From 6a7aeb274eab30b9178516032622f4751bc96463 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Gilles Gouaillardet <>
Date: Mon, 9 Dec 2024 14:59:01 +0900
Subject: [PATCH] part/persist: code refactoring

move subroutines from header to source files.

Many subroutines are only used by a single source file,
so move them out of the header file. This will make it
easier for debuggers since setting a breakpoint in a header file
is not always correctly supported.

Signed-off-by: Gilles Gouaillardet <>
 ompi/mca/part/persist/part_persist.c          | 494 +++++++++++++++++
 ompi/mca/part/persist/part_persist.h          | 524 +-----------------
 .../mca/part/persist/part_persist_component.c |  25 +
 3 files changed, 521 insertions(+), 522 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ompi/mca/part/persist/part_persist.c b/ompi/mca/part/persist/part_persist.c
index b90a180a601..910f9129a6f 100644
--- a/ompi/mca/part/persist/part_persist.c
+++ b/ompi/mca/part/persist/part_persist.c
@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
  * Copyright (c) 2015      Los Alamos National Security, LLC. All rights
  *                         reserved.
  * Copyright (c) 2011-2021 Sandia National Laboratories. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2024      Research Organization for Information Science
+ *                         and Technology (RIST).  All rights reserved.
  * Additional copyrights may follow
@@ -28,6 +30,12 @@
 #include "ompi/mca/part/persist/part_persist_sendreq.h"
 #include "ompi/mca/part/persist/part_persist_recvreq.h"
+static int mca_part_persist_progress(void);
+static int mca_part_persist_precv_init(void *, size_t, size_t, ompi_datatype_t *, int, int, struct ompi_communicator_t *, struct ompi_info_t *, struct ompi_request_t **);
+static int mca_part_persist_psend_init(const void*, size_t, size_t, ompi_datatype_t*, int, int, ompi_communicator_t*, struct ompi_info_t *, ompi_request_t**);
+static int mca_part_persist_pready(size_t, size_t, ompi_request_t*);
+static int mca_part_persist_parrived(size_t, size_t, int*, ompi_request_t*);
 ompi_part_persist_t ompi_part_persist = {
     .super = {
         .part_progress = mca_part_persist_progress,
@@ -39,6 +47,492 @@ ompi_part_persist_t ompi_part_persist = {
+ * This is a helper function that frees a request. This requires ompi_part_persist.lock be held before calling.
+ */
+__opal_attribute_always_inline__ static inline int
+mca_part_persist_free_req(struct mca_part_persist_request_t* req)
+    int err = OMPI_SUCCESS;
+    size_t i;
+    opal_list_remove_item(ompi_part_persist.progress_list, (opal_list_item_t*)req->progress_elem);
+    OBJ_RELEASE(req->progress_elem);
+    for(i = 0; i < req->real_parts; i++) {
+        ompi_request_free(&(req->persist_reqs[i]));
+    }
+    free(req->persist_reqs);
+    free(req->flags);
+    if( MCA_PART_PERSIST_REQUEST_PRECV == req->req_type ) {
+    } else {
+    }
+    return err;
+static void
+mca_part_persist_complete(struct mca_part_persist_request_t* request)
+    if(MCA_PART_PERSIST_REQUEST_PRECV == request->req_type) {
+        request->req_ompi.req_status.MPI_SOURCE = request->req_peer;
+    } else {
+        request->req_ompi.req_status.MPI_SOURCE = request->req_comm->c_my_rank;
+    }
+    request->req_ompi.req_complete_cb = NULL;
+    request->req_ompi.req_status.MPI_TAG = request->req_tag;
+    request->req_ompi.req_status._ucount = request->req_bytes;
+    request->req_ompi.req_status.MPI_ERROR = OMPI_SUCCESS;
+    request->req_part_complete = true;
+    ompi_request_complete(&(request->req_ompi), true );
+ * mca_part_persist_progress is the progress function that will be registered. It handles
+ * both send and recv request testing and completion. It also handles freeing requests,
+ * after MPI_Free is called and the requests have become inactive.
+ */
+static int
+    mca_part_persist_list_t *current;
+    int err;
+    size_t i;
+    /* prevent re-entry, */
+    int block_entry = opal_atomic_add_fetch_32(&(ompi_part_persist.block_entry), 1);
+    if(1 < block_entry)
+    {
+        block_entry = opal_atomic_add_fetch_32(&(ompi_part_persist.block_entry), -1);
+        return OMPI_SUCCESS;
+    }
+    OPAL_THREAD_LOCK(&ompi_part_persist.lock);
+    mca_part_persist_request_t* to_delete = NULL;
+    /* Don't do anything till a function in the module is called. */
+    if(-1 == ompi_part_persist.init_world)
+    {
+        OPAL_THREAD_UNLOCK(&ompi_part_persist.lock);
+        block_entry = opal_atomic_add_fetch_32(&(ompi_part_persist.block_entry), -1);
+        return OMPI_SUCCESS;
+    }
+    /* Can't do anything if we don't have world */
+    if(0 == ompi_part_persist.init_world) {
+        ompi_part_persist.my_world_rank = ompi_comm_rank(&ompi_mpi_comm_world.comm);
+        err = ompi_comm_idup(&ompi_mpi_comm_world.comm, &ompi_part_persist.part_comm, &ompi_part_persist.part_comm_req);
+        if(err != OMPI_SUCCESS) {
+             exit(-1);
+        }
+        ompi_part_persist.part_comm_ready = 0;
+        err = ompi_comm_idup(&ompi_mpi_comm_world.comm, &ompi_part_persist.part_comm_setup, &ompi_part_persist.part_comm_sreq);
+        if(err != OMPI_SUCCESS) {
+            exit(-1);
+        }
+        ompi_part_persist.part_comm_sready = 0;
+        ompi_part_persist.init_world = 1;
+        OPAL_THREAD_UNLOCK(&ompi_part_persist.lock);
+        block_entry = opal_atomic_add_fetch_32(&(ompi_part_persist.block_entry), -1);
+        return OMPI_SUCCESS;
+    }
+    /* Check to see if Comms are setup */
+    if(0 == ompi_part_persist.init_comms) {
