.nl/Juggluco/download.html). Follow the instructions [here](https://www.juggluco.nl/Juggluco/libre3/) -Make sure you send the glucose values to Xdrip+: In Juggluco's settings you can configure Juggluco to send its glucose value to other apps. Juggluco can send three types of such broadcasts: The **Patched Libre broadcast** was originally used by the patched Librelink app and can be used to send glucose values to xDrip+ +Make sure you send the glucose values to xDrip+: In Juggluco's settings you can configure Juggluco to send its glucose value to other apps. Juggluco can send three types of such broadcasts: The **Patched Libre broadcast** was originally used by the patched Librelink app and can be used to send glucose values to xDrip+ ![Juggluco broadcast to xDrip+](../images/Juggluco_xDrip.png) @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ After a sensor change xDrip+ will automatically detect the new sensor and will d - Select xDrip+ in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](#Config-Builder-bg-source). - If AndroidAPS does not receive BG values when phone is in airplane mode, use "Identify receiver" -- Turn of Smoothing (done in Xdrip+ already) +- Turn of Smoothing (done in xDrip+ already) As of now, when using Libre 3 as a BG source, the "Always enable SMB" and "Enable SMB by Carbs" options cannot be enabled in the SMB algorithm. The BG values from Libre 3 are not smooth enough to use safely. diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pb/Getting-Started/Introduction.md b/docs/CROWDIN/pb/Getting-Started/Introduction.md index 181dc2d486dd..42cc28d0dfb1 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/pb/Getting-Started/Introduction.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/pb/Getting-Started/Introduction.md @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ Since OpenAPS is only compatible with certain older insulin pumps, **AAPS** (whi The “brain” of AAPS is an **app** which you build yourself. There are detailed step-by-step instructions for this. You then install the **AAPS app** on a [compatible](../Getting-Started/Phones.md) **Android smartphone** (**1**). A number of users prefer their loop on a separate phone to their main phone. So, you don’t necessarily have to be using an Android phone for everything else in your life, just for running your AAPS loop. -The **Android smartphone** will also need to have another app installed on it as well as **AAPS**. This is either a modified Dexcom app called build-your-own dexcom app [**BYODA**](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScD76G0Y-BlL4tZljaFkjlwuqhT83QlFM5v6ZEfO7gCU98iJQ/viewform?fbzx=2196386787609383750&fbclid=IwAR2aL8Cps1s6W8apUVK-gOqgGpA-McMPJj9Y8emf_P0-_gAsmJs6QwAY-o0) or [**Xdrip+**](https://xdrip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/usethedoc/). This additional app receives glucose data from a sensor (**2**) by bluetooth, and then sends the data internally on the phone to the **AAPS app**. +The **Android smartphone** will also need to have another app installed on it as well as **AAPS**. This is either a modified Dexcom app called build-your-own dexcom app [**BYODA**](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScD76G0Y-BlL4tZljaFkjlwuqhT83QlFM5v6ZEfO7gCU98iJQ/viewform?fbzx=2196386787609383750&fbclid=IwAR2aL8Cps1s6W8apUVK-gOqgGpA-McMPJj9Y8emf_P0-_gAsmJs6QwAY-o0) or [**xDrip+**](https://xdrip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/usethedoc/). This additional app receives glucose data from a sensor (**2**) by bluetooth, and then sends the data internally on the phone to the **AAPS app**. The **AAPS app** uses a decision making process (**algorithm**) from OpenAPS. Beginners start out using the basic **oref0** algorithm, but it is possible to switch to using the newer **oref1** algorithm as you progress with AAPS. Which algorithm you use (oref0 or oref1), depends on which suits your specific situation best. In both cases, the algorithm takes into account multiple factors, and performs rapid calculations every time a new reading comes in from the sensor. The algorithm then sends instructions to the insulin pump (**3**) on how much insulin to deliver by bluetooth. All the information can be sent by mobile data or wifi to the internet (**4**). This data can also be shared with followers if desired, and/or collected for analysis. @@ -81,13 +81,13 @@ Users can easily add or remove modules or functionality, and **AAPS** can be use These are all examples, the full range of features gives huge flexibility for daily life including sport, illness, hormone cycles _etc_. Ultimately, it is for the user to decide how to use this flexibility, and there is no one-size-fits-all automation for this. #### 4) **Remote monitoring** -There are multiple possible monitoring channels (Sugarmate, Dexcom Follow, Xdrip+, Android Auto _etc._) which are useful for parents/carers and adults in certain scenarios (sleeping/driving) who need customisable alerts. In some apps (Xdrip+) you can also turn alarms off totally, which is great if you have a new sensor “soaking” or settling down that you don’t want to loop with yet. +There are multiple possible monitoring channels (Sugarmate, Dexcom Follow, xDrip+, Android Auto _etc._) which are useful for parents/carers and adults in certain scenarios (sleeping/driving) who need customisable alerts. In some apps (xDrip+) you can also turn alarms off totally, which is great if you have a new sensor “soaking” or settling down that you don’t want to loop with yet. #### 5) **Remote control** A significant advantage of **AAPS** over commercial systems is that it is possible for followers, using authenticated text (SMS) commands or via an app ([Nightscout](https://nightscout.github.io/) or AAPSClient) to send a wide range of commands back to the **AAPS** system. This is used extensively by parents of kids with type 1 diabetes who use AAPS. It is very useful: for example, in the playground, if you want to pre-bolus for a snack from your own phone, and your child is busy playing. It is possible to monitor the system (_e.g._ Fitbit), send basic commands (_e.g._ Samsung Galaxy watch 4), or even run the entire AAPS system from a high-spec smartwatch (**5**) (_e.g._ LEMFO LEM14). In this last scenario, you don’t need to use a phone to run AAPS. As battery life on watches improves and technology becomes more stable, this last option is likely to become increasingly attractive. #### 6) **No commercial constraints, due to open application interfaces** -Beyond the use of an open-source approach, which allows the source code of **AAPS** to be viewed at any time, the general principle of providing open programming interfaces gives other developers the opportunity to contribute new ideas too. **AAPS** is closely integrated with Nightscout. This accelerates development and allows users to add on features to make life with diabetes even more convenient. Good examples for such integrations are [Nightscout](https://nightscout.github.io/), [Nightscout Reporter](https://nightscout-reporter.zreptil.de/), [Xdrip+](https://xdrip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/usethedoc/), [M5 stack](https://github.com/mlukasek/M5_NightscoutMon/wiki?fbclid=IwAR1pupoCy-2GuXLS7tIO8HRkOC_536YqSxTK7eF0UrKkM1PuucFYRyPFvd0) etc. There is ongoing dialogue between open-source developers and those developing commercial systems. Many of the DIY innovations are gradually adopted by commercial systems, where developments are understandably slower, partly because interfaces between systems from different companies (pumps, apps, sensors _etc_) need to be carefully negotiated and licenced. This can also slow innovations which are convenient for the patient (or a small sub-population of patients, who have a very specific requirement) but do not generate any sizable profit. +Beyond the use of an open-source approach, which allows the source code of **AAPS** to be viewed at any time, the general principle of providing open programming interfaces gives other developers the opportunity to contribute new ideas too. **AAPS** is closely integrated with Nightscout. This accelerates development and allows users to add on features to make life with diabetes even more convenient. Good examples for such integrations are [Nightscout](https://nightscout.github.io/), [Nightscout Reporter](https://nightscout-reporter.zreptil.de/), [xDrip+](https://xdrip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/usethedoc/), [M5 stack](https://github.com/mlukasek/M5_NightscoutMon/wiki) etc. There is ongoing dialogue between open-source developers and those developing commercial systems. Many of the DIY innovations are gradually adopted by commercial systems, where developments are understandably slower, partly because interfaces between systems from different companies (pumps, apps, sensors _etc_) need to be carefully negotiated and licenced. This can also slow innovations which are convenient for the patient (or a small sub-population of patients, who have a very specific requirement) but do not generate any sizable profit. #### 7) **Detailed app interface** With **AAPS** it is easy to keep track of things like: pump insulin levels, cannula age, sensor age, pump battery age, insulin-on-board _etc_. Many actions can be done through the **AAPS** app (priming the pump, disconnecting the pump _etc_.), instead of on the pump itself, which means the pump can stay in your (or your dependant's) pocket or belt. diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pb/SettingUpAaps/TransferringAndInstallingAaps.md b/docs/CROWDIN/pb/SettingUpAaps/TransferringAndInstallingAaps.md index 112574decb83..b75cf3df86f6 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/pb/SettingUpAaps/TransferringAndInstallingAaps.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/pb/SettingUpAaps/TransferringAndInstallingAaps.md @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ In the previous section, [building **AAPS**](../SettingUpAaps/BuildingAaps.md), you built the **AAPS** app (which is an .apk file) on a computer. -The next steps are to **transfer** the **AAPS** APK file (as well as other apps you may need, like BYODA, Xdrip+ or another CGM reciever app) to your Android smartphone, and then **install** the app(s). +The next steps are to **transfer** the **AAPS** APK file (as well as other apps you may need, like BYODA, xDrip+ or another CGM reciever app) to your Android smartphone, and then **install** the app(s). Following installation of **AAPS** on the smartphone, you will then be able to move onto [**configuring the AAPS loop**](../SettingUpAaps/SetupWizard.md). diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pl/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md index 1d8212e7ec8d..d58b6045df12 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/pl/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ orphan: true Noteworthy is the fact that the G7 and ONE+ systems, compared to the G6, do not smooth the values, neither in the app, nor in the reader. More details about this [here](https://www.dexcom.com/en-us/faqs/why-does-past-cgm-data-look-different-from-past-data-on-receiver-and-follow-app). -Picture is outdated!!! ![G7 english](../images/6fe30b84-227a-4bae-a9a5-527cee341dbf.png) +![G7 english](../images/6fe30b84-227a-4bae-a9a5-527cee341dbf.png) `{admonition} [Smoothing method](../CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md)` ## 1. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7 or ONE+) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pl/CompatibleCgms/Libre3.md b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/CompatibleCgms/Libre3.md index bdbd55d321f8..80491b5ecdcf 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/pl/CompatibleCgms/Libre3.