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--- a/docs/attributes-registry/README.md
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@@ -37,13 +37,16 @@ Currently, the following namespaces exist:
- [AWS](aws.md)
- [Azure](azure.md)
- [Browser](browser.md)
+- [Cassandra](cassandra.md)
- [CICD](cicd.md)
- [Client](client.md)
- [Cloud](cloud.md)
- [CloudEvents](cloudevents.md)
- [CloudFoundry](cloudfoundry.md)
- [Code](code.md)
+- [Connect RPC](connect-rpc.md)
- [Container](container.md)
+- [Cosmosdb](cosmosdb.md)
- [CPU](cpu.md)
- [Db](db.md)
- [Deployment](deployment.md)
@@ -52,9 +55,11 @@ Currently, the following namespaces exist:
- [Disk](disk.md)
- [Dns](dns.md)
- [Dotnet](dotnet.md)
+- [Elasticsearch](elasticsearch.md)
- [Enduser](enduser.md)
- [Error](error.md)
- [Event](event.md)
+- [Eventhubs](eventhubs.md)
- [Exception](exception.md)
- [Faas](faas.md)
- [Feature Flag](feature-flag.md)
@@ -64,29 +69,36 @@ Currently, the following namespaces exist:
- [Geo](geo.md)
- [Go](go.md)
- [GraphQL](graphql.md)
+- [Grpc](grpc.md)
- [Hardware](hardware.md)
- [Heroku](heroku.md)
- [Host](host.md)
- [HTTP](http.md)
- [iOS](ios.md)
+- [Jsonrpc](jsonrpc.md)
- [JVM](jvm.md)
- [K8s](k8s.md)
+- [Kafka](kafka.md)
- [Linux](linux.md)
- [Log](log.md)
- [Messaging](messaging.md)
- [Network](network.md)
- [NodeJS](nodejs.md)
- [OCI](oci.md)
+- [Openai](openai.md)
- [OpenTracing](opentracing.md)
- [OS](os.md)
- [OTel](otel.md)
- [Peer](peer.md)
- [Process](process.md)
- [Profile](profile.md)
+- [RabbitMQ](rabbitmq.md)
+- [RocketMQ](rocketmq.md)
- [RPC](rpc.md)
- [Security Rule](security-rule.md)
- [Server](server.md)
- [Service](service.md)
+- [Servicebus](servicebus.md)
- [Session](session.md)
- [SignalR](signalr.md)
- [Source](source.md)
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+# Cassandra
+## Cassandra Attributes
+This group defines attributes for Cassandra.
+| Attribute | Type | Description | Examples | Stability |
+| `cassandra.consistency_level` | string | The consistency level of the query. Based on consistency values from [CQL](https://docs.datastax.com/en/cassandra-oss/3.0/cassandra/dml/dmlConfigConsistency.html). | `all`; `each_quorum`; `quorum` |  |
+| `cassandra.coordinator.dc` | string | The data center of the coordinating node for a query. | `us-west-2` |  |
+| `cassandra.coordinator.id` | string | The ID of the coordinating node for a query. | `be13faa2-8574-4d71-926d-27f16cf8a7af` |  |
+| `cassandra.idempotence` | boolean | Whether or not the query is idempotent. | |  |
+| `cassandra.page_size` | int | The fetch size used for paging, i.e. how many rows will be returned at once. | `5000` |  |
+| `cassandra.speculative_execution_count` | int | The number of times a query was speculatively executed. Not set or `0` if the query was not executed speculatively. | `0`; `2` |  |
+`cassandra.consistency_level` has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used; otherwise, a custom value MAY be used.
+| Value | Description | Stability |
+| `all` | all |  |
+| `any` | any |  |
+| `each_quorum` | each_quorum |  |
+| `local_one` | local_one |  |
+| `local_quorum` | local_quorum |  |
+| `local_serial` | local_serial |  |
+| `one` | one |  |
+| `quorum` | quorum |  |
+| `serial` | serial |  |
+| `three` | three |  |
+| `two` | two |  |
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+# Connect RPC
+## Connect RPC Attributes
+This document defines attributes for Connect RPC.
+| Attribute | Type | Description | Examples | Stability |
+| `connect_rpc.error_code` | string | The [error codes](https://connect.build/docs/protocol/#error-codes) of the Connect request. Error codes are always string values. | `cancelled`; `unknown`; `invalid_argument` |  |
+| `connect_rpc.request.metadata.` | string[] | Connect request metadata, `` being the normalized Connect Metadata key (lowercase), the value being the metadata values. [1] | `rpc.request.metadata.my-custom-metadata-attribute=["", ""]` |  |
+| `connect_rpc.response.metadata.` | string[] | Connect response metadata, `` being the normalized Connect Metadata key (lowercase), the value being the metadata values. [2] | `rpc.response.metadata.my-custom-metadata-attribute=["attribute_value"]` |  |
+**[1] `connect_rpc.request.metadata`:** Instrumentations SHOULD require an explicit configuration of which metadata values are to be captured. Including all request metadata values can be a security risk - explicit configuration helps avoid leaking sensitive information.
+**[2] `connect_rpc.response.metadata`:** Instrumentations SHOULD require an explicit configuration of which metadata values are to be captured. Including all response metadata values can be a security risk - explicit configuration helps avoid leaking sensitive information.
+`connect_rpc.error_code` has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used; otherwise, a custom value MAY be used.
+| Value | Description | Stability |
+| `aborted` | aborted |  |
+| `already_exists` | already_exists |  |
+| `cancelled` | cancelled |  |
+| `data_loss` | data_loss |  |
+| `deadline_exceeded` | deadline_exceeded |  |
+| `failed_precondition` | failed_precondition |  |
+| `internal` | internal |  |
+| `invalid_argument` | invalid_argument |  |
+| `not_found` | not_found |  |
+| `out_of_range` | out_of_range |  |
+| `permission_denied` | permission_denied |  |
+| `resource_exhausted` | resource_exhausted |  |
+| `unauthenticated` | unauthenticated |  |
+| `unavailable` | unavailable |  |
+| `unimplemented` | unimplemented |  |
+| `unknown` | unknown |  |
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+# Cosmosdb
+## Azure Cosmos DB Attributes
+This group defines attributes for Azure Cosmos DB.
+| Attribute | Type | Description | Examples | Stability |
+| `cosmosdb.client_id` | string | Unique Cosmos client instance id. | `3ba4827d-4422-483f-b59f-85b74211c11d` |  |
+| `cosmosdb.connection_mode` | string | Cosmos client connection mode. | `gateway`; `direct` |  |
+| `cosmosdb.consistency_level` | string | Account or request [consistency level](https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/cosmos-db/consistency-levels). | `Eventual`; `ConsistentPrefix`; `BoundedStaleness`; `Strong`; `Session` |  |
+| `cosmosdb.regions_contacted` | string[] | List of regions contacted during operation in the order that they were contacted. If there is more than one region listed, it indicates that the operation was performed on multiple regions i.e. cross-regional call. [1] | `["North Central US", "Australia East", "Australia Southeast"]` |  |
+| `cosmosdb.request_charge` | double | Request units consumed for the operation. | `46.18`; `1.0` |  |
+| `cosmosdb.request_content_length` | int | Request payload size in bytes. | |  |
+| `cosmosdb.sub_status_code` | int | Cosmos DB sub status code. | `1000`; `1002` |  |
+**[1] `cosmosdb.regions_contacted`:** Region name matches the format of `displayName` in [Azure Location API](https://learn.microsoft.com/rest/api/subscription/subscriptions/list-locations?view=rest-subscription-2021-10-01&tabs=HTTP#location)
+`cosmosdb.connection_mode` has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used; otherwise, a custom value MAY be used.
+| Value | Description | Stability |
+| `direct` | Direct connection. |  |
+| `gateway` | Gateway (HTTP) connection. |  |
+`cosmosdb.consistency_level` has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used; otherwise, a custom value MAY be used.
+| Value | Description | Stability |
+| `BoundedStaleness` | bounded_staleness |  |
+| `ConsistentPrefix` | consistent_prefix |  |
+| `Eventual` | eventual |  |
+| `Session` | session |  |
+| `Strong` | strong |  |
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index c50e8f0112..34cbb6056e 100644
--- a/docs/attributes-registry/db.md
+++ b/docs/attributes-registry/db.md
@@ -7,9 +7,6 @@
# Db
- [General Database Attributes](#general-database-attributes)
-- [Cassandra Attributes](#cassandra-attributes)
-- [Azure Cosmos DB Attributes](#azure-cosmos-db-attributes)
-- [Elasticsearch Attributes](#elasticsearch-attributes)
- [Deprecated Database Attributes](#deprecated-database-attributes)
- [Deprecated Database Metrics](#deprecated-database-metrics)
@@ -142,85 +139,6 @@ Semantic conventions for individual database systems SHOULD document what `db.re
| `trino` | Trino |  |
| `vertica` | Vertica |  |
-## Cassandra Attributes
-This group defines attributes for Cassandra.
-| Attribute | Type | Description | Examples | Stability |
-| `db.cassandra.consistency_level` | string | The consistency level of the query. Based on consistency values from [CQL](https://docs.datastax.com/en/cassandra-oss/3.0/cassandra/dml/dmlConfigConsistency.html). | `all`; `each_quorum`; `quorum` |  |
-| `db.cassandra.coordinator.dc` | string | The data center of the coordinating node for a query. | `us-west-2` |  |
-| `db.cassandra.coordinator.id` | string | The ID of the coordinating node for a query. | `be13faa2-8574-4d71-926d-27f16cf8a7af` |  |
-| `db.cassandra.idempotence` | boolean | Whether or not the query is idempotent. | |  |
-| `db.cassandra.page_size` | int | The fetch size used for paging, i.e. how many rows will be returned at once. | `5000` |  |
-| `db.cassandra.speculative_execution_count` | int | The number of times a query was speculatively executed. Not set or `0` if the query was not executed speculatively. | `0`; `2` |  |
-`db.cassandra.consistency_level` has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used; otherwise, a custom value MAY be used.
-| Value | Description | Stability |
-| `all` | all |  |
-| `any` | any |  |
-| `each_quorum` | each_quorum |  |
-| `local_one` | local_one |  |
-| `local_quorum` | local_quorum |  |
-| `local_serial` | local_serial |  |
-| `one` | one |  |
-| `quorum` | quorum |  |
-| `serial` | serial |  |
-| `three` | three |  |
-| `two` | two |  |
-## Azure Cosmos DB Attributes
-This group defines attributes for Azure Cosmos DB.
-| Attribute | Type | Description | Examples | Stability |
-| `db.cosmosdb.client_id` | string | Unique Cosmos client instance id. | `3ba4827d-4422-483f-b59f-85b74211c11d` |  |
-| `db.cosmosdb.connection_mode` | string | Cosmos client connection mode. | `gateway`; `direct` |  |
-| `db.cosmosdb.consistency_level` | string | Account or request [consistency level](https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/cosmos-db/consistency-levels). | `Eventual`; `ConsistentPrefix`; `BoundedStaleness`; `Strong`; `Session` |  |
-| `db.cosmosdb.regions_contacted` | string[] | List of regions contacted during operation in the order that they were contacted. If there is more than one region listed, it indicates that the operation was performed on multiple regions i.e. cross-regional call. [10] | `["North Central US", "Australia East", "Australia Southeast"]` |  |
-| `db.cosmosdb.request_charge` | double | Request units consumed for the operation. | `46.18`; `1.0` |  |
-| `db.cosmosdb.request_content_length` | int | Request payload size in bytes. | |  |
-| `db.cosmosdb.sub_status_code` | int | Cosmos DB sub status code. | `1000`; `1002` |  |
-**[10] `db.cosmosdb.regions_contacted`:** Region name matches the format of `displayName` in [Azure Location API](https://learn.microsoft.com/rest/api/subscription/subscriptions/list-locations?view=rest-subscription-2021-10-01&tabs=HTTP#location)
-`db.cosmosdb.connection_mode` has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used; otherwise, a custom value MAY be used.
-| Value | Description | Stability |
-| `direct` | Direct connection. |  |
-| `gateway` | Gateway (HTTP) connection. |  |
-`db.cosmosdb.consistency_level` has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used; otherwise, a custom value MAY be used.
-| Value | Description | Stability |
-| `BoundedStaleness` | bounded_staleness |  |
-| `ConsistentPrefix` | consistent_prefix |  |
-| `Eventual` | eventual |  |
-| `Session` | session |  |
-| `Strong` | strong |  |
-## Elasticsearch Attributes
-This group defines attributes for Elasticsearch.
-| Attribute | Type | Description | Examples | Stability |
-| `db.elasticsearch.node.name` | string | Represents the human-readable identifier of the node/instance to which a request was routed. | `instance-0000000001` |  |
-| `db.elasticsearch.path_parts.` | string | A dynamic value in the url path. [11] | `db.elasticsearch.path_parts.index=test-index`; `db.elasticsearch.path_parts.doc_id=123` |  |
-**[11] `db.elasticsearch.path_parts`:** Many Elasticsearch url paths allow dynamic values. These SHOULD be recorded in span attributes in the format `db.elasticsearch.path_parts.`, where `` is the url path part name. The implementation SHOULD reference the [elasticsearch schema](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/elastic/elasticsearch-specification/main/output/schema/schema.json) in order to map the path part values to their names.
## Deprecated Database Attributes
"Describes deprecated db attributes."
@@ -232,8 +150,7 @@ This group defines attributes for Elasticsearch.
| `db.cosmosdb.container` | string | Deprecated, use `db.collection.name` instead. | `mytable` | 
Replaced by `db.collection.name`. |
| `db.cosmosdb.operation_type` | string | Deprecated, no replacement at this time. | `batch`; `create`; `delete` | 
No replacement at this time. |
| `db.cosmosdb.status_code` | int | Deprecated, use `db.response.status_code` instead. | `200`; `201` | 
Replaced by `db.response.status_code`. |
-| `db.elasticsearch.cluster.name` | string | Deprecated, use `db.namespace` instead. | `e9106fc68e3044f0b1475b04bf4ffd5f` | 
Replaced by `db.namespace`. |
-| `db.instance.id` | string | Deprecated, no general replacement at this time. For Elasticsearch, use `db.elasticsearch.node.name` instead. | `mysql-e26b99z.example.com` | 
Deprecated, no general replacement at this time. For Elasticsearch, use `db.elasticsearch.node.name` instead. |
+| `db.instance.id` | string | Deprecated, no general replacement at this time. For Elasticsearch, use `elasticsearch.node.name` instead. | `mysql-e26b99z.example.com` | 
Deprecated, no general replacement at this time. For Elasticsearch, use `elasticsearch.node.name` instead. |
| `db.jdbc.driver_classname` | string | Removed, no replacement at this time. | `org.postgresql.Driver`; `com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver` | 
Removed as not used. |
| `db.mongodb.collection` | string | Deprecated, use `db.collection.name` instead. | `mytable` | 
Replaced by `db.collection.name`. |
| `db.mssql.instance_name` | string | Deprecated, SQL Server instance is now populated as a part of `db.namespace` attribute. | `MSSQLSERVER` | 
Deprecated, no replacement at this time. |
@@ -244,6 +161,7 @@ This group defines attributes for Elasticsearch.
| `db.sql.table` | string | Deprecated, use `db.collection.name` instead. | `mytable` | 
Replaced by `db.collection.name`. |
| `db.statement` | string | The database statement being executed. | `SELECT * FROM wuser_table`; `SET mykey "WuValue"` | 
Replaced by `db.query.text`. |
| `db.user` | string | Deprecated, no replacement at this time. | `readonly_user`; `reporting_user` | 
No replacement at this time. |
+| `elasticsearch.cluster.name` | string | Deprecated, use `db.namespace` instead. | `e9106fc68e3044f0b1475b04bf4ffd5f` | 
Replaced by `db.namespace`. |
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+# Elasticsearch
+## Elasticsearch Attributes
+This group defines attributes for Elasticsearch.
+| Attribute | Type | Description | Examples | Stability |
+| `elasticsearch.node.name` | string | Represents the human-readable identifier of the node/instance to which a request was routed. | `instance-0000000001` |  |
+| `elasticsearch.path_parts.` | string | A dynamic value in the url path. [1] | `elasticsearch.path_parts.index=test-index`; `elasticsearch.path_parts.doc_id=123` |  |
+**[1] `elasticsearch.path_parts`:** Many Elasticsearch url paths allow dynamic values. These SHOULD be recorded in span attributes in the format `elasticsearch.path_parts.`, where `` is the url path part name. The implementation SHOULD reference the [elasticsearch schema](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/elastic/elasticsearch-specification/main/output/schema/schema.json) in order to map the path part values to their names.
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Eventhubs
+## Azure Event Hubs Attributes
+This group describes attributes specific to Azure Event Hubs.
+| Attribute | Type | Description | Examples | Stability |
+| `eventhubs.message.enqueued_time` | int | The UTC epoch seconds at which the message has been accepted and stored in the entity. | `1701393730` |  |
diff --git a/docs/attributes-registry/gcp.md b/docs/attributes-registry/gcp.md
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--- a/docs/attributes-registry/gcp.md
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@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
- [GCP Client Attributes](#gcp-client-attributes)
- [GCP - Google Cloud Run Attributes](#gcp---google-cloud-run-attributes)
- [GCP - Google Compute Engine (GCE) Attributes](#gcp---google-compute-engine-gce-attributes)
+- [GCP Pub/Sub Attributes](#gcp-pubsub-attributes)
## GCP Client Attributes
@@ -37,3 +38,14 @@ This document defines attributes for Google Compute Engine (GCE).
| `gcp.gce.instance.hostname` | string | The hostname of a GCE instance. This is the full value of the default or [custom hostname](https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/instances/custom-hostname-vm). | `my-host1234.example.com`; `sample-vm.us-west1-b.c.my-project.internal` |  |
| `gcp.gce.instance.name` | string | The instance name of a GCE instance. This is the value provided by `host.name`, the visible name of the instance in the Cloud Console UI, and the prefix for the default hostname of the instance as defined by the [default internal DNS name](https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/internal-dns#instance-fully-qualified-domain-names). | `instance-1`; `my-vm-name` |  |
+## GCP Pub/Sub Attributes
+This group describes attributes specific to GCP Pub/Sub.
+| Attribute | Type | Description | Examples | Stability |
+| `gcp.pubsub.message.ack_deadline` | int | The ack deadline in seconds set for the modify ack deadline request. | `10` |  |
+| `gcp.pubsub.message.ack_id` | string | The ack id for a given message. | `ack_id` |  |
+| `gcp.pubsub.message.delivery_attempt` | int | The delivery attempt for a given message. | `2` |  |
+| `gcp.pubsub.message.ordering_key` | string | The ordering key for a given message. If the attribute is not present, the message does not have an ordering key. | `ordering_key` |  |
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--- a/docs/attributes-registry/gen-ai.md
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@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
# Gen AI
- [GenAI Attributes](#genai-attributes)
-- [OpenAI Attributes](#openai-attributes)
- [Deprecated GenAI Attributes](#deprecated-genai-attributes)
## GenAI Attributes
@@ -81,37 +80,6 @@ If none of these options apply, the `gen_ai.system` SHOULD be set to `_OTHER`.
| `input` | Input tokens (prompt, input, etc.) |  |
| `output` | Output tokens (completion, response, etc.) |  |
-## OpenAI Attributes
-Thie group defines attributes for OpenAI.
-| Attribute | Type | Description | Examples | Stability |
-| `gen_ai.openai.request.response_format` | string | The response format that is requested. | `json` |  |
-| `gen_ai.openai.request.seed` | int | Requests with same seed value more likely to return same result. | `100` |  |
-| `gen_ai.openai.request.service_tier` | string | The service tier requested. May be a specific tier, default, or auto. | `auto`; `default` |  |
-| `gen_ai.openai.response.service_tier` | string | The service tier used for the response. | `scale`; `default` |  |
-| `gen_ai.openai.response.system_fingerprint` | string | A fingerprint to track any eventual change in the Generative AI environment. | `fp_44709d6fcb` |  |
-`gen_ai.openai.request.response_format` has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used; otherwise, a custom value MAY be used.
-| Value | Description | Stability |
-| `json_object` | JSON object response format |  |
-| `json_schema` | JSON schema response format |  |
-| `text` | Text response format |  |
-`gen_ai.openai.request.service_tier` has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used; otherwise, a custom value MAY be used.
-| Value | Description | Stability |
-| `auto` | The system will utilize scale tier credits until they are exhausted. |  |
-| `default` | The system will utilize the default scale tier. |  |
## Deprecated GenAI Attributes
Describes deprecated `gen_ai` attributes.
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+# Grpc
+## gRPC Attributes
+This document defines attributes for gRPC.
+| Attribute | Type | Description | Examples | Stability |
+| `grpc.request.metadata.` | string[] | gRPC request metadata, `` being the normalized gRPC Metadata key (lowercase), the value being the metadata values. [1] | `grpc.request.metadata.my-custom-metadata-attribute=["", ""]` |  |
+| `grpc.response.metadata.` | string[] | gRPC response metadata, `` being the normalized gRPC Metadata key (lowercase), the value being the metadata values. [2] | `grpc.response.metadata.my-custom-metadata-attribute=["attribute_value"]` |  |
+| `grpc.status_code` | int | The [numeric status code](https://github.com/grpc/grpc/blob/v1.33.2/doc/statuscodes.md) of the gRPC request. | `0`; `1`; `2` |  |
+**[1] `grpc.request.metadata`:** Instrumentations SHOULD require an explicit configuration of which metadata values are to be captured. Including all request metadata values can be a security risk - explicit configuration helps avoid leaking sensitive information.
+**[2] `grpc.response.metadata`:** Instrumentations SHOULD require an explicit configuration of which metadata values are to be captured. Including all response metadata values can be a security risk - explicit configuration helps avoid leaking sensitive information.
+`grpc.status_code` has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used; otherwise, a custom value MAY be used.
+| Value | Description | Stability |
+| `0` | OK |  |
+| `1` | CANCELLED |  |
+| `2` | UNKNOWN |  |
+| `3` | INVALID_ARGUMENT |  |
+| `5` | NOT_FOUND |  |
+| `6` | ALREADY_EXISTS |  |
+| `10` | ABORTED |  |
+| `11` | OUT_OF_RANGE |  |
+| `12` | UNIMPLEMENTED |  |
+| `13` | INTERNAL |  |
+| `14` | UNAVAILABLE |  |
+| `15` | DATA_LOSS |  |
+| `16` | UNAUTHENTICATED |  |
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+# Jsonrpc
+## JSON-RPC Attributes
+This document defines attributes for JSON-RPC.
+| Attribute | Type | Description | Examples | Stability |
+| `jsonrpc.error_code` | int | `error.code` property of response if it is an error response. | `-32700`; `100` |  |
+| `jsonrpc.error_message` | string | `error.message` property of response if it is an error response. | `Parse error`; `User already exists` |  |
+| `jsonrpc.request_id` | string | `id` property of request or response. Since protocol allows id to be int, string, `null` or missing (for notifications), value is expected to be cast to string for simplicity. Use empty string in case of `null` value. Omit entirely if this is a notification. | `10`; `request-7`; `` |  |
+| `jsonrpc.version` | string | Protocol version as in `jsonrpc` property of request/response. Since JSON-RPC 1.0 doesn't specify this, the value can be omitted. | `2.0`; `1.0` |  |
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+# Kafka
+## Kafka Attributes
+This group describes attributes specific to Apache Kafka.
+| Attribute | Type | Description | Examples | Stability |
+| `kafka.message.key` | string | Message keys in Kafka are used for grouping alike messages to ensure they're processed on the same partition. They differ from `messaging.message.id` in that they're not unique. If the key is `null`, the attribute MUST NOT be set. [1] | `myKey` |  |
+| `kafka.message.tombstone` | boolean | A boolean that is true if the message is a tombstone. | |  |
+| `kafka.offset` | int | The offset of a record in the corresponding Kafka partition. | `42` |  |
+**[1] `kafka.message.key`:** If the key type is not string, it's string representation has to be supplied for the attribute. If the key has no unambiguous, canonical string form, don't include its value.
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# Messaging
- [General Messaging Attributes](#general-messaging-attributes)
-- [Azure Event Hubs Attributes](#azure-event-hubs-attributes)
-- [GCP Pub/Sub Attributes](#gcp-pubsub-attributes)
-- [Kafka Attributes](#kafka-attributes)
-- [RabbitMQ Attributes](#rabbitmq-attributes)
-- [RocketMQ Attributes](#rocketmq-attributes)
-- [Azure Service Bus Attributes](#azure-service-bus-attributes)
- [Deprecated Messaging Attributes](#deprecated-messaging-attributes)
## General Messaging Attributes
@@ -91,102 +85,6 @@ size should be used.
| `rocketmq` | Apache RocketMQ |  |
| `servicebus` | Azure Service Bus |  |
-## Azure Event Hubs Attributes
-This group describes attributes specific to Azure Event Hubs.
-| Attribute | Type | Description | Examples | Stability |
-| `messaging.eventhubs.message.enqueued_time` | int | The UTC epoch seconds at which the message has been accepted and stored in the entity. | `1701393730` |  |
-## GCP Pub/Sub Attributes
-This group describes attributes specific to GCP Pub/Sub.
-| Attribute | Type | Description | Examples | Stability |
-| `messaging.gcp_pubsub.message.ack_deadline` | int | The ack deadline in seconds set for the modify ack deadline request. | `10` |  |
-| `messaging.gcp_pubsub.message.ack_id` | string | The ack id for a given message. | `ack_id` |  |
-| `messaging.gcp_pubsub.message.delivery_attempt` | int | The delivery attempt for a given message. | `2` |  |
-| `messaging.gcp_pubsub.message.ordering_key` | string | The ordering key for a given message. If the attribute is not present, the message does not have an ordering key. | `ordering_key` |  |
-## Kafka Attributes
-This group describes attributes specific to Apache Kafka.
-| Attribute | Type | Description | Examples | Stability |
-| `messaging.kafka.message.key` | string | Message keys in Kafka are used for grouping alike messages to ensure they're processed on the same partition. They differ from `messaging.message.id` in that they're not unique. If the key is `null`, the attribute MUST NOT be set. [10] | `myKey` |  |
-| `messaging.kafka.message.tombstone` | boolean | A boolean that is true if the message is a tombstone. | |  |
-| `messaging.kafka.offset` | int | The offset of a record in the corresponding Kafka partition. | `42` |  |
-**[10] `messaging.kafka.message.key`:** If the key type is not string, it's string representation has to be supplied for the attribute. If the key has no unambiguous, canonical string form, don't include its value.
