diff --git a/docs/10.0/Functions-(Verb-Interaction).md b/docs/10.0/Functions-(Verb-Interaction).md
index 58535477..da0e649c 100644
--- a/docs/10.0/Functions-(Verb-Interaction).md
+++ b/docs/10.0/Functions-(Verb-Interaction).md
@@ -4,26 +4,21 @@
 ## …VerbConsume
+`InputVerbConsume(verbIndex, [playerIndex=0])`
 <!-- tabs:start -->
 #### **Description**
-**Returns:** ,
+**Returns:** N/A (`undefined`)
 |Name           |Datatype|Purpose                                             |
+|`verbIndex`    |integer |Verb to consume                                     |
+|`[playerIndex]`|integer |Player to target. If not specified, player 0 is used|
-#### **Example**
+"Consumes" a verb, causing it to be immediately deactivated and return a value of zero until the verb is retriggered (e.g. by released a keyboard key and pressed it again). This helpful when navigating menus to prevent multiple inputs.
 <!-- tabs:end -->
@@ -36,105 +31,86 @@ Returns
 #### **Description**
-**Returns:** ,
+**Returns:** N/A (`undefined`)
 |Name           |Datatype|Purpose                                             |
+|`[playerIndex]`|integer |Player to target. If not specified, player 0 is used|
+"Consumes" all verbs for a player, causing them to be immediately deactivated and return a value of zero until a verb is retriggered (e.g. by released a keyboard key and pressed it again).
-#### **Example**
 <!-- tabs:end -->
-## …VerbCount
+## …VerbGetExportName
 <!-- tabs:start -->
 #### **Description**
-**Returns:** ,
-|Name           |Datatype|Purpose                                             |
+**Returns:** String, the export name for a verb
+|Name       |Datatype|Purpose                           |
+|`verbIndex`|integer |Verb whose name should be returned|
-#### **Example**
+Returns the export name for a verb, as defined by `InputDefineVerb()`.
 <!-- tabs:end -->
 ## …VerbGetBindingName
+`InputVerbGetBindingName(verbIndex, [alternate=0], [playerIndex=0], [missingBindingName="???"])`
 <!-- tabs:start -->
 #### **Description**
-**Returns:** ,
-|Name           |Datatype|Purpose                                             |
+**Returns:** String, the name for a verb's binding using the player's current device
+|Name                  |Datatype|Purpose                                                                                 |
+|`verbIndex`           |integer |Verb whose binding name should be returned                                              |
+|`[alternate]`         |integer |Which alternate binding to target. If not specified, index 0 is used                    |
+|`[playerIndex]`       |integer |Player to target. If not specified, player 0 is used                                    |
+|`[missingBindingName]`|string  |String to return if a binding name cannot be resolved. If not specified, `"???"` is used|
-#### **Example**
+Returns a name for a verb's binding using the player's current device. If a name for a binding cannot be found, this function will return `missingBindingName` (which is `"???"` by default). [You can find a full list of possible return values here](Binding-Names).
+!> This function is provided for basic binding naming and is suitable for debugging or alpha-quality games. Please use the "Binding Icons" plug-in for a higher quality system.
 <!-- tabs:end -->
-## …VerbGetExportName
+## …VerbCount
 <!-- tabs:start -->
 #### **Description**
-**Returns:** ,
-|Name           |Datatype|Purpose                                             |
+**Returns:** Integer, the number of defined verbs
+|None|        |       |
-#### **Example**
+Returns the number of verbs defined in `InputDefineVerb()`.
 <!-- tabs:end -->
 ## …VerbStateArray
+`InputVerbStateArray([newArray=true], [playerIndex=0])`
 <!-- tabs:start -->
@@ -142,42 +118,69 @@ Returns
 **Returns:** ,
-|Name           |Datatype|Purpose                                             |
+|Name           |Datatype|Purpose                                                                                               |
+|`[newArray]`   |boolean |Whether a new array should be returned (`true`) or whether a static array should be returned (`false`)|
+|`[playerIndex]`|integer |Player to target. If not specified, player 0 is used                                                  |
+Returns an array of verb states which are copies of the current verb state in the library. This is useful for interrogating verb history for e.g. a combo system. The verb states are structs that contain the following values:
-#### **Example**
+|Variable     |Usage                                          |
+|`.prevHeld`  |Whether the verb was held in the previous frame|
+|`.held`      |Whether the verb is held on this frame         |
+|`.valueRaw`  |Raw analogue value                             |
+|`.valueClamp`|Analogue value after remapping and clamping    |
+|`.duration`  |Number of frames since the verb was pressed    |
 <!-- tabs:end -->
-## …VerbStateByteLength
+## …VerbStateWrite
+`InputVerbStateWrite(buffer, [playerIndex=0])`
 <!-- tabs:start -->
 #### **Description**
-**Returns:** ,
+**Returns:** N/A (`undefined`)
 |Name           |Datatype|Purpose                                             |
+|`buffer`       |buffer  |Buffer to write verb state into                     |
+|`[playerIndex]`|integer |Player to target. If not specified, player 0 is used|
+Writes the current verb state into a buffer. Four values are written:
+|Datatype     |Value                                          |
+|`buffer_bool`|Whether the verb was held in the previous frame|
+|`buffer_f32` |Raw analogue value                             |
+|`buffer_f32` |Analogue value after remapping and clamping    |
+|`buffer_s32` |Number of frames since the verb was pressed    |
-#### **Example**
+The verb state is preceded by the string "<-PWP" and ends with the string ">". Verb state can be restored by calling `InputPlugInVerbStateRead()` (but this read function must be called in a `INPUT_PLUG_IN_CALLBACK.UPDATE_PLAYER` callback).
 <!-- tabs:end -->
+## …VerbStateByteLength
+`InputVerbStateByteLength(buffer, [playerIndex=0])`
+<!-- tabs:start -->
+#### **Description**
+**Returns:** Integer, the number of bytes that a verb state will occupy
+|None|        |       |
+Returns the number of bytes that a verb state will occupy if `InputVerbStateWrite()` is called. 
+<!-- tabs:end -->
\ No newline at end of file