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/CompatibleCgms/Libre3.md @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ This method uses Juggluco to receive raw, 1-minute interval data from the sensor ### Step 1: Setup Juggluco Download and install the Juggluco app from [here](https://www.juggluco.nl/Juggluco/download.html). Follow the instructions [here](https://www.juggluco.nl/Juggluco/libre3/) -Make sure you send the glucose values to Xdrip+: In Juggluco's settings you can configure Juggluco to send its glucose value to other apps. Juggluco can send three types of such broadcasts: The **Patched Libre broadcast** was originally used by the patched Librelink app and can be used to send glucose values to xDrip+ +Make sure you send the glucose values to xDrip+: In Juggluco's settings you can configure Juggluco to send its glucose value to other apps. Juggluco can send three types of such broadcasts: The **Patched Libre broadcast** was originally used by the patched Librelink app and can be used to send glucose values to xDrip+ ![Juggluco broadcast to xDrip+](../images/Juggluco_xDrip.png) @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ After a sensor change xDrip+ will automatically detect the new sensor and will d - Select xDrip+ in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](#Config-Builder-bg-source). - If AndroidAPS does not receive BG values when phone is in airplane mode, use "Identify receiver" -- Turn of Smoothing (done in Xdrip+ already) +- Turn of Smoothing (done in xDrip+ already) As of now, when using Libre 3 as a BG source, the "Always enable SMB" and "Enable SMB by Carbs" options cannot be enabled in the SMB algorithm. The BG values from Libre 3 are not smooth enough to use safely. diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pl/Getting-Started/Introduction.md b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/Getting-Started/Introduction.md index 181dc2d486dd..42cc28d0dfb1 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/pl/Getting-Started/Introduction.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/Getting-Started/Introduction.md @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ Since OpenAPS is only compatible with certain older insulin pumps, **AAPS** (whi The “brain” of AAPS is an **app** which you build yourself. There are detailed step-by-step instructions for this. You then install the **AAPS app** on a [compatible](../Getting-Started/Phones.md) **Android smartphone** (**1**). A number of users prefer their loop on a separate phone to their main phone. So, you don’t necessarily have to be using an Android phone for everything else in your life, just for running your AAPS loop. -The **Android smartphone** will also need to have another app installed on it as well as **AAPS**. This is either a modified Dexcom app called build-your-own dexcom app [**BYODA**](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScD76G0Y-BlL4tZljaFkjlwuqhT83QlFM5v6ZEfO7gCU98iJQ/viewform?fbzx=2196386787609383750&fbclid=IwAR2aL8Cps1s6W8apUVK-gOqgGpA-McMPJj9Y8emf_P0-_gAsmJs6QwAY-o0) or [**Xdrip+**](https://xdrip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/usethedoc/). This additional app receives glucose data from a sensor (**2**) by bluetooth, and then sends the data internally on the phone to the **AAPS app**. +The **Android smartphone** will also need to have another app installed on it as well as **AAPS**. This is either a modified Dexcom app called build-your-own dexcom app [**BYODA**](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScD76G0Y-BlL4tZljaFkjlwuqhT83QlFM5v6ZEfO7gCU98iJQ/viewform?fbzx=2196386787609383750&fbclid=IwAR2aL8Cps1s6W8apUVK-gOqgGpA-McMPJj9Y8emf_P0-_gAsmJs6QwAY-o0) or [**xDrip+**](https://xdrip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/usethedoc/). This additional app receives glucose data from a sensor (**2**) by bluetooth, and then sends the data internally on the phone to the **AAPS app**. The **AAPS app** uses a decision making process (**algorithm**) from OpenAPS. Beginners start out using the basic **oref0** algorithm, but it is possible to switch to using the newer **oref1** algorithm as you progress with AAPS. Which algorithm you use (oref0 or oref1), depends on which suits your specific situation best. In both cases, the algorithm takes into account multiple factors, and performs rapid calculations every time a new reading comes in from the sensor. The algorithm then sends instructions to the insulin pump (**3**) on how much insulin to deliver by bluetooth. All the information can be sent by mobile data or wifi to the internet (**4**). This data can also be shared with followers if desired, and/or collected for analysis. @@ -81,13 +81,13 @@ Users can easily add or remove modules or functionality, and **AAPS** can be use These are all examples, the full range of features gives huge flexibility for daily life including sport, illness, hormone cycles _etc_. Ultimately, it is for the user to decide how to use this flexibility, and there is no one-size-fits-all automation for this. #### 4) **Remote monitoring** -There are multiple possible monitoring channels (Sugarmate, Dexcom Follow, Xdrip+, Android Auto _etc._) which are useful for parents/carers and adults in certain scenarios (sleeping/driving) who need customisable alerts. In some apps (Xdrip+) you can also turn alarms off totally, which is great if you have a new sensor “soaking” or settling down that you don’t want to loop with yet. +There are multiple possible monitoring channels (Sugarmate, Dexcom Follow, xDrip+, Android Auto _etc._) which are useful for parents/carers and adults in certain scenarios (sleeping/driving) who need customisable alerts. In some apps (xDrip+) you can also turn alarms off totally, which is great if you have a new sensor “soaking” or settling down that you don’t want to loop with yet. #### 5) **Remote control** A significant advantage of **AAPS** over commercial systems is that it is possible for followers, using authenticated text (SMS) commands or via an app ([Nightscout](https://nightscout.github.io/) or AAPSClient) to send a wide range of commands back to the **AAPS** system. This is used extensively by parents of kids with type 1 diabetes who use AAPS. It is very useful: for example, in the playground, if you want to pre-bolus for a snack from your own phone, and your child is busy playing. It is possible to monitor the system (_e.g._ Fitbit), send basic commands (_e.g._ Samsung Galaxy watch 4), or even run the entire AAPS system from a high-spec smartwatch (**5**) (_e.g._ LEMFO LEM14). In this last scenario, you don’t need to use a phone to run AAPS. As battery life on watches improves and technology becomes more stable, this last option is likely to become increasingly attractive. #### 6) **No commercial constraints, due to open application interfaces** -Beyond the use of an open-source approach, which allows the source code of **AAPS** to be viewed at any time, the general principle of providing open programming interfaces gives other developers the opportunity to contribute new ideas too. **AAPS** is closely integrated with Nightscout. This accelerates development and allows users to add on features to make life with diabetes even more convenient. Good examples for such integrations are [Nightscout](https://nightscout.github.io/), [Nightscout Reporter](https://nightscout-reporter.zreptil.de/), [Xdrip+](https://xdrip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/usethedoc/), [M5 stack](https://github.com/mlukasek/M5_NightscoutMon/wiki?fbclid=IwAR1pupoCy-2GuXLS7tIO8HRkOC_536YqSxTK7eF0UrKkM1PuucFYRyPFvd0) etc. There is ongoing dialogue between open-source developers and those developing commercial systems. Many of the DIY innovations are gradually adopted by commercial systems, where developments are understandably slower, partly because interfaces between systems from different companies (pumps, apps, sensors _etc_) need to be carefully negotiated and licenced. This can also slow innovations which are convenient for the patient (or a small sub-population of patients, who have a very specific requirement) but do not generate any sizable profit. +Beyond the use of an open-source approach, which allows the source code of **AAPS** to be viewed at any time, the general principle of providing open programming interfaces gives other developers the opportunity to contribute new ideas too. **AAPS** is closely integrated with Nightscout. This accelerates development and allows users to add on features to make life with diabetes even more convenient. Good examples for such integrations are [Nightscout](https://nightscout.github.io/), [Nightscout Reporter](https://nightscout-reporter.zreptil.de/), [xDrip+](https://xdrip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/usethedoc/), [M5 stack](https://github.com/mlukasek/M5_NightscoutMon/wiki) etc. There is ongoing dialogue between open-source developers and those developing commercial systems. Many of the DIY innovations are gradually adopted by commercial systems, where developments are understandably slower, partly because interfaces between systems from different companies (pumps, apps, sensors _etc_) need to be carefully negotiated and licenced. This can also slow innovations which are convenient for the patient (or a small sub-population of patients, who have a very specific requirement) but do not generate any sizable profit. #### 7) **Detailed app interface** With **AAPS** it is easy to keep track of things like: pump insulin levels, cannula age, sensor age, pump battery age, insulin-on-board _etc_. Many actions can be done through the **AAPS** app (priming the pump, disconnecting the pump _etc_.), instead of on the pump itself, which means the pump can stay in your (or your dependant's) pocket or belt. diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pl/SettingUpAaps/TransferringAndInstallingAaps.md b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/SettingUpAaps/TransferringAndInstallingAaps.md index 112574decb83..b75cf3df86f6 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/pl/SettingUpAaps/TransferringAndInstallingAaps.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/pl/SettingUpAaps/TransferringAndInstallingAaps.md @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ In the previous section, [building **AAPS**](../SettingUpAaps/BuildingAaps.md), you built the **AAPS** app (which is an .apk file) on a computer. -The next steps are to **transfer** the **AAPS** APK file (as well as other apps you may need, like BYODA, Xdrip+ or another CGM reciever app) to your Android smartphone, and then **install** the app(s). +The next steps are to **transfer** the **AAPS** APK file (as well as other apps you may need, like BYODA, xDrip+ or another CGM reciever app) to your Android smartphone, and then **install** the app(s). Following installation of **AAPS** on the smartphone, you will then be able to move onto [**configuring the AAPS loop**](../SettingUpAaps/SetupWizard.md). diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pt/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md index 1d8212e7ec8d..d58b6045df12 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/pt/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ orphan: true Noteworthy is the fact that the G7 and ONE+ systems, compared to the G6, do not smooth the values, neither in the app, nor in the reader. More details about this [here](https://www.dexcom.com/en-us/faqs/why-does-past-cgm-data-look-different-from-past-data-on-receiver-and-follow-app). -Picture is outdated!!! ![G7 english](../images/6fe30b84-227a-4bae-a9a5-527cee341dbf.png) +![G7 english](../images/6fe30b84-227a-4bae-a9a5-527cee341dbf.png) `{admonition} [Smoothing method](../CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md)` ## 1. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7 or ONE+) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pt/CompatibleCgms/Libre3.md b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/CompatibleCgms/Libre3.md index bdbd55d321f8..80491b5ecdcf 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/pt/CompatibleCgms/Libre3.