diff --git a/docs/features/facets.md b/docs/features/facets.md
index 3d75d61784..a7215e4ba6 100644
--- a/docs/features/facets.md
+++ b/docs/features/facets.md
@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ const olympians = shallowRef([
{weight: 170, height: 2.21, sex: "male"}
+const scheme = Plot.scale({color: {type: "categorical"}}).range;
onMounted(() => {
d3.csv("../data/athletes.csv", d3.autoType).then((data) => (olympians.value = data));
@@ -23,7 +25,7 @@ onMounted(() => {
Faceting partitions data by ordinal or categorical value and then repeats a plot for each partition (each **facet**), producing [small multiples](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Small_multiple) for comparison. Faceting is typically enabled by declaring the horizontal↔︎ facet channel **fx**, the vertical↕︎ facet channel **fy**, or both for two-dimensional faceting.
-For example, below we recreate the Trellis display (“reminiscent of garden trelliswork”) of [Becker *et al.*](https://hci.stanford.edu/courses/cs448b/papers/becker-trellis-jcgs.pdf) using the dot’s **fy** channel to declare vertical↕︎ facets, showing the yields of several varieties of barley across several sites for the years 1931 and 1932 .
+For example, below we recreate the Trellis display (“reminiscent of garden trelliswork”) of [Becker *et al.*](https://hci.stanford.edu/courses/cs448b/papers/becker-trellis-jcgs.pdf) using the dot’s **fy** channel to declare vertical↕︎ facets, showing the yields of several varieties of barley across several sites for the years 1931 and 1932 .
:::plot https://observablehq.com/@observablehq/plot-trellis
@@ -57,7 +59,7 @@ This plot uses the [**sort** mark option](./scales.md#sort-mark-option) to order
Use the [frame mark](../marks/frame.md) for stronger visual separation of facets.
-The chart above reveals a likely data collection error: the years appear to be reversed for the Morris site as it is the only site where the yields in 1932 were higher than in 1931 . The anomaly in Morris is more obvious if we use directed arrows to show the year-over-year change. The [group transform](../transforms/group.md) groups the observations by site and variety to compute the change.
+The chart above reveals a likely data collection error: the years appear to be reversed for the Morris site as it is the only site where the yields in 1932 were higher than in 1931 . The anomaly in Morris is more obvious if we use directed arrows to show the year-over-year change. The [group transform](../transforms/group.md) groups the observations by site and variety to compute the change.
:::plot defer https://observablehq.com/@observablehq/plot-trellis-anomaly
diff --git a/docs/features/markers.md b/docs/features/markers.md
index 7fd8290392..d9396ac699 100644
--- a/docs/features/markers.md
+++ b/docs/features/markers.md
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ A **marker** defines a graphic drawn on vertices of a [line](../marks/line.md) o
-:::plot https://observablehq.com/d/cfc5b4e46aa18b57?intent=fork
+:::plot https://observablehq.com/@observablehq/plot-line-chart-with-markers?intent=fork
marks: [
diff --git a/docs/features/transforms.md b/docs/features/transforms.md
index b4ce33bf23..dac990022e 100644
--- a/docs/features/transforms.md
+++ b/docs/features/transforms.md
@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ const olympians = shallowRef([]);
const traffic = shallowRef(["Saarbrücken-Neuhaus", "Oldenburg (Holstein)", "Holz", "Göttelborn", "Riegelsberg", "Kastel", "Neustadt i. H.-Süd", "Nettersheim", "Hasborn", "Laufeld", "Otzenhausen", "Nonnweiler", "Kirschheck", "AS Eppelborn", "Bierfeld", "Von der Heydt", "Illingen", "Hetzerath", "Groß Ippener", "Bockel", "Ladbergen", "Dibbersen", "Euskirchen/Bliesheim", "Hürth", "Lotte", "Ascheberg", "Bad Schwartau", "Schloss Burg", "Uphusen", "HB-Silbersee", "Barsbüttel", "HB-Mahndorfer See", "Glüsingen", "HB-Weserbrücke", "Hengsen", "Köln-Nord", "Hagen-Vorhalle", "Unna"].map((location, i) => ({location, date: new Date(Date.UTC(2000, 0, 1, i)), vehicles: (10 + i) ** 2.382})));
const bins = computed(() => d3.bin().thresholds(80).value((d) => d.weight)(olympians.value));
+const scheme = Plot.scale({color: {type: "categorical"}}).range;
onMounted(() => {
d3.csv("../data/athletes.csv", d3.autoType).then((data) => (olympians.value = data));
d3.csv("../data/bls-metro-unemployment.csv", d3.autoType).then((data) => (bls.value = data));
@@ -116,7 +118,7 @@ If a transform isn’t doing what you expect, try inspecting the options object
Transforms can derive channels (such as **y** above) as well as changing the default options. For example, the bin transform sets default insets for a one-pixel gap between adjacent rects.
-Transforms are composable: you can pass *options* through more than one transform before passing it to a mark. For example, above it’s a bit difficult to compare the weight distribution by sex because there are fewer female than male athletes in the data. We can remove this effect using the [normalize transform](../transforms/normalize.md) with the *sum* reducer.
+Transforms are composable: you can pass *options* through more than one transform before passing it to a mark. For example, above it’s a bit difficult to compare the weight distribution by sex because there are fewer female than male athletes in the data. We can remove this effect using the [normalize transform](../transforms/normalize.md) with the *sum* reducer.
:::plot defer https://observablehq.com/@observablehq/plot-overlapping-relative-histogram
diff --git a/docs/marks/tip.md b/docs/marks/tip.md
index d4221e6d30..0079e8afb9 100644
--- a/docs/marks/tip.md
+++ b/docs/marks/tip.md
@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ const olympians = shallowRef([
{weight: 170, height: 2.21, sex: "male"}
+const scheme = Plot.scale({color: {type: "categorical"}}).range;
onMounted(() => {
d3.csv("../data/aapl.csv", d3.autoType).then((data) => (aapl.value = data));
d3.csv("../data/athletes.csv", d3.autoType).then((data) => (olympians.value = data));
@@ -111,7 +113,7 @@ Plot.dot(olympians, {
The tallest athlete in this dataset, swimmer [Kevin Cordes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kevin_Cordes), is likely an error: his official height is 1.96m (6′ 5″) not 2.21m (7′ 3″). Basketball player [Li Muhao](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Li_Muhao) is likely the true tallest.
-If a channel is bound to the *color* or *opacity* scale, the tip mark displays a swatch to reinforce the encoding, such as female ■ or male ■ .
+If a channel is bound to the *color* or *opacity* scale, the tip mark displays a swatch to reinforce the encoding, such as female ■ or male ■ .
The tip mark recognizes that **x1** & **x2** and **y1** & **y2** are paired channels. Below, observe that the *weight* shown in the tip is a range such as 64–66 kg; however, the *frequency* is shown as the difference between the **y1** and **y2** channels. The latter is achieved by the stack transform setting a channel hint to indicate that **y1** and **y2** represent a length.
diff --git a/docs/transforms/group.md b/docs/transforms/group.md
index f2d1cea94d..df128f8dcc 100644
--- a/docs/transforms/group.md
+++ b/docs/transforms/group.md
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ import {shallowRef, onMounted} from "vue";
const olympians = shallowRef([{weight: 31, height: 1.21, sex: "female"}, {weight: 170, height: 2.21, sex: "male"}]);
+const scheme = Plot.scale({color: {type: "categorical"}}).range;
onMounted(() => {
d3.csv("../data/athletes.csv", d3.autoType).then((data) => (olympians.value = data));
@@ -88,7 +90,7 @@ Plot.plot({
-We aren’t limited to the *count* reducer. We can use the *mode* reducer, for example, to show which sex is more prevalent in each sport: men are represented more often than women in every sport except gymnastics and fencing.
+We aren’t limited to the *count* reducer. We can use the *mode* reducer, for example, to show which sex is more prevalent in each sport: men are represented more often than women in every sport except gymnastics and fencing.
:::plot defer https://observablehq.com/@observablehq/plot-group-and-mode-reducer
@@ -162,7 +164,7 @@ Plot.plot({
-Alternatively, below we use directional arrows (a [link mark](../marks/link.md) with [markers](../features/markers.md)) to indicate the difference in counts of male and female athletes by sport. The color of the arrow indicates which sex is more prevalent, while its length is proportional to the difference.
+Alternatively, below we use directional arrows (a [link mark](../marks/link.md) with [markers](../features/markers.md)) to indicate the difference in counts of male and female athletes by sport. The color of the arrow indicates which sex is more prevalent, while its length is proportional to the difference.
:::plot defer https://observablehq.com/@observablehq/plot-difference-arrows
diff --git a/docs/transforms/hexbin.md b/docs/transforms/hexbin.md
index 938f9c8671..1ca25d311b 100644
--- a/docs/transforms/hexbin.md
+++ b/docs/transforms/hexbin.md
@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ const us = shallowRef(null);
const nation = computed(() => us.value ? topojson.feature(us.value, us.value.objects.nation) : {type: null});
const statemesh = computed(() => us.value ? topojson.mesh(us.value, us.value.objects.states, (a, b) => a !== b) : {type: null});
+const scheme = Plot.scale({color: {type: "categorical"}}).range;
onMounted(() => {
d3.csv("../data/athletes.csv", d3.autoType).then((data) => (olympians.value = data));
d3.tsv("../data/walmarts.tsv", d3.autoType).then((data) => (walmarts.value = data));
@@ -69,7 +71,7 @@ Plot
Setting a **stroke** ensures that the smallest hexagons are visible.
-Alternatively, the **fill** and **r** channels can encode independent (or “bivariate”) dimensions of data. Below, the **r** channel uses *count* as before, while the **fill** channel uses *mode* to show the most frequent sex of athletes in each hexagon. The larger athletes are more likely to be male , while the smaller athletes are more likely to be female .
+Alternatively, the **fill** and **r** channels can encode independent (or “bivariate”) dimensions of data. Below, the **r** channel uses *count* as before, while the **fill** channel uses *mode* to show the most frequent sex of athletes in each hexagon. The larger athletes are more likely to be male , while the smaller athletes are more likely to be female .
:::plot defer https://observablehq.com/@observablehq/plot-bivariate-hexbin
diff --git a/docs/transforms/stack.md b/docs/transforms/stack.md
index 2275c52b75..1c5d8c080f 100644
--- a/docs/transforms/stack.md
+++ b/docs/transforms/stack.md
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ const order = computed(() => orders.value === "null" ? null : orders.value);
const reverse = ref(true);
const riaa = shallowRef([]);
const survey = shallowRef([]);
+const scheme = Plot.scale({color: {type: "categorical"}}).range;
onMounted(() => {
d3.csv("../data/riaa-us-revenue.csv", d3.autoType).then((data) => (riaa.value = data));
@@ -53,7 +54,7 @@ const likert = Likert([
The **stack transform** comes in two orientations: [stackY](#stackY) replaces **y** with **y1** and **y2** to form vertical↑ stacks grouped on **x**, while [stackX](#stackX) replaces **x** with **x1** and **x2** for horizontal→ stacks grouped on **y**. In effect, stacking transforms a *length* into *lower* and *upper* positions: the upper position of each element equals the lower position of the next element in the stack. Stacking makes it easier to perceive a total while still showing its parts.
-For example, below is a stacked area chart of [deaths in the Crimean War](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Florence_Nightingale#Crimean_War) — predominantly from disease — using Florence Nightingale’s data.
+For example, below is a stacked area chart of [deaths in the Crimean War](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Florence_Nightingale#Crimean_War) — predominantly from disease — using Florence Nightingale’s data.
:::plot https://observablehq.com/@observablehq/plot-crimean-war-casualties
@@ -128,7 +129,7 @@ Plot.plot({
-The **order** option controls the order in which the layers are stacked. It defaults to null, meaning to respect the input order of the data. The *appearance* order excels when each series has a prominent peak, as in the chart below of [recording industry](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recording_Industry_Association_of_America) revenue. Compact disc sales started declining well before the rise of downloads and streaming , suggesting that the industry was slow to provide a convenient digital product and hence lost revenue to piracy.
+The **order** option controls the order in which the layers are stacked. It defaults to null, meaning to respect the input order of the data. The *appearance* order excels when each series has a prominent peak, as in the chart below of [recording industry](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recording_Industry_Association_of_America) revenue. Compact disc sales started declining well before the rise of downloads and streaming , suggesting that the industry was slow to provide a convenient digital product and hence lost revenue to piracy.
@@ -245,7 +246,7 @@ Plot.plot({
When **offset** is not null, the *y* axis is harder to use because there is no longer a shared baseline at *y* = 0, though it is still useful for eyeballing length.
-The *normalize* **offset** is again worth special mention: it scales stacks to fill the interval [0, 1], thereby showing the relative proportion of each layer. Sales of compact discs accounted for over 90% of revenue in the early 2000’s, but now most revenue comes from streaming .
+The *normalize* **offset** is again worth special mention: it scales stacks to fill the interval [0, 1], thereby showing the relative proportion of each layer. Sales of compact discs accounted for over 90% of revenue in the early 2000’s, but now most revenue comes from streaming .
:::plot defer https://observablehq.com/@observablehq/plot-normalized-stack
diff --git a/src/plot.d.ts b/src/plot.d.ts
index 9d9280f22b..05fc238dc5 100644
--- a/src/plot.d.ts
+++ b/src/plot.d.ts
@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ export interface PlotOptions extends ScaleDefaults {
* Options for the *color* scale for fill or stroke. The *color* scale
* defaults to a *linear* scale with the *turbo* scheme for quantitative
* (numbers) or temporal (dates) data, and an *ordinal* scale with the
- * *tableau10* scheme for categorical (strings or booleans) data.
+ * *observable10* scheme for categorical (strings or booleans) data.
* Plot does not currently render a color legend by default; set the
* **legend** *color* scale option to true to produce a color legend.
diff --git a/src/scales.d.ts b/src/scales.d.ts
index 3d548745f1..7f7748b970 100644
--- a/src/scales.d.ts
+++ b/src/scales.d.ts
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ export type ScaleFunctions = {[key in ScaleName]?: (value: any) => any} & {scale
* For color, one of:
- * - *categorical* - equivalent to *ordinal*; defaults to *tableau10*
+ * - *categorical* - equivalent to *ordinal*; defaults to *observable10*
* - *sequential* - equivalent to *linear*; defaults to *turbo*
* - *cyclical* - equivalent to *linear*; defaults to *rainbow*
* - *threshold* - encodes using discrete thresholds; defaults to *rdylbu*
diff --git a/src/scales/ordinal.js b/src/scales/ordinal.js
index 55dba7dcc3..e43e5a4d05 100644
--- a/src/scales/ordinal.js
+++ b/src/scales/ordinal.js
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ export function createScaleOrdinal(key, channels, {type, interval, domain, range
if (range !== undefined) scheme = undefined; // Don’t re-apply scheme.
