Hello Hope Cohort,
Last week: We were delighted to catch up with some of you at the skill-up session on personal ecology and self-care - you can see our shared notes, and the call transcription will be on YouTube by the end of the 30th. We also had a lot of fun with “speed dating” quick 5 minute zoom breakout sessions just for socialising and talking about cats, plants, and computer problems.
Next week: The cohort call will be on next steps in open science. We will discuss some next steps you can take in further opening up your work. Speakers will include Gilbert Beyamba from Pollicy (https://pollicy.org/) talking about citizen science, Stephan Druskat talking on FAIR Software/software management and citation, and Philippe Rocca-Serra on FAIR Data, metadata and data management.
Notes with joining link: https://bit.ly/ols-5-week-14
Time zone: https://arewemeetingyet.com/Berlin/2022-05-30/18:00/week-14
We’ve sent you a separate email about graduation planning - we’re excited to be nearly at the end of the cohort! You can see the graduation email here on the OLS-5 mailing list: [LINK REMOVED]
Questions? Please email [email protected], ping us in Slack, or book ten minutes to chat with Yo: https://calendly.com/yo-yehudi/
Your Open Life Science Team,
Malvika, Yo, Bérénice, Emmy