Releases: onfido/onfido-ios-sdk
Releases · onfido/onfido-ios-sdk
Version 11.1.1
- Public: Fixed full bitcode not included in universal Onfido framework (named
or justOnfido
Version 11.1.0
- UI: Added work permit document type support(beta)
- UI: Accessibility voiceover improvements for all screens
- UI: Camera, Microphone and both camera and microphone permission screens added before requesting permissions
- UI: Changed document capture area ratio for passport
- UI: Changed circle loading indicator to progress bar for document and video upload progress
- UI: Fixed crash issue during recording video in some cases
Version 11.0.1
- Public: fixed nullability warning
- Public: fixed debug SDK not compiling for simulators
Version 11.0.0
- UI: Showing bubble for wrong head turn detection on liveness screen
- UI: Added dynamic font size support for flow intro and selfie intro screens
- UI: Added dynamic font size support for liveness capture screen
- UI: Added dynamic font size support for bubble views that appears in photo capture, liveness head turn detection and capture confirmation screens
- UI: Added dynamic font size support for liveness intro screen
- UI: Added dynamic font size support for photo capture confirmation screen
- UI: Added dynamic font size support for buttons
- UI: Added dynamic font size support for document photo capture screen
- UI: Added french localisation
- Public: Allowing custom localisation from non-localised strings file
- UI: Fixed crash when capture and retake buttons tapped continuously
- Public: Fixed SDK not throwing error when user denies microphone permission during liveness capture (face capture video variant)
Version 10.6.0
- UI: Added real time head turn progress for liveness screen
- UI: Flow intro shows arrow icon instead of numbered icon when single SDK configured with single capture step
- UI: Arrow on glare detection bubble and barcode undetected bubble not separated from main rectangle containing text
- Public: fixed incorrect cropping of document image when document capture started on landscape
Version 10.5.0
- UI: Added optional welcome intro screen
- UI: Added selfie (face capture photo variant) intro screen
- UI: Added dynamic font size support for document type selection screen
- UI: Added dynamic font size support for country selection screen
- UI: Added latency for face detection on liveness capture (face capture video variant) to allow readability of instructions
- UI: Increased capture screens opacity for accessibility
- UI: Country selection screen label text (
) - Public: Improved the documentation about
- UI: Fixed text cut-off issue on liveness instructions screens when user language is Spanish
- UI: Fixed Onfido logo and video playback view overlapping issue in liveness intro screen
- Public: Fixed cut-off issue on document images captured on certain iPads
- Public: Fix for the intermittent video cut-off issue when liveness capture recorded on certain iPads
- Public: Removed unused assets
Version 10.4.0
- Public: Integrators can now specify strings file bundle location
- UI: Added visa document type support with UI vignette
- UI: Added video tutorial to the liveness intro screen
- UI: Updated primary and secondary pressed state color
- UI: updated liveness capture buttons design
Version 10.3.0
- UI: Ability to customise Font-Family
- UI: Subtitle text truncate issue fixed on document selection screen
- UI: Fix for the crash on iPad when switch to landscape mode
- UI: Changed button colors on country selection screen.
Version 10.2.0
- UI: Document and face capturing processes are now properly followed by screen readers
- UI: Document type selection buttons are now properly read by screen readers
- UI: UI changes on secondary button
- UI: Fix sdk crash on capture during the backside capture of two sided document on Cordova
- UI: Fix for the Segment SDK name clash
- UI: Fix infinite spinning wheel not removed when liveness upload failed.
- UI: Changed colors of the UI elements regarding to the new Onfido branding.
- UI: Onfido logo updated.
Version 10.1.0
- UI: Managing request timeouts mid flow.
- Public: Ability to customise buttons and icons colors
- UI: Changed copy on Liveness Intro screen
- UI: Confirm and cancel buttons redesigned
- Internal: Updated the map for the supported countries for each document