if (scheme === undefined && range === undefined) {
- scheme = type === "ordinal" ? "turbo" : "tableau10";
+ scheme = type === "ordinal" ? "turbo" : "observable10";
if (scheme !== undefined) {
if (range !== undefined) {
diff --git a/src/scales/schemes.js b/src/scales/schemes.js
index 34bc2bd46a..0c7a4bf6c2 100644
--- a/src/scales/schemes.js
+++ b/src/scales/schemes.js
@@ -77,10 +77,25 @@ import {
} from "d3";
+// TODO https://github.com/d3/d3-scale-chromatic/pull/51
+const schemeObservable10 = [
+ "#4269d0",
+ "#efb118",
+ "#ff725c",
+ "#6cc5b0",
+ "#a463f2",
+ "#ff8ab7",
+ "#9c6b4e",
+ "#97bbf5",
+ "#3ca951",
+ "#9498a0"
const categoricalSchemes = new Map([
["accent", schemeAccent],
["category10", schemeCategory10],
["dark2", schemeDark2],
+ ["observable10", schemeObservable10],
["paired", schemePaired],
["pastel1", schemePastel1],
["pastel2", schemePastel2],
diff --git a/test/output/athletesHeightWeightSex.svg b/test/output/athletesHeightWeightSex.svg
index 4c646fdb00..28957d6ea2 100644
--- a/test/output/athletesHeightWeightSex.svg
+++ b/test/output/athletesHeightWeightSex.svg
@@ -86,1204 +86,1204 @@
weight →
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/output/athletesHeightWeightSport.svg b/test/output/athletesHeightWeightSport.svg
index 7c6a96fe56..34c9a07241 100644
--- a/test/output/athletesHeightWeightSport.svg
+++ b/test/output/athletesHeightWeightSport.svg
@@ -113,10863 +113,10863 @@
weight →
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/output/athletesSexWeight.svg b/test/output/athletesSexWeight.svg
index 1c111bde14..5cff7decd3 100644
--- a/test/output/athletesSexWeight.svg
+++ b/test/output/athletesSexWeight.svg
@@ -77,57 +77,57 @@
weight →
diff --git a/test/output/athletesSortNationality.html b/test/output/athletesSortNationality.html
index 9c021a7815..1999f1909a 100644
--- a/test/output/athletesSortNationality.html
+++ b/test/output/athletesSortNationality.html
@@ -24,25 +24,25 @@
align-items: center;
margin-right: 1em;
@@ -123,2099 +123,2099 @@
height →
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/output/athletesSortNullLimit.html b/test/output/athletesSortNullLimit.html
index 66ba090934..6ede5a355d 100644
--- a/test/output/athletesSortNullLimit.html
+++ b/test/output/athletesSortNullLimit.html
@@ -24,25 +24,25 @@
align-items: center;
margin-right: 1em;
@@ -123,2099 +123,2099 @@
height →
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/output/autoAreaStackColor.svg b/test/output/autoAreaStackColor.svg
index 6df93935a6..fa69ad8adb 100644
--- a/test/output/autoAreaStackColor.svg
+++ b/test/output/autoAreaStackColor.svg
@@ -63,20 +63,20 @@
diff --git a/test/output/autoBarStackColor.svg b/test/output/autoBarStackColor.svg
index c9ccf61478..83510961c8 100644
--- a/test/output/autoBarStackColor.svg
+++ b/test/output/autoBarStackColor.svg
@@ -50,14 +50,14 @@
Frequency →
diff --git a/test/output/autoBarTimeSeries.svg b/test/output/autoBarTimeSeries.svg
index 627808af6a..99b19d824a 100644
--- a/test/output/autoBarTimeSeries.svg
+++ b/test/output/autoBarTimeSeries.svg
@@ -59,13 +59,13 @@
diff --git a/test/output/autoBarTimeSeriesReduce.svg b/test/output/autoBarTimeSeriesReduce.svg
index fe5e5bbb3b..deb1f63933 100644
--- a/test/output/autoBarTimeSeriesReduce.svg
+++ b/test/output/autoBarTimeSeriesReduce.svg
@@ -57,12 +57,12 @@
diff --git a/test/output/autoDotFacet.svg b/test/output/autoDotFacet.svg
index d231a5270f..56e85540dd 100644
--- a/test/output/autoDotFacet.svg
+++ b/test/output/autoDotFacet.svg
@@ -102,352 +102,352 @@
diff --git a/test/output/autoDotFacet2.svg b/test/output/autoDotFacet2.svg
index d821eee151..2865e5f2e6 100644
--- a/test/output/autoDotFacet2.svg
+++ b/test/output/autoDotFacet2.svg
@@ -138,356 +138,356 @@
diff --git a/test/output/autoLineColorSeries.svg b/test/output/autoLineColorSeries.svg
index 53c68bc68c..8c6b0fd610 100644
--- a/test/output/autoLineColorSeries.svg
+++ b/test/output/autoLineColorSeries.svg
@@ -71,20 +71,20 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/output/autoLineMeanColor.svg b/test/output/autoLineMeanColor.svg
index b4d50b382a..5ac4af5348 100644
--- a/test/output/autoLineMeanColor.svg
+++ b/test/output/autoLineMeanColor.svg
@@ -62,8 +62,8 @@
date_of_birth →
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/output/autoLineZero.svg b/test/output/autoLineZero.svg
index 6c8aad33e5..744f58656f 100644
--- a/test/output/autoLineZero.svg
+++ b/test/output/autoLineZero.svg
@@ -76,20 +76,20 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/output/autoRectColorReducer.svg b/test/output/autoRectColorReducer.svg
index d5cb0401c6..529059d1e2 100644
--- a/test/output/autoRectColorReducer.svg
+++ b/test/output/autoRectColorReducer.svg
@@ -58,19 +58,19 @@
culmen_length_mm →
diff --git a/test/output/autoRectStackColor.svg b/test/output/autoRectStackColor.svg
index f2ae219ab1..383bf0560b 100644
--- a/test/output/autoRectStackColor.svg
+++ b/test/output/autoRectStackColor.svg
@@ -58,39 +58,39 @@
culmen_length_mm →
diff --git a/test/output/beckerBarley.svg b/test/output/beckerBarley.svg
index f32ec7464a..187191e854 100644
--- a/test/output/beckerBarley.svg
+++ b/test/output/beckerBarley.svg
@@ -352,136 +352,136 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/output/binFillFirstEmpty.html b/test/output/binFillFirstEmpty.html
index 9f3e6b2ce1..aa3cdfdea9 100644
--- a/test/output/binFillFirstEmpty.html
+++ b/test/output/binFillFirstEmpty.html
@@ -24,11 +24,11 @@
align-items: center;
margin-right: 1em;
@@ -105,79 +105,79 @@
body_mass_g →
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/output/clamp.svg b/test/output/clamp.svg
index 021f3f2320..9dee3fa764 100644
--- a/test/output/clamp.svg
+++ b/test/output/clamp.svg
@@ -36,1713 +36,1713 @@
Jan 2008
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/output/colorLegendCategorical.html b/test/output/colorLegendCategorical.html
index 0f8bac3db6..a3d8faca9f 100644
--- a/test/output/colorLegendCategorical.html
+++ b/test/output/colorLegendCategorical.html
@@ -23,25 +23,25 @@
align-items: center;
margin-right: 1em;
- A
+ A
- B
+ B
- C
+ C
- D
+ D
- E
+ E
- F
+ F
- G
+ G
- H
+ H
- I
+ I
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/output/colorLegendCategoricalColumns.html b/test/output/colorLegendCategoricalColumns.html
index 09021a270a..ff12bea2f1 100644
--- a/test/output/colorLegendCategoricalColumns.html
+++ b/test/output/colorLegendCategoricalColumns.html
@@ -28,52 +28,52 @@
text-overflow: ellipsis;
Wholesale and Retail Trade
diff --git a/test/output/colorLegendCategoricalReverse.html b/test/output/colorLegendCategoricalReverse.html
index 2b4dbe0e01..d60a6b45f3 100644
--- a/test/output/colorLegendCategoricalReverse.html
+++ b/test/output/colorLegendCategoricalReverse.html
@@ -23,25 +23,25 @@
align-items: center;
margin-right: 1em;
- J
+ J
- I
+ I
- H
+ H
- G
+ G
- F
+ F
- E
+ E
- D
+ D
- C
+ C
- B
+ B
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/output/colorLegendOpacity.html b/test/output/colorLegendOpacity.html
index f9ad026403..2e5aee1d2c 100644
--- a/test/output/colorLegendOpacity.html
+++ b/test/output/colorLegendOpacity.html
@@ -23,11 +23,11 @@
align-items: center;
margin-right: 1em;
- Dream
+ Dream
- Torgersen
+ Torgersen
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/output/colorLegendOrdinalTicks.svg b/test/output/colorLegendOrdinalTicks.svg
index eaf18e02ea..831dfc551c 100644
--- a/test/output/colorLegendOrdinalTicks.svg
+++ b/test/output/colorLegendOrdinalTicks.svg
@@ -13,11 +13,11 @@
diff --git a/test/output/crimeanWarArrow.svg b/test/output/crimeanWarArrow.svg
index 3054ad9956..6c7482cfb4 100644
--- a/test/output/crimeanWarArrow.svg
+++ b/test/output/crimeanWarArrow.svg
@@ -72,17 +72,17 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/output/crimeanWarLine.svg b/test/output/crimeanWarLine.svg
index e4c111cf85..13e0a92d29 100644
--- a/test/output/crimeanWarLine.svg
+++ b/test/output/crimeanWarLine.svg
@@ -72,17 +72,17 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/output/crimeanWarOverlapped.svg b/test/output/crimeanWarOverlapped.svg
index 003cffea65..a6684e629d 100644
--- a/test/output/crimeanWarOverlapped.svg
+++ b/test/output/crimeanWarOverlapped.svg
@@ -71,78 +71,78 @@
diff --git a/test/output/crimeanWarStacked.svg b/test/output/crimeanWarStacked.svg
index 1c0c2f745d..66d149f05c 100644
--- a/test/output/crimeanWarStacked.svg
+++ b/test/output/crimeanWarStacked.svg
@@ -57,78 +57,78 @@
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index ba24a3d4d9..7a51bf142c 100644
--- a/test/output/crosshairDot.svg
+++ b/test/output/crosshairDot.svg
@@ -54,348 +54,348 @@
culmen_length_mm →
diff --git a/test/output/crosshairDotFacet.svg b/test/output/crosshairDotFacet.svg
index bef048ee66..10be71ad8b 100644
--- a/test/output/crosshairDotFacet.svg
+++ b/test/output/crosshairDotFacet.svg
@@ -93,352 +93,352 @@
diff --git a/test/output/decathlon.html b/test/output/decathlon.html
index 635dbad619..0e79d82fb6 100644
--- a/test/output/decathlon.html
+++ b/test/output/decathlon.html
@@ -24,19 +24,19 @@
align-items: center;
margin-right: 1em;
@@ -115,56 +115,56 @@
Long Jump →
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/output/dotSort.html b/test/output/dotSort.html
index e493724651..d9ca5e83a9 100644
--- a/test/output/dotSort.html
+++ b/test/output/dotSort.html
@@ -15,14 +15,14 @@
default sort (r desc)
@@ -44,14 +44,14 @@
sort by r
@@ -73,14 +73,14 @@
null sort
@@ -102,14 +102,14 @@
@@ -131,14 +131,14 @@
sort by x
@@ -160,14 +160,14 @@
reverse sort by x
@@ -189,14 +189,14 @@
diff --git a/test/output/energyProduction.html b/test/output/energyProduction.html
index 66573474fb..a6be234f22 100644
--- a/test/output/energyProduction.html
+++ b/test/output/energyProduction.html
@@ -24,11 +24,11 @@
align-items: center;
margin-right: 1em;
- Fossil fuels
+ Fossil fuels
- Renewable
+ Renewable
@@ -96,222 +96,222 @@
diff --git a/test/output/facetReindex.svg b/test/output/facetReindex.svg
index cca4a4814e..c365d6bfe0 100644
--- a/test/output/facetReindex.svg
+++ b/test/output/facetReindex.svg
@@ -82,1050 +82,1050 @@
diff --git a/test/output/findArrow.html b/test/output/findArrow.html
index 8d1f3c9310..a1128c4f3a 100644
--- a/test/output/findArrow.html
+++ b/test/output/findArrow.html
@@ -24,11 +24,11 @@
align-items: center;
margin-right: 1em;
- Y16-19
+ Y16-19
- Y20-24
+ Y20-24
@@ -117,75 +117,75 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/output/frameFillCategorical.html b/test/output/frameFillCategorical.html
index 307a960719..297fc87835 100644
--- a/test/output/frameFillCategorical.html
+++ b/test/output/frameFillCategorical.html
@@ -24,11 +24,11 @@
align-items: center;
margin-right: 1em;
- bar
+ bar
- baz
+ baz
@@ -46,9 +46,9 @@
white-space: pre;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/output/fruitSalesDate.svg b/test/output/fruitSalesDate.svg
index 67f7bea9d1..9541bd796a 100644
--- a/test/output/fruitSalesDate.svg
+++ b/test/output/fruitSalesDate.svg
@@ -43,13 +43,13 @@
diff --git a/test/output/fruitSalesSingleDate.svg b/test/output/fruitSalesSingleDate.svg
index 179c613a2d..d01f8a64d6 100644
--- a/test/output/fruitSalesSingleDate.svg
+++ b/test/output/fruitSalesSingleDate.svg
@@ -51,9 +51,9 @@
15 Mar
diff --git a/test/output/hexbinZ.html b/test/output/hexbinZ.html
index 969c05f7cb..be981ce817 100644
--- a/test/output/hexbinZ.html
+++ b/test/output/hexbinZ.html
@@ -24,11 +24,11 @@
align-items: center;
margin-right: 1em;
- Adelie
+ Adelie
- Chinstrap
+ Chinstrap
@@ -94,187 +94,187 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/output/hexbinZNull.svg b/test/output/hexbinZNull.svg
index 68c1d74de1..82ca6490c6 100644
--- a/test/output/hexbinZNull.svg
+++ b/test/output/hexbinZNull.svg
@@ -79,194 +79,194 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/output/industryUnemployment.svg b/test/output/industryUnemployment.svg
index bcea73e32a..a11a1cd0a7 100644
--- a/test/output/industryUnemployment.svg
+++ b/test/output/industryUnemployment.svg
@@ -73,20 +73,20 @@
- Wholesale and Retail Trade
- Manufacturing
- Leisure and hospitality
- Business services
- Construction
- Education and Health
- Government
- Finance
- Self-employed
- Other
- Transportation and Utilities
- Information
- Agriculture
- Mining and Extraction
+ Wholesale and Retail Trade
+ Manufacturing
+ Leisure and hospitality
+ Business services
+ Construction
+ Education and Health
+ Government
+ Finance
+ Self-employed
+ Other
+ Transportation and Utilities
+ Information
+ Agriculture
+ Mining and Extraction
diff --git a/test/output/industryUnemploymentShare.svg b/test/output/industryUnemploymentShare.svg
index 91df7927e2..459f3905b8 100644
--- a/test/output/industryUnemploymentShare.svg
+++ b/test/output/industryUnemploymentShare.svg
@@ -82,20 +82,20 @@
- Wholesale and Retail Trade
- Manufacturing
- Leisure and hospitality
- Business services
- Construction
- Education and Health
- Government
- Finance
- Self-employed
- Other
- Transportation and Utilities
- Information
- Agriculture
- Mining and Extraction
+ Wholesale and Retail Trade
+ Manufacturing
+ Leisure and hospitality
+ Business services
+ Construction
+ Education and Health
+ Government
+ Finance
+ Self-employed
+ Other
+ Transportation and Utilities
+ Information
+ Agriculture
+ Mining and Extraction
diff --git a/test/output/industryUnemploymentStream.svg b/test/output/industryUnemploymentStream.svg
index 287d813398..09f8b19d8d 100644
--- a/test/output/industryUnemploymentStream.svg
+++ b/test/output/industryUnemploymentStream.svg
@@ -63,19 +63,19 @@
- Wholesale and Retail Trade
- Manufacturing
- Leisure and hospitality
- Business services
- Construction
- Education and Health
- Government
- Finance
- Self-employed
- Other
- Transportation and Utilities
- Information
- Agriculture
- Mining and Extraction
+ Wholesale and Retail Trade
+ Manufacturing
+ Leisure and hospitality
+ Business services
+ Construction
+ Education and Health
+ Government
+ Finance
+ Self-employed
+ Other
+ Transportation and Utilities
+ Information
+ Agriculture
+ Mining and Extraction
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/output/integerIntervalArea.html b/test/output/integerIntervalArea.html
index 6fff5efe94..1cd669e1a2 100644
--- a/test/output/integerIntervalArea.html
+++ b/test/output/integerIntervalArea.html
@@ -24,9 +24,9 @@
align-items: center;
margin-right: 1em;
- a
+ a
@@ -97,8 +97,8 @@
x →
diff --git a/test/output/internFacetNaN.svg b/test/output/internFacetNaN.svg
index 8c041354ac..af683bf3dd 100644
--- a/test/output/internFacetNaN.svg
+++ b/test/output/internFacetNaN.svg
@@ -181,48 +181,48 @@
@@ -273,477 +273,477 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/output/liborProjectionsFacet.html b/test/output/liborProjectionsFacet.html
index 644e27757b..43703a38eb 100644
--- a/test/output/liborProjectionsFacet.html
+++ b/test/output/liborProjectionsFacet.html
@@ -24,13 +24,13 @@
align-items: center;
margin-right: 1em;
- H1
+ H1
- H2
+ H2
- H3
+ H3
@@ -265,118 +265,118 @@
diff --git a/test/output/linearRegressionPenguins.svg b/test/output/linearRegressionPenguins.svg
index 79aac64b1c..bbc31a9d80 100644
--- a/test/output/linearRegressionPenguins.svg
+++ b/test/output/linearRegressionPenguins.svg
@@ -71,356 +71,356 @@
culmen_length_mm →
diff --git a/test/output/moviesRatingByGenre.svg b/test/output/moviesRatingByGenre.svg
index 1881be1321..3f2fd2ab3f 100644
--- a/test/output/moviesRatingByGenre.svg
+++ b/test/output/moviesRatingByGenre.svg
@@ -301,3018 +301,3018 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/output/multiplicationTable.svg b/test/output/multiplicationTable.svg
index 8c324e52bc..44f8141f3b 100644
--- a/test/output/multiplicationTable.svg
+++ b/test/output/multiplicationTable.svg
@@ -119,390 +119,390 @@
diff --git a/test/output/musicRevenue.svg b/test/output/musicRevenue.svg
index 473bcd4479..694f27e56d 100644
--- a/test/output/musicRevenue.svg
+++ b/test/output/musicRevenue.svg
@@ -81,51 +81,51 @@
- 8 - Track
+ 8 - Track
- CD
+ CD
- CD Single
+ CD Single
- Cassette
+ Cassette
- Cassette Single
+ Cassette Single
- DVD Audio
+ DVD Audio
- Download Album
+ Download Album
- Download Music Video
+ Download Music Video
- Download Single
+ Download Single
- Kiosk
+ Kiosk
- Limited Tier Paid Subscription
+ Limited Tier Paid Subscription
- Music Video (Physical)
+ Music Video (Physical)
- On-Demand Streaming (Ad-Supported)
+ On-Demand Streaming (Ad-Supported)
- Other Ad-Supported Streaming
+ Other Ad-Supported Streaming
- Other Digital
+ Other Digital
- Other Tapes
+ Other Tapes
- Paid Subscription
+ Paid Subscription
- Ringtones & Ringbacks
+ Ringtones & Ringbacks
- SoundExchange Distributions
+ SoundExchange Distributions
- Synchronization
+ Synchronization
- Vinyl Single
+ Vinyl Single
diff --git a/test/output/musicRevenueCustomOrder.svg b/test/output/musicRevenueCustomOrder.svg
index 409c41f43a..08b32ee398 100644
--- a/test/output/musicRevenueCustomOrder.svg
+++ b/test/output/musicRevenueCustomOrder.svg
@@ -81,51 +81,51 @@
- 8 - Track
+ 8 - Track
- CD
+ CD
- CD Single
+ CD Single
- Cassette
+ Cassette
- Cassette Single
+ Cassette Single
- DVD Audio
+ DVD Audio
- Download Album
+ Download Album
- Download Music Video
+ Download Music Video
- Download Single
+ Download Single
- Kiosk
+ Kiosk
- Limited Tier Paid Subscription
+ Limited Tier Paid Subscription
- Music Video (Physical)
+ Music Video (Physical)
- On-Demand Streaming (Ad-Supported)
+ On-Demand Streaming (Ad-Supported)
- Other Ad-Supported Streaming
+ Other Ad-Supported Streaming
- Other Digital
+ Other Digital
- Other Tapes
+ Other Tapes
- Paid Subscription
+ Paid Subscription
- Ringtones & Ringbacks
+ Ringtones & Ringbacks
- SoundExchange Distributions
+ SoundExchange Distributions
- Synchronization
+ Synchronization
- Vinyl Single
+ Vinyl Single
diff --git a/test/output/penguinAnnotated.svg b/test/output/penguinAnnotated.svg
index 825c67fc85..7246b08805 100644
--- a/test/output/penguinAnnotated.svg
+++ b/test/output/penguinAnnotated.svg
@@ -51,14 +51,14 @@
- FEMALE (73)
- FEMALE (34)
- FEMALE (58)
- MALE (73)
- MALE (34)
- MALE (61)
- null (6)
- null (5)
+ FEMALE (73)
+ FEMALE (34)
+ FEMALE (58)
+ MALE (73)
+ MALE (34)
+ MALE (61)
+ null (6)
+ null (5)
Count of penguins grouped by species and colored by sex
