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File metadata and controls

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Certificates are used to display the users progress of learning in a special way. When this feature is activated the user will be able to download a PDF file that will prove the successful attendance to a given Module or Service.

This documentation can be used for developers to add the feature for 'Certificates' to their component.

Table Of Contents


The certificates and the templates for the certificates will be stored in the database.

The content of each certificate or template will be stored in the format: XSL-FO.

The data that is stored in the database is a projection of the current status, which means that it MUST not be altered afterwards. E.g. the name change of a user after achieving the certificate will not automatically be updated.

If the ILIAS system will be upgraded from a ILIAS version <=5.3.0 a migration MUST be executed. See the migration chapter for more information.

Currently only a the newest version of a user certificate will be shown in the GUI. Previous certificate are also stored in the database, but are not displayed in the GUI.

The user certificates can be created directly or via a cron job with a delay.

  • Creating user certificates instantly after resolving the learning progress of a user is only recommended for systems with low up to mediocre user workload. Due to the fact that learning progress events can be raised for different users and different context objects in a very short amount of time this can lead to response delays in the GUI.
  • Creating user certificates via the cron job is recommended for sytems with a high user workload. This approach stores an reminder of the learning progress event into a queue. The cron job will process the queue on execution. To avoid high latencies we recommend to execute the cron job in a few minute schedule.


The feature to create certificate templates and therefore creating certificates MUST be activated via Administration -> Certificates and the Java Server must be configured.

A default background image can be added that will be used as default image for every certificate authority.

Additionally the Learning Progress MUST be activated for the Module/Service to create new user certificates.

Java Server

To create PDF files from the stored XSL-FO data from the database a Java server is required to create these PDF files.

A configuration file must be created in the menu Administration -> General Settings -> Server(Tab) -> Java-Server(Subtab). Start the server with the configuration file and enter the required values into the form.

After being started the server is ready to be used to create PDF files.

Certificate Settings

The location of the settings to create the certificate template depends on the implementing Service/Module.

It is recommended to add the certificate settings view for the current template under the current object in the menu Settings as a sub-tab Certificate.

The certificate settings for each component are very similar but can be modified by the component itself to add new actions or fields.

The biggest differences between all components are the placeholders that can be used for the component certificate. How to add these components will be described in the following chapters.

A save of the template will be versioned in the database. The newest version of the template that was recently saved and has been set to Active will be used to create the user certificate.

A change to a previous version is currently not supported.


The table with persisted user certificates will be displayed in a separated tab in Learning History.

The subtab Certificate is only visible when certificates are activates via the certificate settings.

Implementation for new Services/Module

A new/separate case MUST be added in the following classes:

A new/separate case MAY be added in the following classes:

Beside integrating the settings into the GUI there are two classes that also MUST be created for the purpose of providing/resolving placeholders.

The first class that MUST be added is a Placeholder Description class which contain all the placeholders with the given descriptions. This class is used in the settings GUI.

The second class that MUST be implemented is a Placeholder Values class which will calculate based on the user and given component the values that should be replaced for the placeholders.

Important: This class has to be appended to the map defined in ilCertificateTypeClassMap.

Placeholder Description

A Placeholder Description class is an implementation of ilCertificatePlaceholderDescription.

This class defines the description for the placeholders and will create a HTML-View of these parameters that will be displayed in certificate settings GUI.


This chapter will describe the default methods that MUST be defined by a new implementation.


Will return a associative array with the placeholder as key and the description as value.


The method MUST create a HTML string that can be displayed in the settings GUI. Templates SHOULD be used to create the HTML string. A default template can be used which is located in ./Services/Certificates/default/tpl.default_description.html

Placeholder Values

A Placeholder Values class is an implementation of ilCertificatePlaceholderValues.

This class is used to calculate the values for the placeholders based on the user data and object data.


ilCertificatePlaceholderValues::getPlaceholderValues($userId: integer, $objId: integer)

This method will return an associative array with the placeholder as key and the actual data as value. The value data will be calculated on the method call. If the values can't be calculated or the user is not permitted to have certificate, please throw an ilInvalidCertificateException. The cron job won't create a user certificate if this exception is thrown.


This method will return example data that will be used for a preview PDF version of the certificate.

Cron Job

A component that has a successful Learning Progress status will be added to a queue that will be processed on each execution of the cron job.

The cron job will create an implementation of the Placeholder Value class that is provided in the queue entry to receive the values for the placeholders and replace them in the XLS-FO content of the template. The certificate will be stored in the database and will be listed as obtained certificate in the GUI.


To implement a certificate settings in a GUI an instance of ilCertifcateGUI MUST be used. As seen in the constructor of this class, an instance of ilCertificateFormRepository is needed. The ilCertificateSettingsFormRepository can be used for a default certificate settings interface.

