diff --git a/examples/.config/model_params_onnxrt.json b/examples/.config/model_params_onnxrt.json
index e7e0cbda6..f06a063e2 100644
--- a/examples/.config/model_params_onnxrt.json
+++ b/examples/.config/model_params_onnxrt.json
@@ -83,6 +83,13 @@
"input_model": "/tf_dataset2/models/onnx/resnet50-v1-12/resnet50-v1-12.onnx",
"main_script": "main.py",
"batch_size": 1
+ },
+ "sd-v1-5-sq": {
+ "model_src_dir": "nlp/huggingface_model/text_to_image/stable_diffusion_v1_5/quantization/ptq_static",
+ "dataset_location": "",
+ "input_model": "/tf_dataset2/models/onnx/sd_v1_5",
+ "main_script": "main.py",
+ "batch_size": 1
diff --git a/examples/nlp/huggingface_model/text_to_image/stable_diffusion_v1_5/quantization/ptq_static/README.md b/examples/nlp/huggingface_model/text_to_image/stable_diffusion_v1_5/quantization/ptq_static/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..17c89883d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/nlp/huggingface_model/text_to_image/stable_diffusion_v1_5/quantization/ptq_static/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+This example shows how to quantize the unet model of [stable-diffusion-v1-5](https://huggingface.co/runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5) with SmoothQuant and generate images with the quantized unet.
+# Prerequisite
+## 1. Environment
+pip install -r requirements.txt
+> Note: Validated ONNX Runtime [Version](/docs/installation_guide.md#validated-software-environment).
+## 2. Prepare Model
+git clone https://github.com/huggingface/diffusers.git
+cd diffusers/scripts
+python convert_stable_diffusion_checkpoint_to_onnx.py --model_path runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5 --output_path stable-diffusion
+# Run
+## 1. Quantization
+bash run_quant.sh --input_model=/path/to/stable-diffusion \ # folder path of stable-diffusion
+ --output_model=/path/to/save/unet_model \ # model path as *.onnx
+ --alpha=0.7 # optional
+## 2. Benchmark
+bash run_benchmark.sh --input_model=/path/to/stable-diffusion \ # folder path of stable-diffusion
+ --quantized_unet_path=/path/to/quantized/unet.onnx \ # optional, run fp32 model if not provided
+ --prompt="a photo of an astronaut riding a horse on mars" \ # optional
+ --image_path=image.png # optional
+Benchmark will print the throughput data and save the generated image.
+Our test results with default parameters is (fp32 vs int8):
diff --git a/examples/nlp/huggingface_model/text_to_image/stable_diffusion_v1_5/quantization/ptq_static/imgs/fp32.png b/examples/nlp/huggingface_model/text_to_image/stable_diffusion_v1_5/quantization/ptq_static/imgs/fp32.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4ae187712
Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/nlp/huggingface_model/text_to_image/stable_diffusion_v1_5/quantization/ptq_static/imgs/fp32.png differ
diff --git a/examples/nlp/huggingface_model/text_to_image/stable_diffusion_v1_5/quantization/ptq_static/imgs/int8.png b/examples/nlp/huggingface_model/text_to_image/stable_diffusion_v1_5/quantization/ptq_static/imgs/int8.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..486b76821
Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/nlp/huggingface_model/text_to_image/stable_diffusion_v1_5/quantization/ptq_static/imgs/int8.png differ
diff --git a/examples/nlp/huggingface_model/text_to_image/stable_diffusion_v1_5/quantization/ptq_static/main.py b/examples/nlp/huggingface_model/text_to_image/stable_diffusion_v1_5/quantization/ptq_static/main.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0eeca7ea6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/nlp/huggingface_model/text_to_image/stable_diffusion_v1_5/quantization/ptq_static/main.py
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# pylint:disable=redefined-outer-name,logging-format-interpolation
+import argparse
+import inspect
+import logging
+import os
+import time
+from typing import List
+import numpy as np
+import onnx
+import onnxruntime as ort
+import torch
+from diffusers import OnnxRuntimeModel, OnnxStableDiffusionPipeline
+from onnx_neural_compressor import data_reader
+from onnx_neural_compressor.quantization import QuantType, config, quantize
+ format="%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(name)s - %(message)s", datefmt="%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S", level=logging.WARN
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)
+ "--model_path",
+ type=str,
+ help="Folder path of ONNX Stable-diffusion model, it contains model_index.json and sub-model folders.",
+parser.add_argument("--quantized_unet_path", type=str, default=None, help="Path of the quantized unet model.")