diff --git a/test/output/penguinCulmenDelaunaySpecies.svg b/test/output/penguinCulmenDelaunaySpecies.svg
index 03e5190189..6055a03f48 100644
--- a/test/output/penguinCulmenDelaunaySpecies.svg
+++ b/test/output/penguinCulmenDelaunaySpecies.svg
@@ -71,24 +71,24 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/output/penguinCulmenVoronoi.svg b/test/output/penguinCulmenVoronoi.svg
index 6f5625689f..c78d2bcbb9 100644
--- a/test/output/penguinCulmenVoronoi.svg
+++ b/test/output/penguinCulmenVoronoi.svg
@@ -414,347 +414,347 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/output/penguinDensityZ.html b/test/output/penguinDensityZ.html
index ebcf0140db..0a4b2369b7 100644
--- a/test/output/penguinDensityZ.html
+++ b/test/output/penguinDensityZ.html
@@ -24,11 +24,11 @@
align-items: center;
margin-right: 1em;
- Adelie
+ Adelie
- Chinstrap
+ Chinstrap
@@ -124,24 +124,24 @@
- Adelie
- Adelie
- Adelie
- Adelie
- Adelie
- Adelie
- Adelie
- Adelie
- Adelie
- Gentoo
- Gentoo
- Gentoo
- Gentoo
- Gentoo
- Gentoo
- Gentoo
- Gentoo
- Gentoo
+ Adelie
+ Adelie
+ Adelie
+ Adelie
+ Adelie
+ Adelie
+ Adelie
+ Adelie
+ Adelie
+ Gentoo
+ Gentoo
+ Gentoo
+ Gentoo
+ Gentoo
+ Gentoo
+ Gentoo
+ Gentoo
+ Gentoo
@@ -149,24 +149,24 @@
- Adelie
- Adelie
- Adelie
- Adelie
- Adelie
- Adelie
- Adelie
- Adelie
- Adelie
- Chinstrap
- Chinstrap
- Chinstrap
- Chinstrap
- Chinstrap
- Chinstrap
- Chinstrap
- Chinstrap
- Chinstrap
+ Adelie
+ Adelie
+ Adelie
+ Adelie
+ Adelie
+ Adelie
+ Adelie
+ Adelie
+ Adelie
+ Chinstrap
+ Chinstrap
+ Chinstrap
+ Chinstrap
+ Chinstrap
+ Chinstrap
+ Chinstrap
+ Chinstrap
+ Chinstrap
@@ -174,15 +174,15 @@
- Adelie
- Adelie
- Adelie
- Adelie
- Adelie
- Adelie
- Adelie
- Adelie
- Adelie
+ Adelie
+ Adelie
+ Adelie
+ Adelie
+ Adelie
+ Adelie
+ Adelie
+ Adelie
+ Adelie
diff --git a/test/output/penguinFacetAnnotated.svg b/test/output/penguinFacetAnnotated.svg
index 234b533deb..9a17e035f1 100644
--- a/test/output/penguinFacetAnnotated.svg
+++ b/test/output/penguinFacetAnnotated.svg
@@ -96,23 +96,23 @@
diff --git a/test/output/penguinFacetAnnotatedX.svg b/test/output/penguinFacetAnnotatedX.svg
index eb79024153..096b526ed2 100644
--- a/test/output/penguinFacetAnnotatedX.svg
+++ b/test/output/penguinFacetAnnotatedX.svg
@@ -88,23 +88,23 @@
diff --git a/test/output/penguinFacetDodgeIsland.html b/test/output/penguinFacetDodgeIsland.html
index 3ac0dc62b2..af6d446909 100644
--- a/test/output/penguinFacetDodgeIsland.html
+++ b/test/output/penguinFacetDodgeIsland.html
@@ -24,11 +24,11 @@
align-items: center;
margin-right: 1em;
- Biscoe
+ Biscoe
- Dream
+ Dream
@@ -113,352 +113,352 @@
diff --git a/test/output/penguinFacetDodgeSymbol.html b/test/output/penguinFacetDodgeSymbol.html
index ef1bc88849..6ae05e27c5 100644
--- a/test/output/penguinFacetDodgeSymbol.html
+++ b/test/output/penguinFacetDodgeSymbol.html
@@ -24,11 +24,11 @@
align-items: center;
margin-right: 1em;
- Adelie
+ Adelie
- Chinstrap
+ Chinstrap
@@ -83,348 +83,348 @@
↑ body_mass_g
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/output/penguinIslandUnknown.svg b/test/output/penguinIslandUnknown.svg
index f3056ec56e..b47f04a4be 100644
--- a/test/output/penguinIslandUnknown.svg
+++ b/test/output/penguinIslandUnknown.svg
@@ -54,9 +54,9 @@
diff --git a/test/output/penguinMassSpecies.svg b/test/output/penguinMassSpecies.svg
index 01dbbed9c8..a43d29bfd3 100644
--- a/test/output/penguinMassSpecies.svg
+++ b/test/output/penguinMassSpecies.svg
@@ -78,35 +78,35 @@
Body mass (g) →
- Adelie FEMALE (6)
+ Adelie FEMALE (6)
Adelie null (1)
- Adelie FEMALE (42)
+ Adelie FEMALE (42)
Adelie MALE (3)
Adelie null (2)
- Adelie MALE (32)
+ Adelie MALE (32)
Adelie FEMALE (25)
Adelie null (1)
- Adelie MALE (30)
+ Adelie MALE (30)
Adelie null (1)
- Adelie MALE (8)
- Chinstrap FEMALE (2)
- Chinstrap FEMALE (11)
+ Adelie MALE (8)
+ Chinstrap FEMALE (2)
+ Chinstrap FEMALE (11)
Chinstrap MALE (4)
- Chinstrap FEMALE (20)
+ Chinstrap FEMALE (20)
Chinstrap MALE (15)
- Chinstrap MALE (12)
+ Chinstrap MALE (12)
Chinstrap FEMALE (1)
- Chinstrap MALE (3)
- Gentoo FEMALE (1)
- Gentoo FEMALE (14)
+ Chinstrap MALE (3)
+ Gentoo FEMALE (1)
+ Gentoo FEMALE (14)
Gentoo null (1)
- Gentoo FEMALE (35)
+ Gentoo FEMALE (35)
Gentoo null (3)
Gentoo MALE (2)
- Gentoo MALE (26)
+ Gentoo MALE (26)
Gentoo FEMALE (8)
- Gentoo MALE (29)
- Gentoo MALE (4)
+ Gentoo MALE (29)
+ Gentoo MALE (4)
diff --git a/test/output/penguinSexMassCulmenSpecies.svg b/test/output/penguinSexMassCulmenSpecies.svg
index 1d08050353..ba0f6edac3 100644
--- a/test/output/penguinSexMassCulmenSpecies.svg
+++ b/test/output/penguinSexMassCulmenSpecies.svg
@@ -205,105 +205,105 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/output/penguinSizeSymbols.html b/test/output/penguinSizeSymbols.html
index 695772b2b3..79674fc33f 100644
--- a/test/output/penguinSizeSymbols.html
+++ b/test/output/penguinSizeSymbols.html
@@ -24,11 +24,11 @@
align-items: center;
margin-right: 1em;
- Adelie
+ Adelie
- Chinstrap
+ Chinstrap
@@ -122,348 +122,348 @@
Body mass (g) →
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/output/penguinSpeciesGroup.svg b/test/output/penguinSpeciesGroup.svg
index b4ebb621d6..8839f02cd8 100644
--- a/test/output/penguinSpeciesGroup.svg
+++ b/test/output/penguinSpeciesGroup.svg
@@ -43,9 +43,9 @@
Frequency →
diff --git a/test/output/penguinSpeciesImageFilter.svg b/test/output/penguinSpeciesImageFilter.svg
index 938c00ccc9..ea1a896cf0 100644
--- a/test/output/penguinSpeciesImageFilter.svg
+++ b/test/output/penguinSpeciesImageFilter.svg
@@ -50,9 +50,9 @@
diff --git a/test/output/penguinSpeciesIsland.svg b/test/output/penguinSpeciesIsland.svg
index 8ac84920da..c96627bee5 100644
--- a/test/output/penguinSpeciesIsland.svg
+++ b/test/output/penguinSpeciesIsland.svg
@@ -60,11 +60,11 @@
diff --git a/test/output/penguinSpeciesIslandRelative.svg b/test/output/penguinSpeciesIslandRelative.svg
index c142517c62..dd5a490844 100644
--- a/test/output/penguinSpeciesIslandRelative.svg
+++ b/test/output/penguinSpeciesIslandRelative.svg
@@ -73,15 +73,15 @@
diff --git a/test/output/penguinSpeciesIslandSex.svg b/test/output/penguinSpeciesIslandSex.svg
index b5b080e578..df812a3895 100644
--- a/test/output/penguinSpeciesIslandSex.svg
+++ b/test/output/penguinSpeciesIslandSex.svg
@@ -160,23 +160,23 @@
diff --git a/test/output/penguinVoronoi1D.svg b/test/output/penguinVoronoi1D.svg
index ccd616b192..14efe4cfdb 100644
--- a/test/output/penguinVoronoi1D.svg
+++ b/test/output/penguinVoronoi1D.svg
@@ -35,1030 +35,1030 @@
body_mass_g →
- Adelie (MALE)
+ Adelie (MALE)
- Adelie (FEMALE)
+ Adelie (FEMALE)
- Adelie (FEMALE)
+ Adelie (FEMALE)
- Adelie (FEMALE)
+ Adelie (FEMALE)
- Adelie (MALE)
+ Adelie (MALE)
- Adelie (FEMALE)
+ Adelie (FEMALE)
- Adelie (MALE)
+ Adelie (MALE)
- Adelie (null)
+ Adelie (null)
- Adelie (null)
+ Adelie (null)
- Adelie (null)
+ Adelie (null)
- Adelie (null)
+ Adelie (null)
- Adelie (FEMALE)
+ Adelie (FEMALE)
- Adelie (MALE)
+ Adelie (MALE)
- Adelie (MALE)
+ Adelie (MALE)
- Adelie (FEMALE)
+ Adelie (FEMALE)
- Adelie (FEMALE)
+ Adelie (FEMALE)
- Adelie (MALE)
+ Adelie (MALE)
- Adelie (FEMALE)
+ Adelie (FEMALE)
- Adelie (MALE)
+ Adelie (MALE)
- Adelie (FEMALE)
+ Adelie (FEMALE)
- Adelie (MALE)
+ Adelie (MALE)
- Adelie (FEMALE)
+ Adelie (FEMALE)
- Adelie (MALE)
+ Adelie (MALE)
- Adelie (MALE)
+ Adelie (MALE)
- Adelie (FEMALE)
+ Adelie (FEMALE)
- Adelie (MALE)
+ Adelie (MALE)
- Adelie (FEMALE)
+ Adelie (FEMALE)
- Adelie (FEMALE)
+ Adelie (FEMALE)
- Adelie (MALE)
+ Adelie (MALE)
- Adelie (FEMALE)
+ Adelie (FEMALE)
- Adelie (MALE)
+ Adelie (MALE)
- Adelie (FEMALE)
+ Adelie (FEMALE)
- Adelie (MALE)
+ Adelie (MALE)
- Adelie (FEMALE)
+ Adelie (FEMALE)
- Adelie (MALE)
+ Adelie (MALE)
- Adelie (MALE)
+ Adelie (MALE)
- Adelie (FEMALE)
+ Adelie (FEMALE)
- Adelie (FEMALE)
+ Adelie (FEMALE)
- Adelie (MALE)
+ Adelie (MALE)
- Adelie (FEMALE)
+ Adelie (FEMALE)
- Adelie (MALE)
+ Adelie (MALE)
- Adelie (FEMALE)
+ Adelie (FEMALE)
- Adelie (MALE)
+ Adelie (MALE)
- Adelie (FEMALE)
+ Adelie (FEMALE)
- Adelie (MALE)
+ Adelie (MALE)
- Adelie (MALE)
+ Adelie (MALE)
- Adelie (null)
+ Adelie (null)
- Adelie (FEMALE)
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- Adelie (MALE)
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- Adelie (FEMALE)
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- Adelie (FEMALE)
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- Adelie (FEMALE)
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- Adelie (FEMALE)
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- Adelie (FEMALE)
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- Adelie (MALE)
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- Adelie (FEMALE)
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- Adelie (FEMALE)
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- Adelie (FEMALE)
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- Adelie (FEMALE)
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- Adelie (FEMALE)
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- Adelie (FEMALE)
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- Adelie (MALE)
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- Adelie (MALE)
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- Adelie (FEMALE)
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- Adelie (MALE)
+ Adelie (MALE)
- Chinstrap (FEMALE)
+ Chinstrap (FEMALE)
- Chinstrap (MALE)
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- Chinstrap (MALE)
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- Chinstrap (FEMALE)
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- Chinstrap (FEMALE)
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- Gentoo (FEMALE)
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- Gentoo (null)
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- Gentoo (MALE)
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- Gentoo (null)
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- Gentoo (FEMALE)
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- Gentoo (MALE)
+ Gentoo (MALE)
- Gentoo (FEMALE)
+ Gentoo (FEMALE)
- Gentoo (MALE)
+ Gentoo (MALE)
diff --git a/test/output/pointerLinkedRectInterval.svg b/test/output/pointerLinkedRectInterval.svg
index 987ae0bdf5..6cb6b205d5 100644
--- a/test/output/pointerLinkedRectInterval.svg
+++ b/test/output/pointerLinkedRectInterval.svg
@@ -57,14 +57,14 @@
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diff --git a/test/output/rasterPenguinsBarycentric.svg b/test/output/rasterPenguinsBarycentric.svg
index ae08a3dfeb..1a9aa4bf7f 100644
--- a/test/output/rasterPenguinsBarycentric.svg
+++ b/test/output/rasterPenguinsBarycentric.svg
@@ -66,350 +66,350 @@
body_mass_g →
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diff --git a/test/output/rasterPenguinsBlur.svg b/test/output/rasterPenguinsBlur.svg
index 089974381c..22ba6b9113 100644
--- a/test/output/rasterPenguinsBlur.svg
+++ b/test/output/rasterPenguinsBlur.svg
@@ -66,350 +66,350 @@
body_mass_g →
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diff --git a/test/output/rasterPenguinsRandomWalk.svg b/test/output/rasterPenguinsRandomWalk.svg
index 9ecba0ead2..646cf8fe43 100644
--- a/test/output/rasterPenguinsRandomWalk.svg
+++ b/test/output/rasterPenguinsRandomWalk.svg
@@ -66,350 +66,350 @@
body_mass_g →
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diff --git a/test/output/reducerScaleOverrideFunction.svg b/test/output/reducerScaleOverrideFunction.svg
index b703d49c88..0d7b9a63d1 100644
--- a/test/output/reducerScaleOverrideFunction.svg
+++ b/test/output/reducerScaleOverrideFunction.svg
@@ -86,18 +86,18 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/output/reducerScaleOverrideImplementation.svg b/test/output/reducerScaleOverrideImplementation.svg
index b703d49c88..0d7b9a63d1 100644
--- a/test/output/reducerScaleOverrideImplementation.svg
+++ b/test/output/reducerScaleOverrideImplementation.svg
@@ -86,18 +86,18 @@
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diff --git a/test/output/reducerScaleOverrideName.svg b/test/output/reducerScaleOverrideName.svg
index b703d49c88..0d7b9a63d1 100644
--- a/test/output/reducerScaleOverrideName.svg
+++ b/test/output/reducerScaleOverrideName.svg
@@ -86,18 +86,18 @@
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diff --git a/test/output/sfCovidDeaths.svg b/test/output/sfCovidDeaths.svg
index f2866c5a57..fe3d79a79c 100644
--- a/test/output/sfCovidDeaths.svg
+++ b/test/output/sfCovidDeaths.svg
@@ -60,9 +60,9 @@
specimen_collection_date →
diff --git a/test/output/stocksIndex.svg b/test/output/stocksIndex.svg
index 0a292e9877..ef7c18e4b6 100644
--- a/test/output/stocksIndex.svg
+++ b/test/output/stocksIndex.svg
@@ -70,10 +70,10 @@
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index a148c89022..5a74de1b6f 100644
--- a/test/output/symbolLegendColorFill.html
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@@ -23,17 +23,17 @@
align-items: center;
margin-right: 1em;
- A
+ A
- B
+ B
- C
+ C
- D
+ D
- E
+ E
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index 8ecaebdd92..2ef5a5a44b 100644
--- a/test/output/symbolLegendColorStroke.html
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align-items: center;
margin-right: 1em;
- A
+ A
- B
+ B
- C
+ C
- D
+ D
- E
+ E
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diff --git a/test/output/symbolLegendExplicitColor.html b/test/output/symbolLegendExplicitColor.html
index a148c89022..5a74de1b6f 100644
--- a/test/output/symbolLegendExplicitColor.html
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@@ -23,17 +23,17 @@
align-items: center;
margin-right: 1em;
- A
+ A
- B
+ B
- C
+ C
- D
+ D
- E
+ E
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diff --git a/test/output/symbolLegendImplicitRange.html b/test/output/symbolLegendImplicitRange.html
index a148c89022..5a74de1b6f 100644
--- a/test/output/symbolLegendImplicitRange.html
+++ b/test/output/symbolLegendImplicitRange.html
@@ -23,17 +23,17 @@
align-items: center;
margin-right: 1em;
- A
+ A
- B
+ B
- C
+ C
- D
+ D
- E
+ E
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diff --git a/test/output/symbolLegendOpacityColor.html b/test/output/symbolLegendOpacityColor.html
index 7792fa1f4b..bba69de5e8 100644
--- a/test/output/symbolLegendOpacityColor.html
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@@ -23,17 +23,17 @@
align-items: center;
margin-right: 1em;
- A
+ A
- B
+ B
- C
+ C
- D
+ D
- E
+ E
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diff --git a/test/output/tipAreaStack.svg b/test/output/tipAreaStack.svg
index 1aea61378c..3a2510763a 100644
--- a/test/output/tipAreaStack.svg
+++ b/test/output/tipAreaStack.svg
@@ -53,20 +53,20 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/output/tipBinStack.svg b/test/output/tipBinStack.svg
index 7c3585c939..1002f95457 100644
--- a/test/output/tipBinStack.svg
+++ b/test/output/tipBinStack.svg
@@ -68,122 +68,122 @@
weight →
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diff --git a/test/output/tipDot.svg b/test/output/tipDot.svg
index 9468d89741..a656d2155e 100644
--- a/test/output/tipDot.svg
+++ b/test/output/tipDot.svg
@@ -54,348 +54,348 @@
culmen_length_mm →
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diff --git a/test/output/tipDotFilter.svg b/test/output/tipDotFilter.svg
index 455607dd71..5f0eba3e15 100644
--- a/test/output/tipDotFilter.svg
+++ b/test/output/tipDotFilter.svg
@@ -54,341 +54,341 @@
culmen_length_mm →
diff --git a/test/output/tipFacetX.svg b/test/output/tipFacetX.svg
index cf5c227c4c..4a9abb6e85 100644
--- a/test/output/tipFacetX.svg
+++ b/test/output/tipFacetX.svg
@@ -82,116 +82,116 @@
diff --git a/test/output/title.html b/test/output/title.html
index 06047878db..28dea7851f 100644
--- a/test/output/title.html
+++ b/test/output/title.html
@@ -26,11 +26,11 @@ A subtitle about body_mass_g
align-items: center;
margin-right: 1em;
- Adelie
+ Adelie
- Chinstrap
+ Chinstrap
@@ -70,348 +70,348 @@ A subtitle about body_mass_g
body_mass_g →
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/output/usCongressAgeColorExplicit.svg b/test/output/usCongressAgeColorExplicit.svg
index c055128ed1..6034eefec9 100644
--- a/test/output/usCongressAgeColorExplicit.svg
+++ b/test/output/usCongressAgeColorExplicit.svg
@@ -67,893 +67,893 @@
Age →
- Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
- Abby Finkenauer
- Katie Hill
- Josh Harder
- Lauren Underwood
- Max Rose
- Elise M. Stefanik
- Mike Gallagher
- Conor Lamb
- Joe Neguse
- Xochitl Torres Small
- Anthony Gonzalez
- William R. Timmons IV
- Dan Crenshaw
- Patrick Murphy
- Trey Hollingsworth
- Haley M. Stevens
- Guy Reschenthaler
- Colin Z. Allred
- Matt Gaetz
- Andy Kim
- Joe Cunningham
- Lance Gooden
- Jared F. Golden
- Aaron Schock
- Tulsi Gabbard
- Michael F. Q. San Nicolas
- Ilhan Omar
- Bryan Steil
- Carlos Curbelo
- Ruben J. Kihuen
- Justin Amash
- Eric Swalwell
- Joseph P. Kennedy III
- Jason Smith
- Lee M. Zeldin
- Brian J. Mast
- Sharice Davids
- Chris Pappas
- Scott Taylor
- Ruben Gallego
- Pete Aguilar
- Jim Banks
- Jason Crow
- Abigail Davis Spanberger
- Josh Hawley
- Ron DeSantis
- Jaime Herrera Beutler
- Adam Kinzinger
- Seth Moulton
- Stephanie N. Murphy
- Darren Soto
- Mike Levin
- W. Gregory Steube
- Anthony Brindisi
- David G. Valadao
- Tom Cotton
- Markwayne Mullin
- Brendan F. Boyle
- Will Hurd
- Antonio Delgado
- Benjamin Quayle
- Trey Radel
- Marlin A. Stutzman
- Kevin Yoder
- Ryan A. Costello
- Duncan Hunter
- Martha Roby
- Kyrsten Sinema
- Ro Khanna
- Nanette Diaz Barragán
- Jenniffer González-Colón
- Steve Watkins
- Elissa Slotkin
- Rashida Tlaib
- Kelly Armstrong
- Kendra S. Horn
- Dusty Johnson
- Mike Garcia
- Jim Bridenstine
- Jared Polis
- Mia B. Love
- Patrick T. McHenry
- Grace Meng
- Josh Gottheimer
- Michael Cloud
- Lizzie Fletcher
- Elaine G. Luria
- Vance M. McAllister
- André Carson
- Cory Gardner
- Joaquin Castro
- Derek Kilmer
- Jimmy Gomez
- Katie Porter
- Michael Waltz
- Ayanna Pressley
- Ben McAdams
- Dan Boren
- Jon Runyan
- Stephen Lee Fincher
- Christopher Murphy
- Devin Nunes
- Cedric L. Richmond
- Tim Ryan
- Andy Barr
- Raja Krishnamoorthi
- Brian K. Fitzpatrick
- Steven Horsford
- Jahana Hayes
- Russ Fulcher
- Lori Trahan
- David W. Jolly
- Beto O’Rourke
- Thomas A. Garrett, Jr.