Custom Certificate Settings GUI

If a custom certificate settings GUI is needed, a new Repository class can be created. This class MUST implement the interface ilCertificateFormRepository

User Certificates Classes

User certificates should be stored in the data container object ilUserCertificate. This container can be given the ilUserCertificateRepository::save() method that will store the certificate in the defined database.

User certificate entries will mainly be created during the cron job based on the certificate queue entries. Each entry displays an achievement of a certificate.


// Refers to already used certificate template
$patternCertificateId = 10;

// Object ID of the Module/Service (e.g. Course, Test)
$objId                = 200;

// Type of the current object
$objType              = 'crs';

// User who achieved the certificate
$userId               = 3000;

// Current name of the User
$userName             = 'Ilyas Homer';

// Timstamp of achievement, if the time is not availble use current timstamp
$acquiredTimestamp    = 1532347101;

// The XLS-FO content, in older version this was the content of the file
$certificateContent   = '<xls-fo> ... </xls-fo>';

// Template values that have been replaced with actual user data
$templateValues       = '{"USER_LOGIN": "ilyas"}';

// Validation date/time. For future purposes(Currently not implemented)
$validUntil           = null;

// Numeric iterative version value of the current certifcate. 
$version              = 1;

// ILIAS version at the time of achievement
$iliasVersion         = 'v5.4.0';

// Determines if the current certifcate is the newest and visible certificate
$currentlyActive      = true;

$certificate = new ilUserCertificate(

$repository = new ilUserCertificateRepository($database, $logger);

Template Certificate Classes

Certificate templates should be stored in the data container object ilCertificateTemplate. This container can be given the ilCertificateTemplateRepository::save() method that will store the template in the defined database.

These classes are used in the certificate settings GUI during creating the certificate template.


$objId                = 200;
$obj_type             = 'crs';
$certificateContent   = '<xls-fo>...</xls-fo>'
$certificateHash      = md5($certificateHash);
$templateValues       = json_encode(array('ID' => 'DESCRIPTION'));
$version              = 2;
$iliasVerion          = 'v5.4.0';
$createdTimestamp     = time();
$currentlyActive      = true;
$backgroundImagePath  = '/data/somone/certifcates/course/200/background_2.jpg';

$template = new ilCertificateTemplate(

$repository = new ilCertificateTemplateDatabaseRepository($database);

Cron Queue Classes

Queue entry data should be stored in the data container object ilCertificateQueueEntry. This container can be given the ilCertificateQueueRepository::save() method that will store the template in the defined database.

An entry will be created on an successful LP status change. Queue entries will later be processed by a cron job to create user certificate.


$objId = 200;
$userId = 5000;
$adapterClass = 'CoursePlaceholderValues'
$state = ilCronConstants::IN_PROGRESS;

$template = new ilCertificateQueueEntry(

$repository = new ilCertificateQueueRepository($database);


The actions will be shown on the GUI as buttons. Developers MAY create an specified action for their Service/Module.


The copy action SHOULD be executed during the copy process of an Service/Module.


The delete action will activated via a button in the template form.

Custom delete action can be created by implementing the Interface ilCertificateDeleteAction, but every template form SHOULD use at least an Implementation of ilCertificateTemplateDeleteAction.

The actions will be added via ilCertificateGUIFactory


The preview action will create a PDF with default values. This default values of this action are defined in the implementations of the Placeholder Values Classes.


The certificates using the ILIAS Event System to add new certificates to the cron job queue. There are a few possible events the certificate service is listening to:

Event Component Explanation
updateStatus Services/Tracking This event will be thrown by the Learning Progress


On an update status event (performed by the Learning Progress) a possible new user certificate will be added directly to the queue.

If the Learning Progress is globally deactivated, the administrator can enter particular Modules/Services for Learning Progress. The course is NOT supported for this behaviour, but Modules/Services can be added via the certificates template settings UI. Completing all of the selected events will add the user into the queue.


This service also provides an API to fetch data related to the certificates. Currently an endpoint is provided to fetch user certificate related data.

Public API classes:

  • Certificate\API\UserCertificateAPI


UserCertificateAPI::getUserCertificateData will return an array of UserCertificateDto. UserCertificateDto contains specific information of users who achieved a certificate. The method will need an UserDataFilter object and an array of ilCtrl-enabled GUI class names that will be used to create a link to download the certificate.

Attention: This API will not check if a user has access to the certificate link. Please make sure the user using this API has every privilege to download the certificates. This is valid for the querying purpose as well as for the certificate delivery purpose.


The UserDataFilter contains the elements to limit the final result set. The first parameter MUST be an array of usr_id.


The migration was a feature in the previous ILIAS version 5.4.x, and is no longer supported. If the migration step is needed for your system, please install a 5.4.x version first and let the users migrate their user certificates.

Certificate Templates

Certificate templates will be imported to the database during an database update step.

This step MUST be executed before a user migrates the achieved certificates.

User Certificates

User certificates will be imported per user via a background task. This background task, will be executed by the user via the GUI.