+        if(0 == ompi_part_persist.part_comm_ready) {
+            ompi_request_test(&ompi_part_persist.part_comm_req, &ompi_part_persist.part_comm_ready, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
+        }
+        if(0 == ompi_part_persist.part_comm_sready) {
+            ompi_request_test(&ompi_part_persist.part_comm_sreq, &ompi_part_persist.part_comm_sready, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
+        }
+        if(0 != ompi_part_persist.part_comm_ready && 0 != ompi_part_persist.part_comm_sready) {
+            ompi_part_persist.init_comms = 1;
+        }
+        OPAL_THREAD_UNLOCK(&ompi_part_persist.lock);
+        block_entry = opal_atomic_add_fetch_32(&(ompi_part_persist.block_entry), -1);
+        return OMPI_SUCCESS;
+    }
+    OPAL_LIST_FOREACH(current, ompi_part_persist.progress_list, mca_part_persist_list_t) {
+        mca_part_persist_request_t *req = (mca_part_persist_request_t *) current->item;
+        /* Check to see if request is initilaized */
+        if(false == req->initialized) {
+            int done = 0;
+            if(true == req->flag_post_setup_recv) {
+                err = MCA_PML_CALL(irecv(&(req->setup_info[1]), sizeof(struct ompi_mca_persist_setup_t), MPI_BYTE, OMPI_ANY_SOURCE, req->my_recv_tag, ompi_part_persist.part_comm_setup, &req->setup_req[1]));
+                req->flag_post_setup_recv = false;
+            }
+            ompi_request_test(&(req->setup_req[1]), &done, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
+            if(done) {
+                size_t dt_size_;
+                int32_t dt_size;
+                if(MCA_PART_PERSIST_REQUEST_PSEND == req->req_type) {
+                    /* parse message */
+                    req->world_peer  = req->setup_info[1].world_rank;
+                    err = opal_datatype_type_size(&(req->req_datatype->super), &dt_size_);
+                    if(OMPI_SUCCESS != err) return OMPI_ERROR;
+                    dt_size = (dt_size_ > (size_t) INT_MAX) ? MPI_UNDEFINED : (int) dt_size_;
+                    int32_t bytes = req->real_count * dt_size;
+                    /* Set up persistent sends */
+                    req->persist_reqs = (ompi_request_t**) malloc(sizeof(ompi_request_t*)*(req->real_parts));
+                    for(i = 0; i < req->real_parts; i++) {
+                         void *buf = ((void*) (((char*)req->req_addr) + (bytes * i)));
+                         err = MCA_PML_CALL(isend_init(buf, req->real_count, req->req_datatype, req->world_peer, req->my_send_tag+i, MCA_PML_BASE_SEND_STANDARD, ompi_part_persist.part_comm, &(req->persist_reqs[i])));
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    /* parse message */
+                    req->world_peer   = req->setup_info[1].world_rank;
+                    req->my_send_tag  = req->setup_info[1].start_tag;
+                    req->my_recv_tag  = req->setup_info[1].setup_tag;
+                    req->real_parts   = req->setup_info[1].num_parts;
+                    req->real_count   = req->setup_info[1].count;
+                    err = opal_datatype_type_size(&(req->req_datatype->super), &dt_size_);
+                    if(OMPI_SUCCESS != err) return OMPI_ERROR;
+                    dt_size = (dt_size_ > (size_t) INT_MAX) ? MPI_UNDEFINED : (int) dt_size_;
+                    int32_t bytes = req->real_count * dt_size;
+                    /* Set up persistent sends */
+                    req->persist_reqs = (ompi_request_t**) malloc(sizeof(ompi_request_t*)*(req->real_parts));
+                    req->flags = (int*) calloc(req->real_parts,sizeof(int));
+                    for(i = 0; i < req->real_parts; i++) {
+                         void *buf = ((void*) (((char*)req->req_addr) + (bytes * i)));
+                         err = MCA_PML_CALL(irecv_init(buf, req->real_count, req->req_datatype, req->world_peer, req->my_send_tag+i, ompi_part_persist.part_comm, &(req->persist_reqs[i])));
+                    }
+                    err = req->persist_reqs[0]->req_start(req->real_parts, (&(req->persist_reqs[0])));
+                    /* Send back a message */
+                    req->setup_info[0].world_rank = ompi_part_persist.my_world_rank;
+                    err = MCA_PML_CALL(isend(&(req->setup_info[0]), sizeof(struct ompi_mca_persist_setup_t), MPI_BYTE, req->world_peer, req->my_recv_tag, MCA_PML_BASE_SEND_STANDARD, ompi_part_persist.part_comm_setup, &req->setup_req[0]));
+                    if(OMPI_SUCCESS != err) return OMPI_ERROR;
+                }
+                req->initialized = true;
+            }
+        } else {
+            if(false == req->req_part_complete && REQUEST_COMPLETED != req->req_ompi.req_complete && OMPI_REQUEST_ACTIVE == req->req_ompi.req_state) {
+               for(i = 0; i < req->real_parts; i++) {
+                    /* Check to see if partition is queued for being started. Only applicable to sends. */
+                    if(-2 ==  req->flags[i]) {
+                        err = req->persist_reqs[i]->req_start(1, (&(req->persist_reqs[i])));
+                        req->flags[i] = 0;
+                    }
+                    if(0 == req->flags[i])
+                    {
+                        ompi_request_test(&(req->persist_reqs[i]), &(req->flags[i]), MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
+                        if(0 != req->flags[i]) req->done_count++;
+                    }
+                }
+                /* Check for completion and complete the requests */
+                if(req->done_count == req->real_parts)