- Ben Ray Luján
- Todd Young
- Brian Schatz
- Raul Ruiz
- Garret Graves
- David Rouzer
- Ben Sasse
- James Comer
- Mike Johnson
- Jodey C. Arrington
- Angie Craig
- Mikie Sherrill
- Van Taylor
- Chip Roy
- Ben Cline
- Heath Shuler
- Kristi L. Noem
- Sean P. Duffy
- Martin Heinrich
- Mike Lee
- Tom Reed
- Marco Rubio
- Thomas Massie
- Richard Hudson
- Marc A. Veasey
- Alexander X. Mooney
- Ted Budd
- Gilbert Ray Cisneros, Jr.
- Debbie Mucarsel-Powell
- Sean Casten
- Jeffrey M. Landry
- Michael G. Grimm
- Frank C. Guinta
- Todd Rokita
- Thomas J. Rooney
- Paul D. Ryan
- Tom Graves
- Steven M. Palazzo
- Adrian Smith
- Rob Woodall
- Rodney Davis
- Hakeem S. Jeffries
- Ted Cruz
- Joni Ernst
- Warren Davidson
- Greg Stanton
- Michael Guest
- Denver Riggleman
- Kelly Loeffler
- William M. Cowan
- Robert Hurt
- Robert J. Dold
- Luke Messer
- Bill Huizenga
- Cathy McMorris Rodgers
- Austin Scott
- Linda T. Sánchez
- Cory A. Booker
- Ted Lieu
- Mark Walker
- Jimmy Panetta
- Dean Phillips
- Veronica Escobar
- Jason Altmire
- Tim Griffin
- Daniel B. Maffei
- Kelly Ayotte
- Tim Huelskamp
- David Young
- James Lankford
- Tammy Duckworth
- George Holding
- Darin LaHood
- Jennifer Wexton
- Kim Schrier
- Connie Mack
- Mark Takai
- Mick Mulvaney
- Jason Chaffetz
- Jeff Denham
- Raúl R. Labrador
- Mike Bishop
- Bruce Westerman
- Vicente Gonzalez
- Chrissy Houlahan
- Randy Hultgren
- Stephen Knight
- Kirsten E. Gillibrand
- Kathy Castor
- Eric A. "Rick" Crawford
- Theodore E. Deutch
- Jeff Duncan
- James A. Himes
- Daniel Lipinski
- Debbie Wasserman Schultz
- Doug Collins
- Sean Patrick Maloney
- Stacey E. Plaskett
- Trent Kelly
- A. Drew Ferguson IV
- David Kustoff
- Liz Cheney
- Ross Spano
- Pete Stauber
- Susie Lee
- Martha McSally
- Chris Jacobs
- Jesse L. Jackson Jr.
- David Rivera
- John Sullivan
- Jeff Chiesa
- Steve Southerland II
- Erik Paulsen
- John Ratcliffe
- Robert B. Aderholt
- Rick Larsen
- Kevin McCarthy
- Steve Scalise
- Tim Scott
- Terri A. Sewell
- Adam Smith
- Steve Stivers
- Ami Bera
- Norma J. Torres
- Kathleen M. Rice
- Pramila Jayapal
- Cynthia Axne
- Tom Malinowski
- John W. Rose
- Fred Keller
- Robert T. Schilling
- Renee L. Ellmers
- Christopher P. Gibson
- Trey Gowdy
- Timothy J. Walz
- Dave Brat
- Michael F. Bennet
- Yvette D. Clarke
- Scott DesJarlais
- Brett Guthrie
- Jim Jordan
- James R. Langevin
- Jared Huffman
- Mark Pocan
- Dan Sullivan
- Kamala D. Harris
- Catherine Cortez Masto
- Salud O. Carbajal
- Lloyd Smucker
- Daniel Meuser
- Tim Burchett
- Mark E. Green
- Dan Bishop
- Betty Sutton
- Eric Cantor
- Mark L. Pryor
- Mike Rogers
- Joe Garcia
- Michael G. Fitzpatrick
- Gwen Graham
- Mike Pompeo
- Keith Ellison
- Lynn Jenkins
- John K. Delaney
- Steve Russell
- Christopher A. Coons
- Gus M. Bilirakis
- Sam Graves
- Ron Kind
- Rand Paul
- Tony Cárdenas
- Jackie Walorski
- Filemon Vela
- Katherine M. Clark
- Barry Loudermilk
- Don Bacon
- TJ Cox
- Gregory F. Murphy
- Mark S. Critz
- Todd Russell Platts
- Laura Richardson
- Mark Begich
- Lee Terry
- Patrick J. Tiberi
- Joseph Crowley
- Jeff Flake
- Keith J. Rothfus
- Mimi Walters
- Karen C. Handel
- Tammy Baldwin
- Larry Bucshon
- Charles J. "Chuck" Fleischmann
- Michael T. McCaul
- Pete Olson
- John P. Sarbanes
- David Schweikert
- Suzan K. DelBene
- Ann Wagner
- Steve Daines
- Scott Perry
- John Katko
- Lisa Blunt Rochester
- Jamie Raskin
- Thomas R. Suozzi
- Troy Balderson
- Jim Hagedorn
- Mary Bono Mack
- Mike Ross
- Joe Walsh
- Allen B. West
- Pete P. Gallego
- David Vitter
- Joseph J. Heck
- Ryan K. Zinke
- Blake Farenthold
- Peter J. Roskam
- Bill Shuster
- Claudia Tenney
- David N. Cicilline
- Mario Diaz-Balart
- John Thune
- Patrick J. Toomey
- Juan Vargas
- Cheri Bustos
- Kevin Cramer
- Matt Cartwright
- John R. Moolenaar
- Tom Emmer
- Bradley Scott Schneider
- Clay Higgins
- Anthony G. Brown
- Paul Mitchell
- A. Donald McEachin
- Greg Gianforte
- Kevin Hern
- Harley Rouda
- Jim Matheson
- John E. Walsh
- E. Scott Rigell
- Loretta Sanchez
- Charles W. Dent
- Evan H. Jenkins
- Dean Heller
- Mark Sanford
- David A. Trott
- Thomas MacArthur
- Robert P. Casey, Jr.
- Amy Klobuchar
- Jeff Fortenberry
- Vicky Hartzler
- Frank D. Lucas
- Adam B. Schiff
- Michael R. Turner
- Doug LaMalfa
- Mark Takano
- Susan W. Brooks
- Chris Stewart
- Jody B. Hice
- Mike Bost
- Thom Tillis
- Roger W. Marshall
- John R. Curtis
- Lucy McBath
- Andy Levin
- Debra A. Haaland
- Scott P. Brown
- Rick Berg
- Ben Chandler
- Chip Cravaack
- Nan A. S. Hayworth
- Mike Pence
- Jo Bonner
- Mark Kirk
- Scott Garrett
- Jeff Miller
- Pedro R. Pierluisi
- Curt Clawson
- Michelle Lujan Grisham
- Dennis A. Ross
- Elizabeth H. Esty
- Barbara Comstock
- Brenda Jones
- Mark Meadows
- Brian Higgins
- James P. McGovern
- Glenn Thompson
- Chris Van Hollen
- Robert J. Wittman
- Ken Buck
- Cindy Hyde-Smith
- Mary Gay Scanlon
- Madeleine Dean
- Enid Greene Waldholtz
- Steve Austria
- Russ Carnahan
- Kathleen C. Hochul
- Alan Nunnelee
- Donna F. Edwards
- Steve Israel
- Matt Salmon
- Alan Grayson
- Xavier Becerra
- James B. Renacci
- Maria Cantwell
- Paul A. Gosar
- H. Morgan Griffith
- Gary C. Peters
- Mike Quigley
- Mike Rogers
- John Shimkus
- Mac Thornberry
- Mark E. Amodei
- Donald M. Payne, Jr.
- Scott H. Peters
- Daniel T. Kildee
- Brad R. Wenstrup
- Tim Kaine
- Donald Norcross
- Margaret Wood Hassan
- Andy Biggs
- J. Luis Correa
- Tina Smith
- Debbie Lesko
- Hansen Clarke
- Tim Holden
- Robert E. Andrews
- Bruce L. Braley
- Cresent Hardy
- Trent Franks
- Jeb Hensarling
- Bill Cassidy
- Diana DeGette
- Andy Harris
- John Hoeven
- Lisa Murkowski
- Greg Walden
- Steve Womack
- David P. Joyce
- Tom Rice
- Earl L. "Buddy" Carter
- Val Butler Demings
- Jacky Rosen
- Joseph D. Morelle
- Susan Wild
- John Joyce
- Thomas P. Tiffany
- Sandy Adams
- Michele Bachmann
- Mike McIntyre
- Steve Stockman
- Chaka Fattah
- Charles W. Boustany Jr.
- John C. Carney Jr.
- Reid J. Ribble
- Lou Barletta
- John Abney Culberson
- Gregg Harper
- Daniel M. Donovan, Jr.
- Jon Tester
- Jeff Merkley
- Wm. Lacy Clay
- Robert E. Latta
- Tom McClintock
- Scott R. Tipton
- Ann M. Kuster
- Robin L. Kelly
- J. French Hill
- Charlie Crist
- Ron Estes
- Jesús G. "Chuy" García
- Greg Pence
- Denny Rehberg
- Mary L. Landrieu
- John Barrow
- John Campbell
- Jim Gerlach
- Jack Kingston
- Michael H. Michaud
- Patrick Meehan
- Mike Coffman
- Joe Donnelly
- Pete Sessions
- Heidi Heitkamp
- Rod Blum
- Jason Lewis
- Sheldon Whitehouse
- Lindsey Graham
- Kevin Brady
- Richard Burr
- Henry Cuellar
- Ron Johnson
- Billy Long
- Stephen F. Lynch
- Chellie Pingree
- Rob Portman
- Gregorio Kilili Camacho Sablan
- Bill Foster
- Ted S. Yoho
- Bradley Byrne
- Dan Newhouse
- Glenn Grothman
- David J. Trone
- Steven C. LaTourette
- Candice S. Miller
- Cynthia M. Lummis
- Tom Price
- Robert Menendez
- Mark R. Warner
- Mo Brooks
- Jim Cooper
- Bill Flores
- Bob Gibbs
- Bill Johnson
- Henry C. "Hank" Johnson, Jr.
- Doug Lamborn
- Betty McCollum
- Jerry Moran
- Brad Sherman
- Suzanne Bonamici
- Gary J. Palmer
- Ralph Lee Abraham
- Brenda L. Lawrence
- Mike Rounds
- Dwight Evans
- Adriano Espaillat
- Doug Jones
- Mike Braun
- Brad Miller
- Kay R. Hagan
- Dave Camp
- Luther Strange
- Claire McCaskill
- Luis V. Gutiérrez
- Darrell E. Issa
- Bruce Poliquin
- Karen Bass
- Ken Calvert
- Shelley Moore Capito
- Steve Chabot
- Judy Chu
- Joe Courtney
- Michael F. Doyle
- Louie Gohmert
- Gregory W. Meeks
- Ed Perlmutter
- Christopher H. Smith
- Fred Upton
- Nydia M. Velázquez
- Randy K. Weber, Sr.
- Debbie Dingell
- Neal P. Dunn
- Francis Rooney
- Ralph Norman
- Jefferson Van Drew
- Ron Wright
- Charles F. Bass
- David Dreier
- Steven R. Rothman
- Janice Hahn
- Dan Benishek
- J. Randy Forbes
- Tim Murphy
- Bob Corker
- Michael E. Capuano
- Bob Goodlatte
- Leonard Lance
- Ileana Ros-Lehtinen
- Carol Shea-Porter
- John J. Faso
- Tom Marino
- Sherrod Brown
- John Barrasso
- Susan M. Collins
- John Cornyn
- Marsha Blackburn
- Jim Costa
- Marcia L. Fudge
- William R. Keating
- David Loebsack
- Blaine Luetkemeyer
- Julia Brownley
- Denny Heck
- Mark DeSaulnier
- John H. Rutherford
- Ed Case
- Rick Scott
- Shelley Berkley
- Brian P. Bilbray
- Ann Marie Buerkle
- Larry Kissell
- Jean Schmidt
- Jim DeMint
- John F. Tierney
- Kerry L. Bentivolio
- John Fleming
- Richard L. Hanna
- Richard B. Nugent
- Al Franken
- Diane Black
- Edward R. Royce
- Colleen Hanabusa
- Elijah E. Cummings
- Roger F. Wicker
- Rob Bishop
- Vern Buchanan
- Mike Crapo
- Kenny Marchant
- Jerry McNerney
- Gwen Moore
- Frank Pallone, Jr.
- Kurt Schrader
- Albio Sires
- Mike Thompson
- Tim Walberg
- Deb Fischer
- Rick W. Allen
- John Kennedy
- Jo Ann Emerson
- Mark Udall
- Timothy H. Bishop
- Mike Johanns
- Lynn A. Westmoreland
- David G. Reichert
- Chris Collins
- Debbie Stabenow
- Roy Blunt
- John Boozman
- Michael C. Burgess
- Gerald E. Connolly
- Sheila Jackson Lee
- Patty Murray
- Charles E. Schumer
- Michael K. Simpson
- Jackie Speier
- Dina Titus
- Joyce Beatty
- Donald S. Beyer, Jr.
- Ann Kirkpatrick
- Sylvia R. Garcia
- Carol D. Miller
- Francisco "Quico" Canseco
- Jerry F. Costello
- William L. Owens
- Nick J. Rahall II
- William L. Enyart
- John A. Boehner
- Randy Neugebauer
- Brad Ashford
- Joe Barton
- Jack Reed
- Steve Cohen
- Tom Cole
- Steve King
- Richard E. Neal
- Paul Tonko
- Peter J. Visclosky
- Daniel Webster
- Ron Wyden
- Elizabeth Warren
- Roger Williams
- David Perdue
- Kent Conrad
- David Alan Curson
- Tom Coburn
- Rush Holt
- Tom Latham
- Gary G. Miller
- Allyson Y. Schwartz
- Ted Poe
- Robert Pittenger
- Tom Udall
- Earl Blumenauer
- K. Michael Conaway
- Raúl M. Grijalva
- Mike Kelly
- John B. Larson
- Bennie G. Thompson
- Lois Frankel
- Brian Babin
- Al Lawson, Jr.
- Kweisi Mfume
- Olympia J. Snowe
- W. Todd Akin
- Joe Baca
- Spencer Bachus
- John Kline
- John J. Duncan, Jr.
- Gene Green
- Stevan Pearce
- Dana Rohrabacher
- Lamar Smith
- Thomas R. Carper
- Jeanne Shaheen
- Joe Manchin, III
- Sanford D. Bishop, Jr.
- G. K. Butterfield
- Peter A. DeFazio
- Eliot L. Engel
- Al Green
- Mazie K. Hirono
- Zoe Lofgren
- David B. McKinley
- Jerrold Nadler
- Bill Posey
- Robert C. "Bobby" Scott
- Peter Welch
- Joe Wilson
- John A. Yarmuth
- Aumua Amata Coleman Radewagen
- Jack Bergman
- Mitt Romney
- Jim Webb
- Timothy V. Johnson
- Dennis J. Kucinich
- Daniel E. Lungren
- Rodney Alexander
- Tim Johnson
- Paul C. Broun
- Corrine Brown
- Jeff Sessions
- Rodney P. Frelinghuysen
- Frank A. LoBiondo
- Niki Tsongas
- Richard Blumenthal
- Lloyd Doggett
- Marcy Kaptur
- Barbara Lee
- Carolyn B. Maloney
- Edward J. Markey
- C. A. Dutch Ruppersberger
- Bobby L. Rush
- Alma S. Adams
- Tom O’Halleran
- Charles A. Gonzalez
- Wally Herger
- Melvin L. Watt
- Donna M. Christensen
- George Miller
- James P. Moran
- Ron Barber
- Robert A. Brady
- John Garamendi
- David P. Roe
- David Scott
- Bonnie Watson Coleman
- James R. Baird
- Elton Gallegly
- Donald A. Manzullo
- Silvestre Reyes
- Carolyn McCarthy
- Ander Crenshaw
- Johnny Isakson
- Richard J. Durbin
- Michael B. Enzi
- Emanuel Cleaver
- Susan A. Davis
- Peter T. King
- Doris O. Matsui
- Collin C. Peterson
- Janice D. Schakowsky
- Angus S. King, Jr.
- Jeff Bingaman
- Kay Bailey Hutchison
- John F. Kerry
- Saxby Chambliss
- Eni F. H. Faleomavaega
- Ed Pastor
- Ed Whitfield
- Daniel Coats
- John L. Mica
- Richard M. Nolan
- Walter B. Jones
- Benjamin L. Cardin
- James E. Risch
- Rosa L. DeLauro
- Virginia Foxx
- Kay Granger
- F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr.
