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KAMO (in Japanese: Katappashikara Atsumeta data wo Manual yorimoiikanjide Okaeshisuru; to process thoroughly-collected data in better way than manually and give back to user) system is the program for automated processing and merging of (MX) crystal diffraction data. Basically KAMO uses XDS package, but it will support DIALS and Aimless optionally. Currently, the development is focused on processing and merging of small wedge data (5-10°/crystal).

KAMO is designed for online analysis for SPring-8 MX beamlines; however, it can be used offline for local data. Please let me know if you need support for your beamline/detector.

This manual is for 2015-12-18.


KAMO uses following programs and libraries.


KAMO is still under development and may have many many bugs on interface or functions. If you had any troubles, please do not hesitate to contact author.



The data in the directory where GUI started will be all processed (includes sub-directories).

If you want to process data in specific sub-directory, give the directory names like include_dir=hoge-1111-\* or give the list file containing the directory names.

  • case 1: online analysis of small wedge at BL32XU

    kamo bl=32xu

  • case 2: online analysis of normal data (1 or a few crystals for complete data) at BL41XU

    kamo bl=41xu small_wedges=false

  • case 3: online analysis of data collected with Zoo (automatic system) at BL32XU

    kamo bl=32xu mode=zoo

  • case 4: offline analysis of local data (KAMO will find directories. In above cases, datasets will be found using BSS log files)

    kamo bl=other

Use -h option to see help and list of all parameters.

For processing old data, for example, give date=2015-12-31 to find data collected from the specified date to two days before (by default date=today).

KAMO automatically finds datasets and start processing when the program started. The processing results are saved in the directory specified by workdir= (default: _kamoproc/), which has the same directory as data directory, and in prefix_startimage-endimage/ XDS/DIALS is run. Example is below:

└ mydata/ <- Assuming KAMO started here
   ├ sample1/
   │  ├ data1_000{001..180}.img
   │  └ data2_000{001..360}.img
   ├ sample2/
   │  ├ data3_000{001..180}.img
   │  └ data4_000{001..360}.img
   └ _kamoproc/ <- Automatically created (use workdir= option to change)
      ├ sample1/ <- the same structure as data directory
      │  ├ data1_1-180/ <- working directory for data processing program
      │  └ data2_1-360/
      └ sample2/
         ├ data3_1-180/
         └ data4_1-360/

GUI explanations

The meaning of the table column labels. Click the column label to sort.

Column Explanation
Path Relative path of dataset
Sample ID Unipuck ID (Well ID)
Wavelength wavelength (A)
TotalPhi Total rotation range (°)
DeltaPhi Rotation width per 1 frame (°)
Cstatus data collection status (never/running/finished)
Pstatus data processing status (never/running/giveup/finished)
Cmpl. Dataset completeness
SG Space group
Resn. Estimated resolution limit (Based on peak search result when small_wedges=true; based on I/sigma<1 basis using the 100 resolution-bins table in CORRECT.LP)

Merging small wedge data

  1. Select all target data using the checkboxes (no problem if selecting failed ones), click Multi merge strategy button, and wait for a while
  2. The data with the same lattice (reindexing is taken into account) are grouped, and sorted by the number of datasets
  3. Select the group to be merged and its symmetry. The most frequent symmetry is chosen by default. Choose the correct one if known.
  4. Click Proceed button, and look at the terminal. The datasets processed with different symmetry are reprocessed with the specified symmetry.
  5. Completed when "Do It Yourself!" appeared. Keep in mind the reindex operator(s) if existed. Indexing ambiguity can be resolved using kamo.resolve_indexing_ambiguity.
  6. Go to the working directory for merging, and modify and start the script. The scrip ( is automatically prepared like this:
# settings
dmin=2.8 # resolution
anomalous=false # true or false	
# _______/setting
kamo.multi_merge \
    workdir=blend_${dmin}A_framecc_b \
    lstin=formerge.lst d_min=${dmin} anomalous=${anomalous} \
    program=xscale xscale.reference=bmin \
    reject_method=framecc+lpstats rejection.lpstats.stats=em.b \
    clustering=blend blend.min_cmpl=90 blend.min_redun=2 blend.max_LCV=None blend.max_aLCV=None
  1. When this script is started, first the hierarchical clustering analysis by BLEND is performed. The clusters with high completeness (>90%) are subjected to merging. First simply run xscale to merge (run_01/), and find the bad frames based on the CC between the merged result and intensities on each frame. From the merging result after excluding the bad frames (run_02/), bad datasets are detected based on error model's b value, and the merging result without bad datasets is saved in run_03/. This is the final result. In each run_*/ccp4 mtz and the log files of ctruncate and phenix.xtirage are saved.
  2. When processing is over, report.html in the working directory (blend_*/) can be viewed with web browser. All final results can be visually inspected. Based on the results, re-execute the script by changing high resolution limi if needed. For refinement, empirically, the result with the largest CC1/2 should be appropriate (we welcome your feedback).

