PSR-4: Autoloading Standard.
PSR-5: PHPDoc Standard.
Error handle, convert into exceptions (set_error_handler: try/catch)!
Enhance example scripts by call the following functions:
arSummaryLoadExtra, dms2dd, setQueryArrFields, swapAf, arabizi.
Replace foreach loop by array functions (map, filter, walk, etc) whenever possible.
Use switch statements instead of else if and multi if statements.
Writing $row[’id’] processes 7 times faster than $row[id] ;-)
Stick with single quotes whenever possible.
Since === only checks for a closed range, it is faster than using == for comparisons.
While str_replace is faster than preg_replace, the strtr function is four times faster than str_replace.
Download/install Git from git-scm.com, then inside your project folder, right click, Git Bash here.
Import a new project repository hosted on GitHub.com (e.g. owner/reposatory):
git init
git config --global user.name "Your Name"
git config --global user.email "[email protected]"
git remote add origin https://github.com/owner/reposatory
git pull origin master
Create and push a new commit:
git add .
git commit -m "modification message"
git push origin master
Create and push a new release tag:
git tag -a v5.0 -m "Ar-PHP Version 5.0"
git push --tags
Create and push a new branch:
git clone https://github.com/owner/reposatory
git pull origin master
git branch
git checkout -b newbranch
git add .
git commit -m "modify in branch"
git push origin newbranch
Composer: A Dependency Manager for PHP. Download and install the Composer-Setup.exe from here.
Packagist: The PHP Package Repository.
Check for standards and compatibility using PHP Code Sniffer.
composer global require squizlabs/php_codesniffer --dev
phpcs arabic.php --standard=PSR1
phpcs arabic.php --standard=PSR12
Get PHP Compatibility Coding Standard for PHP CodeSniffer by download the latest release from here, then unzip it into an arbitrary directory (e.g. inside c:\XAMPP).
phpcs --config-set installed_paths C:\xampp\PHPCompatibility
phpcs -p arabic.php --standard=PHPCompatibility --runtime-set testVersion 5.3-
Insphpect is an automated code review tool which identifies inflexibilities in PHP code and helps you write better software.
The phar extension provides a way to put entire PHP applications into a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy distribution and installation.
In order to create and modify Phar files, the php.ini setting phar.readonly
must be set to Off, then we have to change the first line in the Arabic __construct method to set the root directory private property in a proper way:
$this->rootDirectory = 'phar://ArPHP.phar';
Instead of the following original line of code:
$this->rootDirectory = dirname(__FILE__);
After this small change, we can create the "ArPHP.phar" file using the following code:
$p = new Phar('ArPHP.phar', 0, 'ArPHP.phar');
Finally, you can include this library into your script like this:
require 'phar://path/to/ArPHP.phar/arabic.php';
$obj = new \ArPHP\I18N\Arabic();
echo $obj->version;
echo $obj->int2str(1975);
Strip comments, whitespaces, and preserve newlines. Compressed library file is ideal for production environments since it typically reduce the size of the file by ~50%.
You can use the following sed (Linux stream editor) command to create a minified version of arabic.php
main script:
sed "/^\s*\*/d" arabic.php | sed "/^\s*\/\//d" | sed "/^\s*\/\*/d" | sed "/^\s*$/d" | sed -e "s/\s*=\s*/=/g" | sed -e "s/^\s*//g" > arabic.min.php
phpDocumentor analyzes your code to create great documentation. Install it as a PHAR file format, all you need to do is download the phar binary from here, then save it in an arbitrary directory (e.g. inside c:\XAMPP).
php C:\xampp\phpDocumentor.phar -f arabic.php -t ../docs/
ab is a tool for benchmarking your Apache Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) server. This especially shows you how many requests per second your script on current Apache installation is capable of serving.
The following command line shows an example call of 1000 requests for numbers test code (50 requests in concurrency) and report related stats:
\path\to\apache\bin\ab -n 1000 -c 50 http://localhost/ar-php/tests/numbers.php