- José E. Serrano
- Paul Cook
- Bob Filner
- Joseph I. Lieberman
- Gary L. Ackerman
- Phil Gingrey
- Jon Kyl
- Bill Nelson
- Mitch McConnell
- Anna G. Eshoo
- Frederica S. Wilson
- Ben Nelson
- Howard L. Berman
- Sue Wilkins Myrick
- Cliff Stearns
- Robert L. Turner
- Max Baucus
- Doc Hastings
- Gloria Negrete McLeod
- Sam Farr
- Michael M. Honda
- Bernard Sanders
- John R. Carter
- Danny K. Davis
- Lucille Roybal-Allard
- Alan S. Lowenthal
- Donna E. Shalala
- Norman D. Dicks
- Barney Frank
- Thomas E. Petri
- Barbara Boxer
- Rubén Hinojosa
- John Lewis
- Lamar Alexander
- James E. Clyburn
- Patrick J. Leahy
- Nancy Pelosi
- David E. Price
- Tom Harkin
- Henry A. Waxman
- Frank R. Wolf
- Harry Reid
- Joseph R. Pitts
- Steny H. Hoyer
- Dan Burton
- Maurice D. Hinchey
- Howard P. "Buck" McKeon
- Lois Capps
- Maxine Waters
- Judy Biggert
- Lynn C. Woolsey
- John D. Rockefeller, IV
- Thad Cochran
- Nita M. Lowey
- Eleanor Holmes Norton
- Bill Pascrell, Jr.
- Harold Rogers
- John W. Olver
- Barbara A. Mikulski
- Jim McDermott
- John McCain
- Pat Roberts
- Alcee L. Hastings
- Grace F. Napolitano
- Herb Kohl
- Ron Paul
- Eddie Bernice Johnson
- Leonard L. Boswell
- Jerry Lewis
- Edolphus Towns
- Carl Levin
- Orrin G. Hatch
- James M. Inhofe
- Richard C. Shelby
- Madeleine Z. Bordallo
- Dianne Feinstein
- Chuck Grassley
- Don Young
- Richard G. Lugar
- Fortney Pete Stark
- Howard Coble
- Sander M. Levin
- C. W. Bill Young
- Charles B. Rangel
- Sam Johnson
- Dale E. Kildee
- John Conyers, Jr.
- Louise McIntosh Slaughter
- Roscoe G. Bartlett
- John D. Dingell
- Daniel K. Inouye
- Daniel K. Akaka
- Frank R. Lautenberg
- Ralph M. Hall
+ Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
+ Abby Finkenauer
+ Katie Hill
+ Josh Harder
+ Lauren Underwood
+ Max Rose
+ Elise M. Stefanik
+ Mike Gallagher
+ Conor Lamb
+ Joe Neguse
+ Xochitl Torres Small
+ Anthony Gonzalez
+ William R. Timmons IV
+ Dan Crenshaw
+ Patrick Murphy
+ Trey Hollingsworth
+ Haley M. Stevens
+ Guy Reschenthaler
+ Colin Z. Allred
+ Matt Gaetz
+ Andy Kim
+ Joe Cunningham
+ Lance Gooden
+ Jared F. Golden
+ Aaron Schock
+ Tulsi Gabbard
+ Michael F. Q. San Nicolas
+ Ilhan Omar
+ Bryan Steil
+ Carlos Curbelo
+ Ruben J. Kihuen
+ Justin Amash
+ Eric Swalwell
+ Joseph P. Kennedy III
+ Jason Smith
+ Lee M. Zeldin
+ Brian J. Mast
+ Sharice Davids
+ Chris Pappas
+ Scott Taylor
+ Ruben Gallego
+ Pete Aguilar
+ Jim Banks
+ Jason Crow
+ Abigail Davis Spanberger
+ Josh Hawley
+ Ron DeSantis
+ Jaime Herrera Beutler
+ Adam Kinzinger
+ Seth Moulton
+ Stephanie N. Murphy
+ Darren Soto
+ Mike Levin
+ W. Gregory Steube
+ Anthony Brindisi
+ David G. Valadao
+ Tom Cotton
+ Markwayne Mullin
+ Brendan F. Boyle
+ Will Hurd
+ Antonio Delgado
+ Benjamin Quayle
+ Trey Radel
+ Marlin A. Stutzman
+ Kevin Yoder
+ Ryan A. Costello
+ Duncan Hunter
+ Martha Roby
+ Kyrsten Sinema
+ Ro Khanna
+ Nanette Diaz Barragán
+ Jenniffer González-Colón
+ Steve Watkins
+ Elissa Slotkin
+ Rashida Tlaib
+ Kelly Armstrong
+ Kendra S. Horn
+ Dusty Johnson
+ Mike Garcia
+ Jim Bridenstine
+ Jared Polis
+ Mia B. Love
+ Patrick T. McHenry
+ Grace Meng
+ Josh Gottheimer
+ Michael Cloud
+ Lizzie Fletcher
+ Elaine G. Luria
+ Vance M. McAllister
+ André Carson
+ Cory Gardner
+ Joaquin Castro
+ Derek Kilmer
+ Jimmy Gomez
+ Katie Porter
+ Michael Waltz
+ Ayanna Pressley
+ Ben McAdams
+ Dan Boren
+ Jon Runyan
+ Stephen Lee Fincher
+ Christopher Murphy
+ Devin Nunes
+ Cedric L. Richmond
+ Tim Ryan
+ Andy Barr
+ Raja Krishnamoorthi
+ Brian K. Fitzpatrick
+ Steven Horsford
+ Jahana Hayes
+ Russ Fulcher
+ Lori Trahan
+ David W. Jolly
+ Beto O’Rourke
+ Thomas A. Garrett, Jr.
+ Ben Ray Luján
+ Todd Young
+ Brian Schatz
+ Raul Ruiz
+ Garret Graves
+ David Rouzer
+ Ben Sasse
+ James Comer
+ Mike Johnson
+ Jodey C. Arrington
+ Angie Craig
+ Mikie Sherrill
+ Van Taylor
+ Chip Roy
+ Ben Cline
+ Heath Shuler
+ Kristi L. Noem
+ Sean P. Duffy
+ Martin Heinrich
+ Mike Lee
+ Tom Reed
+ Marco Rubio
+ Thomas Massie
+ Richard Hudson
+ Marc A. Veasey
+ Alexander X. Mooney
+ Ted Budd
+ Gilbert Ray Cisneros, Jr.
+ Debbie Mucarsel-Powell
+ Sean Casten
+ Jeffrey M. Landry
+ Michael G. Grimm
+ Frank C. Guinta
+ Todd Rokita
+ Thomas J. Rooney
+ Paul D. Ryan
+ Tom Graves
+ Steven M. Palazzo
+ Adrian Smith
+ Rob Woodall
+ Rodney Davis
+ Hakeem S. Jeffries
+ Ted Cruz
+ Joni Ernst
+ Warren Davidson
+ Greg Stanton
+ Michael Guest
+ Denver Riggleman
+ Kelly Loeffler
+ William M. Cowan
+ Robert Hurt
+ Robert J. Dold
+ Luke Messer
+ Bill Huizenga
+ Cathy McMorris Rodgers
+ Austin Scott
+ Linda T. Sánchez
+ Cory A. Booker
+ Ted Lieu
+ Mark Walker
+ Jimmy Panetta
+ Dean Phillips
+ Veronica Escobar
+ Jason Altmire
+ Tim Griffin
+ Daniel B. Maffei
+ Kelly Ayotte
+ Tim Huelskamp
+ David Young
+ James Lankford
+ Tammy Duckworth
+ George Holding
+ Darin LaHood
+ Jennifer Wexton
+ Kim Schrier
+ Connie Mack
+ Mark Takai
+ Mick Mulvaney
+ Jason Chaffetz
+ Jeff Denham
+ Raúl R. Labrador
+ Mike Bishop
+ Bruce Westerman
+ Vicente Gonzalez
+ Chrissy Houlahan
+ Randy Hultgren
+ Stephen Knight
+ Kirsten E. Gillibrand
+ Kathy Castor
+ Eric A. "Rick" Crawford
+ Theodore E. Deutch
+ Jeff Duncan
+ James A. Himes
+ Daniel Lipinski
+ Debbie Wasserman Schultz
+ Doug Collins
+ Sean Patrick Maloney
+ Stacey E. Plaskett
+ Trent Kelly
+ A. Drew Ferguson IV
+ David Kustoff
+ Liz Cheney
+ Ross Spano
+ Pete Stauber
+ Susie Lee
+ Martha McSally
+ Chris Jacobs
+ Jesse L. Jackson Jr.
+ David Rivera
+ John Sullivan
+ Jeff Chiesa
+ Steve Southerland II
+ Erik Paulsen
+ John Ratcliffe
+ Robert B. Aderholt
+ Rick Larsen
+ Kevin McCarthy
+ Steve Scalise
+ Tim Scott
+ Terri A. Sewell
+ Adam Smith
+ Steve Stivers
+ Ami Bera
+ Norma J. Torres
+ Kathleen M. Rice
+ Pramila Jayapal
+ Cynthia Axne
+ Tom Malinowski
+ John W. Rose
+ Fred Keller
+ Robert T. Schilling
+ Renee L. Ellmers
+ Christopher P. Gibson
+ Trey Gowdy
+ Timothy J. Walz
+ Dave Brat
+ Michael F. Bennet
+ Yvette D. Clarke
+ Scott DesJarlais
+ Brett Guthrie
+ Jim Jordan
+ James R. Langevin
+ Jared Huffman
+ Mark Pocan
+ Dan Sullivan
+ Kamala D. Harris
+ Catherine Cortez Masto
+ Salud O. Carbajal
+ Lloyd Smucker
+ Daniel Meuser
+ Tim Burchett
+ Mark E. Green
+ Dan Bishop
+ Betty Sutton
+ Eric Cantor
+ Mark L. Pryor
+ Mike Rogers
+ Joe Garcia
+ Michael G. Fitzpatrick
+ Gwen Graham
+ Mike Pompeo
+ Keith Ellison
+ Lynn Jenkins
+ John K. Delaney
+ Steve Russell
+ Christopher A. Coons
+ Gus M. Bilirakis
+ Sam Graves
+ Ron Kind
+ Rand Paul
+ Tony Cárdenas
+ Jackie Walorski
+ Filemon Vela
+ Katherine M. Clark
+ Barry Loudermilk
+ Don Bacon
+ TJ Cox
+ Gregory F. Murphy
+ Mark S. Critz
+ Todd Russell Platts
+ Laura Richardson
+ Mark Begich
+ Lee Terry
+ Patrick J. Tiberi
+ Joseph Crowley
+ Jeff Flake
+ Keith J. Rothfus
+ Mimi Walters
+ Karen C. Handel
+ Tammy Baldwin
+ Larry Bucshon
+ Charles J. "Chuck" Fleischmann
+ Michael T. McCaul
+ Pete Olson
+ John P. Sarbanes
+ David Schweikert
+ Suzan K. DelBene
+ Ann Wagner
+ Steve Daines
+ Scott Perry
+ John Katko
+ Lisa Blunt Rochester
+ Jamie Raskin
+ Thomas R. Suozzi
+ Troy Balderson
+ Jim Hagedorn
+ Mary Bono Mack
+ Mike Ross
+ Joe Walsh
+ Allen B. West
+ Pete P. Gallego
+ David Vitter
+ Joseph J. Heck
+ Ryan K. Zinke
+ Blake Farenthold
+ Peter J. Roskam
+ Bill Shuster
+ Claudia Tenney
+ David N. Cicilline
+ Mario Diaz-Balart
+ John Thune
+ Patrick J. Toomey
+ Juan Vargas
+ Cheri Bustos
+ Kevin Cramer
+ Matt Cartwright
+ John R. Moolenaar
+ Tom Emmer
+ Bradley Scott Schneider
+ Clay Higgins
+ Anthony G. Brown
+ Paul Mitchell
+ A. Donald McEachin
+ Greg Gianforte
+ Kevin Hern
+ Harley Rouda
+ Jim Matheson
+ John E. Walsh
+ E. Scott Rigell
+ Loretta Sanchez
+ Charles W. Dent
+ Evan H. Jenkins
+ Dean Heller
+ Mark Sanford
+ David A. Trott
+ Thomas MacArthur
+ Robert P. Casey, Jr.
+ Amy Klobuchar
+ Jeff Fortenberry
+ Vicky Hartzler
+ Frank D. Lucas
+ Adam B. Schiff
+ Michael R. Turner
+ Doug LaMalfa
+ Mark Takano
+ Susan W. Brooks
+ Chris Stewart
+ Jody B. Hice
+ Mike Bost
+ Thom Tillis
+ Roger W. Marshall
+ John R. Curtis
+ Lucy McBath
+ Andy Levin
+ Debra A. Haaland
+ Scott P. Brown
+ Rick Berg
+ Ben Chandler
+ Chip Cravaack
+ Nan A. S. Hayworth
+ Mike Pence
+ Jo Bonner
+ Mark Kirk
+ Scott Garrett
+ Jeff Miller
+ Pedro R. Pierluisi
+ Curt Clawson
+ Michelle Lujan Grisham
+ Dennis A. Ross
+ Elizabeth H. Esty
+ Barbara Comstock
+ Brenda Jones
+ Mark Meadows
+ Brian Higgins
+ James P. McGovern
+ Glenn Thompson
+ Chris Van Hollen
+ Robert J. Wittman
+ Ken Buck
+ Cindy Hyde-Smith
+ Mary Gay Scanlon
+ Madeleine Dean
+ Enid Greene Waldholtz
+ Steve Austria
+ Russ Carnahan
+ Kathleen C. Hochul
+ Alan Nunnelee
+ Donna F. Edwards
+ Steve Israel
+ Matt Salmon
+ Alan Grayson
+ Xavier Becerra
+ James B. Renacci
+ Maria Cantwell
+ Paul A. Gosar
+ H. Morgan Griffith
+ Gary C. Peters
+ Mike Quigley
+ Mike Rogers
+ John Shimkus
+ Mac Thornberry
+ Mark E. Amodei
+ Donald M. Payne, Jr.
+ Scott H. Peters
+ Daniel T. Kildee
+ Brad R. Wenstrup
+ Tim Kaine
+ Donald Norcross
+ Margaret Wood Hassan
+ Andy Biggs
+ J. Luis Correa
+ Tina Smith
+ Debbie Lesko
+ Hansen Clarke
+ Tim Holden
+ Robert E. Andrews
+ Bruce L. Braley
+ Cresent Hardy
+ Trent Franks
+ Jeb Hensarling
+ Bill Cassidy
+ Diana DeGette
+ Andy Harris
+ John Hoeven
+ Lisa Murkowski
+ Greg Walden
+ Steve Womack
+ David P. Joyce
+ Tom Rice
+ Earl L. "Buddy" Carter
+ Val Butler Demings
+ Jacky Rosen
+ Joseph D. Morelle
+ Susan Wild
+ John Joyce
+ Thomas P. Tiffany
+ Sandy Adams
+ Michele Bachmann
+ Mike McIntyre
+ Steve Stockman
+ Chaka Fattah
+ Charles W. Boustany Jr.
+ John C. Carney Jr.
+ Reid J. Ribble
+ Lou Barletta
+ John Abney Culberson
+ Gregg Harper
+ Daniel M. Donovan, Jr.
+ Jon Tester
+ Jeff Merkley
+ Wm. Lacy Clay
+ Robert E. Latta
+ Tom McClintock
+ Scott R. Tipton
+ Ann M. Kuster
+ Robin L. Kelly
+ J. French Hill
+ Charlie Crist
+ Ron Estes
+ Jesús G. "Chuy" García
+ Greg Pence
+ Denny Rehberg
+ Mary L. Landrieu
+ John Barrow
+ John Campbell
+ Jim Gerlach
+ Jack Kingston
+ Michael H. Michaud
+ Patrick Meehan
+ Mike Coffman
+ Joe Donnelly
+ Pete Sessions
+ Heidi Heitkamp
+ Rod Blum
+ Jason Lewis
+ Sheldon Whitehouse
+ Lindsey Graham
+ Kevin Brady
+ Richard Burr
+ Henry Cuellar
+ Ron Johnson
+ Billy Long
+ Stephen F. Lynch
+ Chellie Pingree
+ Rob Portman
+ Gregorio Kilili Camacho Sablan
+ Bill Foster
+ Ted S. Yoho
+ Bradley Byrne
+ Dan Newhouse
+ Glenn Grothman
+ David J. Trone
+ Steven C. LaTourette
+ Candice S. Miller
+ Cynthia M. Lummis
+ Tom Price
+ Robert Menendez
+ Mark R. Warner
+ Mo Brooks
+ Jim Cooper
+ Bill Flores
+ Bob Gibbs
+ Bill Johnson
+ Henry C. "Hank" Johnson, Jr.
+ Doug Lamborn
+ Betty McCollum
+ Jerry Moran
+ Brad Sherman
+ Suzanne Bonamici
+ Gary J. Palmer
+ Ralph Lee Abraham
+ Brenda L. Lawrence
+ Mike Rounds
+ Dwight Evans
+ Adriano Espaillat
+ Doug Jones
+ Mike Braun
+ Brad Miller
+ Kay R. Hagan
+ Dave Camp
+ Luther Strange
+ Claire McCaskill
+ Luis V. Gutiérrez
+ Darrell E. Issa
+ Bruce Poliquin
+ Karen Bass
+ Ken Calvert
+ Shelley Moore Capito
+ Steve Chabot
+ Judy Chu
+ Joe Courtney
+ Michael F. Doyle
+ Louie Gohmert
+ Gregory W. Meeks
+ Ed Perlmutter
+ Christopher H. Smith
+ Fred Upton
+ Nydia M. Velázquez
+ Randy K. Weber, Sr.
+ Debbie Dingell
+ Neal P. Dunn
+ Francis Rooney
+ Ralph Norman
+ Jefferson Van Drew
+ Ron Wright
+ Charles F. Bass
+ David Dreier
+ Steven R. Rothman
+ Janice Hahn
+ Dan Benishek
+ J. Randy Forbes
+ Tim Murphy
+ Bob Corker
+ Michael E. Capuano
+ Bob Goodlatte
+ Leonard Lance
+ Ileana Ros-Lehtinen
+ Carol Shea-Porter
+ John J. Faso
+ Tom Marino
+ Sherrod Brown
+ John Barrasso
+ Susan M. Collins
+ John Cornyn
+ Marsha Blackburn
+ Jim Costa
+ Marcia L. Fudge
+ William R. Keating
+ David Loebsack
+ Blaine Luetkemeyer
+ Julia Brownley
+ Denny Heck
+ Mark DeSaulnier
+ John H. Rutherford
+ Ed Case
+ Rick Scott
+ Shelley Berkley
+ Brian P. Bilbray
+ Ann Marie Buerkle
+ Larry Kissell
+ Jean Schmidt
+ Jim DeMint
+ John F. Tierney
+ Kerry L. Bentivolio
+ John Fleming
+ Richard L. Hanna
+ Richard B. Nugent
+ Al Franken
+ Diane Black
+ Edward R. Royce
+ Colleen Hanabusa
+ Elijah E. Cummings
+ Roger F. Wicker
+ Rob Bishop
+ Vern Buchanan
+ Mike Crapo
+ Kenny Marchant
+ Jerry McNerney
+ Gwen Moore
+ Frank Pallone, Jr.
