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File metadata and controls

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If you wish to use the latest release, please use the master branch (this is the default branch GitHub will present you with).

If you are a developer, you are encouraged to use the devel branch, as it contains the latest features.

The project is under active development, so make sure to check the Changelog to keep track of updates.

Table of contents

Configuring parameters

To correctly operate the ODrive, you need to supply some parameters. Some are mandatory, and if supplied incorrectly will cause the drive to malfunction. To get good performance you must also tune the drive.

The first thing to set is your board hardware version, located at the top of Inc/main.h. If, for example, you are using the hardware: ODrive v3.2, then you should set it like this:


If you are using the 48V version of ODrive, you should also uncomment this line


Communication configuration

If want to use the example python scripts and connect the ODrive via USB, the defaults are fine for you and you can skip this step.

You can select what interface you want to run on USB and GPIO pins. See Communicating over USB or UART for more information. The following options are available in MotorControl/commands.h:


  • USB_PROTOCOL_NATIVE: Use the native protocol (recommended for new applications). The python library only understands the native protocol, so this is the way to go if you use that.
  • USB_PROTOCOL_NATIVE_STREAM_BASED: Use the native stream based protocol. On most platforms the device shows up as a serial port when connected over USB. So instead of using the python tool's direct USB access, you can use this option and then pretend you connected the device over serial. On some platforms (specifically macOS), this is required because the kernel doesn't allow direct USB access.
  • USB_PROTOCOL_LEGACY: Use the human-readable legacy protocol Select this option if you already have an existing application. This option will be removed in the future.
  • USB_PROTOCOL_NONE: Ignore USB communication

GPIO 1,2 pins: Note that UART is only supported on ODrive v3.3 and higher.

  • UART_PROTOCOL_NATIVE: Use the native protocol (see notes above).
  • UART_PROTOCOL_LEGACY: Use the human-readable legacy protocol Use this option if you control the ODrive with an Arduino. The ODrive Arduino library is not yet updated to the native protocol.
  • UART_PROTOCOL_NONE: Ignore UART communication
  • USE_GPIO_MODE_STEP_DIR: Step/direction control mode (use in conjunction with UART_PROTOCOL_NONE)

Motor control parameters

The rest of all the parameters are at the top of the MotorControl/low_level.c file. Please note that many parameters occur twice, once for each motor. In it's current state, the motor structs contain both tuning parameters, meant to be set by the developer, and static variables, meant to be modified by the software. Unfortunatly these are mixed together right now, but cleaning this up is a high priority task.

It may be helpful to know that the entry point of each of the motor threads is void axis_thread_entry at the top of MotorControl/axis.cpp. This is like main for each motor, and is probably where you should start reading the code.

Mandatory parameters

You must set:

  • ENCODER_CPR: Encoder Count Per Revolution (CPR). This is 4x the Pulse Per Revolution (PPR) value.
  • POLE_PAIRS: This is the number of magnet poles in the rotor, divided by two. You can simply count the number of permanent magnets in the rotor, if you can see them. Note: this is not the same as the number of coils in the stator.
  • brake_resistance: This is the resistance of the brake resistor. If you are not using it, you may set it to 0.0f.
  • motor_type: This is the type of motor being used. Currently two types of motors are supported -- High-current motors (MOTOR_TYPE_HIGH_CURRENT) and Gimbal motors (MOTOR_TYPE_GIMBAL).

Motor Modes

The firwmare currently supports two different types of motors, high-current motors, and Gimbal motors. If you're using a regular hobby brushless motor like this one, you should set motor_mode to MOTOR_TYPE_HIGH_CURRENT. For high-torque gimbal motors like this one, you should choose MOTOR_TYPE_GIMBAL.

Further detail:

If 100's of mA of current noise is "small" for you, you can choose MOTOR_TYPE_HIGH_CURRENT. If 100's of mA of current noise is "large" for you, and you do not intend to spin the motor very fast (omega * L << R), and the motor is fairly large resistance (1 ohm or larger), you can chose MOTOR_TYPE_GIMBAL.

If 100's of mA current noise is "large" for you, and you intend to spin the motor fast, then you need to replace the shunt resistors on the ODrive.

Tuning parameters

The most important parameters are the limits:

  • The current limit: .current_lim = 75.0f, //[A] // Note: consistent with 40v/v gain. The default current limit, for safety reasons, is set to 10A. This is quite weak, and good for making sure the drive is stable. Once you have tuned the drive, you can increase this to 75A to get some performance. Note that above 75A, you must change the current amplifier gains.
    • Note: The motor current and the current drawn from the power supply is not the same in general. You should not look at the power supply current to see what is going on with the motor current.
  • The velocity limit: .vel_limit = 20000.0f, // [counts/s]. The motor will be limited to this speed; again the default value is quite slow.
  • You can change .calibration_current to the largest value you feel comfortable leaving running through the motor continously when the motor is stationary.

