This theme is built on/around/in/through Eddie Machado's eminently solid Bones starter theme. See Bones Change Log & History below.
Grammatizator is (for now) a theme specially built and designed for the group-run, multi-authored public history website Nursing Clio. Learn more about it at: For more information about Grammatizator visit:
Author: Adam Turner URL:
Begin End of Life transition: The theme will be phased out in the coming year. Critical maintenance and upkeep updates will continue in the meantime.
- JS and CSS linting and standards.
- PHP cleaning up and coding standards fixes. Many of them.
- Use NC favicons.
- Simplified SCSS color variable names.
- Tools using NPM and Composer to run testing, processing, and building.
- Build tools configuration files.
- Utility and logo SVGs.
- The "human readable" CSS file. Not really needed at this point.
- Unneeded to-do items (in light of theme sunsetting).
- Updated to show author bio even when author has no published posts
- Switched from using bottom to top margin on .sources paragraph elements to allow spacing when no header is present
- Clarified search page error results with suggestions
- Removed duplicate author bio on author archive page
- Switch to custom feature image function
- Reduce some padding
- New styling of footnote links in articles to help them stand out and be a little easier to select on mobile
- Remove unclosed
tag in the author bio messing with the comments links
- Use
instead oflarge
to allow max feature image width of 1024px - Rename color namespaces and organization to align with pattern library
- Tweak to increase lead paragraph line height
- CSS issue where Firefox doesn't recognize percentage values for text-indent
- Mis-styling of comments by post author
- Update default icon with higher res version
- Add Instagram link to sharing footer (move to dynamic instead of hard-coded content)
- Add space for Facebook app_id (todo: Move this to plugin or set as WP option)
- Correct font family and size for
tags withinblockquote
- Switch to https protocol
- Remove excessive margins and padding on gallery layouts
- Missing translation textdomain
- Missing clearfix and margin for multiple author bios
- Call to undefined variable: tag_arr in /library/bones.php
- Switch to using update_user_meta() instead of update_usermeta() (deprecated since version 3.0)
- Brought index.php and single-custom_type.php into line with other layouts
- Replace content of format-gallery.php with format.php
- Single post title from h1 to h2 (while keeping styling) for accessibility hierarchy
- Sanitize user input for Twitter and Grammatizator Title user meta profile fields
- Update archive.php pages gramm_archive() function for content
- Alter "page not found" message for main blog archive
- Only display author info on author page if author has posts
- Make sure author exists before displaying info on author page
- Tidy unneeded php opens/closes in author.php
- Recompressed production CSS
- Move margin from first paragraph tag to article header to allow for more varied article content
- library/inc/template-tags.php as better home for custom template tags
- Template tag grammatizator_post_thumbnail to produce feature image content
- Template tag grammatizator_post_thumbnail_caption to produce feature image caption
- Modest support for image gallery columns
- Functions to allow listing multiple authors using custom post metadata fields
- Celebration images to assets
- Delete sidebar from archive pages
- Fix path to placeholder avatar for mobile use
- Wrong link in footer.php
- Correct donate link in footer.php
- Move article supplement section in archive template above article footer and rename "Filed under" to "Tags"
- Move article supplement section in single post template above article footer and rename "Filed under" to "Tags"
- Move sharing links on single post template back to top by themselves
- Replace < figcaption > with a < p > tag in article supplement section of single post template
- Simplify article supplement section styles
- Stop outdenting lead paragraph
- Simplify sharing link display around lead paragraph
- Compress CSS using SASS compress tool
- Move "human readable" expanded CSS to /library/assets/css/
- Conditionally direct users to author archive page for Contributors because full bios not on "Meet the Team" page
- Switch to BY-NC-SA Creative Commons License
- author.php template for displaying individual author archives
- first-of-child pseudo-selector to supplement class="intro" for lead paragraph styling
- Class call for WP Likes button in single post format.php template (off by default because it's crufty crud)
- Poem styles tied to aside class="poem"
- Cut call for feature image caption in article supplement section in the archive format
- Delete comments_number() display from article supplement section in archive template and single template
- Bug in user description excerpt function when cutoff includes style tags (tags not closing). Replaced with WP's own wp_trim_words() function.