+ Kurt Schrader
+ Albio Sires
+ Mike Thompson
+ Tim Walberg
+ Deb Fischer
+ Rick W. Allen
+ John Kennedy
+ Jo Ann Emerson
+ Mark Udall
+ Timothy H. Bishop
+ Mike Johanns
+ Lynn A. Westmoreland
+ David G. Reichert
+ Chris Collins
+ Debbie Stabenow
+ Roy Blunt
+ John Boozman
+ Michael C. Burgess
+ Gerald E. Connolly
+ Sheila Jackson Lee
+ Patty Murray
+ Charles E. Schumer
+ Michael K. Simpson
+ Jackie Speier
+ Dina Titus
+ Joyce Beatty
+ Donald S. Beyer, Jr.
+ Ann Kirkpatrick
+ Sylvia R. Garcia
+ Carol D. Miller
+ Francisco "Quico" Canseco
+ Jerry F. Costello
+ William L. Owens
+ Nick J. Rahall II
+ William L. Enyart
+ John A. Boehner
+ Randy Neugebauer
+ Brad Ashford
+ Joe Barton
+ Jack Reed
+ Steve Cohen
+ Tom Cole
+ Steve King
+ Richard E. Neal
+ Paul Tonko
+ Peter J. Visclosky
+ Daniel Webster
+ Ron Wyden
+ Elizabeth Warren
+ Roger Williams
+ David Perdue
+ Kent Conrad
+ David Alan Curson
+ Tom Coburn
+ Rush Holt
+ Tom Latham
+ Gary G. Miller
+ Allyson Y. Schwartz
+ Ted Poe
+ Robert Pittenger
+ Tom Udall
+ Earl Blumenauer
+ K. Michael Conaway
+ Raúl M. Grijalva
+ Mike Kelly
+ John B. Larson
+ Bennie G. Thompson
+ Lois Frankel
+ Brian Babin
+ Al Lawson, Jr.
+ Kweisi Mfume
+ Olympia J. Snowe
+ W. Todd Akin
+ Joe Baca
+ Spencer Bachus
+ John Kline
+ John J. Duncan, Jr.
+ Gene Green
+ Stevan Pearce
+ Dana Rohrabacher
+ Lamar Smith
+ Thomas R. Carper
+ Jeanne Shaheen
+ Joe Manchin, III
+ Sanford D. Bishop, Jr.
+ G. K. Butterfield
+ Peter A. DeFazio
+ Eliot L. Engel
+ Al Green
+ Mazie K. Hirono
+ Zoe Lofgren
+ David B. McKinley
+ Jerrold Nadler
+ Bill Posey
+ Robert C. "Bobby" Scott
+ Peter Welch
+ Joe Wilson
+ John A. Yarmuth
+ Aumua Amata Coleman Radewagen
+ Jack Bergman
+ Mitt Romney
+ Jim Webb
+ Timothy V. Johnson
+ Dennis J. Kucinich
+ Daniel E. Lungren
+ Rodney Alexander
+ Tim Johnson
+ Paul C. Broun
+ Corrine Brown
+ Jeff Sessions
+ Rodney P. Frelinghuysen
+ Frank A. LoBiondo
+ Niki Tsongas
+ Richard Blumenthal
+ Lloyd Doggett
+ Marcy Kaptur
+ Barbara Lee
+ Carolyn B. Maloney
+ Edward J. Markey
+ C. A. Dutch Ruppersberger
+ Bobby L. Rush
+ Alma S. Adams
+ Tom O’Halleran
+ Charles A. Gonzalez
+ Wally Herger
+ Melvin L. Watt
+ Donna M. Christensen
+ George Miller
+ James P. Moran
+ Ron Barber
+ Robert A. Brady
+ John Garamendi
+ David P. Roe
+ David Scott
+ Bonnie Watson Coleman
+ James R. Baird
+ Elton Gallegly
+ Donald A. Manzullo
+ Silvestre Reyes
+ Carolyn McCarthy
+ Ander Crenshaw
+ Johnny Isakson
+ Richard J. Durbin
+ Michael B. Enzi
+ Emanuel Cleaver
+ Susan A. Davis
+ Peter T. King
+ Doris O. Matsui
+ Collin C. Peterson
+ Janice D. Schakowsky
+ Angus S. King, Jr.
+ Jeff Bingaman
+ Kay Bailey Hutchison
+ John F. Kerry
+ Saxby Chambliss
+ Eni F. H. Faleomavaega
+ Ed Pastor
+ Ed Whitfield
+ Daniel Coats
+ John L. Mica
+ Richard M. Nolan
+ Walter B. Jones
+ Benjamin L. Cardin
+ James E. Risch
+ Rosa L. DeLauro
+ Virginia Foxx
+ Kay Granger
+ F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr.
+ José E. Serrano
+ Paul Cook
+ Bob Filner
+ Joseph I. Lieberman
+ Gary L. Ackerman
+ Phil Gingrey
+ Jon Kyl
+ Bill Nelson
+ Mitch McConnell
+ Anna G. Eshoo
+ Frederica S. Wilson
+ Ben Nelson
+ Howard L. Berman
+ Sue Wilkins Myrick
+ Cliff Stearns
+ Robert L. Turner
+ Max Baucus
+ Doc Hastings
+ Gloria Negrete McLeod
+ Sam Farr
+ Michael M. Honda
+ Bernard Sanders
+ John R. Carter
+ Danny K. Davis
+ Lucille Roybal-Allard
+ Alan S. Lowenthal
+ Donna E. Shalala
+ Norman D. Dicks
+ Barney Frank
+ Thomas E. Petri
+ Barbara Boxer
+ Rubén Hinojosa
+ John Lewis
+ Lamar Alexander
+ James E. Clyburn
+ Patrick J. Leahy
+ Nancy Pelosi
+ David E. Price
+ Tom Harkin
+ Henry A. Waxman
+ Frank R. Wolf
+ Harry Reid
+ Joseph R. Pitts
+ Steny H. Hoyer
+ Dan Burton
+ Maurice D. Hinchey
+ Howard P. "Buck" McKeon
+ Lois Capps
+ Maxine Waters
+ Judy Biggert
+ Lynn C. Woolsey
+ John D. Rockefeller, IV
+ Thad Cochran
+ Nita M. Lowey
+ Eleanor Holmes Norton
+ Bill Pascrell, Jr.
+ Harold Rogers
+ John W. Olver
+ Barbara A. Mikulski
+ Jim McDermott
+ John McCain
+ Pat Roberts
+ Alcee L. Hastings
+ Grace F. Napolitano
+ Herb Kohl
+ Ron Paul
+ Eddie Bernice Johnson
+ Leonard L. Boswell
+ Jerry Lewis
+ Edolphus Towns
+ Carl Levin
+ Orrin G. Hatch
+ James M. Inhofe
+ Richard C. Shelby
+ Madeleine Z. Bordallo
+ Dianne Feinstein
+ Chuck Grassley
+ Don Young
+ Richard G. Lugar
+ Fortney Pete Stark
+ Howard Coble
+ Sander M. Levin
+ C. W. Bill Young
+ Charles B. Rangel
+ Sam Johnson
+ Dale E. Kildee
+ John Conyers, Jr.
+ Louise McIntosh Slaughter
+ Roscoe G. Bartlett
+ John D. Dingell
+ Daniel K. Inouye
+ Daniel K. Akaka
+ Frank R. Lautenberg
+ Ralph M. Hall
diff --git a/test/output/usCongressAgeGender.svg b/test/output/usCongressAgeGender.svg
index 41be8fc55b..c0b2dabbcd 100644
--- a/test/output/usCongressAgeGender.svg
+++ b/test/output/usCongressAgeGender.svg
@@ -70,893 +70,893 @@
Age →
- Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
- Abby Finkenauer
- Katie Hill
- Josh Harder
- Lauren Underwood
- Max Rose
- Elise M. Stefanik
- Mike Gallagher
- Conor Lamb
- Joe Neguse
- Xochitl Torres Small
- Anthony Gonzalez
- William R. Timmons IV
- Dan Crenshaw
- Patrick Murphy
- Trey Hollingsworth
- Haley M. Stevens
- Guy Reschenthaler
- Colin Z. Allred
- Matt Gaetz
- Andy Kim
- Joe Cunningham
- Lance Gooden
- Jared F. Golden
- Aaron Schock
- Tulsi Gabbard
- Michael F. Q. San Nicolas
- Ilhan Omar
- Bryan Steil
- Carlos Curbelo
- Ruben J. Kihuen
- Justin Amash
- Eric Swalwell
- Joseph P. Kennedy III
- Jason Smith
- Lee M. Zeldin
- Brian J. Mast
- Sharice Davids
- Chris Pappas
- Scott Taylor
- Ruben Gallego
- Pete Aguilar
- Jim Banks
- Jason Crow
- Abigail Davis Spanberger
- Josh Hawley
- Ron DeSantis
- Jaime Herrera Beutler
- Adam Kinzinger
- Seth Moulton
- Stephanie N. Murphy
- Darren Soto
- Mike Levin
- W. Gregory Steube
- Anthony Brindisi
- David G. Valadao
- Tom Cotton
- Markwayne Mullin
- Brendan F. Boyle
- Will Hurd
- Antonio Delgado
- Benjamin Quayle
- Trey Radel
- Marlin A. Stutzman
- Kevin Yoder
- Ryan A. Costello
- Duncan Hunter
- Martha Roby
- Kyrsten Sinema
- Ro Khanna
- Nanette Diaz Barragán
- Jenniffer González-Colón
- Steve Watkins
- Elissa Slotkin
- Rashida Tlaib
- Kelly Armstrong
- Kendra S. Horn
- Dusty Johnson
- Mike Garcia
- Jim Bridenstine
- Jared Polis
- Mia B. Love
- Patrick T. McHenry
- Grace Meng
- Josh Gottheimer
- Michael Cloud
- Lizzie Fletcher
- Elaine G. Luria
- Vance M. McAllister
- André Carson
- Cory Gardner
- Joaquin Castro
- Derek Kilmer
- Jimmy Gomez
- Katie Porter
- Michael Waltz
- Ayanna Pressley
- Ben McAdams
- Dan Boren
- Jon Runyan
- Stephen Lee Fincher
- Christopher Murphy
- Devin Nunes
- Cedric L. Richmond
- Tim Ryan
- Andy Barr
- Raja Krishnamoorthi
- Brian K. Fitzpatrick
- Steven Horsford
- Jahana Hayes
- Russ Fulcher
- Lori Trahan
- David W. Jolly
- Beto O’Rourke
- Thomas A. Garrett, Jr.
- Ben Ray Luján
- Todd Young
- Brian Schatz
- Raul Ruiz
- Garret Graves
- David Rouzer
- Ben Sasse
- James Comer
- Mike Johnson
- Jodey C. Arrington
- Angie Craig
- Mikie Sherrill
- Van Taylor
- Chip Roy
- Ben Cline
- Heath Shuler
- Kristi L. Noem
- Sean P. Duffy
- Martin Heinrich
- Mike Lee
- Tom Reed
- Marco Rubio
- Thomas Massie
- Richard Hudson
- Marc A. Veasey
- Alexander X. Mooney
- Ted Budd
- Gilbert Ray Cisneros, Jr.
- Debbie Mucarsel-Powell
- Sean Casten
- Jeffrey M. Landry
- Michael G. Grimm
- Frank C. Guinta
- Todd Rokita
- Thomas J. Rooney
- Paul D. Ryan
- Tom Graves
- Steven M. Palazzo
- Adrian Smith
- Rob Woodall
- Rodney Davis
- Hakeem S. Jeffries
- Ted Cruz
- Joni Ernst
- Warren Davidson
- Greg Stanton
- Michael Guest
- Denver Riggleman
- Kelly Loeffler
- William M. Cowan
- Robert Hurt
- Robert J. Dold
- Luke Messer
- Bill Huizenga
- Cathy McMorris Rodgers
- Austin Scott
- Linda T. Sánchez
- Cory A. Booker
- Ted Lieu
- Mark Walker
- Jimmy Panetta
- Dean Phillips
- Veronica Escobar
- Jason Altmire
- Tim Griffin
- Daniel B. Maffei
- Kelly Ayotte
- Tim Huelskamp
- David Young
- James Lankford
- Tammy Duckworth
- George Holding
- Darin LaHood
- Jennifer Wexton
- Kim Schrier
- Connie Mack
- Mark Takai
- Mick Mulvaney
- Jason Chaffetz
- Jeff Denham
- Raúl R. Labrador
- Mike Bishop
- Bruce Westerman
- Vicente Gonzalez
- Chrissy Houlahan
- Randy Hultgren
- Stephen Knight
- Kirsten E. Gillibrand
- Kathy Castor
- Eric A. "Rick" Crawford
- Theodore E. Deutch
- Jeff Duncan
- James A. Himes
- Daniel Lipinski
- Debbie Wasserman Schultz
- Doug Collins
- Sean Patrick Maloney
- Stacey E. Plaskett
- Trent Kelly
- A. Drew Ferguson IV
- David Kustoff
- Liz Cheney
- Ross Spano
- Pete Stauber
- Susie Lee
- Martha McSally
- Chris Jacobs
- Jesse L. Jackson Jr.
- David Rivera
- John Sullivan
- Jeff Chiesa
- Steve Southerland II
- Erik Paulsen
- John Ratcliffe
- Robert B. Aderholt
- Rick Larsen
- Kevin McCarthy
- Steve Scalise
- Tim Scott
- Terri A. Sewell
- Adam Smith
- Steve Stivers
- Ami Bera
- Norma J. Torres
- Kathleen M. Rice
- Pramila Jayapal
- Cynthia Axne
- Tom Malinowski
- John W. Rose
- Fred Keller
- Robert T. Schilling
- Renee L. Ellmers
- Christopher P. Gibson
- Trey Gowdy
- Timothy J. Walz
- Dave Brat
- Michael F. Bennet
- Yvette D. Clarke
- Scott DesJarlais
- Brett Guthrie
- Jim Jordan
- James R. Langevin
- Jared Huffman
- Mark Pocan
- Dan Sullivan
- Kamala D. Harris
- Catherine Cortez Masto
- Salud O. Carbajal
- Lloyd Smucker
- Daniel Meuser
- Tim Burchett
- Mark E. Green
- Dan Bishop
- Betty Sutton
- Eric Cantor
- Mark L. Pryor
- Mike Rogers
- Joe Garcia
- Michael G. Fitzpatrick
- Gwen Graham
- Mike Pompeo
- Keith Ellison
- Lynn Jenkins
- John K. Delaney
- Steve Russell
- Christopher A. Coons
- Gus M. Bilirakis
- Sam Graves
- Ron Kind
- Rand Paul
- Tony Cárdenas
- Jackie Walorski
- Filemon Vela
- Katherine M. Clark
- Barry Loudermilk
- Don Bacon
- TJ Cox
- Gregory F. Murphy
- Mark S. Critz
- Todd Russell Platts
- Laura Richardson
- Mark Begich
- Lee Terry
- Patrick J. Tiberi
- Joseph Crowley
- Jeff Flake
- Keith J. Rothfus
- Mimi Walters
- Karen C. Handel
- Tammy Baldwin
- Larry Bucshon
- Charles J. "Chuck" Fleischmann
- Michael T. McCaul
- Pete Olson
- John P. Sarbanes
- David Schweikert
- Suzan K. DelBene
- Ann Wagner
- Steve Daines
- Scott Perry
- John Katko
- Lisa Blunt Rochester
- Jamie Raskin
- Thomas R. Suozzi
- Troy Balderson
- Jim Hagedorn
- Mary Bono Mack
- Mike Ross
- Joe Walsh
- Allen B. West
- Pete P. Gallego
- David Vitter
- Joseph J. Heck
- Ryan K. Zinke
- Blake Farenthold
- Peter J. Roskam
- Bill Shuster
- Claudia Tenney
- David N. Cicilline
- Mario Diaz-Balart
- John Thune
- Patrick J. Toomey
- Juan Vargas
- Cheri Bustos
- Kevin Cramer
- Matt Cartwright
- John R. Moolenaar
- Tom Emmer
- Bradley Scott Schneider
- Clay Higgins
- Anthony G. Brown
- Paul Mitchell
- A. Donald McEachin
- Greg Gianforte
- Kevin Hern
- Harley Rouda
- Jim Matheson
- John E. Walsh
- E. Scott Rigell
- Loretta Sanchez
- Charles W. Dent
- Evan H. Jenkins
- Dean Heller
- Mark Sanford
- David A. Trott
- Thomas MacArthur
- Robert P. Casey, Jr.
- Amy Klobuchar
- Jeff Fortenberry
- Vicky Hartzler
- Frank D. Lucas
- Adam B. Schiff
- Michael R. Turner
- Doug LaMalfa
- Mark Takano
- Susan W. Brooks
- Chris Stewart
- Jody B. Hice
- Mike Bost
- Thom Tillis
- Roger W. Marshall
- John R. Curtis
- Lucy McBath
- Andy Levin
- Debra A. Haaland
- Scott P. Brown
- Rick Berg
- Ben Chandler
- Chip Cravaack
- Nan A. S. Hayworth
- Mike Pence
- Jo Bonner
- Mark Kirk
- Scott Garrett
- Jeff Miller
- Pedro R. Pierluisi
- Curt Clawson
- Michelle Lujan Grisham
- Dennis A. Ross
- Elizabeth H. Esty
- Barbara Comstock
- Brenda Jones
- Mark Meadows
- Brian Higgins
- James P. McGovern
- Glenn Thompson
- Chris Van Hollen
- Robert J. Wittman
- Ken Buck
- Cindy Hyde-Smith
- Mary Gay Scanlon
- Madeleine Dean
- Enid Greene Waldholtz
- Steve Austria
- Russ Carnahan
- Kathleen C. Hochul
- Alan Nunnelee
- Donna F. Edwards
- Steve Israel
- Matt Salmon
- Alan Grayson
- Xavier Becerra
- James B. Renacci
- Maria Cantwell
- Paul A. Gosar
- H. Morgan Griffith
- Gary C. Peters
- Mike Quigley
- Mike Rogers
- John Shimkus
- Mac Thornberry
- Mark E. Amodei
- Donald M. Payne, Jr.
- Scott H. Peters
- Daniel T. Kildee
- Brad R. Wenstrup
- Tim Kaine
- Donald Norcross
- Margaret Wood Hassan
- Andy Biggs
- J. Luis Correa
- Tina Smith
- Debbie Lesko
- Hansen Clarke
- Tim Holden
- Robert E. Andrews
- Bruce L. Braley
- Cresent Hardy
- Trent Franks
- Jeb Hensarling
- Bill Cassidy
- Diana DeGette
- Andy Harris
- John Hoeven
- Lisa Murkowski
- Greg Walden
- Steve Womack
- David P. Joyce
- Tom Rice
- Earl L. "Buddy" Carter
- Val Butler Demings
- Jacky Rosen
- Joseph D. Morelle
- Susan Wild
- John Joyce
- Thomas P. Tiffany
- Sandy Adams
- Michele Bachmann
- Mike McIntyre
- Steve Stockman
- Chaka Fattah
- Charles W. Boustany Jr.
- John C. Carney Jr.
- Reid J. Ribble
- Lou Barletta
- John Abney Culberson
- Gregg Harper
- Daniel M. Donovan, Jr.
