- Added support for (local) images in the latex backend (@Octachron, #1297)
- Added a
field to the json output (@panglesd, #1314) - Added an
subcommand to extract code blocks from mld files (@panglesd, #1326)
- Drop support for OCaml < 4.08 (@jonludlam, #1300)
- Added suport for overriding tmp directories in odoc_driver_monorepo (@jonludlam, #1304)
- Remove
argument in favour of--warnings-tag
which is more friendly for caching and voodoo (@jonludlam, #1304) - Filter out warnings coming from linking implementations (@jonludlam, #1319)
- Output warnings coming from the
phase in the driver (@jonludlam, #1323) - Changed the rules for code block and verbatim content (@panglesd, #1317)
- Store raw content in verbatim and code block, and expose a function to process it (@panglesd, #1325)
- Remove cmdliner compatibility layer, no longer needed (@dbuenzli, #1328)
- Fix bug causing stack overflow in odoc_driver_monorepo (@jonludlam, #1304)
- Fix backtrace on invalid input in compile-deps (@jonludlam, #1313)
- Fix bug in our CSS hitting verbatim blocks in tags (@jonludlam, #1312)
- Fix poor behaviour when running odoc_driver with unknown or missing packages (@jonludlam, #1311)
- Fix incomplete handling of
) (@jonludlam, #1304) - Fix bug in odoc_driver_voodoo related to virtual libraries (@jonludlam, #1309)
- Fix issue #610 where
odoc html-fragment
wasn't rendering headings correctly (@jonludlam, #1306) - Fix bug in
odoc classify
when there are archives that can't be co-linked (@jonludlam, #1310)
Hierarchical documentation (@jonludlam, @panglesd, @Julow) Pages can now be organized in a directory tree structure. Relative and absolute references are added:
. -
Improved sidebar and breadcrumbs navigation (@panglesd, @gpetiot) The documentation pages and the libraries of the entire package are shown on the left sidebar.
Added support for images, videos, audio and other assets The syntax is
for images. The syntax for{video...}
is the same. (@panglesd, @EmileTrotignon, #1170, #1171, #1184, #1185) -
Search using Sherlodoc (@panglesd, @EmileTrotignon, @Julow) A new search bar that supports full-text and type-based search.
Experimental driver (@jonludlam, @panglesd) The driver builds the documentation for a collection of Opam packages using the newer Odoc features. It supports linking external packages to ocaml.org and markdown files. This is experimental and will break in the future.
Cross-package references (@panglesd, @Julow) Pages and modules from other packages can be referenced:
. -
Option to remap links to other packages to ocaml.org or other site. See the
option of the driver or the--remap-file
option ofodoc html-generate
. (@jonludlam, #1189, #1248) -
Option to compute occurrences of use of each identifiers The commands
are added. (@panglesd, #976, #1076, #1206) -
Added the
odoc classify
command (@jonludlam, #1121) Helps driver detecting which modules belong to which libraries. -
to the CLI to remove warnings from a unit, even if they end up being raised in another unit through expansion (@jonludlam, #1260) -
Add clock emoji before
tag (@yawaramin, #1089) -
Navigation for the search bar : use '/' to enter search, up and down arrows to select a result, and enter to follow the selected link. (@EmileTrotignon, #1088)
Fix a big gap between the preamble and the content of a page (@EmileTrotignon, #1147)
Add a marshalled search index consumable by sherlodoc (@EmileTrotignon, @panglesd, #1084)
Allow referencing of polymorphic constructors in polymorphic variant type aliases (@panglesd, #1115)
Added a home icon in the breacrumbs (@panglesd, #1251) It can be disabled with a CLI option.
Add a frontmatter syntax for mld pages (@panglesd, #1187, #1193, #1243, #1246, #1251) Allows to specify the title of a page, the order of sub-pages and other behaviors in the sidebar.
to process standalone Markdown pages (@jonludlam, #1234) -
Added CSS selectors to style version and and nav links when they appear within page titles, as produced by odig (@katrinafyi, #1290)
The command line interface changed to support the new features.
- Packages and libraries:
odoc link
must now be aware of packages and libraries with the-L libname:path
and-P pkgname:path
options. The module search path should still be passed with the-I
option. The current package should be specified with--current-package=pkgname
. - Hierarchy:
odoc compile
now outputs.odoc
in the directory tree specified with--output-dir=DIR
and the parent identifier must be specified with--parent-id=PARENT
. The option--source-parent-file
is removed. - Source code: Implementations are compiled with
instead of withcompile
. The options--cmt=..
are removed. Source code pages are generated withhtml-generate-source
. - Assets: The commands
are added. The optionhtml-generate --asset
is removed. - Sidebar: The index is built using
. The sidebar data is extracted from the index withsidebar-generate
and passed tohtml-generate --sidebar=..