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/CompatibleCgms/Libre3.md @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ This method uses Juggluco to receive raw, 1-minute interval data from the sensor ### Step 1: Setup Juggluco Download and install the Juggluco app from [here](https://www.juggluco.nl/Juggluco/download.html). Follow the instructions [here](https://www.juggluco.nl/Juggluco/libre3/) -Make sure you send the glucose values to Xdrip+: In Juggluco's settings you can configure Juggluco to send its glucose value to other apps. Juggluco can send three types of such broadcasts: The **Patched Libre broadcast** was originally used by the patched Librelink app and can be used to send glucose values to xDrip+ +Make sure you send the glucose values to xDrip+: In Juggluco's settings you can configure Juggluco to send its glucose value to other apps. Juggluco can send three types of such broadcasts: The **Patched Libre broadcast** was originally used by the patched Librelink app and can be used to send glucose values to xDrip+ ![Juggluco broadcast to xDrip+](../images/Juggluco_xDrip.png) @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ After a sensor change xDrip+ will automatically detect the new sensor and will d - Select xDrip+ in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](#Config-Builder-bg-source). - If AndroidAPS does not receive BG values when phone is in airplane mode, use "Identify receiver" -- Turn of Smoothing (done in Xdrip+ already) +- Turn of Smoothing (done in xDrip+ already) As of now, when using Libre 3 as a BG source, the "Always enable SMB" and "Enable SMB by Carbs" options cannot be enabled in the SMB algorithm. The BG values from Libre 3 are not smooth enough to use safely. diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pt/Getting-Started/Introduction.md b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/Getting-Started/Introduction.md index 181dc2d486dd..42cc28d0dfb1 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/pt/Getting-Started/Introduction.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/Getting-Started/Introduction.md @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ Since OpenAPS is only compatible with certain older insulin pumps, **AAPS** (whi The “brain” of AAPS is an **app** which you build yourself. There are detailed step-by-step instructions for this. You then install the **AAPS app** on a [compatible](../Getting-Started/Phones.md) **Android smartphone** (**1**). A number of users prefer their loop on a separate phone to their main phone. So, you don’t necessarily have to be using an Android phone for everything else in your life, just for running your AAPS loop. -The **Android smartphone** will also need to have another app installed on it as well as **AAPS**. This is either a modified Dexcom app called build-your-own dexcom app [**BYODA**](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScD76G0Y-BlL4tZljaFkjlwuqhT83QlFM5v6ZEfO7gCU98iJQ/viewform?fbzx=2196386787609383750&fbclid=IwAR2aL8Cps1s6W8apUVK-gOqgGpA-McMPJj9Y8emf_P0-_gAsmJs6QwAY-o0) or [**Xdrip+**](https://xdrip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/usethedoc/). This additional app receives glucose data from a sensor (**2**) by bluetooth, and then sends the data internally on the phone to the **AAPS app**. +The **Android smartphone** will also need to have another app installed on it as well as **AAPS**. This is either a modified Dexcom app called build-your-own dexcom app [**BYODA**](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScD76G0Y-BlL4tZljaFkjlwuqhT83QlFM5v6ZEfO7gCU98iJQ/viewform?fbzx=2196386787609383750&fbclid=IwAR2aL8Cps1s6W8apUVK-gOqgGpA-McMPJj9Y8emf_P0-_gAsmJs6QwAY-o0) or [**xDrip+**](https://xdrip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/usethedoc/). This additional app receives glucose data from a sensor (**2**) by bluetooth, and then sends the data internally on the phone to the **AAPS app**. The **AAPS app** uses a decision making process (**algorithm**) from OpenAPS. Beginners start out using the basic **oref0** algorithm, but it is possible to switch to using the newer **oref1** algorithm as you progress with AAPS. Which algorithm you use (oref0 or oref1), depends on which suits your specific situation best. In both cases, the algorithm takes into account multiple factors, and performs rapid calculations every time a new reading comes in from the sensor. The algorithm then sends instructions to the insulin pump (**3**) on how much insulin to deliver by bluetooth. All the information can be sent by mobile data or wifi to the internet (**4**). This data can also be shared with followers if desired, and/or collected for analysis. @@ -81,13 +81,13 @@ Users can easily add or remove modules or functionality, and **AAPS** can be use These are all examples, the full range of features gives huge flexibility for daily life including sport, illness, hormone cycles _etc_. Ultimately, it is for the user to decide how to use this flexibility, and there is no one-size-fits-all automation for this. #### 4) **Remote monitoring** -There are multiple possible monitoring channels (Sugarmate, Dexcom Follow, Xdrip+, Android Auto _etc._) which are useful for parents/carers and adults in certain scenarios (sleeping/driving) who need customisable alerts. In some apps (Xdrip+) you can also turn alarms off totally, which is great if you have a new sensor “soaking” or settling down that you don’t want to loop with yet. +There are multiple possible monitoring channels (Sugarmate, Dexcom Follow, xDrip+, Android Auto _etc._) which are useful for parents/carers and adults in certain scenarios (sleeping/driving) who need customisable alerts. In some apps (xDrip+) you can also turn alarms off totally, which is great if you have a new sensor “soaking” or settling down that you don’t want to loop with yet. #### 5) **Remote control** A significant advantage of **AAPS** over commercial systems is that it is possible for followers, using authenticated text (SMS) commands or via an app ([Nightscout](https://nightscout.github.io/) or AAPSClient) to send a wide range of commands back to the **AAPS** system. This is used extensively by parents of kids with type 1 diabetes who use AAPS. It is very useful: for example, in the playground, if you want to pre-bolus for a snack from your own phone, and your child is busy playing. It is possible to monitor the system (_e.g._ Fitbit), send basic commands (_e.g._ Samsung Galaxy watch 4), or even run the entire AAPS system from a high-spec smartwatch (**5**) (_e.g._ LEMFO LEM14). In this last scenario, you don’t need to use a phone to run AAPS. As battery life on watches improves and technology becomes more stable, this last option is likely to become increasingly attractive. #### 6) **No commercial constraints, due to open application interfaces** -Beyond the use of an open-source approach, which allows the source code of **AAPS** to be viewed at any time, the general principle of providing open programming interfaces gives other developers the opportunity to contribute new ideas too. **AAPS** is closely integrated with Nightscout. This accelerates development and allows users to add on features to make life with diabetes even more convenient. Good examples for such integrations are [Nightscout](https://nightscout.github.io/), [Nightscout Reporter](https://nightscout-reporter.zreptil.de/), [Xdrip+](https://xdrip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/usethedoc/), [M5 stack](https://github.com/mlukasek/M5_NightscoutMon/wiki?fbclid=IwAR1pupoCy-2GuXLS7tIO8HRkOC_536YqSxTK7eF0UrKkM1PuucFYRyPFvd0) etc. There is ongoing dialogue between open-source developers and those developing commercial systems. Many of the DIY innovations are gradually adopted by commercial systems, where developments are understandably slower, partly because interfaces between systems from different companies (pumps, apps, sensors _etc_) need to be carefully negotiated and licenced. This can also slow innovations which are convenient for the patient (or a small sub-population of patients, who have a very specific requirement) but do not generate any sizable profit. +Beyond the use of an open-source approach, which allows the source code of **AAPS** to be viewed at any time, the general principle of providing open programming interfaces gives other developers the opportunity to contribute new ideas too. **AAPS** is closely integrated with Nightscout. This accelerates development and allows users to add on features to make life with diabetes even more convenient. Good examples for such integrations are [Nightscout](https://nightscout.github.io/), [Nightscout Reporter](https://nightscout-reporter.zreptil.de/), [xDrip+](https://xdrip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/usethedoc/), [M5 stack](https://github.com/mlukasek/M5_NightscoutMon/wiki) etc. There is ongoing dialogue between open-source developers and those developing commercial systems. Many of the DIY innovations are gradually adopted by commercial systems, where developments are understandably slower, partly because interfaces between systems from different companies (pumps, apps, sensors _etc_) need to be carefully negotiated and licenced. This can also slow innovations which are convenient for the patient (or a small sub-population of patients, who have a very specific requirement) but do not generate any sizable profit. #### 7) **Detailed app interface** With **AAPS** it is easy to keep track of things like: pump insulin levels, cannula age, sensor age, pump battery age, insulin-on-board _etc_. Many actions can be done through the **AAPS** app (priming the pump, disconnecting the pump _etc_.), instead of on the pump itself, which means the pump can stay in your (or your dependant's) pocket or belt. diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/pt/SettingUpAaps/TransferringAndInstallingAaps.md b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/SettingUpAaps/TransferringAndInstallingAaps.md index 112574decb83..b75cf3df86f6 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/pt/SettingUpAaps/TransferringAndInstallingAaps.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/pt/SettingUpAaps/TransferringAndInstallingAaps.md @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ In the previous section, [building **AAPS**](../SettingUpAaps/BuildingAaps.md), you built the **AAPS** app (which is an .apk file) on a computer. -The next steps are to **transfer** the **AAPS** APK file (as well as other apps you may need, like BYODA, Xdrip+ or another CGM reciever app) to your Android smartphone, and then **install** the app(s). +The next steps are to **transfer** the **AAPS** APK file (as well as other apps you may need, like BYODA, xDrip+ or another CGM reciever app) to your Android smartphone, and then **install** the app(s). Following installation of **AAPS** on the smartphone, you will then be able to move onto [**configuring the AAPS loop**](../SettingUpAaps/SetupWizard.md). diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ro/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md b/docs/CROWDIN/ro/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md index 1d8212e7ec8d..d58b6045df12 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/ro/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/ro/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ orphan: true Noteworthy is the fact that the G7 and ONE+ systems, compared to the G6, do not smooth the values, neither in the app, nor in the reader. More details about this [here](https://www.dexcom.com/en-us/faqs/why-does-past-cgm-data-look-different-from-past-data-on-receiver-and-follow-app). -Picture is outdated!!! ![G7 english](../images/6fe30b84-227a-4bae-a9a5-527cee341dbf.png) +![G7 english](../images/6fe30b84-227a-4bae-a9a5-527cee341dbf.png) `{admonition} [Smoothing method](../CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md)` ## 1. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7 or ONE+) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ro/CompatibleCgms/Libre3.md b/docs/CROWDIN/ro/CompatibleCgms/Libre3.md index bdbd55d321f8..80491b5ecdcf 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/ro/CompatibleCgms/Libre3.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/ro/CompatibleCgms/Libre3.md @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ This method uses Juggluco to receive raw, 1-minute interval data from the sensor ### Step 1: Setup Juggluco Download and install the Juggluco app from [here](https://www.juggluco.nl/Juggluco/download.html). Follow the instructions [here](https://www.juggluco.nl/Juggluco/libre3/) -Make sure you send the glucose values to Xdrip+: In Juggluco's settings you can configure Juggluco to send its glucose value to other apps. Juggluco can send three types of such broadcasts: The **Patched Libre broadcast** was originally used by the patched Librelink app and can be used to send glucose values to xDrip+ +Make sure you send the glucose values to xDrip+: In Juggluco's settings you can configure Juggluco to send its glucose value to other apps. Juggluco can send three types of such broadcasts: The **Patched Libre broadcast** was originally used by the patched Librelink app and can be used to send glucose values to xDrip+ ![Juggluco broadcast to xDrip+](../images/Juggluco_xDrip.png) @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ After a sensor change xDrip+ will automatically detect the new sensor and will d - Select xDrip+ in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](#Config-Builder-bg-source). - If AndroidAPS does not receive BG values when phone is in airplane mode, use "Identify receiver" -- Turn of Smoothing (done in Xdrip+ already) +- Turn of Smoothing (done in xDrip+ already) As of now, when using Libre 3 as a BG source, the "Always enable SMB" and "Enable SMB by Carbs" options cannot be enabled in the SMB algorithm. The BG values from Libre 3 are not smooth enough to use safely. diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ro/Getting-Started/Introduction.md b/docs/CROWDIN/ro/Getting-Started/Introduction.md index 0e960229a42f..85cf3556f270 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/ro/Getting-Started/Introduction.