+parser.add_argument("--benchmark", action="store_true", default=False)
+parser.add_argument("--tune", action="store_true", default=False, help="whether quantize the model")
+parser.add_argument("--output_model", type=str, default=None, help="output model path")
+parser.add_argument("--image_path", type=str, default="image.png", help="generated image path")
+ "--batch_size",
+ default=1,
+ type=int,
+parser.add_argument("--prompt", type=str, default="a photo of an astronaut riding a horse on mars")
+parser.add_argument("--alpha", type=float, default=0.7)
+parser.add_argument("--seed", type=int, default=1234, help="random seed for generation")
+parser.add_argument("--provider", type=str, default="CPUExecutionProvider")
+args = parser.parse_args()
+ "tensor(bool)": np.bool_,
+ "tensor(int8)": np.int8,
+ "tensor(uint8)": np.uint8,
+ "tensor(int16)": np.int16,
+ "tensor(uint16)": np.uint16,
+ "tensor(int32)": np.int32,
+ "tensor(uint32)": np.uint32,
+ "tensor(int64)": np.int64,
+ "tensor(uint64)": np.uint64,
+ "tensor(float16)": np.float16,
+ "tensor(float)": np.float32,
+ "tensor(double)": np.float64,
+def benchmark(model):
+ generator = None if args.seed is None else np.random.RandomState(args.seed)
+ pipe = OnnxStableDiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained(args.model_path, provider=args.provider)
+ if args.quantized_unet_path is not None:
+ unet = OnnxRuntimeModel(model=ort.InferenceSession(args.quantized_unet_path, providers=[args.provider]))
+ pipe.unet = unet
+ image = None
+ tic = time.time()
+ image = pipe(prompt=args.prompt, generator=generator).images[0]
+ toc = time.time()
+ if image is not None:
+ image.save(args.image_path)
+ print("Generated image is saved as " + args.image_path)
+ print("\n", "-" * 10, "Summary:", "-" * 10)
+ throughput = 1 / (toc - tic)
+ print("Throughput: {} samples/s".format(throughput))
+class DataReader(data_reader.CalibrationDataReader):
+ def __init__(self, model_path, batch_size=1):
+ self.encoded_list = []
+ self.batch_size = batch_size
+ model = onnx.load(os.path.join(model_path, "unet/model.onnx"), load_external_data=False)
+ inputs_names = [input.name for input in model.graph.input]
+ generator = np.random
+ pipe = OnnxStableDiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained(model_path, provider="CPUExecutionProvider")
+ prompt = "A cat holding a sign that says hello world"
+ self.batch_size = batch_size
+ guidance_scale = 7.5
+ do_classifier_free_guidance = guidance_scale > 1.0
+ num_images_per_prompt = 1
+ negative_prompt_embeds = None
+ negative_prompt = None
+ callback = None
+ eta = 0.0
+ latents = None
+ prompt_embeds = None
+ if prompt_embeds is None:
+ # get prompt text embeddings
+ text_inputs = pipe.tokenizer(
+ prompt,
+ padding="max_length",
+ max_length=pipe.tokenizer.model_max_length,
+ truncation=True,
+ return_tensors="np",
+ )
+ text_input_ids = text_inputs.input_ids
+ prompt_embeds = pipe.text_encoder(input_ids=text_input_ids.astype(np.int32))[0]
+ prompt_embeds = np.repeat(prompt_embeds, num_images_per_prompt, axis=0)
+ # get unconditional embeddings for classifier free guidance
+ if do_classifier_free_guidance and negative_prompt_embeds is None:
+ uncond_tokens: List[str]
+ if negative_prompt is None:
+ uncond_tokens = [""] * batch_size
+ elif type(prompt) is not type(negative_prompt):
+ raise TypeError(
+ f"`negative_prompt` should be the same type to `prompt`, but got {type(negative_prompt)} !="
+ f" {type(prompt)}."
+ )
+ elif isinstance(negative_prompt, str):
+ uncond_tokens = [negative_prompt] * batch_size
+ elif batch_size != len(negative_prompt):
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"`negative_prompt`: {negative_prompt} has batch size {len(negative_prompt)}, but `prompt`:"
+ f" {prompt} has batch size {batch_size}. Please make sure that passed `negative_prompt` matches"
+ " the batch size of `prompt`."
+ )
+ else:
+ uncond_tokens = negative_prompt
+ max_length = prompt_embeds.shape[1]
+ uncond_input = pipe.tokenizer(
+ uncond_tokens,
+ padding="max_length",
+ max_length=max_length,
+ truncation=True,
+ return_tensors="np",
+ )
+ negative_prompt_embeds = pipe.text_encoder(input_ids=uncond_input.input_ids.astype(np.int32))[0]
+ if do_classifier_free_guidance:
+ negative_prompt_embeds = np.repeat(negative_prompt_embeds, num_images_per_prompt, axis=0)
+ # For classifier free guidance, we need to do two forward passes.