Resolution of index ambiguity (kamo.resolve_indexing_ambiguity)

Like P6, P4, or even in P2 with β~90°, when the lattice symmetry is higher than space group symmetry, the indexing ambiguity problem exists. This must be resolved when merging multiple crystals.

This procedure should be done before the merging command above Only when reindex operator is displayed in KAMO GUI.

kamo.resolve_indexing_ambiguity formerge.lst

performs reindexing and writes formerge_reindexed.lst. For kamo.multi_merge give lstin=formerge_reindexed.lst.

Default is method=selective_breeding (Kabsch's "Selective Breeding" algorithm), which does not need reference data. You can also use method=brehm_diederichs (Algorithm 2 in Brehm and Diederichs paper), which does not need it either.

When you want to use reference data, choose method=reference and give reference MTZ file by reference_file=.

What KAMO does internally

Dataset detection

Two modes available:

  • Find job information from log file of BSS (for online analysis)
  • Find datasets from filesystem (may be very slow; up to your filesystem performance)

When bl=other, the latter mode works. In the former mode, date= parameter is used to decide the BSS log file names. In this case, any renamed or moved datasets cannot be found.

wedge data processing (kamo)

Indexing is performed using XDS. Basically XDS.INP is the same as produced by generate_XDS.INP, but all frames are used for indexing. When indexing failed, the following things are considered:

  • Looking at difference vector clustering in IDXREF.LP; double the cell length if it seems to be halved.
  • Try to index using the cell and symmetry if previously known

Concerning the decision of symmetry, first INTEGRATE.HKL is analyzed by pointless, and then XDS_ASCII.HKL is analyzed too. If results are not consistent, the one with larger ISa is employed.

High resolution cutoff should be determined by user, but inclusion of much noise at higher resolution shell may affect scaling. KAMO cuts resolution at CC1/2 < 0.5 and the scaled result is saved as XDS_ASCII.HKL/CORRECT.LP (displayed on GUI). The result without any resolution cutoff is saved separately as XDS_ASCII_fullres.HKL/CORRECT_fullres.LP.

When small_wedges=true, another special version is prepared as XDS_ASCII.HKL_noscale, where the empirical correction in CORRECT job is switched off, which means no scaling because symmetry-related reflections are too few). This result is used in merging process. XDS_ASCII.HKL/XDS_ASCII_fullres.HKL are scaled results as usual.

Preparing for merging (kamo's "Multi-merge strategy" button)


  1. For selected datasets, the unit cell in P1 is compared to each other, and checked if they are equivalent.
  2. Construct a graph where datasets with equivalent cells are connected, and datasets are grouped.
  3. For each group, the possible space group symmetries are listed based on its lattice symmetry.
  4. The frequency of actually deduced symmetry for wedges is listed as well.
  5. When a user chooses group number and symmetry, each result (XDS_ASCII.HKeL_noscale) is transformed to the selected symmetry (reindexing and change of unit cell parameters).
  6. Check and notify if index ambiguity exits.

Merging of multiple wedges (kamo.multi_merge)

Basically, the program

  1. performs hierarchical clustering based on unit cell or pairwise CC, and clusters with high completeness are detected
  2. scaling and merging of all datasets using XSCALE (run_01)
  3. detects and removes bad frames (run_02)
  4. detects and removes bad datasets (run_03)


BLEND or CC-based clustering is available. See the original document and paper for BLEND.

When clustering=cc, CC-based clustering is invoked. Relevant options are cc_clustering.b_scale= (if scale data by Wilson-B before CC calculation) and cc_clustering.use_normalized= (if normalized structure factor is used). Use cc_clustering.d_min= to limit the resolution. Currently we are using hclust() function in R and only datasets which have common reflections with all others can be used. Probably not useful for low-symmetry crystals.

Bad frame detection

Correlation coefficient is calculated between merged all-data and each frame. Based on the CC, the bad frames are discarded (when reject_method=framecc). By default rejection.framecc.method=tukey rejection.framecc.iqr_coeff=1.5, which detects outliers by Tukey's criterion (1.5*IQR). You can change this; for example rejection.framecc.method=abs rejection.framecc.abs_cutoff=0.9 to use absolute threshold.