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/ro/Getting-Started/Introduction.md @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ Since OpenAPS is only compatible with certain older insulin pumps, **AAPS** (whi The “brain” of AAPS is an **app** which you build yourself. There are detailed step-by-step instructions for this. You then install the **AAPS app** on a [compatible](../Getting-Started/Phones.md) **Android smartphone** (**1**). A number of users prefer their loop on a separate phone to their main phone. So, you don’t necessarily have to be using an Android phone for everything else in your life, just for running your AAPS loop. -The **Android smartphone** will also need to have another app installed on it as well as **AAPS**. This is either a modified Dexcom app called build-your-own dexcom app [**BYODA**](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScD76G0Y-BlL4tZljaFkjlwuqhT83QlFM5v6ZEfO7gCU98iJQ/viewform?fbzx=2196386787609383750&fbclid=IwAR2aL8Cps1s6W8apUVK-gOqgGpA-McMPJj9Y8emf_P0-_gAsmJs6QwAY-o0) or [**Xdrip+**](https://xdrip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/usethedoc/). This additional app receives glucose data from a sensor (**2**) by bluetooth, and then sends the data internally on the phone to the **AAPS app**. +The **Android smartphone** will also need to have another app installed on it as well as **AAPS**. This is either a modified Dexcom app called build-your-own dexcom app [**BYODA**](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScD76G0Y-BlL4tZljaFkjlwuqhT83QlFM5v6ZEfO7gCU98iJQ/viewform?fbzx=2196386787609383750&fbclid=IwAR2aL8Cps1s6W8apUVK-gOqgGpA-McMPJj9Y8emf_P0-_gAsmJs6QwAY-o0) or [**xDrip+**](https://xdrip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/usethedoc/). This additional app receives glucose data from a sensor (**2**) by bluetooth, and then sends the data internally on the phone to the **AAPS app**. The **AAPS app** uses a decision making process (**algorithm**) from OpenAPS. Beginners start out using the basic **oref0** algorithm, but it is possible to switch to using the newer **oref1** algorithm as you progress with AAPS. Which algorithm you use (oref0 or oref1), depends on which suits your specific situation best. In both cases, the algorithm takes into account multiple factors, and performs rapid calculations every time a new reading comes in from the sensor. The algorithm then sends instructions to the insulin pump (**3**) on how much insulin to deliver by bluetooth. All the information can be sent by mobile data or wifi to the internet (**4**). This data can also be shared with followers if desired, and/or collected for analysis. @@ -81,13 +81,13 @@ Users can easily add or remove modules or functionality, and **AAPS** can be use These are all examples, the full range of features gives huge flexibility for daily life including sport, illness, hormone cycles _etc_. Ultimately, it is for the user to decide how to use this flexibility, and there is no one-size-fits-all automation for this. #### 4) **Remote monitoring** -There are multiple possible monitoring channels (Sugarmate, Dexcom Follow, Xdrip+, Android Auto _etc._) which are useful for parents/carers and adults in certain scenarios (sleeping/driving) who need customisable alerts. In some apps (Xdrip+) you can also turn alarms off totally, which is great if you have a new sensor “soaking” or settling down that you don’t want to loop with yet. +There are multiple possible monitoring channels (Sugarmate, Dexcom Follow, xDrip+, Android Auto _etc._) which are useful for parents/carers and adults in certain scenarios (sleeping/driving) who need customisable alerts. In some apps (xDrip+) you can also turn alarms off totally, which is great if you have a new sensor “soaking” or settling down that you don’t want to loop with yet. #### 5) **Remote control** A significant advantage of **AAPS** over commercial systems is that it is possible for followers, using authenticated text (SMS) commands or via an app ([Nightscout](https://nightscout.github.io/) or AAPSClient) to send a wide range of commands back to the **AAPS** system. This is used extensively by parents of kids with type 1 diabetes who use AAPS. It is very useful: for example, in the playground, if you want to pre-bolus for a snack from your own phone, and your child is busy playing. It is possible to monitor the system (_e.g._ Fitbit), send basic commands (_e.g._ Samsung Galaxy watch 4), or even run the entire AAPS system from a high-spec smartwatch (**5**) (_e.g._ LEMFO LEM14). In this last scenario, you don’t need to use a phone to run AAPS. As battery life on watches improves and technology becomes more stable, this last option is likely to become increasingly attractive. #### 6) **No commercial constraints, due to open application interfaces** -Beyond the use of an open-source approach, which allows the source code of **AAPS** to be viewed at any time, the general principle of providing open programming interfaces gives other developers the opportunity to contribute new ideas too. **AAPS** is closely integrated with Nightscout. This accelerates development and allows users to add on features to make life with diabetes even more convenient. Good examples for such integrations are [Nightscout](https://nightscout.github.io/), [Nightscout Reporter](https://nightscout-reporter.zreptil.de/), [Xdrip+](https://xdrip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/usethedoc/), [M5 stack](https://github.com/mlukasek/M5_NightscoutMon/wiki?fbclid=IwAR1pupoCy-2GuXLS7tIO8HRkOC_536YqSxTK7eF0UrKkM1PuucFYRyPFvd0) etc. There is ongoing dialogue between open-source developers and those developing commercial systems. Many of the DIY innovations are gradually adopted by commercial systems, where developments are understandably slower, partly because interfaces between systems from different companies (pumps, apps, sensors _etc_) need to be carefully negotiated and licenced. This can also slow innovations which are convenient for the patient (or a small sub-population of patients, who have a very specific requirement) but do not generate any sizable profit. +Beyond the use of an open-source approach, which allows the source code of **AAPS** to be viewed at any time, the general principle of providing open programming interfaces gives other developers the opportunity to contribute new ideas too. **AAPS** is closely integrated with Nightscout. This accelerates development and allows users to add on features to make life with diabetes even more convenient. Good examples for such integrations are [Nightscout](https://nightscout.github.io/), [Nightscout Reporter](https://nightscout-reporter.zreptil.de/), [xDrip+](https://xdrip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/usethedoc/), [M5 stack](https://github.com/mlukasek/M5_NightscoutMon/wiki) etc. There is ongoing dialogue between open-source developers and those developing commercial systems. Many of the DIY innovations are gradually adopted by commercial systems, where developments are understandably slower, partly because interfaces between systems from different companies (pumps, apps, sensors _etc_) need to be carefully negotiated and licenced. This can also slow innovations which are convenient for the patient (or a small sub-population of patients, who have a very specific requirement) but do not generate any sizable profit. #### 7) **Detailed app interface** With **AAPS** it is easy to keep track of things like: pump insulin levels, cannula age, sensor age, pump battery age, insulin-on-board _etc_. Many actions can be done through the **AAPS** app (priming the pump, disconnecting the pump _etc_.), instead of on the pump itself, which means the pump can stay in your (or your dependant's) pocket or belt. diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ro/SettingUpAaps/TransferringAndInstallingAaps.md b/docs/CROWDIN/ro/SettingUpAaps/TransferringAndInstallingAaps.md index 112574decb83..b75cf3df86f6 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/ro/SettingUpAaps/TransferringAndInstallingAaps.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/ro/SettingUpAaps/TransferringAndInstallingAaps.md @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ In the previous section, [building **AAPS**](../SettingUpAaps/BuildingAaps.md), you built the **AAPS** app (which is an .apk file) on a computer. -The next steps are to **transfer** the **AAPS** APK file (as well as other apps you may need, like BYODA, Xdrip+ or another CGM reciever app) to your Android smartphone, and then **install** the app(s). +The next steps are to **transfer** the **AAPS** APK file (as well as other apps you may need, like BYODA, xDrip+ or another CGM reciever app) to your Android smartphone, and then **install** the app(s). Following installation of **AAPS** on the smartphone, you will then be able to move onto [**configuring the AAPS loop**](../SettingUpAaps/SetupWizard.md). diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ru/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md index f9db40a82b6b..f9d60265700b 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/ru/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ orphan: true Следует отметить, что системы G7 и ONE+, в отличие от G6, не сглаживают значения ГК ни в самом приложении, ни в считывателе. Подробнее об этом [здесь](https://www.dexcom.com/en-us/faqs/why-does-past-cgm-data-look-different-from-past-data-on-receiver-and-follow-app). -Изображение устарело!!! ![G7 английский](../images/6fe30b84-227a-4bae-a9a5-527cee341dbf.png) +![G7 english](../images/6fe30b84-227a-4bae-a9a5-527cee341dbf.png) `{admonition} [метод сглаживания](../CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md)` ## 1. xDrip+ (прямое соединение с G7 или ONE+) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ru/CompatibleCgms/Libre3.md b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/CompatibleCgms/Libre3.md index a73b2a88271c..df74b8a77d25 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/ru/CompatibleCgms/Libre3.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/CompatibleCgms/Libre3.md @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ Libre 3 Freestyle (FSL3) требует уникальной настройки ### Шаг 1: Настройка Juggluco Скачайте и установите приложение Juggluco [отсюда](https://www.juggluco.nl/Juggluco/download.html). Следуйте [этой](https://www.juggluco.nl/Juggluco/libre3/) инструкции -Убедитесь, что данные ГК отправляются в Xdrip+: В настройках Juggluco можно выбрать отправку значений глюкозы другим приложениям. Juggluco может отправить три типа трансляций: Трансляция **Librelink** изначально использовалась модифицированным приложением Librelink и может отправлять значения Гк в xDrip+ +Make sure you send the glucose values to xDrip+: In Juggluco's settings you can configure Juggluco to send its glucose value to other apps. Juggluco может отправить три типа трансляций: Трансляция **Librelink** изначально использовалась модифицированным приложением Librelink и может отправлять значения Гк в xDrip+ ![Трансляция Juggluco в xDrip+](../images/Juggluco_xDrip.png) @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ Libre 3 Freestyle (FSL3) требует уникальной настройки - В [Конфигураторе, Источник ГК](#Config-Builder-bg-source) выберите xDrip+. - Если AndroidAPS не получает значения BG, когда телефон находится в режиме авиаперелета, проверьте, заполнено ли поле «Идентифицировать приемник» -- Выключите сглаживание (уже сделано в Xdrip+) +- Turn of Smoothing (done in xDrip+ already) На данный момент при использовании Libre 3 в качестве источника ГК в алгоритме SMB невозможно включить опцию "Всегда включать SMB" и "Включать SMB после углеводов". Значения ГК Libre 3 недостаточно сглажены для безопасного пользования. diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ru/Getting-Started/Introduction.md b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/Getting-Started/Introduction.md index e3a0c09a5ab3..f50e9180ecf6 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/ru/Getting-Started/Introduction.