-[OpenFeature](https://openfeature.dev) is an open specification that provides a vendor-agnostic, community-driven API for feature flagging that works with your favorite feature flag management tool.
-## ๐ Quick start
-### Requirements
-- .NET 6+
-- .NET Core 6+
-- .NET Framework 4.6.2+
-Note that the packages will aim to support all current .NET versions. Refer to the currently supported versions [.NET](https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet) and [.NET Framework](https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet-framework) excluding .NET Framework 3.5
-### Install
-Use the following to initialize your project:
-dotnet new console
-and install OpenFeature:
-dotnet add package OpenFeature
-### Usage
-public async Task Example()
- // Register your feature flag provider
- await Api.Instance.SetProvider(new InMemoryProvider());
- // Create a new client
- FeatureClient client = Api.Instance.GetClient();
- // Evaluate your feature flag
- bool v2Enabled = await client.GetBooleanValue("v2_enabled", false);
- if ( v2Enabled )
- {
- //Do some work
- }
-## ๐ Features
-| Status | Features | Description |
-| ------ | ------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| โ | [Providers](#providers) | Integrate with a commercial, open source, or in-house feature management tool. |
-| โ | [Targeting](#targeting) | Contextually-aware flag evaluation using [evaluation context](https://openfeature.dev/docs/reference/concepts/evaluation-context). |
-| โ | [Hooks](#hooks) | Add functionality to various stages of the flag evaluation life-cycle. |
-| โ | [Logging](#logging) | Integrate with popular logging packages. |
-| โ | [Named clients](#named-clients) | Utilize multiple providers in a single application. |
-| โ | [Eventing](#eventing) | React to state changes in the provider or flag management system. |
-| โ | [Shutdown](#shutdown) | Gracefully clean up a provider during application shutdown. |
-| โ | [Extending](#extending) | Extend OpenFeature with custom providers and hooks. |
-Implemented: โ | In-progress: โ ๏ธ | Not implemented yet: โ
-### Providers
-[Providers](https://openfeature.dev/docs/reference/concepts/provider) are an abstraction between a flag management system and the OpenFeature SDK.
-Here is [a complete list of available providers](https://openfeature.dev/ecosystem?instant_search%5BrefinementList%5D%5Btype%5D%5B0%5D=Provider&instant_search%5BrefinementList%5D%5Btechnology%5D%5B0%5D=.NET).
-If the provider you're looking for hasn't been created yet, see the [develop a provider](#develop-a-provider) section to learn how to build it yourself.
-Once you've added a provider as a dependency, it can be registered with OpenFeature like this:
-await Api.Instance.SetProvider(new MyProvider());
-In some situations, it may be beneficial to register multiple providers in the same application.
-This is possible using [named clients](#named-clients), which is covered in more detail below.
-### Targeting
-Sometimes, the value of a flag must consider some dynamic criteria about the application or user such as the user's location, IP, email address, or the server's location.
-In OpenFeature, we refer to this as [targeting](https://openfeature.dev/specification/glossary#targeting).
-If the flag management system you're using supports targeting, you can provide the input data using the [evaluation context](https://openfeature.dev/docs/reference/concepts/evaluation-context).
-// set a value to the global context
-EvaluationContextBuilder builder = EvaluationContext.Builder();
-builder.Set("region", "us-east-1");
-EvaluationContext apiCtx = builder.Build();
-// set a value to the client context
-builder = EvaluationContext.Builder();
-builder.Set("region", "us-east-1");
-EvaluationContext clientCtx = builder.Build();
-var client = Api.Instance.GetClient();
-// set a value to the invocation context
-builder = EvaluationContext.Builder();
-builder.Set("region", "us-east-1");
-EvaluationContext reqCtx = builder.Build();
-bool flagValue = await client.GetBooleanValue("some-flag", false, reqCtx);
-### Hooks
-[Hooks](https://openfeature.dev/docs/reference/concepts/hooks) allow for custom logic to be added at well-defined points of the flag evaluation life-cycle.