- Packages and libraries:
The syntax for
is now delimited (@panglesd, #1239) A@tag
can now be followed by a paragraph or other elements. -
Updated colors for code fragments (@EmileTrotignon, #1023)
Fixed complexity of looking up
files (@panglesd, #1075) -
Normalize whitespaces in codespans (@gpetiot, #1085) A newline followed by any whitespaces is normalized as one space character.
Reduce size of
when compiled to javascript (@EmileTrotignon, #1072) -
Overhaul of module-type-of expansions and shadowing code (@jonludlam, #1081)
Output file paths and labels in the man and latex backends changed to avoid name clashes (@Julow, #1191)
- Fix variant constructors being hidden if they contain hidden types (@jonludlam, #1105)
- Fix rare assertion failure due to optional parameters (@jonludlam, #1272, issue #1001)
- Fix resolution of module synopses in {!modules} lists that require --open (@jonludlam, #1104}
- Fix top comment not being taken from includes often enough (@panglesd, #1117)
- Fixed 404 links from search results (@panglesd, #1108)
- Fixed title content not being picked up across pages when rendering references (#1116, @panglesd)
- Fix wrong links to standalone comments in search results (#1118, @panglesd)
- Remove duplicated or unwanted comments with inline includes (@Julow, #1133)
- Fix bug where source rendering would cause odoc to fail completely if it encounters invalid syntax (@jonludlam #1208)
- Add missing parentheses in 'val (let*) : ...' (@Julow, #1268)
- Fix syntax highlighting not working for very large files (@jonludlam, @Julow, #1277)
- OCaml 5.3.0 compatibility (@Julow, #1202, #1222, #1254)
- Fix missing katex headers (@panglesd, #1096)
- Allow
in code blocks, fixing issue #1137 (@Julow, #1149) This was interpreted as "code blocks with result", which now mandates a delimiter:{delim@lang[ code ]delim[ result ]}
- Fix misprinting of type variables from ml files for OCaml 4.14 and later (multiple occurences of the same type variable could be named differently) (@octachron, #1173)
- OCaml 5.2.0 compatibility (@Octachron, #1094, #1112)
- Fix issues #1066 and #1095 with extended opens (@jonludlam, #1082, #1100)
- Revert to outputing a file (without content) when rendering a hidden compilation unit. This fixes cases where the dune rules would fail. (@panglesd, #1069)
Add support for external search engines (@panglesd, @EmileTrotignon, #972) This includes the generation of an index and the display of the results in the UI (HTML only).
Display 'private' keyword for private type extensions (@gpetiot, #1019)
Allow to omit parent type in constructor reference (@panglesd, @EmileTrotignon, #933)
- Warn and exit when table(s) is not closed (@lubegasimon, #1050)
- Hint when list(s) is not closed (@lubegasimon, #1050)
- Fix crash on functors returning an alias (@Julow, #1046)
- Fix rendering of polymorphic variants (@wikku, @panglesd, #971)
- Add references to extension declarations (@gpetiot, @panglesd, #949)
- Style: Adjusted line height in the TOC to improve readability (@sorawee, #1045)
- Style: Remove font fallback to Helvetica, Arial (@Julow, #1028)
- Style: Preformatted elements fallback to UA monospace (@toastal, #967)
- Style: Sidebar is now stuck to the left of the content instead of the left of the viewport (@EmileTrotignon, #999)
- Fix 5.1 support (@tmcgilchrist, #1018)
- Source code rendering (@Julow, @panglesd, @jonludlam #909, #996, #993, #982)
- Handle tables markup (@panglesd, @gpetiot, #893)
- Initial support for assets (@trefis, #975)
- odoc-parser remerged (@jonludlam, #973) This includes table support (@gpetiot, @panglesd, ocaml-doc/odoc-parser#11 ocaml-doc/odoc-parser#14) and delimited code blocks with optional output (@jonludlam, ocaml-doc/odoc-parser#17)
- Add a tooltip to references with text (@Julow, #945)
- Add emoji to alerts in CSS (@yawaramin, #928)
- Add common language in shipped highlightjs (@Julow, #953)
- Fix
not always taken into account (@panglesd, #940) - Syntax highlight labels in function arguments (@panglesd, #990)