- Jon Tester
- Jeff Merkley
- Wm. Lacy Clay
- Robert E. Latta
- Tom McClintock
- Scott R. Tipton
- Ann M. Kuster
- Robin L. Kelly
- J. French Hill
- Charlie Crist
- Ron Estes
- Jesús G. "Chuy" García
- Greg Pence
- Denny Rehberg
- Mary L. Landrieu
- John Barrow
- John Campbell
- Jim Gerlach
- Jack Kingston
- Michael H. Michaud
- Patrick Meehan
- Mike Coffman
- Joe Donnelly
- Pete Sessions
- Heidi Heitkamp
- Rod Blum
- Jason Lewis
- Sheldon Whitehouse
- Lindsey Graham
- Kevin Brady
- Richard Burr
- Henry Cuellar
- Ron Johnson
- Billy Long
- Stephen F. Lynch
- Chellie Pingree
- Rob Portman
- Gregorio Kilili Camacho Sablan
- Bill Foster
- Ted S. Yoho
- Bradley Byrne
- Dan Newhouse
- Glenn Grothman
- David J. Trone
- Steven C. LaTourette
- Candice S. Miller
- Cynthia M. Lummis
- Tom Price
- Robert Menendez
- Mark R. Warner
- Mo Brooks
- Jim Cooper
- Bill Flores
- Bob Gibbs
- Bill Johnson
- Henry C. "Hank" Johnson, Jr.
- Doug Lamborn
- Betty McCollum
- Jerry Moran
- Brad Sherman
- Suzanne Bonamici
- Gary J. Palmer
- Ralph Lee Abraham
- Brenda L. Lawrence
- Mike Rounds
- Dwight Evans
- Adriano Espaillat
- Doug Jones
- Mike Braun
- Brad Miller
- Kay R. Hagan
- Dave Camp
- Luther Strange
- Claire McCaskill
- Luis V. Gutiérrez
- Darrell E. Issa
- Bruce Poliquin
- Karen Bass
- Ken Calvert
- Shelley Moore Capito
- Steve Chabot
- Judy Chu
- Joe Courtney
- Michael F. Doyle
- Louie Gohmert
- Gregory W. Meeks
- Ed Perlmutter
- Christopher H. Smith
- Fred Upton
- Nydia M. Velázquez
- Randy K. Weber, Sr.
- Debbie Dingell
- Neal P. Dunn
- Francis Rooney
- Ralph Norman
- Jefferson Van Drew
- Ron Wright
- Charles F. Bass
- David Dreier
- Steven R. Rothman
- Janice Hahn
- Dan Benishek
- J. Randy Forbes
- Tim Murphy
- Bob Corker
- Michael E. Capuano
- Bob Goodlatte
- Leonard Lance
- Ileana Ros-Lehtinen
- Carol Shea-Porter
- John J. Faso
- Tom Marino
- Sherrod Brown
- John Barrasso
- Susan M. Collins
- John Cornyn
- Marsha Blackburn
- Jim Costa
- Marcia L. Fudge
- William R. Keating
- David Loebsack
- Blaine Luetkemeyer
- Julia Brownley
- Denny Heck
- Mark DeSaulnier
- John H. Rutherford
- Ed Case
- Rick Scott
- Shelley Berkley
- Brian P. Bilbray
- Ann Marie Buerkle
- Larry Kissell
- Jean Schmidt
- Jim DeMint
- John F. Tierney
- Kerry L. Bentivolio
- John Fleming
- Richard L. Hanna
- Richard B. Nugent
- Al Franken
- Diane Black
- Edward R. Royce
- Colleen Hanabusa
- Elijah E. Cummings
- Roger F. Wicker
- Rob Bishop
- Vern Buchanan
- Mike Crapo
- Kenny Marchant
- Jerry McNerney
- Gwen Moore
- Frank Pallone, Jr.
- Kurt Schrader
- Albio Sires
- Mike Thompson
- Tim Walberg
- Deb Fischer
- Rick W. Allen
- John Kennedy
- Jo Ann Emerson
- Mark Udall
- Timothy H. Bishop
- Mike Johanns
- Lynn A. Westmoreland
- David G. Reichert
- Chris Collins
- Debbie Stabenow
- Roy Blunt
- John Boozman
- Michael C. Burgess
- Gerald E. Connolly
- Sheila Jackson Lee
- Patty Murray
- Charles E. Schumer
- Michael K. Simpson
- Jackie Speier
- Dina Titus
- Joyce Beatty
- Donald S. Beyer, Jr.
- Ann Kirkpatrick
- Sylvia R. Garcia
- Carol D. Miller
- Francisco "Quico" Canseco
- Jerry F. Costello
- William L. Owens
- Nick J. Rahall II
- William L. Enyart
- John A. Boehner
- Randy Neugebauer
- Brad Ashford
- Joe Barton
- Jack Reed
- Steve Cohen
- Tom Cole
- Steve King
- Richard E. Neal
- Paul Tonko
- Peter J. Visclosky
- Daniel Webster
- Ron Wyden
- Elizabeth Warren
- Roger Williams
- David Perdue
- Kent Conrad
- David Alan Curson
- Tom Coburn
- Rush Holt
- Tom Latham
- Gary G. Miller
- Allyson Y. Schwartz
- Ted Poe
- Robert Pittenger
- Tom Udall
- Earl Blumenauer
- K. Michael Conaway
- Raúl M. Grijalva
- Mike Kelly
- John B. Larson
- Bennie G. Thompson
- Lois Frankel
- Brian Babin
- Al Lawson, Jr.
- Kweisi Mfume
- Olympia J. Snowe
- W. Todd Akin
- Joe Baca
- Spencer Bachus
- John Kline
- John J. Duncan, Jr.
- Gene Green
- Stevan Pearce
- Dana Rohrabacher
- Lamar Smith
- Thomas R. Carper
- Jeanne Shaheen
- Joe Manchin, III
- Sanford D. Bishop, Jr.
- G. K. Butterfield
- Peter A. DeFazio
- Eliot L. Engel
- Al Green
- Mazie K. Hirono
- Zoe Lofgren
- David B. McKinley
- Jerrold Nadler
- Bill Posey
- Robert C. "Bobby" Scott
- Peter Welch
- Joe Wilson
- John A. Yarmuth
- Aumua Amata Coleman Radewagen
- Jack Bergman
- Mitt Romney
- Jim Webb
- Timothy V. Johnson
- Dennis J. Kucinich
- Daniel E. Lungren
- Rodney Alexander
- Tim Johnson
- Paul C. Broun
- Corrine Brown
- Jeff Sessions
- Rodney P. Frelinghuysen
- Frank A. LoBiondo
- Niki Tsongas
- Richard Blumenthal
- Lloyd Doggett
- Marcy Kaptur
- Barbara Lee
- Carolyn B. Maloney
- Edward J. Markey
- C. A. Dutch Ruppersberger
- Bobby L. Rush
- Alma S. Adams
- Tom O’Halleran
- Charles A. Gonzalez
- Wally Herger
- Melvin L. Watt
- Donna M. Christensen
- George Miller
- James P. Moran
- Ron Barber
- Robert A. Brady
- John Garamendi
- David P. Roe
- David Scott
- Bonnie Watson Coleman
- James R. Baird
- Elton Gallegly
- Donald A. Manzullo
- Silvestre Reyes
- Carolyn McCarthy
- Ander Crenshaw
- Johnny Isakson
- Richard J. Durbin
- Michael B. Enzi
- Emanuel Cleaver
- Susan A. Davis
- Peter T. King
- Doris O. Matsui
- Collin C. Peterson
- Janice D. Schakowsky
- Angus S. King, Jr.
- Jeff Bingaman
- Kay Bailey Hutchison
- John F. Kerry
- Saxby Chambliss
- Eni F. H. Faleomavaega
- Ed Pastor
- Ed Whitfield
- Daniel Coats
- John L. Mica
- Richard M. Nolan
- Walter B. Jones
- Benjamin L. Cardin
- James E. Risch
- Rosa L. DeLauro
- Virginia Foxx
- Kay Granger
- F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr.
- José E. Serrano
- Paul Cook
- Bob Filner
- Joseph I. Lieberman
- Gary L. Ackerman
- Phil Gingrey
- Jon Kyl
- Bill Nelson
- Mitch McConnell
- Anna G. Eshoo
- Frederica S. Wilson
- Ben Nelson
- Howard L. Berman
- Sue Wilkins Myrick
- Cliff Stearns
- Robert L. Turner
- Max Baucus
- Doc Hastings
- Gloria Negrete McLeod
- Sam Farr
- Michael M. Honda
- Bernard Sanders
- John R. Carter
- Danny K. Davis
- Lucille Roybal-Allard
- Alan S. Lowenthal
- Donna E. Shalala
- Norman D. Dicks
- Barney Frank
- Thomas E. Petri
- Barbara Boxer
- Rubén Hinojosa
- John Lewis
- Lamar Alexander
- James E. Clyburn
- Patrick J. Leahy
- Nancy Pelosi
- David E. Price
- Tom Harkin
- Henry A. Waxman
- Frank R. Wolf
- Harry Reid
- Joseph R. Pitts
- Steny H. Hoyer
- Dan Burton
- Maurice D. Hinchey
- Howard P. "Buck" McKeon
- Lois Capps
- Maxine Waters
- Judy Biggert
- Lynn C. Woolsey
- John D. Rockefeller, IV
- Thad Cochran
- Nita M. Lowey
- Eleanor Holmes Norton
- Bill Pascrell, Jr.
- Harold Rogers
- John W. Olver
- Barbara A. Mikulski
- Jim McDermott
- John McCain
- Pat Roberts
- Alcee L. Hastings
- Grace F. Napolitano
- Herb Kohl
- Ron Paul
- Eddie Bernice Johnson
- Leonard L. Boswell
- Jerry Lewis
- Edolphus Towns
- Carl Levin
- Orrin G. Hatch
- James M. Inhofe
- Richard C. Shelby
- Madeleine Z. Bordallo
- Dianne Feinstein
- Chuck Grassley
- Don Young
- Richard G. Lugar
- Fortney Pete Stark
- Howard Coble
- Sander M. Levin
- C. W. Bill Young
- Charles B. Rangel
- Sam Johnson
- Dale E. Kildee
- John Conyers, Jr.
- Louise McIntosh Slaughter
- Roscoe G. Bartlett
- John D. Dingell
- Daniel K. Inouye
- Daniel K. Akaka
- Frank R. Lautenberg
- Ralph M. Hall
+ Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
+ Abby Finkenauer
+ Katie Hill
+ Josh Harder
+ Lauren Underwood
+ Max Rose
+ Elise M. Stefanik
+ Mike Gallagher
+ Conor Lamb
+ Joe Neguse
+ Xochitl Torres Small
+ Anthony Gonzalez
+ William R. Timmons IV
+ Dan Crenshaw
+ Patrick Murphy
+ Trey Hollingsworth
+ Haley M. Stevens
+ Guy Reschenthaler
+ Colin Z. Allred
+ Matt Gaetz
+ Andy Kim
+ Joe Cunningham
+ Lance Gooden
+ Jared F. Golden
+ Aaron Schock
+ Tulsi Gabbard
+ Michael F. Q. San Nicolas
+ Ilhan Omar
+ Bryan Steil
+ Carlos Curbelo
+ Ruben J. Kihuen
+ Justin Amash
+ Eric Swalwell
+ Joseph P. Kennedy III
+ Jason Smith
+ Lee M. Zeldin
+ Brian J. Mast
+ Sharice Davids
+ Chris Pappas
+ Scott Taylor
+ Ruben Gallego
+ Pete Aguilar
+ Jim Banks
+ Jason Crow
+ Abigail Davis Spanberger
+ Josh Hawley
+ Ron DeSantis
+ Jaime Herrera Beutler
+ Adam Kinzinger
+ Seth Moulton
+ Stephanie N. Murphy
+ Darren Soto
+ Mike Levin
+ W. Gregory Steube
+ Anthony Brindisi
+ David G. Valadao
+ Tom Cotton
+ Markwayne Mullin
+ Brendan F. Boyle
+ Will Hurd
+ Antonio Delgado
+ Benjamin Quayle
+ Trey Radel
+ Marlin A. Stutzman
+ Kevin Yoder
+ Ryan A. Costello
+ Duncan Hunter
+ Martha Roby
+ Kyrsten Sinema
+ Ro Khanna
+ Nanette Diaz Barragán
+ Jenniffer González-Colón
+ Steve Watkins
+ Elissa Slotkin
+ Rashida Tlaib
+ Kelly Armstrong
+ Kendra S. Horn
+ Dusty Johnson
+ Mike Garcia
+ Jim Bridenstine
+ Jared Polis
+ Mia B. Love
+ Patrick T. McHenry
+ Grace Meng
+ Josh Gottheimer
+ Michael Cloud
+ Lizzie Fletcher
+ Elaine G. Luria
+ Vance M. McAllister
+ André Carson
+ Cory Gardner
+ Joaquin Castro
+ Derek Kilmer
+ Jimmy Gomez
+ Katie Porter
+ Michael Waltz
+ Ayanna Pressley
+ Ben McAdams
+ Dan Boren
+ Jon Runyan
+ Stephen Lee Fincher
+ Christopher Murphy
+ Devin Nunes
+ Cedric L. Richmond
+ Tim Ryan
+ Andy Barr
+ Raja Krishnamoorthi
+ Brian K. Fitzpatrick
+ Steven Horsford
+ Jahana Hayes
+ Russ Fulcher
+ Lori Trahan
+ David W. Jolly
+ Beto O’Rourke
+ Thomas A. Garrett, Jr.
+ Ben Ray Luján
+ Todd Young
+ Brian Schatz
+ Raul Ruiz
+ Garret Graves
+ David Rouzer
+ Ben Sasse
+ James Comer
+ Mike Johnson
+ Jodey C. Arrington
+ Angie Craig
+ Mikie Sherrill
+ Van Taylor
+ Chip Roy
+ Ben Cline
+ Heath Shuler
+ Kristi L. Noem
+ Sean P. Duffy
+ Martin Heinrich
+ Mike Lee
+ Tom Reed
+ Marco Rubio
+ Thomas Massie
+ Richard Hudson
+ Marc A. Veasey
+ Alexander X. Mooney
+ Ted Budd
+ Gilbert Ray Cisneros, Jr.
+ Debbie Mucarsel-Powell
+ Sean Casten
+ Jeffrey M. Landry
+ Michael G. Grimm
+ Frank C. Guinta
+ Todd Rokita
+ Thomas J. Rooney
+ Paul D. Ryan
+ Tom Graves
+ Steven M. Palazzo
+ Adrian Smith
+ Rob Woodall
+ Rodney Davis
+ Hakeem S. Jeffries
+ Ted Cruz
+ Joni Ernst
+ Warren Davidson
+ Greg Stanton
+ Michael Guest
+ Denver Riggleman
+ Kelly Loeffler
+ William M. Cowan
+ Robert Hurt
+ Robert J. Dold
+ Luke Messer
+ Bill Huizenga
+ Cathy McMorris Rodgers
+ Austin Scott
+ Linda T. Sánchez
+ Cory A. Booker
+ Ted Lieu
+ Mark Walker
+ Jimmy Panetta
+ Dean Phillips
+ Veronica Escobar
+ Jason Altmire
+ Tim Griffin
+ Daniel B. Maffei
+ Kelly Ayotte
+ Tim Huelskamp
+ David Young
+ James Lankford
+ Tammy Duckworth
+ George Holding
+ Darin LaHood
+ Jennifer Wexton
+ Kim Schrier
+ Connie Mack
+ Mark Takai
+ Mick Mulvaney
+ Jason Chaffetz
+ Jeff Denham
+ Raúl R. Labrador
+ Mike Bishop
+ Bruce Westerman
+ Vicente Gonzalez
+ Chrissy Houlahan
+ Randy Hultgren
+ Stephen Knight
+ Kirsten E. Gillibrand
+ Kathy Castor
+ Eric A. "Rick" Crawford
+ Theodore E. Deutch
+ Jeff Duncan
+ James A. Himes
+ Daniel Lipinski
+ Debbie Wasserman Schultz
+ Doug Collins
+ Sean Patrick Maloney
+ Stacey E. Plaskett
+ Trent Kelly
+ A. Drew Ferguson IV
+ David Kustoff
+ Liz Cheney
+ Ross Spano
+ Pete Stauber
+ Susie Lee
+ Martha McSally
+ Chris Jacobs
+ Jesse L. Jackson Jr.
+ David Rivera
+ John Sullivan
+ Jeff Chiesa
+ Steve Southerland II
+ Erik Paulsen
+ John Ratcliffe
+ Robert B. Aderholt
+ Rick Larsen
+ Kevin McCarthy
+ Steve Scalise
+ Tim Scott
+ Terri A. Sewell
+ Adam Smith
+ Steve Stivers
+ Ami Bera
+ Norma J. Torres
+ Kathleen M. Rice
+ Pramila Jayapal
+ Cynthia Axne
+ Tom Malinowski
+ John W. Rose
+ Fred Keller
+ Robert T. Schilling
+ Renee L. Ellmers
+ Christopher P. Gibson
+ Trey Gowdy
+ Timothy J. Walz
+ Dave Brat
+ Michael F. Bennet
+ Yvette D. Clarke
+ Scott DesJarlais
+ Brett Guthrie
+ Jim Jordan
+ James R. Langevin
+ Jared Huffman
+ Mark Pocan
+ Dan Sullivan
+ Kamala D. Harris
+ Catherine Cortez Masto
+ Salud O. Carbajal
+ Lloyd Smucker
+ Daniel Meuser
+ Tim Burchett
+ Mark E. Green
+ Dan Bishop
+ Betty Sutton
+ Eric Cantor
+ Mark L. Pryor
+ Mike Rogers
+ Joe Garcia
+ Michael G. Fitzpatrick
+ Gwen Graham
+ Mike Pompeo
+ Keith Ellison
+ Lynn Jenkins
+ John K. Delaney
+ Steve Russell
+ Christopher A. Coons
+ Gus M. Bilirakis
+ Sam Graves
+ Ron Kind
+ Rand Paul
+ Tony Cárdenas
+ Jackie Walorski
+ Filemon Vela
+ Katherine M. Clark
+ Barry Loudermilk
+ Don Bacon
+ TJ Cox
+ Gregory F. Murphy
+ Mark S. Critz
+ Todd Russell Platts
+ Laura Richardson
+ Mark Begich
+ Lee Terry
+ Patrick J. Tiberi
+ Joseph Crowley
+ Jeff Flake
+ Keith J. Rothfus
+ Mimi Walters
+ Karen C. Handel
+ Tammy Baldwin
+ Larry Bucshon
+ Charles J. "Chuck" Fleischmann
+ Michael T. McCaul
+ Pete Olson
+ John P. Sarbanes
+ David Schweikert
+ Suzan K. DelBene
+ Ann Wagner
+ Steve Daines
+ Scott Perry
+ John Katko
+ Lisa Blunt Rochester
+ Jamie Raskin
+ Thomas R. Suozzi
+ Troy Balderson
+ Jim Hagedorn
+ Mary Bono Mack
+ Mike Ross
+ Joe Walsh
+ Allen B. West
+ Pete P. Gallego
+ David Vitter
+ Joseph J. Heck
+ Ryan K. Zinke
+ Blake Farenthold
+ Peter J. Roskam
+ Bill Shuster
+ Claudia Tenney
+ David N. Cicilline
+ Mario Diaz-Balart
+ John Thune
+ Patrick J. Toomey
+ Juan Vargas
+ Cheri Bustos
+ Kevin Cramer
+ Matt Cartwright
+ John R. Moolenaar
+ Tom Emmer
+ Bradley Scott Schneider
+ Clay Higgins
+ Anthony G. Brown
+ Paul Mitchell
+ A. Donald McEachin
+ Greg Gianforte
+ Kevin Hern
+ Harley Rouda
+ Jim Matheson
+ John E. Walsh
+ E. Scott Rigell
+ Loretta Sanchez
+ Charles W. Dent
+ Evan H. Jenkins
+ Dean Heller
+ Mark Sanford
+ David A. Trott
+ Thomas MacArthur
+ Robert P. Casey, Jr.