The motion control gains are currently manually tuned:

  • .pos_gain = 20.0f, // [(counts/s) / counts]
  • .vel_gain = 15.0f / 10000.0f, // [A/(counts/s)]
  • .vel_integrator_gain = 10.0f / 10000.0f, // [A/(counts/s * s)]

An upcoming feature will enable automatic tuning. Until then, here is a rough tuning procedure:

  • Set the integrator gain to 0
  • Make sure you have a stable system. If it is not, decrease all gains until you have one.
  • Increase vel_gain by around 30% per iteration until the motor exhibits some vibration.
  • Back down vel_gain to 50% of the vibrating value.
  • Increase pos_gain by around 30% per iteration until you see some overshoot.
  • Back down pos_gain until you do not have overshoot anymore.
  • The integrator is not easily tuned, nor is it strictly required. Tune at your own discression.

Optional parameters

By default both motors are enabled, and the default control mode is position control. If you want a different mode, you can change .control_mode. To disable a motor, set .enable_control and .do_calibration to false.

Compiling and downloading firmware

Getting a programmer

Get a programmer that supports SWD (Serial Wire Debugging) and is ST-link v2 compatible. You can get them really cheap on eBay or many other places.

Installing prerequisites

To compile the program, you first need to install the prerequisite tools:


  • gcc-arm-none-eabi: GCC compilation toolchain for ARM microcontrollers.
    • Installing on Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install gcc-arm-none-eabi
    • Installing on Arch Linux: sudo pacman -S arm-none-eabi-gcc arm-none-eabi-binutils
  • gdb-arm-none-eabi: GNU project debugger for ARM microcontrollers.
    • Installing on Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install gdb-arm-none-eabi
    • Installing on Arch Linux: sudo pacman -S arm-none-eabi-gdb
  • OpenOCD: Open On-Chip Debugging tools. This is what we use to flash the code onto the microcontroller.
    • Installing on Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install openocd
    • Installing on Arch Linux: build and install the AUR package
  • tup: Used as a build tool
    • Installing on Ubuntu: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jonathonf/tup; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install tup
    • Installing on Arch Linux: sudo pacman -S tup
  • No additional USB CDC driver should be required on Linux.


  • brew cask install gcc-arm-embedded: GCC toolchain+debugger
  • brew tap homebrew/fuse; brew install homebrew/fuse/tup: Build tool
  • brew install openocd: Programmer


Install the following:

  • Git for windows. This intalls the Git Bash, which is a unix style command line interface that we will be using.
  • GNU ARM Embedded Toolchain. The cross-compiler used to compile the code. Download and install the "Windows 32-bit" version. Make sure to tick the "add to path" option.
  • Tup is used to script the compilation process. Unpack the zip-folder. Then add the path that contains the executable (something like C:\Users\yourname\the\place\you\unzipped\tup-latest) to your PATH environment variable. For details on how to set your path envirment in windows see these instructions.
  • Make for Windows. This is optional and mainly used because commands are short and developers are used to it. If you don't want to use it, you can look at the Makefile to get the corresponding commands. Download and run the complete package setup program. Add the path of the binaries to your PATH environment variable. For me this was at C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\bin.
  • OpenOCD. Follow the instructions at GNU ARM Eclipse - How to install the OpenOCD binaries, including the part about ST-LINK/V2 drivers. Add the path of the binaries to your PATH environment variable. For me this was at C:\Program Files\GNU ARM Eclipse\OpenOCD\0.10.0-201704182147-dev\bin.

Setting up an IDE

For working with the ODrive code you don't need an IDE, but the open-source IDE VSCode is recommended. It is also possible to use Eclipse. If you'd like to go that route, please see the respective configuration document:

No IDE Instructions

After installing all of the above, open a Git Bash shell. Continue at section Building the firmware.

Building the firmware

  • Make sure you have cloned the repository.
  • Navigate your terminal (bash/cygwin) to the ODrive/Firmware dir.
  • Run make in the root of this repository.

Flashing the firmware

  • Make sure you have configured the parameters first
  • Connect GND, SWD, and SWC on connector J2 to the programmer. Note: Always plug in GND first!
  • You need to power the board by only ONE of the following: VCC(3.3v), 5V, or the main power connection (the DC bus). The USB port (J1) does not power the board.
  • Run make flash in the root of this repository.

If the flashing worked, you can start sending commands. If you want to do that now, you can go to Communicating over USB or UART.

Debugging the firmware

  • Run make gdb. This will reset and halt at program start. Now you can set breakpoints and run the program. If you know how to use gdb, you are good to go.

Communicating over USB or UART

Warning: If testing USB or UART communication for the first time it is recommend that your motors are free to spin continuously and are not connected to a drivetrain with limited travel.

From Linux/Windows/macOS

There are two example python scripts to help you get started with controlling the ODrive using python. One will drop you into an interactive shell to query settings, parameters, and variables, and let you send setpoints manually (tools/ The other is a demo application to show you how to control the ODrive programmatically (tools/ Below follows a step-by-step guide on how to run these.

