###Relationships take work. Work is worship. Welcome, you are already here.
#Horace Phair XV Will occur on ##October 7-11, 2016
You are at the right place. You were probably pretty sure. Have you been here before? Maybe talk to us* about it if you're still feeling unsure.
This is the link to a horace p. hair maaaaap.
this is all very early and you should check back later for more details
Span | Things | Place |
Friday evening, and night | Arrivals:
TBD (probably Woodhaus or Baker Street Agency) |
Saturday morning | Check back later, but:
Various places |
Saturday night | Some party occurs:
Salut! |
Sunday | Brunch:
Baker Street Agency |
Sunday kind of during and after brunch | Showering occurs:
Baker Street Agency |
Sunday night | Check back later! | TBD |
Other events from our affiliates:
- Portland Nursery's 29th annual apple tasting festival. This is the best place to find delicious apples and to eat strudel. Don't attempt to drive; parking will be worse than downtown.
#Slacklining This is like IRC, which will be comforting if you remember IRC and entirely unilluminating if you don't. It's a chatty thing where we're working out the details of the plans because we're all planning this party together. If you want to know where the people are at, etc., ask to be added to the slack and then we can play together on the Internet like we're back in the early oughts, except with emoji.
#Accommodations are being made
Here are arrangements. If you don't see your name here, we don't know you're planning on staying at our house! (Or we haven't figured out how to edit this dealy yet.) If arrangements confuse or alarm or don't meet your standards, please alert the hosts.
##Guests that need hosts *
##Saluthaus Laurel, Daniel
- Media room
##Woodhaus Dave, Jenny, cats (How much room do you guys have? Do you have room?)
##The Beech House Ryan, Kelly, Eamon, cats, dog
Megan, Martin, Chase, Terra
- Basement
- Spare bedroom
- Yet more
Kim and Ed, cat
- Bunk: Manuel
- Bunk:
Liene, Nathan, and Mika
- Boat room:
##Other Locations?
- House Longlawn in the northern kingdom has two couches and plentiful floor (misuba, m.robins, dog)
#What to Bring
- Bring your goldang toothbrush. You think teeth grow on trees? We're grownups now.
- Weather clothes. Seriously, this year we can't predict. Might be gorgeous. Might be normal (damp). Might pour. Your shoes will probably get wet.
- Bring a spoon or fork. Sometimes we run short.
- Bring your blanky, because there is none other like it.
- A camera or other d-vice for capturing things to put here.
October 12, 1492
- Cristobal Columbus infects native Americans with diseases; millions die.
October, 1792
- First celebration of Columbian Order at Tammany Hall in New York.
October, 1872
- Horace Greeley prepares for death on November 29, and will not be attending the party.
October 9-12, 1962
The Columbus Day Storm of 1962 (otherwise known as the Big Blow) was an extratropical wave cyclone that ranked among the most intense to strike the United States Pacific Northwest since at least 1948, likely since the January 9, 1880, "Great Gale" and snowstorm. On a larger scale, the Columbus Day Storm of 1962 is a contender for the title of most powerful extratropical cyclone recorded in the U.S. in the 20th century; with respect to wind velocity, it is unmatched by the March 1993 "Storm of the Century" and the "1991 Halloween Northeaster" (aka "The Perfect Storm"). In the eastern United States, only hurricanes of Category 3 or higher have brought winds of the magnitude witnessed in Oregon and Washington on Columbus Day, October 12, 1962.
October 8-11, 1999
- Everything2.com is readied for its first infusion of material from everything.blockstackers.com, which occurs on November 13.
October 11-14, 2002
- Head West! Colonize an already-inhabited place!
October 10-13, 2003
- Superball fight in the stairwell.
October 8-11, 2004
- The NewHaus, which have become Salut.
October 7-10, 2005
- the Manifestos
- first CD released
- house Canadians take up residence.
October 6-9, 2006
- we failed to have a reading
- but we did add American bands: the bad mintons and ginggang goolie goolie.
- and the fabled 5AM Neutral Milk Hotel "reading"
- which was awesome
October 5-8, 2007
- the wedding of Horace (deceased) and Liz (unaware)
- ovenmitts! golden greats!
- pants-free yoga.
October 10-13, 2008
- the pathogens! dirty ovenmitts! nitebrite!
- pants-free pantsfreeness.
October 9-12, 2009
- Toasts!
- Pants-free victory!
- Less vomit!
- Rian O'Hara!
- Several regulars stuck with newborns in the Yukon of Montana Manhattan
October 8-11, 2010
- Apple tasting at Portland Nursery
- Rian O'Hara rides again!
October 7-10, 2011
- Cat juggling (oh really?)
October 5-8, 2012
- multiple trampolines
- fire pits
- Planet of the Apes
October 11-14, 2013
- Magical moments
- Golden memories
- Solemn memorials
October 10-13, 2014
- Your things
- Our things
- The usual things
October 9-12, 2015
- Sad planklessness due to the draconian Canadian border
- Rainbow Canada and MCEscher colonize Saluthaus
- Common Grounds and the suspicion that the whole party ought to be clothing optional
- there were crickets?
- Rian O'Hara is moving to England
- More emoji than any other Horace Phair