Notable changes to slack-bk are tracked in this file.
The format is based on the Keep A Changelog 1.0.0 spec. Releases may be found on GitHub and are tagged with their release number in the Git repository. Release numbers follow the Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 format. As a reminder, this format uses major, minor, and patch numbers with the following form:
^ ^ ^ ^
| | | |
| | | pre-release tag
| | patch
| minor
These are incremented according to the following rules:
- MAJOR versions contain backwards-incompatible changes.
- MINOR versions contain new backwards-compatible features.
- PATCH versions contain backwards-compatible fixes.
Added for new features. Changed for changes in existing functionality. Deprecated for soon-to-be removed features. Removed for now removed features. Fixed for any bug fixes. Security in case of vulnerabilities.
When creating a new release in GitHub, please copy the [Unreleased]
section to a new versioned
section and use it for the release's notes, in addition to verifying that version numbers are
updated throughout the repository.
- Most types now derive
to improve the ergonomics of constructing messages.
- Initial release of