- Ensure generated html ends with a newline (@3Rafal, #954)
- Warn against tags in pages (@Julow, #948)
- Remove unhelpful 'Unresolved_apply' errors (@gpetiot, #946)
- Allow links and references in headings (@EmileTrotignon, @panglesd, #942)
- Fix rendering of method types (@zoggy, #935)
- Fix section labelling with submodules (@EmileTrotignon, @panglesd, #931)
- LaTeX backend fixes (@Octachron, #921 #920)
- html: Remove extra space in class declarations (@Julow, #936)
- Fix rendering of unresolved references (@Julow, #957)
- OCaml 5.1.0 compatibility (@Octachron, #956)
- New unstable option
for the HTML renderer that emits HTML fragments (preamble, content) together with metadata (table of contents, breadcrumbs, whether katex is used) in JSON format. (@sabine, #908) - New maths support via
{m ... }
and{math ... }
tags. (@giltho, @gpetiot, #886) - Various optimisations (@jonludlam, #870, #883)
- Better handling of alerts and deprecation notices. (@panglesd, #828)
- Handle language tags on code blocks (@julow, #848)
- Shadowing issues (@jonludlam, #853)
- Layout fixes and improvements (@panglesd, #832, #839, #847)
- Handle comments on class constraints and inherit (@julow, #844)
- Disable the missing root warning (@jonludlam, #881)
- New subcommand to resolve references (@panglesd, @lubegasimon, #812)
- Improved rendering of long signatures (@panglesd, #782)
- Handle comments attached to open statement as floating comment, instead of dropping them (@panglesd, #797)
- Empty includes (containing entirely shadowed entries) are now hidden (@panglesd, #798)
- Fix a missing Result constructor during compile. This will cause some functor arguments to have different filenames (@jonludlam, #795)
- Better memory/disk space usage when handling module alias chains (@jonludlam, #799)
- Resolving class-type paths (ie.,
val x : #c
) (@jonludlam, #809) - Skip top-level attributes while extracting the top comment. Fix top-comment extraction with PPX preprocessing (@jorisgio, #819)
- Better handling of @canonical tags (@jonludlam, #820)
- css: improved layout (@jonludlam, @Julow, #822)
- Compatibility with OCaml 4.14 (@patricoferris, @kit-ty-kate, #788)
- Man page renderer fails to output pages that have children (@jonludlam, @Julow, #766)
- Fix resolution of unprefixed references to pages (@Julow, #755)
- Fix reporting of ambiguous labels (@Julow, @jonludlam, #773, #781)
- Allow referencing of labels in the top comment (@jonludlam, #771)
- Strip unquoted spaces in identifiers for a more flexible reference syntax (@lubegasimon, @panglesd, #783)
- Add context to messages raised in expansions of includes (@Julow, #780)
- Remove odoc-parser into a separate repository (@jonludlam, #700)
- OCaml 4.13 support (@octachron, #687, #689)
- Better errors/warnings (@Julow, #692, #717, #720, #732)
- ModuleType 'Alias' support (@jonludlam, #703)
- Improved test suite (@lubegasimon, #697)
- Improved documentation (@lubegasimon, @jonludlam, #702, #733)
- Strengthen module types (@jonludlam, #731)
now can be documented (@jonludlam, #708)- Fix resolution involving deeply nested substitutions (@jonludlam, #727)
- Fix off-by-one error in error reporting (@asavahista, #736)
- Handle @canonical tags in the top-comment of modules (@Julow, #662)
- Simplify paths referring to Stdlib (@jonludlam, #677)
- New odoc command to report warnings encountered during compilation/linking (@Julow, #667)
- Anchors on type extensions (@Julow, #684)
- Resolve references in module synopses (@Julow, #658)
- Fix reference resolution in the presence of shadowing (@Julow, #682)
- Refactor the comment parser in preparation for it to be octavius 2 (@jonludlam, #621)
- Better HTML rendering (@dbuenzli, #607, #612, #615)
- Better handling of signature comments (@Julow, #627, #629, #640, #643, #647, #654)
- Centre, left and right alignment constructs now parse correctly (@lubegasimon, #624)
- Allow reference to pages that contain hyphens and dots (@lubegasimon, #622)
- Allow type definitions to be copied and pasted with correct syntax (@Drup, #626)