+                {
+                    req->first_send = false;
+                    mca_part_persist_complete(req);
+                }
+            }
+            if(true == req->req_free_called && true == req->req_part_complete && REQUEST_COMPLETED == req->req_ompi.req_complete &&  OMPI_REQUEST_INACTIVE == req->req_ompi.req_state) {
+                to_delete = req;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    OPAL_THREAD_UNLOCK(&ompi_part_persist.lock);
+    block_entry = opal_atomic_add_fetch_32(&(ompi_part_persist.block_entry), -1);
+    if(to_delete) {
+        err =  mca_part_persist_free_req(to_delete);
+        if (OMPI_SUCCESS != err) {
+            return OMPI_ERROR;
+        }
+    }
+    return OMPI_SUCCESS;
+static int
+mca_part_persist_precv_init(void *buf,
+                        size_t parts,
+                        size_t count,
+                        ompi_datatype_t * datatype,
+                        int src,
+                        int tag,
+                        struct ompi_communicator_t *comm,
+                        struct ompi_info_t * info,
+                        struct ompi_request_t **request)
+    int err = OMPI_SUCCESS;
+    size_t dt_size_;
+    int dt_size;
+    mca_part_persist_list_t* new_progress_elem = NULL;
+    mca_part_persist_precv_request_t *recvreq;
+    /* if module hasn't been called before, flag module to init. */
+    if(-1 == ompi_part_persist.init_world)
+    {
+        ompi_part_persist.init_world = 0;
+    }
+    /* Allocate a new request */
+    if (OPAL_UNLIKELY(NULL == recvreq)) return OMPI_ERR_OUT_OF_RESOURCE;
+    MCA_PART_PERSIST_PRECV_REQUEST_INIT(recvreq, ompi_proc, comm, tag, src,
+                                     datatype, buf, parts, count, flags);
+    mca_part_persist_request_t *req = (mca_part_persist_request_t *) recvreq;
+    /* Set lazy initializion flags */
+    req->initialized = false;
+    req->first_send  = true;
+    req->flag_post_setup_recv = false;
+    req->flags = NULL;
+    /* Non-blocking receive on setup info */
+    err	= MCA_PML_CALL(irecv(&req->setup_info[1], sizeof(struct ompi_mca_persist_setup_t), MPI_BYTE, src, tag, comm, &req->setup_req[1]));
+    if(OMPI_SUCCESS != err) return OMPI_ERROR;
+    /* Compute total number of bytes */
+    err = opal_datatype_type_size(&(req->req_datatype->super), &dt_size_);
+    if(OMPI_SUCCESS != err) return OMPI_ERROR;
+    dt_size = (dt_size_ > (size_t) INT_MAX) ? MPI_UNDEFINED : (int) dt_size_;
+    req->req_bytes = parts * count * dt_size;
+    /* Set ompi request initial values */
+    req->req_ompi.req_persistent = true;
+    req->req_part_complete = true;
+    req->req_ompi.req_complete = REQUEST_COMPLETED;
+    req->req_ompi.req_state = OMPI_REQUEST_INACTIVE;
+    /* Add element to progress engine */
+    new_progress_elem = OBJ_NEW(mca_part_persist_list_t);
+    new_progress_elem->item = req;
+    req->progress_elem = new_progress_elem;
+    OPAL_THREAD_LOCK(&ompi_part_persist.lock);
+    opal_list_append(ompi_part_persist.progress_list, (opal_list_item_t*)new_progress_elem);
+    OPAL_THREAD_UNLOCK(&ompi_part_persist.lock);
+    /* set return values */
+    *request = (ompi_request_t*) recvreq;
+    return err;
+static int
+mca_part_persist_psend_init(const void* buf,
+                        size_t parts,
+                        size_t count,
+                        ompi_datatype_t* datatype,
+                        int dst,
+                        int tag,
+                        ompi_communicator_t* comm,
+                        struct ompi_info_t * info,
+                        ompi_request_t** request)
+    int err = OMPI_SUCCESS;
+    size_t dt_size_;
+    int dt_size;
+    mca_part_persist_list_t* new_progress_elem = NULL;
+    mca_part_persist_psend_request_t *sendreq;
+    /* if module hasn't been called before, flag module to init. */
+    if(-1 == ompi_part_persist.init_world)
+    {
+        ompi_part_persist.init_world = 0;
+    }
+    /* Create new request object */
+    MCA_PART_PERSIST_PSEND_REQUEST_ALLOC(sendreq, comm, dst, ompi_proc);
+    if (OPAL_UNLIKELY(NULL == sendreq)) return OMPI_ERR_OUT_OF_RESOURCE;
+    MCA_PART_PERSIST_PSEND_REQUEST_INIT(sendreq, ompi_proc, comm, tag, dst,
+                                    datatype, buf, parts, count, flags);
+    mca_part_persist_request_t *req = (mca_part_persist_request_t *) sendreq;
+    /* Set lazy initialization variables */
+    req->initialized = false;
+    req->first_send  = true;
+    /* Determine total bytes to send. */
+    err = opal_datatype_type_size(&(req->req_datatype->super), &dt_size_);
+    if(OMPI_SUCCESS != err) return OMPI_ERROR;
+    dt_size = (dt_size_ > (size_t) INT_MAX) ? MPI_UNDEFINED : (int) dt_size_;
+    req->req_bytes = parts * count * dt_size;
+    /* non-blocking send set-up data */
+    req->setup_info[0].world_rank = ompi_comm_rank(&ompi_mpi_comm_world.comm);
+    req->setup_info[0].start_tag = ompi_part_persist.next_send_tag; ompi_part_persist.next_send_tag += parts;
+    req->my_send_tag = req->setup_info[0].start_tag;
+    req->setup_info[0].setup_tag = ompi_part_persist.next_recv_tag; ompi_part_persist.next_recv_tag++;
+    req->my_recv_tag = req->setup_info[0].setup_tag;
+    req->setup_info[0].num_parts = parts;
+    req->real_parts = parts;
+    req->setup_info[0].count = count;
+    req->real_count = count;
+    req->flags = (int*) calloc(req->real_parts, sizeof(int));
+    err = MCA_PML_CALL(isend(&(req->setup_info[0]), sizeof(struct ompi_mca_persist_setup_t), MPI_BYTE, dst, tag, MCA_PML_BASE_SEND_STANDARD, comm, &req->setup_req[0]));
