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File metadata and controls

132 lines (93 loc) · 3.34 KB


<==Megacron's Megadots==>

  • This is a personal project of various dot files.
  • These files may change over time.
    Starship Prompt

Dotfile Ideas

Dotfiles social exchange of dotfile ideas.

Further concatenation of ideas will occur in this ongoing project to meet my personal needs.

Nerd Font ~~> Starship ~~> zsh <<=Cross Platform=>>

If you have some customizations of your own of any of these files be sure to save them elsewhere before proceeding!

For Starship it needs a font installed on the machine that has icons.
To do that head over to Nerd Fonts.
A few I like that can be installed through Homebrew:


brew tap homebrew/cask-fonts
brew update && brew upgrade
brew install zsh

# List all the fonts (will also checkmark those installed already)
brew -S nerdfonts

# Favorites by order
brew install --cask font-jetbrains-mono-nerd-font
brew install --cask font-caskaydia-cove-nerd-font
brew install --cask font-fira-mono-nerd-font
brew install --cask font-hack-nerd-font

# Install Starship
brew install starship

# Install Eza (colorized ls)
brew install eza

After these couple things just place files from the starship folder into Home (~)

  • .zsh directory with corresponding zsh files
  • .zshrc
  • .config/starship.toml


  • Download font
  • Extract font
  • Select all > right click > more options > install
choco install starship

Place files same area as Mac


  • Download font
[ -d ~/.fonts ] && echo "Directory Exists" || mkdir ~/.fonts
unzip -d ~/.fonts
fc-cashe -fv


TODO: create a working playbook for all platforms. The following works for Ubuntu.

This works to install JetBrains Locally. You could plug in other fonts as I did not create any {{ moustaches }} and is not fully fleshed out.

I am assuming ansible knowledge and setup on control machine. Modify to your needs.
Both these files in same location where ansible command is run. (whereever you want to be)


localhost ansible_connection=local

and the second file being nerdfont.yml

- name: Install JetBrains Mono...
  hosts: localhost
  connection: local
  become: true
    - name: Downloading JetBrains Font..
        dest: /tmp/
    - name: Extract JetBrains Fonts
        src: /tmp/
        dest: /usr/local/share/fonts/

    - name: Updating Font Cache...
      shell: fc-cache -f -v

then run:

ansible-playbook nerdfont.yml -i ansible_hosts

The Plugins (Mac)

Unfortunately gotta complicate this for two things I have come to rely upon.
That is. Syntax Highlighting and Auto Suggestions. I use to have this managed
by Oh-My-Zsh but we do not actually need it in order to use the plugins.

  • These plugins are already sourced in plugins.zsh
brew install zsh-fast-syntax-highlighting
brew install zsh-autosuggestions