- Install Ocamlary as a library for testing (@dbuenzli, #639)
- Handle @canonical tags on compilation units (@Julow, #649)
- Alias more when strengthening (@jonludlam, #653)
- Light theme fixes (@xvw, #660)
- LaTeX: Hardened description environments (@Octachron, #608)
- Add the ability to specifiy canonical paths for types and module types (@jonludlam, #596)
- Several improvements to the HTML tree (@dbuenzli, #600, #605, #589, @Drup, #579)
- Render module synopses in
(@Julow, #597)
- Fix for resolving references in mld files (@jonludlam, #611)
- Fix placement of documentation in module aliases (@Julow, #606)
- Fix breakage involving includes and shadowing (@jonludlam, #603)
- Don't link to hidden items (@lubegasimon, #583)
- Don't remove docs of inlined includes (@Julow, #595)
- Don't render shadowed values (@lubegasimon, #580)
- Fix unresolved references in the first comment of a file (@Julow, #592)
- New model for expanding and cross referencing (@jonludlam, @Julow, @lubegasimon)
- New document output layer, supporting HTML, LaTeX and man page output (@Drup, @Octachron, @jonludlam, @Julow, @lubegasimon)
- Experimental parent/child support for structured output (@jonludlam)
- Compatibility with OCaml 4.11 (#434, @kit-ty-kate)
- Add option to turn warnings into errors (#398, Jules Aguillon)
- Emit quote before identifier in alias type expr (Fixes #391, Anton Bachin)
- Handle generalized open statements introduced in 4.08 (#393, Jon Ludlam)
- Refactor error reporting to avoid exiting the program in library code (#400, Jules Aguillon)
- Build on OCaml 4.10 (#408, Jon Ludlam)
- Build on OCaml 4.09 (#383, Anil Madhavapeddy).
- Handle OCaml 4.08 type and module substitutions (#381, Jon Ludlam).
- Parser: better trimming of leading whitespace in code blocks (#370, Jules Aguillon).
- Parser: allow references to operators containing
characters (#384, reported Sylvain Le Gall). - HTML: emit
<meta generator>
again (#378, Daniel Bünzli). - CLI:
odoc html-targets
was ignoring deeply nested modules (#379, Daniel Bünzli). - Fix bad internal usage of
(#376, Yotam Barnoy).
- Messy formatting in large definitions due to lack of
s (#360, Thomas Refis). - Missing table of contents on
pages (#361, Rizo Isrof). - Missing space before polymorphic class names (#339, Kevin Ji).
- Module type definitions printed with
instead of=
(#344, Geoff Reedy). - Conjunctive types printed with
instead of&
(#353, Florian Angeletti). - Type extensions (
) printed without CSS classes found in other items (#348, reported Stéphane Lavergne). - High memory usage on large codebases (#361, Thomas Refis).
- Build: double underscores in internal filenames (#357, Thomas Refis).
- Development: test suite assumed that html5-tidy supports
(#345, Geoff Reedy). - Internal: refactored AST (#351, #364, Jules Aguillon).
- All parsing errors are now recoverable warnings (#238).
- Page titles are now level-0 headings (
{0 ...}
), and top-level sections within a page are level-1 headings ({1 ...}
) (#217, Rizo Isrof). - Don't render definitions of externals (#275, Nik Graf).
- Disable programming ligatures (#248).
- Rename
option to--xref-base-uri
(#223, Rizo Isrof). - Deprecate redundant reference kind annotations (#246).
- Preliminary compatibility with the current 4.08 beta releases (#309, Jon Ludlam).
- Paragraph headings (
{4 ...}
) and subparagraph headings ({5 ...}
) (#217, Rizo Isrof). odoc support-files-targets
command (#232).- Recommend
for using odoc with BuckleScript (#269, Leandro Ostera).
- Improve breadcrumbs on
pages (#293, Daniel Buenzli). - Display tables of contents in nested module and class pages (#261, Rizo Isrof).
- Uncaught exception when parsing references to operators with
in them, such as@->
(#178). - Incorrect parsing of references to operators with
in them, such as*.
(#237). - Assertion failure when processing optional arguments in an
file with a type annotation, when that type annotation uses an alias of'a option
(#101). - Assertion failure when two modules with the same name are found by odoc (#148, Jon Ludlam).