+    if(OMPI_SUCCESS != err) return OMPI_ERROR;
+    /* Non-blocking receive on setup info */
+    if(1 == ompi_part_persist.init_comms) {
+        err = MCA_PML_CALL(irecv(&(req->setup_info[1]), sizeof(struct ompi_mca_persist_setup_t), MPI_BYTE, MPI_ANY_SOURCE, req->my_recv_tag, ompi_part_persist.part_comm_setup, &req->setup_req[1]));
+        if(OMPI_SUCCESS != err) return OMPI_ERROR;
+        req->flag_post_setup_recv = false;
+    } else {
+        req->flag_post_setup_recv = true;
+    }
+    /* Initilaize completion variables */
+    sendreq->req_base.req_ompi.req_persistent = true;
+    req->req_part_complete = true;
+    req->req_ompi.req_complete = REQUEST_COMPLETED;
+    req->req_ompi.req_state = OMPI_REQUEST_INACTIVE;
+    /* add element to progress queue */
+    new_progress_elem = OBJ_NEW(mca_part_persist_list_t);
+    new_progress_elem->item = req;
+    req->progress_elem = new_progress_elem;
+    OPAL_THREAD_LOCK(&ompi_part_persist.lock);
+    opal_list_append(ompi_part_persist.progress_list, (opal_list_item_t*)new_progress_elem);
+    OPAL_THREAD_UNLOCK(&ompi_part_persist.lock);
+    /* Set return values */
+    *request = (ompi_request_t*) sendreq;
+    return err;
+mca_part_persist_start(size_t count, ompi_request_t** requests)
+    int err = OMPI_SUCCESS;
+    size_t _count = count;
+    for(size_t i = 0; i < _count && OMPI_SUCCESS == err; i++) {
+        mca_part_persist_request_t *req = (mca_part_persist_request_t *)(requests[i]);
+        /* First use is a special case, to support lazy initialization */
+        if(false == req->first_send)
+        {
+            if(MCA_PART_PERSIST_REQUEST_PSEND == req->req_type) {
+                req->done_count = 0;
+                memset((void*)req->flags,0,sizeof(int32_t)*req->real_parts);
+            } else {
+                req->done_count = 0;
+                err = req->persist_reqs[0]->req_start(req->real_parts, req->persist_reqs);
+                memset((void*)req->flags,0,sizeof(int32_t)*req->real_parts);
+            }
+        } else {
+            if(MCA_PART_PERSIST_REQUEST_PSEND == req->req_type) {
+                req->done_count = 0;
+                for(size_t j = 0; j < req->real_parts && OMPI_SUCCESS == err; j++) {
+                    req->flags[j] = -1;
+                }
+            } else {
+                req->done_count = 0;
+            }
+        }
+        req->req_ompi.req_state = OMPI_REQUEST_ACTIVE;
+        req->req_ompi.req_status.MPI_TAG = MPI_ANY_TAG;
+        req->req_ompi.req_status.MPI_ERROR = OMPI_SUCCESS;
+        req->req_ompi.req_status._cancelled = 0;
+        req->req_part_complete = false;
+        req->req_ompi.req_complete = false;
+        OPAL_ATOMIC_SWAP_PTR(&req->req_ompi.req_complete, REQUEST_PENDING);
+    }
+    return err;
+static int
+mca_part_persist_pready(size_t min_part,
+                    size_t max_part,
+                    ompi_request_t* request)
+    int err = OMPI_SUCCESS;
+    size_t i;
+    mca_part_persist_request_t *req = (mca_part_persist_request_t *)(request);
+    if(true == req->initialized)
+    {
+        err = req->persist_reqs[min_part]->req_start(max_part-min_part+1, (&(req->persist_reqs[min_part])));
+        for(i = min_part; i <= max_part && OMPI_SUCCESS == err; i++) {
+            req->flags[i] = 0; /* Mark partition as ready for testing */
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        for(i = min_part; i <= max_part && OMPI_SUCCESS == err; i++) {
+            req->flags[i] = -2; /* Mark partition as queued */
+        }
+    }
+    return err;
+static int
+mca_part_persist_parrived(size_t min_part,
+                      size_t max_part,
+                      int* flag,
+                      ompi_request_t* request)
+    int err = OMPI_SUCCESS;
+    size_t i;
+    int _flag = false;
+    mca_part_persist_request_t *req = (mca_part_persist_request_t *)request;
+    if(0 != req->flags) {
+        _flag = 1;
+        if(req->req_parts == req->real_parts) {
+            for(i = min_part; i <= max_part; i++) {
+                _flag = _flag && req->flags[i];
+            }
+        } else {
+            float convert = ((float)req->real_parts) / ((float)req->req_parts);
+            size_t _min = floor(convert * min_part);
+            size_t _max = ceil(convert * max_part);
+            for(i = _min; i <= _max; i++) {
+                _flag = _flag && req->flags[i];
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if(!_flag) {
+        opal_progress();
+    }
+    *flag = _flag;
+    return err;
+ * mca_part_persist_free marks an entry as free called and sets the request to
+ * MPI_REQUEST_NULL. Note: requests get freed in the progress engine.
+ */
+mca_part_persist_free(ompi_request_t** request)
+    mca_part_persist_request_t* req = *(mca_part_persist_request_t**)request;
+    if(true == req->req_free_called) return OMPI_ERROR;
+    req->req_free_called = true;
+    *request = MPI_REQUEST_NULL;
+    return OMPI_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/ompi/mca/part/persist/part_persist.h b/ompi/mca/part/persist/part_persist.h
index d5ea760e27f..60b03e6a78e 100644
--- a/ompi/mca/part/persist/part_persist.h
+++ b/ompi/mca/part/persist/part_persist.h
@@ -84,528 +84,8 @@ struct ompi_part_persist_t {
 typedef struct ompi_part_persist_t ompi_part_persist_t;
 extern ompi_part_persist_t ompi_part_persist;
- * This is a helper function that frees a request. This requires ompi_part_persist.lock be held before calling.
