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R Tools for ObsPack, Receptors and Footprints (rtorf) for processing atmospheric observations in NOAA-GML ' ObsPack |
Ibarra-Espinosa and Hu |
26 August 2024 |
2024 |
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rticles::joss_article |
apa.csl |
In this study, we present a new open-source R package rtorf
to read, process, select, and plot NOAA Observation Package (ObsPack)
data products. We use a methane ObsPack data product as an example
in this code base, but it can be easily modified to analyze ObsPack
products for other greenhouse gasses. The R package starts with
creating a catalog of all ObsPack files in each product. It then
reads all files and creates one database. While reading each ObsPack
file, it extracts site elevation and time zone information from the
file header and calculates sampling altitude in meters above ground
level and local time for individual samping events. Finally, it
processes and selects observations for inverse modeling purposes.
This package imports functions from data.table R package, which
contains C bindings with parallel implementation via Open-MP
[@dt]. rtorf provides functions
to perform these tasks in a transparent and efficient way,
supporting open-source communities in environmental sciences.
The world is experiencing an accelerated global warming
due to the accumulation of greenhouse gases (GHG)
since the industrial revolution [@us2018].
Greenhouse gas observations are critical to monitor the state of the
atmosphere, quantify present and historical emissions, and understand
global climate change.
During the 21th Conference of Parties (COP21), it was established the Paris
Accord, a multilateral effort reduce greenhouse emissions
in order to limit the temperature increment of 1.5 degrees
Methane is a greenhouse gas responsible for half of the
temperature increase since preindustrial levels.
Furthermore, methane has a 9 years lifetime and a
global warming potential of 30 over 100 years [@epagwp], with
a current global radiative forcing of 0.650
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and its
Global Monitoring Laboratory (GML) has the mission of acquire,
evaluate and make available long-term records of atmospheric gases1.
To achieve that goal, GML gather own and other laboratories
data, releasing observation in a compendium named ObsPack
[@masarie2014obspack]. Specifically, the datasetid
aircraft-pfp, aircraft-insitu, aircraft-flask, surface-insitu,
surface-flask, surface-pfp, tower-insitu, aircore, shipboard-insitu,
and shipboard-flask. ObsPack product generally contains hundreds of files, each of which
has different sampling frequencies, hours, and attributes.
It takes time and effort to develop tools to read and process
each ObsPack product and select observations of interest for specific
modeling and data analysis purposes.
The NOAA ObsPack data is delivered to the public as NetCDF and
text files [@masarie2014obspack]. The structure of the files including descriptor fields
depend on the type of file. For instance, the metadata
from aircrafts is different than surface stations, but all the files
include concentrations and other critical fields.
Given the complexity of ObsPack format, reading and analyzing the data
can be cumbersome. The rtorf
package provides the
GHG science and research community a transparent and efficient tool to
process ObsPack products for GHG modeling and analyses.
In this manuscript we present rtorf
, an R package to read,
process and plot NOAA ObsPack data, a software useful and needed
for the community [@R]. For this release, we are
focused on the
To install rtorf
, the user must have installed the R package
remotes and run the following script. This process will install
all the required dependencies, such as data.table, cptcity
, an R
package with more than 7000 color palettes, and lubridate
, a package
to manage time and dates [@lu;@cpt]. Then, we call the libraries
to load the function into the environment. rtorf
is hosted at GitHub,
which allows the implementation of checking the package installation in a
variety OS.
is a collection of function organized together to read and
process ObsPack files. The general process
consists in create a
summary of the ObsPack files, reading them in an iteration process,
filter and generating another output. As aircraft-insitu
The obspack product in this case is obspack_ch4_1_GLOBALVIEWplus_v5.1_2023-03-08
We first call the libraries rtorf
and data.table
. Most of objects returned
by rtorf
are of class data.table
. Then, we define the datasetid to be
identified in the name of the files inside the directory with data.
This process print a summary of the data and if the logical argument verbose
, print the file being read in each iteration, default is FALSE
cate = c("aircraft-pfp",
obs <- "Z:/torf/obspack_ch4_1_GLOBALVIEWplus_v5.1_2023-03-08/data/nc/"
index <- obs_summary(obs = obs,
categories = cate)
## Number of files of index: 429
## sector N
## <char> <int>
## 1: aircraft-pfp 40
## 2: aircraft-insitu 15
## 3: surface-flask 106
## 4: surface-insitu 174
## 5: aircraft-flask 4
## 6: aircore 1
## 7: surface-pfp 33
## 8: tower-insitu 51
## 9: shipboard-flask 4
## 10: shipboard-insitu 1
## 11: Total sectors 429
## Detected 190 files with agl
## Detected 239 files without agl
Once the index of file is built, we can read each file. As we are directing to the
nc directory in ObsPack, with NetCDF files inside, we use the function
. This function dumps the NetCDF information into a data.table
with long
format [@Silge2016]. As the global attributes is attributes in
the NetCDF would result in a data.table with too many columns, we used
the argument att
equals to FALSE, which is default.
In ground-based datasetid the solar_time
array is available.