-## RabbitMQ Attributes
-This group describes attributes specific to RabbitMQ.
-| Attribute | Type | Description | Examples | Stability |
-| `messaging.rabbitmq.destination.routing_key` | string | RabbitMQ message routing key. | `myKey` |  |
-| `messaging.rabbitmq.message.delivery_tag` | int | RabbitMQ message delivery tag | `123` |  |
-## RocketMQ Attributes
-This group describes attributes specific to RocketMQ.
-| Attribute | Type | Description | Examples | Stability |
-| `messaging.rocketmq.consumption_model` | string | Model of message consumption. This only applies to consumer spans. | `clustering`; `broadcasting` |  |
-| `messaging.rocketmq.message.delay_time_level` | int | The delay time level for delay message, which determines the message delay time. | `3` |  |
-| `messaging.rocketmq.message.delivery_timestamp` | int | The timestamp in milliseconds that the delay message is expected to be delivered to consumer. | `1665987217045` |  |
-| `messaging.rocketmq.message.group` | string | It is essential for FIFO message. Messages that belong to the same message group are always processed one by one within the same consumer group. | `myMessageGroup` |  |
-| `messaging.rocketmq.message.keys` | string[] | Key(s) of message, another way to mark message besides message id. | `["keyA", "keyB"]` |  |
-| `messaging.rocketmq.message.tag` | string | The secondary classifier of message besides topic. | `tagA` |  |
-| `messaging.rocketmq.message.type` | string | Type of message. | `normal`; `fifo`; `delay` |  |
-| `messaging.rocketmq.namespace` | string | Namespace of RocketMQ resources, resources in different namespaces are individual. | `myNamespace` |  |
-`messaging.rocketmq.consumption_model` has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used; otherwise, a custom value MAY be used.
-| Value | Description | Stability |
-| `broadcasting` | Broadcasting consumption model |  |
-| `clustering` | Clustering consumption model |  |
-`messaging.rocketmq.message.type` has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used; otherwise, a custom value MAY be used.
-| Value | Description | Stability |
-| `delay` | Delay message |  |
-| `fifo` | FIFO message |  |
-| `normal` | Normal message |  |
-| `transaction` | Transaction message |  |
-## Azure Service Bus Attributes
-This group describes attributes specific to Azure Service Bus.
-| Attribute | Type | Description | Examples | Stability |
-| `messaging.servicebus.disposition_status` | string | Describes the [settlement type](https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/service-bus-messaging/message-transfers-locks-settlement#peeklock). | `complete`; `abandon`; `dead_letter` |  |
-| `messaging.servicebus.message.delivery_count` | int | Number of deliveries that have been attempted for this message. | `2` |  |
-| `messaging.servicebus.message.enqueued_time` | int | The UTC epoch seconds at which the message has been accepted and stored in the entity. | `1701393730` |  |
-`messaging.servicebus.disposition_status` has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used; otherwise, a custom value MAY be used.
-| Value | Description | Stability |
-| `abandon` | Message is abandoned |  |
-| `complete` | Message is completed |  |
-| `dead_letter` | Message is sent to dead letter queue |  |
-| `defer` | Message is deferred |  |
## Deprecated Messaging Attributes
Describes deprecated messaging attributes.
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+# Openai
+## OpenAI Attributes
+This group defines attributes for OpenAI.
+| Attribute | Type | Description | Examples | Stability |
+| `openai.request.response_format` | string | The response format that is requested. | `json` |  |
+| `openai.request.seed` | int | Requests with same seed value more likely to return same result. | `100` |  |
+| `openai.request.service_tier` | string | The service tier requested. May be a specific tier, default, or auto. | `auto`; `default` |  |
+| `openai.response.service_tier` | string | The service tier used for the response. | `scale`; `default` |  |
+| `openai.response.system_fingerprint` | string | A fingerprint to track any eventual change in the Generative AI environment. | `fp_44709d6fcb` |  |
+`openai.request.response_format` has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used; otherwise, a custom value MAY be used.
+| Value | Description | Stability |
+| `json_object` | JSON object response format |  |
+| `json_schema` | JSON schema response format |  |
+| `text` | Text response format |  |
+`openai.request.service_tier` has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used; otherwise, a custom value MAY be used.
+| Value | Description | Stability |
+| `auto` | The system will utilize scale tier credits until they are exhausted. |  |
+| `default` | The system will utilize the default scale tier. |  |
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+# RabbitMQ
+## RabbitMQ Attributes
+This group describes attributes specific to RabbitMQ.
+| Attribute | Type | Description | Examples | Stability |
+| `rabbitmq.destination.routing_key` | string | RabbitMQ message routing key. | `myKey` |  |
+| `rabbitmq.message.delivery_tag` | int | RabbitMQ message delivery tag | `123` |  |
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+# RocketMQ
+## RocketMQ Attributes
+This group describes attributes specific to RocketMQ.
+| Attribute | Type | Description | Examples | Stability |
+| `rocketmq.consumption_model` | string | Model of message consumption. This only applies to consumer spans. | `clustering`; `broadcasting` |  |
+| `rocketmq.message.delay_time_level` | int | The delay time level for delay message, which determines the message delay time. | `3` |  |
+| `rocketmq.message.delivery_timestamp` | int | The timestamp in milliseconds that the delay message is expected to be delivered to consumer. | `1665987217045` |  |
+| `rocketmq.message.group` | string | It is essential for FIFO message. Messages that belong to the same message group are always processed one by one within the same consumer group. | `myMessageGroup` |  |
+| `rocketmq.message.keys` | string[] | Key(s) of message, another way to mark message besides message id. | `["keyA", "keyB"]` |  |
+| `rocketmq.message.tag` | string | The secondary classifier of message besides topic. | `tagA` |  |
+| `rocketmq.message.type` | string | Type of message. | `normal`; `fifo`; `delay` |  |
+| `rocketmq.namespace` | string | Namespace of RocketMQ resources, resources in different namespaces are individual. | `myNamespace` |  |
+`rocketmq.consumption_model` has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used; otherwise, a custom value MAY be used.
+| Value | Description | Stability |
+| `broadcasting` | Broadcasting consumption model |  |
+| `clustering` | Clustering consumption model |  |
+`rocketmq.message.type` has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used; otherwise, a custom value MAY be used.
+| Value | Description | Stability |
+| `delay` | Delay message |  |
+| `fifo` | FIFO message |  |
+| `normal` | Normal message |  |
+| `transaction` | Transaction message |  |
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--- a/docs/attributes-registry/rpc.md
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@@ -15,84 +15,19 @@ This document defines attributes for remote procedure calls.
| Attribute | Type | Description | Examples | Stability |
-| `rpc.connect_rpc.error_code` | string | The [error codes](https://connect.build/docs/protocol/#error-codes) of the Connect request. Error codes are always string values. | `cancelled`; `unknown`; `invalid_argument` |  |
-| `rpc.connect_rpc.request.metadata.` | string[] | Connect request metadata, `` being the normalized Connect Metadata key (lowercase), the value being the metadata values. [1] | `rpc.request.metadata.my-custom-metadata-attribute=["", ""]` |  |
-| `rpc.connect_rpc.response.metadata.` | string[] | Connect response metadata, `` being the normalized Connect Metadata key (lowercase), the value being the metadata values. [2] | `rpc.response.metadata.my-custom-metadata-attribute=["attribute_value"]` |  |
-| `rpc.grpc.request.metadata.` | string[] | gRPC request metadata, `` being the normalized gRPC Metadata key (lowercase), the value being the metadata values. [3] | `rpc.grpc.request.metadata.my-custom-metadata-attribute=["", ""]` |  |
-| `rpc.grpc.response.metadata.` | string[] | gRPC response metadata, `` being the normalized gRPC Metadata key (lowercase), the value being the metadata values. [4] | `rpc.grpc.response.metadata.my-custom-metadata-attribute=["attribute_value"]` |  |
-| `rpc.grpc.status_code` | int | The [numeric status code](https://github.com/grpc/grpc/blob/v1.33.2/doc/statuscodes.md) of the gRPC request. | `0`; `1`; `2` |  |
-| `rpc.jsonrpc.error_code` | int | `error.code` property of response if it is an error response. | `-32700`; `100` |  |
-| `rpc.jsonrpc.error_message` | string | `error.message` property of response if it is an error response. | `Parse error`; `User already exists` |  |
-| `rpc.jsonrpc.request_id` | string | `id` property of request or response. Since protocol allows id to be int, string, `null` or missing (for notifications), value is expected to be cast to string for simplicity. Use empty string in case of `null` value. Omit entirely if this is a notification. | `10`; `request-7`; `` |  |
-| `rpc.jsonrpc.version` | string | Protocol version as in `jsonrpc` property of request/response. Since JSON-RPC 1.0 doesn't specify this, the value can be omitted. | `2.0`; `1.0` |  |
| `rpc.message.compressed_size` | int | Compressed size of the message in bytes. | |  |
-| `rpc.message.id` | int | MUST be calculated as two different counters starting from `1` one for sent messages and one for received message. [5] | |  |
+| `rpc.message.id` | int | MUST be calculated as two different counters starting from `1` one for sent messages and one for received message. [1] | |  |
| `rpc.message.type` | string | Whether this is a received or sent message. | `SENT`; `RECEIVED` |  |
| `rpc.message.uncompressed_size` | int | Uncompressed size of the message in bytes. | |  |
-| `rpc.method` | string | The name of the (logical) method being called, must be equal to the $method part in the span name. [6] | `exampleMethod` |  |
-| `rpc.service` | string | The full (logical) name of the service being called, including its package name, if applicable. [7] | `myservice.EchoService` |  |
+| `rpc.method` | string | The name of the (logical) method being called, must be equal to the $method part in the span name. [2] | `exampleMethod` |  |
+| `rpc.service` | string | The full (logical) name of the service being called, including its package name, if applicable. [3] | `myservice.EchoService` |  |
| `rpc.system` | string | A string identifying the remoting system. See below for a list of well-known identifiers. | `grpc`; `java_rmi`; `dotnet_wcf` |  |
-**[1] `rpc.connect_rpc.request.metadata`:** Instrumentations SHOULD require an explicit configuration of which metadata values are to be captured. Including all request metadata values can be a security risk - explicit configuration helps avoid leaking sensitive information.
+**[1] `rpc.message.id`:** This way we guarantee that the values will be consistent between different implementations.
-**[2] `rpc.connect_rpc.response.metadata`:** Instrumentations SHOULD require an explicit configuration of which metadata values are to be captured. Including all response metadata values can be a security risk - explicit configuration helps avoid leaking sensitive information.
+**[2] `rpc.method`:** This is the logical name of the method from the RPC interface perspective, which can be different from the name of any implementing method/function. The `code.function` attribute may be used to store the latter (e.g., method actually executing the call on the server side, RPC client stub method on the client side).
-**[3] `rpc.grpc.request.metadata`:** Instrumentations SHOULD require an explicit configuration of which metadata values are to be captured. Including all request metadata values can be a security risk - explicit configuration helps avoid leaking sensitive information.
-**[4] `rpc.grpc.response.metadata`:** Instrumentations SHOULD require an explicit configuration of which metadata values are to be captured. Including all response metadata values can be a security risk - explicit configuration helps avoid leaking sensitive information.
-**[5] `rpc.message.id`:** This way we guarantee that the values will be consistent between different implementations.
-**[6] `rpc.method`:** This is the logical name of the method from the RPC interface perspective, which can be different from the name of any implementing method/function. The `code.function` attribute may be used to store the latter (e.g., method actually executing the call on the server side, RPC client stub method on the client side).
-**[7] `rpc.service`:** This is the logical name of the service from the RPC interface perspective, which can be different from the name of any implementing class. The `code.namespace` attribute may be used to store the latter (despite the attribute name, it may include a class name; e.g., class with method actually executing the call on the server side, RPC client stub class on the client side).
-`rpc.connect_rpc.error_code` has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used; otherwise, a custom value MAY be used.
-| Value | Description | Stability |
-| `aborted` | aborted |  |
-| `already_exists` | already_exists |  |
-| `cancelled` | cancelled |  |
-| `data_loss` | data_loss |  |
-| `deadline_exceeded` | deadline_exceeded |  |
-| `failed_precondition` | failed_precondition |  |
-| `internal` | internal |  |
-| `invalid_argument` | invalid_argument |  |
-| `not_found` | not_found |  |
-| `out_of_range` | out_of_range |  |
-| `permission_denied` | permission_denied |  |
-| `resource_exhausted` | resource_exhausted |  |
-| `unauthenticated` | unauthenticated |  |
-| `unavailable` | unavailable |  |
-| `unimplemented` | unimplemented |  |
-| `unknown` | unknown |  |
-`rpc.grpc.status_code` has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used; otherwise, a custom value MAY be used.
-| Value | Description | Stability |
-| `0` | OK |  |
-| `1` | CANCELLED |  |
-| `2` | UNKNOWN |  |
-| `3` | INVALID_ARGUMENT |  |
-| `5` | NOT_FOUND |  |
-| `6` | ALREADY_EXISTS |  |
-| `10` | ABORTED |  |
-| `11` | OUT_OF_RANGE |  |
-| `12` | UNIMPLEMENTED |  |
-| `13` | INTERNAL |  |
-| `14` | UNAVAILABLE |  |
-| `15` | DATA_LOSS |  |
-| `16` | UNAUTHENTICATED |  |
+**[3] `rpc.service`:** This is the logical name of the service from the RPC interface perspective, which can be different from the name of any implementing class. The `code.namespace` attribute may be used to store the latter (despite the attribute name, it may include a class name; e.g., class with method actually executing the call on the server side, RPC client stub class on the client side).
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+# Servicebus
+## Azure Service Bus Attributes
+This group describes attributes specific to Azure Service Bus.
+| Attribute | Type | Description | Examples | Stability |
+| `servicebus.disposition_status` | string | Describes the [settlement type](https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/service-bus-messaging/message-transfers-locks-settlement#peeklock). | `complete`; `abandon`; `dead_letter` |  |
+| `servicebus.message.delivery_count` | int | Number of deliveries that have been attempted for this message. | `2` |  |
+| `servicebus.message.enqueued_time` | int | The UTC epoch seconds at which the message has been accepted and stored in the entity. | `1701393730` |  |
+`servicebus.disposition_status` has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used; otherwise, a custom value MAY be used.
+| Value | Description | Stability |
+| `abandon` | Message is abandoned |  |
+| `complete` | Message is completed |  |
+| `dead_letter` | Message is sent to dead letter queue |  |
+| `defer` | Message is deferred |  |
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@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ The Semantic Conventions for [Cassandra](https://cassandra.apache.org/) extend a
## Attributes
@@ -27,12 +27,12 @@ The Semantic Conventions for [Cassandra](https://cassandra.apache.org/) extend a
| [`db.response.status_code`](/docs/attributes-registry/db.md) | string | [Cassandra protocol error code](https://github.com/apache/cassandra/blob/cassandra-5.0/doc/native_protocol_v5.spec) represented as a string. [6] | `102`; `40020` | `Conditionally Required` [7] |  |
| [`error.type`](/docs/attributes-registry/error.md) | string | Describes a class of error the operation ended with. [8] | `timeout`; `java.net.UnknownHostException`; `server_certificate_invalid`; `500` | `Conditionally Required` If and only if the operation failed. |  |
| [`server.port`](/docs/attributes-registry/server.md) | int | Server port number. [9] | `80`; `8080`; `443` | `Conditionally Required` [10] |  |
-| [`db.cassandra.consistency_level`](/docs/attributes-registry/db.md) | string | The consistency level of the query. Based on consistency values from [CQL](https://docs.datastax.com/en/cassandra-oss/3.0/cassandra/dml/dmlConfigConsistency.html). | `all`; `each_quorum`; `quorum` | `Recommended` |  |
-| [`db.cassandra.coordinator.dc`](/docs/attributes-registry/db.md) | string | The data center of the coordinating node for a query. | `us-west-2` | `Recommended` |  |
-| [`db.cassandra.coordinator.id`](/docs/attributes-registry/db.md) | string | The ID of the coordinating node for a query. | `be13faa2-8574-4d71-926d-27f16cf8a7af` | `Recommended` |  |
-| [`db.cassandra.idempotence`](/docs/attributes-registry/db.md) | boolean | Whether or not the query is idempotent. | | `Recommended` |  |
-| [`db.cassandra.page_size`](/docs/attributes-registry/db.md) | int | The fetch size used for paging, i.e. how many rows will be returned at once. | `5000` | `Recommended` |  |
-| [`db.cassandra.speculative_execution_count`](/docs/attributes-registry/db.md) | int | The number of times a query was speculatively executed. Not set or `0` if the query was not executed speculatively. | `0`; `2` | `Recommended` |  |
+| [`cassandra.consistency_level`](/docs/attributes-registry/cassandra.md) | string | The consistency level of the query. Based on consistency values from [CQL](https://docs.datastax.com/en/cassandra-oss/3.0/cassandra/dml/dmlConfigConsistency.html). | `all`; `each_quorum`; `quorum` | `Recommended` |  |
+| [`cassandra.coordinator.dc`](/docs/attributes-registry/cassandra.md) | string | The data center of the coordinating node for a query. | `us-west-2` | `Recommended` |  |
+| [`cassandra.coordinator.id`](/docs/attributes-registry/cassandra.md) | string | The ID of the coordinating node for a query. | `be13faa2-8574-4d71-926d-27f16cf8a7af` | `Recommended` |  |
+| [`cassandra.idempotence`](/docs/attributes-registry/cassandra.md) | boolean | Whether or not the query is idempotent. | | `Recommended` |  |
+| [`cassandra.page_size`](/docs/attributes-registry/cassandra.md) | int | The fetch size used for paging, i.e. how many rows will be returned at once. | `5000` | `Recommended` |  |
+| [`cassandra.speculative_execution_count`](/docs/attributes-registry/cassandra.md) | int | The number of times a query was speculatively executed. Not set or `0` if the query was not executed speculatively. | `0`; `2` | `Recommended` |  |
| [`db.operation.batch.size`](/docs/attributes-registry/db.md) | int | The number of queries included in a batch operation. [11] | `2`; `3`; `4` | `Recommended` |  |
| [`db.query.summary`](/docs/attributes-registry/db.md) | string | Low cardinality representation of a database query text. [12] | `SELECT wuser_table`; `INSERT shipping_details SELECT orders`; `get user by id` | `Recommended` [13] |  |
| [`db.query.text`](/docs/attributes-registry/db.md) | string | The database query being executed. [14] | `SELECT * FROM wuser_table where username = ?`; `SET mykey ?` | `Recommended` [15] |  |
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ and SHOULD be provided **at span creation time** (if provided at all):
-`db.cassandra.consistency_level` has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used; otherwise, a custom value MAY be used.
+`cassandra.consistency_level` has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used; otherwise, a custom value MAY be used.
| Value | Description | Stability |
diff --git a/docs/database/cosmosdb.md b/docs/database/cosmosdb.md
index 810967a907..e267848832 100644
--- a/docs/database/cosmosdb.md
+++ b/docs/database/cosmosdb.md
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ linkTitle: Cosmos DB
- [Operation Level Metrics](#operation-level-metrics)
- [Metric: `db.client.operation.duration`](#metric-dbclientoperationduration)
- [Metric: `db.client.response.returned_rows`](#metric-dbclientresponsereturned_rows)
- - [Metric: `db.client.cosmosdb.operation.request_charge`](#metric-dbclientcosmosdboperationrequest_charge)
- - [Metric: `db.client.cosmosdb.active_instance.count`](#metric-dbclientcosmosdbactive_instancecount)
+ - [Metric: `cosmosdb.client.operation.request_charge`](#metric-dbclientcosmosdboperationrequest_charge)
+ - [Metric: `cosmosdb.client.active_instance.count`](#metric-dbclientcosmosdbactive_instancecount)
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ extend and override the [Database Semantic Conventions](database-spans.md).
Cosmos DB instrumentation includes call-level (public API) surface spans and network spans. Depending on the connection mode (Gateway or Direct), network-level spans may also be created.
@@ -39,12 +39,12 @@ Cosmos DB instrumentation includes call-level (public API) surface spans and net
| Attribute | Type | Description | Examples | [Requirement Level](https://opentelemetry.io/docs/specs/semconv/general/attribute-requirement-level/) | Stability |
-| [`db.collection.name`](/docs/attributes-registry/db.md) | string | Cosmos DB container name. [1] | `public.users`; `customers` | `Conditionally Required` if available |  |
-| [`db.cosmosdb.connection_mode`](/docs/attributes-registry/db.md) | string | Cosmos client connection mode. | `gateway`; `direct` | `Conditionally Required` [2] |  |
-| [`db.cosmosdb.consistency_level`](/docs/attributes-registry/db.md) | string | Account or request [consistency level](https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/cosmos-db/consistency-levels). | `Eventual`; `ConsistentPrefix`; `BoundedStaleness`; `Strong`; `Session` | `Conditionally Required` If available. |  |
-| [`db.cosmosdb.regions_contacted`](/docs/attributes-registry/db.md) | string[] | List of regions contacted during operation in the order that they were contacted. If there is more than one region listed, it indicates that the operation was performed on multiple regions i.e. cross-regional call. [3] | `["North Central US", "Australia East", "Australia Southeast"]` | `Conditionally Required` If available. |  |
-| [`db.cosmosdb.request_charge`](/docs/attributes-registry/db.md) | double | Request units consumed for the operation. | `46.18`; `1.0` | `Conditionally Required` when available |  |
-| [`db.cosmosdb.sub_status_code`](/docs/attributes-registry/db.md) | int | Cosmos DB sub status code. | `1000`; `1002` | `Conditionally Required` when response was received and contained sub-code. |  |
+| [`cosmosdb.connection_mode`](/docs/attributes-registry/cosmosdb.md) | string | Cosmos client connection mode. | `gateway`; `direct` | `Conditionally Required` [1] |  |
+| [`cosmosdb.consistency_level`](/docs/attributes-registry/cosmosdb.md) | string | Account or request [consistency level](https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/cosmos-db/consistency-levels). | `Eventual`; `ConsistentPrefix`; `BoundedStaleness`; `Strong`; `Session` | `Conditionally Required` If available. |  |
+| [`cosmosdb.regions_contacted`](/docs/attributes-registry/cosmosdb.md) | string[] | List of regions contacted during operation in the order that they were contacted. If there is more than one region listed, it indicates that the operation was performed on multiple regions i.e. cross-regional call. [2] | `["North Central US", "Australia East", "Australia Southeast"]` | `Conditionally Required` If available. |  |
+| [`cosmosdb.request_charge`](/docs/attributes-registry/cosmosdb.md) | double | Request units consumed for the operation. | `46.18`; `1.0` | `Conditionally Required` when available |  |
+| [`cosmosdb.sub_status_code`](/docs/attributes-registry/cosmosdb.md) | int | Cosmos DB sub status code. | `1000`; `1002` | `Conditionally Required` when response was received and contained sub-code. |  |
+| [`db.collection.name`](/docs/attributes-registry/db.md) | string | Cosmos DB container name. [3] | `public.users`; `customers` | `Conditionally Required` if available |  |
| [`db.namespace`](/docs/attributes-registry/db.md) | string | The name of the database, fully qualified within the server address and port. | `customers`; `test.users` | `Conditionally Required` If available. |  |
| [`db.operation.name`](/docs/attributes-registry/db.md) | string | The name of the operation or command being executed. [4] | `create_item`; `query_items`; `read_item` | `Conditionally Required` [5] |  |
| [`db.response.returned_rows`](/docs/attributes-registry/db.md) | int | Cosmos DB row count in result set. | `10`; `20` | `Conditionally Required` if response was received and returned any rows |  |
@@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ Cosmos DB instrumentation includes call-level (public API) surface spans and net
| [`error.type`](/docs/attributes-registry/error.md) | string | Describes a class of error the operation ended with. [7] | `timeout`; `java.net.UnknownHostException`; `server_certificate_invalid`; `500` | `Conditionally Required` If and only if the operation failed. |  |
| [`server.port`](/docs/attributes-registry/server.md) | int | Server port number. [8] | `80`; `8080`; `443` | `Conditionally Required` If not default (443). |  |
| [`az.namespace`](/docs/attributes-registry/azure.md) | string | [Azure Resource Provider Namespace](https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/azure-resource-manager/management/azure-services-resource-providers) as recognized by the client. [9] | `Microsoft.DocumentDB` | `Recommended` |  |
-| [`db.cosmosdb.client_id`](/docs/attributes-registry/db.md) | string | Unique Cosmos client instance id. | `3ba4827d-4422-483f-b59f-85b74211c11d` | `Recommended` |  |
-| [`db.cosmosdb.request_content_length`](/docs/attributes-registry/db.md) | int | Request payload size in bytes. | | `Recommended` |  |
+| [`cosmosdb.client_id`](/docs/attributes-registry/cosmosdb.md) | string | Unique Cosmos client instance id. | `3ba4827d-4422-483f-b59f-85b74211c11d` | `Recommended` |  |
+| [`cosmosdb.request_content_length`](/docs/attributes-registry/cosmosdb.md) | int | Request payload size in bytes. | | `Recommended` |  |
| [`db.operation.batch.size`](/docs/attributes-registry/db.md) | int | The number of queries included in a batch operation. [10] | `2`; `3`; `4` | `Recommended` |  |
| [`db.query.summary`](/docs/attributes-registry/db.md) | string | Low cardinality representation of a database query text. [11] | `SELECT wuser_table`; `INSERT shipping_details SELECT orders`; `get user by id` | `Recommended` [12] |  |
| [`db.query.text`](/docs/attributes-registry/db.md) | string | The database query being executed. [13] | `SELECT * FROM wuser_table where username = ?`; `SET mykey ?` | `Recommended` [14] |  |
@@ -61,11 +61,11 @@ Cosmos DB instrumentation includes call-level (public API) surface spans and net
| [`user_agent.original`](/docs/attributes-registry/user-agent.md) | string | Full user-agent string is generated by Cosmos DB SDK [16] | `cosmos-netstandard-sdk/3.23.0\|3.23.1\|1\|X64\|Linux 5.4.0-1098-azure 104 18\|.NET Core 3.1.32\|S\|` | `Recommended` |  |
| [`db.operation.parameter.`](/docs/attributes-registry/db.md) | string | A database operation parameter, with `` being the parameter name, and the attribute value being a string representation of the parameter value. [17] | `someval`; `55` | `Opt-In` |  |
-**[1] `db.collection.name`:** It is RECOMMENDED to capture the value as provided by the application without attempting to do any case normalization.