- */
-__opal_attribute_always_inline__ static inline int
-mca_part_persist_free_req(struct mca_part_persist_request_t* req)
-    int err = OMPI_SUCCESS;
-    size_t i;
-    opal_list_remove_item(ompi_part_persist.progress_list, (opal_list_item_t*)req->progress_elem);
-    OBJ_RELEASE(req->progress_elem);
-    for(i = 0; i < req->real_parts; i++) {
-        ompi_request_free(&(req->persist_reqs[i]));
-    }
-    free(req->persist_reqs);
-    free(req->flags);
-    if( MCA_PART_PERSIST_REQUEST_PRECV == req->req_type ) {
-    } else {
-    }
-    return err;
-__opal_attribute_always_inline__ static inline void mca_part_persist_init_lists(void)
-    opal_free_list_init (&mca_part_base_precv_requests,
-                         sizeof(mca_part_persist_precv_request_t),
-                         opal_cache_line_size,
-                         OBJ_CLASS(mca_part_persist_precv_request_t),
-                         0,opal_cache_line_size,
-                         ompi_part_persist.free_list_num,
-                         ompi_part_persist.free_list_max,
-                         ompi_part_persist.free_list_inc,
-                         NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-    opal_free_list_init (&mca_part_base_psend_requests,
-                         sizeof(mca_part_persist_psend_request_t),
-                         opal_cache_line_size,
-                         OBJ_CLASS(mca_part_persist_psend_request_t),
-                         0,opal_cache_line_size,
-                         ompi_part_persist.free_list_num,
-                         ompi_part_persist.free_list_max,
-                         ompi_part_persist.free_list_inc,
-                         NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-     ompi_part_persist.progress_list = OBJ_NEW(opal_list_t);
-__opal_attribute_always_inline__ static inline void
-mca_part_persist_complete(struct mca_part_persist_request_t* request)
-    if(MCA_PART_PERSIST_REQUEST_PRECV == request->req_type) {
-        request->req_ompi.req_status.MPI_SOURCE = request->req_peer; 
-    } else {
-        request->req_ompi.req_status.MPI_SOURCE = request->req_comm->c_my_rank;
-    }
-    request->req_ompi.req_complete_cb = NULL;
-    request->req_ompi.req_status.MPI_TAG = request->req_tag;  
-    request->req_ompi.req_status._ucount = request->req_bytes;
-    request->req_ompi.req_status.MPI_ERROR = OMPI_SUCCESS;
-    request->req_part_complete = true;
-    ompi_request_complete(&(request->req_ompi), true );
- * mca_part_persist_progress is the progress function that will be registered. It handles 
- * both send and recv request testing and completion. It also handles freeing requests,
- * after MPI_Free is called and the requests have become inactive.
- */
-__opal_attribute_always_inline__ static inline int
-    mca_part_persist_list_t *current;
-    int err;
-    size_t i;
-    /* prevent re-entry, */
-    int block_entry = opal_atomic_add_fetch_32(&(ompi_part_persist.block_entry), 1);
-    if(1 < block_entry)
-    {
-        block_entry = opal_atomic_add_fetch_32(&(ompi_part_persist.block_entry), -1);
-        return OMPI_SUCCESS;
-    }
-    OPAL_THREAD_LOCK(&ompi_part_persist.lock);
-    mca_part_persist_request_t* to_delete = NULL;
-    /* Don't do anything till a function in the module is called. */
-    if(-1 == ompi_part_persist.init_world)
-    {
-        OPAL_THREAD_UNLOCK(&ompi_part_persist.lock);
-        block_entry = opal_atomic_add_fetch_32(&(ompi_part_persist.block_entry), -1);
-        return OMPI_SUCCESS;
-    }
-    /* Can't do anything if we don't have world */
-    if(0 == ompi_part_persist.init_world) {
-        ompi_part_persist.my_world_rank = ompi_comm_rank(&ompi_mpi_comm_world.comm);
-        err = ompi_comm_idup(&ompi_mpi_comm_world.comm, &ompi_part_persist.part_comm, &ompi_part_persist.part_comm_req);
-        if(err != OMPI_SUCCESS) {
-             exit(-1);
-        }
-        ompi_part_persist.part_comm_ready = 0;
-        err = ompi_comm_idup(&ompi_mpi_comm_world.comm, &ompi_part_persist.part_comm_setup, &ompi_part_persist.part_comm_sreq);
-        if(err != OMPI_SUCCESS) {
-            exit(-1);
-        }
-        ompi_part_persist.part_comm_sready = 0;
-        ompi_part_persist.init_world = 1;
-        OPAL_THREAD_UNLOCK(&ompi_part_persist.lock);
-        block_entry = opal_atomic_add_fetch_32(&(ompi_part_persist.block_entry), -1);
-        return OMPI_SUCCESS;
-    }
-    /* Check to see if Comms are setup */
-    if(0 == ompi_part_persist.init_comms) {
-        if(0 == ompi_part_persist.part_comm_ready) {
-            ompi_request_test(&ompi_part_persist.part_comm_req, &ompi_part_persist.part_comm_ready, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
-        }
-        if(0 == ompi_part_persist.part_comm_sready) {
-            ompi_request_test(&ompi_part_persist.part_comm_sreq, &ompi_part_persist.part_comm_sready, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
-        }
-        if(0 != ompi_part_persist.part_comm_ready && 0 != ompi_part_persist.part_comm_sready) {
-            ompi_part_persist.init_comms = 1;
-        }
-        OPAL_THREAD_UNLOCK(&ompi_part_persist.lock);
-        block_entry = opal_atomic_add_fetch_32(&(ompi_part_persist.block_entry), -1);
-        return OMPI_SUCCESS;
-    }
-    OPAL_LIST_FOREACH(current, ompi_part_persist.progress_list, mca_part_persist_list_t) {
-        mca_part_persist_request_t *req = (mca_part_persist_request_t *) current->item;
-        /* Check to see if request is initilaized */
-        if(false == req->initialized) {
-            int done = 0; 
-            if(true == req->flag_post_setup_recv) {
-                err = MCA_PML_CALL(irecv(&(req->setup_info[1]), sizeof(struct ompi_mca_persist_setup_t), MPI_BYTE, OMPI_ANY_SOURCE, req->my_recv_tag, ompi_part_persist.part_comm_setup, &req->setup_req[1]));
-                req->flag_post_setup_recv = false;
-            } 