-Here is [a complete list of available hooks](https://openfeature.dev/docs/reference/technologies/server/dotnet/).
-If the hook you're looking for hasn't been created yet, see the [develop a hook](#develop-a-hook) section to learn how to build it yourself.
-Once you've added a hook as a dependency, it can be registered at the global, client, or flag invocation level.
-// add a hook globally, to run on all evaluations
-Api.Instance.AddHooks(new ExampleGlobalHook());
-// add a hook on this client, to run on all evaluations made by this client
-var client = Api.Instance.GetClient();
-client.AddHooks(new ExampleClientHook());
-// add a hook for this evaluation only
-var value = await client.GetBooleanValue("boolFlag", false, context, new FlagEvaluationOptions(new ExampleInvocationHook()));
-### Logging
-The .NET SDK uses Microsoft.Extensions.Logging. See the [manual](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/extensions/logging?tabs=command-line) for complete documentation.
-### Named clients
-Clients can be given a name.
-A name is a logical identifier that can be used to associate clients with a particular provider.
-If a name has no associated provider, the global provider is used.
-// registering the default provider
-await Api.Instance.SetProvider(new LocalProvider());
-// registering a named provider
-await Api.Instance.SetProvider("clientForCache", new CachedProvider());
-// a client backed by default provider
-FeatureClient clientDefault = Api.Instance.GetClient();
-// a client backed by CachedProvider
-FeatureClient clientNamed = Api.Instance.GetClient("clientForCache");
-### Eventing
-Events allow you to react to state changes in the provider or underlying flag management system, such as flag definition changes,
-provider readiness, or error conditions.
-Initialization events (`PROVIDER_READY` on success, `PROVIDER_ERROR` on failure) are dispatched for every provider.
-Some providers support additional events, such as `PROVIDER_CONFIGURATION_CHANGED`.
-Please refer to the documentation of the provider you're using to see what events are supported.
-Example usage of an Event handler:
-public static void EventHandler(ProviderEventPayload eventDetails)
- Console.WriteLine(eventDetails.Type);
-EventHandlerDelegate callback = EventHandler;
-// add an implementation of the EventHandlerDelegate for the PROVIDER_READY event
-Api.Instance.AddHandler(ProviderEventTypes.ProviderReady, callback);
-It is also possible to register an event handler for a specific client, as in the following example:
-EventHandlerDelegate callback = EventHandler;
-var myClient = Api.Instance.GetClient("my-client");
-var provider = new ExampleProvider();
-await Api.Instance.SetProvider(myClient.GetMetadata().Name, provider);
-myClient.AddHandler(ProviderEventTypes.ProviderReady, callback);
-### Shutdown
-The OpenFeature API provides a close function to perform a cleanup of all registered providers. This should only be called when your application is in the process of shutting down.
-// Shut down all providers
-await Api.Instance.Shutdown();
-## Extending
-### Develop a provider
-To develop a provider, you need to create a new project and include the OpenFeature SDK as a dependency.
-This can be a new repository or included in [the existing contrib repository](https://github.com/open-feature/dotnet-sdk-contrib) available under the OpenFeature organization.
-Youโll then need to write the provider by implementing the `FeatureProvider` interface exported by the OpenFeature SDK.
-public class MyProvider : FeatureProvider
- public override Metadata GetMetadata()
- {
- return new Metadata("My Provider");
- }
- public override Task> ResolveBooleanValue(string flagKey, bool defaultValue, EvaluationContext context = null)
- {
- // resolve a boolean flag value
- }
- public override Task> ResolveDoubleValue(string flagKey, double defaultValue, EvaluationContext context = null)
- {
- // resolve a double flag value
- }
- public override Task> ResolveIntegerValue(string flagKey, int defaultValue, EvaluationContext context = null)
- {
- // resolve an int flag value
- }
- public override Task> ResolveStringValue(string flagKey, string defaultValue, EvaluationContext context = null)
- {
- // resolve a string flag value
- }
- public override Task> ResolveStructureValue(string flagKey, Value defaultValue, EvaluationContext context = null)
- {
- // resolve an object flag value
- }
-### Develop a hook
-To develop a hook, you need to create a new project and include the OpenFeature SDK as a dependency.