This is useful to select specific observations, for more information check
the site documentation. At the moment, this array is not available for aircraft
observations, hence we select FALSE
. In this case, we select verbose
, to see the name of the files being read.
datasetid <- "aircraft-insitu"
df <- obs_read_nc(index = index,
categories = datasetid,
att = FALSE,
solar_time = FALSE,
verbose = TRUE)
## Searching aircraft-insitu...
## 1: ch4_above_aircraft-insitu_1_allvalid.nc
## 2: ch4_act_aircraft-insitu_428_allvalid-b200.nc
## 3: ch4_act_aircraft-insitu_428_allvalid-c130.nc
## 4: ch4_cob2003b_aircraft-insitu_59_allvalid.nc
## 5: ch4_eco_aircraft-insitu_1_allvalid.nc
## 6: ch4_hip_aircraft-insitu_59_allvalid.nc
## 7: ch4_iagos-caribic_aircraft-insitu_457_allvalid.nc
## 8: ch4_korus-aq_aircraft-insitu_428_allvalid-dc8.nc
## 9: ch4_man_aircraft-insitu_1_allvalid.nc
## 10: ch4_orc_aircraft-insitu_3_allvalid-merge10.nc
## 11: ch4_seac4rs_aircraft-insitu_428_allvalid-ER2.nc
## 12: ch4_seac4rs_aircraft-insitu_428_allvalid-dc8.nc
## 13: ch4_start08_aircraft-insitu_59_allvalid.nc
## 14: ch4_tom_aircraft-insitu_1_allvalid.nc
## 15: ch4_ugd_aircraft-insitu_1_allvalid.nc
The resulting data.table
contains 59 columns and
2041758 observations.
Furthermore, the size of data.table
is 1.4 Gb.
The data includes observations between 2003 and
2021. Now we can define some parameters to filter our data,
like the year 2020 and spatially data below 8000 meters above sea level (masl) and
focused over north America.
df <- df[year == 2020 &
altitude_final < 8000 &
latitude < 80 &
latitude > 10 &
longitude < -50 &
longitude > -170]
Now we have a data.table
that contains 59 columns and
236 observations. The size of data.table
0 Gb. We can add a column
of time in format "POSIXct" and cut the seconds every 20 seconds.
Usually, aircraft observations every 1 second. Then,
We can simplify the data by calculating averages every 20 seconds.
We perform this task by cutting time very 20 seconds. Then,
we add a new column with the mandatory name key_time
, which
will be used to aggregate data with "POSIXct" class, but every 20 seconds.
df <- obs_addtime(df)
## Adding timeUTC
## Adding timeUTC_start
## Adding timeUTC_end
## Found time_interval
df$sec2 <- obs_freq(x = df$second,
freq = seq(0, 59, 20))
df$key_time <- ISOdatetime(year = df$year,
month = df$month,
day = df$day,
hour = df$hour,
min = df$minute,
sec = df$sec2,
tz = "UTC")
df[1, c("timeUTC", "key_time")]
## timeUTC key_time
## <POSc> <POSc>
## 1: 2020-01-08 22:59:55 2020-01-08 22:59:40
now we can aggregate the data using the function obs_agg
. The argument cols
indicate which columns will be averaged. Then, we add local time with the
function obs_addltime
and we re order the data.table.
df2 <- obs_agg(df,
cols = c("year", "month", "day", "hour", "minute", "second",
"time", "time_decimal", "value",
"latitude", "longitude", "altitude_final",
"pressure", "u", "v", "temperature", "type_altitude"))
## Adding time
df3 <- obs_addltime(df2)
setorderv(df3, cols = c("site_code", "timeUTC"),
order = c(-1, 1))
Identifying the local time is important for atmospheric reasons. Sometimes
we need observations when the Planetary Boundary Layer is high,
so that the concentrations are well distributed, generaly
around 2:00pm. In rtorf
we use an hierarchical approach
based on the availability of critical information.
Basically, if the solar time array is available, we use
the functon obs_addstime
. In the begative case
searches for the metadata site_utc2lst
ot convert
UTC time to local. Finally, in the absence of the mentioned data,
we calculate an approximation of the local time
using the geographical coordinates, as :
lt = UTC + longitude/15 * 60 * 60
Now we have the data processed and ready to be exported. rtorf
a number of functions to save the data as takbulated format in text, csv and
CSVY2 are csv files with a YAML header. This funcitons can be seen in the documentation.
In this last part of the manuscript we will show some visualizations. We included
a function named obs_plot
which plots data in long format using R base functions.
Here we see data for the month of March 2020. This usefull function allows to plot several
sites and prints the x-axis range.
obs_plot(df3[month == 3], time = "timeUTC", yfactor = 1e9, type = "b",
xlab = "UTC time", ylab = expression(CH[4]~ppb))
## Found the following sites:
## [1] IAGOS
## Plotting the following sites:
## [1] IAGOS
Finally, we show some vertical profiles for the months of January and March of 2020. We can see how during March of 2020 methane concentrations are lower than January. This may be due the implementation of Lockdowns [@espinosa2023covid]. A manuscript focused on the impact of COVID-19 on methane emissions will be submitted soon.
x <- df3
x$ch4 <- x$value*1e+9
time = "ch4",
y = "altitude_final",
colu = "month",
type = "b",
xlab = expression(CH[4]~ppb),
ylab = "altitude (m)")
## Found the following sites:
## [1] 1 3
## Plotting the following sites:
## [1] 1 3
We are currently porting rtorf
to python into a package named pytorf
with the same functionalities. Furthermore, we expect to implement
WebAsembly with Web-R1 in R and Python to run rtorf
on the browser [@webr].
This project is funded by the NOAA Climate Program Office AC4 and COM programs (NA21OAR4310233 / NA21OAR4310234). This research was supported by NOAA cooperative agreement NA22OAR4320151. Also, thanks to Arlyn Andrews, John Miller, Kenneth Schuldt, Kirk Thoning and Andy Jacobson from NOAA GML.