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Generic k8s with HashiCorp Vault

Romdalf edited this page Feb 16, 2022 · 2 revisions

Trousseau KMS provider plugin for HashiCorp Vault

Table of contents

Installation with HashiCorp Vault


The following are required:

  • a working kubernetes cluster with access to the control plane nodes
  • a HashiCorp Vault instance (Community or Enterprise)
  • a HashiCorp Vault token
  • a SSH access to the control plane nodes as an admin
  • the necessary user permissions to handle files in etc and restart serivces, root is best, sudo is better ;)
  • the vault cli tool
  • the kubectl cli tool

Setup HashiCorp Vault

Shell Environment Variables

Export environment variables to reach out the HashiCorp Vault instance:

export VAULT_ADDR="https://addresss:8200"
export VAULT_TOKEN="s.oYpiOmnWL0PFDPS2ImJTdhRf.CxT2N"

NOTE: when using the HashiCorp Vault Enterprise, the concept of namespace is introduced.
This requires an additional environment variables to target the base root namespace:

export VAULT_NAMESPACE=admin

or a sub namespace like admin/gke01

export VAULT_NAMESPACE=admin/gke01

Enable a Transit engine

Make sure to have a Transit engine enable within Vault:

vault secrets enable transit

Success! Enabled the transit secrets engine at: transit/

List the secret engines:

vault secrets list
Path          Type            Accessor                 Description
----          ----            --------                 -----------
cubbyhole/    ns_cubbyhole    ns_cubbyhole_491a549d    per-token private secret storage
identity/     ns_identity     ns_identity_01d57d96     identity store
sys/          ns_system       ns_system_d0f157ca       system endpoints used for control, policy and debugging
transit/      transit         transit_3a41addc         n/a

Not exporting the VAULT_NAMESPACE will results in a similar error message when enabling the transit engine or even trying to list them:

vault secrets enable transit

Error enabling: Error making API request.

Code: 403. Errors:

* 1 error occurred:
        * permission denied

Finally, create a transit key:

vault write -f transit/keys/vault-kms-demo
Success! Data written to: transit/keys/vault-kms-demo


Generic k8s

The following steps needs to be executed on every node part of the control plane; usually one master node in dev/test environment, 3 in production environment.

The Trousseau KMS Vault provider plugin needs to be set as a Pod starting along with the kube-apimanager.
To do so, the vault-kms-provider.yaml configuration file from scripts/generic can be used as a template and should be added to every nodes part of the control plane within the directory /etc/kubernetes/manifests/.

Note that only the image version and the Vault namespace are open for changes to match your enviroment and everything else is at your own risks.

Then, create the directory /opt/vault-kms/ to hosts the trousseau configuration files:

  • config.yaml to be update to match your environment
  • encryption_config.yaml as-is and to not modify for any reasons

Add the parameter --encryption-provider-config=/opt/vault-kms/encryption_config.yaml within the kube-apiserver.yaml configuration file which is usually located in the folder /etc/kubernetes/manifests and add the extra volumes bindings for /opt/vault-kms.

An example is available with the directory scripts/k8s with commented sections.
Edit your own kube-apiserver.yaml file and not copy/paste the entire content of the example file.

NOTES: depending on the Kubernetes distribution, the kubelet might not include the /etc/kubernetes/manifests for staticPodPath. Verifiy kubelet-config.yaml within /etc/kubernetes to ensure this parameter is present.

Finally, restart the kube-apiserver to apply the configuration. Trousseau should start allow with it.

Setup monitoring

Trousseau is coming with a Prometheus endpoint for monitoring with basic Grafana dashboard.

An example of configuration for the Prometheus endpoint access is available within the folder scripts/templates/monitoring with the name prometheus.yaml.

An example of configuration for the Grafana dashboard configuration is available within the folder scripts/templates/monitoring with the name grafana-dashboard.yaml.