+**[1] `cosmosdb.connection_mode`:** if not `gateway` (the default value is assumed to be `gateway`).
-**[2] `db.cosmosdb.connection_mode`:** if not `gateway` (the default value is assumed to be `gateway`).
+**[2] `cosmosdb.regions_contacted`:** Region name matches the format of `displayName` in [Azure Location API](https://learn.microsoft.com/rest/api/subscription/subscriptions/list-locations?view=rest-subscription-2021-10-01&tabs=HTTP#location)
-**[3] `db.cosmosdb.regions_contacted`:** Region name matches the format of `displayName` in [Azure Location API](https://learn.microsoft.com/rest/api/subscription/subscriptions/list-locations?view=rest-subscription-2021-10-01&tabs=HTTP#location)
+**[3] `db.collection.name`:** It is RECOMMENDED to capture the value as provided by the application without attempting to do any case normalization.
**[4] `db.operation.name`:** The `db.operation.name` has the following list of well-known values.
If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used.
@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ and SHOULD be provided **at span creation time** (if provided at all):
-`db.cosmosdb.connection_mode` has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used; otherwise, a custom value MAY be used.
+`cosmosdb.connection_mode` has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used; otherwise, a custom value MAY be used.
| Value | Description | Stability |
@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ and SHOULD be provided **at span creation time** (if provided at all):
-`db.cosmosdb.consistency_level` has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used; otherwise, a custom value MAY be used.
+`cosmosdb.consistency_level` has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used; otherwise, a custom value MAY be used.
| Value | Description | Stability |
@@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ This metric is [required][MetricRequired].
It captures the total time taken by an Azure Cosmos DB operation. This metric follows the common [db.client.operation.duration](/docs/database/database-metrics.md#metric-dbclientoperationduration) definition.
-Refer [db.client.cosmosdb.operation.request_charge](#metric-dbclientcosmosdboperationrequest_charge) metrics for dimensions.
+Refer [cosmosdb.client.operation.request_charge](#metric-dbclientcosmosdboperationrequest_charge) metrics for dimensions.
### Metric: `db.client.response.returned_rows`
@@ -308,9 +308,9 @@ This metric is [required][MetricRequired].
It captures the number of items returned by a query or feed operation in Azure Cosmos DB. It helps identify response sizes that may contribute to high latency, increased memory/CPU usage, or network call failures. This metric follows the common [db.client.response.returned_rows](/docs/database/database-metrics.md#metric-dbclientresponsereturned_rows) definition.
-Refer [db.client.cosmosdb.operation.request_charge](#metric-dbclientcosmosdboperationrequest_charge) metrics for dimensions.
+Refer [dcosmosdb.client.operation.request_charge](#metric-dbclientcosmosdboperationrequest_charge) metrics for dimensions.
-### Metric: `db.client.cosmosdb.operation.request_charge`
+### Metric: `cosmosdb.client.operation.request_charge`
This metric is [required][MetricRequired].
@@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ Explaining bucket configuration:
3. 100, 250: Higher Usage Levels, These boundaries represent operations that may require significant resources, such as complex queries or larger transactions. Monitoring RUs in these ranges can help identify performance bottlenecks or costly queries that might lead to throttling.
4. 500, 1000: Very High Usage Levels, These buckets capture operations that consume a substantial number of Request Units, which may indicate potentially expensive queries or batch processes. Understanding the frequency and patterns of such high RU usage can be critical in optimizing performance and ensuring the application remains within provisioned throughput limits.
@@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ Explaining bucket configuration:
| Name | Instrument Type | Unit (UCUM) | Description | Stability |
| -------- | --------------- | ----------- | -------------- | --------- |
-| `db.client.cosmosdb.operation.request_charge` | Histogram | `{request_unit}` | [Request charge](https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/cosmos-db/request-units) consumed by the operation |  |
+| `cosmosdb.client.operation.request_charge` | Histogram | `{request_unit}` | [Request charge](https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/cosmos-db/request-units) consumed by the operation |  |
| Attribute | Type | Description | Examples | [Requirement Level](https://opentelemetry.io/docs/specs/semconv/general/attribute-requirement-level/) | Stability |
+| [`cosmosdb.consistency_level`](/docs/attributes-registry/cosmosdb.md) | string | Account or request [consistency level](https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/cosmos-db/consistency-levels). | `Eventual`; `ConsistentPrefix`; `BoundedStaleness`; `Strong`; `Session` | `Conditionally Required` If available. |  |
+| [`cosmosdb.sub_status_code`](/docs/attributes-registry/cosmosdb.md) | int | Cosmos DB sub status code. | `1000`; `1002` | `Conditionally Required` when response was received and contained sub-code. |  |
| [`db.collection.name`](/docs/attributes-registry/db.md) | string | Cosmos DB container name. [1] | `public.users`; `customers` | `Conditionally Required` If available. |  |
-| [`db.cosmosdb.consistency_level`](/docs/attributes-registry/db.md) | string | Account or request [consistency level](https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/cosmos-db/consistency-levels). | `Eventual`; `ConsistentPrefix`; `BoundedStaleness`; `Strong`; `Session` | `Conditionally Required` If available. |  |
-| [`db.cosmosdb.sub_status_code`](/docs/attributes-registry/db.md) | int | Cosmos DB sub status code. | `1000`; `1002` | `Conditionally Required` when response was received and contained sub-code. |  |
| [`db.namespace`](/docs/attributes-registry/db.md) | string | The name of the database, fully qualified within the server address and port. | `customers`; `test.users` | `Conditionally Required` If available. |  |
| [`db.operation.name`](/docs/attributes-registry/db.md) | string | The name of the operation or command being executed. [2] | `findAndModify`; `HMSET`; `SELECT` | `Conditionally Required` [3] |  |
| [`db.response.status_code`](/docs/attributes-registry/db.md) | string | Database response status code. [4] | `102`; `ORA-17002`; `08P01`; `404` | `Conditionally Required` [5] |  |
| [`error.type`](/docs/attributes-registry/error.md) | string | Describes a class of error the operation ended with. [6] | `timeout`; `java.net.UnknownHostException`; `server_certificate_invalid`; `500` | `Conditionally Required` If and only if the operation failed. |  |
| [`server.port`](/docs/attributes-registry/server.md) | int | Server port number. [7] | `80`; `8080`; `443` | `Conditionally Required` [8] |  |
-| [`db.cosmosdb.regions_contacted`](/docs/attributes-registry/db.md) | string[] | List of regions contacted during operation in the order that they were contacted. If there is more than one region listed, it indicates that the operation was performed on multiple regions i.e. cross-regional call. [9] | `["North Central US", "Australia East", "Australia Southeast"]` | `Recommended` If available |  |
+| [`cosmosdb.regions_contacted`](/docs/attributes-registry/cosmosdb.md) | string[] | List of regions contacted during operation in the order that they were contacted. If there is more than one region listed, it indicates that the operation was performed on multiple regions i.e. cross-regional call. [9] | `["North Central US", "Australia East", "Australia Southeast"]` | `Recommended` If available |  |
| [`server.address`](/docs/attributes-registry/server.md) | string | Name of the database host. [10] | `example.com`; ``; `/tmp/my.sock` | `Recommended` |  |
**[1] `db.collection.name`:** It is RECOMMENDED to capture the value as provided by the application without attempting to do any case normalization.
@@ -385,13 +385,13 @@ Instrumentations SHOULD document how `error.type` is populated.
**[8] `server.port`:** If using a port other than the default port for this DBMS and if `server.address` is set.
-**[9] `db.cosmosdb.regions_contacted`:** Region name matches the format of `displayName` in [Azure Location API](https://learn.microsoft.com/rest/api/subscription/subscriptions/list-locations?view=rest-subscription-2021-10-01&tabs=HTTP#location)
+**[9] `cosmosdb.regions_contacted`:** Region name matches the format of `displayName` in [Azure Location API](https://learn.microsoft.com/rest/api/subscription/subscriptions/list-locations?view=rest-subscription-2021-10-01&tabs=HTTP#location)
**[10] `server.address`:** When observed from the client side, and when communicating through an intermediary, `server.address` SHOULD represent the server address behind any intermediaries, for example proxies, if it's available.
-`db.cosmosdb.consistency_level` has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used; otherwise, a custom value MAY be used.
+`cosmosdb.consistency_level` has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used; otherwise, a custom value MAY be used.
| Value | Description | Stability |
@@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ This metric is [required][MetricRequired].
It captures the number of active instances at any given time. Best practices dictate that there should ideally be only one instance of the SDK client per Azure Cosmos DB account. Having multiple instances of the SDK client for the same account in a single process can lead to CPU or memory-related issues.
@@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ It captures the number of active instances at any given time. Best practices dic
| Name | Instrument Type | Unit (UCUM) | Description | Stability |
| -------- | --------------- | ----------- | -------------- | --------- |
-| `db.client.cosmosdb.active_instance.count` | UpDownCounter | `{instance}` | Number of active client instances |  |
+| `cosmosdb.client.active_instance.count` | UpDownCounter | `{instance}` | Number of active client instances |  |
| Attribute | Type | Description | Examples | [Requirement Level](https://opentelemetry.io/docs/specs/semconv/general/attribute-requirement-level/) | Stability |
diff --git a/docs/database/elasticsearch.md b/docs/database/elasticsearch.md
index 175cf43fab..09e86a54da 100644
--- a/docs/database/elasticsearch.md
+++ b/docs/database/elasticsearch.md
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ The **span name** follows the [general database span name guidelines](database-s
## Attributes
@@ -28,15 +28,15 @@ The **span name** follows the [general database span name guidelines](database-s
| [`db.operation.name`](/docs/attributes-registry/db.md) | string | The name of the operation or command being executed. [1] | `search`; `ml.close_job`; `cat.aliases` | `Required` |  |
| [`http.request.method`](/docs/attributes-registry/http.md) | string | HTTP request method. [2] | `GET`; `POST`; `HEAD` | `Required` |  |
| [`url.full`](/docs/attributes-registry/url.md) | string | Absolute URL describing a network resource according to [RFC3986](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc3986) [3] | `https://localhost:9200/index/_search?q=user.id:kimchy` | `Required` |  |
-| [`db.elasticsearch.path_parts.`](/docs/attributes-registry/db.md) | string | A dynamic value in the url path. [4] | `db.elasticsearch.path_parts.index=test-index`; `db.elasticsearch.path_parts.doc_id=123` | `Conditionally Required` when the url has dynamic values |  |
-| [`db.response.status_code`](/docs/attributes-registry/db.md) | string | The HTTP response code returned by the Elasticsearch cluster. [5] | `200`; `201`; `429` | `Conditionally Required` If response was received. |  |
+| [`db.response.status_code`](/docs/attributes-registry/db.md) | string | The HTTP response code returned by the Elasticsearch cluster. [4] | `200`; `201`; `429` | `Conditionally Required` If response was received. |  |
+| [`elasticsearch.path_parts.`](/docs/attributes-registry/elasticsearch.md) | string | A dynamic value in the url path. [5] | `elasticsearch.path_parts.index=test-index`; `elasticsearch.path_parts.doc_id=123` | `Conditionally Required` when the url has dynamic values |  |
| [`error.type`](/docs/attributes-registry/error.md) | string | Describes a class of error the operation ended with. [6] | `timeout`; `java.net.UnknownHostException`; `server_certificate_invalid`; `500` | `Conditionally Required` If and only if the operation failed. |  |
| [`server.port`](/docs/attributes-registry/server.md) | int | Server port number. [7] | `80`; `8080`; `443` | `Conditionally Required` [8] |  |
| [`db.collection.name`](/docs/attributes-registry/db.md) | string | The index or data stream against which the query is executed. [9] | `my_index`; `index1, index2` | `Recommended` |  |
-| [`db.elasticsearch.node.name`](/docs/attributes-registry/db.md) | string | Represents the human-readable identifier of the node/instance to which a request was routed. [10] | `instance-0000000001` | `Recommended` |  |
-| [`db.namespace`](/docs/attributes-registry/db.md) | string | The name of the Elasticsearch cluster which the client connects to. [11] | `customers`; `test.users` | `Recommended` |  |
-| [`db.operation.batch.size`](/docs/attributes-registry/db.md) | int | The number of queries included in a batch operation. [12] | `2`; `3`; `4` | `Recommended` |  |
-| [`db.query.text`](/docs/attributes-registry/db.md) | string | The request body for a [search-type query](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/search.html), as a json string. [13] | `"{\"query\":{\"term\":{\"user.id\":\"kimchy\"}}}"` | `Recommended` [14] |  |
+| [`db.namespace`](/docs/attributes-registry/db.md) | string | The name of the Elasticsearch cluster which the client connects to. [10] | `customers`; `test.users` | `Recommended` |  |
+| [`db.operation.batch.size`](/docs/attributes-registry/db.md) | int | The number of queries included in a batch operation. [11] | `2`; `3`; `4` | `Recommended` |  |
+| [`db.query.text`](/docs/attributes-registry/db.md) | string | The request body for a [search-type query](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/search.html), as a json string. [12] | `"{\"query\":{\"term\":{\"user.id\":\"kimchy\"}}}"` | `Recommended` [13] |  |
+| [`elasticsearch.node.name`](/docs/attributes-registry/elasticsearch.md) | string | Represents the human-readable identifier of the node/instance to which a request was routed. [14] | `instance-0000000001` | `Recommended` |  |
| [`server.address`](/docs/attributes-registry/server.md) | string | Name of the database host. [15] | `example.com`; ``; `/tmp/my.sock` | `Recommended` |  |
**[1] `db.operation.name`:** The `db.operation.name` SHOULD match the endpoint identifier provided in the request (see the [Elasticsearch schema](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/elastic/elasticsearch-specification/main/output/schema/schema.json)).
@@ -80,11 +80,11 @@ This list is subject to change over time.
When a query string value is redacted, the query string key SHOULD still be preserved, e.g.
-**[4] `db.elasticsearch.path_parts`:** Many Elasticsearch url paths allow dynamic values. These SHOULD be recorded in span attributes in the format `db.elasticsearch.path_parts.`, where `` is the url path part name. The implementation SHOULD reference the [elasticsearch schema](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/elastic/elasticsearch-specification/main/output/schema/schema.json) in order to map the path part values to their names.
-**[5] `db.response.status_code`:** The status code returned by the database. Usually it represents an error code, but may also represent partial success, warning, or differentiate between various types of successful outcomes.
+**[4] `db.response.status_code`:** The status code returned by the database. Usually it represents an error code, but may also represent partial success, warning, or differentiate between various types of successful outcomes.
Semantic conventions for individual database systems SHOULD document what `db.response.status_code` means in the context of that system.
+**[5] `elasticsearch.path_parts`:** Many Elasticsearch url paths allow dynamic values. These SHOULD be recorded in span attributes in the format `elasticsearch.path_parts.`, where `` is the url path part name. The implementation SHOULD reference the [elasticsearch schema](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/elastic/elasticsearch-specification/main/output/schema/schema.json) in order to map the path part values to their names.
**[6] `error.type`:** The `error.type` SHOULD match the `db.response.status_code` returned by the database or the client library, or the canonical name of exception that occurred.
When using canonical exception type name, instrumentation SHOULD do the best effort to report the most relevant type. For example, if the original exception is wrapped into a generic one, the original exception SHOULD be preferred.
Instrumentations SHOULD document how `error.type` is populated.
@@ -95,17 +95,17 @@ Instrumentations SHOULD document how `error.type` is populated.
**[9] `db.collection.name`:** The query may target multiple indices or data streams, in which case it SHOULD be a comma separated list of those. If the query doesn't target a specific index, this field MUST NOT be set.
-**[10] `db.elasticsearch.node.name`:** When communicating with an Elastic Cloud deployment, this should be collected from the "X-Found-Handling-Instance" HTTP response header.
+**[10] `db.namespace`:** When communicating with an Elastic Cloud deployment, this should be collected from the "X-Found-Handling-Cluster" HTTP response header.
-**[11] `db.namespace`:** When communicating with an Elastic Cloud deployment, this should be collected from the "X-Found-Handling-Cluster" HTTP response header.
+**[11] `db.operation.batch.size`:** Operations are only considered batches when they contain two or more operations, and so `db.operation.batch.size` SHOULD never be `1`.
-**[12] `db.operation.batch.size`:** Operations are only considered batches when they contain two or more operations, and so `db.operation.batch.size` SHOULD never be `1`.
-**[13] `db.query.text`:** For sanitization see [Sanitization of `db.query.text`](../../docs/database/database-spans.md#sanitization-of-dbquerytext).
+**[12] `db.query.text`:** For sanitization see [Sanitization of `db.query.text`](../../docs/database/database-spans.md#sanitization-of-dbquerytext).
For batch operations, if the individual operations are known to have the same query text then that query text SHOULD be used, otherwise all of the individual query texts SHOULD be concatenated with separator `; ` or some other database system specific separator if more applicable.
Even though parameterized query text can potentially have sensitive data, by using a parameterized query the user is giving a strong signal that any sensitive data will be passed as parameter values, and the benefit to observability of capturing the static part of the query text by default outweighs the risk.
-**[14] `db.query.text`:** Should be collected by default for search-type queries and only if there is sanitization that excludes sensitive information.
+**[13] `db.query.text`:** Should be collected by default for search-type queries and only if there is sanitization that excludes sensitive information.
+**[14] `elasticsearch.node.name`:** When communicating with an Elastic Cloud deployment, this should be collected from the "X-Found-Handling-Instance" HTTP response header.
**[15] `server.address`:** When observed from the client side, and when communicating through an intermediary, `server.address` SHOULD represent the server address behind any intermediaries, for example proxies, if it's available.
diff --git a/docs/gen-ai/openai.md b/docs/gen-ai/openai.md
index 0584c16344..0087dc032a 100644
--- a/docs/gen-ai/openai.md
+++ b/docs/gen-ai/openai.md
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ for [Gen AI Spans](gen-ai-spans.md) and [Gen AI Metrics](gen-ai-metrics.md).
These attributes track input data and metadata for a request to an OpenAI model. The attributes include general Generative AI
attributes and ones specific the OpenAI.
@@ -39,12 +39,11 @@ attributes and ones specific the OpenAI.
| [`gen_ai.operation.name`](/docs/attributes-registry/gen-ai.md) | string | The name of the operation being performed. [1] | `chat`; `text_completion`; `embeddings` | `Required` |  |
| [`gen_ai.request.model`](/docs/attributes-registry/gen-ai.md) | string | The name of the GenAI model a request is being made to. [2] | `gpt-4` | `Required` |  |
| [`error.type`](/docs/attributes-registry/error.md) | string | Describes a class of error the operation ended with. [3] | `timeout`; `java.net.UnknownHostException`; `server_certificate_invalid`; `500` | `Conditionally Required` if the operation ended in an error |  |
-| [`gen_ai.openai.request.response_format`](/docs/attributes-registry/gen-ai.md) | string | The response format that is requested. | `json` | `Conditionally Required` if the request includes a response_format |  |
-| [`gen_ai.openai.request.seed`](/docs/attributes-registry/gen-ai.md) | int | Requests with same seed value more likely to return same result. | `100` | `Conditionally Required` if the request includes a seed |  |
-| [`gen_ai.openai.request.service_tier`](/docs/attributes-registry/gen-ai.md) | string | The service tier requested. May be a specific tier, default, or auto. | `auto`; `default` | `Conditionally Required` [4] |  |
-| [`gen_ai.openai.response.service_tier`](/docs/attributes-registry/gen-ai.md) | string | The service tier used for the response. | `scale`; `default` | `Conditionally Required` [5] |  |
+| [`openai.request.response_format`](/docs/attributes-registry/openai.md) | string | The response format that is requested. | `json` | `Conditionally Required` if the request includes a response_format |  |
+| [`openai.request.seed`](/docs/attributes-registry/openai.md) | int | Requests with same seed value more likely to return same result. | `100` | `Conditionally Required` if the request includes a seed |  |
+| [`openai.request.service_tier`](/docs/attributes-registry/openai.md) | string | The service tier requested. May be a specific tier, default, or auto. | `auto`; `default` | `Conditionally Required` [4] |  |
+| [`openai.response.service_tier`](/docs/attributes-registry/openai.md) | string | The service tier used for the response. | `scale`; `default` | `Conditionally Required` [5] |  |
| [`server.port`](/docs/attributes-registry/server.md) | int | GenAI server port. [6] | `80`; `8080`; `443` | `Conditionally Required` If `server.address` is set. |  |
-| [`gen_ai.openai.response.system_fingerprint`](/docs/attributes-registry/gen-ai.md) | string | A fingerprint to track any eventual change in the Generative AI environment. | `fp_44709d6fcb` | `Recommended` |  |
| [`gen_ai.request.encoding_formats`](/docs/attributes-registry/gen-ai.md) | string[] | The encoding formats requested in an embeddings operation, if specified. [7] | `["base64"]`; `["float", "binary"]` | `Recommended` |  |
| [`gen_ai.request.frequency_penalty`](/docs/attributes-registry/gen-ai.md) | double | The frequency penalty setting for the GenAI request. | `0.1` | `Recommended` |  |
| [`gen_ai.request.max_tokens`](/docs/attributes-registry/gen-ai.md) | int | The maximum number of tokens the model generates for a request. | `100` | `Recommended` |  |
@@ -57,6 +56,7 @@ attributes and ones specific the OpenAI.
| [`gen_ai.response.model`](/docs/attributes-registry/gen-ai.md) | string | The name of the model that generated the response. [8] | `gpt-4-0613` | `Recommended` |  |
| [`gen_ai.usage.input_tokens`](/docs/attributes-registry/gen-ai.md) | int | The number of tokens used in the prompt sent to OpenAI. | `100` | `Recommended` |  |
| [`gen_ai.usage.output_tokens`](/docs/attributes-registry/gen-ai.md) | int | The number of tokens used in the completions from OpenAI. | `180` | `Recommended` |  |
+| [`openai.response.system_fingerprint`](/docs/attributes-registry/openai.md) | string | A fingerprint to track any eventual change in the Generative AI environment. | `fp_44709d6fcb` | `Recommended` |  |
| [`server.address`](/docs/attributes-registry/server.md) | string | GenAI server address. [9] | `example.com`; ``; `/tmp/my.sock` | `Recommended` |  |
**[1] `gen_ai.operation.name`:** If one of the predefined values applies, but specific system uses a different name it's RECOMMENDED to document it in the semantic conventions for specific GenAI system and use system-specific name in the instrumentation. If a different name is not documented, instrumentation libraries SHOULD use applicable predefined value.
@@ -67,9 +67,9 @@ attributes and ones specific the OpenAI.
the canonical name of exception that occurred, or another low-cardinality error identifier.
Instrumentations SHOULD document the list of errors they report.
-**[4] `gen_ai.openai.request.service_tier`:** if the request includes a service_tier and the value is not 'auto'
+**[4] `openai.request.service_tier`:** if the request includes a service_tier and the value is not 'auto'
-**[5] `gen_ai.openai.response.service_tier`:** if the response was received and includes a service_tier
+**[5] `openai.response.service_tier`:** if the response was received and includes a service_tier
**[6] `server.port`:** When observed from the client side, and when communicating through an intermediary, `server.port` SHOULD represent the server port behind any intermediaries, for example proxies, if it's available.
@@ -89,32 +89,32 @@ Instrumentations SHOULD document the list of errors they report.
-`gen_ai.openai.request.response_format` has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used; otherwise, a custom value MAY be used.
+`gen_ai.operation.name` has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used; otherwise, a custom value MAY be used.
| Value | Description | Stability |
-| `json_object` | JSON object response format |  |
-| `json_schema` | JSON schema response format |  |
-| `text` | Text response format |  |
+| `chat` | Chat completion operation such as [OpenAI Chat API](https://platform.openai.com/docs/api-reference/chat) |  |
+| `embeddings` | Embeddings operation such as [OpenAI Create embeddings API](https://platform.openai.com/docs/api-reference/embeddings/create) |  |
+| `text_completion` | Text completions operation such as [OpenAI Completions API (Legacy)](https://platform.openai.com/docs/api-reference/completions) |  |
-`gen_ai.openai.request.service_tier` has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used; otherwise, a custom value MAY be used.
+`openai.request.response_format` has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used; otherwise, a custom value MAY be used.
| Value | Description | Stability |
-| `auto` | The system will utilize scale tier credits until they are exhausted. |  |
-| `default` | The system will utilize the default scale tier. |  |
+| `json_object` | JSON object response format |  |
+| `json_schema` | JSON schema response format |  |
+| `text` | Text response format |  |
-`gen_ai.operation.name` has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used; otherwise, a custom value MAY be used.
