This app allows techies to colloborate in real time on the same code and also share chats.
- Allows users to be able to create new pair programming sessions
- Allows users to be able to edit and delete a pair programming session.
- Allows users to be able to invite other users of the application to my pair programming session
- Allows users to be able to chat with other users
- Code editor window has support for languages such as: HTML, Javascript, Python etc.
bc-pair-programming-app uses a number of open source projects to work properly:
- AngularJS - HTML enhanced for web apps!
- Ace Editor - awesome web-based text editor
- Twitter Bootstrap - great UI boilerplate for modern web apps
- jQuery - Javascript Library
- FireBase - A cloud database with loads of cool features
You need to have virtualenv installed on your machine for this guide to work:
$ virtualenv venv
$ source venv/Scripts/activate
- Flask==0.10.1
- Jinja2==2.8
- MarkupSafe==0.23
- python-firebase==1.2
- requests==2.9.1
- Werkzeug==0.11.4
- wheel==0.29.0
$ pip install requests
$ python