This directory contains a Docker Compose file containing a complete setup which consists of three sites communicating over the DFS middleware. Of the three sites, one is the ZARS which represents the central application and register entity and the other two are DIC's which are data integration centers.
The goal of this setup is to test feasibility query requests which are initiated at the ZARS and answered from the two DIC's.
Before you can start any site, you have to run maven in order to build plugins, certificates and test data:
If you use Linux, you have to set some rights on directories where containers should write into:
If you changed a lot of things and like to start fresh, it's a good idea to delete all volumes:
docker-compose down -v
After that, you can start the ZARS FHIR Inbox using:
docker-compose up -d zars-fhir-proxy
It's a good idea to keep the log of the ZARS FHIR Inbox open:
docker-compose logs -f zars-fhir-app
After that, you can query the CapabilityStatement of the inbox:
curl --resolve zars:443: \
--cacert certs/ca.pem --cert-type P12 --cert certs/test-user.p12:password \
-H accept:application/fhir+json \
-s https://zars/fhir/metadata |\
jq '.software, .implementation'
As you can see in the above command, a port mapping is created on port 443. In order to be able to access not only the
zars, but also the other sites, you have to use the domain name zars
here. With curl, you can specify a custom
resolver, which will resolve the host zars
to localhost. An alternative would be to create an entry in
your /etc/hosts
. The next line in the command is about Client and CA Certificates.
After that, you can start the ZARS Business Process Engine in a separate terminal:
docker-compose up zars-bpe-app
After starting the ZARS, you can start the DIC-1 FHIR Inbox using:
docker-compose up -d dic-1-fhir-proxy
docker-compose logs -f dic-1-fhir-app
The following command should return the CapabilityStatement:
curl --resolve dic-1:443: \
--cacert certs/ca.pem --cert-type P12 --cert certs/test-user.p12:password \
-H accept:application/fhir+json \
-s https://dic-1/fhir/metadata |\
jq '.software, .implementation'
After that, you can start the DIC-1 Business Process Engine and Blaze:
docker-compose up dic-1-bpe-app
Continue with DIC-2.
After that we can POST the first Task to the ZARS:
curl --resolve zars:443: \
--cacert certs/ca.pem --cert-type P12 --cert certs/test-user.p12:password \
-H accept:application/fhir+json \
-H content-type:application/fhir+json \
-d @data/feasibility-bundle.json \
-s https://zars/fhir/ |\
jq .
After exporting the Task ID to $TASK_ID, you can fetch the task:
curl --resolve zars:443: \
--cacert certs/ca.pem --cert-type P12 --cert certs/test-user.p12:password \
-H accept:application/fhir+json \
-s "https://zars/fhir/Task/${TASK_ID}" |\
jq .
The task should be completed and contain an output with the reference of the MeasureReport created.
You can use the following env var and port mapping to enable debugging of one container:
- 5005:5005
EXTRA_JVM_ARGS: -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=*:5005