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ImageOptimize Changelog

4.0.11 - 2025.01.13


  • Don't try to apply filters to assets that are seemingly corrupt, and have a 0 width or 0 height (#383)
  • Fixed srcset width filtering ()

4.0.10 - 2024.10.21


  • Allow for empty alt tags for screen readers as per WCAG (411)


  • Don't add image variants if no variant creator for them exists (#410)
  • Fix a visual issue with the sizing arrows for Optimized Image fields
  • Don't apply background placeholder CSS to images that may be transparent like SVGs or GIFs (#410)

4.0.9 - 2024.06.19


  • Fixed an issue where srcsetMaxWidth() could return incorrect results (#407)
  • Fixed an issue where the data-uri for inline SVG styles were incorrect in some browsers because the spaces were not URL-encoded (#408)

4.0.8 - 2024.05.09


  • Fixed an issue where the .imgTag() and .pictureTag() would output and invalid style attribute for lazy loaded images (#400)

4.0.7 - 2024.04.04


  • Added the ability to pass in a config array to .imgTag(), .pictureTag() and .linkPreloadTag()


  • Changed .loading().loadingStrategy(), .artDirection()addSourceFrom()

4.0.6 - 2024.04.02


  • Added a --queue option to the image-optimize/optimize/create console command if you want to defer the image generation to be run via queue job, rather than immediately via the console command
  • Add phpstan and ecs code linting
  • Add code-analysis.yaml GitHub action
  • Add .imgTag() to the OptimizedImage model, which generates a complete <img> tag from the OptimizedImage
  • Add .pictureTag() to the OptimizedImage model, which generates a complete <picture> tag from the OptimizedImage
  • Add .linkPreloadTag() to the OptimizedImage model, which generates a complete <link rel="preload"> tag from the OptimizedImage
  • Add craft.imageOptimize.renderLazySizesJs() to render the LazySizes JavaScript for lazy loading images
  • Add craft.imageOptimize.renderLazySizesFallbackJs() to render the LazySizes JavaScript with a support script that uses LazySizes as a fallback for browsers that don't support the loading property


  • Added PDF to the Ignore Files field settings (#364)
  • Updated docs to use node 20 & a new sitemap plugin
  • Switch over to Vite ^5.0.0 & Node ^20.0.0 for the buildchain
  • PHPstan code cleanup
  • ECS code cleanup

4.0.5 - 2023.05.19


  • Automate release generation via GitHub action
  • Add versioning to the docs


  • Side-step an issue which caused Craft 4.4.x to do unwanted image transform work even when using an external service to do the transforms (#373) (#13018)
  • Remove the old Craft generated transform that's still sitting in the temp directory (#380)

4.0.4 - 2023.02.09


  • Use dynamic docker container name & port for the buildchain
  • Update the buildchain to use Vite ^4.0.0
  • Updated docs to use VitePress ^1.0.0-alpha.29
  • Refactored the docs buildchain to use a dynamic docker container setup

4.0.3 - 2022.11.17


  • Fixed HMR in local dev with explicit alias that resolves to the actual directory


  • Fixed an issue where the craft image-optimize/optimize/create CLI command did not properly optimize all images (#350)
  • Fixed an issue which caused the Imgix auto to no longer work for auto format (#357)
  • Fixed a JavaScript console error in field settings due to Garnish shuffling around how things work for menus
  • Fixed an issue where srcsetWidth() wouldn't return the proper variant, due to strict comparison operator (#327)
  • Fixed an issue where using a transform method other than Craft along with asset.getUrl() in your templates could throw an exception (#363)

4.0.2 - 2022.07.17


  • Add allow-plugins to composer.json to allow CI tests to work


  • Fixed an issue where transforms don't get deleted on remote volumes if the format was set to auto (#341)
  • Normalize for lowercase file extensions and normalize jpeg -> jpg everywhere

4.0.1 - 2022.07.08


  • If there's no transform requested, return null so other plugins have a crack at it (#349)


  • Fixed an issue where calling generateUrl() would throw an exception for the Imgix transform method (#342)

4.0.0 - 2022.06.28


  • If there's no transform requested, and we're not using some external service for image transforms, return null so other plugins have a crack at it


  • Set the variant format to the current asset format if it is left empty, otherwise Craft recursively calls getTransformUrl() and hangs the queue (#329) (#343)
  • Fixed an issue where variants would not resave under certain circumstance due to a typing issue (#335)
  • Make the properties in the OptimizedImage nullable to avoid null property values throwing an exception (#345)
  • Fixed an issue that caused sub-folders to not appear in the OptimizedImages field settings (#333)
  • Fixed an issue that could cause JavaScript errors for newly created OptimizedImages fields, and in slideouts (#344)

4.0.0-beta.3 - 2022.04.08


  • Fix ImageTransform::getAssetUri() to properly handle S3 and other volume sub-directories

4.0.0-beta.2 - 2022.04.08


  • Fixed an issue with properties not being initialized before being accessed, which would cause image uploads to fail (#323)

4.0.0-beta.1 - 2022.03.23


  • Initial Craft CMS 4 compatibility