Releases: opain/GenoPred
Releases · opain/GenoPred
Initial release of v2
There have been a range of updates since v1, though none will substantially affect the output.
Updates include:
- Updated ancestry inference probability threshold from 0.5 to 0.95, making it more stringent
- Refactored code throughout to use functions, avoid redundancy, and facilitate testing
- Updated snakemake to only repeat rules affected by configuration updates, and improve resource allocation
- Updated ancestry inference probability threshold from 0.5 to 0.95, making it more stringent
- Altered pipeline configuration to write configuration-specific outputs to a user-specified directory
- Added 'plink2' target data format
- Included automatic GWAS sumstat header interpretation and RSID insertion using GenoUtils package
- Uses preprepared reference genetic data
- Score file format has been updated to include A2 information
- Provided substantial improvements to pipeline documentation
- Added benchmarking of CPU usage for each rule