- Problem with WP admin Toolbar covering up top of page (where our global nav is... pesky Toolbar)
- Correct dates and a typo
- Add semantic title and link to ID on team page to go directly to correct user from single post author bylines
- Switch to shared function for displaying all author bylines/vcards
- Finalize replace of green color with bluegray
- Make search field more promient
- Smooth transition animation on global nav
- Google Analytics active, but moved to site-specific plugin and hooked to wp_head()
- Add robots-sample.txt in /library/assets/ as example, which inlucdes
rules to prevent blocking CSS, JS, and image files that Google Searchbot now includes in testing for mobile friendliness - Instructions to robots-sample.txt on how to use it
- Add LICENSE.txt
- Include author Twitter handle when present in single post < head > meta tag 'twitter:creator' (see
- Include author Twitter handle when present in 'related' field of JetPack share with Twitter button auto text
- Remove stray figure closing tag from gramm_archive_content() in functions.php
- Replace default gravatar with higher resolution version
- Edit format-image.php to define content of attachment.php and remove comments on attachment posts
- Add include array to custom get users function and shortcode
- Change single post and gramm_archive_content() comments message from No comments to No comments yet
- Add attachments.php to specify presentation of post attachments (usually images)
- Darken link color to better pass WebAIM WCAG standards for contrast.
- Nuke IE CSS error causing paragraph text to not render.
- Fix bug in footer.php calling wrong menu for global nav
- Correct path to SVG icons from /img/ to /images/
- Fix author bio wrap layout problem on Meet the Team page
- Fix sticky post query on front page template to display nothing if no sticky posts
- Replaced green with the bluegray color to reduce busyness
- Add wptexturize() filter to author description (bio) output
- Add correct theme screenshot
- General and widespread reformatting and restyling
- Replaced breakpoints with figures based on the site content + modular grid steps
- Converted breakpoint sizes to ems
- Replaced "nothing.gif" with a default comments avatar to use with placeholder script for mobile devices.
- Renamed the "top nav" to "global nav" and moved its HTML to the end of the content, rather than the header (now in footer.php) to use the footer-anchor method + JS menu toggle
- Wide-ranging style change to Grammatizator appearance
- Updated favicon image files to NC icons in /library/images/
- Updated to reflect new theme
- Formatting: trying to do better job of using PHPDoc standards in PHP markup.
- Switched from using unset() to using the WordPress API and remove_meta_box() to deactivate selected widgets on the WordPress Dashboard in /library/admin.php
- Added correct Google Fonts call via functions.php
- Activated admin.php in functions.php by require() to customize Admin area
- Updated favicon.ico and favicon.png to a Nursing Clio (NC) icon in root dir
- Moving over from Bones defaults to Grammatizator
- Function in shortcodes.php to call wp_list_categories() for use in post/page content
- Function in functions.php to provide a more robust alternative to WordPress's list_users function; along with a shortcode in library/shortcodes.php to call it.
- front-page.php to main theme directory as uber-template for the home page.
- Script to scripts.js in /library/js to create mobile toggle menu nav
- A file shortcodes.php in /library to serve shortcodes to use in the content editor
- Directory /library/assets for things like illustrator SVG files and the like
- Added a 192x192 icon targeted at Android devices in /library/images/ (along with handful of other icon files with different resolutions).
- Function in admin.php to generate a "Welcome" message on the dashboard for users who haven't completed their Profiles in /library/admin.php
- Functions in functions.php to add fields to the user profile. A Gravatar helper, a User Title field (editable for editors and up), and a Twitter handle.
- searchform.php in favor of the WP HTML5 built in search form.
- Ruby configuration file config.rb because I'm not using Compass. (Using GMU Make for compiling instead.)