  • Windows: It is recommended to use a Unix style command prompt, such as Git Bash that comes with Git for windows.
  1. Install Python 3, then install dependencies pyusb and pyserial:
pip install pyusb pyserial
  • Note: If you have python2 and python3 installed concurrently then you must specifiy that we wish to target python3. This is done as follows:
    • Linux: Use pip3 instead of pip in the above command.
    • Windows: Use the full path of the Python3 pip, yeilding something like: C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36-32\Scripts\pip install pyusb pyserial
  • If you have trouble with this step then refer to this walkthrough.
  1. Linux: set up USB permissions
    echo 'SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="1209", ATTR{idProduct}=="0d[0-9][0-9]", MODE="0666"' | sudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/50-odrive.rules
    sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
    sudo udevadm trigger # until you reboot you may need to do this everytime you reset the ODrive
  1. Power the ODrive board (as per the Flashing the firmware step).
  2. Plug in a USB cable into the microUSB connector on ODrive, and connect it to your PC.
  3. Windows: Use the Zadig utility to set ODrive (not STLink!) driver to libusb-win32.
  • If 'Odrive V3.x' is not in the list of devices upon opening Zadig, check 'List All Devices' from the options menu. With the Odrive selected in the device list choose 'libusb-win32' from the target driver list and select the large 'install driver' button.
  1. Open the bash prompt in the ODrive/tools/ folder.
  2. Run python3 or python3
  • is a very simple script which will make motor 0 turn back and forth. Use this as an example if you want to control the ODrive yourself programatically.
  • drops you into an interactive python shell where you can explore and edit the parameters that are available on your device. For instance my_odrive.motor0.pos_setpoint = 10000 makes motor0 move to position 10000. To connect over serial instead of USB run ./tools/ --discover serial.

From Arduino

See ODrive Arduino Library

Other platforms

See the protocol specification or the legacy protocol specification.

Encoder Calibration

By default the encoder-to-motor calibration will run on every startup. During encoder calibration the rotor must be allowed to rotate without any biased load during startup. That means mass and weak friction loads are fine, but gravity or spring loads are not okay.

Encoder with Index signal

If you have an encoder with an index (Z) signal, you may avoid having to do the calibration on every startup, and instead use the index signal to re-sync the encoder to a stored calibration. Bleow are the steps to do the one-time calibration and configuration. Note that you can follow these steps with one motor at a time, or all motors together, as you wish.

  • Since you will only do this once, it is recommended that you mechanically disengage the motor from anything other than the encoder, so it can spin freely.
  • All the parameters we will be modifying are in the motor structs at the top of MotorControl/low_level.c.
  • Set .encoder.use_index = true and .encoder.calibrated = false.
  • Flash this configuration, and let the motor scan for the index pulse and then complete the encoder calibration.
  • Run, check Communicating over USB or UART for instructions on how to do that.
  • Enter the following to print out the calibration parameters (substitute the motor number you are calibrating for <NUM>):
    • my_odrive.motor<NUM>.encoder.encoder_offset - This should print a number, like -326 or 1364.
    • my_odrive.motor<NUM>.encoder.motor_dir - This should print 1 or -1.
  • Copy these numbers to the corresponding entries in low_level.c: .encoder.encoder_offset and .encoder.motor_dir.
    • Warning: Please be careful to enter the correct numbers, and not to confuse the motor channels. Incorrect values may cause the motor to spin out of control.
  • Set .encoder.calibrated = true.
  • Flash this configuration and check that the motor scans for the index pulse but skips the encoder calibration.
  • Congratulations, you are now done. You may now attach the motor to your mechanical load.
  • If you wish to scan for the index pulse in the other direction (if for example your axis usually starts close to a hard-stop), you can set a negative value in .encoder.idx_search_speed.
  • If your motor has problems reaching the index location due to the mechanical load, you can increase .calibration_current.

Checking for error codes

explore_odrive.pycan also be used to check error codes when your odrive is not working as expected. For example my_odrive.motor0.error will list the error code associated with motor 0.

The error nummber corresponds to the following: 0. ERROR_NO_ERROR


If you get an error code larger than this, it may be the case that someone added a code and forgot to update the documentation. In that case, please check MotorControl/low_level.h for the full enum.

Generating startup code

Note: You do not need to run this step to program the board. This is only required if you wish to update the auto generated code.

This project uses the STM32CubeMX tool to generate startup code and to ease the configuration of the peripherals. You will likely want the pinout for this process. It is available here

Installing prerequisites

  • stm32cubeMX: Tool from STM to automatically generate setup routines and configure libraries, etc.

Generate code

  • Run stm32cubeMX and load the stm32cubemx/Odrive.ioc project file.
  • Press Project -> Generate code
  • You may need to let it download some drivers and such.

Notes for Contributors

In general the project uses the Google C++ Style Guide, except that the default indendtation is 4 spaces, and that the 80 character limit is not very strictly enforced, merely encouraged.

Code maintenance notes

The cortex M4F processor has hardware single precision float unit. However double precision operations are not accelerated, and hence should be avoided. The following regex is helpful for cleaning out double constants: find: ([-+]?[0-9]+\.[0-9]+(?:[eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?)([^f0-9e]) replace: \1f\2