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Legacy RealVR Mods

oneup03 edited this page Oct 8, 2024 · 12 revisions

These are configuration settings necessary to get Legacy RealVR mods working

General Notes/Settings

  • This section has general guidelines for how to get Legacy RealVR mods working from scratch
  • Some Game-Specific Settings and profiles are available
  • Old RealVR mods lock normal pitching up/down of the camera but don't block the vertical movement of the camera in 3rd person games, causing issues for aiming and looking around. A combination of VRto3D settings and some other tools can be used to mitigate these issues, but it's not perfect.
  • RealVR usually forces a 1:1 aspect ratio in the 2D game window. In some games, changing to 16:9 ratio will result in issues. VRto3D forces the aspect ratio and field of view in the Headset 3D view, so you will always get the correct aspect ratio in 3D regardless of the game window's aspect ratio
    • You can modify the aspect_ratio and fov VRto3D settings if desired
  • Convergence adjustments do not work with RealVR mods, so DO NOT USE Ctrl + F5/F6
  • Single Display users will need to set debug_enable to true for RealVR mods to work (already the default)
  • It is recommended to set games to run in windowed mode to facilitate moving the 2D view to another display. However, some games will need to run in borderless mode to have the correct resolution

VRto3D settings

  • pitch_enable should be set to true for any Legacy RealVR mod. This pitches the virtual HMD up/down, restoring pitch control in-game.
  • ctrl_toggle_key This toggles on/off HMD pitch control. If a game has a radial menu that uses the right stick, you want to set this to the XInput button that pulls up the radial menu. If you only occasionally need to toggle off pitch control, set this to Start/Select/Guide. Button Options here
  • ctrl_toggle_type if a game has a radial menu that uses the right stick, set this to "hold" If pitch control only needs to be disabled occasionally, set this to "toggle"
  • pitch_radius this is useful for 3rd person games. It additionally makes the virtual HMD orbit (moving up/down & forward/back) when pitching up/down. 4.0 seems like a good value to start testing with. This can be adjusted in-game using the Ctrl [ and Ctrl ] hotkeys
  • ctrl_deadzone this can be increased if you want to avoid accidentally pitching. There is some judder when the HMD moves, so you may want to increase this if you don't need to aim up/down much in-game. 0.15 seems like a good value
  • ctrl_sensitivity this can be adjusted as desired or in-game using the Ctrl - and Ctrl + hotkeys. Making it less sensitive moves the HMD slower and results in less judder

XInput blocking using Steam Input

  • This is the recommended way to disable the y-axis output of your XInput controller.
  • This should only be needed for games that are primarily third-person perspective
  • You can create a configuration that temporarily enables the y-axis for things like weapon wheels or maps.
  • Connect your XInput controller to your PC
  • In Steam->Settings->Controller make sure Enable Steam Input for Xbox Controllers is selected
  • Navigate to your Game's Library Page and click on the Controller Layout icon
  • In the window that opens, select the Edit Layout button
  • Disable Right Stick y-axis
    • Click on the Joysticks tab
    • Click the Gear icon for the Right Joystick
    • Change the Output Axis to Horizontal Only
  • Create Action Set to temporarily enable y-axis
    • Click on the Action Sets tab
    • Click on the Gear icon and select Add Layer
    • Give it a name and click Confirm
    • Click on the Joysticks tab
    • Change the Action Set in the upper left corner to the one you created
    • Click the Gear icon for the Right Joystick
    • Change the Output Axis to Both Horizontal & Vertical
  • Assign the Action Set
    • Navigate to any of the Buttons DPad Triggers tabs
    • Click the Gear icon for any button
    • Click Add extra command option
    • Click the Action Sets tab
    • Select the Hold Action Set Layer
    • From the Layer dropdown, select your named Action Set
    • Untoggle the Display name when changed and Beep when changed options and click Confirm
    • Repeat for any other buttons as necessary
  • Back out until the window closes

XInput blocking using XInput Plus (Only try this as a last resort)

  • Download XInput Plus and extract it to a folder
  • This tool will allow you to disable the y-axis output of your XInput controller. This will cause issues in games that use the right joystick for a weapon wheel, map zoom, etc
  • Download the tool and run it
  • Set the Target Program to the main exe of your game
  • On the Sticks/Right Stick, choose Disable Y
  • On Setting/Dll Files, choose 64bit and XInput1_4.dll
    • Other XInput versions may be needed depending on the game
  • Click Apply
  • Try running the game and you should hear an audible BEEP to indicate that the tool is working. If nothing is heard, try a different XInput version
  • Load in game and verify that the right stick's y-axis does nothing. Sometimes the tool isn't able to block it and you're out of luck.