This theme is meant to make development easier & take advantage of modern web development & design techniques. For more information, please visit:
Author: Eddie Machado
/* 1.71 update */
- added spacing to the password fields (thx @murtaugh)
- fixed calc percentage function
- removed chrome frame support
/* 1.(I've lost track so I'm starting at)7 update */
- reworked Sass files and broke them into partials
- setup Sass syntax and new mixins / functions
- added a ton of pull requests (thanks everyone)
- developed a bro crush on everyone who's helped contribute, thanks guys
- also lady crush since I don't want to leave out the helpful women
- animal crush? Who knows, just thanks everyone
- added pull paths for the includes in functions.php ( get_template_directory() )
- renamed clearfix to cf (just cuz i feel like it)
- removed custom search form since WordPress now supports HTML5 search form
- moving bones ahoy function to main functions file
- added content width and replaced css w/ the new markup for oembeds
- put the nav link functions directly in the templates, no need for extra functions
- removed navigation fallbacks, because really you never use those anyway
- removed the_author_posts_link() for a better more native function
- moved all the extra reset stuff to normalize, I mean these styles aren't changing so it's cool
- added wp_link_pages for people who are evil and break articles up into multiple pages
- worked out Theme Check issues
/* 1.5 update */
- sorted out new scss structure and cleaned up files
- more pull requests and language translations
- added some default form styles
- added a bunch of new style options and variables
/* 1.4 update */
- updated Modernizr to 2.6.2
- merged a ton of pull requests (thanks guys and gals!)
- added windows 8 tile support
- put LESS back in (too many requests)
v1.3 update
- removed version number from scripts & styles (thanks James)
- removed LESS (it's over Johnny, It's OVER!)
- changed post-content to entry-content
- added other changes to better align with Readability standards: (thanks @ChrisSki)
- added comment gravatar variable
- added fix for author name not showing in archive.php
- removed unused css files (that were mistakingly compiled)
v1.25 update
- updated custom post type page for translation
- added => to responsive jquery
- cleaned up theme tags (which make NO sense, but are best practice, go figure)
- updated html element to match hb5
- fixed echo problem on admin.php
- updated normalize (LESS also had some missing styles so I added them)
- GetComputedStyle fix for IE (for responsive js)
- cleaned up mixins (border radius)
- added translations! (Chinese, Spanish)
v1.2 HUGE update
- merge responsive version with classic
- remove post title from read more link (it's way too long)
- removed readme.txt (it was pointless)
- organized info for each file called in on the functions page
- added custom gravatar call in comments
- i'm leaving jQuery to a plugin (that way I'm not providing dated jQuery)
- added translation folder
- put everything inside stuff so it's easier to be translated
- added an identifier in each 404 area so you know what template is showing
- remove custom walker. I think that's better left for you guys to do
- fixed some spelling errors
- added some translation options in the comments file
- added role=navigation to footer links
- deleted image.php (who really uses that anyway)
- added sidebar to search.php
- added class to custom post type title
- added link to custom meta box
- removed selectivizr
- updated html elements with new classes for IE
- added new mobile meta tags
- removed pinned site meta tag for IE9
- merged base.css into style.css for one less call in the header
- added styleguide page and styles (oh yea!)
- added nav class to both menus
- removed "Powered by Wordpress & Bones" from footer, because let's face it: we all delete this anyway.
- added button class to submit comment button
- removed html5 placeholder fallback (you should be using Gravity Forms)
- added slug and rewrite to custom post type for easier urls
- renamed the border radius mixins so they were easer to remember
- removed duplicate box shadow mixin
- deleted the plugins.php file
- facebook og:meta can be better handled by a plugin (or Yoast's SEO plugin)
- rel=me can also be handled by SEO plugin or another plugin
- removed author.php (you can use archive.php or add it yourself)
v1.09 more updates
- updated admin.php to include custom widget examples, admin login styles, and admin footer
- login.css added for custom login styles
- custom login logo included
v1.09 updates
- added snippet to remove < p > from imgs (
- added custom admin functions file
- updated normalize
- added site description < p > to the header
- added page-ancestor class for nav to css
- added facebook open graph and google+ meta info (plugins.php)
- added a font-face example to stylesheet
- removed extra < div > around search function
- added role=article to article element
- added tag & category examples to custom post type
v1.08 release (hellz yea!)
- replaced default.css with normalize.css
- added responsive.css
- completely revamped styles & stylesheets
- moved most design related styles to style.css
- newer, cleaner default comment styles
- refined grid system
- added pubdate and time microformat to all templates
- changed page navi from div to nav and from ul to ol
- added Read More filter to replace the [...]