Bad dataset detection

Bad datasets are detected using statistics in XSCALE.LP (reject_method=lpstats). By default, error model's b value is subjected to Tukey's outlier detection (rejection.lpstats.stats=em.b rejection.lpstats.iqr_coeff=1.5). You can give pairwise_cc and bfactor as well as em.b to rejection.lpstats.stats=. pairwise_cc is to remove datasets which give bad CC (by default CC<0.8; rejection.lpstats.pwcc.method=abs rejection.lpstats.pwcc.abs_cutoff=0.8, but optionally Tukey's method can be used).

Choice of scaling reference

This affects overall B-factor of merged data. In XSCALE, the first INPUT_FILE= is used as reference. In KAMO, by default xscale.reference=bmin, which selects data with smallest B (that has smallest intensity fall-off w.r.t. resolution in XDS) as reference.



I'm too lazy to click all checkboxes

If you want to check all, click "Check all" button. Alternatively, click two checkboxes keeping Shift-key pressed to check all in-between items.

I want to use prior unit cell information

You can give it when KAMO starts:

kamo known.unit_cell=10,20,30,90,90,90 known.space_group=p222

Please make sure to give pace_group as well. The unit cell parameters are used in indexing as prior information. If not indexed with the cell, the data processing will not proceed. Note that you cannot use this parameter when you have more than one kind of crystals.

I want to give the correct experimental parameters as image header is wrong

Please prepare the file named kamo_override.config in the image file directory, which will be interpreted by the program. Example below (don't write information which is not need to be overridden):

wavelength= 1
distance= 100
orgx= 2500
orgy= 2500
osc_range= 0.1
rotation_axis= -1 0 0


Where is the data for structural refinement?

Please use run_03/ccp4/xscale.mtz. If run_03/ is not there, run_* with the largest number is the final one.

How can I use KAMO at home?


  1. Follow to setup environment.
  2. Install all dependencies (R, CCP4, XDS)

If this is too hard, there is much easier way:

  1. Install CCP4, R with rjson package, XDS
  2. Install PHENIX-1.10 or newer
  3. Install networkx to phenix.python
    1. Download
    2. tar xvf networkx-1.11.tar.gz
    3. cd networkx-1.11; phenix.python install
  4. Install scipy to phenix.python
    1. Download
    2. tar xvf scipy-0.18.1.tar.gz
    3. cd scipy-0.18.1; phenix.python install
    4. (Install blas-devel and lapack-devel if missing)
  5. Run the following commands (yamtbx can be cloned anywhere you like)
cd $HOME
git clone
cd $PHENIX/modules
ln -s ~/yamtbx/yamtbx .
cd ../build
libtbx.configure yamtbx

After installation, run


to check if dependencies are all installed.


Basically, the same as above, but like

kamo bl=other log_root=~/kamo-log/ [batch.sge_pe_name=par]

please give log_root= any directory where you have write permission. In addition, give SGE's parallel environment (the strings you usually write after qsub -pe; by default par). If no SGE environment and you want to run it only on local computer, give maximum job number instead:

kamo bl=other log_root=~/kamo-log/ batch.engine=sh batch.sh_max_jobs=8

NOTE that for non-reverse-phi beamline (most beamlines other than SPring-8), do not forget to give reverse_phi=false. Vertically installed goniometer is not supported now.

Version hisotry

Dates when the code became available on GitHub are shown

  • 2017-01-18
  • yamtbx.beam_direction_plot: fixed a bug in non-primitive space group case
  • 2016-12-26
  • kamo.multi_merge: add space_group= option (used in merging). use pointless result for mtz if not specified.
  • kamo.multi_merge: add MULTIPLICITY column in mtz
  • bug fix (change directory in qsub script)
  • 2016-12-06
  • GUI: add exclude_ice_resolutions= option, fixed a bug that plots were not updated on Mac
  • faster string (file name) replacement for XSCALE outputs
  • kamo.resolve_indexing_ambiguity: fixed a bug when no reference_label was given
  • kamo.test_installation: add Adxv test
  • 2016-10-05
  • added auto_frame_exclude_spot_based= option, which could be useful for processing data including non-spots images
  • 2016-07-18
  • use ramdisk/tmpdir for xds/xscale run
  • calculate frequency of crystal symmetry taking unit cell parameters into account
  • bug fix for OSX (with phenix-1.10.1?)
  • bug fix on html report making
  • bug fix for non-sge environment (multi_merge)
  • calculate LCV & aLCV for actual set of parameters
  • bug fix on parsing xtriage. anisotropy is now max(B_cart)-min(B_cart)