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/Getting-Started/Introduction.md @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ Android APS (AAPS) — это гибридная система замкнуто "Мозгом" AAPS является **приложение**, которое вы должны собрать сами. Для этого существует подробная пошаговая инструкция. Затем **AAPS ** устанавливается на [совместимый](../Getting-Started/Phones.md) **телефон на ОС Android** (**1**). Многие пользователи предпочитают иметь отдельный телефон для AAPS в дополнение к основному телефону. Таким образом, отдельный телефон на Android может предназначаться только для AAPS. -0>Телефон на Android должен иметь еще одно приложение наряду с **AAPS**. Это либо модифицированное приложение Dexcom под названием build-your-own dexcom app [**BYODA**](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScD76G0Y-BlL4tZljaFkjlwuqhT83QlFM5v6ZEfO7gCU98iJQ/viewform?fbzx=2196386787609383750&fbclid=IwAR2aL8Cps1s6W8apUVK-gOqgGpA-McMPJj9Y8emf_P0-_gAsmJs6QwAY-o0) или [**Xdrip+**](https://xdrip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/usethedoc/). Это дополнительное приложение получает данные гликемии от сенсора (**2**) по bluetooth, и затем отправляет данные в телефоне в приложение **AAPS**. +0>Телефон на Android должен иметь еще одно приложение наряду с **AAPS**. This is either a modified Dexcom app called build-your-own dexcom app [**BYODA**](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScD76G0Y-BlL4tZljaFkjlwuqhT83QlFM5v6ZEfO7gCU98iJQ/viewform?fbzx=2196386787609383750&fbclid=IwAR2aL8Cps1s6W8apUVK-gOqgGpA-McMPJj9Y8emf_P0-_gAsmJs6QwAY-o0) or [**xDrip+**](https://xdrip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/usethedoc/). Это дополнительное приложение получает данные гликемии от сенсора (**2**) по bluetooth, и затем отправляет данные в телефоне в приложение **AAPS**. Приложение **AAPS** использует процесс принятия решений (**алгоритм**), созданный на базе OpenAPS. Новички начинают использовать базовый алгоритм **oref0**, но при работе с AAPS можно переключиться на более новый алгоритм **oref1**. Выбор алгоритма (ореф1 или ореф), зависит от того, что вам лучше подходит. В обоих случаях алгоритм учитывает множество факторов и выполняет быстрые вычисления каждый раз, когда поступает новые данные с сенсора. Затем алгоритм по bluetooth посылает инструкции на инсулиновую помпу **(3)** о том, сколько инсулина давать организму. Вся информация может быть отправлена через передачу данных или wifi в интернет (**4**). По желанию эти данные могут также передаваться наблюдателям(фоллоуерам) и/или собираться для анализа. @@ -81,13 +81,13 @@ Android APS (AAPS) — это гибридная система замкнуто Это все лишь примеры, полный спектр характеристик дает большую гибкость в повседневной жизни, включая спорт, болезнь, гормональные циклы и т. д. В конечном счете, пользователь сам должен решить, как использовать эти возможности, универсальной автоматизации для всех не существует. #### 4) **Удаленный мониторинг** -Существует множество каналов мониторинга (Sugarmate, Dexcom Follow, Xdrip+, Android Auto _и т. д._), полезных для родителей/опекунов и взрослых в определенных ситуациях (сон/вождение), где нужны настраиваемые оповещения. В некоторых приложениях (Xdrip+) есть возможность полностью отключить звуковые оповещения, что отлично, если у вас есть новый датчик на «прогреве» или вы еще не готовы полностью запустить систему. +There are multiple possible monitoring channels (Sugarmate, Dexcom Follow, xDrip+, Android Auto _etc._) which are useful for parents/carers and adults in certain scenarios (sleeping/driving) who need customisable alerts. In some apps (xDrip+) you can also turn alarms off totally, which is great if you have a new sensor “soaking” or settling down that you don’t want to loop with yet. #### 5) **Дистанционное управление** Значительное преимущество **AAPS** над коммерческими системами состоит в возможности при помощи подтвержденных текстовых команд (SMS) или через приложение ([Nightscout](https://nightscout.github.io/) или AAPSClient) отправлять команды в систему **AAPS**. Это широко используют родители детей с диабетом 1 типа, применяющих AAPS. Это очень удобно на игровой площадке, например, если вы хотите дать пре-болюс на перекус с вашего телефона, а ваш ребенок занят играми. Можно мониторить систему (напр. Fitbit), отправлять базовые команды (напр. Samsung Galaxy watch 4) или даже запустить всю систему AAPS с высокотехнологичных часов (5) (например, LEMFO LEM14). В этом последнем варианте для запуска AAPS вообще не требуется телефон. По мере увеличения срока службы батарей на часах, этот вариант, возможно, станет более привлекательным. #### 6) **Отсутствие коммерческих ограничений из-за открытого интерфейсов приложений** -Отсутствие коммерческих ограничений из-за открытого интерфейса приложений: помимо возможности в любое время просматривать исходный код **AAPS**, принцип открытого интерфейса программирования дает другим разработчикам возможность вносить новые идеи. **AAPS** тесно интегрирован с Nightscout. Это ускоряет разработку и позволяет добавлять новые функции, упрощающие жизнь с диабетом. Примерами такой интеграции являются [NightScout](https://nightscout.github.io/), [Nightscout Reporter](https://nightscout-reporter.zreptil.de/), [Xdrip+](https://xdrip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/usethedoc/), [стек M5](https://github.com/mlukasek/M5_NightscoutMon/wiki?fbclid=IwAR1pupoCy-2GuXLS7tIO8HRkOC_536YqSxTK7eF0UrKkM1PuucFYRyPFvd0) и т. п. Идет обмен мнениями между разработчиками с открытым исходным кодом и разработчиками коммерческих систем. Многие инновации, предлагаемые в некоммерчиских проектах, постепенно перенимаются коммерческими системами, развитие которых, по понятным причинам, происходит медленнее, отчасти потому, что интерфейсы между системами разных компаний (помпы, приложения, сенсоры _и т. д._) необходимо тщательно согласовывать и лицензировать. Это обстоятельство также замедляет внедрение инноваций, удобных для пациента (или небольшой группы пациентов, которые имеют очень специфические потребности, но не генерируют существенной прибыли. +Отсутствие коммерческих ограничений из-за открытого интерфейса приложений: помимо возможности в любое время просматривать исходный код **AAPS**, принцип открытого интерфейса программирования дает другим разработчикам возможность вносить новые идеи. **AAPS** тесно интегрирован с Nightscout. Это ускоряет разработку и позволяет добавлять новые функции, упрощающие жизнь с диабетом. Good examples for such integrations are [Nightscout](https://nightscout.github.io/), [Nightscout Reporter](https://nightscout-reporter.zreptil.de/), [xDrip+](https://xdrip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/usethedoc/), [M5 stack](https://github.com/mlukasek/M5_NightscoutMon/wiki) etc. Идет обмен мнениями между разработчиками с открытым исходным кодом и разработчиками коммерческих систем. Многие инновации, предлагаемые в некоммерчиских проектах, постепенно перенимаются коммерческими системами, развитие которых, по понятным причинам, происходит медленнее, отчасти потому, что интерфейсы между системами разных компаний (помпы, приложения, сенсоры _и т. д._) необходимо тщательно согласовывать и лицензировать. Это обстоятельство также замедляет внедрение инноваций, удобных для пациента (или небольшой группы пациентов, которые имеют очень специфические потребности, но не генерируют существенной прибыли. #### 7) **Детализированный интерфейс приложения** При помощи **AAPS** легко контролировать такие вещи как: уровень инсулина в помпе, время работы катетера, сенсора, количество активного инсулина в организме _и т. д._. Многие действия можно сделать с помощью приложения **AAPS** (первичное заполнение помпы, отсоединие помпы _и т. п._), не трогая помпу, то есть помпа при этом может находиться в кармане (или на ремне подопечного). diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/ru/SettingUpAaps/TransferringAndInstallingAaps.md b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/SettingUpAaps/TransferringAndInstallingAaps.md index 33aff900d41e..9db5c5e9b394 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/ru/SettingUpAaps/TransferringAndInstallingAaps.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/ru/SettingUpAaps/TransferringAndInstallingAaps.md @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ In the previous section, [building **AAPS**](../SettingUpAaps/BuildingAaps.md), you built the **AAPS** app (which is an .apk file) on a computer. -The next steps are to **transfer** the **AAPS** APK file (as well as other apps you may need, like BYODA, Xdrip+ or another CGM reciever app) to your Android smartphone, and then **install** the app(s). +The next steps are to **transfer** the **AAPS** APK file (as well as other apps you may need, like BYODA, xDrip+ or another CGM reciever app) to your Android smartphone, and then **install** the app(s). Following installation of **AAPS** on the smartphone, you will then be able to move onto [**configuring the AAPS loop**](../SettingUpAaps/SetupWizard.md). diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/sk/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md index 1d8212e7ec8d..d58b6045df12 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/sk/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ orphan: true Noteworthy is the fact that the G7 and ONE+ systems, compared to the G6, do not smooth the values, neither in the app, nor in the reader. More details about this [here](https://www.dexcom.com/en-us/faqs/why-does-past-cgm-data-look-different-from-past-data-on-receiver-and-follow-app). -Picture is outdated!!! ![G7 english](../images/6fe30b84-227a-4bae-a9a5-527cee341dbf.png) +![G7 english](../images/6fe30b84-227a-4bae-a9a5-527cee341dbf.png) `{admonition} [Smoothing method](../CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md)` ## 1. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7 or ONE+) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/sk/CompatibleCgms/Libre3.md b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/CompatibleCgms/Libre3.md index bdbd55d321f8..80491b5ecdcf 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/sk/CompatibleCgms/Libre3.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/CompatibleCgms/Libre3.md @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ This method uses Juggluco to receive raw, 1-minute interval data from the sensor ### Step 1: Setup Juggluco Download and install the Juggluco app from [here](https://www.juggluco.nl/Juggluco/download.html). Follow the instructions [here](https://www.juggluco.nl/Juggluco/libre3/) -Make sure you send the glucose values to Xdrip+: In Juggluco's settings you can configure Juggluco to send its glucose value to other apps. Juggluco can send three types of such broadcasts: The **Patched Libre broadcast** was originally used by the patched Librelink app and can be used to send glucose values to xDrip+ +Make sure you send the glucose values to xDrip+: In Juggluco's settings you can configure Juggluco to send its glucose value to other apps. Juggluco can send three types of such broadcasts: The **Patched Libre broadcast** was originally used by the patched Librelink app and can be used to send glucose values to xDrip+ ![Juggluco broadcast to xDrip+](../images/Juggluco_xDrip.png) @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ After a sensor change xDrip+ will automatically detect the new sensor and will d - Select xDrip+ in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](#Config-Builder-bg-source). - If AndroidAPS does not receive BG values when phone is in airplane mode, use "Identify receiver" -- Turn of Smoothing (done in Xdrip+ already) +- Turn of Smoothing (done in xDrip+ already) As of now, when using Libre 3 as a BG source, the "Always enable SMB" and "Enable SMB by Carbs" options cannot be enabled in the SMB algorithm. The BG values from Libre 3 are not smooth enough to use safely. diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/sk/Getting-Started/Introduction.md b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/Getting-Started/Introduction.md index 181dc2d486dd..42cc28d0dfb1 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/sk/Getting-Started/Introduction.