-            ompi_request_test(&(req->setup_req[1]), &done, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
-            if(done) {
-                size_t dt_size_;
-                uint32_t dt_size;
-                if(MCA_PART_PERSIST_REQUEST_PSEND == req->req_type) {
-                    /* parse message */
-                    req->world_peer  = req->setup_info[1].world_rank; 
-                    err = opal_datatype_type_size(&(req->req_datatype->super), &dt_size_);
-                    if(OMPI_SUCCESS != err) return OMPI_ERROR;
-                    dt_size = (dt_size_ > (size_t) UINT_MAX) ? MPI_UNDEFINED : (uint32_t) dt_size_;
-                    uint32_t bytes = req->real_count * dt_size;
-                    /* Set up persistent sends */
-                    req->persist_reqs = (ompi_request_t**) malloc(sizeof(ompi_request_t*)*(req->real_parts));
-                    for(i = 0; i < req->real_parts; i++) {
-                         void *buf = ((void*) (((char*)req->req_addr) + (bytes * i)));
-                         err = MCA_PML_CALL(isend_init(buf, req->real_count, req->req_datatype, req->world_peer, req->my_send_tag+i, MCA_PML_BASE_SEND_STANDARD, ompi_part_persist.part_comm, &(req->persist_reqs[i])));
-                    }    
-                } else {
-                    /* parse message */
-                    req->world_peer   = req->setup_info[1].world_rank; 
-                    req->my_send_tag  = req->setup_info[1].start_tag;
-                    req->my_recv_tag  = req->setup_info[1].setup_tag;
-                    req->real_parts   = req->setup_info[1].num_parts;
-                    req->real_count   = req->setup_info[1].count;
-                    req->real_dt_size = req->setup_info[1].dt_size;
-                    err = opal_datatype_type_size(&(req->req_datatype->super), &dt_size_);
-                    if(OMPI_SUCCESS != err) return OMPI_ERROR;
-                    dt_size = (dt_size_ > (size_t) UINT_MAX) ? MPI_UNDEFINED : (uint32_t) dt_size_;
-                    uint32_t bytes = req->real_count * dt_size;
-		    /* Set up persistent sends */
-                    req->persist_reqs = (ompi_request_t**) malloc(sizeof(ompi_request_t*)*(req->real_parts));
-                    req->flags = (int*) calloc(req->real_parts,sizeof(int));
-                    if(req->real_dt_size == dt_size) {
-     	                for(i = 0; i < req->real_parts; i++) {
-                            void *buf = ((void*) (((char*)req->req_addr) + (bytes * i)));
-                            err = MCA_PML_CALL(irecv_init(buf, req->real_count, req->req_datatype, req->world_peer, req->my_send_tag+i, ompi_part_persist.part_comm, &(req->persist_reqs[i])));
-                        }
-                    } else {
-                        for(i = 0; i < req->real_parts; i++) {
-                            void *buf = ((void*) (((char*)req->req_addr) + (req->real_count * req->real_dt_size * i)));
-                            err = MCA_PML_CALL(irecv_init(buf, req->real_count * req->real_dt_size, MPI_BYTE, req->world_peer, req->my_send_tag+i, ompi_part_persist.part_comm, &(req->persist_reqs[i])));
-                        }
-		    }
-                    err = req->persist_reqs[0]->req_start(req->real_parts, (&(req->persist_reqs[0])));                     
-                    /* Send back a message */
-                    req->setup_info[0].world_rank = ompi_part_persist.my_world_rank;
-                    err = MCA_PML_CALL(isend(&(req->setup_info[0]), sizeof(struct ompi_mca_persist_setup_t), MPI_BYTE, req->world_peer, req->my_recv_tag, MCA_PML_BASE_SEND_STANDARD, ompi_part_persist.part_comm_setup, &req->setup_req[0]));
-                    if(OMPI_SUCCESS != err) return OMPI_ERROR;
-                }
-                req->initialized = true; 
-            }
-        } else {
-            if(false == req->req_part_complete && REQUEST_COMPLETED != req->req_ompi.req_complete && OMPI_REQUEST_ACTIVE == req->req_ompi.req_state) {
-               for(i = 0; i < req->real_parts; i++) {
-                    /* Check to see if partition is queued for being started. Only applicable to sends. */ 
-                    if(-2 ==  req->flags[i]) {
-                        err = req->persist_reqs[i]->req_start(1, (&(req->persist_reqs[i])));
-                        req->flags[i] = 0;
-                    }
-                    if(0 == req->flags[i])
-                    {
-                        ompi_request_test(&(req->persist_reqs[i]), &(req->flags[i]), MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
-                        if(0 != req->flags[i]) req->done_count++;
-                    }
-                }
-                /* Check for completion and complete the requests */
-                if(req->done_count == req->real_parts)
-                {
-                    req->first_send = false;
-                    mca_part_persist_complete(req);
-                } 
-            }
-            if(true == req->req_free_called && true == req->req_part_complete && REQUEST_COMPLETED == req->req_ompi.req_complete &&  OMPI_REQUEST_INACTIVE == req->req_ompi.req_state) {
-                to_delete = req;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    OPAL_THREAD_UNLOCK(&ompi_part_persist.lock);
-    block_entry = opal_atomic_add_fetch_32(&(ompi_part_persist.block_entry), -1);
-    if(to_delete) {
-        err =  mca_part_persist_free_req(to_delete);
-        if (OMPI_SUCCESS != err) {
-            return OMPI_ERROR;
-        }
-    }
-    return OMPI_SUCCESS;
-__opal_attribute_always_inline__ static inline int
-mca_part_persist_precv_init(void *buf,
-                        size_t parts, 
-                        size_t count,
-                        ompi_datatype_t * datatype,
-                        int src,
-                        int tag,
-                        struct ompi_communicator_t *comm,
-                        struct ompi_info_t * info,
