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Aaron edited this page Dec 18, 2015 · 34 revisions


What does TMSU stand for?

It stands for Tag My Shit Up.

How is TMSU pronounced?

It's somewhere between tiramisu and a sudden and unexpected sneeze.

How can I report a bug or make a suggestion?

Either log it in the issue tracker or email the mailing-list [email protected].

What similar programs are there?

You should also look at:


Why does TMSU not detect file moves and renames?

To detect file moves/renames would require a daemon process watching the file system for changes and support from the file system for these events. As some file systems cannot provide these events (e.g. remote file systems) a universal solution cannot be offered. Such a function may be added later for those file systems that do provide file move/modification events but adding support for this to TMSU is not a priority at this time.

The current solution is to periodically use the repair command which will detect moved/renamed files and also update fingerprints for modified files. (The limitation of this is that files that are both moved/renamed and modified cannot be detected.)

How do I exclude tags when listing files?

TMSU supports a simple query language consisting of the operators 'and', 'or' and 'not'. To exclude tags, simply prefix them with 'not':

For example, pull out your audio books:

$ tmsu files mp3 and not music

The 'and' operator is implied if you omit it:

$ tmsu files mp3 not music


Does TMSU work on GNU/Linux?

Yes. (It was developed on Arch Linux.)

Does TMSU work on BSD?

One of TMSU's dependencies, the go bindings for FUSE ( cannot be compiled on FreeBSD. See for more information.

Is TMSU available for Windows?

It now compiles for Windows but it's a little fiddly to do so. Plus there is no virtual filesystem support just yet.

Is a package available for my GNU/Linux distribution's package manager?

At this time probably not. Help with creating these would be very much appreciated.

  • Arch Linux binary package is available in the AUR.

Is completion available for my shell?

If your shell is Zsh then yes, completion is in the misc directory of the source tree and binary distributable.


Does TMSU have a GUI?

No. Maybe one day, or else integration with popular file/media browsers could be provided.


Where is the database stored?

The default database is in ~/.tmsu/default.db.

Can I override the default database?

Yes. See [Switching Databases](Switching Databases).

What format is the database?

The database is a SQLite3 database and can be read with the regular SQLite tooling.

$ sqlite3 ~/.tmsu/default.db
sqlite> .schema
sqlite> select * from file;
sqlite> .q

How do I export my data?

The database is a standard Sqlite3 database. There are several tools available that can read the database and which can export the rows as CSV, SQL, &c.

To dump to SQL text, you can use the Sqlite3 tooling:

$ sqlite3 ~/.tmsu/default.db .dump >dump.sql
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