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/Getting-Started/Introduction.md @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ Since OpenAPS is only compatible with certain older insulin pumps, **AAPS** (whi The “brain” of AAPS is an **app** which you build yourself. There are detailed step-by-step instructions for this. You then install the **AAPS app** on a [compatible](../Getting-Started/Phones.md) **Android smartphone** (**1**). A number of users prefer their loop on a separate phone to their main phone. So, you don’t necessarily have to be using an Android phone for everything else in your life, just for running your AAPS loop. -The **Android smartphone** will also need to have another app installed on it as well as **AAPS**. This is either a modified Dexcom app called build-your-own dexcom app [**BYODA**](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScD76G0Y-BlL4tZljaFkjlwuqhT83QlFM5v6ZEfO7gCU98iJQ/viewform?fbzx=2196386787609383750&fbclid=IwAR2aL8Cps1s6W8apUVK-gOqgGpA-McMPJj9Y8emf_P0-_gAsmJs6QwAY-o0) or [**Xdrip+**](https://xdrip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/usethedoc/). This additional app receives glucose data from a sensor (**2**) by bluetooth, and then sends the data internally on the phone to the **AAPS app**. +The **Android smartphone** will also need to have another app installed on it as well as **AAPS**. This is either a modified Dexcom app called build-your-own dexcom app [**BYODA**](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScD76G0Y-BlL4tZljaFkjlwuqhT83QlFM5v6ZEfO7gCU98iJQ/viewform?fbzx=2196386787609383750&fbclid=IwAR2aL8Cps1s6W8apUVK-gOqgGpA-McMPJj9Y8emf_P0-_gAsmJs6QwAY-o0) or [**xDrip+**](https://xdrip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/usethedoc/). This additional app receives glucose data from a sensor (**2**) by bluetooth, and then sends the data internally on the phone to the **AAPS app**. The **AAPS app** uses a decision making process (**algorithm**) from OpenAPS. Beginners start out using the basic **oref0** algorithm, but it is possible to switch to using the newer **oref1** algorithm as you progress with AAPS. Which algorithm you use (oref0 or oref1), depends on which suits your specific situation best. In both cases, the algorithm takes into account multiple factors, and performs rapid calculations every time a new reading comes in from the sensor. The algorithm then sends instructions to the insulin pump (**3**) on how much insulin to deliver by bluetooth. All the information can be sent by mobile data or wifi to the internet (**4**). This data can also be shared with followers if desired, and/or collected for analysis. @@ -81,13 +81,13 @@ Users can easily add or remove modules or functionality, and **AAPS** can be use These are all examples, the full range of features gives huge flexibility for daily life including sport, illness, hormone cycles _etc_. Ultimately, it is for the user to decide how to use this flexibility, and there is no one-size-fits-all automation for this. #### 4) **Remote monitoring** -There are multiple possible monitoring channels (Sugarmate, Dexcom Follow, Xdrip+, Android Auto _etc._) which are useful for parents/carers and adults in certain scenarios (sleeping/driving) who need customisable alerts. In some apps (Xdrip+) you can also turn alarms off totally, which is great if you have a new sensor “soaking” or settling down that you don’t want to loop with yet. +There are multiple possible monitoring channels (Sugarmate, Dexcom Follow, xDrip+, Android Auto _etc._) which are useful for parents/carers and adults in certain scenarios (sleeping/driving) who need customisable alerts. In some apps (xDrip+) you can also turn alarms off totally, which is great if you have a new sensor “soaking” or settling down that you don’t want to loop with yet. #### 5) **Remote control** A significant advantage of **AAPS** over commercial systems is that it is possible for followers, using authenticated text (SMS) commands or via an app ([Nightscout](https://nightscout.github.io/) or AAPSClient) to send a wide range of commands back to the **AAPS** system. This is used extensively by parents of kids with type 1 diabetes who use AAPS. It is very useful: for example, in the playground, if you want to pre-bolus for a snack from your own phone, and your child is busy playing. It is possible to monitor the system (_e.g._ Fitbit), send basic commands (_e.g._ Samsung Galaxy watch 4), or even run the entire AAPS system from a high-spec smartwatch (**5**) (_e.g._ LEMFO LEM14). In this last scenario, you don’t need to use a phone to run AAPS. As battery life on watches improves and technology becomes more stable, this last option is likely to become increasingly attractive. #### 6) **No commercial constraints, due to open application interfaces** -Beyond the use of an open-source approach, which allows the source code of **AAPS** to be viewed at any time, the general principle of providing open programming interfaces gives other developers the opportunity to contribute new ideas too. **AAPS** is closely integrated with Nightscout. This accelerates development and allows users to add on features to make life with diabetes even more convenient. Good examples for such integrations are [Nightscout](https://nightscout.github.io/), [Nightscout Reporter](https://nightscout-reporter.zreptil.de/), [Xdrip+](https://xdrip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/usethedoc/), [M5 stack](https://github.com/mlukasek/M5_NightscoutMon/wiki?fbclid=IwAR1pupoCy-2GuXLS7tIO8HRkOC_536YqSxTK7eF0UrKkM1PuucFYRyPFvd0) etc. There is ongoing dialogue between open-source developers and those developing commercial systems. Many of the DIY innovations are gradually adopted by commercial systems, where developments are understandably slower, partly because interfaces between systems from different companies (pumps, apps, sensors _etc_) need to be carefully negotiated and licenced. This can also slow innovations which are convenient for the patient (or a small sub-population of patients, who have a very specific requirement) but do not generate any sizable profit. +Beyond the use of an open-source approach, which allows the source code of **AAPS** to be viewed at any time, the general principle of providing open programming interfaces gives other developers the opportunity to contribute new ideas too. **AAPS** is closely integrated with Nightscout. This accelerates development and allows users to add on features to make life with diabetes even more convenient. Good examples for such integrations are [Nightscout](https://nightscout.github.io/), [Nightscout Reporter](https://nightscout-reporter.zreptil.de/), [xDrip+](https://xdrip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/usethedoc/), [M5 stack](https://github.com/mlukasek/M5_NightscoutMon/wiki) etc. There is ongoing dialogue between open-source developers and those developing commercial systems. Many of the DIY innovations are gradually adopted by commercial systems, where developments are understandably slower, partly because interfaces between systems from different companies (pumps, apps, sensors _etc_) need to be carefully negotiated and licenced. This can also slow innovations which are convenient for the patient (or a small sub-population of patients, who have a very specific requirement) but do not generate any sizable profit. #### 7) **Detailed app interface** With **AAPS** it is easy to keep track of things like: pump insulin levels, cannula age, sensor age, pump battery age, insulin-on-board _etc_. Many actions can be done through the **AAPS** app (priming the pump, disconnecting the pump _etc_.), instead of on the pump itself, which means the pump can stay in your (or your dependant's) pocket or belt. diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/sk/SettingUpAaps/TransferringAndInstallingAaps.md b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/SettingUpAaps/TransferringAndInstallingAaps.md index 112574decb83..b75cf3df86f6 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/sk/SettingUpAaps/TransferringAndInstallingAaps.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/sk/SettingUpAaps/TransferringAndInstallingAaps.md @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ In the previous section, [building **AAPS**](../SettingUpAaps/BuildingAaps.md), you built the **AAPS** app (which is an .apk file) on a computer. -The next steps are to **transfer** the **AAPS** APK file (as well as other apps you may need, like BYODA, Xdrip+ or another CGM reciever app) to your Android smartphone, and then **install** the app(s). +The next steps are to **transfer** the **AAPS** APK file (as well as other apps you may need, like BYODA, xDrip+ or another CGM reciever app) to your Android smartphone, and then **install** the app(s). Following installation of **AAPS** on the smartphone, you will then be able to move onto [**configuring the AAPS loop**](../SettingUpAaps/SetupWizard.md). diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/tr/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md b/docs/CROWDIN/tr/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md index d0b1f6e72eb7..a70584b05678 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/tr/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/tr/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ orphan: true Noteworthy is the fact that the G7 and ONE+ systems, compared to the G6, do not smooth the values, neither in the app, nor in the reader. Bununla ilgili daha fazla ayrıntıya [buradan](https://www.dexcom.com/en-us/faqs/why-does-past-cgm-data-look-different-from-past-data-on-receiver-and-follow-app) ulaşabilirsiniz. -Picture is outdated!!! ![G7 english](../images/6fe30b84-227a-4bae-a9a5-527cee341dbf.png) +![G7 english](../images/6fe30b84-227a-4bae-a9a5-527cee341dbf.png) `{admonition} [Smoothing method](../CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md)` ## 1. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7 or ONE+) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/tr/CompatibleCgms/Libre3.md b/docs/CROWDIN/tr/CompatibleCgms/Libre3.md index 8f6434175069..4adcc56e9483 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/tr/CompatibleCgms/Libre3.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/tr/CompatibleCgms/Libre3.md @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ This method uses Juggluco to receive raw, 1-minute interval data from the sensor ### Step 1: Setup Juggluco Download and install the Juggluco app from [here](https://www.juggluco.nl/Juggluco/download.html). Follow the instructions [here](https://www.juggluco.nl/Juggluco/libre3/) -Make sure you send the glucose values to Xdrip+: In Juggluco's settings you can configure Juggluco to send its glucose value to other apps. Juggluco can send three types of such broadcasts: The **Patched Libre broadcast** was originally used by the patched Librelink app and can be used to send glucose values to xDrip+ +Make sure you send the glucose values to xDrip+: In Juggluco's settings you can configure Juggluco to send its glucose value to other apps. Juggluco can send three types of such broadcasts: The **Patched Libre broadcast** was originally used by the patched Librelink app and can be used to send glucose values to xDrip+ ![Juggluco broadcast to xDrip+](../images/Juggluco_xDrip.png) @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ After a sensor change xDrip+ will automatically detect the new sensor and will d - Select xDrip+ in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](#Config-Builder-bg-source). - If AndroidAPS does not receive BG values when phone is in airplane mode, use "Identify receiver" -- Turn of Smoothing (done in Xdrip+ already) +- Turn of Smoothing (done in xDrip+ already) As of now, when using Libre 3 as a BG source, the "Always enable SMB" and "Enable SMB by Carbs" options cannot be enabled in the SMB algorithm. The BG values from Libre 3 are not smooth enough to use safely. diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/tr/Getting-Started/Introduction.md b/docs/CROWDIN/tr/Getting-Started/Introduction.md index 93eed6c231f8..df3c7ec64c1f 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/tr/Getting-Started/Introduction.