- Verbatim blocks (
{v ... v}
) can now only be terminated if thev}
is immediately preceded by whitespace (#71, reported Daniel Buenzli). - Wrong column numbers for errors reported in comments (#227, #253).
- Restore parsing of ocamldoc-style reference kind annotations (#244).
- Ordinary
keyword instead ofand
rendered in HTML for mutually-recursive types (#105, reported @Fourchaux). nonrec
keyword not rendered (#249).and
not rendered for mutually-recursive modules, classes, and class types (#251).- Outer comment attached to a module rendered when the module is included (#87, Jon Ludlam).
- Polymorphic variant constructor documentation not rendered (#176, reported @steinuil).
- Variant constructor and record field documentation styled differently (#260, Jon Ludlam).
- Sloppy keyword markup in HTML output (#319).
- Rendering of multiple
clauses (#321). - Incorrect order of functor arguments (#261, Rizo Isrof).
odoc html
now creates the output directory if it does not exist #171, #264 Rizo Isrof).odoc html-targets
output now includes path prefix given through-o
option (#173, Rizo Isrof).- Allow
options to refer to non-existent directories (#32, #170, Daniel Buenzli). - Make
odoc compile-targets
matchodoc compile
(#273, Daniel Buenzli). odoc compile-deps
does not work on.cmt
files (#162, Daniel Buenzli).odoc html-deps
now scans for.odoc
files recursively (#307, Daniel Buenzli).odoc html-targets
ignores stop comments (#276, Daniel Buenzli).odoc html-targets
andodoc html-deps
segfault on.mld
pages (#277, #282, Daneil Buenzli).--theme-uri
option not propagated to some subpages (#318, Thomas Refis).- Binary files not opened in binary mode (#281, Ulrik Strid).
- Always print backtraces for unhandled exceptions (3d10feb).
- CI on macOS (#216, Leandro Ostera).
- Test runner improvements (#266, Rizo Isrof).
- Fix esy builds in Travis (#301, Jon Ludlam).
- Don't require
in the esy build (#308, Leandro Ostera). - Get rid of some large GADTs (#292, Jon Ludlam).
- Remove dependency on
(#305, Daniel Buenzli). - Remove dependency on
(#306, Daniel Buenzli). - Remove dependency on
, previously present in development checkouts (#316).
- Reason syntax output (#156, Patrick Stapfer).
- BuckleScript support (#179, Leandro Ostera).
- New CSS, appearance (#139, Rizo Isrof).
- Table of contents for the sections in each page (fe26392).
- Navigation breadcrumbs, and limit length of module paths in page titles (#150, Yotam Barnoy).
- Syntax highlighting of code blocks (99f2be9).
- Compiled
binary is now self-contained and requires no external files (bd3b53c). --theme-uri
option (#154, Rizo Isrof).- Option to convert
to HTML fragments rather than complete pages (#166, Rizo Isrof).
- Use regular dashes in arrows to support ligature fonts (#180, Leandro Ostera).
- Do not excessively indent code blocks (#133, Bobby Priambodo).
- Always prepend
to output file name when compiling.mld
files (#183, Rizo Isrof). - Support
type introduced in OCaml 4.06 (eb36158, Thomas Refis). - Support destructive type substitution (57cbb4e, Thomas Refis).
- Render
tags in italics (#104, Thibault Suzanne). - Flush HTML output correctly (#167, Rizo Isrof).
- Make HTML output more valid (#185, Leandro Ostera).
- Various improvements to parsing, output, documentation, and the development workflow (Yotam Barnoy, Luke Czyszczonik, Mohamed Elsharnouby, Rudi Grinberg, Rizo Isrof, Leandro Ostera, Bobby Priambodo, Thomas Refis, Patrick Stapfer).
is now one repo.- Dropped several dependencies.
- Considerable refactoring.
- New commnt parser (78a6699).
- Improved development workflow, including
, tests, coverage analysis, CI, and issue organization. - Initial NPM packaging (Leandro Ostera, #214).
- Skeleton of odoc manual (Leandro Ostera, #203).
- Support for standalone documentation pages (
files) (#61). - Display
attributes as the@deprecated
tag (#57). - Allow each component of OCaml paths to be disambiguated using the
syntax (part of #61). - Support OCaml 4.06.
- Fix spurious leading blank lines in verbatim text (ocaml-doc/octavius#6).
- make odoc more noisy when generating html for hidden units
- changed
subcommand behavior: it now expects to be given a directory, not a single odoc file.
- Switch to jbuilder
Initial release.