+ Amy Klobuchar
+ Jeff Fortenberry
+ Vicky Hartzler
+ Frank D. Lucas
+ Adam B. Schiff
+ Michael R. Turner
+ Doug LaMalfa
+ Mark Takano
+ Susan W. Brooks
+ Chris Stewart
+ Jody B. Hice
+ Mike Bost
+ Thom Tillis
+ Roger W. Marshall
+ John R. Curtis
+ Lucy McBath
+ Andy Levin
+ Debra A. Haaland
+ Scott P. Brown
+ Rick Berg
+ Ben Chandler
+ Chip Cravaack
+ Nan A. S. Hayworth
+ Mike Pence
+ Jo Bonner
+ Mark Kirk
+ Scott Garrett
+ Jeff Miller
+ Pedro R. Pierluisi
+ Curt Clawson
+ Michelle Lujan Grisham
+ Dennis A. Ross
+ Elizabeth H. Esty
+ Barbara Comstock
+ Brenda Jones
+ Mark Meadows
+ Brian Higgins
+ James P. McGovern
+ Glenn Thompson
+ Chris Van Hollen
+ Robert J. Wittman
+ Ken Buck
+ Cindy Hyde-Smith
+ Mary Gay Scanlon
+ Madeleine Dean
+ Enid Greene Waldholtz
+ Steve Austria
+ Russ Carnahan
+ Kathleen C. Hochul
+ Alan Nunnelee
+ Donna F. Edwards
+ Steve Israel
+ Matt Salmon
+ Alan Grayson
+ Xavier Becerra
+ James B. Renacci
+ Maria Cantwell
+ Paul A. Gosar
+ H. Morgan Griffith
+ Gary C. Peters
+ Mike Quigley
+ Mike Rogers
+ John Shimkus
+ Mac Thornberry
+ Mark E. Amodei
+ Donald M. Payne, Jr.
+ Scott H. Peters
+ Daniel T. Kildee
+ Brad R. Wenstrup
+ Tim Kaine
+ Donald Norcross
+ Margaret Wood Hassan
+ Andy Biggs
+ J. Luis Correa
+ Tina Smith
+ Debbie Lesko
+ Hansen Clarke
+ Tim Holden
+ Robert E. Andrews
+ Bruce L. Braley
+ Cresent Hardy
+ Trent Franks
+ Jeb Hensarling
+ Bill Cassidy
+ Diana DeGette
+ Andy Harris
+ John Hoeven
+ Lisa Murkowski
+ Greg Walden
+ Steve Womack
+ David P. Joyce
+ Tom Rice
+ Earl L. "Buddy" Carter
+ Val Butler Demings
+ Jacky Rosen
+ Joseph D. Morelle
+ Susan Wild
+ John Joyce
+ Thomas P. Tiffany
+ Sandy Adams
+ Michele Bachmann
+ Mike McIntyre
+ Steve Stockman
+ Chaka Fattah
+ Charles W. Boustany Jr.
+ John C. Carney Jr.
+ Reid J. Ribble
+ Lou Barletta
+ John Abney Culberson
+ Gregg Harper
+ Daniel M. Donovan, Jr.
+ Jon Tester
+ Jeff Merkley
+ Wm. Lacy Clay
+ Robert E. Latta
+ Tom McClintock
+ Scott R. Tipton
+ Ann M. Kuster
+ Robin L. Kelly
+ J. French Hill
+ Charlie Crist
+ Ron Estes
+ Jesús G. "Chuy" García
+ Greg Pence
+ Denny Rehberg
+ Mary L. Landrieu
+ John Barrow
+ John Campbell
+ Jim Gerlach
+ Jack Kingston
+ Michael H. Michaud
+ Patrick Meehan
+ Mike Coffman
+ Joe Donnelly
+ Pete Sessions
+ Heidi Heitkamp
+ Rod Blum
+ Jason Lewis
+ Sheldon Whitehouse
+ Lindsey Graham
+ Kevin Brady
+ Richard Burr
+ Henry Cuellar
+ Ron Johnson
+ Billy Long
+ Stephen F. Lynch
+ Chellie Pingree
+ Rob Portman
+ Gregorio Kilili Camacho Sablan
+ Bill Foster
+ Ted S. Yoho
+ Bradley Byrne
+ Dan Newhouse
+ Glenn Grothman
+ David J. Trone
+ Steven C. LaTourette
+ Candice S. Miller
+ Cynthia M. Lummis
+ Tom Price
+ Robert Menendez
+ Mark R. Warner
+ Mo Brooks
+ Jim Cooper
+ Bill Flores
+ Bob Gibbs
+ Bill Johnson
+ Henry C. "Hank" Johnson, Jr.
+ Doug Lamborn
+ Betty McCollum
+ Jerry Moran
+ Brad Sherman
+ Suzanne Bonamici
+ Gary J. Palmer
+ Ralph Lee Abraham
+ Brenda L. Lawrence
+ Mike Rounds
+ Dwight Evans
+ Adriano Espaillat
+ Doug Jones
+ Mike Braun
+ Brad Miller
+ Kay R. Hagan
+ Dave Camp
+ Luther Strange
+ Claire McCaskill
+ Luis V. Gutiérrez
+ Darrell E. Issa
+ Bruce Poliquin
+ Karen Bass
+ Ken Calvert
+ Shelley Moore Capito
+ Steve Chabot
+ Judy Chu
+ Joe Courtney
+ Michael F. Doyle
+ Louie Gohmert
+ Gregory W. Meeks
+ Ed Perlmutter
+ Christopher H. Smith
+ Fred Upton
+ Nydia M. Velázquez
+ Randy K. Weber, Sr.
+ Debbie Dingell
+ Neal P. Dunn
+ Francis Rooney
+ Ralph Norman
+ Jefferson Van Drew
+ Ron Wright
+ Charles F. Bass
+ David Dreier
+ Steven R. Rothman
+ Janice Hahn
+ Dan Benishek
+ J. Randy Forbes
+ Tim Murphy
+ Bob Corker
+ Michael E. Capuano
+ Bob Goodlatte
+ Leonard Lance
+ Ileana Ros-Lehtinen
+ Carol Shea-Porter
+ John J. Faso
+ Tom Marino
+ Sherrod Brown
+ John Barrasso
+ Susan M. Collins
+ John Cornyn
+ Marsha Blackburn
+ Jim Costa
+ Marcia L. Fudge
+ William R. Keating
+ David Loebsack
+ Blaine Luetkemeyer
+ Julia Brownley
+ Denny Heck
+ Mark DeSaulnier
+ John H. Rutherford
+ Ed Case
+ Rick Scott
+ Shelley Berkley
+ Brian P. Bilbray
+ Ann Marie Buerkle
+ Larry Kissell
+ Jean Schmidt
+ Jim DeMint
+ John F. Tierney
+ Kerry L. Bentivolio
+ John Fleming
+ Richard L. Hanna
+ Richard B. Nugent
+ Al Franken
+ Diane Black
+ Edward R. Royce
+ Colleen Hanabusa
+ Elijah E. Cummings
+ Roger F. Wicker
+ Rob Bishop
+ Vern Buchanan
+ Mike Crapo
+ Kenny Marchant
+ Jerry McNerney
+ Gwen Moore
+ Frank Pallone, Jr.
+ Kurt Schrader
+ Albio Sires
+ Mike Thompson
+ Tim Walberg
+ Deb Fischer
+ Rick W. Allen
+ John Kennedy
+ Jo Ann Emerson
+ Mark Udall
+ Timothy H. Bishop
+ Mike Johanns
+ Lynn A. Westmoreland
+ David G. Reichert
+ Chris Collins
+ Debbie Stabenow
+ Roy Blunt
+ John Boozman
+ Michael C. Burgess
+ Gerald E. Connolly
+ Sheila Jackson Lee
+ Patty Murray
+ Charles E. Schumer
+ Michael K. Simpson
+ Jackie Speier
+ Dina Titus
+ Joyce Beatty
+ Donald S. Beyer, Jr.
+ Ann Kirkpatrick
+ Sylvia R. Garcia
+ Carol D. Miller
+ Francisco "Quico" Canseco
+ Jerry F. Costello
+ William L. Owens
+ Nick J. Rahall II
+ William L. Enyart
+ John A. Boehner
+ Randy Neugebauer
+ Brad Ashford
+ Joe Barton
+ Jack Reed
+ Steve Cohen
+ Tom Cole
+ Steve King
+ Richard E. Neal
+ Paul Tonko
+ Peter J. Visclosky
+ Daniel Webster
+ Ron Wyden
+ Elizabeth Warren
+ Roger Williams
+ David Perdue
+ Kent Conrad
+ David Alan Curson
+ Tom Coburn
+ Rush Holt
+ Tom Latham
+ Gary G. Miller
+ Allyson Y. Schwartz
+ Ted Poe
+ Robert Pittenger
+ Tom Udall
+ Earl Blumenauer
+ K. Michael Conaway
+ Raúl M. Grijalva
+ Mike Kelly
+ John B. Larson
+ Bennie G. Thompson
+ Lois Frankel
+ Brian Babin
+ Al Lawson, Jr.
+ Kweisi Mfume
+ Olympia J. Snowe
+ W. Todd Akin
+ Joe Baca
+ Spencer Bachus
+ John Kline
+ John J. Duncan, Jr.
+ Gene Green
+ Stevan Pearce
+ Dana Rohrabacher
+ Lamar Smith
+ Thomas R. Carper
+ Jeanne Shaheen
+ Joe Manchin, III
+ Sanford D. Bishop, Jr.
+ G. K. Butterfield
+ Peter A. DeFazio
+ Eliot L. Engel
+ Al Green
+ Mazie K. Hirono
+ Zoe Lofgren
+ David B. McKinley
+ Jerrold Nadler
+ Bill Posey
+ Robert C. "Bobby" Scott
+ Peter Welch
+ Joe Wilson
+ John A. Yarmuth
+ Aumua Amata Coleman Radewagen
+ Jack Bergman
+ Mitt Romney
+ Jim Webb
+ Timothy V. Johnson
+ Dennis J. Kucinich
+ Daniel E. Lungren
+ Rodney Alexander
+ Tim Johnson
+ Paul C. Broun
+ Corrine Brown
+ Jeff Sessions
+ Rodney P. Frelinghuysen
+ Frank A. LoBiondo
+ Niki Tsongas
+ Richard Blumenthal
+ Lloyd Doggett
+ Marcy Kaptur
+ Barbara Lee
+ Carolyn B. Maloney
+ Edward J. Markey
+ C. A. Dutch Ruppersberger
+ Bobby L. Rush
+ Alma S. Adams
+ Tom O’Halleran
+ Charles A. Gonzalez
+ Wally Herger
+ Melvin L. Watt
+ Donna M. Christensen
+ George Miller
+ James P. Moran
+ Ron Barber
+ Robert A. Brady
+ John Garamendi
+ David P. Roe
+ David Scott
+ Bonnie Watson Coleman
+ James R. Baird
+ Elton Gallegly
+ Donald A. Manzullo
+ Silvestre Reyes
+ Carolyn McCarthy
+ Ander Crenshaw
+ Johnny Isakson
+ Richard J. Durbin
+ Michael B. Enzi
+ Emanuel Cleaver
+ Susan A. Davis
+ Peter T. King
+ Doris O. Matsui
+ Collin C. Peterson
+ Janice D. Schakowsky
+ Angus S. King, Jr.
+ Jeff Bingaman
+ Kay Bailey Hutchison
+ John F. Kerry
+ Saxby Chambliss
+ Eni F. H. Faleomavaega
+ Ed Pastor
+ Ed Whitfield
+ Daniel Coats
+ John L. Mica
+ Richard M. Nolan
+ Walter B. Jones
+ Benjamin L. Cardin
+ James E. Risch
+ Rosa L. DeLauro
+ Virginia Foxx
+ Kay Granger
+ F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr.
+ José E. Serrano
+ Paul Cook
+ Bob Filner
+ Joseph I. Lieberman
+ Gary L. Ackerman
+ Phil Gingrey
+ Jon Kyl
+ Bill Nelson
+ Mitch McConnell
+ Anna G. Eshoo
+ Frederica S. Wilson
+ Ben Nelson
+ Howard L. Berman
+ Sue Wilkins Myrick
+ Cliff Stearns
+ Robert L. Turner
+ Max Baucus
+ Doc Hastings
+ Gloria Negrete McLeod
+ Sam Farr
+ Michael M. Honda
+ Bernard Sanders
+ John R. Carter
+ Danny K. Davis
+ Lucille Roybal-Allard
+ Alan S. Lowenthal
+ Donna E. Shalala
+ Norman D. Dicks
+ Barney Frank
+ Thomas E. Petri
+ Barbara Boxer
+ Rubén Hinojosa
+ John Lewis
+ Lamar Alexander
+ James E. Clyburn
+ Patrick J. Leahy
+ Nancy Pelosi
+ David E. Price
+ Tom Harkin
+ Henry A. Waxman
+ Frank R. Wolf
+ Harry Reid
+ Joseph R. Pitts
+ Steny H. Hoyer
+ Dan Burton
+ Maurice D. Hinchey
+ Howard P. "Buck" McKeon
+ Lois Capps
+ Maxine Waters
+ Judy Biggert
+ Lynn C. Woolsey
+ John D. Rockefeller, IV
+ Thad Cochran
+ Nita M. Lowey
+ Eleanor Holmes Norton
+ Bill Pascrell, Jr.
+ Harold Rogers
+ John W. Olver
+ Barbara A. Mikulski
+ Jim McDermott
+ John McCain
+ Pat Roberts
+ Alcee L. Hastings
+ Grace F. Napolitano
+ Herb Kohl
+ Ron Paul
+ Eddie Bernice Johnson
+ Leonard L. Boswell
+ Jerry Lewis
+ Edolphus Towns
+ Carl Levin
+ Orrin G. Hatch
+ James M. Inhofe
+ Richard C. Shelby
+ Madeleine Z. Bordallo
+ Dianne Feinstein
+ Chuck Grassley
+ Don Young
+ Richard G. Lugar
+ Fortney Pete Stark
+ Howard Coble
+ Sander M. Levin
+ C. W. Bill Young
+ Charles B. Rangel
+ Sam Johnson
+ Dale E. Kildee
+ John Conyers, Jr.
+ Louise McIntosh Slaughter
+ Roscoe G. Bartlett
+ John D. Dingell
+ Daniel K. Inouye
+ Daniel K. Akaka
+ Frank R. Lautenberg
+ Ralph M. Hall
diff --git a/test/output/wealthBritainBar.svg b/test/output/wealthBritainBar.svg
index f4baf10b96..ce7d260448 100644
--- a/test/output/wealthBritainBar.svg
+++ b/test/output/wealthBritainBar.svg
@@ -43,10 +43,10 @@
wealth →
diff --git a/test/output/youngAdults.html b/test/output/youngAdults.html
index 336d07e429..ac7872c1a1 100644
--- a/test/output/youngAdults.html
+++ b/test/output/youngAdults.html
@@ -26,11 +26,11 @@ …by age and sex. Data: Eurostat
align-items: center;
margin-right: 1em;
- Y16-19
+ Y16-19
- Y20-24
+ Y20-24
@@ -245,73 +245,73 @@ …by age and sex. Data: Eurostat
diff --git a/test/scales/scales-test.js b/test/scales/scales-test.js
index 08558d732d..529417f848 100644
--- a/test/scales/scales-test.js
+++ b/test/scales/scales-test.js
@@ -3,6 +3,20 @@ import * as d3 from "d3";
import assert from "../assert.js";
import it from "../jsdom.js";
+// TODO Expose as d3.schemeObservable10, or Plot.scheme("observable10")?
+const schemeObservable10 = [
+ "#4269d0",
+ "#efb118",
+ "#ff725c",
+ "#6cc5b0",
+ "#a463f2",
+ "#ff8ab7",
+ "#9c6b4e",
+ "#97bbf5",
+ "#3ca951",
+ "#9498a0"
it("Plot throws an error if an ordinal position scale has a huge inferred domain", () => {
assert.ok(Plot.cellX({length: 10000}, {x: d3.randomLcg(42)}).plot());
assert.throws(() => Plot.cellX({length: 10001}, {x: d3.randomLcg(42)}).plot(), /implicit ordinal domain of x scale/);
@@ -339,7 +353,7 @@ it("plot(…).scale(name).unknown reflects the given unknown option for an ordin
type: "ordinal",
domain: ["Dream"],
unknown: "#ccc",
- range: d3.schemeTableau10
+ range: schemeObservable10
@@ -1200,7 +1214,7 @@ it("plot(…).scale('color') can return an ordinal scale", async () => {
scaleEqual(plot.scale("color"), {
type: "ordinal",
domain: ["Biscoe", "Dream", "Torgersen"],
- range: d3.schemeTableau10
+ range: schemeObservable10
@@ -1212,7 +1226,7 @@ it("plot(…).scale('color') can return an ordinal scale with a transform", asyn
type: "ordinal",
domain: ["BISCOE", "DREAM", "TORGERSEN"],
- range: d3.schemeTableau10
+ range: schemeObservable10
@@ -1222,7 +1236,7 @@ it("plot(…).scale('color') can promote a reversed categorical scale to an ordi
scaleEqual(plot.scale("color"), {
type: "ordinal",
domain: ["Torgersen", "Dream", "Biscoe"],
- range: d3.schemeTableau10
+ range: schemeObservable10
@@ -1232,7 +1246,7 @@ it("plot(…).scale('color') can promotes an explicitly categorical scale to an
scaleEqual(plot.scale("color"), {
type: "ordinal",
domain: ["Biscoe", "Dream", "Torgersen"],
- range: d3.schemeTableau10
+ range: schemeObservable10
@@ -2037,12 +2051,12 @@ it("plot(…).scale('color') promotes the given scheme option to an interpolator
it("plot(…).scale('color') promotes the given scheme option to a range for ordinal scales", async () => {
const penguins = await d3.csv("data/penguins.csv", d3.autoType);
- assert.deepStrictEqual(Plot.dotX(penguins, {fill: "island"}).plot().scale("color").range, d3.schemeTableau10);
+ assert.deepStrictEqual(Plot.dotX(penguins, {fill: "island"}).plot().scale("color").range, schemeObservable10);
Plot.dotX(penguins, {fill: "island"})
.plot({color: {type: "categorical"}})
- d3.schemeTableau10
+ schemeObservable10
Plot.dotX(penguins, {fill: "island"})