-This can be a new repository or included in [the existing contrib repository](https://github.com/open-feature/dotnet-sdk-contrib) available under the OpenFeature organization.
-Implement your own hook by conforming to the `Hook interface`.
-To satisfy the interface, all methods (`Before`/`After`/`Finally`/`Error`) need to be defined.
-public class MyHook : Hook
- public Task Before(HookContext context,
- IReadOnlyDictionary hints = null)
- {
- // code to run before flag evaluation
- }
- public virtual Task After(HookContext context, FlagEvaluationDetails details,
- IReadOnlyDictionary hints = null)
- {
- // code to run after successful flag evaluation
- }
- public virtual Task Error(HookContext context, Exception error,
- IReadOnlyDictionary hints = null)
- {
- // code to run if there's an error during before hooks or during flag evaluation
- }
- public virtual Task Finally(HookContext context, IReadOnlyDictionary hints = null)
- {
- // code to run after all other stages, regardless of success/failure
- }
-Built a new hook? [Let us know](https://github.com/open-feature/openfeature.dev/issues/new?assignees=&labels=hook&projects=&template=document-hook.yaml&title=%5BHook%5D%3A+) so we can add it to the docs!
-## โญ๏ธ Support the project
-- Give this repo a โญ๏ธ!
-- Follow us on social media:
- - Twitter: [@openfeature](https://twitter.com/openfeature)
- - LinkedIn: [OpenFeature](https://www.linkedin.com/company/openfeature/)
-- Join us on [Slack](https://cloud-native.slack.com/archives/C0344AANLA1)
-- For more information, check out our [community page](https://openfeature.dev/community/)
-## ๐ค Contributing
-Interested in contributing? Great, we'd love your help! To get started, take a look at the [CONTRIBUTING](CONTRIBUTING.md) guide.
-### Thanks to everyone who has already contributed
-Made with [contrib.rocks](https://contrib.rocks).
+[OpenFeature](https://openfeature.dev) is an open specification that provides a vendor-agnostic, community-driven API for feature flagging that works with your favorite feature flag management tool.
+## ๐ Quick start
+### Requirements
+- .NET 6+
+- .NET Core 6+
+- .NET Framework 4.6.2+
+Note that the packages will aim to support all current .NET versions. Refer to the currently supported versions [.NET](https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet) and [.NET Framework](https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet-framework) excluding .NET Framework 3.5
+### Install
+Use the following to initialize your project:
+dotnet new console
+and install OpenFeature:
+dotnet add package OpenFeature
+### Usage
+public async Task Example()
+ // Register your feature flag provider
+ await Api.Instance.SetProvider(new InMemoryProvider());
+ // Create a new client
+ FeatureClient client = Api.Instance.GetClient();
+ // Evaluate your feature flag
+ bool v2Enabled = await client.GetBooleanValue("v2_enabled", false);
+ if ( v2Enabled )
+ {
+ //Do some work
+ }
+## ๐ Features
+| Status | Features | Description |
+| ------ | ------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| โ | [Providers](#providers) | Integrate with a commercial, open source, or in-house feature management tool. |
+| โ | [Targeting](#targeting) | Contextually-aware flag evaluation using [evaluation context](https://openfeature.dev/docs/reference/concepts/evaluation-context). |
+| โ | [Hooks](#hooks) | Add functionality to various stages of the flag evaluation life-cycle. |
+| โ | [Logging](#logging) | Integrate with popular logging packages. |
+| โ | [Named clients](#named-clients) | Utilize multiple providers in a single application. |
+| โ | [Eventing](#eventing) | React to state changes in the provider or flag management system. |
+| โ | [Shutdown](#shutdown) | Gracefully clean up a provider during application shutdown. |
+| โ | [Extending](#extending) | Extend OpenFeature with custom providers and hooks. |
+Implemented: โ | In-progress: โ ๏ธ | Not implemented yet: โ
+### Providers
+[Providers](https://openfeature.dev/docs/reference/concepts/provider) are an abstraction between a flag management system and the OpenFeature SDK.
