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Taint "NotReady" Node

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To avoid scheduling of pods before the host agent is running on a node we can use the following configuration:

  taint_not_ready_node: True 

This will make node unschedulable by adding a taint if it's not in Ready state. Taint will be removed when the node becomes Ready and host-agent pod initialization is complete and it is Running on that node. Below taint is added to facilitate this:



Add following configuration in the acc provision input file:

  taint_not_ready_node: True  # default is False

Run acc-provision tool on updated acc provision input file to generate new aci_deployment.yaml

acc-provision -c <acc_provision_input_file> -f <flavor> -u <apic_username> -p <apic_password> -o aci_deployment.yaml

Delete old aci_deployment.yaml and wait till all the pods in the aci-containers-system namespace are deleted

$ oc delete -f aci_deployment.yaml
$ oc get pods -n aci-containers-system

Apply newly generated aci_deployment.yaml and wait till all pods in aci-containers-system namespace are running

$ oc apply -f aci_deployment.yaml
$ oc get pods -n aci-containers-system

Verify the flag is set in aci-containers-config config map:

$ oc get cm -n aci-containers-system aci-containers-config -oyaml | less
apiVersion: v1
  controller-config: |-
         "taint-not-ready-node": true,
  host-agent-config: |-
        "taint-not-ready-node": true,

When Node is in NotReady state, a taint aci-containers-host/unavailable:NoSchedule is added on the node.

$ oc get nodes
NAME             STATUS     ROLES                  AGE   VERSION
k8s-xyz-node-1   Ready      control-plane,master   18d   v1.29.7
k8s-xyz-node-2   Ready      worker                 18d   v1.29.7
k8s-xyz-node-3   NotReady   worker                 18d   v1.29.7

$ oc get node k8s-xyz-node-3 -oyaml | grep taint -A5
  - effect: NoSchedule
    key: aci-containers-host/unavailable
  - effect: NoSchedule
    timeAdded: "2024-08-23T07:34:57Z"

When Node goes into Ready state and host-agent pod is Running, the taint aci-containers-host/unavailable:NoSchedule is removed from the node.

$ oc get nodes
NAME             STATUS     ROLES                  AGE   VERSION
k8s-xyz-node-1   Ready      control-plane,master   18d   v1.29.7
k8s-xyz-node-2   Ready      worker                 18d   v1.29.7
k8s-xyz-node-3   Ready      worker                 18d   v1.29.7

$ oc get node k8s-xyz-node-3 -oyaml | grep taint -A5