+`openai.request.service_tier` has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used; otherwise, a custom value MAY be used.
| Value | Description | Stability |
-| `chat` | Chat completion operation such as [OpenAI Chat API](https://platform.openai.com/docs/api-reference/chat) |  |
-| `embeddings` | Embeddings operation such as [OpenAI Create embeddings API](https://platform.openai.com/docs/api-reference/embeddings/create) |  |
-| `text_completion` | Text completions operation such as [OpenAI Completions API (Legacy)](https://platform.openai.com/docs/api-reference/completions) |  |
+| `auto` | The system will utilize scale tier credits until they are exhausted. |  |
+| `default` | The system will utilize the default scale tier. |  |
@@ -141,8 +141,8 @@ Additional attributes:
| Attribute | Type | Description | Examples | [Requirement Level](https://opentelemetry.io/docs/specs/semconv/general/attribute-requirement-level/) | Stability |
-| [`gen_ai.openai.response.service_tier`](/docs/attributes-registry/gen-ai.md) | string | The service tier used for the response. | `scale`; `default` | `Recommended` |  |
-| [`gen_ai.openai.response.system_fingerprint`](/docs/attributes-registry/gen-ai.md) | string | A fingerprint to track any eventual change in the Generative AI environment. | `fp_44709d6fcb` | `Recommended` |  |
+| [`openai.response.service_tier`](/docs/attributes-registry/openai.md) | string | The service tier used for the response. | `scale`; `default` | `Recommended` |  |
+| [`openai.response.system_fingerprint`](/docs/attributes-registry/openai.md) | string | A fingerprint to track any eventual change in the Generative AI environment. | `fp_44709d6fcb` | `Recommended` |  |
@@ -164,8 +164,8 @@ Additional attributes:
| Attribute | Type | Description | Examples | [Requirement Level](https://opentelemetry.io/docs/specs/semconv/general/attribute-requirement-level/) | Stability |
-| [`gen_ai.openai.response.service_tier`](/docs/attributes-registry/gen-ai.md) | string | The service tier used for the response. | `scale`; `default` | `Recommended` |  |
-| [`gen_ai.openai.response.system_fingerprint`](/docs/attributes-registry/gen-ai.md) | string | A fingerprint to track any eventual change in the Generative AI environment. | `fp_44709d6fcb` | `Recommended` |  |
+| [`openai.response.service_tier`](/docs/attributes-registry/openai.md) | string | The service tier used for the response. | `scale`; `default` | `Recommended` |  |
+| [`openai.response.system_fingerprint`](/docs/attributes-registry/openai.md) | string | A fingerprint to track any eventual change in the Generative AI environment. | `fp_44709d6fcb` | `Recommended` |  |
diff --git a/docs/messaging/azure-messaging.md b/docs/messaging/azure-messaging.md
index 2bae085ae8..4a60a81d82 100644
--- a/docs/messaging/azure-messaging.md
+++ b/docs/messaging/azure-messaging.md
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ The Semantic Conventions for [Azure Service Bus](https://learn.microsoft.com/azu
### Span attributes
The following additional attributes are defined:
@@ -58,13 +58,13 @@ The following additional attributes are defined:
| [`messaging.destination.name`](/docs/attributes-registry/messaging.md) | string | The message destination name [5] | `MyQueue`; `MyTopic` | `Conditionally Required` [6] |  |
| [`messaging.destination.subscription.name`](/docs/attributes-registry/messaging.md) | string | Azure Service Bus [subscription name](https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/service-bus-messaging/service-bus-queues-topics-subscriptions#topics-and-subscriptions). | `subscription-a` | `Conditionally Required` If messages are received from the subscription. |  |
| [`messaging.operation.type`](/docs/attributes-registry/messaging.md) | string | A string identifying the type of the messaging operation. [7] | `create`; `send`; `receive` | `Conditionally Required` If applicable. |  |
-| [`messaging.servicebus.disposition_status`](/docs/attributes-registry/messaging.md) | string | Describes the [settlement type](https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/service-bus-messaging/message-transfers-locks-settlement#peeklock). | `complete`; `abandon`; `dead_letter` | `Conditionally Required` if and only if `messaging.operation` is `settle`. |  |
-| [`messaging.servicebus.message.delivery_count`](/docs/attributes-registry/messaging.md) | int | Number of deliveries that have been attempted for this message. | `2` | `Conditionally Required` [8] |  |
-| [`server.address`](/docs/attributes-registry/server.md) | string | Server domain name if available without reverse DNS lookup; otherwise, IP address or Unix domain socket name. [9] | `example.com`; ``; `/tmp/my.sock` | `Conditionally Required` If available. |  |
+| [`server.address`](/docs/attributes-registry/server.md) | string | Server domain name if available without reverse DNS lookup; otherwise, IP address or Unix domain socket name. [8] | `example.com`; ``; `/tmp/my.sock` | `Conditionally Required` If available. |  |
+| [`servicebus.disposition_status`](/docs/attributes-registry/servicebus.md) | string | Describes the [settlement type](https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/service-bus-messaging/message-transfers-locks-settlement#peeklock). | `complete`; `abandon`; `dead_letter` | `Conditionally Required` if and only if `messaging.operation` is `settle`. |  |
+| [`servicebus.message.delivery_count`](/docs/attributes-registry/servicebus.md) | int | Number of deliveries that have been attempted for this message. | `2` | `Conditionally Required` [9] |  |
| [`messaging.message.conversation_id`](/docs/attributes-registry/messaging.md) | string | Message [correlation Id](https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/service-bus-messaging/service-bus-messages-payloads#message-routing-and-correlation) property. | `MyConversationId` | `Recommended` |  |
| [`messaging.message.id`](/docs/attributes-registry/messaging.md) | string | A value used by the messaging system as an identifier for the message, represented as a string. | `452a7c7c7c7048c2f887f61572b18fc2` | `Recommended` If span describes operation on a single message. |  |
-| [`messaging.servicebus.message.enqueued_time`](/docs/attributes-registry/messaging.md) | int | The UTC epoch seconds at which the message has been accepted and stored in the entity. | `1701393730` | `Recommended` |  |
| [`server.port`](/docs/attributes-registry/server.md) | int | Server port number. [10] | `80`; `8080`; `443` | `Recommended` |  |
+| [`servicebus.message.enqueued_time`](/docs/attributes-registry/servicebus.md) | int | The UTC epoch seconds at which the message has been accepted and stored in the entity. | `1701393730` | `Recommended` |  |
**[1] `messaging.operation.name`:** The operation name SHOULD match one of the following values:
@@ -108,9 +108,9 @@ the broker doesn't have such notion, the destination name SHOULD uniquely identi
**[7] `messaging.operation.type`:** If a custom value is used, it MUST be of low cardinality.
-**[8] `messaging.servicebus.message.delivery_count`:** If delivery count is available and is bigger than 0.
+**[8] `server.address`:** Server domain name of the broker if available without reverse DNS lookup; otherwise, IP address or Unix domain socket name.
-**[9] `server.address`:** Server domain name of the broker if available without reverse DNS lookup; otherwise, IP address or Unix domain socket name.
+**[9] `servicebus.message.delivery_count`:** If delivery count is available and is bigger than 0.
**[10] `server.port`:** When observed from the client side, and when communicating through an intermediary, `server.port` SHOULD represent the server port behind any intermediaries, for example proxies, if it's available.
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ and SHOULD be provided **at span creation time** (if provided at all):
-`messaging.servicebus.disposition_status` has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used; otherwise, a custom value MAY be used.
+`servicebus.disposition_status` has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used; otherwise, a custom value MAY be used.
| Value | Description | Stability |
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ and SHOULD be provided **at span creation time** (if provided at all):
### Span attributes
The following additional attributes are defined:
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ The following additional attributes are defined:
| [`messaging.destination.partition.id`](/docs/attributes-registry/messaging.md) | string | String representation of the partition id messages are sent to or received from, unique within the Event Hub. | `1` | `Conditionally Required` If available. |  |
| [`messaging.operation.type`](/docs/attributes-registry/messaging.md) | string | A string identifying the type of the messaging operation. [7] | `create`; `send`; `receive` | `Conditionally Required` If applicable. |  |
| [`server.address`](/docs/attributes-registry/server.md) | string | Server domain name if available without reverse DNS lookup; otherwise, IP address or Unix domain socket name. [8] | `example.com`; ``; `/tmp/my.sock` | `Conditionally Required` If available. |  |
-| [`messaging.eventhubs.message.enqueued_time`](/docs/attributes-registry/messaging.md) | int | The UTC epoch seconds at which the message has been accepted and stored in the entity. | `1701393730` | `Recommended` |  |
+| [`eventhubs.message.enqueued_time`](/docs/attributes-registry/eventhubs.md) | int | The UTC epoch seconds at which the message has been accepted and stored in the entity. | `1701393730` | `Recommended` |  |
| [`messaging.message.id`](/docs/attributes-registry/messaging.md) | string | A value used by the messaging system as an identifier for the message, represented as a string. | `452a7c7c7c7048c2f887f61572b18fc2` | `Recommended` If span describes operation on a single message. |  |
| [`server.port`](/docs/attributes-registry/server.md) | int | Server port number. [9] | `80`; `8080`; `443` | `Recommended` |  |
diff --git a/docs/messaging/gcp-pubsub.md b/docs/messaging/gcp-pubsub.md
index e372374e12..038c96e566 100644
--- a/docs/messaging/gcp-pubsub.md
+++ b/docs/messaging/gcp-pubsub.md
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ The Semantic Conventions for [Google Cloud Pub/Sub](https://cloud.google.com/pub
For Google Cloud Pub/Sub, the following additional attributes are defined:
@@ -53,15 +53,15 @@ For Google Cloud Pub/Sub, the following additional attributes are defined:
| [`messaging.operation.name`](/docs/attributes-registry/messaging.md) | string | The system-specific name of the messaging operation. [1] | `ack`; `nack`; `send` | `Required` |  |
| [`error.type`](/docs/attributes-registry/error.md) | string | Describes a class of error the operation ended with. [2] | `amqp:decode-error`; `KAFKA_STORAGE_ERROR`; `channel-error` | `Conditionally Required` If and only if the messaging operation has failed. |  |
+| [`gcp.pubsub.message.ordering_key`](/docs/attributes-registry/gcp.md) | string | The ordering key for a given message. If the attribute is not present, the message does not have an ordering key. | `ordering_key` | `Conditionally Required` If the message type has an ordering key set. |  |
| [`messaging.batch.message_count`](/docs/attributes-registry/messaging.md) | int | The number of messages sent, received, or processed in the scope of the batching operation. [3] | `0`; `1`; `2` | `Conditionally Required` [4] |  |
| [`messaging.destination.name`](/docs/attributes-registry/messaging.md) | string | The message destination name [5] | `MyQueue`; `MyTopic` | `Conditionally Required` [6] |  |
-| [`messaging.gcp_pubsub.message.ordering_key`](/docs/attributes-registry/messaging.md) | string | The ordering key for a given message. If the attribute is not present, the message does not have an ordering key. | `ordering_key` | `Conditionally Required` If the message type has an ordering key set. |  |
| [`messaging.operation.type`](/docs/attributes-registry/messaging.md) | string | A string identifying the type of the messaging operation. [7] | `create`; `send`; `receive` | `Conditionally Required` If applicable. |  |
| [`server.address`](/docs/attributes-registry/server.md) | string | Server domain name if available without reverse DNS lookup; otherwise, IP address or Unix domain socket name. [8] | `example.com`; ``; `/tmp/my.sock` | `Conditionally Required` If available. |  |
+| [`gcp.pubsub.message.ack_deadline`](/docs/attributes-registry/gcp.md) | int | The ack deadline in seconds set for the modify ack deadline request. | `10` | `Recommended` |  |
+| [`gcp.pubsub.message.ack_id`](/docs/attributes-registry/gcp.md) | string | The ack id for a given message. | `ack_id` | `Recommended` |  |
+| [`gcp.pubsub.message.delivery_attempt`](/docs/attributes-registry/gcp.md) | int | The delivery attempt for a given message. | `2` | `Recommended` |  |
| [`messaging.destination.subscription.name`](/docs/attributes-registry/messaging.md) | string | Google Pub/Sub [subscription name](https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs/subscription-overview). | `subscription-a` | `Recommended` |  |
-| [`messaging.gcp_pubsub.message.ack_deadline`](/docs/attributes-registry/messaging.md) | int | The ack deadline in seconds set for the modify ack deadline request. | `10` | `Recommended` |  |
-| [`messaging.gcp_pubsub.message.ack_id`](/docs/attributes-registry/messaging.md) | string | The ack id for a given message. | `ack_id` | `Recommended` |  |
-| [`messaging.gcp_pubsub.message.delivery_attempt`](/docs/attributes-registry/messaging.md) | int | The delivery attempt for a given message. | `2` | `Recommended` |  |
| [`messaging.message.id`](/docs/attributes-registry/messaging.md) | string | A value used by the messaging system as an identifier for the message, represented as a string. | `452a7c7c7c7048c2f887f61572b18fc2` | `Recommended` If span describes operation on a single message. |  |
| [`server.port`](/docs/attributes-registry/server.md) | int | Server port number. [9] | `80`; `8080`; `443` | `Recommended` |  |
diff --git a/docs/messaging/kafka.md b/docs/messaging/kafka.md
index cb45185042..d177fdcecd 100644
--- a/docs/messaging/kafka.md
+++ b/docs/messaging/kafka.md
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ The Semantic Conventions for [Apache Kafka](https://kafka.apache.org/) extend an
For Apache Kafka, the following additional attributes are defined:
@@ -61,16 +61,16 @@ For Apache Kafka, the following additional attributes are defined:
| [`messaging.operation.name`](/docs/attributes-registry/messaging.md) | string | The system-specific name of the messaging operation. | `ack`; `nack`; `send` | `Required` |  |
| [`error.type`](/docs/attributes-registry/error.md) | string | Describes a class of error the operation ended with. [1] | `amqp:decode-error`; `KAFKA_STORAGE_ERROR`; `channel-error` | `Conditionally Required` If and only if the messaging operation has failed. |  |
-| [`messaging.batch.message_count`](/docs/attributes-registry/messaging.md) | int | The number of messages sent, received, or processed in the scope of the batching operation. [2] | `0`; `1`; `2` | `Conditionally Required` [3] |  |
-| [`messaging.destination.name`](/docs/attributes-registry/messaging.md) | string | The message destination name [4] | `MyQueue`; `MyTopic` | `Conditionally Required` [5] |  |
-| [`messaging.kafka.message.tombstone`](/docs/attributes-registry/messaging.md) | boolean | A boolean that is true if the message is a tombstone. | | `Conditionally Required` [6] |  |
+| [`kafka.message.tombstone`](/docs/attributes-registry/kafka.md) | boolean | A boolean that is true if the message is a tombstone. | | `Conditionally Required` [2] |  |
+| [`messaging.batch.message_count`](/docs/attributes-registry/messaging.md) | int | The number of messages sent, received, or processed in the scope of the batching operation. [3] | `0`; `1`; `2` | `Conditionally Required` [4] |  |
+| [`messaging.destination.name`](/docs/attributes-registry/messaging.md) | string | The message destination name [5] | `MyQueue`; `MyTopic` | `Conditionally Required` [6] |  |
| [`messaging.operation.type`](/docs/attributes-registry/messaging.md) | string | A string identifying the type of the messaging operation. [7] | `create`; `send`; `receive` | `Conditionally Required` If applicable. |  |
| [`server.address`](/docs/attributes-registry/server.md) | string | Server domain name if available without reverse DNS lookup; otherwise, IP address or Unix domain socket name. [8] | `example.com`; ``; `/tmp/my.sock` | `Conditionally Required` If available. |  |
+| [`kafka.message.key`](/docs/attributes-registry/kafka.md) | string | Message keys in Kafka are used for grouping alike messages to ensure they're processed on the same partition. They differ from `messaging.message.id` in that they're not unique. If the key is `null`, the attribute MUST NOT be set. [9] | `myKey` | `Recommended` If span describes operation on a single message. |  |
+| [`kafka.offset`](/docs/attributes-registry/kafka.md) | int | The offset of a record in the corresponding Kafka partition. | `42` | `Recommended` If span describes operation on a single message. |  |
| [`messaging.client.id`](/docs/attributes-registry/messaging.md) | string | A unique identifier for the client that consumes or produces a message. | `client-5`; `myhost@8742@s8083jm` | `Recommended` |  |
| [`messaging.consumer.group.name`](/docs/attributes-registry/messaging.md) | string | Kafka [consumer group id](https://docs.confluent.io/platform/current/clients/consumer.html). | `my-group`; `indexer` | `Recommended` |  |
| [`messaging.destination.partition.id`](/docs/attributes-registry/messaging.md) | string | String representation of the partition id the message (or batch) is sent to or received from. | `1` | `Recommended` |  |
-| [`messaging.kafka.message.key`](/docs/attributes-registry/messaging.md) | string | Message keys in Kafka are used for grouping alike messages to ensure they're processed on the same partition. They differ from `messaging.message.id` in that they're not unique. If the key is `null`, the attribute MUST NOT be set. [9] | `myKey` | `Recommended` If span describes operation on a single message. |  |
-| [`messaging.kafka.offset`](/docs/attributes-registry/messaging.md) | int | The offset of a record in the corresponding Kafka partition. | `42` | `Recommended` If span describes operation on a single message. |  |
| [`messaging.message.id`](/docs/attributes-registry/messaging.md) | string | A value used by the messaging system as an identifier for the message, represented as a string. | `452a7c7c7c7048c2f887f61572b18fc2` | `Recommended` If span describes operation on a single message. |  |
| [`server.port`](/docs/attributes-registry/server.md) | int | Server port number. [10] | `80`; `8080`; `443` | `Recommended` |  |
| [`messaging.message.body.size`](/docs/attributes-registry/messaging.md) | int | The size of the message body in bytes. Only applicable for spans describing single message operations. [11] | `1439` | `Opt-In` |  |
@@ -95,22 +95,22 @@ it's RECOMMENDED to:
- Use a domain-specific attribute
- Set `error.type` to capture all errors, regardless of whether they are defined within the domain-specific set or not.
-**[2] `messaging.batch.message_count`:** Instrumentations SHOULD NOT set `messaging.batch.message_count` on spans that operate with a single message. When a messaging client library supports both batch and single-message API for the same operation, instrumentations SHOULD use `messaging.batch.message_count` for batching APIs and SHOULD NOT use it for single-message APIs.
+**[2] `kafka.message.tombstone`:** If value is `true`. When missing, the value is assumed to be `false`.
-**[3] `messaging.batch.message_count`:** If the span describes an operation on a batch of messages.
+**[3] `messaging.batch.message_count`:** Instrumentations SHOULD NOT set `messaging.batch.message_count` on spans that operate with a single message. When a messaging client library supports both batch and single-message API for the same operation, instrumentations SHOULD use `messaging.batch.message_count` for batching APIs and SHOULD NOT use it for single-message APIs.
-**[4] `messaging.destination.name`:** Destination name SHOULD uniquely identify a specific queue, topic or other entity within the broker. If
-the broker doesn't have such notion, the destination name SHOULD uniquely identify the broker.
+**[4] `messaging.batch.message_count`:** If the span describes an operation on a batch of messages.
-**[5] `messaging.destination.name`:** If span describes operation on a single message or if the value applies to all messages in the batch.
+**[5] `messaging.destination.name`:** Destination name SHOULD uniquely identify a specific queue, topic or other entity within the broker. If
+the broker doesn't have such notion, the destination name SHOULD uniquely identify the broker.
-**[6] `messaging.kafka.message.tombstone`:** If value is `true`. When missing, the value is assumed to be `false`.
+**[6] `messaging.destination.name`:** If span describes operation on a single message or if the value applies to all messages in the batch.
**[7] `messaging.operation.type`:** If a custom value is used, it MUST be of low cardinality.
**[8] `server.address`:** Server domain name of the broker if available without reverse DNS lookup; otherwise, IP address or Unix domain socket name.
-**[9] `messaging.kafka.message.key`:** If the key type is not string, it's string representation has to be supplied for the attribute. If the key has no unambiguous, canonical string form, don't include its value.
+**[9] `kafka.message.key`:** If the key type is not string, it's string representation has to be supplied for the attribute. If the key has no unambiguous, canonical string form, don't include its value.
**[10] `server.port`:** When observed from the client side, and when communicating through an intermediary, `server.port` SHOULD represent the server port behind any intermediaries, for example proxies, if it's available.
diff --git a/docs/messaging/rabbitmq.md b/docs/messaging/rabbitmq.md
index 2e00ee1954..8c3f770451 100644
--- a/docs/messaging/rabbitmq.md
+++ b/docs/messaging/rabbitmq.md
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ The Semantic Conventions for [RabbitMQ](https://www.rabbitmq.com/) extend and ov
In RabbitMQ, the destination is defined by an *exchange* and a *routing key*.
`messaging.destination.name` MUST be set to the name of the exchange. This will be an empty string if the default exchange is used.
@@ -56,8 +56,8 @@ In RabbitMQ, the destination is defined by an *exchange* and a *routing key*.
| [`error.type`](/docs/attributes-registry/error.md) | string | Describes a class of error the operation ended with. [1] | `amqp:decode-error`; `KAFKA_STORAGE_ERROR`; `channel-error` | `Conditionally Required` If and only if the messaging operation has failed. |  |
| [`messaging.destination.name`](/docs/attributes-registry/messaging.md) | string | The message destination name [2] | `MyQueue`; `MyTopic` | `Conditionally Required` [3] |  |
| [`messaging.operation.type`](/docs/attributes-registry/messaging.md) | string | A string identifying the type of the messaging operation. [4] | `create`; `send`; `receive` | `Conditionally Required` If applicable. |  |
-| [`messaging.rabbitmq.destination.routing_key`](/docs/attributes-registry/messaging.md) | string | RabbitMQ message routing key. | `myKey` | `Conditionally Required` If not empty. |  |
-| [`messaging.rabbitmq.message.delivery_tag`](/docs/attributes-registry/messaging.md) | int | RabbitMQ message delivery tag | `123` | `Conditionally Required` When available. |  |
+| [`rabbitmq.destination.routing_key`](/docs/attributes-registry/rabbitmq.md) | string | RabbitMQ message routing key. | `myKey` | `Conditionally Required` If not empty. |  |
+| [`rabbitmq.message.delivery_tag`](/docs/attributes-registry/rabbitmq.md) | int | RabbitMQ message delivery tag | `123` | `Conditionally Required` When available. |  |
| [`server.address`](/docs/attributes-registry/server.md) | string | Server domain name if available without reverse DNS lookup; otherwise, IP address or Unix domain socket name. [5] | `example.com`; ``; `/tmp/my.sock` | `Conditionally Required` If available. |  |
| [`messaging.message.conversation_id`](/docs/attributes-registry/messaging.md) | string | Message [correlation Id](https://www.rabbitmq.com/tutorials/tutorial-six-java#correlation-id) property. | `MyConversationId` | `Recommended` |  |
| [`messaging.message.id`](/docs/attributes-registry/messaging.md) | string | A value used by the messaging system as an identifier for the message, represented as a string. | `452a7c7c7c7048c2f887f61572b18fc2` | `Recommended` If span describes operation on a single message. |  |
diff --git a/docs/messaging/rocketmq.md b/docs/messaging/rocketmq.md
index e4380657af..4fedead86a 100644
--- a/docs/messaging/rocketmq.md
+++ b/docs/messaging/rocketmq.md
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ The Semantic Conventions for [Apache RocketMQ](https://rocketmq.apache.org/) ext
Specific attributes for Apache RocketMQ are defined below.
@@ -53,21 +53,21 @@ Specific attributes for Apache RocketMQ are defined below.
| [`messaging.consumer.group.name`](/docs/attributes-registry/messaging.md) | string | RocketMQ [consumer group name](https://rocketmq.apache.org/docs/domainModel/07consumergroup). | `my-group`; `indexer` | `Required` |  |
| [`messaging.operation.name`](/docs/attributes-registry/messaging.md) | string | The system-specific name of the messaging operation. | `ack`; `nack`; `send` | `Required` |  |
-| [`messaging.rocketmq.namespace`](/docs/attributes-registry/messaging.md) | string | Namespace of RocketMQ resources, resources in different namespaces are individual. | `myNamespace` | `Required` |  |
+| [`rocketmq.namespace`](/docs/attributes-registry/rocketmq.md) | string | Namespace of RocketMQ resources, resources in different namespaces are individual. | `myNamespace` | `Required` |  |
| [`error.type`](/docs/attributes-registry/error.md) | string | Describes a class of error the operation ended with. [1] | `amqp:decode-error`; `KAFKA_STORAGE_ERROR`; `channel-error` | `Conditionally Required` If and only if the messaging operation has failed. |  |
| [`messaging.batch.message_count`](/docs/attributes-registry/messaging.md) | int | The number of messages sent, received, or processed in the scope of the batching operation. [2] | `0`; `1`; `2` | `Conditionally Required` [3] |  |
| [`messaging.destination.name`](/docs/attributes-registry/messaging.md) | string | The message destination name [4] | `MyQueue`; `MyTopic` | `Conditionally Required` [5] |  |
| [`messaging.operation.type`](/docs/attributes-registry/messaging.md) | string | A string identifying the type of the messaging operation. [6] | `create`; `send`; `receive` | `Conditionally Required` If applicable. |  |
-| [`messaging.rocketmq.message.delay_time_level`](/docs/attributes-registry/messaging.md) | int | The delay time level for delay message, which determines the message delay time. | `3` | `Conditionally Required` [7] |  |
-| [`messaging.rocketmq.message.delivery_timestamp`](/docs/attributes-registry/messaging.md) | int | The timestamp in milliseconds that the delay message is expected to be delivered to consumer. | `1665987217045` | `Conditionally Required` [8] |  |
-| [`messaging.rocketmq.message.group`](/docs/attributes-registry/messaging.md) | string | It is essential for FIFO message. Messages that belong to the same message group are always processed one by one within the same consumer group. | `myMessageGroup` | `Conditionally Required` If the message type is FIFO. |  |
+| [`rocketmq.message.delay_time_level`](/docs/attributes-registry/rocketmq.md) | int | The delay time level for delay message, which determines the message delay time. | `3` | `Conditionally Required` [7] |  |
+| [`rocketmq.message.delivery_timestamp`](/docs/attributes-registry/rocketmq.md) | int | The timestamp in milliseconds that the delay message is expected to be delivered to consumer. | `1665987217045` | `Conditionally Required` [8] |  |
+| [`rocketmq.message.group`](/docs/attributes-registry/rocketmq.md) | string | It is essential for FIFO message. Messages that belong to the same message group are always processed one by one within the same consumer group. | `myMessageGroup` | `Conditionally Required` If the message type is FIFO. |  |
| [`server.address`](/docs/attributes-registry/server.md) | string | Server domain name if available without reverse DNS lookup; otherwise, IP address or Unix domain socket name. [9] | `example.com`; ``; `/tmp/my.sock` | `Conditionally Required` If available. |  |
| [`messaging.client.id`](/docs/attributes-registry/messaging.md) | string | A unique identifier for the client that consumes or produces a message. | `client-5`; `myhost@8742@s8083jm` | `Recommended` |  |
| [`messaging.message.id`](/docs/attributes-registry/messaging.md) | string | A value used by the messaging system as an identifier for the message, represented as a string. | `452a7c7c7c7048c2f887f61572b18fc2` | `Recommended` If span describes operation on a single message. |  |
-| [`messaging.rocketmq.consumption_model`](/docs/attributes-registry/messaging.md) | string | Model of message consumption. This only applies to consumer spans. | `clustering`; `broadcasting` | `Recommended` |  |
-| [`messaging.rocketmq.message.keys`](/docs/attributes-registry/messaging.md) | string[] | Key(s) of message, another way to mark message besides message id. | `["keyA", "keyB"]` | `Recommended` |  |
-| [`messaging.rocketmq.message.tag`](/docs/attributes-registry/messaging.md) | string | The secondary classifier of message besides topic. | `tagA` | `Recommended` |  |
-| [`messaging.rocketmq.message.type`](/docs/attributes-registry/messaging.md) | string | Type of message. | `normal`; `fifo`; `delay` | `Recommended` |  |
+| [`rocketmq.consumption_model`](/docs/attributes-registry/rocketmq.md) | string | Model of message consumption. This only applies to consumer spans. | `clustering`; `broadcasting` | `Recommended` |  |
+| [`rocketmq.message.keys`](/docs/attributes-registry/rocketmq.md) | string[] | Key(s) of message, another way to mark message besides message id. | `["keyA", "keyB"]` | `Recommended` |  |
+| [`rocketmq.message.tag`](/docs/attributes-registry/rocketmq.md) | string | The secondary classifier of message besides topic. | `tagA` | `Recommended` |  |
+| [`rocketmq.message.type`](/docs/attributes-registry/rocketmq.md) | string | Type of message. | `normal`; `fifo`; `delay` | `Recommended` |  |
| [`server.port`](/docs/attributes-registry/server.md) | int | Server port number. [10] | `80`; `8080`; `443` | `Recommended` |  |
| [`messaging.message.body.size`](/docs/attributes-registry/messaging.md) | int | The size of the message body in bytes. [11] | `1439` | `Opt-In` |  |
@@ -102,9 +102,9 @@ the broker doesn't have such notion, the destination name SHOULD uniquely identi
**[6] `messaging.operation.type`:** If a custom value is used, it MUST be of low cardinality.
-**[7] `messaging.rocketmq.message.delay_time_level`:** If the message type is delay and delivery timestamp is not specified.