+ # Here we concatenate the unconditional and text embeddings into a single batch
+ # to avoid doing two forward passes
+ prompt_embeds = np.concatenate([negative_prompt_embeds, prompt_embeds])
+ # get the initial random noise unless the user supplied it
+ latents_dtype = prompt_embeds.dtype
+ latents_shape = (batch_size * num_images_per_prompt, 4, 512 // 8, 512 // 8)
+ if latents is None:
+ latents = generator.randn(*latents_shape).astype(latents_dtype)
+ elif latents.shape != latents_shape:
+ raise ValueError(f"Unexpected latents shape, got {latents.shape}, expected {latents_shape}")
+ # set timesteps
+ pipe.scheduler.set_timesteps(50)
+ latents = latents * np.float64(pipe.scheduler.init_noise_sigma)
+ # prepare extra kwargs for the scheduler step, since not all schedulers have the same signature
+ # eta (η) is only used with the DDIMScheduler, it will be ignored for other schedulers.
+ # eta corresponds to η in DDIM paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/2010.02502
+ # and should be between [0, 1]
+ accepts_eta = "eta" in set(inspect.signature(pipe.scheduler.step).parameters.keys())
+ extra_step_kwargs = {}
+ if accepts_eta:
+ extra_step_kwargs["eta"] = eta
+ timestep_dtype = next(
+ (input.type for input in pipe.unet.model.get_inputs() if input.name == "timestep"), "tensor(float)"
+ )
+ timestep_dtype = ORT_TO_NP_TYPE[timestep_dtype]
+ for i, t in enumerate(pipe.scheduler.timesteps):
+ # expand the latents if we are doing classifier free guidance
+ latent_model_input = np.concatenate([latents] * 2) if do_classifier_free_guidance else latents
+ latent_model_input = pipe.scheduler.scale_model_input(torch.from_numpy(latent_model_input), t)
+ latent_model_input = latent_model_input.cpu().numpy()
+ # predict the noise residual
+ timestep = np.array([t], dtype=timestep_dtype)
+ ort_input = {}
+ for name, inp in zip(inputs_names, [latent_model_input, timestep, prompt_embeds]):
+ ort_input[name] = inp
+ self.encoded_list.append(ort_input)
+ noise_pred = pipe.unet(sample=latent_model_input, timestep=timestep, encoder_hidden_states=prompt_embeds)
+ noise_pred = noise_pred[0]
+ # perform guidance
+ if do_classifier_free_guidance:
+ noise_pred_uncond, noise_pred_text = np.split(noise_pred, 2)
+ noise_pred = noise_pred_uncond + guidance_scale * (noise_pred_text - noise_pred_uncond)
+ # compute the previous noisy sample x_t -> x_t-1
+ scheduler_output = pipe.scheduler.step(
+ torch.from_numpy(noise_pred), t, torch.from_numpy(latents), **extra_step_kwargs
+ )
+ latents = scheduler_output.prev_sample.numpy()
+ # call the callback, if provided
+ if callback is not None and i % 1 == 0:
+ step_idx = i // getattr(pipe.scheduler, "order", 1)
+ callback(step_idx, t, latents)
+ self.iter_next = iter(self.encoded_list)
+ def get_next(self):
+ return next(self.iter_next, None)
+ def rewind(self):
+ self.iter_next = iter(self.encoded_list)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ if args.benchmark:
+ benchmark(args.model_path)
+ if args.tune:
+ data_reader = DataReader(args.model_path)
+ cfg = config.StaticQuantConfig(
+ data_reader,
+ weight_type=QuantType.QInt8,
+ activation_type=QuantType.QUInt8,
+ op_types_to_quantize=["MatMul", "Gemm"],
+ per_channel=True,
+ extra_options={
+ "SmoothQuant": True,
+ "SmoothQuantAlpha": args.alpha,
+ "WeightSymmetric": True,
+ "ActivationSymmetric": False,
+ "OpTypesToExcludeOutputQuantization": ["MatMul", "Gemm"],
+ },
+ )
+ input_path = os.path.join(args.model_path, "unet/model.onnx")
+ quantize(input_path, args.output_model, cfg, optimization_level=ort.GraphOptimizationLevel.ORT_ENABLE_EXTENDED)
diff --git a/examples/nlp/huggingface_model/text_to_image/stable_diffusion_v1_5/quantization/ptq_static/requirements.txt b/examples/nlp/huggingface_model/text_to_image/stable_diffusion_v1_5/quantization/ptq_static/requirements.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d42b1a34c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/nlp/huggingface_model/text_to_image/stable_diffusion_v1_5/quantization/ptq_static/requirements.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+transformers==4.42.0 # restricted by model export