+Here is [a complete list of available providers](https://openfeature.dev/ecosystem?instant_search%5BrefinementList%5D%5Btype%5D%5B0%5D=Provider&instant_search%5BrefinementList%5D%5Btechnology%5D%5B0%5D=.NET).
+If the provider you're looking for hasn't been created yet, see the [develop a provider](#develop-a-provider) section to learn how to build it yourself.
+Once you've added a provider as a dependency, it can be registered with OpenFeature like this:
+await Api.Instance.SetProvider(new MyProvider());
+In some situations, it may be beneficial to register multiple providers in the same application.
+This is possible using [named clients](#named-clients), which is covered in more detail below.
+### Targeting
+Sometimes, the value of a flag must consider some dynamic criteria about the application or user such as the user's location, IP, email address, or the server's location.
+In OpenFeature, we refer to this as [targeting](https://openfeature.dev/specification/glossary#targeting).
+If the flag management system you're using supports targeting, you can provide the input data using the [evaluation context](https://openfeature.dev/docs/reference/concepts/evaluation-context).
+// set a value to the global context
+EvaluationContextBuilder builder = EvaluationContext.Builder();
+builder.Set("region", "us-east-1");
+EvaluationContext apiCtx = builder.Build();
+// set a value to the client context
+builder = EvaluationContext.Builder();
+builder.Set("region", "us-east-1");
+EvaluationContext clientCtx = builder.Build();
+var client = Api.Instance.GetClient();
+// set a value to the invocation context
+builder = EvaluationContext.Builder();
+builder.Set("region", "us-east-1");
+EvaluationContext reqCtx = builder.Build();
+bool flagValue = await client.GetBooleanValue("some-flag", false, reqCtx);
+### Hooks
+[Hooks](https://openfeature.dev/docs/reference/concepts/hooks) allow for custom logic to be added at well-defined points of the flag evaluation life-cycle.
+Here is [a complete list of available hooks](https://openfeature.dev/docs/reference/technologies/server/dotnet/).
+If the hook you're looking for hasn't been created yet, see the [develop a hook](#develop-a-hook) section to learn how to build it yourself.
+Once you've added a hook as a dependency, it can be registered at the global, client, or flag invocation level.
+// add a hook globally, to run on all evaluations
+Api.Instance.AddHooks(new ExampleGlobalHook());
+// add a hook on this client, to run on all evaluations made by this client
+var client = Api.Instance.GetClient();
+client.AddHooks(new ExampleClientHook());
+// add a hook for this evaluation only
+var value = await client.GetBooleanValue("boolFlag", false, context, new FlagEvaluationOptions(new ExampleInvocationHook()));
+### Logging
+The .NET SDK uses Microsoft.Extensions.Logging. See the [manual](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/extensions/logging?tabs=command-line) for complete documentation.
+### Named clients
+Clients can be given a name.
+A name is a logical identifier that can be used to associate clients with a particular provider.
+If a name has no associated provider, the global provider is used.
+// registering the default provider
+await Api.Instance.SetProvider(new LocalProvider());
+// registering a named provider
+await Api.Instance.SetProvider("clientForCache", new CachedProvider());
+// a client backed by default provider
+FeatureClient clientDefault = Api.Instance.GetClient();
+// a client backed by CachedProvider
+FeatureClient clientNamed = Api.Instance.GetClient("clientForCache");
+### Eventing
+Events allow you to react to state changes in the provider or underlying flag management system, such as flag definition changes,
+provider readiness, or error conditions.
+Initialization events (`PROVIDER_READY` on success, `PROVIDER_ERROR` on failure) are dispatched for every provider.
+Some providers support additional events, such as `PROVIDER_CONFIGURATION_CHANGED`.