+**[7] `rocketmq.message.delay_time_level`:** If the message type is delay and delivery timestamp is not specified.
-**[8] `messaging.rocketmq.message.delivery_timestamp`:** If the message type is delay and delay time level is not specified.
+**[8] `rocketmq.message.delivery_timestamp`:** If the message type is delay and delay time level is not specified.
**[9] `server.address`:** Server domain name of the broker if available without reverse DNS lookup; otherwise, IP address or Unix domain socket name.
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ and SHOULD be provided **at span creation time** (if provided at all):
-`messaging.rocketmq.consumption_model` has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used; otherwise, a custom value MAY be used.
+`rocketmq.consumption_model` has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used; otherwise, a custom value MAY be used.
| Value | Description | Stability |
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ and SHOULD be provided **at span creation time** (if provided at all):
-`messaging.rocketmq.message.type` has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used; otherwise, a custom value MAY be used.
+`rocketmq.message.type` has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used; otherwise, a custom value MAY be used.
| Value | Description | Stability |
diff --git a/docs/rpc/connect-rpc.md b/docs/rpc/connect-rpc.md
index 57e1f3bd0c..a35b49af81 100644
--- a/docs/rpc/connect-rpc.md
+++ b/docs/rpc/connect-rpc.md
@@ -25,19 +25,19 @@ Below is a table of attributes that SHOULD be included on client and server Conn
| Attribute | Type | Description | Examples | [Requirement Level](https://opentelemetry.io/docs/specs/semconv/general/attribute-requirement-level/) | Stability |
-| [`rpc.connect_rpc.error_code`](/docs/attributes-registry/rpc.md) | string | The [error codes](https://connect.build/docs/protocol/#error-codes) of the Connect request. Error codes are always string values. | `cancelled`; `unknown`; `invalid_argument` | `Conditionally Required` [1] |  |
-| [`rpc.connect_rpc.request.metadata.`](/docs/attributes-registry/rpc.md) | string[] | Connect request metadata, `` being the normalized Connect Metadata key (lowercase), the value being the metadata values. [2] | `rpc.request.metadata.my-custom-metadata-attribute=["", ""]` | `Opt-In` |  |
-| [`rpc.connect_rpc.response.metadata.`](/docs/attributes-registry/rpc.md) | string[] | Connect response metadata, `` being the normalized Connect Metadata key (lowercase), the value being the metadata values. [3] | `rpc.response.metadata.my-custom-metadata-attribute=["attribute_value"]` | `Opt-In` |  |
+| [`connect_rpc.error_code`](/docs/attributes-registry/connect-rpc.md) | string | The [error codes](https://connect.build/docs/protocol/#error-codes) of the Connect request. Error codes are always string values. | `cancelled`; `unknown`; `invalid_argument` | `Conditionally Required` [1] |  |
+| [`connect_rpc.request.metadata.`](/docs/attributes-registry/connect-rpc.md) | string[] | Connect request metadata, `` being the normalized Connect Metadata key (lowercase), the value being the metadata values. [2] | `rpc.request.metadata.my-custom-metadata-attribute=["", ""]` | `Opt-In` |  |
+| [`connect_rpc.response.metadata.`](/docs/attributes-registry/connect-rpc.md) | string[] | Connect response metadata, `` being the normalized Connect Metadata key (lowercase), the value being the metadata values. [3] | `rpc.response.metadata.my-custom-metadata-attribute=["attribute_value"]` | `Opt-In` |  |
-**[1] `rpc.connect_rpc.error_code`:** If response is not successful and if error code available.
+**[1] `connect_rpc.error_code`:** If response is not successful and if error code available.
-**[2] `rpc.connect_rpc.request.metadata`:** Instrumentations SHOULD require an explicit configuration of which metadata values are to be captured. Including all request metadata values can be a security risk - explicit configuration helps avoid leaking sensitive information.
+**[2] `connect_rpc.request.metadata`:** Instrumentations SHOULD require an explicit configuration of which metadata values are to be captured. Including all request metadata values can be a security risk - explicit configuration helps avoid leaking sensitive information.
-**[3] `rpc.connect_rpc.response.metadata`:** Instrumentations SHOULD require an explicit configuration of which metadata values are to be captured. Including all response metadata values can be a security risk - explicit configuration helps avoid leaking sensitive information.
+**[3] `connect_rpc.response.metadata`:** Instrumentations SHOULD require an explicit configuration of which metadata values are to be captured. Including all response metadata values can be a security risk - explicit configuration helps avoid leaking sensitive information.
-`rpc.connect_rpc.error_code` has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used; otherwise, a custom value MAY be used.
+`connect_rpc.error_code` has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used; otherwise, a custom value MAY be used.
| Value | Description | Stability |
diff --git a/docs/rpc/grpc.md b/docs/rpc/grpc.md
index 11fbc5807f..04d564afcc 100644
--- a/docs/rpc/grpc.md
+++ b/docs/rpc/grpc.md
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ described on this page.
Below is a table of attributes that SHOULD be included on client and server gRPC measurements.
@@ -25,17 +25,17 @@ Below is a table of attributes that SHOULD be included on client and server gRPC
| Attribute | Type | Description | Examples | [Requirement Level](https://opentelemetry.io/docs/specs/semconv/general/attribute-requirement-level/) | Stability |
-| [`rpc.grpc.status_code`](/docs/attributes-registry/rpc.md) | int | The [numeric status code](https://github.com/grpc/grpc/blob/v1.33.2/doc/statuscodes.md) of the gRPC request. | `0`; `1`; `2` | `Required` |  |
-| [`rpc.grpc.request.metadata.`](/docs/attributes-registry/rpc.md) | string[] | gRPC request metadata, `` being the normalized gRPC Metadata key (lowercase), the value being the metadata values. [1] | `rpc.grpc.request.metadata.my-custom-metadata-attribute=["", ""]` | `Opt-In` |  |
-| [`rpc.grpc.response.metadata.`](/docs/attributes-registry/rpc.md) | string[] | gRPC response metadata, `` being the normalized gRPC Metadata key (lowercase), the value being the metadata values. [2] | `rpc.grpc.response.metadata.my-custom-metadata-attribute=["attribute_value"]` | `Opt-In` |  |
+| [`grpc.status_code`](/docs/attributes-registry/grpc.md) | int | The [numeric status code](https://github.com/grpc/grpc/blob/v1.33.2/doc/statuscodes.md) of the gRPC request. | `0`; `1`; `2` | `Required` |  |
+| [`grpc.request.metadata.`](/docs/attributes-registry/grpc.md) | string[] | gRPC request metadata, `` being the normalized gRPC Metadata key (lowercase), the value being the metadata values. [1] | `grpc.request.metadata.my-custom-metadata-attribute=["", ""]` | `Opt-In` |  |
+| [`grpc.response.metadata.`](/docs/attributes-registry/grpc.md) | string[] | gRPC response metadata, `` being the normalized gRPC Metadata key (lowercase), the value being the metadata values. [2] | `grpc.response.metadata.my-custom-metadata-attribute=["attribute_value"]` | `Opt-In` |  |
-**[1] `rpc.grpc.request.metadata`:** Instrumentations SHOULD require an explicit configuration of which metadata values are to be captured. Including all request metadata values can be a security risk - explicit configuration helps avoid leaking sensitive information.
+**[1] `grpc.request.metadata`:** Instrumentations SHOULD require an explicit configuration of which metadata values are to be captured. Including all request metadata values can be a security risk - explicit configuration helps avoid leaking sensitive information.
-**[2] `rpc.grpc.response.metadata`:** Instrumentations SHOULD require an explicit configuration of which metadata values are to be captured. Including all response metadata values can be a security risk - explicit configuration helps avoid leaking sensitive information.
+**[2] `grpc.response.metadata`:** Instrumentations SHOULD require an explicit configuration of which metadata values are to be captured. Including all response metadata values can be a security risk - explicit configuration helps avoid leaking sensitive information.
-`rpc.grpc.status_code` has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used; otherwise, a custom value MAY be used.
+`grpc.status_code` has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used; otherwise, a custom value MAY be used.
| Value | Description | Stability |
diff --git a/docs/rpc/json-rpc.md b/docs/rpc/json-rpc.md
index 02ce236b64..30a8f21551 100644
--- a/docs/rpc/json-rpc.md
+++ b/docs/rpc/json-rpc.md
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ described on this page.
`rpc.system` MUST be set to `"jsonrpc"`.
@@ -24,10 +24,10 @@ described on this page.
| Attribute | Type | Description | Examples | [Requirement Level](https://opentelemetry.io/docs/specs/semconv/general/attribute-requirement-level/) | Stability |
| [`rpc.method`](/docs/attributes-registry/rpc.md) | string | The name of the (logical) method being called, must be equal to the $method part in the span name. [1] | `exampleMethod` | `Required` |  |
-| [`rpc.jsonrpc.error_code`](/docs/attributes-registry/rpc.md) | int | `error.code` property of response if it is an error response. | `-32700`; `100` | `Conditionally Required` If response is not successful. |  |
-| [`rpc.jsonrpc.version`](/docs/attributes-registry/rpc.md) | string | Protocol version as in `jsonrpc` property of request/response. Since JSON-RPC 1.0 doesn't specify this, the value can be omitted. | `2.0`; `1.0` | `Conditionally Required` If other than the default version (`1.0`) |  |
-| [`rpc.jsonrpc.error_message`](/docs/attributes-registry/rpc.md) | string | `error.message` property of response if it is an error response. | `Parse error`; `User already exists` | `Recommended` |  |
-| [`rpc.jsonrpc.request_id`](/docs/attributes-registry/rpc.md) | string | `id` property of request or response. Since protocol allows id to be int, string, `null` or missing (for notifications), value is expected to be cast to string for simplicity. Use empty string in case of `null` value. Omit entirely if this is a notification. | `10`; `request-7`; `` | `Recommended` |  |
+| [`jsonrpc.error_code`](/docs/attributes-registry/jsonrpc.md) | int | `error.code` property of response if it is an error response. | `-32700`; `100` | `Conditionally Required` If response is not successful. |  |
+| [`jsonrpc.version`](/docs/attributes-registry/jsonrpc.md) | string | Protocol version as in `jsonrpc` property of request/response. Since JSON-RPC 1.0 doesn't specify this, the value can be omitted. | `2.0`; `1.0` | `Conditionally Required` If other than the default version (`1.0`) |  |
+| [`jsonrpc.error_message`](/docs/attributes-registry/jsonrpc.md) | string | `error.message` property of response if it is an error response. | `Parse error`; `User already exists` | `Recommended` |  |
+| [`jsonrpc.request_id`](/docs/attributes-registry/jsonrpc.md) | string | `id` property of request or response. Since protocol allows id to be int, string, `null` or missing (for notifications), value is expected to be cast to string for simplicity. Use empty string in case of `null` value. Omit entirely if this is a notification. | `10`; `request-7`; `` | `Recommended` |  |
**[1] `rpc.method`:** This is always required for jsonrpc. See the note in the general RPC conventions for more information.
diff --git a/model/cassandra/registry.yaml b/model/cassandra/registry.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2dcebd7889
--- /dev/null
+++ b/model/cassandra/registry.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+ - id: registry.cassandra
+ type: attribute_group
+ display_name: Cassandra Attributes
+ brief: >
+ This group defines attributes for Cassandra.
+ attributes:
+ - id: cassandra.coordinator.dc
+ type: string
+ stability: experimental
+ brief: >
+ The data center of the coordinating node for a query.
+ examples: "us-west-2"
+ - id: cassandra.coordinator.id
+ type: string
+ stability: experimental
+ brief: >
+ The ID of the coordinating node for a query.
+ examples: "be13faa2-8574-4d71-926d-27f16cf8a7af"
+ - id: cassandra.consistency_level
+ brief: >
+ The consistency level of the query. Based on consistency values from [CQL](https://docs.datastax.com/en/cassandra-oss/3.0/cassandra/dml/dmlConfigConsistency.html).
+ type:
+ members:
+ - id: all
+ value: "all"
+ stability: experimental
+ - id: each_quorum
+ value: "each_quorum"
+ stability: experimental
+ - id: quorum
+ value: "quorum"
+ stability: experimental
+ - id: local_quorum
+ value: "local_quorum"
+ stability: experimental
+ - id: one
+ value: "one"
+ stability: experimental
+ - id: two
+ value: "two"
+ stability: experimental
+ - id: three
+ value: "three"
+ stability: experimental
+ - id: local_one
+ value: "local_one"
+ stability: experimental
+ - id: any
+ value: "any"
+ stability: experimental
+ - id: serial
+ value: "serial"
+ stability: experimental
+ - id: local_serial
+ value: "local_serial"
+ stability: experimental
+ stability: experimental
+ - id: cassandra.idempotence
+ type: boolean
+ stability: experimental
+ brief: >
+ Whether or not the query is idempotent.
+ - id: cassandra.page_size
+ type: int
+ stability: experimental
+ brief: >
+ The fetch size used for paging, i.e. how many rows will be returned at once.
+ examples: [5000]
+ - id: cassandra.speculative_execution_count
+ type: int
+ stability: experimental
+ brief: >
+ The number of times a query was speculatively executed. Not set or `0` if the query was not executed speculatively.
+ examples: [0, 2]
diff --git a/model/cassandra/spans.yaml b/model/cassandra/spans.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8d383a08b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/model/cassandra/spans.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+ - id: span.cassandra.client
+ type: span
+ span_kind: client
+ stability: experimental
+ extends: trace.db.common.query_and_collection
+ brief: >
+ Attributes for Cassandra
+ attributes:
+ - ref: db.namespace
+ sampling_relevant: true
+ brief: The keyspace associated with the session.
+ examples: ["mykeyspace"]
+ requirement_level:
+ conditionally_required: If available.
+ - ref: cassandra.page_size
+ - ref: cassandra.consistency_level
+ - ref: db.collection.name
+ brief: The name of the Cassandra table that the operation is acting upon.
+ - ref: cassandra.idempotence
+ - ref: cassandra.speculative_execution_count
+ - ref: cassandra.coordinator.id
+ - ref: cassandra.coordinator.dc
+ - ref: network.peer.address
+ brief: Peer address of the database node where the operation was performed.
+ requirement_level:
+ recommended
+ note: >
+ If a database operation involved multiple network calls (for example retries), the address of the last contacted node SHOULD be used.
+ - ref: network.peer.port
+ requirement_level:
+ recommended: if and only if `network.peer.address` is set.
+ - ref: db.response.status_code
+ brief: >
+ [Cassandra protocol error code](https://github.com/apache/cassandra/blob/cassandra-5.0/doc/native_protocol_v5.spec) represented as a string.
+ examples: ["102", "40020"]
diff --git a/model/connect-rpc/registry.yaml b/model/connect-rpc/registry.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..948d89a297
--- /dev/null
+++ b/model/connect-rpc/registry.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+ - id: registry.connect_rpc
+ type: attribute_group
+ display_name: Connect RPC Attributes
+ brief: 'This document defines attributes for Connect RPC.'
+ attributes:
+ - id: connect_rpc.error_code
+ type:
+ members:
+ - id: cancelled
+ value: cancelled
+ stability: experimental
+ - id: unknown
+ value: unknown
+ stability: experimental
+ - id: invalid_argument
+ value: invalid_argument
+ stability: experimental
+ - id: deadline_exceeded
+ value: deadline_exceeded
+ stability: experimental
+ - id: not_found
+ value: not_found
+ stability: experimental
+ - id: already_exists
+ value: already_exists
+ stability: experimental
+ - id: permission_denied
+ value: permission_denied
+ stability: experimental
+ - id: resource_exhausted
+ value: resource_exhausted
+ stability: experimental
+ - id: failed_precondition
+ value: failed_precondition
+ stability: experimental
+ - id: aborted
+ value: aborted
+ stability: experimental
+ - id: out_of_range
+ value: out_of_range
+ stability: experimental
+ - id: unimplemented
+ value: unimplemented
+ stability: experimental
+ - id: internal
+ value: internal
+ stability: experimental
+ - id: unavailable
+ value: unavailable
+ stability: experimental
+ - id: data_loss
+ value: data_loss
+ stability: experimental
+ - id: unauthenticated
+ value: unauthenticated
+ stability: experimental
+ stability: experimental
+ brief: "The [error codes](https://connect.build/docs/protocol/#error-codes) of the Connect request. Error codes are always string values."
+ - id: connect_rpc.request.metadata
+ type: template[string[]]
+ stability: experimental
+ brief: >
+ Connect request metadata, `` being the normalized Connect Metadata key (lowercase), the value being the metadata values.
+ note: >
+ Instrumentations SHOULD require an explicit configuration of which metadata values are to be captured.
+ Including all request metadata values can be a security risk - explicit configuration helps avoid leaking sensitive information.
+ examples: ['rpc.request.metadata.my-custom-metadata-attribute=["", ""]']
+ - id: connect_rpc.response.metadata
+ type: template[string[]]
+ stability: experimental
+ brief: >
+ Connect response metadata, `` being the normalized Connect Metadata key (lowercase), the value being the metadata values.
+ note: >
+ Instrumentations SHOULD require an explicit configuration of which metadata values are to be captured.
+ Including all response metadata values can be a security risk - explicit configuration helps avoid leaking sensitive information.
+ examples: ['rpc.response.metadata.my-custom-metadata-attribute=["attribute_value"]']
diff --git a/model/connect-rpc/spans.yaml b/model/connect-rpc/spans.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1400f57f17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/model/connect-rpc/spans.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ - id: span.rpc.connect_rpc
+ type: span
+ stability: experimental
+ extends: rpc
+ brief: 'Connect RPC spans.'
+ attributes:
+ - ref: connect_rpc.error_code
+ tag: connect_rpc-tech-specific
+ requirement_level:
+ conditionally_required: If response is not successful and if error code available.
+ - ref: connect_rpc.request.metadata
+ tag: connect_rpc-tech-specific
+ requirement_level: opt_in
+ - ref: connect_rpc.response.metadata
+ tag: connect_rpc-tech-specific
+ requirement_level: opt_in
diff --git a/model/cosmosdb/common.yaml b/model/cosmosdb/common.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4bb4660ec0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/model/cosmosdb/common.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ - id: attributes.cosmosdb.minimal
+ type: attribute_group
+ brief: 'Azure Cosmos DB Client attributes'
+ stability: experimental
+ extends: attributes.db.client.minimal
+ attributes:
+ # TODO: add db.system once https://github.com/open-telemetry/build-tools/issues/192 is possible
+ # - ref: db.system
+ # requirement_level:
+ # conditionally_required: if available
+ - ref: db.operation.name
+ requirement_level: # TODO (trask) simplify
+ conditionally_required: >
+ If readily available and if there is a single operation name that describes the
+ database call. The operation name MAY be parsed from the query text,
+ in which case it SHOULD be the single operation name found in the query.
+ - ref: db.collection.name
+ brief: Cosmos DB container name.
+ requirement_level:
+ conditionally_required: If available.
+ - ref: db.namespace
+ requirement_level:
+ conditionally_required: If available.
+ note: "" # overriding the base note
+ - ref: cosmosdb.sub_status_code
+ requirement_level:
+ conditionally_required: when response was received and contained sub-code.
+ - ref: cosmosdb.consistency_level
+ requirement_level:
+ conditionally_required: If available.
diff --git a/model/database/cosmosdb-metrics.yaml b/model/cosmosdb/metrics.yaml
similarity index 74%
rename from model/database/cosmosdb-metrics.yaml
rename to model/cosmosdb/metrics.yaml
index bd2a548eed..03c172b7d1 100644
--- a/model/database/cosmosdb-metrics.yaml
+++ b/model/cosmosdb/metrics.yaml
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
- - id: metric.db.client.cosmosdb.operation.request_charge
+ - id: metric.cosmosdb.client.operation.request_charge
type: metric
- metric_name: db.client.cosmosdb.operation.request_charge
+ metric_name: cosmosdb.client.operation.request_charge
brief: "[Request charge](https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/cosmos-db/request-units) consumed by the operation"
instrument: histogram
unit: "{request_unit}"
stability: experimental
- extends: attributes.db.cosmosdb.minimal
+ extends: attributes.cosmosdb.minimal
- - ref: db.cosmosdb.regions_contacted
+ - ref: cosmosdb.regions_contacted
recommended: If available
- - id: metric.db.client.cosmosdb.active_instance.count
+ - id: metric.cosmosdb.client.active_instance.count
type: metric
- metric_name: db.client.cosmosdb.active_instance.count
+ metric_name: cosmosdb.client.active_instance.count
brief: "Number of active client instances"
instrument: updowncounter
unit: "{instance}"
diff --git a/model/cosmosdb/registry.yaml b/model/cosmosdb/registry.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..94ba26c46d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/model/cosmosdb/registry.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+ - id: registry.cosmosdb
+ type: attribute_group
+ display_name: Azure Cosmos DB Attributes
+ stability: experimental
+ brief: >
+ This group defines attributes for Azure Cosmos DB.
+ attributes:
+ - id: cosmosdb.client_id
+ type: string
+ stability: experimental
+ brief: Unique Cosmos client instance id.
+ examples: "3ba4827d-4422-483f-b59f-85b74211c11d"
+ - id: cosmosdb.connection_mode
+ type:
+ members:
+ - id: gateway
+ value: "gateway"
+ brief: Gateway (HTTP) connection.
+ stability: experimental
+ - id: direct
+ value: "direct"
+ brief: Direct connection.
+ stability: experimental
+ stability: experimental
+ brief: Cosmos client connection mode.
+ - id: cosmosdb.request_charge
+ type: double
+ stability: experimental
+ brief: Request units consumed for the operation.
+ examples: [46.18, 1.0]
+ - id: cosmosdb.request_content_length
+ type: int
+ stability: experimental
+ brief: Request payload size in bytes.
+ - id: cosmosdb.sub_status_code
+ type: int
+ stability: experimental
+ brief: Cosmos DB sub status code.
+ examples: [1000, 1002]
+ - id: cosmosdb.consistency_level
+ type:
+ members:
+ - id: strong
+ value: "Strong"
+ stability: experimental
+ - id: bounded_staleness
+ value: "BoundedStaleness"
+ stability: experimental
+ - id: session
+ value: "Session"
+ stability: experimental
+ - id: eventual
+ value: "Eventual"
+ stability: experimental
+ - id: consistent_prefix
+ value: "ConsistentPrefix"
+ stability: experimental
+ stability: experimental
+ brief: Account or request [consistency level](https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/cosmos-db/consistency-levels).
+ examples: ["Eventual", "ConsistentPrefix", "BoundedStaleness", "Strong", "Session"]
+ - id: cosmosdb.regions_contacted
+ type: string[]
+ stability: experimental
+ brief: >
+ List of regions contacted during operation in the order that they were contacted. If there is more than one region listed,
+ it indicates that the operation was performed on multiple regions i.e. cross-regional call.
+ note: >
+ Region name matches the format of `displayName`
+ in [Azure Location API](https://learn.microsoft.com/rest/api/subscription/subscriptions/list-locations?view=rest-subscription-2021-10-01&tabs=HTTP#location)
+ examples:
+ - ["North Central US", "Australia East", "Australia Southeast"]
diff --git a/model/cosmosdb/spans.yaml b/model/cosmosdb/spans.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..57ea2eb88f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/model/cosmosdb/spans.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+ - id: span.cosmosdb.client
+ type: span
+ stability: experimental
+ span_kind: client
+ extends: trace.db.common.query_and_collection
+ brief: >
+ Attributes for Cosmos DB.
+ attributes:
+ - ref: cosmosdb.client_id
+ - ref: user_agent.original
+ brief: 'Full user-agent string is generated by Cosmos DB SDK'
+ note: >
+ The user-agent value is generated by SDK which is a combination of
+ `sdk_version` : Current version of SDK. e.g. 'cosmos-netstandard-sdk/3.23.0'
+ `direct_pkg_version` : Direct package version used by Cosmos DB SDK. e.g. '3.23.1'
+ `number_of_client_instances` : Number of cosmos client instances created by the application. e.g. '1'
+ `type_of_machine_architecture` : Machine architecture. e.g. 'X64'
+ `operating_system` : Operating System. e.g. 'Linux 5.4.0-1098-azure 104 18'
+ `runtime_framework` : Runtime Framework. e.g. '.NET Core 3.1.32'
+ `failover_information` : Generated key to determine if region failover enabled.
+ Format Reg-{D (Disabled discovery)}-S(application region)|L(List of preferred regions)|N(None, user did not configure it).