RealVR Notes

  • The RealVR menu can usually be pulled up in-game using the PAUSE key
  • Sometimes the menu won't be visible in your headset window, so you will need to use pitch emulation to look up
  • The menu font size can be changed by holding Ctrl and using Mouse Scroll
  • Values can be typed in by selecting them with Arrow Keys and pressing Enter
  • Set the VR Renderer to SteamVR/OpenVR
  • Check render resolution (if available in the particular game mod) and ensure it isn't super high, as it will affect performance
  • It seems that Legacy AER mode works best for 3D with the least amount of artifacts but is less smooth and you may experience eye flipping

Game Specific Configurations

Gangsters 1 DE

  • The RealVR version for this is no longer available officially. You will need to find v5.0.2
  • TAA Ghosting is pretty bad in this game at higher depth settings

VRto3D Settings

  • Close SteamVR if it is running
  • Save this profile into your Documents\My Games\vrto3d\ folder
  • This profile sets:
    • Pitch emulation with a radius
    • Pitch emulation is disabled while holding left bumper
    • Clicking the Guide button will toggle between a lower and higher depth preset
  • Pitch sensitivity can be adjusted in-game with Ctrl - and Ctrl + and the radius with Ctrl [ and Ctrl ]
  • Adjust the ctrl_deadzone in the profile for your controller if desired

Steam Input Profile to fix camera controls

  • Connect your XInput controller
  • In Steam->Settings->Controller make sure Enable Steam Input for Xbox Controllers is selected
  • Copy this link and paste it into your web browser. Let it open Steam
  • steam://controllerconfig/1030840/3340722570
  • Select Enable Steam Input and then Apply Layout
  • Modify the settings further as desired

Install RealVR mod

  • Extract the contents of RealVR v5.0.2 into your game's directory
  • Run RealConfig.bat and choose a preset. Recommend choosing the Optimized preset
  • Launch the game once
  • Press PAUSE to dismiss RealVR
  • Change in-game Display settings:
    • Set Fullscreen, Depth of Field, Motion Blur to OFF
    • Set Window Borders to ON
    • Set your Resolution to your desired render resolution
  • Open the RealVR menu using PAUSE and adjust these settings
Click to expand RealVR Settings Screenshot 2024-09-30 124343 Screenshot 2024-09-30 124444
  • Exit the game

Start the game and it should also start up your VRto3D driver and display in 3D on your screen.

  • If you do not hear a beep, VRto3D failed to load the settings profile
  • Enable VRto3D foregrounding with Ctrl + F8 if needed
  • Make the game window in focus for control to work

Western Simulator 2

  • The RealVR version for this is no longer available officially. You will need to find v5.0.2
  • Recent updates seem to have broken stability with RealVR, so you may find an old version like 1436.28 works better
    • Opening settings with VR enabled probably will crash the game
  • If using the latest version, you will always get this pop-up error on a black screen when starting the game in VR. Alt-Tab to it and press OK

Screenshot 2024-09-28 002923

VRto3D Settings

  • Close SteamVR if it is running
  • Save this profile into your Documents\My Games\vrto3d\ folder
  • This profile sets:
    • Pitch emulation with a radius
    • Pitch emulation is disabled while holding left bumper
    • A lower depth preset is active when holding the left trigger
    • Clicking the Guide button will toggle between a lower and higher depth preset
  • Pitch sensitivity can be adjusted in-game with Ctrl - and Ctrl + and the radius with Ctrl [ and Ctrl ]
  • Adjust the ctrl_deadzone in the profile for your controller if desired

Steam Input Profile to fix camera controls

  • Connect your XInput controller
  • In Steam->Settings->Controller make sure Enable Steam Input for Xbox Controllers is selected
  • Copy this link and paste it into your web browser. Let it open Steam
  • steam://controllerconfig/1174180/3339080842
  • Select Enable Steam Input and then Apply Layout
  • Modify the settings further as desired

Install RealVR mod

  • Extract the contents of RealVR v5.0.2 into your game's directory
  • Run RealConfig.bat and choose a preset. Recommend choosing the Optimized preset
  • Launch the game once
  • Press PAUSE to dismiss RealVR
  • Open the RealVR menu using PAUSE and adjust these settings
Click to expand RealVR Settings Screenshot 2024-09-28 001236 Screenshot 2024-09-28 001356
  • Press PAUSE to close the RealVR window and then quit the game
  • Edit commandline.txt and add these lines with your desired render resolution:
-width 1920
-height 1080
  • Edit RealVR.ini and change these settings. BaseWindowSize should be your (desired render resolution) / 1.25
  • Temporarily rename RealVR64.dll to RealVR64.dllbak to temporarily disable VR
  • Start the game
  • Change Graphics options to display in Windowed mode at a 16:9 resolution
  • Edit any other settings you want now, as you can't open settings while VR is active
  • If using multi-monitor, change the display monitor
  • Exit the game
  • Rename back to RealVR64.dll

Start the game and it should also start up your VRto3D driver and display in 3D on your screen.

  • If you do not hear a beep, VRto3D failed to load the settings profile
  • Enable VRto3D foregrounding with Ctrl + F8 if needed
  • Make the game window in focus for control to work
  • The camera may still automatically move when it hits obstructions, so you may need to use your mouse to recenter it
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