This is a demo full node running a simple Sovereign SDK rollup on Celestia.
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This demo shows how to integrate a State Transition Function (STF) with a Data Availability (DA) layer and a zkVM to create a full zk-rollup. The code in this repository corresponds to running a full-node of the rollup, which executes every transaction.
By swapping out or modifying the imported state transition function, you can customize
this example full-node to run arbitrary logic.
This particular example relies on the state transition exported by demo-stf
. If you want to
understand how to build your own state transition function, check out at the docs in that package.
If you are looking for a simple rollup with minimal dependencies as a starting point, please have a look here: sov-rollup-starter
Install Docker:
Follow this guide to authorize yourself in github's container registry. (we use original celestia images which they publish in ghcr)
# this has to be ran only once, unless your token expires
$ echo $MY_PERSONAL_GITHUB_TOKEN | docker login -u $MY_GITHUB_USERNAME --password-stdin
- Switch to the
directory (which is where
is located!).
$ cd examples/demo-rollup/
- Spin up a local Celestia instance as your DA layer. We've built a small Makefile to simplify that process:
$ make clean
# Make sure to run `make stop` or `make clean` when you're done with this demo!
$ make start
If interested, you can check out what the Makefile does here.
The above command will also modify some configuration files:
$ git status
modified: rollup_config.toml
Now run the demo-rollup full node, as shown below. You will see it consuming blocks from the Celestia node running inside Docker:
# Make sure you're still in the examples/demo-rollup directory.
$ cargo run
2023-06-07T10:03:25.473920Z INFO sov_celestia_adapter::da_service: Fetching header at height=1...
2023-06-07T10:03:25.496853Z INFO sov_demo_rollup: Received 0 blobs
2023-06-07T10:03:25.497700Z INFO sov_demo_rollup: Requesting data for height 2 and prev_state_root 0xa96745d3184e54d098982daf44923d84c358800bd22c1864734ccb978027a670
2023-06-07T10:03:25.497719Z INFO sov_celestia_adapter::da_service: Fetching header at height=2...
2023-06-07T10:03:25.505412Z INFO sov_demo_rollup: Received 0 blobs
2023-06-07T10:03:25.505992Z INFO sov_demo_rollup: Requesting data for height 3 and prev_state_root 0xa96745d3184e54d098982daf44923d84c358800bd22c1864734ccb978027a670
2023-06-07T10:03:25.506003Z INFO sov_celestia_adapter::da_service: Fetching header at height=3...
2023-06-07T10:03:25.511237Z INFO sov_demo_rollup: Received 0 blobs
2023-06-07T10:03:25.511815Z INFO sov_demo_rollup: Requesting data for height 4 and prev_state_root 0xa96745d3184e54d098982daf44923d84c358800bd22c1864734ccb978027a670
Leave it running while you proceed with the rest of the demo.
After switching to a new terminal tab, let's submit our first transaction by creating a token:
$ make test-create-token
...wait a few seconds and you will see the transaction receipt in the output of the demo-rollup full node:
2023-07-12T15:04:52.291073Z INFO sov_celestia_adapter::da_service: Fetching header at height=31...
2023-07-12T15:05:02.304393Z INFO sov_demo_rollup: Received 1 blobs at height 31
2023-07-12T15:05:02.305257Z INFO sov_demo_rollup: blob #0 at height 31 with blob_hash 0x4876c2258b57104356efa4630d3d9f901ccfda5dde426ba8aef81d4a3e357c79 has been applied with #1 transactions, sequencer outcome Rewarded(0)
2023-07-12T15:05:02.305280Z INFO sov_demo_rollup: tx #0 hash: 0x1e1892f77cf42c0abd2ca2acdd87eabb9aa65ec7497efea4ff9f5f33575f881a result Successful
2023-07-12T15:05:02.310714Z INFO sov_demo_rollup: Requesting data for height 32 and prev_state_root 0xae87adb5291d3e645c09ff74dfe3580a25ef0b893b67f09eb58ae70c1bf135c2
The make test-create-token
command above was useful to test if everything is running correctly. Now let's get a better understanding of how to create and submit a transaction.
You'll need the sov-cli
binary in order to create transactions. Build it with these commands:
# Make sure you're still in `examples/demo-rollup`
$ cargo run --bin sov-cli -- --help
Usage: sov-cli <COMMAND>
transactions Generate, sign, and send transactions
keys View and manage keys associated with this wallet
rpc Query the current state of the rollup and send transactions
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
Each transaction that we want to submit is a member of the CallMessage
enum defined as part of creating a module. For example, let's consider the Bank
module's CallMessage
use sov_bank::CallMessage::Transfer;
use sov_bank::Coins;
use sov_bank::Amount;
pub enum CallMessage<C: sov_modules_api::Context> {
/// Creates a new token with the specified name and initial balance.