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/tr/Getting-Started/Introduction.md @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ Since OpenAPS is only compatible with certain older insulin pumps, **AAPS** (whi The “brain” of AAPS is an **app** which you build yourself. There are detailed step-by-step instructions for this. You then install the **AAPS app** on a [compatible](../Getting-Started/Phones.md) **Android smartphone** (**1**). A number of users prefer their loop on a separate phone to their main phone. So, you don’t necessarily have to be using an Android phone for everything else in your life, just for running your AAPS loop. -The **Android smartphone** will also need to have another app installed on it as well as **AAPS**. This is either a modified Dexcom app called build-your-own dexcom app [**BYODA**](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScD76G0Y-BlL4tZljaFkjlwuqhT83QlFM5v6ZEfO7gCU98iJQ/viewform?fbzx=2196386787609383750&fbclid=IwAR2aL8Cps1s6W8apUVK-gOqgGpA-McMPJj9Y8emf_P0-_gAsmJs6QwAY-o0) or [**Xdrip+**](https://xdrip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/usethedoc/). This additional app receives glucose data from a sensor (**2**) by bluetooth, and then sends the data internally on the phone to the **AAPS app**. +The **Android smartphone** will also need to have another app installed on it as well as **AAPS**. This is either a modified Dexcom app called build-your-own dexcom app [**BYODA**](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScD76G0Y-BlL4tZljaFkjlwuqhT83QlFM5v6ZEfO7gCU98iJQ/viewform?fbzx=2196386787609383750&fbclid=IwAR2aL8Cps1s6W8apUVK-gOqgGpA-McMPJj9Y8emf_P0-_gAsmJs6QwAY-o0) or [**xDrip+**](https://xdrip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/usethedoc/). This additional app receives glucose data from a sensor (**2**) by bluetooth, and then sends the data internally on the phone to the **AAPS app**. The **AAPS app** uses a decision making process (**algorithm**) from OpenAPS. Beginners start out using the basic **oref0** algorithm, but it is possible to switch to using the newer **oref1** algorithm as you progress with AAPS. Which algorithm you use (oref0 or oref1), depends on which suits your specific situation best. In both cases, the algorithm takes into account multiple factors, and performs rapid calculations every time a new reading comes in from the sensor. The algorithm then sends instructions to the insulin pump (**3**) on how much insulin to deliver by bluetooth. All the information can be sent by mobile data or wifi to the internet (**4**). This data can also be shared with followers if desired, and/or collected for analysis. @@ -81,13 +81,13 @@ Users can easily add or remove modules or functionality, and **AAPS** can be use These are all examples, the full range of features gives huge flexibility for daily life including sport, illness, hormone cycles _etc_. Ultimately, it is for the user to decide how to use this flexibility, and there is no one-size-fits-all automation for this. #### 4) **Remote monitoring** -There are multiple possible monitoring channels (Sugarmate, Dexcom Follow, Xdrip+, Android Auto _etc._) which are useful for parents/carers and adults in certain scenarios (sleeping/driving) who need customisable alerts. In some apps (Xdrip+) you can also turn alarms off totally, which is great if you have a new sensor “soaking” or settling down that you don’t want to loop with yet. +There are multiple possible monitoring channels (Sugarmate, Dexcom Follow, xDrip+, Android Auto _etc._) which are useful for parents/carers and adults in certain scenarios (sleeping/driving) who need customisable alerts. In some apps (xDrip+) you can also turn alarms off totally, which is great if you have a new sensor “soaking” or settling down that you don’t want to loop with yet. #### 5) **Remote control** A significant advantage of **AAPS** over commercial systems is that it is possible for followers, using authenticated text (SMS) commands or via an app ([Nightscout](https://nightscout.github.io/) or AAPSClient) to send a wide range of commands back to the **AAPS** system. This is used extensively by parents of kids with type 1 diabetes who use AAPS. It is very useful: for example, in the playground, if you want to pre-bolus for a snack from your own phone, and your child is busy playing. It is possible to monitor the system (_e.g._ Fitbit), send basic commands (_e.g._ Samsung Galaxy watch 4), or even run the entire AAPS system from a high-spec smartwatch (**5**) (_e.g._ LEMFO LEM14). In this last scenario, you don’t need to use a phone to run AAPS. As battery life on watches improves and technology becomes more stable, this last option is likely to become increasingly attractive. #### 6) **No commercial constraints, due to open application interfaces** -Beyond the use of an open-source approach, which allows the source code of **AAPS** to be viewed at any time, the general principle of providing open programming interfaces gives other developers the opportunity to contribute new ideas too. **AAPS** is closely integrated with Nightscout. This accelerates development and allows users to add on features to make life with diabetes even more convenient. Good examples for such integrations are [Nightscout](https://nightscout.github.io/), [Nightscout Reporter](https://nightscout-reporter.zreptil.de/), [Xdrip+](https://xdrip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/usethedoc/), [M5 stack](https://github.com/mlukasek/M5_NightscoutMon/wiki?fbclid=IwAR1pupoCy-2GuXLS7tIO8HRkOC_536YqSxTK7eF0UrKkM1PuucFYRyPFvd0) etc. There is ongoing dialogue between open-source developers and those developing commercial systems. Many of the DIY innovations are gradually adopted by commercial systems, where developments are understandably slower, partly because interfaces between systems from different companies (pumps, apps, sensors _etc_) need to be carefully negotiated and licenced. This can also slow innovations which are convenient for the patient (or a small sub-population of patients, who have a very specific requirement) but do not generate any sizable profit. +Beyond the use of an open-source approach, which allows the source code of **AAPS** to be viewed at any time, the general principle of providing open programming interfaces gives other developers the opportunity to contribute new ideas too. **AAPS** is closely integrated with Nightscout. This accelerates development and allows users to add on features to make life with diabetes even more convenient. Good examples for such integrations are [Nightscout](https://nightscout.github.io/), [Nightscout Reporter](https://nightscout-reporter.zreptil.de/), [xDrip+](https://xdrip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/usethedoc/), [M5 stack](https://github.com/mlukasek/M5_NightscoutMon/wiki) etc. There is ongoing dialogue between open-source developers and those developing commercial systems. Many of the DIY innovations are gradually adopted by commercial systems, where developments are understandably slower, partly because interfaces between systems from different companies (pumps, apps, sensors _etc_) need to be carefully negotiated and licenced. This can also slow innovations which are convenient for the patient (or a small sub-population of patients, who have a very specific requirement) but do not generate any sizable profit. #### 7) **Detailed app interface** With **AAPS** it is easy to keep track of things like: pump insulin levels, cannula age, sensor age, pump battery age, insulin-on-board _etc_. Many actions can be done through the **AAPS** app (priming the pump, disconnecting the pump _etc_.), instead of on the pump itself, which means the pump can stay in your (or your dependant's) pocket or belt. diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/tr/SettingUpAaps/TransferringAndInstallingAaps.md b/docs/CROWDIN/tr/SettingUpAaps/TransferringAndInstallingAaps.md index 112574decb83..b75cf3df86f6 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/tr/SettingUpAaps/TransferringAndInstallingAaps.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/tr/SettingUpAaps/TransferringAndInstallingAaps.md @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ In the previous section, [building **AAPS**](../SettingUpAaps/BuildingAaps.md), you built the **AAPS** app (which is an .apk file) on a computer. -The next steps are to **transfer** the **AAPS** APK file (as well as other apps you may need, like BYODA, Xdrip+ or another CGM reciever app) to your Android smartphone, and then **install** the app(s). +The next steps are to **transfer** the **AAPS** APK file (as well as other apps you may need, like BYODA, xDrip+ or another CGM reciever app) to your Android smartphone, and then **install** the app(s). Following installation of **AAPS** on the smartphone, you will then be able to move onto [**configuring the AAPS loop**](../SettingUpAaps/SetupWizard.md). diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh_CN/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md b/docs/CROWDIN/zh_CN/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md index 1d8212e7ec8d..d58b6045df12 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh_CN/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh_CN/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ orphan: true Noteworthy is the fact that the G7 and ONE+ systems, compared to the G6, do not smooth the values, neither in the app, nor in the reader. More details about this [here](https://www.dexcom.com/en-us/faqs/why-does-past-cgm-data-look-different-from-past-data-on-receiver-and-follow-app). -Picture is outdated!!! ![G7 english](../images/6fe30b84-227a-4bae-a9a5-527cee341dbf.png) +![G7 english](../images/6fe30b84-227a-4bae-a9a5-527cee341dbf.png) `{admonition} [Smoothing method](../CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md)` ## 1. xDrip+ (direct connection to G7 or ONE+) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh_CN/CompatibleCgms/Libre3.md b/docs/CROWDIN/zh_CN/CompatibleCgms/Libre3.md index bdbd55d321f8..80491b5ecdcf 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh_CN/CompatibleCgms/Libre3.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh_CN/CompatibleCgms/Libre3.md @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ This method uses Juggluco to receive raw, 1-minute interval data from the sensor ### Step 1: Setup Juggluco Download and install the Juggluco app from [here](https://www.juggluco.nl/Juggluco/download.html). Follow the instructions [here](https://www.juggluco.nl/Juggluco/libre3/) -Make sure you send the glucose values to Xdrip+: In Juggluco's settings you can configure Juggluco to send its glucose value to other apps. Juggluco can send three types of such broadcasts: The **Patched Libre broadcast** was originally used by the patched Librelink app and can be used to send glucose values to xDrip+ +Make sure you send the glucose values to xDrip+: In Juggluco's settings you can configure Juggluco to send its glucose value to other apps. Juggluco can send three types of such broadcasts: The **Patched Libre broadcast** was originally used by the patched Librelink app and can be used to send glucose values to xDrip+ ![Juggluco broadcast to xDrip+](../images/Juggluco_xDrip.png) @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ After a sensor change xDrip+ will automatically detect the new sensor and will d - Select xDrip+ in [ConfigBuilder, BG Source](#Config-Builder-bg-source). - If AndroidAPS does not receive BG values when phone is in airplane mode, use "Identify receiver" -- Turn of Smoothing (done in Xdrip+ already) +- Turn of Smoothing (done in xDrip+ already) As of now, when using Libre 3 as a BG source, the "Always enable SMB" and "Enable SMB by Carbs" options cannot be enabled in the SMB algorithm. The BG values from Libre 3 are not smooth enough to use safely. diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh_CN/Getting-Started/Introduction.md b/docs/CROWDIN/zh_CN/Getting-Started/Introduction.md index b8ac1890adb1..a384abe60597 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh_CN/Getting-Started/Introduction.