+Please refer to the documentation of the provider you're using to see what events are supported.
+Example usage of an Event handler:
+public static void EventHandler(ProviderEventPayload eventDetails)
+ Console.WriteLine(eventDetails.Type);
+EventHandlerDelegate callback = EventHandler;
+// add an implementation of the EventHandlerDelegate for the PROVIDER_READY event
+Api.Instance.AddHandler(ProviderEventTypes.ProviderReady, callback);
+It is also possible to register an event handler for a specific client, as in the following example:
+EventHandlerDelegate callback = EventHandler;
+var myClient = Api.Instance.GetClient("my-client");
+var provider = new ExampleProvider();
+await Api.Instance.SetProvider(myClient.GetMetadata().Name, provider);
+myClient.AddHandler(ProviderEventTypes.ProviderReady, callback);
+### Shutdown
+The OpenFeature API provides a close function to perform a cleanup of all registered providers. This should only be called when your application is in the process of shutting down.
+// Shut down all providers
+await Api.Instance.Shutdown();
+## Extending
+### Develop a provider
+To develop a provider, you need to create a new project and include the OpenFeature SDK as a dependency.
+This can be a new repository or included in [the existing contrib repository](https://github.com/open-feature/dotnet-sdk-contrib) available under the OpenFeature organization.
+Youโll then need to write the provider by implementing the `FeatureProvider` interface exported by the OpenFeature SDK.
+public class MyProvider : FeatureProvider
+ public override Metadata GetMetadata()
+ {
+ return new Metadata("My Provider");
+ }
+ public override Task> ResolveBooleanValue(string flagKey, bool defaultValue, EvaluationContext context = null)
+ {
+ // resolve a boolean flag value
+ }
+ public override Task> ResolveDoubleValue(string flagKey, double defaultValue, EvaluationContext context = null)
+ {
+ // resolve a double flag value
+ }
+ public override Task> ResolveIntegerValue(string flagKey, int defaultValue, EvaluationContext context = null)
+ {
+ // resolve an int flag value
+ }
+ public override Task> ResolveStringValue(string flagKey, string defaultValue, EvaluationContext context = null)
+ {
+ // resolve a string flag value
+ }
+ public override Task> ResolveStructureValue(string flagKey, Value defaultValue, EvaluationContext context = null)
+ {
+ // resolve an object flag value
+ }
+### Develop a hook
+To develop a hook, you need to create a new project and include the OpenFeature SDK as a dependency.
+This can be a new repository or included in [the existing contrib repository](https://github.com/open-feature/dotnet-sdk-contrib) available under the OpenFeature organization.
+Implement your own hook by conforming to the `Hook interface`.
+To satisfy the interface, all methods (`Before`/`After`/`Finally`/`Error`) need to be defined.
+public class MyHook : Hook
+ public Task Before(HookContext context,
+ IReadOnlyDictionary hints = null)
+ {
+ // code to run before flag evaluation
+ }
+ public virtual Task After(HookContext context, FlagEvaluationDetails details,
+ IReadOnlyDictionary hints = null)
+ {
+ // code to run after successful flag evaluation
+ }
+ public virtual Task Error(HookContext context, Exception error,
+ IReadOnlyDictionary hints = null)
+ {
+ // code to run if there's an error during before hooks or during flag evaluation
+ }
+ public virtual Task Finally(HookContext context, IReadOnlyDictionary hints = null)
+ {
+ // code to run after all other stages, regardless of success/failure
+ }
+Built a new hook? [Let us know](https://github.com/open-feature/openfeature.dev/issues/new?assignees=&labels=hook&projects=&template=document-hook.yaml&title=%5BHook%5D%3A+) so we can add it to the docs!
+## โญ๏ธ Support the project
+- Give this repo a โญ๏ธ!