+ Default value is "NS".
+ examples: ['cosmos-netstandard-sdk/3.23.0\|3.23.1\|1\|X64\|Linux 5.4.0-1098-azure 104 18\|.NET Core 3.1.32\|S\|']
+ - ref: cosmosdb.connection_mode
+ requirement_level:
+ conditionally_required: if not `gateway` (the default value is assumed to be `gateway`).
+ - ref: db.collection.name
+ brief: >
+ Cosmos DB container name.
+ note: >
+ It is RECOMMENDED to capture the value as provided by the application without attempting to do any case normalization.
+ requirement_level:
+ conditionally_required: if available
+ - ref: cosmosdb.request_content_length
+ - ref: db.response.status_code
+ brief: >
+ Cosmos DB status code.
+ examples: ["200", "201"]
+ requirement_level:
+ conditionally_required: if response was received
+ - ref: db.response.returned_rows
+ brief: >
+ Cosmos DB row count in result set.
+ examples: [10, 20]
+ requirement_level:
+ conditionally_required: if response was received and returned any rows
+ - ref: cosmosdb.sub_status_code
+ requirement_level:
+ conditionally_required: when response was received and contained sub-code.
+ - ref: cosmosdb.request_charge
+ requirement_level:
+ conditionally_required: when available
+ - ref: db.namespace
+ sampling_relevant: true
+ requirement_level:
+ conditionally_required: If available.
+ note: "" # overriding the base note
+ - ref: az.namespace
+ note: >
+ When `az.namespace` attribute is populated, it MUST be set to `Microsoft.DocumentDB` for all
+ operations performed by Cosmos DB client.
+ examples: ["Microsoft.DocumentDB"]
+ - ref: db.operation.name
+ note: |
+ The `db.operation.name` has the following list of well-known values.
+ If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used.
+ Batch operations:
+ - `execute_batch`
+ Bulk operations:
+ - `execute_bulk` SHOULD be used on spans reported for methods like
+ [`executeBulkOperations`](https://javadoc.io/doc/com.azure/azure-cosmos/latest/com/azure/cosmos/CosmosAsyncContainer.html#executeBulkOperations)).
+ which represents a bulk execution of multiple operations.
+ - `bulk_{operation name}` (`bulk_create_item`, `bulk_upsert_item`, etc) SHOULD be used on spans describing individual operations (when they are reported)
+ within the bulk. This pattern SHOULD be used when instrumentation creates span per each operation, but operations are buffered and then performed in bulk.
+ For example, this applies when [`AllowBulkExecution`](https://learn.microsoft.com/dotnet/api/microsoft.azure.cosmos.cosmosclientoptions.allowbulkexecution)
+ property is configured on the `Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos` client.
+ Change feed operations:
+ - `query_change_feed`
+ Conflicts operations:
+ - `delete_conflict`
+ - `query_conflicts`
+ - `read_all_conflicts`
+ - `read_conflict`
+ Container operations:
+ - `create_container`
+ - `create_container_if_not_exists`
+ - `delete_container`
+ - `query_containers`
+ - `read_all_containers`
+ - `read_container`
+ - `read_container_throughput`
+ - `replace_container`
+ - `replace_container_throughput`
+ Database operations:
+ - `create_database`
+ - `create_database_if_not_exists`
+ - `delete_database`
+ - `query_databases`
+ - `read_all_databases`
+ - `read_database`
+ - `read_database_throughput`
+ - `replace_database_throughput`
+ Encryption key operations:
+ - `create_client_encryption_key`
+ - `query_client_encryption_keys`
+ - `read_all_client_encryption_keys`
+ - `read_client_encryption_key`
+ - `replace_client_encryption_key`
+ Item operations:
+ - `create_item`
+ - `delete_all_items_by_partition_key`
+ - `delete_item`
+ - `patch_item`
+ - `query_items`
+ - `read_all_items`
+ - `read_all_items_of_logical_partition`
+ - `read_many_items`
+ - `read_item`
+ - `replace_item`
+ - `upsert_item`
+ Permission operations:
+ - `create_permission`
+ - `delete_permission`
+ - `query_permissions`
+ - `read_all_permissions`
+ - `read_permission`
+ - `replace_permission`
+ - `upsert_permission`
+ Stored procedure operations:
+ - `create_stored_procedure`
+ - `delete_stored_procedure`
+ - `execute_stored_procedure`
+ - `query_stored_procedures`
+ - `read_all_stored_procedures`
+ - `read_stored_procedure`
+ - `replace_stored_procedure`
+ Trigger operations:
+ - `create_trigger`
+ - `delete_trigger`
+ - `query_triggers`
+ - `read_all_triggers`
+ - `read_trigger`
+ - `replace_trigger`
+ User operations:
+ - `create_user`
+ - `delete_user`
+ - `query_users`
+ - `read_all_users`
+ - `read_user`
+ - `replace_user`
+ - `upsert_user`
+ User-defined function operations:
+ - `create_user_defined_function`
+ - `delete_user_defined_function`
+ - `query_user_defined_functions`
+ - `read_all_user_defined_functions`
+ - `read_user_defined_function`
+ If none of them applies, it's RECOMMENDED to use language-agnostic representation of
+ client method name in snake_case. Instrumentations SHOULD document
+ additional values when introducing new operations.
+ examples: ['create_item', 'query_items', 'read_item']
+ - ref: server.port
+ requirement_level:
+ conditionally_required: If not default (443).
+ - ref: cosmosdb.consistency_level
+ requirement_level:
+ conditionally_required: If available.
+ - ref: cosmosdb.regions_contacted
+ requirement_level:
+ conditionally_required: If available.
diff --git a/model/database/common.yaml b/model/database/common.yaml
index 2e8fe7b188..a04058444a 100644
--- a/model/database/common.yaml
+++ b/model/database/common.yaml
@@ -26,37 +26,6 @@ groups:
Instrumentations SHOULD document how `error.type` is populated.
- - id: attributes.db.cosmosdb.minimal
- type: attribute_group
- brief: 'Azure Cosmos DB Client attributes'
- stability: experimental
- extends: attributes.db.client.minimal
- attributes:
- # TODO: add db.system once https://github.com/open-telemetry/build-tools/issues/192 is possible
- # - ref: db.system
- # requirement_level:
- # conditionally_required: if available
- - ref: db.operation.name
- requirement_level: # TODO (trask) simplify
- conditionally_required: >
- If readily available and if there is a single operation name that describes the
- database call. The operation name MAY be parsed from the query text,
- in which case it SHOULD be the single operation name found in the query.
- - ref: db.collection.name
- brief: Cosmos DB container name.
- requirement_level:
- conditionally_required: If available.
- - ref: db.namespace
- requirement_level:
- conditionally_required: If available.
- note: "" # overriding the base note
- - ref: db.cosmosdb.sub_status_code
- requirement_level:
- conditionally_required: when response was received and contained sub-code.
- - ref: db.cosmosdb.consistency_level
- requirement_level:
- conditionally_required: If available.
- id: attributes.db.client.with_query
extends: attributes.db.client.minimal
type: attribute_group
diff --git a/model/database/deprecated/registry-deprecated.yaml b/model/database/deprecated/registry-deprecated.yaml
index ce41bced8f..e47e111952 100644
--- a/model/database/deprecated/registry-deprecated.yaml
+++ b/model/database/deprecated/registry-deprecated.yaml
@@ -89,10 +89,10 @@ groups:
- id: db.instance.id
type: string
stability: experimental
- brief: 'Deprecated, no general replacement at this time. For Elasticsearch, use `db.elasticsearch.node.name` instead.'
- deprecated: 'Deprecated, no general replacement at this time. For Elasticsearch, use `db.elasticsearch.node.name` instead.'
+ brief: 'Deprecated, no general replacement at this time. For Elasticsearch, use `elasticsearch.node.name` instead.'
+ deprecated: 'Deprecated, no general replacement at this time. For Elasticsearch, use `elasticsearch.node.name` instead.'
examples: 'mysql-e26b99z.example.com'
- - id: db.elasticsearch.cluster.name
+ - id: elasticsearch.cluster.name
type: string
stability: experimental
deprecated: Replaced by `db.namespace`.
diff --git a/model/database/registry.yaml b/model/database/registry.yaml
index 77dc009f4c..874fbf1da6 100644
--- a/model/database/registry.yaml
+++ b/model/database/registry.yaml
@@ -384,175 +384,3 @@ groups:
Instrumentations that generate connection pool name following different patterns
SHOULD document it.
examples: ["myDataSource"]
- - id: registry.db.cassandra
- type: attribute_group
- display_name: Cassandra Attributes
- brief: >
- This group defines attributes for Cassandra.
- attributes:
- - id: db.cassandra.coordinator.dc
- type: string
- stability: experimental
- brief: >
- The data center of the coordinating node for a query.
- examples: "us-west-2"
- - id: db.cassandra.coordinator.id
- type: string
- stability: experimental
- brief: >
- The ID of the coordinating node for a query.
- examples: "be13faa2-8574-4d71-926d-27f16cf8a7af"
- - id: db.cassandra.consistency_level
- brief: >
- The consistency level of the query. Based on consistency values from [CQL](https://docs.datastax.com/en/cassandra-oss/3.0/cassandra/dml/dmlConfigConsistency.html).
- type:
- members:
- - id: all
- value: "all"
- stability: experimental
- - id: each_quorum
- value: "each_quorum"
- stability: experimental
- - id: quorum
- value: "quorum"
- stability: experimental
- - id: local_quorum
- value: "local_quorum"
- stability: experimental
- - id: one
- value: "one"
- stability: experimental
- - id: two
- value: "two"
- stability: experimental
- - id: three
- value: "three"
- stability: experimental
- - id: local_one
- value: "local_one"
- stability: experimental
- - id: any
- value: "any"
- stability: experimental
- - id: serial
- value: "serial"
- stability: experimental
- - id: local_serial
- value: "local_serial"
- stability: experimental
- stability: experimental
- - id: db.cassandra.idempotence
- type: boolean
- stability: experimental
- brief: >
- Whether or not the query is idempotent.
- - id: db.cassandra.page_size
- type: int
- stability: experimental
- brief: >
- The fetch size used for paging, i.e. how many rows will be returned at once.
- examples: [5000]
- - id: db.cassandra.speculative_execution_count
- type: int
- stability: experimental
- brief: >
- The number of times a query was speculatively executed. Not set or `0` if the query was not executed speculatively.
- examples: [0, 2]
- - id: registry.db.cosmosdb
- type: attribute_group
- display_name: Azure Cosmos DB Attributes
- stability: experimental
- brief: >
- This group defines attributes for Azure Cosmos DB.
- attributes:
- - id: db.cosmosdb.client_id
- type: string
- stability: experimental
- brief: Unique Cosmos client instance id.
- examples: "3ba4827d-4422-483f-b59f-85b74211c11d"
- - id: db.cosmosdb.connection_mode
- type:
- members:
- - id: gateway
- value: "gateway"
- brief: Gateway (HTTP) connection.
- stability: experimental
- - id: direct
- value: "direct"
- brief: Direct connection.
- stability: experimental
- stability: experimental
- brief: Cosmos client connection mode.
- - id: db.cosmosdb.request_charge
- type: double
- stability: experimental
- brief: Request units consumed for the operation.
- examples: [46.18, 1.0]
- - id: db.cosmosdb.request_content_length
- type: int
- stability: experimental
- brief: Request payload size in bytes.
- - id: db.cosmosdb.sub_status_code
- type: int
- stability: experimental
- brief: Cosmos DB sub status code.
- examples: [1000, 1002]
- - id: db.cosmosdb.consistency_level
- type:
- members:
- - id: strong
- value: "Strong"
- stability: experimental
- - id: bounded_staleness
- value: "BoundedStaleness"
- stability: experimental
- - id: session
- value: "Session"
- stability: experimental
- - id: eventual
- value: "Eventual"
- stability: experimental
- - id: consistent_prefix
- value: "ConsistentPrefix"
- stability: experimental
- stability: experimental
- brief: Account or request [consistency level](https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/cosmos-db/consistency-levels).
- examples: ["Eventual", "ConsistentPrefix", "BoundedStaleness", "Strong", "Session"]
- - id: db.cosmosdb.regions_contacted
- type: string[]
- stability: experimental
- brief: >
- List of regions contacted during operation in the order that they were contacted. If there is more than one region listed,
- it indicates that the operation was performed on multiple regions i.e. cross-regional call.
- note: >
- Region name matches the format of `displayName`
- in [Azure Location API](https://learn.microsoft.com/rest/api/subscription/subscriptions/list-locations?view=rest-subscription-2021-10-01&tabs=HTTP#location)
- examples:
- - ["North Central US", "Australia East", "Australia Southeast"]
- - id: registry.db.elasticsearch
- type: attribute_group
- display_name: Elasticsearch Attributes
- brief: >
- This group defines attributes for Elasticsearch.
- attributes:
- - id: db.elasticsearch.node.name
- type: string
- stability: experimental
- brief: >
- Represents the human-readable identifier of the node/instance to which a request was routed.
- examples: ["instance-0000000001"]
- - id: db.elasticsearch.path_parts
- type: template[string]
- stability: experimental
- brief: >
- A dynamic value in the url path.
- note: >
- Many Elasticsearch url paths allow dynamic values. These SHOULD be recorded in span attributes in the format
- `db.elasticsearch.path_parts.`, where `` is the url path part name. The implementation SHOULD
- reference the [elasticsearch schema](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/elastic/elasticsearch-specification/main/output/schema/schema.json)
- in order to map the path part values to their names.
- examples:
- [
- "db.elasticsearch.path_parts.index=test-index",
- "db.elasticsearch.path_parts.doc_id=123",
- ]
diff --git a/model/database/spans.yaml b/model/database/spans.yaml
index 476127d09c..db0147d730 100644
--- a/model/database/spans.yaml
+++ b/model/database/spans.yaml
@@ -240,41 +240,6 @@ groups:
represented as a string.
examples: ["1008", "3058"]
- - id: span.db.cassandra.client
- type: span
- span_kind: client
- stability: experimental
- extends: trace.db.common.query_and_collection
- brief: >
- Attributes for Cassandra
- attributes:
- - ref: db.namespace
- sampling_relevant: true
- brief: The keyspace associated with the session.
- examples: ["mykeyspace"]
- requirement_level:
- conditionally_required: If available.
- - ref: db.cassandra.page_size
- - ref: db.cassandra.consistency_level
- - ref: db.collection.name
- brief: The name of the Cassandra table that the operation is acting upon.
- - ref: db.cassandra.idempotence
- - ref: db.cassandra.speculative_execution_count
- - ref: db.cassandra.coordinator.id
- - ref: db.cassandra.coordinator.dc
- - ref: network.peer.address
- brief: Peer address of the database node where the operation was performed.
- requirement_level:
- recommended
- note: >
- If a database operation involved multiple network calls (for example retries), the address of the last contacted node SHOULD be used.
- - ref: network.peer.port
- requirement_level:
- recommended: if and only if `network.peer.address` is set.
- - ref: db.response.status_code
- brief: >
- [Cassandra protocol error code](https://github.com/apache/cassandra/blob/cassandra-5.0/doc/native_protocol_v5.spec) represented as a string.
- examples: ["102", "40020"]
- id: span.db.hbase.client
type: span
span_kind: client
@@ -438,62 +403,6 @@ groups:
conditionally_required: If the operation failed and error code is available.
examples: ["36", "11602"]
- - id: span.db.elasticsearch.client
- type: span
- stability: experimental
- span_kind: client
- extends: trace.db.common.minimal
- brief: >
- Attributes for Elasticsearch
- attributes:
- - ref: http.request.method
- sampling_relevant: true
- requirement_level: required
- - ref: db.operation.name
- requirement_level: required
- note: >
- The `db.operation.name` SHOULD match the endpoint identifier provided in the request
- (see the [Elasticsearch schema](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/elastic/elasticsearch-specification/main/output/schema/schema.json)).
- examples: [ 'search', 'ml.close_job', 'cat.aliases' ]
- - ref: url.full
- sampling_relevant: true
- requirement_level: required
- examples: [ 'https://localhost:9200/index/_search?q=user.id:kimchy' ]
- - ref: db.query.text
- sampling_relevant: true
- requirement_level:
- recommended: >
- Should be collected by default for search-type queries and only if there is sanitization that excludes
- sensitive information.
- brief: The request body for a [search-type query](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/search.html), as a json string.
- examples: [ '"{\"query\":{\"term\":{\"user.id\":\"kimchy\"}}}"' ]
- - ref: db.collection.name
- sampling_relevant: true
- requirement_level: recommended
- brief: The index or data stream against which the query is executed.
- note: >
- The query may target multiple indices or data streams, in which case it SHOULD be a comma separated list of those.
- If the query doesn't target a specific index, this field MUST NOT be set.
- examples: [ 'my_index', 'index1, index2' ]
- - ref: db.namespace
- sampling_relevant: true
- note: >
- When communicating with an Elastic Cloud deployment, this should be collected from the "X-Found-Handling-Cluster" HTTP response header.
- brief: The name of the Elasticsearch cluster which the client connects to.
- requirement_level: recommended
- - ref: db.elasticsearch.node.name
- note: >
- When communicating with an Elastic Cloud deployment, this should be collected from the "X-Found-Handling-Instance" HTTP response header.
- requirement_level: recommended
- - ref: db.elasticsearch.path_parts
- requirement_level:
- conditionally_required: when the url has dynamic values
- - ref: db.response.status_code
- brief: >
- The HTTP response code returned by the Elasticsearch cluster.
- examples: ["200", "201", "429"]
- requirement_level:
- conditionally_required: If response was received.
- id: span.db.sql.client
type: span
span_kind: client
@@ -569,201 +478,3 @@ groups:
examples: ["ORA-17027", "1052", "2201B"]
conditionally_required: If response has ended with warning or an error.
- - id: span.db.cosmosdb.client
- type: span
- stability: experimental
- span_kind: client
- extends: trace.db.common.query_and_collection
- brief: >
- Attributes for Cosmos DB.
- attributes:
- - ref: db.cosmosdb.client_id
- - ref: user_agent.original
- brief: 'Full user-agent string is generated by Cosmos DB SDK'
- note: >
- The user-agent value is generated by SDK which is a combination of
- `sdk_version` : Current version of SDK. e.g. 'cosmos-netstandard-sdk/3.23.0'
- `direct_pkg_version` : Direct package version used by Cosmos DB SDK. e.g. '3.23.1'
- `number_of_client_instances` : Number of cosmos client instances created by the application. e.g. '1'
- `type_of_machine_architecture` : Machine architecture. e.g. 'X64'
- `operating_system` : Operating System. e.g. 'Linux 5.4.0-1098-azure 104 18'
- `runtime_framework` : Runtime Framework. e.g. '.NET Core 3.1.32'
- `failover_information` : Generated key to determine if region failover enabled.
- Format Reg-{D (Disabled discovery)}-S(application region)|L(List of preferred regions)|N(None, user did not configure it).
- Default value is "NS".
- examples: ['cosmos-netstandard-sdk/3.23.0\|3.23.1\|1\|X64\|Linux 5.4.0-1098-azure 104 18\|.NET Core 3.1.32\|S\|']
- - ref: db.cosmosdb.connection_mode
- requirement_level:
- conditionally_required: if not `gateway` (the default value is assumed to be `gateway`).
- - ref: db.collection.name
- brief: >
- Cosmos DB container name.
- note: >
- It is RECOMMENDED to capture the value as provided by the application without attempting to do any case normalization.
- requirement_level:
- conditionally_required: if available
- - ref: db.cosmosdb.request_content_length
- - ref: db.response.status_code
- brief: >
- Cosmos DB status code.
- examples: ["200", "201"]
- requirement_level:
- conditionally_required: if response was received
- - ref: db.response.returned_rows
- brief: >
- Cosmos DB row count in result set.
- examples: [10, 20]
- requirement_level:
- conditionally_required: if response was received and returned any rows
- - ref: db.cosmosdb.sub_status_code
- requirement_level:
- conditionally_required: when response was received and contained sub-code.
- - ref: db.cosmosdb.request_charge
- requirement_level:
- conditionally_required: when available
- - ref: db.namespace
- sampling_relevant: true
- requirement_level:
- conditionally_required: If available.
- note: "" # overriding the base note
- - ref: az.namespace
- note: >
- When `az.namespace` attribute is populated, it MUST be set to `Microsoft.DocumentDB` for all
- operations performed by Cosmos DB client.
- examples: ["Microsoft.DocumentDB"]
- - ref: db.operation.name
- note: |
- The `db.operation.name` has the following list of well-known values.
- If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used.
- Batch operations:
- - `execute_batch`
- Bulk operations:
- - `execute_bulk` SHOULD be used on spans reported for methods like
- [`executeBulkOperations`](https://javadoc.io/doc/com.azure/azure-cosmos/latest/com/azure/cosmos/CosmosAsyncContainer.html#executeBulkOperations)).
- which represents a bulk execution of multiple operations.
- - `bulk_{operation name}` (`bulk_create_item`, `bulk_upsert_item`, etc) SHOULD be used on spans describing individual operations (when they are reported)
- within the bulk. This pattern SHOULD be used when instrumentation creates span per each operation, but operations are buffered and then performed in bulk.
- For example, this applies when [`AllowBulkExecution`](https://learn.microsoft.com/dotnet/api/microsoft.azure.cosmos.cosmosclientoptions.allowbulkexecution)
- property is configured on the `Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos` client.
- Change feed operations:
- - `query_change_feed`
- Conflicts operations:
- - `delete_conflict`
- - `query_conflicts`
- - `read_all_conflicts`
- - `read_conflict`
- Container operations:
- - `create_container`
- - `create_container_if_not_exists`
- - `delete_container`
- - `query_containers`
- - `read_all_containers`
- - `read_container`
- - `read_container_throughput`
- - `replace_container`
- - `replace_container_throughput`
- Database operations:
- - `create_database`
- - `create_database_if_not_exists`
- - `delete_database`
- - `query_databases`
- - `read_all_databases`
- - `read_database`
- - `read_database_throughput`
- - `replace_database_throughput`
- Encryption key operations:
- - `create_client_encryption_key`
- - `query_client_encryption_keys`
- - `read_all_client_encryption_keys`
- - `read_client_encryption_key`
- - `replace_client_encryption_key`
- Item operations:
- - `create_item`
- - `delete_all_items_by_partition_key`
- - `delete_item`
- - `patch_item`
- - `query_items`
- - `read_all_items`
- - `read_all_items_of_logical_partition`
- - `read_many_items`
- - `read_item`
- - `replace_item`
- - `upsert_item`
- Permission operations:
- - `create_permission`
- - `delete_permission`
- - `query_permissions`
- - `read_all_permissions`
- - `read_permission`
- - `replace_permission`
- - `upsert_permission`
- Stored procedure operations:
- - `create_stored_procedure`
- - `delete_stored_procedure`
- - `execute_stored_procedure`
- - `query_stored_procedures`
- - `read_all_stored_procedures`
- - `read_stored_procedure`
- - `replace_stored_procedure`
- Trigger operations:
- - `create_trigger`
- - `delete_trigger`
- - `query_triggers`
- - `read_all_triggers`
- - `read_trigger`
- - `replace_trigger`
- User operations:
- - `create_user`
- - `delete_user`
- - `query_users`
- - `read_all_users`
- - `read_user`
- - `replace_user`
- - `upsert_user`
- User-defined function operations:
- - `create_user_defined_function`
- - `delete_user_defined_function`
- - `query_user_defined_functions`
- - `read_all_user_defined_functions`
- - `read_user_defined_function`
- If none of them applies, it's RECOMMENDED to use language-agnostic representation of
- client method name in snake_case. Instrumentations SHOULD document
- additional values when introducing new operations.
- examples: ['create_item', 'query_items', 'read_item']
- - ref: server.port
- requirement_level:
- conditionally_required: If not default (443).
- - ref: db.cosmosdb.consistency_level
- requirement_level:
- conditionally_required: If available.
- - ref: db.cosmosdb.regions_contacted
- requirement_level:
- conditionally_required: If available.
diff --git a/model/elasticsearch/registry.yaml b/model/elasticsearch/registry.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..72186d3b36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/model/elasticsearch/registry.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+ - id: registry.elasticsearch
+ type: attribute_group
+ display_name: Elasticsearch Attributes
+ brief: >
+ This group defines attributes for Elasticsearch.
+ attributes:
+ - id: elasticsearch.node.name
+ type: string
+ stability: experimental
+ brief: >
+ Represents the human-readable identifier of the node/instance to which a request was routed.
+ examples: ["instance-0000000001"]
+ - id: elasticsearch.path_parts
+ type: template[string]
+ stability: experimental
+ brief: >
+ A dynamic value in the url path.
+ note: >
+ Many Elasticsearch url paths allow dynamic values. These SHOULD be recorded in span attributes in the format
+ `elasticsearch.path_parts.`, where `` is the url path part name. The implementation SHOULD
+ reference the [elasticsearch schema](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/elastic/elasticsearch-specification/main/output/schema/schema.json)
+ in order to map the path part values to their names.
+ examples:
+ [
+ "elasticsearch.path_parts.index=test-index",
+ "elasticsearch.path_parts.doc_id=123",
+ ]
diff --git a/model/elasticsearch/spans.yaml b/model/elasticsearch/spans.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5a942704f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/model/elasticsearch/spans.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+ - id: span.elasticsearch.client
+ type: span
+ stability: experimental
+ span_kind: client
+ extends: trace.db.common.minimal
+ brief: >
+ Attributes for Elasticsearch
+ attributes:
+ - ref: http.request.method
+ sampling_relevant: true
+ requirement_level: required
+ - ref: db.operation.name
+ requirement_level: required
+ note: >
+ The `db.operation.name` SHOULD match the endpoint identifier provided in the request
+ (see the [Elasticsearch schema](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/elastic/elasticsearch-specification/main/output/schema/schema.json)).
+ examples: [ 'search', 'ml.close_job', 'cat.aliases' ]
+ - ref: url.full
+ sampling_relevant: true
+ requirement_level: required
+ examples: [ 'https://localhost:9200/index/_search?q=user.id:kimchy' ]
+ - ref: db.query.text
+ sampling_relevant: true
+ requirement_level:
+ recommended: >
+ Should be collected by default for search-type queries and only if there is sanitization that excludes
+ sensitive information.
