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Deployment of build.opensuse.org
We deploy using ansible, see ansible-obs for details.
We use Apache in combination with Passenger as application server.
Passenger has command line tool that you can use to get more information
passenger-status # shows an overview
passenger-status --show=server # shows detailed information
and you can gracefully restart the Passenger threads like this
touch tmp/restart.txt
The systemd unit for Apache is called apache2.
systemctl status|start|stop|restart apache2
Put apache into maintenance mode
Put apache out of maintenance mode in
Restart apache
rcapache2 restart
Do whatever you need to do to fix the problem.
Put apache out of maintenance mode in
Restart apache
rcapache2 restart
- Apache:
- Passenger:
We are running the rails application as the user wwwrun
. So whatever you want to do you should also do this as this user to avoid creating files/running services with the wrong permissions. For this just prepend
run_in_api rails console
pry which we use as rails console has a nice history feature. You can look at the log here:
You can toggle admin rights for a user with
run_in_api rake user:toggle_admin_rights theusername
- Ruby on Rails:
- Ruby on Rails calling the backend:
From time to time we have some issues with the CSS/JS assets. If application.css
or application.js
are missing (you will notice it, when you see unusual errors in your javascript console, specially a 404 when trying to retrieve it) then there are probably more than one sprocket manifest in production. Go to the public folder, check which one comes from the package and delete the one which doesn't. After that reload the application.
cd public/assets
rpm -qf .sprockets-manifest*
rm .sprockets-manifest-$SOMEHASH.json
cd ../..
touch tmp/restart.txt
For delayed jobs, sphinx, postfix etc. there is are systemd units and a target. You can issue commands for all services...
systemctl stop obs-api-support.target
...or on single units.
systemctl stop obs-sphinx.service
To make sure all units are running fine (display as active (running), in green)
systemctl list-dependencies obs-api-support.target
To get an overview about events/jobs, you can run:
run_in_api rails runner script/delayed_job_stats.rb
- searchd:
- clockworkd:
- Postfix:
- systemd unit logs are in
journalctl -u $service
likejournalctl -u obs-clockwork.service
. You can also filter messages within a time range (either timestamp or placeholders like "yesterday"). Read up onman journalctl
...journalctl -u $SERVICE --since now|today|yesterday|tomorrow --until YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
We also use a couple of services that are somewhere else in the network.
We push a lot of events and metrics to https://rabbit.opensuse.org/
When you see errors like SSL_connect SYSCALL returned=5 errno=0 state=unknown state
in Errbit this usually means that there is some issue with the RabbitMQ server / connection. The maintenance window of the RabbitMQ server is Thursday, 8:00am to 10:00am CET
. This can also cause this issue.
Errbit could also report AMQ::Protocol::EmptyResponseError: Empty response received from the server.
errors. This does not happen when the reference server is deployed, but when the rabbit machine is (regular security updates, for example).
We push exceptions to https://errbit.opensuse.org
To make sure that errbit is working run
run_in_api rake airbrake:test
and it will send an airbrake event to our errbit.
### Github
OBS packages are build whenever a PR get's merged to master. This might delay publishing of built packages.
To prevent this, disable the OBS integration in GitHub:
1. Go to settings of the OBS GitHub project
1. Select the 'Integration & services' tab and click on 'Edit' in the OBS column
1. Uncheck the 'Activate' checkbox and 'Update services'
1. Once the deployment is done activate the checkbox again ;-)
## Linux
Of course we deploy on Linux so you can use a lot of the cool tools/features it brings.
### Bash History
We are recording shell commands with timestamps in `/root/.bash_history`. You can look at it with in chronological order with
`history | tr --squeeze-repeats " " | cut -d " " -f 3- | sort`
### Who is/was logged in?
`journalctl -u sshd --utc -o json --since "6 hours ago" | ruby /root/who.rb`
### Poor Mans Analytics with awk
Grep the top 15 IPs requesting `Webui::PackageController#view_file`
`grep 'controller=Webui::PackageController action=view_file' log/production.log |awk 'match($0,/\yhost=(\S+)/, arr) {print arr[1]}'|sort |uniq -c|sort |tail -n 15`
- Development Environment Overview
- Development Environment Tips & Tricks
- Spec-Tips
- Code Style
- Rubocop
- Testing with VCR
- Authentication
- Authorization
- Autocomplete
- BS Requests
- Events
- ProjectLog
- Notifications
- Feature Toggles
- Build Results
- Attrib classes
- Flags
- The BackendPackage Cache
- Maintenance classes
- Cloud uploader
- Delayed Jobs
- Staging Workflow
- StatusHistory
- Owner Search
- Search
- Links
- Distributions
- Repository
- Data Migrations
- next_rails
- Ruby Update
- Rails Profiling
- Installing a local LDAP-server
- Remote Pairing Setup Guide
- Factory Dashboard
- osc
- Setup an OBS Development Environment on macOS
- Run OpenQA smoketest locally
- Responsive Guidelines
- Importing database dumps
- Problem Statement & Solution
- Kickoff New Stuff
- New Swagger API doc
- Documentation and Communication
- GitHub Actions
- How to Introduce Software Design Patterns
- Query Objects
- Services
- View Components
- RFC: Core Components
- RFC: Decorator Pattern
- RFC: Backend models