-                        struct ompi_request_t **request)
-    int err = OMPI_SUCCESS;
-    size_t dt_size_;
-    uint32_t dt_size;
-    mca_part_persist_list_t* new_progress_elem = NULL;
-    mca_part_persist_precv_request_t *recvreq;
-    /* if module hasn't been called before, flag module to init. */
-    if(-1 == ompi_part_persist.init_world)
-    {
-        ompi_part_persist.init_world = 0;
-    }
-    /* Allocate a new request */
-    if (OPAL_UNLIKELY(NULL == recvreq)) return OMPI_ERR_OUT_OF_RESOURCE;
-    MCA_PART_PERSIST_PRECV_REQUEST_INIT(recvreq, ompi_proc, comm, tag, src,
-                                     datatype, buf, parts, count, flags);
-    mca_part_persist_request_t *req = (mca_part_persist_request_t *) recvreq;
-    /* Set lazy initializion flags */
-    req->initialized = false;
-    req->first_send  = true; 
-    req->flag_post_setup_recv = false;
-    req->flags = NULL;
-    /* Non-blocking receive on setup info */
-    err	= MCA_PML_CALL(irecv(&req->setup_info[1], sizeof(struct ompi_mca_persist_setup_t), MPI_BYTE, src, tag, comm, &req->setup_req[1])); 
-    if(OMPI_SUCCESS != err) return OMPI_ERROR;
-    /* Compute total number of bytes */
-    err = opal_datatype_type_size(&(req->req_datatype->super), &dt_size_);
-    if(OMPI_SUCCESS != err) return OMPI_ERROR;
-    dt_size = (dt_size_ > (size_t) UINT_MAX) ? MPI_UNDEFINED : (uint32_t) dt_size_;
-    req->req_bytes = parts * count * dt_size;
-    /* Set ompi request initial values */
-    req->req_ompi.req_persistent = true;
-    req->req_part_complete = true;
-    req->req_ompi.req_complete = REQUEST_COMPLETED;
-    req->req_ompi.req_state = OMPI_REQUEST_INACTIVE;
-    /* Add element to progress engine */
-    new_progress_elem = OBJ_NEW(mca_part_persist_list_t);
-    new_progress_elem->item = req;
-    req->progress_elem = new_progress_elem; 
-    OPAL_THREAD_LOCK(&ompi_part_persist.lock);
-    opal_list_append(ompi_part_persist.progress_list, (opal_list_item_t*)new_progress_elem);
-    OPAL_THREAD_UNLOCK(&ompi_part_persist.lock);
-    /* set return values */
-    *request = (ompi_request_t*) recvreq;
-    return err;
-__opal_attribute_always_inline__ static inline int
-mca_part_persist_psend_init(const void* buf,
-                        size_t parts,
-                        size_t count,
-                        ompi_datatype_t* datatype,
-                        int dst,
-                        int tag,
-                        ompi_communicator_t* comm,
-                        struct ompi_info_t * info,
-                        ompi_request_t** request)
-    int err = OMPI_SUCCESS;
-    size_t dt_size_;
-    uint32_t dt_size;
-    mca_part_persist_list_t* new_progress_elem = NULL;
-    mca_part_persist_psend_request_t *sendreq;
-    /* if module hasn't been called before, flag module to init. */
-    if(-1 == ompi_part_persist.init_world)
-    {
-        ompi_part_persist.init_world = 0;
-    }
-    /* Create new request object */
-    MCA_PART_PERSIST_PSEND_REQUEST_ALLOC(sendreq, comm, dst, ompi_proc);
-    if (OPAL_UNLIKELY(NULL == sendreq)) return OMPI_ERR_OUT_OF_RESOURCE;
-    MCA_PART_PERSIST_PSEND_REQUEST_INIT(sendreq, ompi_proc, comm, tag, dst,
-                                    datatype, buf, parts, count, flags);
-    mca_part_persist_request_t *req = (mca_part_persist_request_t *) sendreq;
-    /* Set lazy initialization variables */
-    req->initialized = false;
-    req->first_send  = true; 
-    /* Determine total bytes to send. */
-    err = opal_datatype_type_size(&(req->req_datatype->super), &dt_size_);
-    if(OMPI_SUCCESS != err) return OMPI_ERROR;
-    dt_size = (dt_size_ > (size_t) UINT_MAX) ? MPI_UNDEFINED : (uint32_t) dt_size_;
-    req->req_bytes = parts * count * dt_size;
-    /* non-blocking send set-up data */
-    req->setup_info[0].world_rank = ompi_comm_rank(&ompi_mpi_comm_world.comm);
-    req->setup_info[0].start_tag = ompi_part_persist.next_send_tag; ompi_part_persist.next_send_tag += parts; 
-    req->my_send_tag = req->setup_info[0].start_tag;
-    req->setup_info[0].setup_tag = ompi_part_persist.next_recv_tag; ompi_part_persist.next_recv_tag++;
-    req->my_recv_tag = req->setup_info[0].setup_tag;
-    req->setup_info[0].num_parts = parts;
-    req->real_parts = parts;
-    req->setup_info[0].count = count;
-    req->real_count = count;
-    req->setup_info[0].dt_size = dt_size;
-    req->flags = (int*) calloc(req->real_parts, sizeof(int));
-    err = MCA_PML_CALL(isend(&(req->setup_info[0]), sizeof(struct ompi_mca_persist_setup_t), MPI_BYTE, dst, tag, MCA_PML_BASE_SEND_STANDARD, comm, &req->setup_req[0]));
-    if(OMPI_SUCCESS != err) return OMPI_ERROR;
-    /* Non-blocking receive on setup info */
-    if(1 == ompi_part_persist.init_comms) {
-        err = MCA_PML_CALL(irecv(&(req->setup_info[1]), sizeof(struct ompi_mca_persist_setup_t), MPI_BYTE, MPI_ANY_SOURCE, req->my_recv_tag, ompi_part_persist.part_comm_setup, &req->setup_req[1]));
-        if(OMPI_SUCCESS != err) return OMPI_ERROR;
-        req->flag_post_setup_recv = false;
-    } else {
-        req->flag_post_setup_recv = true;
-    }
-    /* Initilaize completion variables */
-    sendreq->req_base.req_ompi.req_persistent = true;
-    req->req_part_complete = true;
-    req->req_ompi.req_complete = REQUEST_COMPLETED;
-    req->req_ompi.req_state = OMPI_REQUEST_INACTIVE;
-    /* add element to progress queue */
-    new_progress_elem = OBJ_NEW(mca_part_persist_list_t);
-    new_progress_elem->item = req;
-    req->progress_elem = new_progress_elem;
-    OPAL_THREAD_LOCK(&ompi_part_persist.lock);
-    opal_list_append(ompi_part_persist.progress_list, (opal_list_item_t*)new_progress_elem);
-    OPAL_THREAD_UNLOCK(&ompi_part_persist.lock);
-    /* Set return values */
-    *request = (ompi_request_t*) sendreq;
-    return err;
-__opal_attribute_always_inline__ static inline int
-mca_part_persist_start(size_t count, ompi_request_t** requests)
-    int err = OMPI_SUCCESS;
-    size_t _count = count;