+ brief: The request body for a [search-type query](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/search.html), as a json string.
+ examples: [ '"{\"query\":{\"term\":{\"user.id\":\"kimchy\"}}}"' ]
+ - ref: db.collection.name
+ sampling_relevant: true
+ requirement_level: recommended
+ brief: The index or data stream against which the query is executed.
+ note: >
+ The query may target multiple indices or data streams, in which case it SHOULD be a comma separated list of those.
+ If the query doesn't target a specific index, this field MUST NOT be set.
+ examples: [ 'my_index', 'index1, index2' ]
+ - ref: db.namespace
+ sampling_relevant: true
+ note: >
+ When communicating with an Elastic Cloud deployment, this should be collected from the "X-Found-Handling-Cluster" HTTP response header.
+ brief: The name of the Elasticsearch cluster which the client connects to.
+ requirement_level: recommended
+ - ref: elasticsearch.node.name
+ note: >
+ When communicating with an Elastic Cloud deployment, this should be collected from the "X-Found-Handling-Instance" HTTP response header.
+ requirement_level: recommended
+ - ref: elasticsearch.path_parts
+ requirement_level:
+ conditionally_required: when the url has dynamic values
+ - ref: db.response.status_code
+ brief: >
+ The HTTP response code returned by the Elasticsearch cluster.
+ examples: ["200", "201", "429"]
+ requirement_level:
+ conditionally_required: If response was received.
diff --git a/model/eventhubs/registry.yaml b/model/eventhubs/registry.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..11a746f3ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/model/eventhubs/registry.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ - id: registry.eventhubs
+ type: attribute_group
+ display_name: Azure Event Hubs Attributes
+ brief: >
+ This group describes attributes specific to Azure Event Hubs.
+ attributes:
+ - id: eventhubs.message.enqueued_time
+ type: int
+ stability: experimental
+ brief: >
+ The UTC epoch seconds at which the message has been accepted and stored in the entity.
+ examples: 1701393730
diff --git a/model/eventhubs/spans.yaml b/model/eventhubs/spans.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..98a5cd5ef1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/model/eventhubs/spans.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ - id: span.eventhubs
+ type: attribute_group # this should be a span
+ stability: experimental
+ extends: attributes.messaging.trace.minimal
+ brief: >
+ Azure Event Hubs spans
+ attributes:
+ - ref: messaging.consumer.group.name
+ brief: "Azure Event Hubs [consumer group name](https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/event-hubs/event-hubs-features#consumer-groups)."
+ note: ""
+ requirement_level:
+ conditionally_required: On consumer spans.
+ sampling_relevant: true
+ - ref: messaging.destination.partition.id
+ brief: >
+ String representation of the partition id messages are sent to or received from, unique within the Event Hub.
+ requirement_level:
+ conditionally_required: If available.
+ sampling_relevant: true
+ - ref: eventhubs.message.enqueued_time
+ - ref: messaging.batch.message_count
+ requirement_level:
+ conditionally_required: If the span describes an operation on a batch of messages.
+ - ref: messaging.operation.name
+ brief: Azure Event Hubs operation name.
+ examples: ['send', 'receive', 'checkpoint']
+ note: |
+ The operation name SHOULD match one of the following values:
+ - `send`
+ - `receive`
+ - `process`
+ - `checkpoint`
+ - `get_partition_properties`
+ - `get_event_hub_properties`
+ If none of the above operation names apply, the attribute SHOULD be set
+ to the name of the client method in snake_case.
diff --git a/model/gcp/pubsub-registry.yaml b/model/gcp/pubsub-registry.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e3c62c06bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/model/gcp/pubsub-registry.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ - id: registry.gcp.pubsub
+ type: attribute_group
+ display_name: GCP Pub/Sub Attributes
+ brief: >
+ This group describes attributes specific to GCP Pub/Sub.
+ attributes:
+ - id: gcp.pubsub.message.ordering_key
+ type: string
+ stability: experimental
+ brief: >
+ The ordering key for a given message. If the attribute is not present, the message does not have an ordering key.
+ examples: 'ordering_key'
+ - id: gcp.pubsub.message.ack_id
+ type: string
+ stability: experimental
+ brief: >
+ The ack id for a given message.
+ examples: 'ack_id'
+ - id: gcp.pubsub.message.ack_deadline
+ type: int
+ stability: experimental
+ brief: >
+ The ack deadline in seconds set for the modify ack deadline request.
+ examples: 10
+ - id: gcp.pubsub.message.delivery_attempt
+ type: int
+ stability: experimental
+ brief: >
+ The delivery attempt for a given message.
+ examples: 2
diff --git a/model/gcp/pubsub-spans.yaml b/model/gcp/pubsub-spans.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..96a85f325d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/model/gcp/pubsub-spans.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ - id: span.gcp.pubsub
+ type: attribute_group # TODO: this should be a span
+ stability: experimental
+ extends: attributes.messaging.trace.minimal
+ brief: >
+ Google Cloud Pub/Sub spans
+ attributes:
+ - ref: messaging.destination.subscription.name
+ brief: "Google Pub/Sub [subscription name](https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs/subscription-overview)."
+ note: ""
+ sampling_relevant: true
+ - ref: gcp.pubsub.message.ordering_key
+ requirement_level:
+ conditionally_required: If the message type has an ordering key set.
+ - ref: gcp.pubsub.message.delivery_attempt
+ - ref: gcp.pubsub.message.ack_deadline
+ - ref: gcp.pubsub.message.ack_id
+ - ref: messaging.batch.message_count
+ requirement_level:
+ conditionally_required: If the span describes an operation on a batch of messages.
+ - ref: messaging.operation.name
+ note: |
+ The `messaging.operation.name` has the following list of well-known values in the context of Google Pub/Sub.
+ If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used; otherwise, a custom value MAY be used.
+ - `ack` and `nack` for settlement operations
+ - `send` for publishing operations
+ - `modack` for extending the lease for a single message or batch of messages
+ - `subscribe` for operations that represent the time from after the message was received to when the message is acknowledged, negatively acknowledged, or expired.
+ - `create` and `receive` for [common messaging operations](/docs/messaging/messaging-spans.md#operation-types)
diff --git a/model/gen-ai/metrics.yaml b/model/gen-ai/metrics.yaml
index e1a7254037..3a82db0698 100644
--- a/model/gen-ai/metrics.yaml
+++ b/model/gen-ai/metrics.yaml
@@ -35,9 +35,9 @@ groups:
type: attribute_group
brief: 'This group describes GenAI server metrics attributes'
- - ref: gen_ai.openai.response.service_tier
+ - ref: openai.response.service_tier
requirement_level: recommended
- - ref: gen_ai.openai.response.system_fingerprint
+ - ref: openai.response.system_fingerprint
requirement_level: recommended
- id: metric.gen_ai.client.token.usage
type: metric
diff --git a/model/gen-ai/registry.yaml b/model/gen-ai/registry.yaml
index 918b0a2f21..67bf0dd70e 100644
--- a/model/gen-ai/registry.yaml
+++ b/model/gen-ai/registry.yaml
@@ -162,56 +162,3 @@ groups:
If one of the predefined values applies, but specific system uses a different name it's RECOMMENDED to document it in the semantic
conventions for specific GenAI system and use system-specific name in the instrumentation.
If a different name is not documented, instrumentation libraries SHOULD use applicable predefined value.
- - id: registry.gen_ai.openai
- type: attribute_group
- display_name: OpenAI Attributes
- brief: >
- Thie group defines attributes for OpenAI.
- attributes:
- - id: gen_ai.openai.request.seed
- stability: experimental
- type: int
- brief: Requests with same seed value more likely to return same result.
- examples: [100]
- - id: gen_ai.openai.request.response_format
- stability: experimental
- type:
- members:
- - id: text
- value: "text"
- brief: 'Text response format'
- stability: experimental
- - id: json_object
- value: "json_object"
- brief: 'JSON object response format'
- stability: experimental
- - id: json_schema
- value: "json_schema"
- brief: 'JSON schema response format'
- stability: experimental
- brief: The response format that is requested.
- examples: ['json']
- - id: gen_ai.openai.request.service_tier
- stability: experimental
- type:
- members:
- - id: auto
- value: "auto"
- brief: The system will utilize scale tier credits until they are exhausted.
- stability: experimental
- - id: default
- value: "default"
- brief: The system will utilize the default scale tier.
- stability: experimental
- brief: The service tier requested. May be a specific tier, default, or auto.
- examples: ['auto', 'default']
- - id: gen_ai.openai.response.service_tier
- stability: experimental
- type: string
- brief: The service tier used for the response.
- examples: ['scale', 'default']
- - id: gen_ai.openai.response.system_fingerprint
- stability: experimental
- type: string
- brief: A fingerprint to track any eventual change in the Generative AI environment.
- examples: ["fp_44709d6fcb"]
diff --git a/model/gen-ai/spans.yaml b/model/gen-ai/spans.yaml
index e6a3c743be..dc8fead60a 100644
--- a/model/gen-ai/spans.yaml
+++ b/model/gen-ai/spans.yaml
@@ -73,34 +73,6 @@ groups:
- gen_ai.content.prompt
- gen_ai.content.completion
- - id: span.gen_ai.openai.client
- extends: trace.gen_ai.client.common_attributes
- stability: experimental
- span_kind: client
- brief: >
- Describes an OpenAI operation span.
- attributes:
- - ref: gen_ai.request.model
- requirement_level: required
- - ref: gen_ai.openai.request.seed
- requirement_level:
- conditionally_required: if the request includes a seed
- - ref: gen_ai.openai.request.response_format
- requirement_level:
- conditionally_required: if the request includes a response_format
- - ref: gen_ai.openai.request.service_tier
- requirement_level:
- conditionally_required: if the request includes a service_tier and the value is not 'auto'
- - ref: gen_ai.openai.response.service_tier
- requirement_level:
- conditionally_required: if the response was received and includes a service_tier
- - ref: gen_ai.openai.response.system_fingerprint
- requirement_level: recommended
- - ref: gen_ai.usage.input_tokens
- brief: The number of tokens used in the prompt sent to OpenAI.
- - ref: gen_ai.usage.output_tokens
- brief: The number of tokens used in the completions from OpenAI.
- id: trace.gen_ai.az.ai.inference.client
extends: trace.gen_ai.client.common_attributes
stability: experimental
diff --git a/model/grpc/registry.yaml b/model/grpc/registry.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9857f2820f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/model/grpc/registry.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+ - id: registry.grpc
+ type: attribute_group
+ display_name: gRPC Attributes
+ brief: 'This document defines attributes for gRPC.'
+ attributes:
+ - id: grpc.status_code
+ type:
+ members:
+ - id: ok
+ brief: OK
+ stability: experimental
+ value: 0
+ - id: cancelled
+ brief: CANCELLED
+ stability: experimental
+ value: 1
+ - id: unknown
+ brief: UNKNOWN
+ stability: experimental
+ value: 2
+ - id: invalid_argument
+ stability: experimental
+ value: 3
+ - id: deadline_exceeded
+ stability: experimental
+ value: 4
+ - id: not_found
+ brief: NOT_FOUND
+ stability: experimental
+ value: 5
+ - id: already_exists
+ stability: experimental
+ value: 6
+ - id: permission_denied
+ stability: experimental
+ value: 7
+ - id: resource_exhausted
+ stability: experimental
+ value: 8
+ - id: failed_precondition
+ stability: experimental
+ value: 9
+ - id: aborted
+ brief: ABORTED
+ stability: experimental
+ value: 10
+ - id: out_of_range
+ brief: OUT_OF_RANGE
+ stability: experimental
+ value: 11
+ - id: unimplemented
+ stability: experimental
+ value: 12
+ - id: internal
+ brief: INTERNAL
+ stability: experimental
+ value: 13
+ - id: unavailable
+ stability: experimental
+ value: 14
+ - id: data_loss
+ brief: DATA_LOSS
+ stability: experimental
+ value: 15
+ - id: unauthenticated
+ stability: experimental
+ value: 16
+ stability: experimental
+ brief: "The [numeric status code](https://github.com/grpc/grpc/blob/v1.33.2/doc/statuscodes.md) of the gRPC request."
+ - id: grpc.request.metadata
+ type: template[string[]]
+ stability: experimental
+ brief: >
+ gRPC request metadata, `` being the normalized gRPC Metadata key (lowercase), the value being the metadata values.
+ note: >
+ Instrumentations SHOULD require an explicit configuration of which metadata values are to be captured.
+ Including all request metadata values can be a security risk - explicit configuration helps avoid leaking sensitive information.
+ examples: ['grpc.request.metadata.my-custom-metadata-attribute=["", ""]']
+ - id: grpc.response.metadata
+ type: template[string[]]
+ stability: experimental
+ brief: >
+ gRPC response metadata, `` being the normalized gRPC Metadata key (lowercase), the value being the metadata values.
+ note: >
+ Instrumentations SHOULD require an explicit configuration of which metadata values are to be captured.
+ Including all response metadata values can be a security risk - explicit configuration helps avoid leaking sensitive information.
+ examples: ['grpc.response.metadata.my-custom-metadata-attribute=["attribute_value"]']
diff --git a/model/grpc/spans.yaml b/model/grpc/spans.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ad662378ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/model/grpc/spans.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ - id: span.grpc
+ type: span
+ stability: experimental
+ extends: rpc
+ brief: 'Tech-specific attributes for gRPC.'
+ attributes:
+ - ref: grpc.status_code
+ tag: grpc-tech-specific
+ requirement_level: required
+ - ref: grpc.request.metadata
+ tag: grpc-tech-specific
+ requirement_level: opt_in
+ - ref: grpc.response.metadata
+ tag: grpc-tech-specific
+ requirement_level: opt_in
diff --git a/model/jsonrpc/registry.yaml b/model/jsonrpc/registry.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5d84ddfcdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/model/jsonrpc/registry.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ - id: registry.jsonrpc
+ type: attribute_group
+ display_name: JSON-RPC Attributes
+ brief: 'This document defines attributes for JSON-RPC.'
+ attributes:
+ - id: jsonrpc.error_code
+ type: int
+ stability: experimental
+ brief: "`error.code` property of response if it is an error response."
+ examples: [-32700, 100]
+ - id: jsonrpc.error_message
+ type: string
+ stability: experimental
+ brief: "`error.message` property of response if it is an error response."
+ examples: ['Parse error', 'User already exists']
+ - id: jsonrpc.request_id
+ type: string
+ stability: experimental
+ brief: >
+ `id` property of request or response.
+ Since protocol allows id to be int, string, `null` or missing (for notifications),
+ value is expected to be cast to string for simplicity.
+ Use empty string in case of `null` value. Omit entirely if this is a notification.
+ examples: ['10', 'request-7', '']
+ - id: jsonrpc.version
+ type: string
+ stability: experimental
+ brief: "Protocol version as in `jsonrpc` property of request/response. Since JSON-RPC 1.0 doesn't specify this, the value can be omitted."
+ examples: ['2.0', '1.0']
diff --git a/model/jsonrpc/spans.yaml b/model/jsonrpc/spans.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eef05b01b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/model/jsonrpc/spans.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ - id: span.jsonrpc
+ type: span
+ stability: experimental
+ extends: rpc
+ brief: '[JSON RPC](https://www.jsonrpc.org/) spans.'
+ attributes:
+ - ref: jsonrpc.version
+ tag: jsonrpc-tech-specific
+ requirement_level:
+ conditionally_required: If other than the default version (`1.0`)
+ - ref: jsonrpc.request_id
+ tag: jsonrpc-tech-specific
+ requirement_level: recommended
+ - ref: jsonrpc.error_code
+ tag: jsonrpc-tech-specific
+ requirement_level:
+ conditionally_required: If response is not successful.
+ - ref: jsonrpc.error_message
+ tag: jsonrpc-tech-specific
+ requirement_level: recommended
+ - ref: rpc.method
+ tag: jsonrpc-tech-specific
+ requirement_level: required
+ note: >
+ This is always required for jsonrpc. See the note in the general
+ RPC conventions for more information.
diff --git a/model/kafka/registry.yaml b/model/kafka/registry.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2558bf4434
--- /dev/null
+++ b/model/kafka/registry.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+ - id: registry.kafka
+ type: attribute_group
+ display_name: Kafka Attributes
+ brief: >
+ This group describes attributes specific to Apache Kafka.
+ attributes:
+ - id: kafka.message.key
+ type: string
+ stability: experimental
+ brief: >
+ Message keys in Kafka are used for grouping alike messages to ensure they're processed on the same partition.
+ They differ from `messaging.message.id` in that they're not unique.
+ If the key is `null`, the attribute MUST NOT be set.
+ note: >
+ If the key type is not string, it's string representation has to be supplied for the attribute.
+ If the key has no unambiguous, canonical string form, don't include its value.
+ examples: 'myKey'
+ - id: kafka.offset
+ type: int
+ stability: experimental
+ brief: >
+ The offset of a record in the corresponding Kafka partition.
+ examples: 42
+ - id: kafka.message.tombstone
+ type: boolean
+ stability: experimental
+ brief: 'A boolean that is true if the message is a tombstone.'
diff --git a/model/kafka/spans.yaml b/model/kafka/spans.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fb8a84636c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/model/kafka/spans.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ - id: span.kafka
+ type: attribute_group # TODO: this should be a span
+ stability: experimental
+ extends: attributes.messaging.trace.minimal
+ brief: >
+ Apache Kafka spans
+ attributes:
+ - ref: messaging.consumer.group.name
+ brief: "Kafka [consumer group id](https://docs.confluent.io/platform/current/clients/consumer.html)."
+ note: ""
+ sampling_relevant: true
+ - ref: messaging.destination.partition.id
+ brief: >
+ String representation of the partition id the message (or batch) is sent to or received from.
+ requirement_level: recommended
+ sampling_relevant: true
+ - ref: kafka.message.key
+ requirement_level:
+ recommended: If span describes operation on a single message.
+ - ref: kafka.offset
+ requirement_level:
+ recommended: If span describes operation on a single message.
+ - ref: kafka.message.tombstone
+ requirement_level:
+ conditionally_required: If value is `true`. When missing, the value is assumed to be `false`.
+ - ref: messaging.batch.message_count
+ requirement_level:
+ conditionally_required: If the span describes an operation on a batch of messages.
+ - ref: messaging.client.id
+ - ref: messaging.message.body.size
+ requirement_level: opt_in
+ brief: The size of the message body in bytes. Only applicable for spans describing single message operations.
diff --git a/model/messaging/registry.yaml b/model/messaging/registry.yaml
index 74f0471838..ab0fda051a 100644
--- a/model/messaging/registry.yaml
+++ b/model/messaging/registry.yaml
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ groups:
value: 'servicebus'
brief: 'Azure Service Bus'
stability: experimental
- - id: gcp_pubsub
+ - id: gcp.pubsub
value: 'gcp_pubsub'
brief: 'Google Cloud Pub/Sub'
stability: experimental
@@ -205,209 +205,3 @@ groups:
brief: 'Apache Pulsar'
stability: experimental
stability: experimental
- - id: registry.messaging.kafka
- type: attribute_group
- display_name: Kafka Attributes
- brief: >
- This group describes attributes specific to Apache Kafka.
- attributes:
- - id: messaging.kafka.message.key
- type: string
- stability: experimental
- brief: >
- Message keys in Kafka are used for grouping alike messages to ensure they're processed on the same partition.
- They differ from `messaging.message.id` in that they're not unique.
- If the key is `null`, the attribute MUST NOT be set.
- note: >
- If the key type is not string, it's string representation has to be supplied for the attribute.
- If the key has no unambiguous, canonical string form, don't include its value.
- examples: 'myKey'
- - id: messaging.kafka.offset
- type: int
- stability: experimental
- brief: >
- The offset of a record in the corresponding Kafka partition.
- examples: 42
- - id: messaging.kafka.message.tombstone
- type: boolean
- stability: experimental
- brief: 'A boolean that is true if the message is a tombstone.'
- - id: registry.messaging.rabbitmq
- type: attribute_group
- display_name: RabbitMQ Attributes
- brief: >
- This group describes attributes specific to RabbitMQ.
- attributes:
- - id: messaging.rabbitmq.destination.routing_key
- type: string
- stability: experimental
- brief: >
- RabbitMQ message routing key.
- examples: 'myKey'
- - id: messaging.rabbitmq.message.delivery_tag
- type: int
- stability: experimental
- brief: >
- RabbitMQ message delivery tag
- examples: 123
- - id: registry.messaging.rocketmq
- type: attribute_group
- display_name: RocketMQ Attributes
- brief: >
- This group describes attributes specific to RocketMQ.
- attributes:
- - id: messaging.rocketmq.consumption_model
- type:
- members:
- - id: clustering
- value: 'clustering'
- brief: 'Clustering consumption model'
- stability: experimental
- - id: broadcasting
- value: 'broadcasting'
- brief: 'Broadcasting consumption model'
- stability: experimental
- stability: experimental
- brief: >
- Model of message consumption. This only applies to consumer spans.
- - id: messaging.rocketmq.message.delay_time_level
- type: int
- stability: experimental
- brief: >
- The delay time level for delay message, which determines the message delay time.
- examples: 3
- - id: messaging.rocketmq.message.delivery_timestamp
- type: int
- stability: experimental
- brief: >
- The timestamp in milliseconds that the delay message is expected to be delivered to consumer.
- examples: 1665987217045
- - id: messaging.rocketmq.message.group
- type: string
- stability: experimental
- brief: >
- It is essential for FIFO message. Messages that belong to the same message group are always processed one by one within the same consumer group.
- examples: 'myMessageGroup'
- - id: messaging.rocketmq.message.keys
- type: string[]
- stability: experimental
- brief: >
- Key(s) of message, another way to mark message besides message id.
- examples:
- - [keyA, keyB]
- - id: messaging.rocketmq.message.tag
- type: string
- stability: experimental
- brief: >
- The secondary classifier of message besides topic.
- examples: tagA
- - id: messaging.rocketmq.message.type
- type:
- members:
- - id: normal
- value: 'normal'
- brief: "Normal message"
- stability: experimental
- - id: fifo
- value: 'fifo'
- brief: 'FIFO message'
- stability: experimental
- - id: delay
- value: 'delay'
- brief: 'Delay message'
- stability: experimental
- - id: transaction
- value: 'transaction'
- brief: 'Transaction message'
- stability: experimental
- stability: experimental
- brief: >
- Type of message.
- - id: messaging.rocketmq.namespace
- type: string
- stability: experimental
- brief: >
- Namespace of RocketMQ resources, resources in different namespaces are individual.
- examples: 'myNamespace'
- - id: registry.messaging.gcp_pubsub
- type: attribute_group
- display_name: GCP Pub/Sub Attributes
- brief: >
- This group describes attributes specific to GCP Pub/Sub.
- attributes:
- - id: messaging.gcp_pubsub.message.ordering_key
- type: string
- stability: experimental
- brief: >
- The ordering key for a given message. If the attribute is not present, the message does not have an ordering key.
- examples: 'ordering_key'
- - id: messaging.gcp_pubsub.message.ack_id
- type: string
- stability: experimental
- brief: >
- The ack id for a given message.
- examples: 'ack_id'
- - id: messaging.gcp_pubsub.message.ack_deadline
- type: int
- stability: experimental
- brief: >
- The ack deadline in seconds set for the modify ack deadline request.
- examples: 10
- - id: messaging.gcp_pubsub.message.delivery_attempt
- type: int
- stability: experimental
- brief: >
- The delivery attempt for a given message.
- examples: 2
- - id: registry.messaging.servicebus
- type: attribute_group
- display_name: Azure Service Bus Attributes
- brief: >
- This group describes attributes specific to Azure Service Bus.
- attributes:
- - id: messaging.servicebus.message.delivery_count
- type: int
- stability: experimental
- brief: >
- Number of deliveries that have been attempted for this message.
- examples: 2
- - id: messaging.servicebus.message.enqueued_time
- type: int
- stability: experimental
- brief: >
- The UTC epoch seconds at which the message has been accepted and stored in the entity.
- examples: 1701393730
- - id: messaging.servicebus.disposition_status
- brief: >
- Describes the [settlement type](https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/service-bus-messaging/message-transfers-locks-settlement#peeklock).
- type:
- members:
- - id: complete
- value: 'complete'
- brief: 'Message is completed'
- stability: experimental
- - id: abandon
- value: 'abandon'
- brief: 'Message is abandoned'
- stability: experimental
- - id: dead_letter
- value: 'dead_letter'
- brief: 'Message is sent to dead letter queue'
- stability: experimental
- - id: defer
- value: 'defer'
- brief: 'Message is deferred'
- stability: experimental
- stability: experimental
- - id: registry.messaging.eventhubs
- type: attribute_group
- display_name: Azure Event Hubs Attributes
- brief: >
- This group describes attributes specific to Azure Event Hubs.
- attributes:
- - id: messaging.eventhubs.message.enqueued_time
- type: int
- stability: experimental
- brief: >
- The UTC epoch seconds at which the message has been accepted and stored in the entity.
- examples: 1701393730
diff --git a/model/messaging/spans.yaml b/model/messaging/spans.yaml
index a5b76e0b0b..5acb074955 100644
--- a/model/messaging/spans.yaml
+++ b/model/messaging/spans.yaml
@@ -99,199 +99,3 @@ groups:
If an operation involved multiple network calls (for example retries), the address of the last contacted node SHOULD be used.
- ref: network.peer.port
requirement_level: recommended
- - id: messaging.rabbitmq
- type: attribute_group
- stability: experimental
- extends: messaging.network.attributes
- brief: >
- Attributes for RabbitMQ
- attributes:
- - ref: messaging.rabbitmq.destination.routing_key
- requirement_level:
- conditionally_required: If not empty.
- - ref: messaging.rabbitmq.message.delivery_tag
- requirement_level:
- conditionally_required: When available.
- - ref: messaging.message.conversation_id
- brief: >
- Message [correlation Id](https://www.rabbitmq.com/tutorials/tutorial-six-java#correlation-id) property.
- - ref: messaging.message.body.size
- requirement_level: opt_in
- - id: messaging.kafka
- type: attribute_group
- stability: experimental
- extends: attributes.messaging.trace.minimal
- brief: >
- Attributes for Apache Kafka
- attributes:
- - ref: messaging.consumer.group.name
- brief: "Kafka [consumer group id](https://docs.confluent.io/platform/current/clients/consumer.html)."