diff --git a/examples/nlp/huggingface_model/text_to_image/stable_diffusion_v1_5/quantization/ptq_static/run_benchmark.sh b/examples/nlp/huggingface_model/text_to_image/stable_diffusion_v1_5/quantization/ptq_static/run_benchmark.sh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..64974fb90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/nlp/huggingface_model/text_to_image/stable_diffusion_v1_5/quantization/ptq_static/run_benchmark.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+set -x
+function main {
+ init_params "$@"
+ run_benchmark
+# init params
+function init_params {
+ for var in "$@"
+ do
+ case $var in
+ --input_model=*)
+ input_model=$(echo "$var" |cut -f2 -d=)
+ ;;
+ --quantized_unet_path=*)
+ quantized_unet_path=$(echo "$var" |cut -f2 -d=)
+ ;;
+ --batch_size=*)
+ batch_size=$(echo "$var" |cut -f2 -d=)
+ ;;
+ --prompt=*)
+ prompt=$(echo "$var" |cut -f2 -d=)
+ ;;
+ --image_path=*)
+ image_path=$(echo "$var" |cut -f2 -d=)
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+# run_benchmark
+function run_benchmark {
+ # Check if the input_model ends with the filename extension ".onnx"
+ if [[ $input_model =~ \.onnx$ ]]; then
+ # If the string ends with the filename extension, get the path of the file
+ input_model=$(dirname "$input_model")
+ fi
+ extra_cmd=""
+ if [ "$quantized_unet_path" ]; then
+ extra_cmd=$extra_cmd"--quantized_unet_path=${quantized_unet_path} "
+ fi
+ if [ "$prompt" ]; then
+ extra_cmd=$extra_cmd"--prompt=${prompt} "
+ fi
+ if [ "$image_path" ]; then
+ extra_cmd=$extra_cmd"--image_path=${image_path} "
+ fi
+ if [ "$batch_size" ]; then
+ extra_cmd=$extra_cmd"--batch_size=${batch_size} "
+ fi
+ extra_cmd=$extra_cmd"--benchmark"
+ eval "python main.py --model_path=${input_model} ${extra_cmd}"
+main "$@"
diff --git a/examples/nlp/huggingface_model/text_to_image/stable_diffusion_v1_5/quantization/ptq_static/run_quant.sh b/examples/nlp/huggingface_model/text_to_image/stable_diffusion_v1_5/quantization/ptq_static/run_quant.sh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..71b04947f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/nlp/huggingface_model/text_to_image/stable_diffusion_v1_5/quantization/ptq_static/run_quant.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+set -x
+function main {
+ init_params "$@"
+ run_tuning
+# init params
+function init_params {
+ for var in "$@"
+ do
+ case $var in
+ --input_model=*)
+ input_model=$(echo "$var" |cut -f2 -d=)
+ ;;
+ --output_model=*)
+ output_model=$(echo "$var" |cut -f2 -d=)
+ ;;
+ --alpha=*)
+ alpha=$(echo "$var" |cut -f2 -d=)
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+# run_tuning
+function run_tuning {
+ # Check if the input_model ends with the filename extension ".onnx"
+ if [[ $input_model =~ \.onnx$ ]]; then
+ # If the string ends with the filename extension, get the path of the file
+ input_model=$(dirname "$input_model")
+ fi
+ # Check if the directory exists
+ if [ ! -d "$(dirname "$output_model")" ]; then
+ # If the directory doesn't exist, create it
+ mkdir -p "$(dirname "$output_model")"
+ echo "Created directory $(dirname "$output_model")"
+ fi
+ python main.py \
+ --model_path "${input_model}" \
+ --output_model "${output_model}" \
+ --alpha "${alpha-0.7}" \
+ --tune
+main "$@"
diff --git a/onnx_neural_compressor/algorithms/smoother/core.py b/onnx_neural_compressor/algorithms/smoother/core.py
index bcf830f1a..0726a2685 100644
--- a/onnx_neural_compressor/algorithms/smoother/core.py
+++ b/onnx_neural_compressor/algorithms/smoother/core.py
@@ -272,7 +272,14 @@ def mul(node, scale): # pragma: no cover
if self.model.model_path is not None
else onnx.numpy_helper.to_array(tensor) * scale
- self.model.set_initializer(inp, new_tensor)
+ # set_initializer requires the dims of old & new initializers are same
+ # Mul operator has broadcast mechanism
+ self.model.remove_initializer(tensor)
+ self.model.add_initializer(
+ onnx.helper.make_tensor(
+ inp, tensor.data_type, list(new_tensor.shape), new_tensor.flatten().tolist()
+ )
+ )
self.tensor_scales_info[key] = (
1.0 / scale
if key not in self.tensor_scales_info