Useful additions to inbuilt child_process module.
π¦ Node.js,
π Files,
π° Docs.
Have you heard of bash or command prompt? These programs are called shells.
They watch what you type, and treat it as requests to run particular programs.
Programs themselves are just names on the file system, and the shell searches
them in a particular manner (controlled with environment variables such as PATH).
Our programs as based on UNIX principles, where each program can accept an
initial input through arguments, runtime input through stdin
input stream
, and provide its runtime output into stdout
output stream #1
with stderr
output stream #2
for errors). The output of a program can be fed
into another program through piping |
, allowing us to set up a pipline of
programs to achieve a complex operation (without having to write a new program).
child_process is an inbuilt Node.js module that enables us to execute specific programs directly (execFile), or through the shell (exec). Executing programs through the shell is hyper convenient as we are allowed to use its inbuilt commands and features such as piping of streams, but is does come with a security risk (such as command injection) when using unsanitized user input to generate the sequence of instructions to be executed on the shell. When possible, execting specific programs directly using execFile would be a suitable approach. spawn can be used when we want to start a new process and control its input and output streams. exec and execFile are implemented on top of spawn. fork is a special case of spawn, used specifically to launch new Node.js processes.
This package provides async versions of functions (in additon to the
existing sync and callback-based functions), which are not included with the
inbuilt child_process
module. They are named as *Async
can be used with
-based asynchronous programming using the await
keyword. spawnAsync
is a special case here, which returns a PromiseWithChild
which is essentially
a Promise
with a .child
property to allow ChildProcess
to be directly
accessed similar to spawn. In addition, callback-based functions, such as
exec, also behave as async functions when a callback is not provided.
Functions for locating path of executable(s) such as which and whichAll
are also included. Design was based on local ideas and literature survey.
Stability: Experimental.
const xcp = require('extra-child-process');
// 1. List files in current directory.
async function example1() {
var {stdout, stderr} = await xcp.exec('ls -a');
var {stdout, stderr} = await xcp.execFile('ls', ['-a']);
xcp.exec('ls -a', (err, stdout, stderr) => 0);
xcp.execFile('ls', ['-a'], (err, stdout, stderr) => 0);
// β .
// β ..
// β .build
// β .git
// β .github
// β ...
// 2. List files in 'src' directory.
async function example2() {
var {stdout, stderr} = await xcp.exec('ls -a', {cwd: 'src'});
var {stdout, stderr} = await xcp.execFile('ls', ['-a'], {cwd: 'src'});
xcp.exec('ls -a', {cwd: 'src'}, (err, stdout, stderr) => 0);
xcp.execFile('ls', ['-a'], {cwd: 'src'}, (err, stdout, stderr) => 0);
// β .
// β ..
// β index.ts
// 3. Locate path of node executable.
async function example3() {
var paths = process.env.PATH.split(';');
var exec = await xcp.which('node');
var exec = await xcp.which('node', {paths});
// β 'D:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node.exe'
// 4. Locate path of n*e executables.
async function example4() {
var paths = process.env.PATH.split(';');
var execs = await xcp.whichAll(/^n.*?e$/);
var execs = await xcp.whichAll(/^n.*?e$/, {paths});
// β [
// β 'D:\\Program Files\\Git\\usr\\bin\\nice.exe',
// β 'C:\\Program Files\\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\\CUDA\\v11.2\\bin\\nvprune.exe',
// β 'D:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node.exe'
// β ]
Property | Description |
exec | Execute a command within a shell, buffering any output. |
execFile | Execute an executable without a shell by default, buffering any output. |
fork | This method is a special case of spawn used specifically to spawn new Node.js processes. |
spawn | This method spawns a new process using the given command and args . |
spawnAsync | Spawn new process using given command and arguments. |
which | Locate path of executable for given command. |
whichAll | Locate paths of all matching executables for given command. |
- Node.js Child process API
- spawncommand package
- async-execute package
- spawndamnit package
- async-child-process package
- child-command package
- exec-then package
- child-process-async package
- faithful-exec package
- child-process-promise package
- superspawn package
- await-exec package
- command package
- spawn-please package
- process-promises package
- ts-process-promises package
- child-process-es6-promise package
- promise-exec package
- promisify-child-process package
- which package