- Fixed some issues with HMR
- Added withDone decorator and Redux example
- Made compatible with new versions of React and Webpack
- Fixed issue with fetchState
- Added exception handling in the render methods
- Made compatible with React 15.5
- Added typescript definitions
- Removed support for react-router beta and cleaned up
- Added support for react-router beta and release
- Fixed issue with render not resolving
- Added renderToStaticMarkup method
- Added support for Webpack 2.2
- Fixed issue with webpack production mode
- Fixed issue with webpack import with no module id
- Fixed issue with modules and states not being passed on second render
- Fixed problem with rendering pages that do not have modules or states
- Removed unused files from dist
- Improved build process
- Fixed issue with the preload method that receives non array parameters
- Removed debug code
- Simplified API
- Replaced importModule by Module component for code splitting
- Added extractModules to extract modules from webpack stats
- Renamed preloadModules to preload
- Removed the custom Match component
- Removed the importWebpackBundle function
- Fixed bug that would update an unmounted component
- Added support for Node 7
- Updated to react-router v4.0.0-alpha.5
- Changed importWebpackBundle to return the whole module instead of only the default export
- Updated to react-router v4.0.0-alpha.4
- Fixed bug that would instantiate new components when not necessary
- Fixed issue with webpack bundle that would import the wrong module
- Added webpack bundle support
- Changed import to be a callback on the importModule function
- Renamed fetchProps to fetchState
- Fixed bug with calling done when re-rendering
- Fixed issue with render not resolving
- Added unit tests
- Improved example
- Fixed issue with importModule method
- Initial release