CreateToken {
/// Random value used to create a unique token address.
salt: u64,
/// The name of the new token.
token_name: String,
/// The initial balance of the new token.
initial_balance: Amount,
/// The address of the account that the new tokens are minted to.
minter_address: C::Address,
/// Authorized minter list.
authorized_minters: Vec<C::Address>,
/// Transfers a specified amount of tokens to the specified address.
Transfer {
/// The address to which the tokens will be transferred.
to: C::Address,
/// The amount of tokens to transfer.
coins: Coins::<C>,
/// Burns a specified amount of tokens.
Burn {
/// The amount of tokens to burn.
coins: Coins::<C>,
/// Mints a specified amount of tokens.
Mint {
/// The amount of tokens to mint.
coins: Coins::<C>,
/// Address to mint tokens to
minter_address: C::Address,
/// Freeze a token so that the supply is frozen
Freeze {
/// Address of the token to be frozen
token_address: C::Address,
In the above snippet, we can see that CallMessage
in Bank
supports five different types of calls. The sov-cli
has the ability to parse a JSON file that aligns with any of these calls and subsequently serialize them. The structure of the JSON file, which represents the call, closely mirrors that of the Enum member. You can view the relevant JSON Schema for Bank
here Consider the Transfer
message as an example:
use sov_bank::Coins;
struct Transfer<C: sov_modules_api::Context> {
/// The address to which the tokens will be transferred.
to: C::Address,
/// The amount of tokens to transfer.
coins: Coins<C>,
Here's an example of a JSON representing the above call:
"Transfer": {
"to": "sov1zgfpyysjzgfpyysjzgfpyysjzgfpyysjzgfpyysjzgfpyysjzgfqve8h6h",
"coins": {
"amount": 200,
"token_address": "sov1zdwj8thgev2u3yyrrlekmvtsz4av4tp3m7dm5mx5peejnesga27svq9m72"
The JSON above is the contents of the file examples/test-data/requests/transfer.json
. We'll use this transaction as our example for the rest of the tutorial. In order to send the transaction, we need to perform 2 operations:
- Import the transaction data into the wallet
- Sign and submit the transaction
Note: we're able to make a Transfer
call here because we already created the token as part of the sanity check above, using make test-create-token
To generate transactions you can use the transactions import from-file
subcommand, as shown below:
$ cargo run --bin sov-cli -- transactions import from-file -h
Import a transaction from a JSON file at the provided path
Usage: sov-cli transactions import from-file <COMMAND>
bank A subcommand for the `bank` module
sequencer-registry A subcommand for the `sequencer_registry` module
value-setter A subcommand for the `value_setter` module
accounts A subcommand for the `accounts` module
nft A subcommand for the `nft` module
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
Let's go ahead and import the transaction into the wallet
$ cargo run --bin sov-cli -- transactions import from-file bank --path ../test-data/requests/transfer.json
Adding the following transaction to batch:
"bank": {
"Transfer": {
"to": "sov1l6n2cku82yfqld30lanm2nfw43n2auc8clw7r5u5m6s7p8jrm4zqrr8r94",
"coins": {
"amount": 200,
"token_address": "sov1zdwj8thgev2u3yyrrlekmvtsz4av4tp3m7dm5mx5peejnesga27svq9m72"
This output indicates that the wallet has saved the transaction details for later signing.
You now have a batch with a single transaction in your wallet. If you want to submit any more transactions as part of this batch, you can import them now. Finally, let's submit your transaction to the rollup.
$ cargo run --bin sov-cli rpc submit-batch by-address sov1l6n2cku82yfqld30lanm2nfw43n2auc8clw7r5u5m6s7p8jrm4zqrr8r94
This command will use your default private key.
$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"bank_supplyOf","params":["sov1zdwj8thgev2u3yyrrlekmvtsz4av4tp3m7dm5mx5peejnesga27svq9m72"],"id":1}'
automates a number of things for convenience:
- Starts docker compose with a Celestia network for a local setup
make start
:- Performs a number of checks to ensure services are not already running
- Starts the docker compose setup
- Exposes the RPC port
- Waits until the container is started
- Sets up the config
is modified -start_height
is set to3
, which is the block in which sequencers are funded with creditscelestia_rpc_auth_token
is set to the auth token exposed by sequencer (in <repo_root>/docker/credentials directory)celestia_rpc_address
is set to point to127.0.0.1
and theRPC_PORT
make stop
:- Shuts down the Celestia docker compose setup, if running.
- Deletes all contents of the demo-rollup database.
make clean
:- Stops any running containers with the name
and also removes them - Removes
(or the configured path of the rollup database from rollup_config.toml)
- Stops any running containers with the name
🚧 This feature is under development! 🚧
The above setup runs Celestia node locally to avoid any external network dependencies and to speed up development. Soon, the Sovereign SDK will also support connecting to the Celestia testnet using a Celestia light node running on your machine.
Any time you change out the state transition function, zkVM, or DA layer of your rollup, you'll need to tweak this full-node code. At the very least, you'll need to modify the dependencies. In most cases, your full node will also need to be aware of the STF's initialization logic, and how it exposes RPC.