- removed default "Bones" text in footer if you don't have a menu
- updated modernizr to 2.0.6 & added FULL support (respond, load, ect)
- updated jQuery to 1.6.2
- added IE6 meta to remove toolbar
- added IE9 meta for pinned sites
- added viewport meta to help responsive designs
- removed PNG fixes for IE6...(fuck 'em)
- added prompt for IE6 users to install Google Chrome Frame
- removed respond.js since it's called in modernizr
- removed DOMAssistant for ancient IE users
- removed flowplayer folder (lighten the load)
- remove ie folder for IE scripts that are now gone
- moved translation function to bones.php
- removed overflow: hidden from some comment styles
- cleaned up head with more removals
- moved related posts & page navi plugin to bones.php
- removing wp version from rss feed
- removing useless wordpress dashboard widgets
- organizing bones & functions for simplicity
- removed analytics
- added auto hyphens to normalize.css (
- removed the custom header image support
- removed all the favicons & icons
- added proper title tag
- added google+ link to profile
- added rel=me thanks to yoast's tutorial
- added author.php template
- removed html5 video shortcode
v1.07 more changes
- updated selectivizr
- compressed images
v1.07 changes
- added modernizr 2.0 custom build
- added IE=edge,chrome=1 for older, shitty browsers
- removed iphone stuff ( you can add later if you want it )
- changed h1 in the header to a p
- removed *font-size: small; from default.css
- removed empty selectors on default.css stylesheet
- fixed errors on style.css (mostly removing example using parenthesis)
- added jquery 1.6.1
v1.07 w00t!
- changed clear to clearfix across the board
- added 320 & Up Boilerplate Extension by Andy Clarke
- renamed modernizr to the current version file
- added all the different sized images & icons
- updated DOMAssistant to newest version
v1.06 More Updates
- added theme translation to all files
- removed categories form page meta info
- fixed confusing copyright issues
- removed the unneeded author / tag / ect archive title from taxonomy-custom-cat.php
v1.06 Updates
- changed name of default stylesheet to default so it's easier to debug. (having two stylesheets named style is confusing)
- added clearing class to #inner-header and #inner-footer
- added bones body class depending on what browser
- changed the_author to the_author_posts_link in single.php and archive.php
- changed the_author to the_author_posts_link in single-custom_type.php
- added custom taxonomy template
- added browser classes to style.css
- removed lazy load (sorry, it sucked)
- added twitter and facebook user profiles
- added post formats to bones.php core
- fixed menu system (thanks to Dom & Mattias)
- added categories & tag info for custom post types
- adding standard categories & tags to custom post type example
- added custom post type and taxonomies file
- created custom post type template
- added readme.txt file (really for no reason at all)
- fixed the margin on the comments title
- removed duplicate text-align calls in css Thanks Dom
- added add_theme_support( 'automatic-feed-links' ) replacing the deprecated automatic_feed_links();
- added the language_attributes(); to the html tag
- replaced attribute_escape with esc_attr() in search.php
- bloginfo('url') in header replaced with echo home_url()
- using get_template_directory_uri() instead of bloginfo('template_directory')
- using get_the_author_meta('display_name') instead of deprecated function
- fixed error in bones.php for menu fallback thanks Mark
- creating thumbnail fallback functions
- added header.js and moved modernizr & imgsizer in that file
- added lazy load jquery plugin
- moved dd_belatedpng.js inside the ie folder in the libs folder
- changed class of main menu to .menu from .nav
- added more css for menu
- added additional selectors to the style.css in the root
- removed the top margin of the footer menu
- fixed typos in style.css file & logs
- updated selectivizr to latest version
- added "embed, ruby, output" to the reset stylesheet based on Eric Meyer's recent reset styles.
- removed duplicate styles in reset & default stylesheet
- fixed col460 and changed it to col480
- added text-align styles to default stylesheet
v1.04 Quick Fix
- fixed error with script call that was deprecated.
- moved the custom script call and pngfix to the footer from the bones file so it's easier to see what's being called.
- moved apple-touch-icon.png to the library/images folder so file locations are consistent.
- added a log file to keep track of changes
- fixed html5 video functionality & fallback (w00t!)
- moved stylesheet call below the wp_head as an experiment.
- added wp_titletag to the header
- added pingback function to the header
- fixed bug where page navi would show up even on pages with only one page of results.
- changed the way page navi is called in the archives, search, and index pages.
- public release!
- added html5 video to plugins
- added page navi to plugins
- general fixes and optimization
- html5 updates and semantic layout corrected
- added search css & custom functions
- added functionality from the html5boilerplate
- added related posts functions
- general css fixes
- i thought "there must be a better way"
- did something about it