- note: ""
- sampling_relevant: true
- - ref: messaging.destination.partition.id
- brief: >
- String representation of the partition id the message (or batch) is sent to or received from.
- requirement_level: recommended
- sampling_relevant: true
- - ref: messaging.kafka.message.key
- requirement_level:
- recommended: If span describes operation on a single message.
- - ref: messaging.kafka.offset
- requirement_level:
- recommended: If span describes operation on a single message.
- - ref: messaging.kafka.message.tombstone
- requirement_level:
- conditionally_required: If value is `true`. When missing, the value is assumed to be `false`.
- - ref: messaging.batch.message_count
- requirement_level:
- conditionally_required: If the span describes an operation on a batch of messages.
- - ref: messaging.client.id
- - ref: messaging.message.body.size
- requirement_level: opt_in
- brief: The size of the message body in bytes. Only applicable for spans describing single message operations.
- - id: messaging.rocketmq
- type: attribute_group
- stability: experimental
- extends: attributes.messaging.trace.minimal
- brief: >
- Attributes for Apache RocketMQ
- attributes:
- - ref: messaging.consumer.group.name
- brief: "RocketMQ [consumer group name](https://rocketmq.apache.org/docs/domainModel/07consumergroup)."
- note: ""
- sampling_relevant: true
- requirement_level: required
- - ref: messaging.rocketmq.namespace
- requirement_level: required
- - ref: messaging.rocketmq.message.delivery_timestamp
- requirement_level:
- conditionally_required: If the message type is delay and delay time level is not specified.
- - ref: messaging.rocketmq.message.delay_time_level
- requirement_level:
- conditionally_required: If the message type is delay and delivery timestamp is not specified.
- - ref: messaging.rocketmq.message.group
- requirement_level:
- conditionally_required: If the message type is FIFO.
- - ref: messaging.rocketmq.message.type
- - ref: messaging.rocketmq.message.tag
- - ref: messaging.rocketmq.message.keys
- - ref: messaging.rocketmq.consumption_model
- - ref: messaging.client.id
- - ref: messaging.message.body.size
- requirement_level: opt_in
- - ref: messaging.batch.message_count
- requirement_level:
- conditionally_required: If the span describes an operation on a batch of messages.
- - id: messaging.gcp_pubsub
- type: attribute_group
- stability: experimental
- extends: attributes.messaging.trace.minimal
- brief: >
- Attributes for Google Cloud Pub/Sub
- attributes:
- - ref: messaging.destination.subscription.name
- brief: "Google Pub/Sub [subscription name](https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs/subscription-overview)."
- note: ""
- sampling_relevant: true
- - ref: messaging.gcp_pubsub.message.ordering_key
- requirement_level:
- conditionally_required: If the message type has an ordering key set.
- - ref: messaging.gcp_pubsub.message.delivery_attempt
- - ref: messaging.gcp_pubsub.message.ack_deadline
- - ref: messaging.gcp_pubsub.message.ack_id
- - ref: messaging.batch.message_count
- requirement_level:
- conditionally_required: If the span describes an operation on a batch of messages.
- - ref: messaging.operation.name
- note: |
- The `messaging.operation.name` has the following list of well-known values in the context of Google Pub/Sub.
- If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used; otherwise, a custom value MAY be used.
- - `ack` and `nack` for settlement operations
- - `send` for publishing operations
- - `modack` for extending the lease for a single message or batch of messages
- - `subscribe` for operations that represent the time from after the message was received to when the message is acknowledged, negatively acknowledged, or expired.
- - `create` and `receive` for [common messaging operations](/docs/messaging/messaging-spans.md#operation-types)
- - id: messaging.servicebus
- type: attribute_group
- stability: experimental
- extends: attributes.messaging.trace.minimal
- brief: >
- Attributes for Azure Service Bus
- attributes:
- - ref: messaging.destination.subscription.name
- brief: "Azure Service Bus [subscription name](https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/service-bus-messaging/service-bus-queues-topics-subscriptions#topics-and-subscriptions)."
- note: ""
- sampling_relevant: true
- requirement_level:
- conditionally_required: If messages are received from the subscription.
- - ref: messaging.servicebus.message.delivery_count
- requirement_level:
- conditionally_required: If delivery count is available and is bigger than 0.
- - ref: messaging.servicebus.message.enqueued_time
- - ref: messaging.servicebus.disposition_status
- requirement_level:
- conditionally_required: if and only if `messaging.operation` is `settle`.
- - ref: messaging.message.conversation_id
- brief: Message [correlation Id](https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/service-bus-messaging/service-bus-messages-payloads#message-routing-and-correlation) property.
- - ref: messaging.batch.message_count
- requirement_level:
- conditionally_required: If the span describes an operation on a batch of messages.
- - ref: messaging.operation.name
- brief: Azure Service Bus operation name.
- note: |
- The operation name SHOULD match one of the following values:
- - sender operations: `send`, `schedule`, `cancel_scheduled`
- - transaction operations: `create_transaction`, `commit_transaction`, `rollback_transaction`
- - receiver operation: `receive`, `peek`, `receive_deferred`, `renew_message_lock`
- - settlement operations: `abandon`, `complete`, `defer`, `dead_letter`, `delete`
- - session operations: `accept_session`, `get_session_state`, `set_session_state`, `renew_session_lock`
- If none of the above operation names apply, the attribute SHOULD be set
- to the name of the client method in snake_case.
- examples: ['send', 'receive', 'complete', 'process', 'peek']
- - id: messaging.eventhubs
- type: attribute_group
- stability: experimental
- extends: attributes.messaging.trace.minimal
- brief: >
- Attributes for Azure Event Hubs
- attributes:
- - ref: messaging.consumer.group.name
- brief: "Azure Event Hubs [consumer group name](https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/event-hubs/event-hubs-features#consumer-groups)."
- note: ""
- requirement_level:
- conditionally_required: On consumer spans.
- sampling_relevant: true
- - ref: messaging.destination.partition.id
- brief: >
- String representation of the partition id messages are sent to or received from, unique within the Event Hub.
- requirement_level:
- conditionally_required: If available.
- sampling_relevant: true
- - ref: messaging.eventhubs.message.enqueued_time
- - ref: messaging.batch.message_count
- requirement_level:
- conditionally_required: If the span describes an operation on a batch of messages.
- - ref: messaging.operation.name
- brief: Azure Event Hubs operation name.
- examples: ['send', 'receive', 'checkpoint']
- note: |
- The operation name SHOULD match one of the following values:
- - `send`
- - `receive`
- - `process`
- - `checkpoint`
- - `get_partition_properties`
- - `get_event_hub_properties`
- If none of the above operation names apply, the attribute SHOULD be set
- to the name of the client method in snake_case.
diff --git a/model/openai/registry.yaml b/model/openai/registry.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ba842b76f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/model/openai/registry.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+ - id: registry.openai
+ type: attribute_group
+ display_name: OpenAI Attributes
+ brief: >
+ This group defines attributes for OpenAI.
+ attributes:
+ - id: openai.request.seed
+ stability: experimental
+ type: int
+ brief: Requests with same seed value more likely to return same result.
+ examples: [100]
+ - id: openai.request.response_format
+ stability: experimental
+ type:
+ members:
+ - id: text
+ value: "text"
+ brief: 'Text response format'
+ stability: experimental
+ - id: json_object
+ value: "json_object"
+ brief: 'JSON object response format'
+ stability: experimental
+ - id: json_schema
+ value: "json_schema"
+ brief: 'JSON schema response format'
+ stability: experimental
+ brief: The response format that is requested.
+ examples: ['json']
+ - id: openai.request.service_tier
+ stability: experimental
+ type:
+ members:
+ - id: auto
+ value: "auto"
+ brief: The system will utilize scale tier credits until they are exhausted.
+ stability: experimental
+ - id: default
+ value: "default"
+ brief: The system will utilize the default scale tier.
+ stability: experimental
+ brief: The service tier requested. May be a specific tier, default, or auto.
+ examples: ['auto', 'default']
+ - id: openai.response.service_tier
+ stability: experimental
+ type: string
+ brief: The service tier used for the response.
+ examples: ['scale', 'default']
+ - id: openai.response.system_fingerprint
+ stability: experimental
+ type: string
+ brief: A fingerprint to track any eventual change in the Generative AI environment.
+ examples: ["fp_44709d6fcb"]
diff --git a/model/openai/spans.yaml b/model/openai/spans.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f8c7d9b345
--- /dev/null
+++ b/model/openai/spans.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+ - id: span.openai.client
+ extends: trace.gen_ai.client.common_attributes
+ stability: experimental
+ span_kind: client
+ brief: >
+ Describes an OpenAI operation span.
+ attributes:
+ - ref: gen_ai.request.model
+ requirement_level: required
+ - ref: openai.request.seed
+ requirement_level:
+ conditionally_required: if the request includes a seed
+ - ref: openai.request.response_format
+ requirement_level:
+ conditionally_required: if the request includes a response_format
+ - ref: openai.request.service_tier
+ requirement_level:
+ conditionally_required: if the request includes a service_tier and the value is not 'auto'
+ - ref: openai.response.service_tier
+ requirement_level:
+ conditionally_required: if the response was received and includes a service_tier
+ - ref: openai.response.system_fingerprint
+ requirement_level: recommended
+ - ref: gen_ai.usage.input_tokens
+ brief: The number of tokens used in the prompt sent to OpenAI.
+ - ref: gen_ai.usage.output_tokens
+ brief: The number of tokens used in the completions from OpenAI.
diff --git a/model/rabbitmq/registry.yaml b/model/rabbitmq/registry.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e98cbb8f48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/model/rabbitmq/registry.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ - id: registry.rabbitmq
+ type: attribute_group
+ display_name: RabbitMQ Attributes
+ brief: >
+ This group describes attributes specific to RabbitMQ.
+ attributes:
+ - id: rabbitmq.destination.routing_key
+ type: string
+ stability: experimental
+ brief: >
+ RabbitMQ message routing key.
+ examples: 'myKey'
+ - id: rabbitmq.message.delivery_tag
+ type: int
+ stability: experimental
+ brief: >
+ RabbitMQ message delivery tag
+ examples: 123
diff --git a/model/rabbitmq/spans.yaml b/model/rabbitmq/spans.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6ee58062d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/model/rabbitmq/spans.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ - id: span.rabbitmq
+ type: attribute_group # TODO: this should be a span
+ stability: experimental
+ extends: messaging.network.attributes
+ brief: >
+ RabbitMQ spans
+ attributes:
+ - ref: rabbitmq.destination.routing_key
+ requirement_level:
+ conditionally_required: If not empty.
+ - ref: rabbitmq.message.delivery_tag
+ requirement_level:
+ conditionally_required: When available.
+ - ref: messaging.message.conversation_id
+ brief: >
+ Message [correlation Id](https://www.rabbitmq.com/tutorials/tutorial-six-java#correlation-id) property.
+ - ref: messaging.message.body.size
+ requirement_level: opt_in
diff --git a/model/rocketmq/registry.yaml b/model/rocketmq/registry.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..edbaaefef3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/model/rocketmq/registry.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+ - id: registry.rocketmq
+ type: attribute_group
+ display_name: RocketMQ Attributes
+ brief: >
+ This group describes attributes specific to RocketMQ.
+ attributes:
+ - id: rocketmq.consumption_model
+ type:
+ members:
+ - id: clustering
+ value: 'clustering'
+ brief: 'Clustering consumption model'
+ stability: experimental
+ - id: broadcasting
+ value: 'broadcasting'
+ brief: 'Broadcasting consumption model'
+ stability: experimental
+ stability: experimental
+ brief: >
+ Model of message consumption. This only applies to consumer spans.
+ - id: rocketmq.message.delay_time_level
+ type: int
+ stability: experimental
+ brief: >
+ The delay time level for delay message, which determines the message delay time.
+ examples: 3
+ - id: rocketmq.message.delivery_timestamp
+ type: int
+ stability: experimental
+ brief: >
+ The timestamp in milliseconds that the delay message is expected to be delivered to consumer.
+ examples: 1665987217045
+ - id: rocketmq.message.group
+ type: string
+ stability: experimental
+ brief: >
+ It is essential for FIFO message. Messages that belong to the same message group are always processed one by one within the same consumer group.
+ examples: 'myMessageGroup'
+ - id: rocketmq.message.keys
+ type: string[]
+ stability: experimental
+ brief: >
+ Key(s) of message, another way to mark message besides message id.
+ examples:
+ - [keyA, keyB]
+ - id: rocketmq.message.tag
+ type: string
+ stability: experimental
+ brief: >
+ The secondary classifier of message besides topic.
+ examples: tagA
+ - id: rocketmq.message.type
+ type:
+ members:
+ - id: normal
+ value: 'normal'
+ brief: "Normal message"
+ stability: experimental
+ - id: fifo
+ value: 'fifo'
+ brief: 'FIFO message'
+ stability: experimental
+ - id: delay
+ value: 'delay'
+ brief: 'Delay message'
+ stability: experimental
+ - id: transaction
+ value: 'transaction'
+ brief: 'Transaction message'
+ stability: experimental
+ stability: experimental
+ brief: >
+ Type of message.
+ - id: rocketmq.namespace
+ type: string
+ stability: experimental
+ brief: >
+ Namespace of RocketMQ resources, resources in different namespaces are individual.
+ examples: 'myNamespace'
diff --git a/model/rocketmq/spans.yaml b/model/rocketmq/spans.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..27f3bd6b1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/model/rocketmq/spans.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+ - id: span.rocketmq
+ type: attribute_group # TODO: this should be a span
+ stability: experimental
+ extends: attributes.messaging.trace.minimal
+ brief: >
+ Apache RocketMQ spans
+ attributes:
+ - ref: messaging.consumer.group.name
+ brief: "RocketMQ [consumer group name](https://rocketmq.apache.org/docs/domainModel/07consumergroup)."
+ note: ""
+ sampling_relevant: true
+ requirement_level: required
+ - ref: rocketmq.namespace
+ requirement_level: required
+ - ref: rocketmq.message.delivery_timestamp
+ requirement_level:
+ conditionally_required: If the message type is delay and delay time level is not specified.
+ - ref: rocketmq.message.delay_time_level
+ requirement_level:
+ conditionally_required: If the message type is delay and delivery timestamp is not specified.
+ - ref: rocketmq.message.group
+ requirement_level:
+ conditionally_required: If the message type is FIFO.
+ - ref: rocketmq.message.type
+ - ref: rocketmq.message.tag
+ - ref: rocketmq.message.keys
+ - ref: rocketmq.consumption_model
+ - ref: messaging.client.id
+ - ref: messaging.message.body.size
+ requirement_level: opt_in
+ - ref: messaging.batch.message_count
+ requirement_level:
+ conditionally_required: If the span describes an operation on a batch of messages.
diff --git a/model/rpc/registry.yaml b/model/rpc/registry.yaml
index a94c3b2534..1751c80e33 100644
--- a/model/rpc/registry.yaml
+++ b/model/rpc/registry.yaml
@@ -4,192 +4,6 @@ groups:
display_name: Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Attributes
brief: 'This document defines attributes for remote procedure calls.'
- - id: rpc.connect_rpc.error_code
- type:
- members:
- - id: cancelled
- value: cancelled
- stability: experimental
- - id: unknown
- value: unknown
- stability: experimental
- - id: invalid_argument
- value: invalid_argument
- stability: experimental
- - id: deadline_exceeded
- value: deadline_exceeded
- stability: experimental
- - id: not_found
- value: not_found
- stability: experimental
- - id: already_exists
- value: already_exists
- stability: experimental
- - id: permission_denied
- value: permission_denied
- stability: experimental
- - id: resource_exhausted
- value: resource_exhausted
- stability: experimental
- - id: failed_precondition
- value: failed_precondition
- stability: experimental
- - id: aborted
- value: aborted
- stability: experimental
- - id: out_of_range
- value: out_of_range
- stability: experimental
- - id: unimplemented
- value: unimplemented
- stability: experimental
- - id: internal
- value: internal
- stability: experimental
- - id: unavailable
- value: unavailable
- stability: experimental
- - id: data_loss
- value: data_loss
- stability: experimental
- - id: unauthenticated
- value: unauthenticated
- stability: experimental
- stability: experimental
- brief: "The [error codes](https://connect.build/docs/protocol/#error-codes) of the Connect request. Error codes are always string values."
- - id: rpc.connect_rpc.request.metadata
- type: template[string[]]
- stability: experimental
- brief: >
- Connect request metadata, `` being the normalized Connect Metadata key (lowercase), the value being the metadata values.
- note: >
- Instrumentations SHOULD require an explicit configuration of which metadata values are to be captured.
- Including all request metadata values can be a security risk - explicit configuration helps avoid leaking sensitive information.
- examples: ['rpc.request.metadata.my-custom-metadata-attribute=["", ""]']
- - id: rpc.connect_rpc.response.metadata
- type: template[string[]]
- stability: experimental
- brief: >
- Connect response metadata, `` being the normalized Connect Metadata key (lowercase), the value being the metadata values.
- note: >
- Instrumentations SHOULD require an explicit configuration of which metadata values are to be captured.
- Including all response metadata values can be a security risk - explicit configuration helps avoid leaking sensitive information.
- examples: ['rpc.response.metadata.my-custom-metadata-attribute=["attribute_value"]']
- - id: rpc.grpc.status_code
- type:
- members:
- - id: ok
- brief: OK
- stability: experimental
- value: 0
- - id: cancelled
- brief: CANCELLED
- stability: experimental
- value: 1
- - id: unknown
- brief: UNKNOWN
- stability: experimental
- value: 2
- - id: invalid_argument
- stability: experimental
- value: 3
- - id: deadline_exceeded
- stability: experimental
- value: 4
- - id: not_found
- brief: NOT_FOUND
- stability: experimental
- value: 5
- - id: already_exists
- stability: experimental
- value: 6
- - id: permission_denied
- stability: experimental
- value: 7
- - id: resource_exhausted
- stability: experimental
- value: 8
- - id: failed_precondition
- stability: experimental
- value: 9
- - id: aborted
- brief: ABORTED
- stability: experimental
- value: 10
- - id: out_of_range
- brief: OUT_OF_RANGE
- stability: experimental
- value: 11
- - id: unimplemented
- stability: experimental
- value: 12
- - id: internal
- brief: INTERNAL
- stability: experimental
- value: 13
- - id: unavailable
- stability: experimental
- value: 14
- - id: data_loss
- brief: DATA_LOSS
- stability: experimental
- value: 15
- - id: unauthenticated
- stability: experimental
- value: 16
- stability: experimental
- brief: "The [numeric status code](https://github.com/grpc/grpc/blob/v1.33.2/doc/statuscodes.md) of the gRPC request."
- - id: rpc.grpc.request.metadata
- type: template[string[]]
- stability: experimental
- brief: >
- gRPC request metadata, `` being the normalized gRPC Metadata key (lowercase), the value being the metadata values.
- note: >
- Instrumentations SHOULD require an explicit configuration of which metadata values are to be captured.
- Including all request metadata values can be a security risk - explicit configuration helps avoid leaking sensitive information.
- examples: ['rpc.grpc.request.metadata.my-custom-metadata-attribute=["", ""]']
- - id: rpc.grpc.response.metadata
- type: template[string[]]
- stability: experimental
- brief: >
- gRPC response metadata, `` being the normalized gRPC Metadata key (lowercase), the value being the metadata values.
- note: >
- Instrumentations SHOULD require an explicit configuration of which metadata values are to be captured.
- Including all response metadata values can be a security risk - explicit configuration helps avoid leaking sensitive information.
- examples: ['rpc.grpc.response.metadata.my-custom-metadata-attribute=["attribute_value"]']
- - id: rpc.jsonrpc.error_code
- type: int
- stability: experimental
- brief: "`error.code` property of response if it is an error response."
- examples: [-32700, 100]
- - id: rpc.jsonrpc.error_message
- type: string
- stability: experimental
- brief: "`error.message` property of response if it is an error response."
- examples: ['Parse error', 'User already exists']
- - id: rpc.jsonrpc.request_id
- type: string
- stability: experimental
- brief: >
- `id` property of request or response.
- Since protocol allows id to be int, string, `null` or missing (for notifications),
- value is expected to be cast to string for simplicity.
- Use empty string in case of `null` value. Omit entirely if this is a notification.
- examples: ['10', 'request-7', '']
- - id: rpc.jsonrpc.version
- type: string
- stability: experimental
- brief: "Protocol version as in `jsonrpc` property of request/response. Since JSON-RPC 1.0 doesn't specify this, the value can be omitted."
- examples: ['2.0', '1.0']
- id: rpc.method
type: string
stability: experimental
diff --git a/model/rpc/spans.yaml b/model/rpc/spans.yaml
index 029eade0ff..7eb3362a1e 100644
--- a/model/rpc/spans.yaml
+++ b/model/rpc/spans.yaml
@@ -61,49 +61,6 @@ groups:
- ref: network.type
requirement_level: recommended
- - id: span.rpc.grpc
- type: span
- stability: experimental
- extends: rpc
- brief: 'Tech-specific attributes for gRPC.'
- attributes:
- - ref: rpc.grpc.status_code
- tag: grpc-tech-specific
- requirement_level: required
- - ref: rpc.grpc.request.metadata
- tag: grpc-tech-specific
- requirement_level: opt_in
- - ref: rpc.grpc.response.metadata
- tag: grpc-tech-specific
- requirement_level: opt_in
- - id: span.rpc.jsonrpc
- type: span
- stability: experimental
- extends: rpc
- brief: 'Tech-specific attributes for [JSON RPC](https://www.jsonrpc.org/).'
- attributes:
- - ref: rpc.jsonrpc.version
- tag: jsonrpc-tech-specific
- requirement_level:
- conditionally_required: If other than the default version (`1.0`)
- - ref: rpc.jsonrpc.request_id
- tag: jsonrpc-tech-specific
- requirement_level: recommended
- - ref: rpc.jsonrpc.error_code
- tag: jsonrpc-tech-specific
- requirement_level:
- conditionally_required: If response is not successful.
- - ref: rpc.jsonrpc.error_message
- tag: jsonrpc-tech-specific
- requirement_level: recommended
- - ref: rpc.method
- tag: jsonrpc-tech-specific
- requirement_level: required
- note: >
- This is always required for jsonrpc. See the note in the general
- RPC conventions for more information.
- id: event.rpc.message
type: event
stability: experimental
@@ -122,20 +79,3 @@ groups:
requirement_level: recommended
- ref: rpc.message.uncompressed_size
requirement_level: recommended
- - id: span.rpc.connect_rpc
- type: span
- stability: experimental
- extends: rpc
- brief: 'Tech-specific attributes for Connect RPC.'
- attributes:
- - ref: rpc.connect_rpc.error_code
- tag: connect_rpc-tech-specific
- requirement_level:
- conditionally_required: If response is not successful and if error code available.
- - ref: rpc.connect_rpc.request.metadata
- tag: connect_rpc-tech-specific
- requirement_level: opt_in
- - ref: rpc.connect_rpc.response.metadata
- tag: connect_rpc-tech-specific
- requirement_level: opt_in
diff --git a/model/servicebus/registry.yaml b/model/servicebus/registry.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5cf6174d6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/model/servicebus/registry.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ - id: registry.servicebus
+ type: attribute_group
+ display_name: Azure Service Bus Attributes
+ brief: >
+ This group describes attributes specific to Azure Service Bus.
+ attributes:
+ - id: servicebus.message.delivery_count
+ type: int
+ stability: experimental
+ brief: >
+ Number of deliveries that have been attempted for this message.
+ examples: 2
+ - id: servicebus.message.enqueued_time
+ type: int
+ stability: experimental
+ brief: >
+ The UTC epoch seconds at which the message has been accepted and stored in the entity.
+ examples: 1701393730
+ - id: servicebus.disposition_status
+ brief: >
+ Describes the [settlement type](https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/service-bus-messaging/message-transfers-locks-settlement#peeklock).
+ type:
+ members:
+ - id: complete
+ value: 'complete'
+ brief: 'Message is completed'
+ stability: experimental
+ - id: abandon
+ value: 'abandon'
+ brief: 'Message is abandoned'
+ stability: experimental
+ - id: dead_letter
+ value: 'dead_letter'
+ brief: 'Message is sent to dead letter queue'
+ stability: experimental
+ - id: defer
+ value: 'defer'
+ brief: 'Message is deferred'
+ stability: experimental
+ stability: experimental
diff --git a/model/servicebus/span.yaml b/model/servicebus/span.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..31eee736d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/model/servicebus/span.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ - id: span.servicebus
+ type: attribute_group # todo: this should be a span
+ stability: experimental
+ extends: attributes.messaging.trace.minimal
+ brief: >
+ Azure Service Bus spans
+ attributes:
+ - ref: messaging.destination.subscription.name
+ brief: "Azure Service Bus [subscription name](https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/service-bus-messaging/service-bus-queues-topics-subscriptions#topics-and-subscriptions)."
+ note: ""
+ sampling_relevant: true
+ requirement_level:
+ conditionally_required: If messages are received from the subscription.
+ - ref: servicebus.message.delivery_count
+ requirement_level:
+ conditionally_required: If delivery count is available and is bigger than 0.
+ - ref: servicebus.message.enqueued_time
+ - ref: servicebus.disposition_status
+ requirement_level:
+ conditionally_required: if and only if `messaging.operation` is `settle`.
+ - ref: messaging.message.conversation_id
+ brief: Message [correlation Id](https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/service-bus-messaging/service-bus-messages-payloads#message-routing-and-correlation) property.
+ - ref: messaging.batch.message_count
+ requirement_level:
+ conditionally_required: If the span describes an operation on a batch of messages.
+ - ref: messaging.operation.name
+ brief: Azure Service Bus operation name.
+ note: |
+ The operation name SHOULD match one of the following values:
+ - sender operations: `send`, `schedule`, `cancel_scheduled`
+ - transaction operations: `create_transaction`, `commit_transaction`, `rollback_transaction`
+ - receiver operation: `receive`, `peek`, `receive_deferred`, `renew_message_lock`
+ - settlement operations: `abandon`, `complete`, `defer`, `dead_letter`, `delete`
+ - session operations: `accept_session`, `get_session_state`, `set_session_state`, `renew_session_lock`
+ If none of the above operation names apply, the attribute SHOULD be set
+ to the name of the client method in snake_case.
+ examples: ['send', 'receive', 'complete', 'process', 'peek']