Given that constraint, we won't try to give you specific instructions for supporting every imaginable combination of DA layers and State Transition Functions. Instead, we'll explain at a high level what tasks a full-node needs to accomplish.
The first mandatory step is to initialize a DA service, which allows the full node implementation to communicate with the DA layer's RPC endpoints.
If you're using Celestia as your DA layer, you can follow the instructions at the end
of this document to set up a local full node, or connect to
a remote node. Whichever option you pick, simply place the URL and authentication token
in the rollup_config.toml
file and it will be
automatically picked up by the node implementation. For this tutorial, the Makefile below (which also helps start a local Celestia instance) handles this step for you.
The full node implements a simple loop for processing blocks. The workflow is:
- Fetch slot data from the DA service
- Run
- Iterate over the blobs, running
- Run
In this demo, we also keep a ledger_db
, which stores information
related to the chain's history - batches, transactions, receipts, etc.
⚠️ Warning!⚠️
is a prototype! It contains known vulnerabilities and should not be used in production under any circumstances.
By default, this implementation prints the state root and the number of blobs processed for each slot. To access any other data, you'll
want to use our RPC server. You can configure its host and port in rollup_config.toml
Query Modes
Most queries for ledger information accept an optional QueryMode
argument. There are three QueryModes:
. In Standard mode, a response to a query for an outer struct will contain the full outer struct and hashes of inner structs. For example a standardledger_getSlots
query would return all information relating to the requested slot, but only the hashes of the batches contained therein. If noQueryMode
is specified, aStandard
response will be returnedCompact
. In Compact mode, even the hashes of child structs are omitted.Full
. In Full mode, child structs are recursively expanded. So, for example, a query for a slot would return the slot's data, as well as data relating to anybatches
that occurred in that slot, any transactions in those batches, and any events that were emitted by those transactions.
There are several ways to uniquely identify items in the Ledger DB.
- By number. Each family of structs (
, andevents
) is numbered in order starting from1
. So, for example, the first transaction to appear on the DA layer will be numered1
and might emit events1
. Or, slot17
might contain batches41
. - By hash. (
, andtransactions
only) - By containing item_id and offset.
- (
only) By transaction_id and key.
To request an item from the ledger DB, you can provide any identifier - and even mix and match different identifiers. We recommend using item number wherever possible, though, since resolving other identifiers may require additional database lookups.
Some examples will make this clearer. Suppose that slot number 5
contains batches 9
, 10
, and 11
, that batch 10
transactions 50
, and that transaction 52
emits event number 17
. If we want to fetch events number 17
, we can use any of the following queries:
{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"ledger_getEvents","params":[[17]], ... }
{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"ledger_getEvents","params":[[{"transaction_id": 50, "offset": 0}]], ... }
{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"ledger_getEvents","params":[[{"transaction_id": 50, "key": [1, 2, 4, 2, ...]}]], ... }
{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"ledger_getEvents","params":[[{"transaction_id": { "batch_id": 10, "offset": 2}, "offset": 0}]], ... }
This method returns the current head of the ledger. It has no arguments.
Example Query:
$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"ledger_getHead","params":[],"id":1}'
This response indicates that the most recent slot processed was number 22019
, its hash, and that it contained no batches (since the start
and end
of the batch_range
overlap). It also indicates that the next available batch to occur will be numbered 2
This method retrieves slot data. It takes two arguments, a list of SlotIdentifier
s and an optional QueryMode
. If no query mode is provided,
this list of identifiers may be flattened: "params":[[7]]
and "params":[7]
are both acceptable, but "params":[7, "Compact"]
is not.
Example Query:
$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"ledger_getSlots","params":[[7], "Compact"],"id":1}'
This response indicates that slot number 6
contained batch 1
and gives the
This method retrieves slot data. It takes two arguments, a list of BatchIdentifier
s and an optional QueryMode
. If no query mode is provided,
this list of identifiers may be flattened: "params":[[7]]
and "params":[7]
are both acceptable, but "params":[7, "Compact"]
is not.
Example Query:
$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"ledger_getBatches","params":[["0xf784a42555ed652ed045cc8675f5bc11750f1c7fb0fbc8d6a04470a88c7e1b6c"]],"id":1}'
This method retrieves transactions. It takes two arguments, a list of TxIdentifiers
s and an optional QueryMode
. If no query mode is provided,
this list of identifiers may be flattened: "params":[[7]]
and "params":[7]
are both acceptable, but "params":[7, "Compact"]
is not.
Example Query:
$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"ledger_getTransactions","params":[[{ "batch_id": 1, "offset": 0}]],"id":1}'
This response indicates that transaction 1
emitted no events but executed successfully.
This method retrieves the events based on the provided event identifiers.
Example Query:
$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"ledger_getEvents","params":[1],"id":1}'
This response indicates that event 1
has not been emitted yet.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in this repository by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.