+- Follow us on social media:
+ - Twitter: [@openfeature](https://twitter.com/openfeature)
+ - LinkedIn: [OpenFeature](https://www.linkedin.com/company/openfeature/)
+- Join us on [Slack](https://cloud-native.slack.com/archives/C0344AANLA1)
+- For more information, check out our [community page](https://openfeature.dev/community/)
+## ๐ค Contributing
+Interested in contributing? Great, we'd love your help! To get started, take a look at the [CONTRIBUTING](CONTRIBUTING.md) guide.
+### Thanks to everyone who has already contributed
+Made with [contrib.rocks](https://contrib.rocks).
diff --git a/build/Common.prod.props b/build/Common.prod.props
index 4d073ecf..39bba09f 100644
--- a/build/Common.prod.props
+++ b/build/Common.prod.props
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
- 1.3.1
+ 2.0.0githttps://github.com/open-feature/dotnet-sdkOpenFeature is an open standard for feature flag management, created to support a robust feature flag ecosystem using cloud native technologies. OpenFeature will provide a unified API and SDK, and a developer-first, cloud-native implementation, with extensibility for open source and commercial offerings.
diff --git a/version.txt b/version.txt
index 3a3cd8cc..227cea21 100644
--- a/version.txt
+++ b/version.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
From 2941b80197daa9ba8c86a15aeb6efe81f559aac4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Todd Baert
Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2024 20:56:58 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 2/6] Update .release-please-manifest.json
Signed-off-by: Todd Baert
.release-please-manifest.json | 4 ++--
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/.release-please-manifest.json b/.release-please-manifest.json
index 65f558e7..4c313f93 100644
--- a/.release-please-manifest.json
+++ b/.release-please-manifest.json
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
- ".": "2.0.0"
\ No newline at end of file
+ ".": "1.4.0"
From 1d405cf37c6a7bd9a789e51b9f880514ffce1a59 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Todd Baert
Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2024 20:57:35 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 3/6] Update CHANGELOG.md
Signed-off-by: Todd Baert
CHANGELOG.md | 6 +-----
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 5 deletions(-)
diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index 096f4d20..7f276ce8 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -1,12 +1,8 @@
# Changelog
-## [2.0.0](https://github.com/open-feature/dotnet-sdk/compare/v1.3.1...v2.0.0) (2024-01-23)
+## [1.4.0](https://github.com/open-feature/dotnet-sdk/compare/v1.3.1...v1.4.0) (2024-01-23)
-* Add support for provider shutdown and status. ([#158](https://github.com/open-feature/dotnet-sdk/issues/158))
### ๐ Bug Fixes
* Fix ArgumentOutOfRangeException for empty hooks ([#187](https://github.com/open-feature/dotnet-sdk/issues/187)) ([950775b](https://github.com/open-feature/dotnet-sdk/commit/950775b65093e22ce209c947bf9da71b17ad7387))
From 4b8b22a468a9a49aa7e3c0a8690e90ad718ff2f2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Todd Baert
Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2024 20:58:03 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 4/6] Update build/Common.prod.props
Signed-off-by: Todd Baert
build/Common.prod.props | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/build/Common.prod.props b/build/Common.prod.props
index 39bba09f..f00d3aa1 100644
--- a/build/Common.prod.props
+++ b/build/Common.prod.props
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
- 2.0.0
+ 1.4.0githttps://github.com/open-feature/dotnet-sdkOpenFeature is an open standard for feature flag management, created to support a robust feature flag ecosystem using cloud native technologies. OpenFeature will provide a unified API and SDK, and a developer-first, cloud-native implementation, with extensibility for open source and commercial offerings.
From 4e6c3fe5c32395fdada0813cdfe5bd8d8b161510 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Todd Baert
Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2024 20:58:18 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 5/6] Update version.txt
Signed-off-by: Todd Baert
version.txt | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/version.txt b/version.txt
index 227cea21..88c5fb89 100644
--- a/version.txt
+++ b/version.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
From 8d0660b995f5c973f99299ebe8712d61f0bc68a1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Todd Baert
Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2024 20:59:11 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 6/6] Update README.md
Signed-off-by: Todd Baert
README.md | 4 ++--
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 90c34e5c..a2db7e76 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@