diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 980eb57..c3817a9 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -46,6 +46,10 @@ Windows-only solution, but there are other solutions on Linux like MonadoVR. - Edit the `Steam\steamapps\common\SteamVR\drivers\vrto3d\resources\settings\default.vrsettings` as needed - Run SteamVR at least once to verify that you see a Headset window. This is usually not needed before running games. - The Headset window must be on your primary 3D display +- Turn off SteamVR Theatre mode + - On the SteamVR Status window, click the menu button and select `Settings` + - Set Advanced Settings to `Show` + - On the Dashboard tab, set everything to `Off` - Try launching a VR game - Drag everything besides the headset view to your second display - Make the game's window in focus on your second display for control input to work @@ -58,6 +62,7 @@ Windows-only solution, but there are other solutions on Linux like MonadoVR. - Complete the Base Installation section - Optionally set `tab_enable` to true in `Steam\steamapps\common\SteamVR\drivers\vrto3d\resources\settings\default.vrsettings` if you prefer to lose half vertical resolution instead of half horizontal resolution + - If using interlaced mode, you want SbS for Column Interlaced and TaB for Row Interlaced - Download the latest [ReShade](https://reshade.me/#download) with full add-on support - Run the ReShade installer - Browse to to your `Steam\steamapps\common\SteamVR\bin\win64` folder @@ -113,7 +118,7 @@ Windows-only solution, but there are other solutions on Linux like MonadoVR. - [Clean SteamVR Install](https://steamcommunity.com/app/250820/discussions/2/1640917625015598552/) - [Set SteamVR as OpenXR Runtime](https://www.vive.com/us/support/vs/category_howto/trouble-with-openxr-titles.html) - This project is primarily targeted for VR mods of flatscreen games, not full VR games. As such, there is only headset pitch & yaw emulation and no VR controller emulation -- Configuring controller bindings in SteamVR settings may allow a few more games to be compatible +- Several VR controller only games can be made to work by using [Driver4VR](https://www.driver4vr.com/), a paid SteamVR Vive controller emulator. Games with mainly pointer controls work ok. Games with a lot of interaction/movement don't work well. - Check the [Compatibility List](https://github.com/oneup03/VRto3D/wiki/Compatibility-List) to see if a game has been tested - You will need a multi-display setup in extended mode - The primary display will be where the "Headset" window is located and should be 3D capable