-    for(size_t i = 0; i < _count && OMPI_SUCCESS == err; i++) {
-        mca_part_persist_request_t *req = (mca_part_persist_request_t *)(requests[i]);
-        /* First use is a special case, to support lazy initialization */
-        if(false == req->first_send)
-        {
-            if(MCA_PART_PERSIST_REQUEST_PSEND == req->req_type) {
-                req->done_count = 0;
-                memset((void*)req->flags,0,sizeof(uint32_t)*req->real_parts);
-            } else {
-                req->done_count = 0;
-                err = req->persist_reqs[0]->req_start(req->real_parts, req->persist_reqs);
-                memset((void*)req->flags,0,sizeof(uint32_t)*req->real_parts);
-            } 
-        } else {
-            if(MCA_PART_PERSIST_REQUEST_PSEND == req->req_type) {
-                req->done_count = 0;
-                for(size_t j = 0; j < req->real_parts && OMPI_SUCCESS == err; j++) {
-                    req->flags[j] = -1;
-                }
-            } else {
-                req->done_count = 0;
-            } 
-        } 
-        req->req_ompi.req_state = OMPI_REQUEST_ACTIVE;    
-        req->req_ompi.req_status.MPI_TAG = MPI_ANY_TAG;
-        req->req_ompi.req_status.MPI_ERROR = OMPI_SUCCESS;
-        req->req_ompi.req_status._cancelled = 0;
-        req->req_part_complete = false;
-        req->req_ompi.req_complete = false;
-        OPAL_ATOMIC_SWAP_PTR(&req->req_ompi.req_complete, REQUEST_PENDING);   
-    }
-    return err;
-__opal_attribute_always_inline__ static inline int
-mca_part_persist_pready(size_t min_part,
-                    size_t max_part,
-                    ompi_request_t* request)
-    int err = OMPI_SUCCESS;
-    size_t i;
-    mca_part_persist_request_t *req = (mca_part_persist_request_t *)(request);
-    if(true == req->initialized)
-    {
-        err = req->persist_reqs[min_part]->req_start(max_part-min_part+1, (&(req->persist_reqs[min_part])));
-        for(i = min_part; i <= max_part && OMPI_SUCCESS == err; i++) {
-            req->flags[i] = 0; /* Mark partition as ready for testing */
-        }
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        for(i = min_part; i <= max_part && OMPI_SUCCESS == err; i++) {
-            req->flags[i] = -2; /* Mark partition as queued */
-        }
-    }
-    return err;
-__opal_attribute_always_inline__ static inline int
-mca_part_persist_parrived(size_t min_part,
-                      size_t max_part,
-                      int* flag, 
-                      ompi_request_t* request)
-    int err = OMPI_SUCCESS;
-    size_t i;
-    int _flag = false;
-    mca_part_persist_request_t *req = (mca_part_persist_request_t *)request;
-    if(0 != req->flags) {
-        _flag = 1;
-        if(req->req_parts == req->real_parts) {
-            for(i = min_part; i <= max_part; i++) {
-                _flag = _flag && req->flags[i];            
-            }
-        } else {
-            float convert = ((float)req->real_parts) / ((float)req->req_parts);
-            size_t _min = floor(convert * min_part);
-            size_t _max = ceil(convert * max_part);
-            for(i = _min; i <= _max; i++) {
-                _flag = _flag && req->flags[i];
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    if(!_flag) {
-        opal_progress();
-    } 
-    *flag = _flag;
-    return err;
- * mca_part_persist_free marks an entry as free called and sets the request to 
- * MPI_REQUEST_NULL. Note: requests get freed in the progress engine. 
- */
-__opal_attribute_always_inline__ static inline int
-mca_part_persist_free(ompi_request_t** request)
-    mca_part_persist_request_t* req = *(mca_part_persist_request_t**)request;
-    if(true == req->req_free_called) return OMPI_ERROR;
-    req->req_free_called = true;
-    *request = MPI_REQUEST_NULL;
-    return OMPI_SUCCESS;
+int mca_part_persist_start(size_t, ompi_request_t**);
+int mca_part_persist_free(ompi_request_t**);
diff --git a/ompi/mca/part/persist/part_persist_component.c b/ompi/mca/part/persist/part_persist_component.c
index 919284476b9..5972ff8cd92 100644
--- a/ompi/mca/part/persist/part_persist_component.c
+++ b/ompi/mca/part/persist/part_persist_component.c
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
  * Copyright (c) 2013-2021 Sandia National Laboratories.  All rights reserved.
  * Copyright (c) 2015      Los Alamos National Security, LLC.  All rights
  *                         reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2024      Research Organization for Information Science
+ *                         and Technology (RIST).  All rights reserved.
  * Additional copyrights may follow
@@ -88,6 +90,29 @@ mca_part_persist_component_register(void)
     return OPAL_SUCCESS;
+static void mca_part_persist_init_lists(void)
+    opal_free_list_init (&mca_part_base_precv_requests,
+                         sizeof(mca_part_persist_precv_request_t),
+                         opal_cache_line_size,
+                         OBJ_CLASS(mca_part_persist_precv_request_t),
+                         0,opal_cache_line_size,
+                         ompi_part_persist.free_list_num,
+                         ompi_part_persist.free_list_max,
+                         ompi_part_persist.free_list_inc,
+                         NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+    opal_free_list_init (&mca_part_base_psend_requests,
+                         sizeof(mca_part_persist_psend_request_t),
+                         opal_cache_line_size,
+                         OBJ_CLASS(mca_part_persist_psend_request_t),
+                         0,opal_cache_line_size,
+                         ompi_part_persist.free_list_num,
+                         ompi_part_persist.free_list_max,
+                         ompi_part_persist.free_list_inc,
+                         NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+     ompi_part_persist.progress_list = OBJ_NEW(opal_list_t);
 static int