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh_CN/Getting-Started/Introduction.md @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ AAPS的“核心”是您自己构建的 **应用程序**。 这方面有详细的步骤说明。 然后你需要在一部[兼容的](../Getting-Started/Phones.md)**安卓智能手机**上安装**AAPS 应用程序**(**1**)。 有的用户倾向于用一部专门的手机来安装闭环,而非平时用的手机。 这样(尤其是苹果手机用户)就不用非得换到安卓手机上处理日常事务,只是用它来运行AAPS闭环就行。 -除了 **AAPS** 之外,**安卓智能手机**还需要安装另一个 App。 [**BYODA**](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScD76G0Y-BlL4tZljaFkjlwuqhT83QlFM5v6ZEfO7gCU98iJQ/viewform?fbzx=2196386787609383750&fbclid=IwAR2aL8Cps1s6W8apUVK-gOqgGpA-McMPJj9Y8emf_P0-_gAsmJs6QwAY-o0)(一个经过修改的 Dexcom 应用程序,Build-Your-Own Dexcom App)或[**Xdrip+**](https://xdrip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/usethedoc/)。 这个附加 App 通过蓝牙从传感器 (**2**) 接收葡萄糖数据,然后在手机内部将数据发送到 **AAPS App**。 +除了 **AAPS** 之外,**安卓智能手机**还需要安装另一个 App。 This is either a modified Dexcom app called build-your-own dexcom app [**BYODA**](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScD76G0Y-BlL4tZljaFkjlwuqhT83QlFM5v6ZEfO7gCU98iJQ/viewform?fbzx=2196386787609383750&fbclid=IwAR2aL8Cps1s6W8apUVK-gOqgGpA-McMPJj9Y8emf_P0-_gAsmJs6QwAY-o0) or [**xDrip+**](https://xdrip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/usethedoc/). 这个附加 App 通过蓝牙从传感器 (**2**) 接收葡萄糖数据,然后在手机内部将数据发送到 **AAPS App**。 **AAPS** 采用的是 OpenAPS 的决策过程(也就是**算法**)。 初学者最开始用基础的 **oref0** 算法,对AAPS比较熟悉之后可以切换到新的 **oref1** 算法。 使用哪个算法 (oref0或 oref1) 取决于哪个算法最适合你的具体情况。 在这两种情况下,算法都会考虑多种因素,并且每次从动态血糖仪获得新的数据时都进行快速计算。 然后,算法通过蓝牙向胰岛素泵(**3**)发送指令,告诉它需要输送多少胰岛素。 所有信息都可以通过移动数据或无线网络发送到互联网(**4**)上。 如果需要的话,这些数据也可以分享给别人或者收集起来以供分析。 @@ -81,13 +81,13 @@ AAPS的“核心”是您自己构建的 **应用程序**。 这方面有详细 以上仅为举例,全套功能为日常生活提供了极大的灵活性,包括运动、疾病、激素周期_等_。 最终,还是需要用户来决定如何灵活运用这些功能,没有放之四海而皆准的自动化解决方案。 #### 4) **远程监控** -有多种可选的监控渠道(Sugarmate、Dexcom Follow、Xdrip+、Android Auto _等_),这对需要定制警报的父母/看护人和特定场景(睡眠/驾驶)中的成年人非常有用。 换的新动态预热的时候可能跳点,这时候你应该不想用它来闭环,这时候在某些应用程序 (Xdrip+) 中就可以全部关闭报警,这功能香得很,要不然会烦死人。 +There are multiple possible monitoring channels (Sugarmate, Dexcom Follow, xDrip+, Android Auto _etc._) which are useful for parents/carers and adults in certain scenarios (sleeping/driving) who need customisable alerts. In some apps (xDrip+) you can also turn alarms off totally, which is great if you have a new sensor “soaking” or settling down that you don’t want to loop with yet. #### 5) **远程控制** 与商业系统相比,**AAPS** 的一个显著优势是,监护人尤其是糖宝家长可以使用经过验证的文本(短信)命令或通过 App([Nightscout](https://nightscout.github.io/) 或 AAPSClient)向 **AAPS** 系统发回各种命令。 这个功能1型糖宝的父母用的比较多。 例如,孩子在操场上忙着玩,一会要吃点小零食,这时你就可以用手机给个提前大剂量。 通过智能手表,我们可以监控AAPS的运行(_如_Fitbit),发送基本命令(_如_三星 Galaxy watch 4),在高配智能手表 (**5**)(_如_ LEMFO LEM14)上甚至可以运行整个 AAPS 系统。 最后这种情况下,你就可以抛开手机运行AAPS。 随着手表电池续航时间的延长和技术的日益稳定,最后一种选择可能会变得越来越有吸引力。 #### 6) **得益于应用程序的开源,不受商业限制** -除了采用开放源代码的方法,允许随时查看 **AAPS** 的源代码之外,提供标准开放式编程接口也给其他开发人员提供了贡献新想法的机会。 **AAPS** 与 Nightscout 紧密集成。 这加快了开发速度,并允许用户添加功能,使糖尿病患者的生活更加方便。 [NightScout](https://nightscout.github.io/), [Nightscout Reporter](https://nightscout-reporter.zreptil.de/), [Xdrip+](https://xdrip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/usethedoc/), [M5 stack](https://github.com/mlukasek/M5_NightscoutMon/wiki?fbclid=IwAR1pupoCy-2GuXLS7tIO8HRkOC_536YqSxTK7eF0UrKkM1PuucFYRyPFvd0)诸如此类的集成方案就是很好的例子。 开源开发者和商业系统开发者之间一直在进行对话。 许多 DIY 创新逐渐被商业系统采用,而商业系统的开发速度较慢是可以理解的,部分原因是不同公司的系统(泵、App、传感器_等_)之间的接口需要仔细协商并获得许可。 这也会延缓那些方便患者(或有特殊需求的小部分患者)但不能产生可观利润的创新。 +除了采用开放源代码的方法,允许随时查看 **AAPS** 的源代码之外,提供标准开放式编程接口也给其他开发人员提供了贡献新想法的机会。 **AAPS** 与 Nightscout 紧密集成。 这加快了开发速度,并允许用户添加功能,使糖尿病患者的生活更加方便。 Good examples for such integrations are [Nightscout](https://nightscout.github.io/), [Nightscout Reporter](https://nightscout-reporter.zreptil.de/), [xDrip+](https://xdrip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/usethedoc/), [M5 stack](https://github.com/mlukasek/M5_NightscoutMon/wiki) etc. 开源开发者和商业系统开发者之间一直在进行对话。 许多 DIY 创新逐渐被商业系统采用,而商业系统的开发速度较慢是可以理解的,部分原因是不同公司的系统(泵、App、传感器_等_)之间的接口需要仔细协商并获得许可。 这也会延缓那些方便患者(或有特殊需求的小部分患者)但不能产生可观利润的创新。 #### 7) **详细的 App 界面** 使用 **AAPS** 可以方便地跟踪以下信息:泵内胰岛素量、管路使用时长、传感器使用时长、泵电池使用时长、活性胰岛素_等_。 许多操作都可以通过 **AAPS** 应用程序完成(给泵补药、断开泵连接_等_),而不是通过泵本身来操作,这意味着泵可以放在您(或您的家属)的口袋或腰带里。 diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh_CN/SettingUpAaps/TransferringAndInstallingAaps.md b/docs/CROWDIN/zh_CN/SettingUpAaps/TransferringAndInstallingAaps.md index 0d225ac6d84f..53f7272ae5db 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh_CN/SettingUpAaps/TransferringAndInstallingAaps.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh_CN/SettingUpAaps/TransferringAndInstallingAaps.md @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ 在之前的部分,[构建AAPS](../SettingUpAaps/BuildingAaps.md)中,您已经在计算机上构建了AAPS应用程序(这是一个.apk文件)。 -接下来的步骤是将**AAPS** APK文件(以及您可能需要的其他应用程序,如BYODA、Xdrip+或其他CGM接收器应用程序)**传输**到您的Android智能手机上,然后**安装**这些应用程序。 +The next steps are to **transfer** the **AAPS** APK file (as well as other apps you may need, like BYODA, xDrip+ or another CGM reciever app) to your Android smartphone, and then **install** the app(s). 在智能手机上安装**AAPS**之后,您就可以继续进行[**配置AAPS闭环**](../SettingUpAaps/SetupWizard.md)了。 diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh_TW/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md b/docs/CROWDIN/zh_TW/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md index 4a37a99d0faf..2b6e454efc81 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh_TW/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh_TW/CompatibleCgms/DexcomG7.md @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ orphan: true 值得注意的是,與 G6 相比,G7 和 ONE+ 系統在應用程式和讀取器中都不會平滑值。 更多詳細資訊請參閱 [這裡](https://www.dexcom.com/en-us/faqs/why-does-past-cgm-data-look-different-from-past-data-on-receiver-and-follow-app)。 -圖片已過時!!! ![G7 英文](../images/6fe30b84-227a-4bae-a9a5-527cee341dbf.png) +![G7 english](../images/6fe30b84-227a-4bae-a9a5-527cee341dbf.png) `{admonition} [平滑方法](../CompatibleCgms/SmoothingBloodGlucoseData.md)` ## 1. xDrip+(直接連接至 G7 或 ONE+) diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh_TW/CompatibleCgms/Libre3.md b/docs/CROWDIN/zh_TW/CompatibleCgms/Libre3.md index c7815c7e26d4..93f6d0d9680d 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh_TW/CompatibleCgms/Libre3.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh_TW/CompatibleCgms/Libre3.md @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ AndroidAPS 版本 不支援 1 分鐘讀取值。 加速和平滑處理 ### 步驟 1:設定 Juggluco 從[此處](https://www.juggluco.nl/Juggluco/download.html)下載並安裝 Juggluco 應用程式。 按照[此處](https://www.juggluco.nl/Juggluco/libre3/)的指示操作。 -確保將葡萄糖值傳送至 xDrip+:你可以在 Juggluco 的設定中配置 Juggluco 將葡萄糖值傳送至其他應用程式。 Juggluco 可以發送三種類型的廣播:**修補版 Libre 廣播** 最初由修補版 Librelink 應用程式使用,並可用於將葡萄糖值傳送至 xDrip+。 +Make sure you send the glucose values to xDrip+: In Juggluco's settings you can configure Juggluco to send its glucose value to other apps. Juggluco 可以發送三種類型的廣播:**修補版 Libre 廣播** 最初由修補版 Librelink 應用程式使用,並可用於將葡萄糖值傳送至 xDrip+。 ![Juggluco 廣播至 xDrip+](../images/Juggluco_xDrip.png) @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ AndroidAPS 版本 不支援 1 分鐘讀取值。 加速和平滑處理 - 在[ConfigBuilder 的血糖來源](#Config-Builder-bg-source)中選擇 xDrip+。 - 如果 AndroidAPS 在手機處於飛行模式時無法接收血糖值,請使用「識別接收器」。 -- 關閉平滑處理(已在 Xdrip+ 中完成)。 +- Turn of Smoothing (done in xDrip+ already) 目前,當使用 Libre 3 作為血糖來源時,無法在 SMB 演算法中啟用「始終啟用 SMB」和「碳水後啟用 SMB」選項。 Libre 3 的血糖值不夠平滑,無法安全使用。 diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh_TW/Getting-Started/Introduction.md b/docs/CROWDIN/zh_TW/Getting-Started/Introduction.md index 8b3e613b08bd..564034c46d72 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh_TW/Getting-Started/Introduction.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh_TW/Getting-Started/Introduction.md @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ Android APS(**AAPS**)是一個混合閉環系統,或稱人工胰臟系統 AAPS 的“核心”是一個你自己建置的**應用程式**。 這裡有詳細的步驟說明。 然後你可以將**AAPS** 應用程式安裝在[相容](../Getting-Started/Phones.md)的**Android 智慧型手機** (**1**) 上。 很多人喜歡將他們的 AAPS 循環放在另一隻獨立的手機上,而不是主要的手機 因此,你不必在日常生活中使用 Android 手機,只需用於運作你的 AAPS 循環即可。 -**安卓智慧型手機**也需要安裝另一個應用程式,以及 **AAPS**。 這是一個修改過的 Dexcom 應用程式,稱為自建 Dexcom 應用程式[**BYODA**](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScD76G0Y-BlL4tZljaFkjlwuqhT83QlFM5v6ZEfO7gCU98iJQ/viewform?fbzx=2196386787609383750&fbclid=IwAR2aL8Cps1s6W8apUVK-gOqgGpA-McMPJj9Y8emf_P0-_gAsmJs6QwAY-o0) 或 [**Xdrip+**](https://xdrip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/usethedoc/)。 這個附加應用程序透過藍牙從傳感器(**2**) 接收葡萄糖資料,然後將資料內部發送到手機上的 **AAPS 應用程序**。 +**安卓智慧型手機**也需要安裝另一個應用程式,以及 **AAPS**。 This is either a modified Dexcom app called build-your-own dexcom app [**BYODA**](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScD76G0Y-BlL4tZljaFkjlwuqhT83QlFM5v6ZEfO7gCU98iJQ/viewform?fbzx=2196386787609383750&fbclid=IwAR2aL8Cps1s6W8apUVK-gOqgGpA-McMPJj9Y8emf_P0-_gAsmJs6QwAY-o0) or [**xDrip+**](https://xdrip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/usethedoc/). 這個附加應用程序透過藍牙從傳感器(**2**) 接收葡萄糖資料,然後將資料內部發送到手機上的 **AAPS 應用程序**。 **AAPS 應用程式**使用來自 OpenAPS 的決策過程(**演算法**)。 初學者開始使用基本的 **oref0** 演算法,但隨著你在AAPS上的目標進度,可以切換到使用較新的 **oref1** 演算法。 你使用哪個演算法(oref0或oref1),取決於哪個最適合你的特定情況。 在兩種情況下,演算法考慮多個因素,每次從傳感器傳入新讀取值時進行快速計算。 演算法然後透過藍牙將指令發送到胰島素幫浦(**3**),指示其提供多少胰島素。 所有訊息可以透過手機資料或wifi發送到網際網路(**4**) 如果需要,這些資料也可以與追蹤者分享,並且/或收集用於分析。 @@ -81,13 +81,13 @@ AAPS 的“核心”是一個你自己建置的**應用程式**。 這裡有詳 這些都是一些範例,完整的功能範圍提供了極大的靈活性來應對日常生活中的各種狀況,包括運動、疾病、荷爾蒙周期、_其他_等。 最後,這些彈性功能該怎麼用,全看使用者自己決定,因為沒有一套通用的自動化規則適合每個人。 #### 4) **遠端監控** -有多種可能的監控渠道(如 Sugarmate、Dexcom Follow、Xdrip+、Android Auto 、_其他_等),這對於父母/照護者以及需要自定義警報的成人(如睡覺/駕駛時)特別有用。 在某些應用(如 Xdrip+)中,你還可以完全關閉警報,這在你不想讓新傳感器進行循環時(如傳感器尚未完全穩定)很有用。 +There are multiple possible monitoring channels (Sugarmate, Dexcom Follow, xDrip+, Android Auto _etc._) which are useful for parents/carers and adults in certain scenarios (sleeping/driving) who need customisable alerts. In some apps (xDrip+) you can also turn alarms off totally, which is great if you have a new sensor “soaking” or settling down that you don’t want to loop with yet. #### 5) **遠端控制** **AAPS** 相對於商業系統的一個重大優勢是,關注者可以透過認證的簡訊(SMS)指令或應用程式(如 [Nightscout](https://nightscout.github.io/) 或 AAPSClient)向 **AAPS** 系統發送多種指令。 第1型糖尿病兒童的父母們廣泛使用AAPS。 例如,在遊樂場時,你可以透過自己的手機為孩子的點心提前注射,而孩子則繼續玩耍。 系統可透過不同裝置(_如_ Fitbit)進行監控,發送基本指令(_如_ Samsung Galaxy watch 4),甚至可以使用高階智慧型手錶(**5**(_如_ LEMFO LEM14)運作整個 AAPS 系統。 在這種情況下,你不需要使用手機運作AAPS。 隨著手錶的電池壽命提高和技術變得更加穩定,這最後一個選項可能會變得越來越具吸引力。 #### 6) **開放的應用程式介面,無商業限制** -除了使用開源方法外,允許隨時查看**AAPS**的程式碼,提供開放的程式介面這一做法,也讓其他開發者有機會貢獻新想法。 **AAPS** 與 Nightscout 緊密整合。 這加快了發展,讓用戶可以添加功能,使得與糖尿病的生活更加方便。 這類整合的良好範例包括 [Nightscout](https://nightscout.github.io/)、[Nightscout Reporter](https://nightscout-reporter.zreptil.de/)、[Xdrip+](https://xdrip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/usethedoc/)、[M5 stack](https://github.com/mlukasek/M5_NightscoutMon/wiki?fbclid=IwAR1pupoCy-2GuXLS7tIO8HRkOC_536YqSxTK7eF0UrKkM1PuucFYRyPFvd0) 等。 開源開發者與商業系統開發者之間的對話持續進行。 許多 DIY 創新逐漸被商業系統採用,儘管開發速度較慢,這在一定程度上是因為不同公司的系統(如幫浦、應用程式、傳感器等)之間的介面需要謹慎協商和授權。 這也可能減緩創新,這些創新對患者(或一小部分特定需求的患者)很方便,因為這些創新無法帶來顯著的利潤。 +除了使用開源方法外,允許隨時查看**AAPS**的程式碼,提供開放的程式介面這一做法,也讓其他開發者有機會貢獻新想法。 **AAPS** 與 Nightscout 緊密整合。 這加快了發展,讓用戶可以添加功能,使得與糖尿病的生活更加方便。 Good examples for such integrations are [Nightscout](https://nightscout.github.io/), [Nightscout Reporter](https://nightscout-reporter.zreptil.de/), [xDrip+](https://xdrip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/usethedoc/), [M5 stack](https://github.com/mlukasek/M5_NightscoutMon/wiki) etc. 開源開發者與商業系統開發者之間的對話持續進行。 許多 DIY 創新逐漸被商業系統採用,儘管開發速度較慢,這在一定程度上是因為不同公司的系統(如幫浦、應用程式、傳感器等)之間的介面需要謹慎協商和授權。 這也可能減緩創新,這些創新對患者(或一小部分特定需求的患者)很方便,因為這些創新無法帶來顯著的利潤。 #### 7) **詳細的應用程式介面** 透過 **AAPS**,你可以輕鬆追蹤幫浦胰島素數值、套管使用時間、傳感器時間、幫浦電池時間、活性胰島素量_等等_。 許多操作可以直接在 **AAPS** 應用中完成(如幫浦注射、幫浦中斷等),無需在幫浦本身上操作,這樣幫浦可以一直放在你的口袋或腰帶上。 diff --git a/docs/CROWDIN/zh_TW/SettingUpAaps/TransferringAndInstallingAaps.md b/docs/CROWDIN/zh_TW/SettingUpAaps/TransferringAndInstallingAaps.md index 34e9773fa23d..f19d0966871c 100644 --- a/docs/CROWDIN/zh_TW/SettingUpAaps/TransferringAndInstallingAaps.md +++ b/docs/CROWDIN/zh_TW/SettingUpAaps/TransferringAndInstallingAaps.md @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ 在上一部分[建立**AAPS**](../SettingUpAaps/BuildingAaps.md)中,你在電腦上建立了**AAPS**應用程式(這是一個.apk檔案)。 -接下來的步驟是**轉移**這個**AAPS** APK 檔案(以及你可能需要的其他應用程式,如 BYODA、Xdrip+ 或其他 CGM 接收器應用)到你的 Android 智慧型手機,然後**安裝**應用程式。 +The next steps are to **transfer** the **AAPS** APK file (as well as other apps you may need, like BYODA, xDrip+ or another CGM reciever app) to your Android smartphone, and then **install** the app(s). 在智慧型手機上安裝**AAPS**後,你將能夠進行[**AAPS 循環的配置**](../SettingUpAaps/SetupWizard.md)。